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Our 2nd MAGICal Disney Cruise!


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My trip reports are more than just information overload - although there will be plenty of that, too!


I try to have fun with my reports and I hope you will too!!!


As sad as I am to write this trip report, because the cruise is over, I'm thrilled to relive it with y'all!


I have so many titles in my head but decided to stick with something McSparkly.....


What would you have said to "The Spanx They Are a Screamin?" Cause believe me, after gaining 6 lbs on this cruise, they tried to hid in the back of the drawer. Just too much pressure for those guys this trip......


Or how about trying to keep up with others and make comparisons between cruises? Something like "Disney Magic vs Disney Magic?" Catchy huh? Well, since I've only ever been on.... wait for it.... Disney Magic, I guess it wouldn't have been much of a comparison.....


Or would it?


There was actually a HUGE difference between the two cruises, so maybe I WILL compare the two for you, just so you can see that no two cruises are the same!


And I will definitely include lots of food porn so you can see how the poor Spanx were hurtin.


But first, ever think you look like this when you get on the ship?




Only to realize when you got off a week later, that you really looked like this?




Again, it's a Spanx issue......


But more on that later.


First, let's get this party started!!!!!!!


I like comparing pics so here is a pic of the McSparklesons on formal night last year....




And here we are this year, much wiser (and in Ally's case TALLER!), cause we never get older!!!!




This cruise was 11 months of waiting, as I booked it in early May of last year.


Now all we had to do was wait.


11 months.


It was a very long wait.... but it was SOOOOOO worth it!


There were parts of this cruise that were better than the first, and parts that fell a little shy.


Stay tuned for TONS of pics, food porn, reviews, and lots of port adventures!!!

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Well if there's one this this McSparkleson is lacking, it's patience. Well, and what Angelina Jolie has from the neck down.... from the neck up, for that matter. But that's another story.


So I'm not waiting for my videos to all upload to youtube. There aren't any great ones from this first day anyway. Unless you want the back door shot of Kara and Ally entering the ship. It's not pretty - trust me. Or you could ask the spanx......


But I digress. It's time. So.. just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip, that started from South Carolina, and ended on a ship.


Hey look Dad! I got your poetic talents!!!!




But it was fateful. If by fate you mean, that we are even more hooked to cruising than we were a year ago when we stepped off this same ship. If by fate you mean, that Ally may never go to college because we spend all her tuition money on cruising. If by fate you mean that we will have to work until the day we drop dead because we spend our retirement on cruising.


If that's what fate means? Well, it was definitely another fateful trip.


So on Thursday, March 29, I get up in the morning after barely sleeping the night before, get Jeff and Ally off to work and school, and go about obsessing over every little thing I may have forgotten.


As soon as everyone was gone, I ran Buckeye to the kennel, a new kennel almost in the NC mountains, with a lovely view from the rocking chair front porch. Very Norman Rockwellian, in a canine sort of way. I was nervous because he would be at a new kennel, but it was a referral from a friend so I felt good about it. But I just HATE leaving my baby for a week. Working from home leaves Buck and I together all day long and I miss my boy when I'm gone.....


But screw that, cause I'm going on a cruise!!!!


After I dropped off the dog, I swung by Jeff's office to trade cars with him - I wanted his mini van to take the dog, who sheds a LOT! Once I got my car back, I ran those last minute errands and then took the car to get cleaned so we could start out nice and fresh!!!!


On the way back home, about an hour before Jeff is scheduled to get home so we can go pick up Ally, I hear a loud chime from the car, look at the dashboard, and there is some check engine message!!!!


WHAT?????? I have no idea what it said, it was in German. Or something like that. All I read was, "honey, you ain't taking this car to Florida!" With a German accent of course.


But I can assure you that the call I made to Jeff was not in German. It was in my best Redneckese, complete with #'s, @'s, *'s, &'s and when you put it all together it went like this:


"The *&%$#%& check engine light just came on in this *@$% car! Yah. Farfurgnugen."


We were less than one hour to take off. Yes, take off. As in, "take off you hoser, eh?"


Jeff was home in about 30 minutes with a clean minivan ready to roll. He's an okay guy. And once he walked in the door, my blood pressure came down significantly.


We actually picked Ally up from school 30 minutes before they got out. Actually 34 minutes, because the cut off time for taking kids out early is 30 minutes before the end of the day.


Although, I AM the PTO president, and as Telly Savalas once said, "membership has its privileges." But he's bald. And I'm just one crazy mother, as in mother of a child at this school, not mother farfurgnugen, for even considering a stint as PTO president. But I knew I'd be safe grabbing her anytime a bit early. Yes, I'm playing THAT card!


As soon as Ally got called out of class and I saw her coming down the hall, I did what any responsible parent would do.....


I started jumping up and down and yelled, "hurry! we're going on a cruise!"


And surprisiningly, Ally started jumping up and down, too! She may have even given me her best "Superstahhhhhh!" pose, but I can't remember.


Then she walked outside and said, "What is THAT doing here?" when she saw Jeff's minivan. See, we just got a "new" car in December, and put a little work into it, got new tires, and were really excited to drive the "new" car to Florida. And we're McSparklesons. And it's a very McSparkly car.....


Keep in mind, Jeff is GM of an auto auction. I will never have a new car. In fact, I never know what kind of car I will have. But I've always had "fun" cars, and a minivan is not fun.


At all. It's like driving around with a neon sign on top that flashes "M - O - M"


That must be kind of awkward for Jeff......


But all things considered, the minivan was better for Ally, because we stowed all the seats in the back except for hers, so she could get into all the bags on the floor with ease, to get out games, movies, etc. As much as I hate this minivan, it is very practical for trips.


So by the time we left Ally's school, it was just after 2pm and our original goal was to go through the parent pickup line and get her just after 2:30 so we were 30 minutes ahead of the game. Go McSparklesons!!!!


We traveled in the usual McSparkleson way.


We sang.


We danced.


We laughed.


And Ally was scared to death of what we'd do next.....


Ah yes.... the joys of McSparklson travel.


We drove. And drove. And drove.


We got off I-95 at our exit just after 10pm and taveled over the IC, and we were just ready to get off and check into our hotel when Jeff looked off in the distance and saw a ship in port, all lit up.


"There she is." Meaning.... The Disney FANTASY!


When we sailed last year, our shuttle driver informed us that if a ship is in port overnight, there's usually a problem.


Well, the only problem tonight was that we were going to delay our checkin because we were nosy and wanted to go check out Disney's newest ship, set to make her maiden voyage the day AFTER we set sail!


So we drove until we came up just abreast of her and the funnel vision was going, there was music playing, looked like a great time! If I can figure out how to get the photos off my iphone I will post them. But don't worry, we saw the Fantasy THREE different times this trip and I took a ton of pics of her.


We finally left to get checked in to the Country Inn and Suites in Cape Canaveral, and while Jeff unloaded bags under the portico, I went in to check in.


That's when I texted Jeff that I changed my mind and would NOT be cruising DCL this trip. There were 14 - yes 14! - ankle biters running around the lobby. Jumping on furniture, running, throwing food, crying, and last buy not least, climbing on the valet carts!!!! As in SWINGING from the top bar of a valet cart!


I believe a shuttle had just dropped them off from WDW or some equally child friendly HELL, and I was just lucky enough to get in line behind them.


Although, there wasn't really a line. More of a squiggle of cookie crumbs that attached said ankle biters to their sad, haggard parents.


Next thing I know, I see the front desk clerk offer cookies, YES COOKIES, to these already overly sugared beasts!!!! I leaned into the woman in front of me and said "I think they've already had enough sugar...."


I thought she was going to fall over laughing!!! Poor thing was just waiting in the cookie crumb squiggle line for some towels!


As quickly as they arrived, they were gone. And it was just me and my counter girl. That may not be politically correct, calling her a counter girl, but after what I just went through reliving the crumb line? It's all I've got, folks!


She was wonderful, apologized all over herself, and gave me a kick butt corner room on the 4th floor facing the port!


Gooooo McSparklesons!


And now I leave you in a way I never have before. With NO pictures in this installment!!!! But I promise I will make up for it real soon!!!!

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As promised!!! A FIRST LOOK at the Fantasy!


We just pulled into a space across the street from where she was docked. If you are familiar with the port, she was between Fishlips and Jetty Park. So really, she was the last thing you'd see before you made it out of the channel.


This was taken with my phone - too lazy to dig out my camera at almost 11pm.....




If you look real closely, you can see the angels, as the heavens opened up to "Ahhhhhhh"....


It was quite cool to be able to see her like this. I'm guessing there was some function on board for local TA's or something.


But stay tuned for the ENTIRE youtube clip of the 4 minute horn battle as we left Port Canaveral!!!! Jeff couldn't figure out how to press play on the camcorder to get us being introduced, but he got all of the horn battle!!!!

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Kara - thank you for the outstanding TR! Your family style sounds a lot like mine...whatever embarasses the kids. :D


So, serious question if you don't mind. I like to take a lot of pictures too, especially in this "might be a once in a lifetime" trip. What kind of camera did you carry day to day (like to dinner)? My camera is fairlly big, has a good zoom and high quality video. I'm wondering if I should buy something smaller (palm or purse size) to carry around? Thanks for sharing!



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WOW !!


Congrats for a such a enthusiastic post !!


Not everyone is lucky to be cruising with Angelina Jolie ;))))))


I only wish my cruise mates could say they were cruising with Angelina! Sadly, I think they felt they were cruising with Kathy BAtes.... ;)


I love your writing style and can't wait to hear the rest! We take our 1st cruise on the Dream next April :).


How old is your daughter?


Ally turned 11 on the ship - this is the second time she's had her birthday on a cruise! Jeff actually turned, well, he had a birthday, on the ship too!!!


OMG I'm so subscribing to this thread! I love the introduction & you're seriously hilarious!


Thank you!!! I love to have fun with trip reports!

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Kara - thank you for the outstanding TR! Your family style sounds a lot like mine...whatever embarasses the kids. :D


So, serious question if you don't mind. I like to take a lot of pictures too, especially in this "might be a once in a lifetime" trip. What kind of camera did you carry day to day (like to dinner)? My camera is fairlly big, has a good zoom and high quality video. I'm wondering if I should buy something smaller (palm or purse size) to carry around? Thanks for sharing!




I use a Nikon D5000 but I only use the lens that came with it. I carry around the zoom and just never use it! My point and shoot is an Olympus Stylus 790SW that is my shockproof, waterproof camera. It's great for snorkeling, etc. Well, it was until this trip. Somehow it leaked and saturated the battery compartment. I was able to salvage all the pics on the card, but it's time to find a new point and shoot and I'll definitely look for another underwater model. The problem with this Olympus was that it took good pics outside, but inside it was very grainy. Stay tuned, I used it for all my pics on Key West.....


Great review!! Love the photos too! You guys sound like you had a most excellent time.:) Thank you for sharing.


We did have a most excellent time.... dude! lol Sorry, that sounded like Crush from Nemo...... :p


Our kind of humour ;) ... keep up the reports!


Stay tuned! I'll be back with more!

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Sir Snores-A-Lot was in full force the night before the cruise - guess that's what happens when you have a stressful job and can FINALLY truly relax.....


So I crawled into bed with Ally and tried to sleep. But it was hard. I mean, who sleeps before vacation? I kept waking up, hugging my cell phone, checking the time, then snuggling back up with my snuggly phone.....


I obvioulsy dozed in and out, because the next thing I know, I see a smidgen of light and I hear, in the cutest little chipmunk voice.... "There she is!"


That would be my snuggly little Ally peeking out the window and seeing the Magic in port!!!!


I heard Jeff giggle a little bit when he heard her - apparently Sir Snores-A-Lot didn't sleep much either - and was tossing and turning when he heard Ally get up and go to the window.


So then I start giggling and the next thing you know we are all three up and looking out the window!!! And Ally was right! Our beautiful ship was out there waiting for us!!!!


I quickly got my shower then grabbed my camera to get a pic of MY ship in port!




Um, excuse me???? Who let Royal Caribbean bring in THAT ship and dock in front of my beautiful ship????


Seems I'm gonna have to have a little chat with someone at the front desk. I mean, when I said a room with a view, I didn't mean THAT view!!!


Oh, and for the record, it was 6:30am when the chipmunk uttered those words.....


So we tried to lounge around the room. We tried.


We finally headed down to breakfast which was a madhouse!!! And it got even madder after we sat down. I can only assume that word got out....


McSparklesons in da house!!!!!!


Very pleased with Country Inn and Suites, but they need to enlarge the breakfast room. And considering there were only 2 ships in port this day, and none of them were huge, I cannot even imagine what happens when Freedom of the seas (4000 pax) and the Dream (4000 pax) are in port the same day!!!!


Well, I guess not all 8000 people will be joining us for breakfast at the CI&S... unless of course they hear the news....


McSparklesons in da house!!!!!


We ate. We left. We went back to the room. We dilly dallied. I'm not sure in what order though. Dilly. Dally. Or vice versa. But we really tried to stall.


It was no use. Ally and I finally made a majority decision to go ahead and head down to the room where we were to meet at 10:30 for our shuttle to the port.


It was only 10am, but we agreed to walk s l o w l y......


So by 10:02 we were shuffling our feet just outside the Celebration Room. And we were celebrating.... like Kool.... and his gang.




As soon as we walked in, celebrating, we met a super neat family from Indiana. It was Mom and Dad and 7 year old son. And Grandma and Grandpa.


Pay attention. Because this will come up again.


We were no sooner celebrating, then the Hitchcocks called us to the van. It was time to go!!!! Yes, they are celebrated in the Port Canaveral area. They drive the shuttle to/from the port and have been doing this for 40 years. Fun couple and they got us there well before 10:30 which is a BONUS!


But the port doesn't open until 11 now?






We were dropped off right before 10:30, we told Indiana to watch and learn... we might have called them "young grasshoppers" but I can't remember for sure..... and we mosied on over to the terminal.


And just as we walked up.... you guessed it! They "opened" and we were on our way inside!!!!


After Jeff set off the metal detector 7 times, we were up the escalator, and filling out our, "no we are not now, nor have we been puking in the past week" forms, and walked up to check in.


Then the coolest thing happened! A CM asked, "Is this your first cruise?" And when I answered, NO, we were taken to a special line just for McSparklesons......


OK, upon further review, I found that this was for Castaway Club members. Remember what Telly Savalas said? Membership has its privileges!!!! We are Castaway Club members, along with anyone who has ever sailed DCL before.


But we still got to go to the McSparkleson line.


And I swear I heard the announcement.....


"Ladies and Gentlemen... MCSPARKLESONS IN DA HOUSE!!!!!!!"


First things first, we had to head outside to see her up close and personal!!!!




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Back inside to get Ally signed up for Oceaneer's Lab, unlike last year when we laughed at everyone in that long line because WE had registered her online, only to realize that we still needed to wait in line for her ID bracelet!


No wait for these McSparklesons... we're veterans....


As we were standing at the counter waiting for the ID bracelet to print out, Ally looks over and says, "There's Tori!"


See, Ally and Tori met on last year's cruise and had such a great time that Tori's mom, Tammi, decided to rebook when we did so the girls could cruise together again.


Are we cool parents or what????


And sure enough, it was Tori!!!




They acted like they'd been together every day since that last cruise. Not just email buddies for a year....




And look what else I saw outside... "up close and personal."




That would be my Magic blocker.....


But there would be nothing blocking the Magic now!!! We were ready to head through THAT head very soon.....




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Boarding Group 3, don't forget.... McSparklesons in DA HOUSE!!!!


The cattle call came before we knew it, and we were on our way!!!!!


Mooooo! - VIDEO - click to play!


So glad Ally and Tori are such shy little girls.....



And now I will leave you with Jeff's award winning video of the McSparklesons being announced as we boarded the ship......



Mmmmhmmmmm... it's one button. How can he mess up one button????


Up next... McSparklesons on DA SHIP!

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Yay the McSparklesons cruise again!! I'm so excited to read your review. I enjoyed your last one and this already has me laughing out loud.


Thanks for posting!!


You are very welcome!!!


So glad to read your review again. Loved your one from last year and of course can't forget O-H-I-O, GO BUCKS.


Yeah, well, we had to watch them LOSE in the Final Four, but since we were at sea on a beautiful ship with drinks being delivered to our table..... it could have been a lot worse! ;)

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Gotta say, I love your trip report. We were on the same cruise (3/30-4/6), and so far reading your report echo's my families experience. Somehow, I picture you narrating this story to me with an extreme overdose of caffeine and excitement. :D


Now the real funny thing was our video camera locked up just as we boarded the ship too, so we missed the big announcement as well.:eek:


Looking forward to the rest of your trip report. It's like reliving the trip all over again.

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By far...nobody does a trip report like you!! There isn't even a second place! I can't wait to read MORE!!


You are so.... awesome!!! Thank you!


I absolutely loved your first review and I look forward to reading the rest of this one! We're sailing on the Magic in 28 days! :D


Jealous, jealous, jealous!!! I love the Magic! I am doing a Dream cruise in 23 days with my girlfriends, but I have to say, the Magic will always be my first love....


Gotta say, I love your trip report. We were on the same cruise (3/30-4/6), and so far reading your report echo's my families experience. Somehow, I picture you narrating this story to me with an extreme overdose of caffeine and excitement. :D


Now the real funny thing was our video camera locked up just as we boarded the ship too, so we missed the big announcement as well.:eek:


Looking forward to the rest of your trip report. It's like reliving the trip all over again.


:D I say with my big ole cup o joe.... It was truly and incredible vacation, right?

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Although you missed our grand entrance, no comments.... I'll give you the lowdown... down low.


There was clapping. There was smiling. There may have been drooling, and I'm sure there was some bowing and http://www.wdwinfo.com/images/smilies/love30.gif


After all, McSparklesons are... wait for it....


On Da Ship!!!!


I was worried that it wouldn't be as "magical" the second time, but it was. It really really was just as magical!!!


And then I saw Dana and Karrieanne clapping for the McSparklesons!!!! I'm just glad Karrieanne was finally packed!


A little background... we had a great fish extender group and we created our own facebook page in the weeks preceding our cruise, so we were all on there chatting and really getting to know one another.


And I'm a planner. I think we've all established that fact, right? So when folks were posting that they had not even begun to pack the week before the cruise, I started getting nervous. I mean, I was packd, suitcases closed, locked and ready to roll......


The night before most of us were leaving for Port Canaveral and STILL some saying they were not packed.... Karrieanne?


I got the shakes. I may have even shed a tear or two wondering just what she'd be forgetting!!!!


So when we boarded to the thunderous applause of Dana and Karrieanne and their families (they KNEW the McSparklesons were here!!!!), the first thing Karrieanne said to me, when she introduced herself, was, "Kara, relax, I'm packed!!!!!"


Ally would spend of lot of time with Dana's daughter Molly, and Karrieane's kids, Faith and Noah, on this cruise. Great families and I'm so glad I got to know y'all!!!!


OK, enough of the kumbaya.......


We felt so cool when the crew member met us to show us where to go once we boarded. Yeah right. Dude! Do you know who we are???? We had our own line for check-in!!! That's right...... step back, brother, we are the McSparklesons and we know the way.....


And up to Topsiders we went....


So I could have.... THIS!




It was, without a doubt, the BEST drink of the day the whole cruise..... Because it was the FIRST! And I knew there would be more to follow!




AFter lunch, we made our way up on deck to wave farewell to all those saps, er, fine folks, on land....




Off in the distance.... see her?




Stay tuned, you'll see more of the FAntasy than you ever could have imagined, reading a trip report about the Magic......

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At exactly 1:30pm.... ready.... set..... GO!!!!! Rooms are ready!!!!


Our steerage cabin.....




All decorated for Ally's birthday!!!!








Last year, we were about 6 doors down, but across the hall. And when you have an inside cabin, "across the hall" means a BALCONY!!!!


Everyone told us that there was no way we could go from a balcony cabin, to an inside cabin. "You're spoiled now!" "No way will you be happy inside." "You'll be clausterphobic!"


And you know what? They were all WRONG!!!!!


We had absolutely ZERO issues with an inside cabin!!! It was perfect for us! And when we think that the difference in price would allow us to cruise more often? No brainer!!!


When I say we went steerage, I mean, not only did we give up the balcony, we also gave up the split bath. The split bath is two SEPARATE areas, one with shower and sink, the other with toilet and sink, so it makes it much easier for a family to get ready.....


But with only 3 of us, Jeff would get ready first and then head out so Ally and I had the whole room. But if you've never experienced the split bath, that is unique to DCL, you'd never know what you're missing, right?


So there you have it. McSparklesons are more like Jack than like Rose..... and we'll never let go!!!!


When we got to our cabin, Jeff's suitcase was there, as well as the suitcase with water....


Water???? Did you read that right? After all the posts about NOT packing water, the photos that I posted about how poorly the luggage is treated, and cases of liquids breaking open in suitcases, why would I actually pack water???


Well, because I'm a conscientious rule breaker.... I bought the jumbo size ziplocks and packed a case of water IN the ziplock, then in the suitcase, and then padded it with my over the door shoe holder (to hold toiletries), my fish extender, some hats, and a couple pair of shoes..... So I felt pretty safe that our water would not burst, and if a bottle or two did crack, it would be secure in the ziplock......


So there.

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We wandered around the ship for awhile to reaquaint ourselves... and it really did feel like "home."


The same gaudy chandelier.....




The same funnel vision, just waiting for sail away....




All of them shouting, "Welcome back McSparklesons!!!!"


Well, in my mind I heard that. But then I hear lots of things that others don't hear, but that's another report, one written by my therapist......


Jeff decided he wanted to take the spa tour so off we went while Ally was off with Tori, and maybe even with Molly too..... it didn't take her long to dump her boring ole parents.....


We made appointments for massages later in the trip, and registered for the spa drawings, to be held at 3:15 in the gym......


We made our way down to the Promenade Lounge for the DISmeet for our group that met on DISboards, and stayed in touch on Facebook. So we had already gotten to know each other pretty well in some cases, and the meet was quick and painless.....


Jeff even showed up and filmed it!!!! Wanna see it?


Me too..... but James Cameron showed up again to film it so use your imagination.


Jeff and I snaked out about 3:13 to get up to the spa so we could win BIG!!!!




"Must be present to win" didn't get us anything, but I did get to see the gym.....




We left the drawing and headed back to our room to get the "call" for muster drill. Thank goodness they improved this dramatically since last year!!!! Last year we met in Animator's Palate, same this year. Last year there were about 10 different "stations" all with bullhorns, all talking at the same time. So we heard absolutely nothing. We just knew to meet in AP in the event of a collision with an iceberg.


This year there was ONE person with a bullhorn talking to the whole room and we were in and out in less than 10 minutes and I felt much better about how to handle myself in the event of a collision with an iceberg.


Just saying.....


Up next, Mickey and friends sail away, and "epic horn battle" with the Fantasy!!!!

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