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Reserving Deck Chairs!!!!!


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Ok i have a problem. It never feels crowded on the princess ships. EXCEPT FOR WHEN I AM TRYING TO GET A CHAIR BY THE POOL!!!!!! What happened to the no reserving chair policy on Princess??? why bother having a policy if they are not going to inforce it??? I always see so many chairs with towels on them but no people. for hours sometimes. it is so frustrating to me when i want to lay down by the pool but i cant because the cahirs are all taken by "towels". this time around, I think if i have that problem, Im just going to move the towel!!!!!!! any other suggestions???

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I hate to say it but people could be swimming in the pool! I know that sometimes the chairs are not by the pools, but that could be because they're all taken by the pools too! I used to work at a pool for 5 years, I think it's fair to say "first come, first serve", so get to the deck early and put your towel down!

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If you see a group of chairs with nothing on them but a towel for a long period of time, contact one of the attendants. They will watch for the passengers to return, and if they don't, they will remove the towels and free up the chairs. There is a policy concerning this and they seem to be getting better at policing the problem, especially during sea days when the chairs seem to pop up with towels on them from 6:00 AM onward with no bodies around. You just have to make someone aware of it.

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When we were on the Star this spring, they had plenty of deck attendants out - just to help with this problem. It was also stated on the front of the patter, each day, that Princesses' policy was 20 minutes. BUT . . . Okay I got into trouble.


There were a group of chairs (sitting with towels and bags on them) on the level above the pool for over an hour before I finally went and asked the pool attendant to move them. He moved them, we settled down and not 2 minutes later this group came back. This one lady (I use this loosely) blew a gasket !!! :eek: Yelling at the top of her lungs. Well, the silly Canadian that I am thinks that replying and explaining the situation will disfuse this situation. Wrong !!! Yes, the pool attendant and I had the right but I felt 2" high as she continued to scream and finally walked away. My husband said never again.

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As I've posted before.. we are fortunate enough to drive to port. We take our beach chairs with us! I never get angry that the towels are on the chairs as I have a beautiful, clean, neatly folding beach chair that goes into a little bag, right over the shoulder. We find a spot and presto, any time of the day we have our very own spot!! Never miss anything we want to see on MUTS, and we only get there about 5 minutes ahead of time! Saves all the energy it would take getting angry about the people hogging the chairs! I know I can go sit anywhere I want! There has always been a spot to flop!! (Maybe I shouldn't tell this!! Pretty soon I may complain that everyone is bringing their chairs and I can no longer find a free spot to put it!!):eek:

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rumbline - didn't mean that ;) . Being canadian, we think that talking it out or explaining works best (sometimes a little to passive, aren't we). . . which we know doesn't always work - even here :D . But everyone is on holidays and should just relax.

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Not trying to speak for you as if "ugly American" were your point.

I was mine. I see it too often. It would be very tense to have someone "SCREAMING" when rules have been followed. Sorry it happened to you.

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joanne1: In my opinion ,you had every right to have the attendant move the towels of "screaming lady" (I use the term lady loosely) , you should not have been embarrassed, she should have been, for making such a fuss. But unfortunately people like that don't get embarrassed. I applaude you for makeing a strike against "chair hogs". Good for you. :)


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When we were on a Golden about a month ago the deck attendants did a regular patrol around the decks specifically watching for chair hogs. We had docked in port but decided not to go ashore so I swear there wasn't another soul to be seen on deck as we placed our towels and sat on them. The attendant immediately pounced on us and informed us that they would be removed if left longer than a half hour. I did point out the acres of empty chairs surrounding us, but he failed to grasp the irony. Obviously he had been told, quite rightly, to tighten up on the hogs but he came across as a real "more than my job's worth" guy.

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Being American I, too, try to talk things out and reason. Doesn't work with some no matter where they are from. My son-in-law left his towel, sun glasses and his book on his pool chair to go and get a soda. 5 minutes later he came back and some guy was in his chair. When it was explained to him that the chair was left only 5 minutes to get a soda, the guy replied "Tough" and wouldn't move. This attitude has been created by those folks who go to the pool before breakfast and leave towels on the chairs and disappear for hours. It will never change and people from all over the world are guilty.

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I have mixed feelings on this. If I don't go out and put a "towel or bag" on a chair early then I won't get one. I always return within 1 hour but feel the need to "reserve". If I don't then I won't get a chair. What else can I do?? If I wait until later to come out then I just won't get a chair.... I guess the real problem is there are not enough chairs .....

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I have mixed feelings on this. If I don't go out and put a "towel or bag" on a chair early then I won't get one. I always return within 1 hour but feel the need to "reserve". If I don't then I won't get a chair. What else can I do?? If I wait until later to come out then I just won't get a chair.... I guess the real problem is there are not enough chairs .....

Precisely my point. Chances are if no one else held chairs you wouldn't either and then there would be empty chairs. Point is, there are empty chairs - with towels on them!!

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I have mixed feelings on this. If I don't go out and put a "towel or bag" on a chair early then I won't get one. I always return within 1 hour but feel the need to "reserve". If I don't then I won't get a chair. What else can I do?? If I wait until later to come out then I just won't get a chair.... I guess the real problem is there are not enough chairs .....


But this is exactly what causes the problem of there being no chairs vacant. If everyone just went out when they were ready instead of trying to 'save' them, there would be plenty of room for everyone.


It reminds me of the cruise where an old gentleman had three sets of chairs saved. One set in the sun, one set in the shade and one set underneath in case it rained. His wife and himself would move from section to section depending on their mood during the day. So they tied up 6 chairs for the two of them for the entire day. This used to happen more often then you realize.


This is a standing policy of Princess to not go out and place things on chairs to save them for later as although some have very good intentions of going back with an hour or less, things happen and they are distracted and some do not end up in the chairs for several hours rendering them useless to other passengers.


I for one am very glad they are enforcing this rule.

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I just returned from the Jewel of the Seas and the chair hogging was the worse I have EVER seen!! The first day we went up we watched four chairs on the railing from 9am till NOON!!! So the next day when we went up we watched the chairs for one hour and then got the deck attendant to remove them. When the people showed up we played dumb and said I don't know check with the pool attendant. I will not get into a fight about it with people when I know I am right. The last sea day was worse than any of the others. At 8am we were up in our chairs above the pool deck and watched two whole rows empty with towels and shoes of course for 2.5 hours until the deck people started to remove things and then all of a sudden the people appeared the one group had 13 chairs reserved we know this because of the yelling and language used by this group. I agree the rules need to be enforced by someone besides the pool attendants who are usually very young and easily itimidated (sp?).

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Perhaps an alternative, but would entail a bit of work on Princess' part, would be that if you are in a chair and want to leave it for 30 mins or less, you go to the pool attendant and sign out a "Will be Back shortly" card. The pool attendant jots down the ending time on the card and once that time has expired then the chair is free.


That doesn't help the user who is in the pool, though. Can't think of a way that their stuff wouldn't be moved......

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We were on the SUn un Feb. People were reserving two sets of chairs...we saw them.


We DID NOT see any Princess staff enforcing this rule (without being asked)once during the 10 day trhip. Even when we saw them approached by passengers, the deck staff were obviously reluctant to do anything. We were always able to get a lounge, but sometimes not where we wanted.


Our other pet peeve is that there is usually at least one group of people by the pool who believe that what they have to say is so very important or impressive. They speak in much a higher voices than is necessary and always appear to be trying to ingratiate themselves to the bar staff. For some reason they simply have to draw attention to themselves. If you are out there....no one cares and you are making a fool of yourself.

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Last year on the Carib.P we went up and got chairs early like 9 after breakfast to sit in not save. It was a sea day and we wanted to sun and be near all of the pool activities for the day. WELL the prime seats in front were taken up with towels. After 30 mins or so and no one was appearing for those 8 chairs we got brave and traded places. We moved to the front row and put those towels on the back row. The people finally came to take their seats after lunch around 1:30!! They didn't say a thing. I mean how rude to tie up chairs for over 4 hours without once even coming to sit for 10mins. I'm sorry if you were the ones who were wanting good seats, but you need to be in those seats if you want them. If there had been any sign of activity there I wouldn't have done it, Wet towels or a body somewhere, you can tell if people are there but in the water or something....

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I think most people agree with just being reasonable about getting a seat and when that minority group of "hogs" doesn't it affects the whole ship. I offer this Tip. I'm a relaxed kind of guy and would argue for a living on interesting subjects if I could but on vacation...so...no pool attendant...I tip a deckwaiter. $5.00 goes a long way. My wife needs space...we like to drink alot...get us a couple chairs in a nice spot we want that's in your service area. The deck waiter tells the pool attendant...etc..works every time. I don't need the hassle, I'm on vacation.

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If you can afford one, cabins with balconies offer relief from having to scrounge for a free deck chair by the pool. Besides a larger cabin, your private balcony is really nice refuge from the maddening poolside crowd.

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It is truly amazing how this issue keeps rearing its ugly head. The best solution I have ever heard was posted on this forum some time ago. I believe it stated to watch a chair with the "I'm reserved" towel on it for 30 minutes. If the "owner" does not come back by that time, just move the towel and take a seat.


If the "owner" returns and has the nerve to say a word, just say that the person who was laying in the chair before you said they were not coming back and that you could have it. That lets them know that they were gone so long that others besides you had already come and gone. If they still have a problem, suggest that they go see a pool attendant and remind them of the well publicized policy on the front page of the Princess Patter that chair saving is not allowed.;)


If you're the timid type, this approach is not for you, but the way I see it, I paid my fare and have just as much right to those seats as anyone. A few "chair hogs" are not going to deprive me of that right just by placing one towel on a chair and "officially claim" that seat as theirs all day long without laying in it.


The Monk

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Most readers of this thread will not remember the old Home Line. It's ships were the Oceanic and Doric. When Home Line closed many of its crew went to Sitmar which later became part of Princess. This is because at the time Sitmar was staffed by Italians and Portugese, as was Home Line.


The point is (finally) on the old Home Line you could, for an extra charge, reserve your chair for the entire cruise. I do not recall if all chairs could be reserved or some were held for first come first served on a daily basis. It was funny watching passengers board and instead of making a bee line to the lido buffet as they now do, the passengers would run to the deck to reserve the best available chairs. If I remember correctly they had a little frame on the back of the chair and when you reserved it, they would stick a paper with your name in the frame and it was yours for the week.


Yes there was a certain unfairness as if someone came late because they were flying into NY (that's where the ships were home ported) and others just drove to the ship, or arrived late for any reason not in their control, the were out of luck. But it sure beat the gamesmanship of reserving chairs with towels and books. BTW, I have to admit we are guilty of holding chairs. If I am ready first I go to the pool and grab two chairs, or four if we are with another couple, and I sit there until my wife and/or our friends arrive. I also, however, will give up the chairs if it is crowded and my wife and/or friends don't arrive in a reasonable time,

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Perhaps an alternative, but would entail a bit of work on Princess' part, would be that if you are in a chair and want to leave it for 30 mins or less, you go to the pool attendant and sign out a "Will be Back shortly" card. The pool attendant jots down the ending time on the card and once that time has expired then the chair is free.


That doesn't help the user who is in the pool, though. Can't think of a way that their stuff wouldn't be moved......


This "alternative" seems to be right out of a high school's handbook. I cannot imagine paying customers having to report to a pool attendant in order to leave his/her place. Although I have seen incidences of chair hogging occur on the cruises I have been on, I have never been without a seat. Last year on the Caribbean Princess I always found a spot--not necessarily in the choicest location.


Mainly, I consider the problem to be at its worst in situations that people decide to pre-reserve chairs for prolonged periods of time. I never had anyone swipe my belongings when I decided to head for the pool. I find it difficult to believe that everyone plants himself/herself on a chair and never gets up till he/she is ready to leave. I hope when I leave for my July cruise on the CB, I do not draw the ire of someone if I choose to vacate my place for a short period of time. No, I will not bring along any place cards announcing my short-term departures. Instead, I will have faith in the decorum of fellow passengers. After all, on the several cruises I have been on, I have never been in a confrontation yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ok i have a problem. It never feels crowded on the princess ships. EXCEPT FOR WHEN I AM TRYING TO GET A CHAIR BY THE POOL!!!!!! What happened to the no reserving chair policy on Princess??? why bother having a policy if they are not going to inforce it??? I always see so many chairs with towels on them but no people. for hours sometimes. it is so frustrating to me when i want to lay down by the pool but i cant because the cahirs are all taken by "towels". this time around, I think if i have that problem, Im just going to move the towel!!!!!!! any other suggestions???


A universal, bona fide gripe! I have seen deck attendants remove towels and other times not. I don't think YOU should have to be removing towels. Rather be assertive.Upon arriving at pool side tell an attendant you want one of the abandoned chairs and let he/she either do it or he/she can start the clock ticking on the 'how ever many minutes' rule is in effect and then do it.

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