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Hurricane Sandy cruises-what did Carnival give you?


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"A spokesman for the line said: "Carnival Cruise Lines has made a number of itinerary modifications as a result of Hurricane Sandy, including altering routes, keeping ships at sea an extra day, delaying embarkation days and cancelling two voyages. In the case of the Carnival Miracle, the ship arrived in New York a day early and departed that same afternoon to stay ahead of the storm. " How was it possible for the Miracle to head out of New York a day earlier than scheduled without leaving more than half its passengers behind? I am just curious. Was the ship half full or did most people manage to get to the pier a day early somehow.

Edited by 42CruiseCrazy
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"A spokesman for the line said: "Carnival Cruise Lines has made a number of itinerary modifications as a result of Hurricane Sandy, including altering routes, keeping ships at sea an extra day, delaying embarkation days and cancelling two voyages. In the case of the Carnival Miracle, the ship arrived in New York a day early and departed that same afternoon to stay ahead of the storm. " How was it possible for the Miracle to head out of New York a day earlier than scheduled without leaving more than half its passengers behind? I am just curious. Was the ship half full or did most people manage to get to the pier a day early somehow.





They are on the cruise right now and mentions in one post that a crew member said there were only about 1000 people on board.

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We got an extra day, so our 8 day cruise turned into a 9 day. We have 2/3 ports changed, but hubby and I are all about the ship when we cruise. The ports are nice to get out and about, but we really aren't sticklers on which ports we will be going to.


Oh and that extra day is free and all gratuities and any extra charges have been waived for that day.

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They are on the cruise right now and mentions in one post that a crew member said there were only about 1000 people on board.


Yep, about 900 people/groups opted to get the full refund to sail another time. Last night at dinner our waiter told us that he had heard conflicting reports on the amount of pax. He said he had heard 1000 as well..but he had also heard about 1200 to 1500. So not sure how many souls are on board, atm.

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The Glory itinerary was 6 nights to Nassau for Wedneday at 11:30 am- 10 pm on Thursday. Freeport on Friday.


I thought that the Miracle & Pride were both doing the Port Canaveal, Nassau, Freeport itin but I could be wrong.


All 3 cruises only stopped 1 of the 3 original port days.

Both the Glory and the Miracle came back a day early. The Pride came back the night before but passengers were given the option to stay on board until morning.


The only difference is the length of the cruises.

Glory a 6 day, Pride a 7, Miracle an 8. if the logic was that they have more days in their cruise then why did the Miracle and the Pride receive the same compensation?


I'm sure we all had an unpleasant experience because of this hurricane, I'm not sure what it was like on the other 2 ships but I just feel like we got the short end of the 3 ships at topic.


Miracle was supposed to:

Leave NYC on at 5pm Sunday Oct 21,

2 days at sea Mon Oct 22 and Tues Oct 23,

San Juan Weds Oct 24,

St. Thomas Thurs Oct 25,

Fri Grand Turk Oct 26,

2 days at sea Sat Oct 27 and Sun Oct 28,

get back to NYC 9am on Mon Oct 29.


We did come back a day early and reached New York at 9am on Saturday and therefore could not spend the night in the port because 1. we didn't find out we were arriving a day early until 4pm Saturday night (less than a day before) and 2. because the ports were closing they pushed the Miracle cruise, departing the same day we were scheduled to come back (Monday October 29) up one day which subsequently added one day, which Carnival is paying for any parking and gratuities. So those passengers get a longer cruise, don't have to pay extra for anything and all they had done were port of call adjustments. They hurried us off the boat at 9am sharp and crew had already begun scrapping the salt residue off the balcony hand rails. So it was a giant slap in the face, it was like our cruise gave a whole day away to the other cruise.

It took us 2 days to get from New York City which much further north than Baltimore and Virginia, and we arrived in San Juan (which is much more south east than Grand Turk) on the third day at 3:00pm. There wasn't much to do, most of the excursions were in the late morning/early afternoon. We had 6 and a half hours in one place, perhaps that came into play. How long did the other 2 ships have to spend at sea before reaching their port, how much time did the others get to spend in their port of call and what time of day did they get there?

We also had (as far as I'm concerned) the stupidest captain ever. We found out that the tropical storm turned into a hurricane our first full day at sea. There was no talk to diverting our ship once during the cruise, they didn't even make an effort. Tuesday was our first indication that there was unsettled weather, the boat rolled and pitched most of the day but calmed down in the night as we moved east away from the storm. We were told at 930pm on Weds Oct 24 that we would have to turn around and go home, and we would be at sea for the next 5 days. The captain was going around the hurricane, way east to around Bermuda, he would then swing west in front of the hurricane to get us back to New York. Thurs Oct 25 was a bad day, high winds, over cast but we were going 25-30 knots, which made the ride bumpy but just a little worse than Tuesday. Thursday night all hell broke loose, the ship was pitched to the right most of the night and we had 20 foot waves and 10-15 foot swells. The wind was howling and it was impossible to open the door to my balcony. This is when we slowed to about 17-20 knots but there were points we were doing 25. Twice a day we would get an announcement from the captain about the weather, and our progress through it and how far we were from home. Not once did we ever get an answer as to when we would be getting to New York. By Friday we seemed to be out of the worst of it, but everyone had cabin fever and just wanted to get off the boat. We got an announcement at 9am Friday that we were 480 nautical miles from new york, we were going 17-20 knots and this is when I started to get really ticked. I did the math and given our speed and distance left to cover, as of Friday morning we should have been home in 27 hours, putting us in New York on Saturday morning. Even if we dropped to 15 knots we still would have made it by saturday night. But I just had this feeling from the second we found out it was going to take 5 days to get back home they were milking it. Trying to drag the time home out as much as they could so they wouldnt have to give us any actual refund. We spent 141 hours suck on a boat, thats about 6 days all together. 4 of those days were rain, wind, and crap. I was understanding until we couldn't seem to get answers to our questions. I told the cruise director my math equation and politely asked when we were getting home and if there was a factor preventing us from knowing, he then took out a picture of the hurricane and said "see this biiiiig hurricane? we have to go allllll the way around it" in the most condescending, patronizing voice, he spoke to me like I was a child asking him the same question for the 100th time. So thats about when I lost it, 2+2 doesnt equal 5 days at sea. We got a 50% off credit when, from what I've read others dont get anything for worse things happening, because their idiots! All we wanted were answers, all we got were twice daily announcements about how fast we were going, how far we were from getting there, our longitude and latitude, the depth of the ocean, the temp of the ocean (cus we were really going swimming in it or something) useless info which lead to anger, frustration, agitation and a bummer feeling all over the ship.

At the end of the day, I payed for 100% of a cruise and got 37% of it, because carnival doesnt seem to want to part with their money (i dont either and they have more of it than me...) I get to take another crummy cruise at half price. And we have no proof that we get 50% off, no discount code, didn't get an email, no phone call. So as far as I know until someone gets this discount in their hot little hands, dont put too much stock into it. Lets say of all 3 ships there were 3000 people who are pissed and wont sail carnival again. If they tell 2 people how much they hate it and dont recommend it, and they tell 2 people, and they tell 2 people, ect. Eventually some damage is going to be done. Dont sit around here wasting your time fighting with each other, talk to someone who can do something. We're the customer, and at the moment they may not think we're right, but in time they will see the hard way that we are.

Another thing our captain managed to talk to abc news live from the boat while sailing us through a hurricane. Yeah awesome priorities, you would think Carnival has a spoksperson for that.....


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Considering the loss of life and property associated with "Sandy" I think that anyone who has come out of it unscathed, except for the disruption of their vacation, should feel themselves pretty lucky at this point. A previous poster seems to be all knowledgeable about the facts of "their" cruise and know that Carnival was out to milk every last cent out of all the "captured" passengers. Kudos to them for their insight. And while they are blasting Carnival this disgruntled passenger should also make sure that "mother nature" gets her fair share of the blame....oh but then Carnival is much more powerful and insightful than mother nature.


I have my own thoughts about dilettantes...and I have my own thoughts about the stupidity of people who don't get that 85 mile winds and 35 foot swells are not the norm and that these type of conditions are disruptive at the least. Life isn't fair...I've scheduled land vacations to sunny climates where it has rained for the entire trip, been on ski trips where the wind was so bad we never-ever were able to get out onto the mountain, been at the lake when conditions prevented us from ever getting our boat into the water and doing some water skiing.


The people who "think" that other peeps are in agreement with them and that a cruise line should be boycotted because of a weather incident are in for a rude awakening, I suspect. Most peeps have enough common sense to understand that the forces of nature aren't the responsibility of an airline, a cruise line, a resort, or well you get the drift.

Edited by Brenna's Mom1
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Nikki.Bee, I think you should thank your lucky stars that the captain kept you out of harms way. The cruise director was giving you factual info[obviously not what you wanted to hear], Sandy was huge and they had to go around it. Ships can't port anytime they feel like it-they must have dock space. The Miracle wasn't the only ship dealing with the storm, others needed to get into port as well.


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We just got off of Dream yesterday. We had an extra day at sea...and use of phones was complimentary.

We were on the same cruise. I believe that the Captain used better judgement than Disney Fantasy Captain and stayed at sea. Yes, difficult for some, but much safer than the pictures I saw of Fantasy damages.

So, I think Carnival gave me better safety.

Mary Lou

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WOW, Nikki.Bee..... Just WOW!


Seems that you are Pi$$ed and I can see why. About the only thing I can say is - Thank goodness you are on land.

Just WOW!



I kind of think that Niki Bee is not the cruise type. Niki, I think you should stick to land vacations from now on. The cruise ship is a major part of a cruise vacation, not all the ports you visit. You should enjoy the ship itself.


Personally, and I know I will get many nasty comments about what I am about to say...... if you are so worried about what you might be or should be given to you since you did not enjoy your vacation, maybe you should just stay home. I don't expect any refunds for something that is not an intentional, malicious, negligent act by the provider of the service that I am enjoying.

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My cruise for Glory got cancelled for 10/28. Carnival said they will refund in two weeks however they did not offer discount % off future cruise, hotel stay credit and food per night like other ship passangers got.

Why ? we suffered same loss and $$?


does anyone know how can i get it?

Edited by rpatel
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Nikki Bee,


I can understand your frustration and you wanting to find the culprit in making your vacation (in your opinion) miserable. However, I am kinda confused about what you are mad about. You mention being upset your cruise was cut short, but then went on to complain that you could have made it back to NYC (according to your math calculations) earlier on Saturday. So, which is it? You are mad it was cut short or mad it it wasn't cut even shorter by coming home on Saturday?


Carnival's goal here was to give you guys the most cruise they could and, for a lot of people (myself included), that means just being on the ship. I am sorry you are upset, but Carnival was just trying to give those passengers a cruise. It seems to me the compensation you received was more than ample when they don't have to give you anything if they don't want to via the cruise contract that you agreed to when you booked your cruise.

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My cruise for Glory got cancelled for 10/28. Carnival said they will refund in two weeks however they did not offer discount % off future cruise, hotel stay credit and food per night like other ship passangers got.

Why ? we suffered same loss and $$?


does anyone know how can i get it?

Didn't you get prior notice of cancellation and I am sure your trip insurance will reimburse you for an pre-paid hotels or flights. Now do you want something for nothing on top of that?
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My wife and I were originally scheduled to leave from Norfolk Va on Sunday 10/28 aboard the Carnival Glory. We left our home in Richmond on Saturday with the intention of staying the night in Va Beach Saturday night, and boarding the ship Sunday. After driving an hour and a half to Va Beach and almost making it to our hotel we received word via text alert that the Glory sailing was being canceled. We continued ahead to the hotel to weigh our options. Upon arrival we checked around and found that the Carnival Pride was still scheduled to leave out of Baltimore on Sunday, we were able to book a room on the Pride. So we back-tracked, and drove another 4 hours or so to Baltimore, stayed overnight, woke up the next day to find that the Pride was still scheduled for departure. Excited, we made our way to the port to find that we didn't have a room assignment yet and still weren't guaranteed one. After about an hour, they assigned us a room and gave us the option of taking our own luggage on board, which we did. We made it to our room and began unpacking only to have the Cruise Director notify everyone over the intercom that the Coast Guard would not allow us to leave the Chesapeake Bay, with no estimate as to when they would lift that "ban". Considering the circumstances, the cruise was being canceled. Fortunately we were able to leave the ship almost immediately since we had all of our luggage with us; many others I'm sure had to wait to have the luggage situation sorted out. All in all this was probably a blessing as the cruise may have been rather rocky the first few days. We are now scheduled for the the Pride out of Baltimore again this Sunday, 11/4. Carnival is allowing a discount of 25% off this cruise due to the 10/28 Pride cancellation. However, because our rate on the 11/4 sailing is higher (still an inner-stateroom), we will still have to come out of pocket about $100 more even after the 25% discount. In your expert opinions, should we contact Carnival to request a deeper discount or maybe shipboard credit. I understand this wasn't Carnival's fault, but it wasn't our fault either. I would think at the very least we shouldn't have to pay any more than we were originally planning to spend...but it sure would be nice to have that bigger discount considering our difficult weekend (along with $80 in gas and a $160 hotel stay). Sorry for the long post, I would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. Thanks.

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I'm sure we all had an unpleasant experience because of this hurricane, I'm not sure what it was like on the other 2 ships but I just feel like we got the short end of the 3 ships at topic.


Miracle was supposed to:

Leave NYC on at 5pm Sunday Oct 21,

2 days at sea Mon Oct 22 and Tues Oct 23,

San Juan Weds Oct 24,

St. Thomas Thurs Oct 25,

Fri Grand Turk Oct 26,

2 days at sea Sat Oct 27 and Sun Oct 28,

get back to NYC 9am on Mon Oct 29.


We did come back a day early and reached New York at 9am on Saturday and therefore could not spend the night in the port because 1. we didn't find out we were arriving a day early until 4pm Saturday night (less than a day before) and 2. because the ports were closing they pushed the Miracle cruise, departing the same day we were scheduled to come back (Monday October 29) up one day which subsequently added one day, which Carnival is paying for any parking and gratuities. So those passengers get a longer cruise, don't have to pay extra for anything and all they had done were port of call adjustments. They hurried us off the boat at 9am sharp and crew had already begun scrapping the salt residue off the balcony hand rails. So it was a giant slap in the face, it was like our cruise gave a whole day away to the other cruise.

It took us 2 days to get from New York City which much further north than Baltimore and Virginia, and we arrived in San Juan (which is much more south east than Grand Turk) on the third day at 3:00pm. There wasn't much to do, most of the excursions were in the late morning/early afternoon. We had 6 and a half hours in one place, perhaps that came into play. How long did the other 2 ships have to spend at sea before reaching their port, how much time did the others get to spend in their port of call and what time of day did they get there?

We also had (as far as I'm concerned) the stupidest captain ever. We found out that the tropical storm turned into a hurricane our first full day at sea. There was no talk to diverting our ship once during the cruise, they didn't even make an effort. Tuesday was our first indication that there was unsettled weather, the boat rolled and pitched most of the day but calmed down in the night as we moved east away from the storm. We were told at 930pm on Weds Oct 24 that we would have to turn around and go home, and we would be at sea for the next 5 days. The captain was going around the hurricane, way east to around Bermuda, he would then swing west in front of the hurricane to get us back to New York. Thurs Oct 25 was a bad day, high winds, over cast but we were going 25-30 knots, which made the ride bumpy but just a little worse than Tuesday. Thursday night all hell broke loose, the ship was pitched to the right most of the night and we had 20 foot waves and 10-15 foot swells. The wind was howling and it was impossible to open the door to my balcony. This is when we slowed to about 17-20 knots but there were points we were doing 25. Twice a day we would get an announcement from the captain about the weather, and our progress through it and how far we were from home. Not once did we ever get an answer as to when we would be getting to New York. By Friday we seemed to be out of the worst of it, but everyone had cabin fever and just wanted to get off the boat. We got an announcement at 9am Friday that we were 480 nautical miles from new york, we were going 17-20 knots and this is when I started to get really ticked. I did the math and given our speed and distance left to cover, as of Friday morning we should have been home in 27 hours, putting us in New York on Saturday morning. Even if we dropped to 15 knots we still would have made it by saturday night. But I just had this feeling from the second we found out it was going to take 5 days to get back home they were milking it. Trying to drag the time home out as much as they could so they wouldnt have to give us any actual refund. We spent 141 hours suck on a boat, thats about 6 days all together. 4 of those days were rain, wind, and crap. I was understanding until we couldn't seem to get answers to our questions. I told the cruise director my math equation and politely asked when we were getting home and if there was a factor preventing us from knowing, he then took out a picture of the hurricane and said "see this biiiiig hurricane? we have to go allllll the way around it" in the most condescending, patronizing voice, he spoke to me like I was a child asking him the same question for the 100th time. So thats about when I lost it, 2+2 doesnt equal 5 days at sea. We got a 50% off credit when, from what I've read others dont get anything for worse things happening, because their idiots! All we wanted were answers, all we got were twice daily announcements about how fast we were going, how far we were from getting there, our longitude and latitude, the depth of the ocean, the temp of the ocean (cus we were really going swimming in it or something) useless info which lead to anger, frustration, agitation and a bummer feeling all over the ship.

At the end of the day, I payed for 100% of a cruise and got 37% of it, because carnival doesnt seem to want to part with their money (i dont either and they have more of it than me...) I get to take another crummy cruise at half price. And we have no proof that we get 50% off, no discount code, didn't get an email, no phone call. So as far as I know until someone gets this discount in their hot little hands, dont put too much stock into it. Lets say of all 3 ships there were 3000 people who are pissed and wont sail carnival again. If they tell 2 people how much they hate it and dont recommend it, and they tell 2 people, and they tell 2 people, ect. Eventually some damage is going to be done. Dont sit around here wasting your time fighting with each other, talk to someone who can do something. We're the customer, and at the moment they may not think we're right, but in time they will see the hard way that we are.

Another thing our captain managed to talk to abc news live from the boat while sailing us through a hurricane. Yeah awesome priorities, you would think Carnival has a spoksperson for that.....



Well, even reading your account, I would have *gladly* gotten on the ship in your place, and you could have missed your cruise, like me. I don't care about the ports, and I anticipate that, during hurricane season, we might have some rocky weather.



So, it just goes to show that people's preferences vary, and there is no way they can please everyone.

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My wife and I were originally scheduled to leave from Norfolk Va on Sunday 10/28 aboard the Carnival Glory. We left our home in Richmond on Saturday with the intention of staying the night in Va Beach Saturday night, and boarding the ship Sunday. After driving an hour and a half to Va Beach and almost making it to our hotel we received word via text alert that the Glory sailing was being canceled. We continued ahead to the hotel to weigh our options. Upon arrival we checked around and found that the Carnival Pride was still scheduled to leave out of Baltimore on Sunday, we were able to book a room on the Pride. So we back-tracked, and drove another 4 hours or so to Baltimore, stayed overnight, woke up the next day to find that the Pride was still scheduled for departure. Excited, we made our way to the port to find that we didn't have a room assignment yet and still weren't guaranteed one. After about an hour, they assigned us a room and gave us the option of taking our own luggage on board, which we did. We made it to our room and began unpacking only to have the Cruise Director notify everyone over the intercom that the Coast Guard would not allow us to leave the Chesapeake Bay, with no estimate as to when they would lift that "ban". Considering the circumstances, the cruise was being canceled. Fortunately we were able to leave the ship almost immediately since we had all of our luggage with us; many others I'm sure had to wait to have the luggage situation sorted out. All in all this was probably a blessing as the cruise may have been rather rocky the first few days. We are now scheduled for the the Pride out of Baltimore again this Sunday, 11/4. Carnival is allowing a discount of 25% off this cruise due to the 10/28 Pride cancellation. However, because our rate on the 11/4 sailing is higher (still an inner-stateroom), we will still have to come out of pocket about $100 more even after the 25% discount. In your expert opinions, should we contact Carnival to request a deeper discount or maybe shipboard credit. I understand this wasn't Carnival's fault, but it wasn't our fault either. I would think at the very least we shouldn't have to pay any more than we were originally planning to spend...but it sure would be nice to have that bigger discount considering our difficult weekend (along with $80 in gas and a $160 hotel stay). Sorry for the long post, I would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions. Thanks.


Junior, the cruise is more expensive for many reasons ... a cruise is not a cruise, is not a cruise...


Carnival doesn't have to give us any thing above and beyond the money we gave them (I was on the 10/28 Pride). It is a courtesy. Take it, enjoy your cruise and have fun.

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Brenna's Mom, please don't tell me you're "giggling" about the situation. It was a very disappointing weekend for 4,000+ people, some of whom have come here to vent and look for some suggestions and advice. To answer your question, apparently Carnival felt a 25% discount would be fair...so my question was whether I should come out of pocket more for the same cruise 1 week later even after that 25% discount. Your sarcastic opinion has been noted, I'd like to hear from others as well.

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We are now scheduled for the the Pride out of Baltimore again this Sunday, 11/4. Carnival is allowing a discount of 25% off this cruise due to the 10/28 Pride cancellation. However, because our rate on the 11/4 sailing is higher (still an inner-stateroom), we will still have to come out of pocket about $100 more even after the 25% discount. In your expert opinions, should we contact Carnival to request a deeper discount or maybe shipboard credit. I understand this wasn't Carnival's fault, but it wasn't our fault either. I would think at the very least we shouldn't have to pay any more than we were originally planning to spend...but it sure would be nice to have that bigger discount considering our difficult weekend (along with $80 in gas and a $160 hotel stay)

With regards to the hotel stay and gas money that came out of your pocket, if you had trip insurance, that may be reimbursable. With regards to Carnival giving you a higher discount, no, I don't think that they should increase the discount. They are giving you a 25% discount towards a future cruise....it is your decision to redeem that discount on a cruise that currently has a higher rate than the one you were originally booked on. They are not twisting your arm to use the discount right away. You have a plethora of cruise choices to utilize your discount on.

If you're still going out on the Pride this Sunday, why not see if they will do something for you on the 2 day cruise to nowhere that is going out on Friday? Insides with taxes are 145+ change pp and military rates are 125 pp. Good luck with your decision.

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Thanks WhansMi, how long did it take you guys to get your luggage and and deboard?...I felt so sorry for those people who couldn't just get right off. It was such a disappointing weekend for everyone.


We got off a little before five. It was okay. We went to the Taj Mahal first, then right outside Starry Nights and then the piano across from Starry nights. We talked to people. Saw people coming downstairs with food, ran upstairs to the grill and got food for DH and I, taught the piano player a few songs, read, and just hung out.


They called decks five and six about 4:40. We were in our car about five.

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I'm sure we all had an unpleasant experience because of this hurricane, I'm not sure what it was like on the other 2 ships but I just feel like we got the short end of the 3 ships at topic.


It took us 2 days to get from New York City which much further north than Baltimore and Virginia, and we arrived in San Juan (which is much more south east than Grand Turk) on the third day at 3:00pm. There wasn't much to do, most of the excursions were in the late morning/early afternoon. We had 6 and a half hours in one place, perhaps that came into play. How long did the other 2 ships have to spend at sea before reaching their port, how much time did the others get to spend in their port of call and what time of day did they get there?

Nikki....first of all, I am inferring from reading your post that you think that the ports are the most important thing on a cruise, when in fact, the ship is also part of the experience, and for many more experienced cruisers, is more important than the ports themselves. A prime example would be the Oasis and Allure of the Seas, which is certainly more of a destination than the boring ports they visit.

If you were so upset that it took you two days to cruise from NYC to your first port of call, then why did you not book a cruise out of San Juan, where you visit as many as 5 ports with only 1 sea day over the course of a week?


You had a terrible time because of weather....something that is not Carnival's fault and you feel slighted because they are only giving you a 50% discount? You rolled the dice picking the cruise that you did because of the time of year and the fact that it took two days to get to your first port. These were decisions that YOU made. You rolled the dice with regards to the possibility of bad weather and you lost. You decided to cruise out of NYC and you are complaining that it took 2 days to get to San Juan. I assume that you did not want to fly and that is why you decided to cruise out of NYC because you could drive there from Toronto, but you can't have it both ways. If you want a more port intensive cruise, then you have to fly south and San Juan would be your best option. If you cruise out of NYC, it's going to take you 2 days to reach your destination, unless you're going to Canada.


If you decide to cash in your 50% voucher, pick a cruise out of San Juan that gives you 5 ports to visit and cruise during April or May, which are the safest months weather-wise.

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Didn't you get prior notice of cancellation and I am sure your trip insurance will reimburse you for an pre-paid hotels or flights. Now do you want something for nothing on top of that?

i didn't have trip insurance, and no i want something for SOMETHING i HAVE spent!!!!

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Brenna's Mom, please don't tell me you're "giggling" about the situation. It was a very disappointing weekend for 4,000+ people, some of whom have come here to vent and look for some suggestions and advice. To answer your question, apparently Carnival felt a 25% discount would be fair...so my question was whether I should come out of pocket more for the same cruise 1 week later even after that 25% discount. Your sarcastic opinion has been noted, I'd like to hear from others as well.

I agree, it was very disappointing. Carnival offered PRIDE passangers refund plus 25% off why not Glory passangers?

cancellation did not come out till late evening on 10/27, by the time out of state people must have travelled to departing port. We paid for travel, stay and food as well. Why Glory passangers are treated as second class citizens?

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