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Do you get a guilty feeling if you pull your kids out of school?

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On a slightly different note...in our county, even if there is advance notice and warning, if the child is absent for anything other than illness it is considered an UNEXCUSED absence. I am quite proud of my annual letter stating that my son has 10 unexcused absenses and is considered truant. I will be more than glad to explain it should they ever choose to call me to court!




Way to be proud of your childs unexcused absenses. Because of course Chicago museums are ONLY open on weekdays, and the Constitution can ONLY be seen on weekdays. And visiting your relatives in New Orleans could ONLY be done during the school year. I wish I could be as proud of my kids missing school as you are.

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Don't you just love that ignore button? Hmm, I may have to add a couple of names. There have been several people that have chosen to make rude, tacky, comments full of sarcasm rather than express their beliefs in a kind, respectful manner. Shame on you, you know who you are!:mad:


To BGinGa and Cacolin: thanks for giving us the viewpoint from the other side of the coin, from the viewpoint of teachers. I especially appreciate how kind and respectful you were when you gave your viewpoints. Many could learn from your good manners and sage advice.:)


Each of us has a different situation that is unique. For some of us, pulling our kids out of school is not a problem. For others in strict schools or even private schools, it may be too much of a hassle. As for me, we live in a tiny little town where the school doesn't even have buses. I'm very close to the school staff & volunteer often. The school staff always asks for pictures of our cruise. The teachers often have our daughters do essays and a presentation on their cruise as homework. Our daughters both got all "A's" on their last report cards, which is normal for them. For us, pulling our kids out of school is the correct choice. As they get older, it may not be the correct choice, but for now it is.


All I ask is that each of you as you read this thread, try to remember that each and every person's situation is unique. Pulling your kids out of school is not a cut and dried matter of "it's right" or "it's wrong." It all depends on your school's rules, the attitude of the staff and teachers, your child's grades, and your inability to afford the astronomically higher prices of cruises during times when school's out. Just keep an open mind and try not to be too judgemental of someone when you may not be fully aware of their unique circumstances. And for heaven's sake, please skip the sarcasm, our "ignore" buttons are getting a workout!:cool:

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Congrats! You are officially the first person added to my Ignore list!


I would suggest others to do the same!





I'm on someone's IGNORE list...can't believe someone put me on their IGNORE list.....ooooooooooooooooo....i'm so hurt....

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In just a few weeks we are taking our 8 year old Grandson on a cruise (he lives with us)..... I have read post after post about taking kids out of school.... you can spend hours reading them all!!! ...... We have taken our Grandson on our travels, he has been in 39 of the 50 United States, to Europe and Africa, he can learn more in one day then the other kids will in the week of school he misses....He is TOP in his class, he won 2nd place in the COUNTY SPELLING BEE last year and was in 2nd grade! (he was up against kids up to 7th grade) He is a gentleman with manners, He excels in every subject, he speaks better Spanish then I do.... AND his teacher ENCOURAGED us to take him on our cruise!!!! ..........She knew months ago that we were going and took the time to do a "study plan" which is actually more then what the other kids will be doing the week we are away, because she added things about the places we will visit. She requested us to have him take his "palm-held" (provided by the school) so he can do a journal and take pictures. He has an extra assignment of giving a presentation to the whole school on his return! ........Do not get me wrong, we ARE going to have a good time, YES, he will snorkle and jet-ski and all the rest....but learning and education can be FUN too....they WILL be included on his cruise....................It all depends on the presentation. AND as far as that goes, if he was to not miss a week of school, do you think he would be at the BOOKS 24-7 ??? Is any child??? What is wrong with them having some fun!!!!??? ......................... I noticed that a few liked to mention books, novels etc..... well let me quote you something from "Auntie Mame" or "Travels With My Aunt" (I may not have the words exactly correct) ...... " LIFE IS LIKE A BANQUET AND SO MANY FOOLS ARE STARVING TO DEATH" ...... I maybe a BAD Grandpa but I can tell you my Grandson is going to be a HELL of a man!!!! most sincerely Dan

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I want to express that my previous post was only directed to a few people....perhaps I should have made that more clear.... THEY just got my goat. My highest regards to anyone that brings a child on a cruise, for ANY reason!.... Children are people too and should not be deprived, regardless of time of year or circumstance... Being a family is much more important and I do not know of any LOVING parent or guardian that would not do what is BEST for THEIR FAMILY, and not a SOUL in this world could make me believe any different.... most sincerely, once again Dan

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Dan, I totally understand where you're coming from. I'm getting so tired of these rude obnoxious people coming onto this thread dripping with sarcasm to make their points because they think it's funny or cool. It's not, it's immature. That's why I had to ask: "And how old are you?" Because the whole "oooooo, I'm on someone's ignore list, ooooo I'm so hurt" sounds like something my 6 year old would say.:rolleyes:


This had been a good thread where parents can discuss how they feel about pulling their kids out of school and share thoughts on what has and has not worked for them. I've gotten a lot of moral support here. I've had teachers post pointers on how to handle it from the teachers perspective, which I think is great. Overall, it's been mostly good with just a handful of rude people making sarcastic comments. Ignore them and read through the pages, you can get plenty of good tips and pointers from parents who are trying to make a difference in their kids lives.;)


Let's get this going back onto a positive note. Here are some of the really good points that I think we should all take into consideration when pulling our kids out of school:


1.Don't pull them out unless they are making good grades. Education should still be a priority.

2. Have a parent teacher conference to assess your childs situation and to give advance notice of the absence to the teacher so she has plenty of time to prepare for it.

3. Be aware of the school's policy on unexcused absences.

4. Make sure your kids complete any assignments they were given to do from the teacher.

5. Help your child to learn as much as possible about the countries they will be going to. My children learned first hand about the Mayan culture and many other cultures on the different cruises they've been on.

6. Make sure your child understands that education is a priority, but at the same time quality family time is a priority too. And that this was a judgement call on your part to put family first at this time.


Has anyone else got any good suggestions to add to it?:confused:

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I understand all these points, but why does it HAVE to be during the school year? I just think it is a bad lesson to teach kids that vacation is more important than their education. Family vacations ARE important, but they should be taken during the summer.


And I do think it is inconsiderate to the teacher and the other students to get special treatment (and that is what you are asking by wanting work in advance) just to go on vacation during school.


I'm sure someone is going to say, "I can't get off of work during the summer to go on vacation." My reply to that is that you should have the same attitude for your childs education as you do about your job. You can't play both sides and say "I can't get time off at any other point", but then take your kids out of school when they don't have time off.


Agreed that missing a week of 3rd grade isn't going to cause him/her to not get into a good college, but I feel that it creates a mindset that taking a vacation is more important than education.


And I also agree with what someone said about doing good for your kids and making things better for them than what you had, I have no arguement against that except that why does it HAVE to be during the school year. I truly feel that by taking your kids out of school, you are NOT making it better for them.


I realize that I'm not going to change anyone's mind, I just feel really strongly about this. I'm glad my parents didn't take me out of school for vacation. I believe that contributed to my sense of responsibility I have now towards my job and my continuing education.



I couldn't agree more!! Well said!

We went to Disney World at the end of our cruise here recently b/c well I didn't have the luxury of my family taking me out of school to do anything! So now that i am an adult i can do things i never got a chance to do. Just b/c a kid didn't get to do it as a kid, doesn't mean that they will enjoy anything any less as an adult! Anyways, the park was PACKED with kids and school had just started back.

So i understand about the educational part of a cruise, but what is the excuse for Disney World or Disney Land? These are NOT educational outlets but RECREATONAL outlets. A cruise is also a recreational outlet but ok you can make a cruise educational i guess somewhat. Although if your paying school taxes and/or send your kids to a private school, why pay that much more to teach your kids when you've already paid for someone else to do it?

So when a major company pulls out of the states and takes its operations overseas, reflect about the time you just h to take your kids out of school to go on a cruise or to Disney World. The kids of today are tomorrow's workers and if they aren't taught proper "work ethics" such as going to school everyday, getting their work done, that will just be that many more jobs moving overseas to those who WILL work b/c the little worker you just raised thought it more important to tons of vacations and only attend their job 70% of the time.


and IBoz, YOU ARE THE BEST EXAMPLE OF A PARENT I HAVE SEEN ON THIS THREAD!! Every parent out there should model themselves after you! I bet you have a great family!

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I had many opinions about parenthood before I actually became a parent. How it would be and should be. That it would be easy just getting a babysitter and having vacations and going back to work after maternity leave. And many other thoughts.


Reality is so much different. And one reality, sblhars (if you did ever check) and dandycandy, is a lot different than what you "know." Unfortunately, cruises cost a lot more money when most school districts are on vacation. That's a financial reality. Some families can only afford to go as a family during the off-season. Sblhars seemed unsympathetic to the financial reality of these times.


Now we have dandycandy who is only 25. I'm guessing this person is not a parent. I would suggest waiting until you have a child in school and you are trying to arrange a vacation before passing judgement on others. Just a thought, IMO.

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So much for everyone making positive suggestions here. There are always a few sour apples in the bunch.:rolleyes:


Cruisin Chick, isn't it funny that these two you mentioned are not parents yet they seem to think they know so much and have so much valuable advice to give on a subject they have no experience in? It's kind of like a waitress telling an engineer how to do his job.:eek:


Taking a few days off once a year for some quality family time is not tantamount to teaching poor "work ethics." How someone could leap to that conclusion from one small family vacation is beyond me. To say that your child will only attend work 70% of the time is ludicrous! Just because you can't afford a cruise any other time of year doesn't make you a bad parent. Nor does it mean that you teach your child to be a slacker.:cool:


Your statements DandyCandy are very assumptory and very judgemental. My husband and I NEVER miss work, we haven't had sick days in years. We attend church every week like clockwork and even have responsibilities there. Furthermore, we teach our children to be reliable, hardworking, and responsible. How one simple vacation a year can make someone a bad parent who raises kids with poor "work ethics" that will only work 70% of the time, and will make our jobs move overseas, is absolutely the biggest stretch of the imagination I've ever seen! I suggest you take CruisinChick's suggestion and wait until you're a parent before you start passing such critical judgements on others.

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You can never get time back. Kids grow up so fast. You will not remember all the spelling tests you studied together, but will always remember Stingray City. Invest your time with your children now, and you will be blessed forever. Taking off from work to spend time with your family shows your family THEY are your top priority. Nothing is more affirming than being important. This knowledge should be passed on from generation to generation.:cool:

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  • 1 month later...

Time to bring this one back!


Just back from 12 days in HI - 7 on NCL POAm. DD missed 4.5 days of school (we went over Thanksgiving holidays).


DD had 24 pages of math worksheets, a social studies book report, 10 pages of language arts worksheets, a science report to write (on any animal of her choice), read a book (her reading group had to read Chasing Vermeer), and she had to keep a journal.


She had all of the math worksheets done before we passed over San Francisco on our flight. her social studies book read and report done, and six of the ten language arts worksheets completed by the time we landed. Not bad for an eight hour flight - thanks United for having such crumby in-flight movies!


She spent about 30-40 minutes on the journal each day - generally between courses at dinner! She read at least an hour every day - some from her reading assignment some for pleasure. She researched and wrote her science report on sea turtles while snorkeling and at the marine center on Maui. She used pictures she had taken while snorkeling.


Now that we are back, she is 5 days ahead of her math class (the teacher was sick two days, and they ran into problems with ratios). The Social Studies book report wasn't really due until today, and she is the only one who finished her book!

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Time to bring this one back!


Just back from 12 days in HI - 7 on NCL POAm. DD missed 4.5 days of school (we went over Thanksgiving holidays).


DD had 24 pages of math worksheets, a social studies book report, 10 pages of language arts worksheets, a science report to write (on any animal of her choice), read a book (her reading group had to read Chasing Vermeer), and she had to keep a journal.


She had all of the math worksheets done before we passed over San Francisco on our flight. her social studies book read and report done, and six of the ten language arts worksheets completed by the time we landed. Not bad for an eight hour flight - thanks United for having such crumby in-flight movies!


She spent about 30-40 minutes on the journal each day - generally between courses at dinner! She read at least an hour every day - some from her reading assignment some for pleasure. She researched and wrote her science report on sea turtles while snorkeling and at the marine center on Maui. She used pictures she had taken while snorkeling.


Now that we are back, she is 5 days ahead of her math class (the teacher was sick two days, and they ran into problems with ratios). The Social Studies book report wasn't really due until today, and she is the only one who finished her book!



...are you looking for an award or something?

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...are you looking for an award or something?


Nope, just telling it like it is.


Theories and opinions are one thing - first-hand experience another!


DD's teacher is a veteran, as is her math teacher (DD is taking math with the grade above her). We gave them over a month's notice of our vacation and both indicated it was "no problem" because their lesson plans were well in place and they knew exactly what they were going to cover.


Because she conscienciously (sp?!) did ALL of the work expected of her, DD learned the lesson that hard work does pay off and that there is no "free ride" - she wasn't in school but still had to live up to her responsibilities.


Snorkeling coral reefs and observing tropical fish, eels, small sharks (eek!), and sea turtles in their natural habitat was educational (for both of us). She completed the Junior Ranger program at Volcano National Park (no small feat) and witnessed lava pouring into the sea to create new land. She learned much about the history of the islands, the Polynesian culture, and WWII first-hand. She made friends with girls from Idaho, Mass., California, and Illinois.


If you choose to be a mindless blob on a deck chair for your entire vacation, perhaps your vacations are not valueable - but if you "get out there" while still fulfilling your responsibilities - a vacation (even if you miss a day or so of school) can be VERY valuable experience. If your remove your kids from school without having them make up the work - you may be giving them a bad example. But if you work closely with your child's teachers and make certain your child does her work, you can give them great lessons in planning, respect, and responsiblity while giving your child the opportunity to spend time with their family and have lots of new experiences.


It CAN be win/win.

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I think it's very interesting that Steve (is that his name?) keeps making little sarcastic comments. When he becomes a parent and if he ends up working for a company that makes it difficult for him to take off when his child is off from school...then he can make a reasonable comment. When my child was an infant (before we decided I'll be a full-time mom), I would have to work many holidays and the last two weeks of December. On those days, the day care center was closed. My husband took care of the baby on Presidents' Day and Veterans Day but I have to find someone to take care of my child during the winter break. If I was still working there, it would have been hard to me to take this upcoming cruise as the holiday season was very busy for my company.


We try to avoid school-time vacations as our child isn't exactly ms. academic. But for those children that don't have that problem and the teachers don't have that problem because they are emphatic, then sblahars shouldn't pass judgement. Or maybe one of his teachers taught him to be judgemental.

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  • 1 month later...

We came back last week from our cruise. Didn't miss any days because we get three weeks off during December. Some little girls we met did miss a week of school but their dad's job only allows for this period of time to go on vacation. So Sblahars, some people do have this problem. But they shouldn't have to go without vacation just because six year olds may miss a few days. These parents were lovely people.


The only bad parents on this cruise were the ones who were letting their kids run loose at 2 am in the morning, throwing ship property overboard, letting a little girl fall off the ship (yes, this happened in Ensenada), push another kid in the pool (this was done to my child). It was just one extended family too -- travelling in a pack. One of the fathers involved had the audacity to say "I'm on vacation" when it was pointed out by someone on Princess' staff that his kids were out of control.

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When he becomes a parent and if he ends up working for a company that makes it difficult for him to take off when his child is off from school...then he can make a reasonable comment.


See, my point is that I wouldn't choose to work for a company that doesn't allow me time with my family. If taking vacations is so important, than perhaps you should adjust your life accordingly and get a job that does allow you more flexibility for your family.

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See, my point is that I wouldn't choose to work for a company that doesn't allow me time with my family. If taking vacations is so important, than perhaps you should adjust your life accordingly and get a job that does allow you more flexibility for your family.


It is nice to have the luxury of picking and choosing jobs. Husbands of two of the women I work with have just had their jobs outsourced - Both are educated and experienced, but are having problems finding new positions. So to Crusin' Chick's point; until you've walked a mile in someone else's shoes, you shouldn't be passing judgement. You may do what you feel is best for your family. Let others do what they feel is best for their families.


I can't imagine not having a child, but I do not judge those folks who choose not to have children or who cannot have children. I can't imagine taking a vacation without my child and husband, but do not jump to judgement of those folks who choose to leave the kids or their SO home. Those of us with children, who chose to travel with their children do not need other pax telling us that our child should be in school or lecturing them that when they were their age they didn't take these fancy trips, and we do not need armchair cruisers sniping at kids traveling on these boards.


If posters have a problem with a specific behavior of a specific kid - vent away! If posters wish to make blanket statements about ALL kids and ALL parents, be prepared to be called out for them.

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It is nice to have the luxury of picking and choosing jobs. Husbands of two of the women I work with have just had their jobs outsourced - Both are educated and experienced, but are having problems finding new positions. So to Crusin' Chick's point; until you've walked a mile in someone else's shoes, you shouldn't be passing judgement. You may do what you feel is best for your family. Let others do what they feel is best for their families.


I can't imagine not having a child, but I do not judge those folks who choose not to have children or who cannot have children. I can't imagine taking a vacation without my child and husband, but do not jump to judgement of those folks who choose to leave the kids or their SO home. Those of us with children, who chose to travel with their children do not need other pax telling us that our child should be in school or lecturing them that when they were their age they didn't take these fancy trips, and we do not need armchair cruisers sniping at kids traveling on these boards.


If posters have a problem with a specific behavior of a specific kid - vent away! If posters wish to make blanket statements about ALL kids and ALL parents, be prepared to be called out for them.


I'm willing to bet that a large majority of people who take their kids out of school for a vacation do it just because it is what is most convenient for THE PARENTS. I'm sure there are exceptions, but mostly because of what the parents want.

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Just finished reading ALL this thread...(no small task) I too can't believe this thread is still going ...its been a hot topic for months, I see.

Our frist Cruise is booked to Alaska this July. However, I was considering our next cruise during next school year, due to the $$$$ issue. ( I had no control over this years timing, [partner's extended family trip], so we will just go with the flow in July) I too, was wondering about taking the children out of school (high school)next fall ...great students, (blahblah) but yes, I was worried aobut the make up and absent time...(block schedule, college classes, etc) they always have lots of homework every night. But, you are talking thousands of dollors in savings...and to our family it may mean the difference between going and having to choose something else. The point made that a cruise takes you to places at a more affordable price is very valid...We can drive to Galveston adn cruise to KeyWest, Cozamel, etc. much cheaper than we could fly to any of these places.

**the Alaska vacation is rediculously (sp?) due to the timing and flight to Vancouver***


I also have taken my girls out of school at least one day a year ...each year...for our 'family fair day'...we all take the day off work /school. My girls know this is a special privialge so we can spend that day as a family , and they look foward to this 'reward' for being good students .

So, I say , NO, don't feel guilty for doing something special for you child...they will always remember that they were the most important thing to you...and that my friend cannot be taught in the classroom.

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I'm willing to bet that a large majority of people who take their kids out of school for a vacation do it just because it is what is most convenient for THE PARENTS. I'm sure there are exceptions, but mostly because of what the parents want.


Yes, that's why I do it. Luckily I'm secure enough in my parenting that I don't feel the need to justify my actions or decisions regarding my children to people on the internet.

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