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Middle Aged Drama Queen's Eastern Med Review: Serenade, Pics, Surprises & Fun!

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This is one of the best reviews I've ever had the pleasure of reading!! Since you started the blog I'm actually happy to go to work b/c I know I will be able to read the new updates!! :D Just don't tell my boss!! While I LOVE this review I'm selfishly anticipating your comparisons between this and your Freedom cruise!!!


Thank you for taking the time to write!

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Enjoying your review! It does sound like you are a bit hard to please when it comes to food, though. Hah! Had to get that in! BUT - you can redeem yourself (in my eyes) by answering the following correctly:


How would you rate Arthur Bryant's food on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most awesome)?


Grape juice Cheers! Thanks for all the time you put in to type this up. Can't wait to hear about your experiences on Freedom.

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And one more final note...today was the first day that we began hearing reports of fellow passengers falling victim to becoming ill...little did we know what the future foretold....



Always a cliffhanger!!! Love ya Sherri! You keep us wanting more!!! :D

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Hi Sherri,


I wish I could download your review on my I-pad and take it with me on our cruise. Now here is an idea.......you could sell this and use the profits for another cruise and continue the model. Cruise......review, etc.!;)

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How would you rate Arthur Bryant's food on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most awesome)?


Not Sherri - merely an interloping Kansas City reader - but I have my answer to that query........ 9.25. (It's the guy with the cigarette and bare hand putting the meat on the Wonder bread that diminishes the rating.):p

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Enjoying your review! It does sound like you are a bit hard to please when it comes to food, though. Hah! Had to get that in! BUT - you can redeem yourself (in my eyes) by answering the following correctly:


How would you rate Arthur Bryant's food on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most awesome)?


Grape juice Cheers! Thanks for all the time you put in to type this up. Can't wait to hear about your experiences on Freedom.


Hmmm...<narrowing my eyes a bit suspiciously....as you don't say where you are from> You must be from around KC - or at least have visited - to know of Arthur Bryant's...so...how would I rate it?


If I can have Arthur Bryant's while AT Arthur Bryant's - taking in the ambiance, and the beautiful decor, of course (!!) - I would give it a 10. Because part of the whole Arthur Bryant's experience is eating it at the joint, just like numerous U.S. presidents have done.


However - if someone gets it "to go" - that would be sacrilegious...and I'd only give it a 7.


I'm partial to Oklahoma Joe's, myself....and what about you??!!


I love my Grape Juice cheer - thanks!

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Two things to do before our Liberty Med cruise next month. File all the emails according to the ports we will be visiting and create a list of gelato flavours/translations. Great tips..thanks Sherri!


Just print off the document that I attached in an earlier post! I've done all the listing for you. :)

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WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is an absolute corker of a review! Can't wait for the next instalment!


If any of you ever come to the Isle of Man we have world class ice cream, which in all my travels all over Europe has NEVER been surpassed!


Loved the story about the alarm at David - its these little stories that make your reviews so interesting Sherri. The weirdest thing that happened to me on my vacation was that I got a curse put on me in Venice by a witch doctor fake bag seller because I wouldn't let my mum buy his "prada" bag!


Keep up the good work



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Not Sherri - merely an interloping Kansas City reader - but I have my answer to that query........ 9.25. (It's the guy with the cigarette and bare hand putting the meat on the Wonder bread that diminishes the rating.):p


Hee hee...that's why I said it's part of the whole Arthur Bryant's experience... to eat it while there...seeing how it's prepared...slipping on the grease-covered floors while walking back to your chipped & dented formica table...grabbing a soda out of the soda machine... :)

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WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is an absolute corker of a review! Can't wait for the next instalment!


If any of you ever come to the Isle of Man we have world class ice cream, which in all my travels all over Europe has NEVER been surpassed!


Loved the story about the alarm at David - its these little stories that make your reviews so interesting Sherri. The weirdest thing that happened to me on my vacation was that I got a curse put on me in Venice by a witch doctor fake bag seller because I wouldn't let my mum buy his "prada" bag!


Keep up the good work




Thanks, Suzieanna...and enlighten us...where is the Isle of Man? I confess an ignorance of geography...which is probably why I can get lost so easily!!! And a curse?! That DOES sound interesting! My kids were extremely fascinated by all of the guys selling their bags on the sidewalk...with their ropes & pulley systems so they could run and disappear when the cops showed up.

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Hi Sherri' date='[/size']


I wish I could download your review on my I-pad and take it with me on our cruise. Now here is an idea.......you could sell this and use the profits for another cruise and continue the model. Cruise......review, etc.!;)


I LIKE the way you think!!! See...I'm not the only enterprising soul around here...between my idea of having vendors going up and down the aisles at the Colosseum selling lemonade and Cracker Jack...and this idea of selling my review...ka-ching, baby! ;)

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Not Sherri - merely an interloping Kansas City reader - but I have my answer to that query........ 9.25. (It's the guy with the cigarette and bare hand putting the meat on the Wonder bread that diminishes the rating.):p


Whatever you do, DON"T TRY TO TIP HIM!


Hmmm...<narrowing my eyes a bit suspiciously....as you don't say where you are from> You must be from around KC - or at least have visited - to know of Arthur Bryant's...so...how would I rate it?


If I can have Arthur Bryant's while AT Arthur Bryant's - taking in the ambiance, and the beautiful decor, of course (!!) - I would give it a 10. Because part of the whole Arthur Bryant's experience is eating it at the joint, just like numerous U.S. presidents have done.


However - if someone gets it "to go" - that would be sacrilegious...and I'd only give it a 7.


I'm partial to Oklahoma Joe's, myself....and what about you??!!


I love my Grape Juice cheer - thanks!


We lived in KC for a couple of years and made it our duty to try every bbq joint we could. I just kept going back to Arthur Bryant's. Beef sandwich and fries. OMG. It is not like anything else and seems to be addicting. Oh, and I love it "to go" too! Love seeing them wrap up the meat, throw a handful of bread in, roll it up in the paper, throw a big old handful of fries in, and roll it some more. Never seemed to make it all the way home, though . . .

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Today is Wednesday, June 27th...(Well. Not really. It's actually Wednesday, July 25th. But for the sake of my review - just pretend today is the 27th of June. Stay with me, folks.) Being that it’s quite the haul to go from Rome (our last port of call) to Athens (up next), we have a 2nd sea day…which is fine by me, as I didn’t exactly rest up on the 1st sea day.


Today will be different. I hope.


After a short breakfast in the Windjammer for fortification, I engage in the dreaded activity that any serious cruiser is forced to participate in: the Hunt for a Chair by the Pool. Arriving at the pool around 9:30, there is evidence of chair hogs everywhere…lots of towels and books and, strangely, shoes, napping on chairs without people. However, I do manage to snag two chairs on the bottom deck, close to the pool.



The results of my land grabbing gave me this view of the pool...not bad, huh?



We’re enjoying a beautiful Mediterranean sun, with a light breeze, and indications are that it will be a very hot day. Settling in with my towel, my sunscreen, and my Kindle, I morph into a sloth. (Or a sea lion – take your choice.)


Morphing into a sloth is not that easy. First, I had to clear my head of all of those darn Should Be’s…as in, “I should be cleaning the cabin….” or, “I should be going to the gym”….or, “I should be checking my email on the internet.” I hate the Should Be’s. They should be BANNED from cruise vacations. (Although I just realized you can't even say that sentence without including a "should be." Ironic, huh?!)


Second, I had to clear my head of all of the distractions around me…of which there are many. Watching other cruisers begin their own Hunt for a Chair by the Pool… watching the pool band get set up for the day…watching the truly sick people who were doing some serious running on the jogging track, which kept triggering the “I should be going to the gym” in my own head. Ack.


Eventually, though, I began focusing more and more on my book, and less and less on the distractions…and before I knew it, I was in the Sloth Zone.


Remember that song, “It’s My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To”??? Well, the song was running through my head, but with a different refrain:


“It’s my vacay, and I’ll sloth if I want to…sloth if I want to…” because that’s what it’s all about, sometimes…just doing nothing. And not feeling a bit guilty about it.


Soon, Hubby joins me and eventually, he, too, enters the Sloth Zone, and life was good. In fact, we’re SO enjoying our Sloth Zone, that we don’t take any photos. Nope. Too much effort.


However…due to numerous interruptions by the Klingons…we didn’t get to live in the Sloth Zone for long. And if you’re a parent, you know what I’m talking about.


At one point, Mickey visits us, and complains about being bored to death. ARGH. ALL WEEK, I have encouraged her and encouraged her to go to the Teen Club and get involved – to no avail. I’ve begged; I’ve pleaded; I’ve even offered bribes…with no success. But – when it’s my Sloth Zone that she is interrupting – I’ve had ENOUGH. This time, I resort to threats. Off she scoots to the Teen Club, because even at 12, she knows when Mama has had ENOUGH.


Later, Too-Tall Taylor joins us, and he’s bored. Of course he is. He wants to do the Adult Basketball 3:3 Challenge, but it’s not scheduled until 3:00 pm. He’s at that awkward age of 19, where he’s too old for Teen Club and a bit too young for the adult crowd. He decides to hang with us, and sit in the pool. If you’re 19, the pool can offer some great views – if you know what I mean. <wink>


Around noon, a buffet of paella is set up on the pool deck, which creates all sorts of noise and distraction…it looked good, but I was too busy enjoying my slothdom to get up and partake.


At 1:30, one of the Cruise Director’s staff comes and sets up a pool game – and Hubby is drafted to participate. It involved something to do with a towel, a bucket, and a ping-pong ball – and soaking the towel to squeeze into the bucket. Hubby’s team wins, and he is rewarded with valuable RCC (Royal Caribbean Crap).


Another interruption by Mickey soon follows…she’s on a Teen Club Scavenger Hunt involving a camera, and she needs a picture of 8 feet. (Don’t ask). We all put our feet in for the photo, and off she runs again. For someone who had to be pushed into the Club, she looked like she was having an amazing amount of fun – but she’d never admit to that.


A little before 3:00 pm, Hubby and I concede our chairs, and off we head to the Sports Court, so we can watch the 3:3 Basketball Games. There are about six teams participating, and Taylor, Tyler and Chris (who’s engaged to Sarah from Michigan…remember the Mentalist? Sarah was the one he chose from the audience to assist him) make up a team.





Now…remember. It’s blazing hot. The court is in full sun. And the tournament goes on for at least 90 minutes, as each game initially goes to 20 points, which makes for some LONG games. The players are dying…the Cruise Staff is dying…and even the audience/cheerleaders are dying. In between each game, we’ve got Cruise Critic volunteers who run and bring our guys some water, so they can stay hydrated….because it was brutal.





It soon comes down to Taylor’s team and another team for the championship, and a time limit of 10 minutes is set for the game. Whomever is ahead at the 10-minute mark, will be deemed the winners. And when the 10-minute mark arrives, the teams are tied. Of course they are. So…it goes into a free-throw contest. And the other team wins by one free-throw, leaving our guys with 2nd place. All of this for a silver medal. Fakey silver, at that.



Here's our Cruise Critic heroes!!!!


Watching all of that sports stuff inspired me to head to the gym to get in some of my own running…I’m in training to run a 10k next summer, and I’d been running on the outdoor track off and on since we’d gotten onboard. But today, it’s just too brutally hot to run outside, so I go in search of a treadmill. And trust me – the Hunt for a Treadmill is NOTHING compared to the Hunt for a Chair by the Pool. There were always treadmills available with no problem. Imagine that.


It’s now after 5:00 pm, and it’s time to clean up and head to Concierge for my delicious grape juice…but prior to that, I admire the beautiful floral arrangement that’s been delivered to our cabin…a gift from Amy & Steve, and Cathy & Ken, as a thank-you for the party yesterday. I could swear I took a photo of the flowers, but I’ll be darned if I can find it on my camera roll. Oh well. Just close your eyes and imagine a beautiful arrangement of fresh daisies, roses and other delights…it was gorgeous.


Our routine, as I’ve mentioned, involved drinks in Concierge, then coming back to the Royal Suite, where the Klingons would join us and we’d head to dinner as a family. This was Day #6 of our cruise, and so far, we’d never had any variations from this routine, which is as it should be. Tonight, however, things break down.


We arrive back in the Royal Suite to await the Klingons, and we notice that Mickey is nowhere to be found. Hmmmm. Usually, she’s in the Suite and just finishing up getting ready (because, you know, she needs HOURS and HOURS to get ready for dinner…sigh). Huh. No Mickey. Soon, both the boys arrive, and still….no Mickey. I send the boys and Hubby out to hunt her down and reign her in…and eventually, they all show back up, empty-handed. Hubby had checked the Arcade & Teen Club; Taylor had checked the pool area/gym; and Brad had checked the library (of course he’d check the library – it’s his favorite place in the world – but the odds of Mickey being in the library were zero to none). No Mickey.


Well. We know she’s on this ship SOMEWHERE…and I’m getting increasingly upset that she’s late and hasn’t checked in. We had Post-It notes in our cabin, and we’d use them to communicate with each other…leaving little teasers, like, “Pool” or “Gym” or “Jammer” – so that others would know our whereabouts. And Mickey had left no note.


Without knowing what to do, I decide to send the guys out one more time…and this time, Hubby comes back with Mickey in tow. Apparently, she’d been in the Arcade all along…but had strategically been hiding behind a…um…’large’….family while playing games. Hubby apparently never saw her on his first foray into the Arcade. Well…she’s upset (because she’s been told she has a mere FIVE minutes to get ready for dinner), and we’re upset…and things were…um…tense.


While waiting the five minutes for Mickey to clean up, I happen to notice that our message light is blinking on the phone. Uh oh. The message is from my dad, who’s telling me that my beloved Uncle Gene passed away…and that’s when I lost it. I just lost it.


My Uncle Gene was a large man…with an even larger personality. Born & raised in south Philadelphia, he was an Irish-Catholic cop. And the best storyteller that I ever heard. I couldn’t begin to imagine never hearing one of Uncle Gene’s stories again, and I was devastated at being so far from home and not with my family. I quickly called my mom, who told me that there was nothing I could do, but to go ahead with our vacation, because that’s what Uncle Gene would have wanted.


After composing myself, we head to dinner – a bit late – but that’s what’s nice about MTD. Dinner was a bit subdued, understandably, but our wait staff did what they could to make the meal enjoyable. Again, Peter & Pascal were fantastic the entire voyage; I can’t say enough good things about them. They brought several little puzzles to the table tonight, and I did get the giggles when Brad was stumped. That doesn’t happen often with him, and the look on his face when he realized he wasn’t as smart as what he thought he was? Priceless.



Just one of many puzzles we had during the week...some involving toothpicks, or straws...some just word puzzles...it kept the Klingons busy and Hubby and I amused....




A beautiful day usually brings with it a beautiful sunset...after dinner, I took a few minutes to just stroll the decks, reflecting on Uncle Gene and his legacy...






The Euro 2012 (Europe’s Football Championship) had begun a couple of days prior, and tonight was a HUGE game…Spain vs Portugal. Being that our ship had embarked from Spain, we had quite the number of Spaniards on board…as well as some Portuguese. The ship had broadcast the previous two games (Spain vs France on June 23rd and England vs Italy on June 24th) in the Pit Stop Sports Bar…but it was becoming obvious that the Pit Stop was too small of a venue for this event. The decision had been made to broadcast tonight’s big game in the Safari Club, and it was listed in the Cruise Compass to start at 8:45 pm.


As we make our way to the Safari Club, an announcement comes on from Ricky Matthews, the Cruise Director, that says he messed up…he didn’t account for the one-hour time change …so the game wasn’t going to start until 9:45 pm. Having run into a fellow Cruise Critic family, Jennifer & Mark (Princess&4Princes), I just hung out athe Safari Club, chatting with them.


Eventually, the Safari Club began filling up…with Italians…Spaniards…Portuguese… Americans…Canadians…it was quite the international crowd settling in to watch the game, which made it fun and festive. When the game DID start, the only station we could pick up was broadcasting it in...French. So…here we are…watching Spain vs Portugal…in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea…surrounded by an international crowd…in French. Maybe it’s just me, but I just thought it was too, too funny.


We don’t stay long…the emotions of the day are getting to me, and I head back to the room to get ready for bed. A knock at the door at 10:45 surprises me, however, and I open it to find Room Service delivering a tray of chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookies.


“I didn’t order any Room Service,” I said, a bit confused….


Mickey steps up, pushes me out of the way, and says, “But I did!” and takes the tray of cookies and milk. Really? My 12-year old is now ordering Room Service? Not only did she order Room Service, but I watched in disbelief as she hands the guy a $5 tip. She’s 12 going on 21. Geesh.


Tomorrow: We'll be in Athens...and after hearing for months of the rioting there, we're a bit apprehensive...what will the day bring? I had also set up a tour for about 16 people, and I was worried if it would go off, as planned....and just how hot would it be? Especially at the Acropolis???




Misc Notes of the Day:

Tonight’s show was Ian Finkel, listed as the “World’s Greatest Xylophonist.” Showtimes were at 7:15 and 9:15…we didn’t go, but various reports said he was “okay”, “pretty good”, and “perhaps not” the world’s greatest xylophonist, but still entertaining. We heard reports that several people were leaving during his show, which tells you something.


We never saw the Cruise Director today…most activities were led by his staff, especially Michelle, the Activities Director.


Other activities during the day included a napkin folding demonstration; salsa dance classes, and Sudoku contests.


And, unfortunately, we're hearing MORE reports of people getting sick...several within the Cruise Critic community. So far, our family has been fine...I've put the fear of God in the Klingons to not use the handrails when going up & down stairs, and to use hand sanitizer as much as possible...but will our luck last??



Edited by KansCocoa
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I just discovered this thread and am only on page four but I have to say this is one of the BEST (if not the best) reviews I have ever read. It is right up there with Trainman and Radio...


Some day we will do the Med and I never really had a desire to go to Barcelona but your tapas tour sounds great! And I luv the middle age drama queen thing.


Cheers from Texas!

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Im loving this review. Its well laid out, great pictures, funny and lots of useful information for everyone.


Well Done. If there was an award each year for best review you would win so far in my honest opinion.


Keep It up.




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We last left our fully-rested travelers finishing up their second sea day, with dreams of Athens dancing in their heads….



Although the ship arrived in the port of Piraeus (from here on out, known as “Athens”) at 6:00 am this morning, I didn’t rouse until much later…much to my chagrin. Having overslept a bit, I was in a bit of a rush to get ready, go and get some Jammer Juice (where we sat with our breakfast buddies, Amy & Steve), and then gather up the Klingons to get ready to head ashore.




A view outside our balcony of the port of Piraeus....



Months ago, after having done some exhaustive research, I had chosen a company called “Athens by Taxi” for our private excursion today. I had been corresponding with the owner, Paul Kalomiris, extensively in the past few months to finalize the details of our tour. He has two vans…one that can seat 16…and a second van that can seat 12…and it didn’t take long for our Roll Call to fill up both vans. We were scheduled to meet Paul at the pier at 7:30 am – and so I had requested that all ‘Greek Gods & Goddesses’ who were touring with us should meet in the Centrum at 7:15 – so we could walk off together.


Although I make it down to the Centrum on time, my dear Hubby and Too-Tall Taylor were late…and therefore, we were now THAT FAMILY. You know – THAT FAMILY, the one who’s late getting back to assigned meeting places…the one who’s always the last to arrive, and consequently holds up the group. I had told the Klingons that I never wanted to be THAT FAMILY – and here we were. THAT FAMILY. As we were heading down to Deck 2 to disembark, I whispered to my family, “We have to do better today, kiddos. We will not be THAT FAMILY again.” Ha. Little did I know.


We march our group of 28 barbarians through the pier, where we split up into our two respective groups once we meet our driver and guide. Our driver is NOT Paul, to our surprise, as he explains that Paul couldn’t make it today and sent his regrets. Our van’s guide is a beautiful young redhead with the unusual name of Athanasia, although she insists on us calling her “Nancy.” Which was much easier to say than Athanasia, believe me. We load up into a very nice & well-equipped van and begin our invasion of Athens.



The 16 of us in Van #1...with our driver & Athanasia...



My initial impressions of Athens were quite favorable, actually. After hearing for months about the political unrest in Athens, due to the floundering Greek economy, I’m not sure what I was expecting to find…but it was well-developed, and other than extensive graffiti everywhere we looked, it was very clean.



Our destination is the Acropolis…THE preeminent monument in Europe with history and culture in abundance. By going early in the morning, we had two advantages going for us: first, we should beat the heat, and second, we should beat the hordes of barbarians that would be arriving en masse as the day went on. And sure enough – when we arrive at the parking lot of the Acropolis, there’s nary a tour bus in sight. We practically have the rocky outcrop to ourselves – woot!!!



The Acropolis itself sits up very, very high…and there is some climbing involved. Here’s where the tip of wearing good shoes cannot be stressed enough. The marble & rocks that make up the stepping stones have been worn down & polished over the last few centuries, so it is extremely slick. Let me say that again. It is EXTREMELY slick. And we were there on a DRY day…I couldn’t even imagine doing this climb on a damp day. Wear good shoes with a very good tread…and even then, you may find yourself slipping every so often. Don’t rush up the rocks; take your time; and you’ll be fine.


And a side note: Just so you know, the Acropolis is accessible to the physically disabled. There is a lift on the north slope of the Acropolis. If you do research online, you should be able to find more information on this.



So…our first stop was the beautiful Propylaea, or the “gateway,” to the Acropolis. This allowed the ancient Greeks to control access to the city, keeping the unclean, runaway slaves, and other miscreants out.






And yes…although you’re seeing barbarians in this picture…this is nothing, I mean NOTHING, compared to the hordes that will be here later. I’ve included this photo on purpose so you can get an idea of the slippery steps that must be climbed in order to view the rest of the city ruins.








Below us was the impressive Theatre of Dionysus…dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine and the patron of drama. The Greek government recently announced they would be partially restoring the theater, to the tune of $9 million, with a completion date scheduled for 2015.








On the east side of the Acropolis, there is a Greek flag waving proudly in the wind. Oh wait! The wind! Let me interject here and say that it was EXTREMELY windy the morning we visited. I don’t know if this is typical – or atypical – but be forewarned, in case you’re wearing an old lady hat (like me). We did see quite a few hats blowin’ in the wind – and probably blowing on over to Turkey. And be forewarned in case you’re wearing a dress…ahem. You may be inadvertently mimicking Marilyn Monroe. Thankfully, I had on white capris…so no Marilyn Monroe moments for me.



Anyway – back to the Greek flag…when the Germans occupied Athens during WWII, they had the Greek flag removed and raised the infamous flag with the swastika. Two 18-year old Greeks snuck up to the Acropolis on the night of May 30, 1941, and took down the offensive flag – inspiring the Greeks and giving rise to the resistance.






And since I’m limited to six photos per post…you’ll just have to wait for the next post…or two…to see pictures of the famed Parthenon…but stay tuned...because something unbelievable...and truly tragic...was about to happen at the Acropolis....




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Im loving this review. Its well laid out, great pictures, funny and lots of useful information for everyone.


Well Done. If there was an award each year for best review you would win so far in my honest opinion.


Keep It up.





Awww...thanks. If I did win the award, I'd display it proudly with all of the RCC that I've collected over the years. And hopefully it would be REAL silver and not fakey silver. ;)

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AAAAW, Sherri, so sorry for your loss...


Thank you. It would have been tough no matter what, because it was a shock... but to be thousands of miles from home made it even tougher....I just know that Uncle Gene is now cracking up the angels with his funny stories. ;)

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