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Be Careful if Booking Coral Breeze


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Be careful if booking Coral Breeze! They did not show up for the excursion I had booked with them in February.


I was at the flagpole, where I was supposed to wait, almost two hours before I was supposed to meet them and I waited almost two hours after the time they were supposed to meet me, but they never showed. Many of the other tour operators there knew the Coral Breeze people and the boat, and said that they had not seen them or the boat all morning. The other tour operators also said that this was very unlike them, so I don't know what had happened. The worst part was that I had been looking forward to snorkeling in Belize for years, but by the time I realized they were actually not going to show up, it was too late to book another snorkeling trip.


Luckily I had gotten business cards from some shop owners to verify that I was there, because the Coral Breeze people tried to say that I was the one who didn't show up and therefore they would not give me a refund. I had paid with a credit card, so I did get my money back in the end.


I can understand that a last minute problem may have arisen and I would be understanding of this, had they admitted the error. However, since they outright lied and said that I did not show up, I would not trust them again.


I had heard so many good things about them on these boards. It seems like they must have been a reputable company at one time. I wonder what happened?




Until Bermuda on Empress of the Seas 05/29/04


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I'm having a similar problem now. We took an excursion with them in April and my son and I had planned on doing the beginner scuba. I had already paid in advance. We decided last minute to just go snorkeling because we were the only two going scuba and everyone else on the boat was going snorkeling. The girl running the tour said it wouldn't be a problem and that they would just refund the difference. Well, I havent received a credit yet and I tried emailing Paul, the owner, and have not heard back from him. I too paid with a credit card and will dispute the charge.

Another thing that happened is, Paul charged me for my six year old daughter and the girl running the tour said that she would be free at her age. I have to say we had a lot of fun though. On our way back to the port we spotted about 10 dolphin and they stopped the boat. I actually jumped in with the dolphin to see if they would come near me but they kept their distance. It made for a very good home video though.

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you both have raised my nervous level quite a bit with having booked coral breeze. I'm not trying to be alarmist--maybe I'm just being paranoid here, and if everything works out fine I will definitely be back to talk about it, but here's my current situation:


I booked coral breeze's shark and ray tour about two months ago--at the time I was feeling very good about it--having read the reviews on this board. Coral breeze sent me the paypal request within several hours of my request for a booking, which I promptly paid the next day (sometime in late Feb.)


In their email they said I would be emailed instructions about where to meet them, etc. after paying. After making the down payment I did not receive any instructions on where to meet. About 3 weeks later (~3 weeks ago/early april) I emailed them requesting if I could pay the second half of the fee via paypal before hand and to confirm the reservation. I received no reply.


My cruise leaves this sunday (may 9,) so as I finished up my planning I realized early this week (Monday) that I hadn't recieved word from Coral Breeze since their initial payment request, despite my emails. So on monday, I sent another email requesting a confirmation of my reservation, requesting instructions on where to meet them in belize, and if it was possible to pay the second half via paypal before hand. As of Thursday I have had no word whatsoever from Coral Breeze since the initial paypal deposit request which I made in February.


Today (Thursday afternoon may 6) I sent Coral breeze another email from two different email accounts (just in case my original account wasn't going through, though I do not believe that is the case)and if I do not hear back by Saturday evening (my cruise leaves Sun morning.) I'm going to have to look at other options in Belize, as I'm not going to get off the ship and have to search for them and hope that they might just be there because this company sent me a 'pay me request.'


Again I want to reiterate that I'm haven't drawn any conclusion, I'm just expressing my concerns at this time. I'll be back to talk about how it turned out.


ps. is there any other way to contact coralbreeze other then info@coralbreezelimited.com ?

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You might want to check in your spam/bulk folder if your mail is being filtered. I think I have read here before that their mail gets flagged as spam by some mail services. Good luck everyone.



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I too had problems getting e-mail from them, they for some reason went to my junk mail folder. I am with you, hoping it works out. My family is booked for May 27. By the way, someone mentioned a 6 yr old should be free? My son is 6, so if I can save some money that would be great.


countdown.cgi?trgb=000000&srgb=00ff00&prgb=4169e1&cdt=2004;5;23;16;00;00&timezone=GMT-0600 Elation 5-23-04


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Hello just wanted to let everyone know that it turned out to be an email issue though not a spam filter, Paul sent me an email today from their backup email account and it came thru fine with instructions and confirmation. Now that I've let out a sigh of relief, I'm very much looking forward to the trip.

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I would like to respond…..

Our company has one thing to offer and that is service. I’m confident of our service levels because of the many testimonials we receive. Our business thrives or dies by our reputation. We go out of our way to ensure our guests get the best experience possible when choosing us as their tour provider in Belize. We strive for perfection because that is what our guests deserve. We understand the importance of information provided on this board as well as others. The travel agents we work with also trust our service levels.

It is difficult to know from “screen names†who is posting their experience. I take it personally when we have a guest that is not satisfied. Our crew in Belize will go out of their way to provide a great tour. It would be unrealistic to think there aren’t issues when we are trying to coordinate several guests from different ships. I do my best to communicate to everyone prior to a cruise. When we have a guest that does not show up, we wait a reasonable amount of time, keeping in mind we have others who are there. I am VERY offended that someone would say we lied. Again, not knowing who is posting, it is difficult to respond directly. I’m not sure why on May 7th someone decided to bring this up when it “happened†in February. Thrive or die on reputation. Coral Breeze will provide the best experience, just ask the hundreds and hundreds who have experienced it. If something goes wrong, we will do everything in our power to make it right.


“dstayâ€, I did receive your email and responded. I will try our back-up account. My email to you just had some questions of clarification so we could take care of you. I’m a little surprised that I had to find out that you didn’t receive the email on this board. I think our past communications and flexibility would have given us the benefit of the doubt that maybe there was an email problem. We will get this resolved this weekend.



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We went with Coral Breeze last week of April and had a great time! Natalie, the guide, was very nice and informative. We had to snorkel in an alternate spot due to the current but it was nice. Natalie was also very good with our children, ages 7 and 8. The lunch in Caye Caulker was very good!! The only thing is, we didn't see any dolphins, so Paul could you order some up for our trip we are trying to plan for the end of June??



Until the Elation!! 4/25/04



10/24 on the Star Princess


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I received an email from Paul and I responded with an apology. I just didn't suspect an email problem because all of our emails were transmitted in the past with no problem. Paul is in the process of issuing a refund (thanks Paul) and I just wanted to re-iterate that we had a great time on the tour and will use them again in the future.

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I'm sorry if I didn't post quickly enough for you. For one thing, I did not realize that I would be able to get a response from your company by posting on these boards, or I would have done so a long time ago. I am not constantly monitoring these boards and therefore post only when I see something that I would like to respond to or initiate a discussion about.


I am trying to help fellow cruisers to avoid being disappointed like I was when the representative from your company did not show up to meet me. Can you tell me why that happened? and why your company said that I was the one who did not show up? My name is Alana Owen (screen name Texalana) and I had a pre-paid reservation for the "Belize's Best by Boat" snorkeling trip on February 22, 2004. The booking number was 031214015 and the voucher number was 035141214.




Until Bermuda on Empress of the Seas 05/29/04


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we used coral breeze in Feb. when we were on the Elation, but unfortunately the weather did not cooperate. all tours were cancelled that day,however Coral breeze reps met us at the flag pole and arranged for an alternate excursion (on land) for us. we were very pleased with the service we recieved and i had a full refund in my paypal account within a couple of days after we returned home. We are going back in November, and we plan on booking with them again!


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We went on 5/3/04. Had a good trip, good guide, great lunch, etc. Paid the deposit with paypal, and the balance when we met at the flagpole.


Only problem was that I made it harder than it needed to be because I read the map to mean than we left the tourism village and went to the flagpole where the band played. So we did that, only to discover that we were not really supposed to leave the tourism area. The correct flag pole (one of many) is right in front of the water. we went to a park about 2 blocks away.


And EVERYONE was nice and helpful. I did get a little worn out by everyone wanting to braid my hair though.

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It's a good thing I didn't see any other flag poles when I was there. Since no one ever showed up to meet me, I would have definitely thought I was at the wrong one!!!


Texalana icon_cool.gif


Until Bermuda on Empress of the Seas 05/29/04


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Don't worry about this excursion. Paul's crew is great.


We went with them in November.


Monique was great!!!!! After snorkeling and lunch we were walking around on the island. Monique had a golf cart and was driving around. She actually turned around and came back to pick us up and see if we wanted a ride around the island. Very nice of her since she did not have to do this.


Actually, we are going to booked the same trip with Coral Breeze in July. I have to go back on this trip so that I can purchase another coralbreezelimited t-shirt.


Relax and enjoy the trip. You will have a blast, the crew is great and the sights are beautiful.


See you in July Paul, if you see this.

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Hi we just ecently went with CB on May 11th with our May 8th glory cruise. WE had a great time, even if our son 5 freaked out. the water was a bit choppy and he kept getting slapped in the face but he fianlly piggy backed on me so I got to snorkel a bit. I was dissapointed that Shawn got to do the reef part, but I had to stay on the boat with Riley.

The staff was very knowledgeable and super nice. The boat driver was trying to teach us girls who stayed on the boat some belizian talk. They also pointed out a barracuda and held my lil guy up so he could see! We loved it, Natilie was great and we tipped her extra, and the club sandwich at the caye was to die for. Bring a big appetite because they are huge.

Speaking of which the rays were enormous, So graceful and gentle! So kudos to your crew from may 11th paul.

The only thing I didnt like is it was so flipping hot how can you all stand it yeard round? Belize was beautiful, too bad people touch the coral. Word of advice for people signed up to go DONT TOUCH THE CORAL YOU WILL KILL IT. ok sorry I just hate it!


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The ride to Caye Caulker took about 45 minutes. I guess it could take longer if the water is rough but I can't imagine it taking 1.5 hours. I hope this helps!


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We just got off the Elation yesterday and did this tour last week. It was excellent!!!!!!!!!! The crew were great especially with my kids, ages 10 and 6. We had way more time in the water than I expected. We did see some sharks, and lots of stingrays, I even got to touch one!!! My only disappointment was that we didn't get to see enough of Caye Caulker, next time we will rent the golf cart.


countdown.cgi?trgb=000000&srgb=00ff00&prgb=4169e1&cdt=2004;5;23;16;00;00&timezone=GMT-0600 Elation 5-23-04


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For those who have questions about Coral Breeze responding to questions, be assured their response is timely.


I e-mailed them yesterday about taking their excursion in late September and had a response in 24 hours.


We are really looking forward to this trip. Last time we just wandered about the shopping area. This time we'll really see the wonders of Belize with CB.

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I also just did their snorkeling excursion on May 25th. We had a wonderful time. My mom snorkeled for the first time in her life and she loved it. She even had a little "run-in" with a huge stingray and she just laughed. We did see nurse sharks from the boat, but when we got in the water I could never find them. Some people saw them though. Also, bait was unavailable at Caye Caulker, so not so many stingrays, but it was still a very enjoyable trip. The Chicken Stew at the restaurant was soooo good. You can check out some pictures if you click here. Would definately consider booking with them again.




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  • 2 months later...

Hi All,


I just wanted to say that we didn't have any problems with Coral Breeze. In fact, if you read some of my other posts, you'll see they were very accommodating to our 12 person booking.


We cruised in November of 2003 on the Carnival Paradise. Our ship actually arrived late, and they were very patient, not making it a big deal at all.


The owner, Paul (via email), along with the our guide on the boat, Monique, treated us magnificently. We had no problems.


IMHO I think sometimes people may post a unique situation and it makes it seem like a regular occurrence, when, in fact, it really is unique.


I would feel very comfortable with them, even if a problem arose, since, as you can see in all the posts, a refund was always provided. I can tell you this is not always the case with other companies.


Anyway, enough said. Book with confidence, and enjoy your snorkle trip. We had a great time with Coral Breeze.

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