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My Ecstasy Trip Nov 1 to Nov 5


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Thought I’d give you guys a quick trip report for our cruise on the Ecstasy. I’m embarrassed to say we had tons of camera issues (one that would turn off after you turned it on, and the other one LOST). I booked this cruise to celebrate my 40th birthday, and it was originally supposed to be for just my family of 4- my husband, me, my 12 year old daughter, and my 8 year old son. We’ve done our last 2 cruises with groups, so we just wanted to see how much nicer it would be with just the 4 of us. My husband is active duty military and the worse case scenario happened. He got deployed to Afghanistan and left on the 1st like we did. So at the last minute (well, 3 weeks before sailing) we booked my inlaws to go with us to help out with the kids. Not that they needed helping, but it was nice to have other adults to help out!


So we ended up driving over to Port Canaveral from Tampa around 8 in the morning. It was a pretty easy drive and we were there by 10. We pulled right up, unloaded, then parked the car ($75 ) and we walked over to check in. They did open each of our drink carryons and shook practically every water bottle. We figured they didn’t do it to everyone, but being we were there so early it gave them something to do.

We went up the stairs and literally no one was there at check in. The whole check in process took 5 minutes at the most. We were shown to some seats and told the ship will probably open within the ½ hour.

The nice lady working the waiting area said there were 4 weddings for our sailing. Interestingly enough, she said if the wedding is done on embarkation day, it’s official. But if it’s done at sea by the captain it’s not. And if you chose to get married in another country, you have to wait 6 months, then go to the justice of the peace when you get home and redo your vows in front of him for it to be legal. Not sure if she’s correct on all that, but it made for an interesting story.

We walked on right at 11, and went straight up to the Lido. After we ate, my daughter and I went to the Excursions desk because we had bought a cabana, and through email I had reserved #10. I know they’ve since stopped doing them, but sure enough we had #10. What did surprise me was there was no priority tendering. The nice lady said “we don’t do that anymore”. Oh well. We’re on vacation, right?

Once our rooms we ready we went to them. We were on 7 (E216) and my inlaws were on 6 (U195). This was the first time we have ever booked inside rooms and I didn’t think it was horrible. They had this little indentation where the window would usually be, and it became the running joke because my kids would hear something, then rush to the window to look out. I thought it was too funny.


When we got to the room, my husband had sent me roses which were beautiful. We spotted our bags in the lobby and just grabbed them. So we unpacked and then set out to find the coffee shop to get our bottomless bubble stickers (my mom had bought those for us). Then after heading to my inlaws room, we went to Muster Drill. The other cruises we did, we just reported to our station. But for this ship, we had to go to one of the show lounges. Then waited 30 minutes for everyone to show up. Then they walked us out to the muster station and let us go when everyone was in their spots. No computerized message, no safety warnings. Nothing.

The girls headed to the shopping show, and the boys, well they wanted to play their video games. Suits me fine I guess.


We met up for the early seating for dinner. I didn’t write down what all was on the menu, or take pictures of what we ordered. Only once or twice we thought the food was just warm, but I like my food HOT, but it’s not like it ruined our vacation or anything.

My mother in law wanted to take the kids to bingo, but I was concerned you had to be of age to play. And since my kids were starting to get grumpy, so we went to bed early (like around 9:30) She ended up going, and there were people there who bought cards for their little ones!

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Friday – Nassau


We ended up waking up around 8 and heading to the Lido deck for breakfast. My inlaws are VERY early risers, so they were up, fed, and scoping out the situation before we were thinking of waking up. We ate breakfast then went to their room to wait on the message that we’d get to get off the boat. We didn’t have anything in particular planned. I did print out the walking tour from scubagirl (from the Nassau board) to do. My mother in law had no qualms about voicing her opinion on the walking issue, so we ended up grabbing one of the taxi drivers offering island tours for $20. We had this nice guide named George. He took us all over and it was a very nice tour. It was done after about 3 hours, although I could have stopped with the 30 minute stop at Atlantis. The stop happened at lunch time and my kids were about done and ready to eat. Yet there was no where we could buy food there, except to hike about 10 minutes to the restaurants there. So I just let them consume every snack I had in my bag. That held them over until lunch.


We asked George to drop us off at the Hard Rock, and we had lunch there. After lunch was over, the boys had no want to go shopping while we had some jewelry coupons to use!!! We went between the different shops, just amazed how one ring they were advertising as “BRILLIANT” in the shopping show was $10,124!!! I handed it back and told the nice person I could buy a car for that, so no thanks. He gave me the weirdest look. My mother in law was looking at a watch that was $60 cheaper at the last store. The lady said “What’s $60??” She said “$60 is my light bill!!” I think we’re just too realistic to be spending money like that.


We went back to the boat to find my son back on the slides. I let my daughter change into her swimsuit and I took over my father in laws spot while he headed back to the room. I let them play until right before 6. We didn’t bring anything formal, so we ate on the Lido. We don’t mind their food, so it was no big deal to us.

Again, my kids were getting tired, so it was off to bed for us. We also wanted to be up early for Half Moon Cay!


I'll put a little more together after I get back from work...


Have a great day!


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I totally agree with you about the muster on the Ecstacy! We were on there in July and we reported to the lounge (hurried to suck down the drinks we had just bought bc they wouldnt let us take them in), then we stood there for 40 minutes or so because ppl were still walking in and they kept making announcements for everyone to be quiet but they werent giving any instructions or anything just asking everyone to be quiet and listen for instructions. Good thing we had just sucked down our drinks of the day, and were cheerful because it was aggravating that they kept waiting for people who couldnt manage to get there on time despite all the announcements!

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Welcome back!!! Great review so far.


It's interesting that you had a different muster experience. We met in the lounge, had the safety briefing there and then were led to the embarkation deck of our life boats for another 5 minute or so speech.


Look forward to more of your review.

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Thanks for the review, do they still priority tender for HMC on the ecstasy for VIFP and FTTF people?


I can answer this one (great review so far by the way). We were also onboard. We went to the Guest Services desk for priority tender for Platinum VIFP status an the gentleman at the desk tried to tell us that it wasn't applicable because this port didn't require "tender tickets"....well having been at that particular port in April, I gently pushed back a bit--priority tender doesn't have any exclusions that I knew of.


By that time a second couple had shown (also members here at CC) and after several minutes, another person was brought to escort us all down via elevator to the front of the line.


Short answer. Yes. :D

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I can answer this one (great review so far by the way). We were also onboard. We went to the Guest Services desk for priority tender for Platinum VIFP status an the gentleman at the desk tried to tell us that it wasn't applicable because this port didn't require "tender tickets"....well having been at that particular port in April, I gently pushed back a bit--priority tender doesn't have any exclusions that I knew of.


By that time a second couple had shown (also members here at CC) and after several minutes, another person was brought to escort us all down via elevator to the front of the line.


Short answer. Yes. :D


Thanks! I will be sure to use the same line next time!

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Looking forward to the rest of your review - and please extend a HUGE thank you to your husband for his service, and to your family for supporting him. My baby brother comes home from Afghanistan soon, we're actually taking a cruise to celebrate!

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Thanks for the review, do they still priority tender for HMC on the ecstasy for VIFP and FTTF people?


Nope. I thought we'd get priority tendering, but the lady at the excursions desk said they don't do that anymore.


We didn't buy the FTTF, so I'm not so sure about that...


Hope this helps!


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Saturday- Half Moon Cay


I keep reading about people ranting and raving about how awesome it is. We live in Florida and head out to the beaches occasionally, so I wasn’t that enthused about a beach. The sand there felt so fine it was like baby powder! Hardly any rocks, water crystal clear, it was awesome. We had such a good time there. We took the truck thing to our cabana, but the walkway to the cabana had fallen trees and what not blocking the path. Looks like they didn’t quite clean up after Sandy. No biggie. We tried to move some of the trees (although some were pretty heavy) so at least you could go around instead of step over them.


The highlight of our whole cruise happened there. My daughter had her snorkel gear on and was intent on finding something. Our neighbors in #9 found conch shells so she was determined to find something. She comes up with a Carnival plate. Those plastic ones like on the Lido deck?? They’re also cream color so it blended in with the bottom. I started to get mad of why someone would litter like that when it’s just so beautiful there, and it had like this growth thing on it. She said “Mom, I think it’s a barnacle or something”. I take the plate from her and it was an octopus!!! No joke. It was curled in a little ball about the size of a 50 cent piece. When it started to move I totally freaked out and dropped the plate, which was floating….. After everyone got a good look at it, we asked our neighbors from #9 to take it out farther so he/she wouldn’t be disturbed. So that plate had now become habitat.


The only disappointing thing was the guy who took us out there said we could sit on these benches (set up to look like bus stops) and we could catch a ride back to where the tenders were. After about 10 minutes we gave up and walked back. My inlaws went back about an hour before we did, and did the same thing. But right as they got to the next stop, one came along and they jumped on then.


That night was the Hasbro the Game show at 8:30. My kids LOVE Family Game Night on TV, so this was a must for us. They wanted to be early, and sit in the front row. My daughter ended up being picked to be on one of the teams, and my son was devastated. Brent (the cruise director), said “nope, this one is for the big kids” and he just was so sad. It just stinks being 8. I think he would have been fine if it was ALL adults, but to have your sister get picked and not you just was the icing on the cake for him.

Her team didn’t win, but she did get a Connect 4 travel game. Bingo was right after, so they stayed with Grandma to do bingo while I deposited $20 in the casino never to be seen again.


I went back to the room to start packing some of the dirty clothes and such, and they followed soon after.

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Sunday- the Sea Day


I had all intentions of sleeping in. The CD mentioned 4 times over “Remember to turn your clocks back an hour before you go to sleep” We told her (grandma) we were going to set the alarm for 8 (thinking we’d be sleeping in until 9), and at 7 she comes marching down the hall banging on our door. I laid there thinking maybe if we didn’t answer , she’d go away? NOPE. Bang bang. I answered the door, and she gave me this embarrassing hat she made and told me I had to wear it. Now I’m usually the instigator on birthdays, so I knew I had some ribbing coming my way since it was my 40th birthday. She said “READ IT” I couldn’t. It was blurry. I figured it was because I was still asleep somehow and not fully awake yet.


We went to breakfast in the main dining room and I couldn’t read the menu. It was really creepy. I could hold it out really far (like I’ve seen some of my family do who need glasses) and I could read it but only for a few seconds and it would go blurry again. I really had no idea what it was.


I let the kids play on the slides until lunch and sat on a lounge chair. It was my intention to read some magazines I brought with me that I haven’t had time for, but I couldn’t read them. I’d try and focus on them then I’d get a headache. I was more disgusted with myself because here I’m thinking of where in the next week am I going to be able to make a dr’s appointment?? My inlaws made all the jokes about my body falling apart as I got old…. Ha ha ha. But so far, I was sitting on a boat in nice weather with absolutely nothing to do. That’s awesome.


Lunch was in the main dining room again since we had the free drink coupons from the VIFP flier. We spent the afternoon hitting the jewelry shows. Playing cards on the Lido deck, then dinner in the main dining room. And of course my mother in law had them singing Happy Birthday and the waiters put this bow made out of the napkin on my head. My kids thought that was hilarious.


My kids wanted to see the second showing of Hasbro the game show, but it started at 7, and dinner wasn’t done until 7:30. But at least they got to see one of them…

Then it was back in the room for the impossible task of packing it all up again.

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Monday morning


We had zone 9, so we headed up to the Lido to eat breakfast and wait for our number to be called. We were off the boat by 9 and to the car. Our bags were all there, and going through customs was pretty smooth. I don’t think we waited longer than 30 seconds in any given spot once off the ship. It truly is THE most depressing day I think. But since we have one planned for June, it seemed a little better. We were in our driveway at 12:30 after dropping my inlaws off at Tampa’s airport for their flight out.


Overall, I was prepared going into this because everyone kept saying the Ecstasy was an older ship. To me, I didn’t really notice anything to say “Oooohh, it’s old so that’s OK” The slide area was awesome for the kids, and we really liked Hasbro the game show. We found that this ship was easier to figure out as we didn’t seem to get lost as much as we did on other ships. We really liked it, and I’d go again. I guess that makes me a Carnival cheerleader?


Came home and checked out the internet… turns out one of the major side effects of the scopolamine patches is blurry vision. I could see just fine, it’s just when I tried to read my phone screen, or a book or menu it was blurry. And I had put a new one on Saturday night, which might explain the blurriness on Sunday. I hurried up and took it off, and by Tuesday morning my vision was back to normal. I’ve used them for all of my cruises so far, and this was the first time I’ve ever had a side effect. I’m thinking I may stick with plain old Dramamine for our next cruise.


We were also pleasantly surprised because we’ve always done week long cruises, and we were told the shorter cruises were nothing but party boats. We had no drunks staggering down the hallways or college kids taking up space. It was quite the opposite. Lots of wedding parties and LOTS of birthdays. One of the cool things was there was a handicapped girl next to us while we were playing cards in the Lido buffet. Apparently, she was also turning 40 on the same day I was!!! I asked her mom when she was born, and she was officially 7 hours older than me. Then she wanted her picture taken with me! 2 Birthday girls turning the same age….


I’ll be glad to answer any questions. I brought the Fun Times home with me if anyone needs those. Being my camera wouldn’t stay on, and my mother in law lost hers, we really only have the pictures we bought. But it’s just the same as we’ve been to Nassau before. I did get a picture of my daughter on stage at the Hasbro game show, but I doubt y’all would want to see that.

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Did I miss where you got yourself checked out? It could be anything from high blood sugar to a brain tumor.


Glad you had a good cruise. Finding an octopus is exciting!



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Awe, thanks for your concern. I was going to go if it didn't get better, but by the next morning after I took of the patch my vision was back to normal. The paperwork with the patches says to stop wearing the patch if you have that side effect. It was so smart of me to leave those instructions on the bathroom counter at home!!


So I'm just chalking it up to the patch :-)


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Great review! Would love to see the fun times!


Send me your email. I'm pretty swamped tomorrow with kids baseball games And work, but if you email me at Shawn and joe (all one word no spaces) at gmail dot com. I'll be glad to scan them and email them to you. Just put fun times or something in your title so when I go through the junk mail ill know not to delete them


I'll get to them before the weekend is over for sure. Between Thursday and Saturday, my 2 kids have 4 baseball/ softball games!!!




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