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SUMMIT 1-28-05 CANCELED????????


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Why do you say they have a significant amount of your cash? Did you pay them cash or have you paid off your credit card for the deposit? You couldn't have made full payment this far in advance. That would be a very foolish thing to do. If not, book another cruise, call your credit card company and explain that you have canceled this cruise and will be getting a refund so you don't have to make the rest of the payments. They are usually very good if you give them an explanation. I can't imagine that you would take this cruise now with all the aggravation you seem to have had, so just cancel and you'll have your refund right away.

Isn't it possible to put a deposit on another cruise and cancel whichever one you wish when things are worked out.? This just doesn't make any sense.

Obviously you'll have to wait until they decide what they are doing and if you don't want to, then cancel. All the second guessing does no good at all. Be proactive if possible.
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I have put deposits down (not on a credit card) for 14 people. So when I say they have a signifcant amount of my cash I mean thousands of dollars out of my pocket. To be honest it is up in the air if I will cruise with them or not.

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BB5953 - This is a perfect example why you should never pay cash for a cruise. The credit card is the way to go and credit card companies will always work with you. I have had numerous experiences with my card company (theft in Europe, bankruptcy of cruise line, ship blowing up at beginning of cruise, etc.) and my credit card company handled everything every time. Wouldn't leave home without them.
By the way Phila. is my home town - born and bred. Grew up in Oxford Circle.
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I am in Wayne (not that far away! Lesson learned about the credit card thing but I never would have expected X to pull something like this.

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What do you mean by "pulled something like this"? The cruise is almost a year away. It's always possible that there could be changes that far ahead. Are you enjoying being miserable? If you don't want to wait, just cancel. You need to move on or wait for an answer. You have plenty of options this far in advance.

I hope this is the worst thing that ever happens in your life because I can't imagine how you would possibly handle a real problem.

Have them substitute a credit card for your cash and ask for your cash back if you want to keep your reservations in place...they won't mind. Then make some back up plans.

Did you use a travel agent? Can't he help you? I am just amazed that you are still complaining and not doing anything about this. It's not as if this is all happening next month.
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Ma Bell, are you on this cruise. If you are then you can understand how some people feel about credit card deposits being held and airline tickets that have to be cancelled and caregivers that have to be cancelled, etc. When plans are made, you must face possiblities that they could be unmade if you are told to do so, but if this is your first choice, then that is harder. If you are not on this cruise, you should move on. Don't get into people's heads.

RCCI Song of Norway 1982
RCCI Viking 1991
Princess Crown 12/93
Galaxy 11/98
Princess Crown 12/00
Summit 1/03
Summit 1/04
Tahitian Princess 1/12/05

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Ma Bell - I am not even sure you are booked on this cruise, so don't know why these posts interest and irritate you so much. The cruise may be 8 months off, but we made the plans a year in advance for several reasons. We are part of a large group and had to schedule vacations accordingly. We also know the ship very well and scheduled in advance to get the cabins we wanted. We booked airfare ahead of time because we were concerned about the rising cost of fuel and the probability that airfare would rise. Even witih all of the above, we still would NOT BE SO IRRITATED if someone could get a straight answer out of Celebrity. Our family alone has made 10+ calls to Customer Service, and have gotten a variety of answers. We would just like them to be straight with us so we can adjust our plans accordingly. It is not fair to leave everyone up in the air. We do have a very reliable travel agent, but she has not been able to get any reliable info from Celebrity either, which I think others can attest to with their TAs. I think we have a right to be aggravated. You can agree or not, and maybe you wouldn't be so critical if you were in this situation.
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My May 25 cruise on Infinity was just canceled as were others that I've been on. I'm trying to give this person suggestions that work. She obviously needs some help. I've had to do this on a number of occasions. What is your point? Do you have any positive suggestions for her? She could use some help. If you don't like my advice perhaps you could provide something better. I guess your M.O. would be to just sit and complain rather than trying to solve your problem.

She doesn't have to take my advice, but it may actually help her. Just trying to show her a way to keep the plans she has but give herself an option so she's not stuck without a plan. It seems to be very important to her.

By the way, it took about two weeks after I first heard about the possibility that our cruise might be canceled before I got the word from Celebrity. I made one call and they didn't know what they were doing yet. My travel agent made a call and they told her they would let her know when they knew for sure what they were going to do. I made back up plans and just waited for them to call. They did and the cruise was canceled. Having just gone through this myself, I was trying to let you know that it's better to be proactive and have a backup plan than to just complain.

I book early too for the same reasons you do, but I'm aware of the penalties I may face for booking air too early and try to limit my risk. As I said there is a way for her to keep the plans you have and get a backup plan as well. Your travel agent should help you with this.

I won't comment any more.

[This message was edited by Ma Bell on 05-13-04 at 09:38 PM.]
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Ma Bell
I think what is meant by "pulled something like this" is refusing to tell those booked on the cruise what is happening.

Obviously there is something up with this cruise and someone at Celebrity knows what it is. I think people that have booked far in advance do so often because they are people who need to arrange their vacations in advance i.e. they do not have the luxury of being retired or at loose ends so they can just wake up one morning and say "hey think I'll cruise next week" but have to book time off or make other arrangements (like planning a wedding) well in advance.
In my experience cruise lines are always trying to encourage people to book early. Then a situation like this arises, and they decide just to leave their customers twisting in the wind.
In my book that qualifies as 'pulling something'.
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I would think a person's wedding plans would be important.

I always thought that a simplified wedding would be to have family and close friends go off on a cruise. But to not know if you have to reorganize the plans of 30 guests would be overwhelming!
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Hi Ma Bell!
One of the problems with these cruises being "Redlined" is no money is going in or out right now. It's in "Cruise Limbo!" I have a $50.00 coupon I got in the mail after my cruise was redlined (March 21), and nothing can be done with it right now. If BB cancels, she can't get her money until they free evrything up. If she would have used a credit card, she could have had the CC company fight to get her money out, but alas, she didn't...lesson learned the hard way.

Not everyone is a verteran cruiser that knows the ins and outs, so she's getting a hard lesson learned.

Hi Jerseygirl!
I didn't talk to the head of the Revenue Dept., my TA did. She's the one that told me NO cruises have been cancelled. What was meant that Celebrity didn't know if they'd have to cancel the cruise of the 28th yet is that they're waiting to hear just how long the drydock will have to be. They don't want to lose the revenue for the 28th, so they're trying to plan to get everything done in a time frame where they won't have to cancel the 28th. If I remember right, when the Infinity was drydocked over a year ago for mechanical problems, and painting, it only took a couple of weeks, so I bet the Summit will be out of drydock by the 28th. The paintjob was kinda shoddy, but they worked on touching it up while the ship was back out to sea on it's first cruise. It can be done!!

Like MaBell has said, there's still lots of time to play with. That's why Celebrity tries to get these things scheduled this far in advance. If you have the means to put another ship on hold, do it....I did. It gives me an out if the Summit should fall through, and in our case, we're bringing our teen with us, and we wanted a bigger room, so we have to book early if we want this. Right now I have 2 reservations, and once I know something, and I feel secure with Celebrity's decision (IF the Summit is sailing on the 21st of March), then I'll cancel one. Both cruises are fantastic, so I'll be happy with either. I figure I have lots of time now!! I'm a proactive person...I like the ball in MY court!!

Good Luck BB!

Take Care,

Until We're on the Summit or Sun Princess
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I'm not retired and twisting in the wind. I own a commercial development company and have lots of problems to solve every day. If you make plans now you'll have time to take care of changes that need to be made. Why not give yourselves a backup plan?
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Ma Bell,
I too am not retired. I too own and run a business for the last 30 years. I too have made alternate plans, ie did not cancel the Summit but booked the Tahitian Pincess. I too have left myself a way out, but unlike some, I do not get into peoples heads. We know our options and I am sure each of us has played this cruise over and over again in our heads...we just don't need anymore company in there.

RCCI Song of Norway 1982
RCCI Viking 1991
Princess Crown 12/93
Galaxy 11/98
Princess Crown 12/00
Summit 1/03
Summit 1/04
Tahitian Princess 1/12/05

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Just exactly what does "getting into peoples heads" mean? If I didn't want any help or opinions, I sure wouldn't be posting on a message board.

When people are obviously having problems they seem to be asking for help in solving them. I'm just giving straight up suggestions as to some possibilities they might want to consider. What could having a back up plan possibly hurt?
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Having followed this thread throughout its inception I'm feeling a bit more [B]enlightened[/B] to some things anyway: 1) Celebrity CS is in dire need of a "major" overhaul. I got the same run-around from their CS department concerning the [B]reasons[/B] we (Horizon-4/12/04 Repo cruise) had to miss St. Marteen and cut Cozumel down to essentially 4 hours. 2) These boards are [B]not always[/B] used just for informational reasons only. Sometimes people just want to "vent"--I've seen it many times in the short amount of time I've been on these boards. Nothing wrong with that either-especially if it helps them.

Ma Bell--reading through this thread you've given good advise [B]several[/B]
times.I got the feeling however you were getting a bit irritated at some people that were just "venting". I personally would have given the suggestions you did and sit back and see what they decided to do. It seems now that some people have taken offense because you "kept at it" and in a way demeaned them (I won't bother quoting some of the statements you made) by some of things you said and/or implyed. I would take your own advice and "comment no more" and let these people sort it out on their own. Don't get drawn into a heated discussion that may end up ugly and this thread being closed by "Uncle Walt"- [img]http://messages.cruisecritic.com/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img] I've read many of your posts and most are very informative with good advice--I'm afraid however on this thread you've done all you can do. The ball is in their court now. Happy Cruising--John
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I agree. You are absolutely right. I usually don't repeat myself. This venting has been going on not only on this thread, but others and the message that I and others were trying to give so she could possibly solve her problem just didn't seem to get through. After everyone tells you how sorry they are, it's either time to stop complaining or do something about it. I definitely pursued this too far and for that I am truly sorry.

[This message was edited by Ma Bell on 05-14-04 at 01:35 AM.]

[This message was edited by Ma Bell on 05-14-04 at 01:40 AM.]
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Ma Bell,
You are a lady. Thank you for understanding where we all are.

RCCI Song of Norway 1982
RCCI Viking 1991
Princess Crown 12/93
Galaxy 11/98
Princess Crown 12/00
Summit 1/03
Summit 1/04
Tahitian Princess 1/12/05

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Good Grief!! BB5953 isn't even on this cruise!! I'm sure when Celebrity decides what's going on they will inform you or your TA. I don't believe for a moment that Celebrity is dishonest. And, I cannot see how BB5953 will ever have a good cruise experience on Celebrity. I'm sure once she is on board there will be plenty to complain about, especially with the added aniexty of her wedding.

Just because Celebrity posted these cruises a year out does not mean they can't change them or cancel them. This is a business decision for Celebrity and believe me I'm sure they aren't intentionally doing this to lose money or customers.

I'm not retired either. I work full time and put in a lot of hours. I book far in advance because of the pricing and in the case of our cruise on March 11, 2005, the onboard credit.

Ma Bell -- I enjoy your comments and I can see how frustrating it is when you try to help others with suggestions but they don't seem to appreciate it. Life is too short.

John -- please don't tell people when to comment or not to comment. Ma Bell never "demeaned" any poster. She was trying to give constructive advice based on her own experiences. I'm not on this cruise either but I will comment as I see fit.

Again, for all of you on this cruise -- I'm sorry for your anxiety about this cruise. Some of you have made alternative plans, which is what I would have done. And, we all now know that Celebrity's Customer Service Dept. needs help -- that subject has been beaten to death.

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LMkohler - this post has people sailing on all different Summit itineraries not just 1/28. I in fact have had many X cruises that I liked very much - I'm not sure where you go the impression that I didn't like my on board experience or wouldn't in the future but you are inaccurate.

Ma Bell - As stated before (a few times) there are no other 10 days cruises going out of Miami or Ft. Lauderdale after my wedding and before 4/11-4/12 when we need to be back in FL. So again I will repeat there is no back up plan to make yet. If they cancel I get the money back and can book a land vacation which of course I am looking into.

Let me just say I understand where Ma Bell and LMKohler come from. They are 2 people who like many others believe that whatever X does it is okay and the fact people have a problem with it they cannot fathom. It is unfortunate but I understand b/c I was like them at one time. X is wrong - they have angered many people (I would venture to say most) on the cruises throughout January, March and April. We are angry have every right to be and if you don't like it then don't read the threads. I am sorry if that sounds mean but it is just how it is.

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One thing I forgot to answer.

When I said "pulled this" I was referring to X's inability to be honest with customers. Can anyone really argue that they are honest?

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BB5953 -- your statement is also "inaccurate". Ma Bell has been through this before and she can speak for herself.

I do not and never have been of the opinion that Celebrity can do no wrong -- but I'm a positive person and try to figure out the most positive approach to a situation.

If there are no other 10 cruises out of Miami or Ft. Lauderdale -- why not go on a 7 day?
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You have no idea what I think. You have every right to be angry if that's what you want to be. I'm very much aware that Celebrity makes mistakes, most of us are. I just don't happen to think it's a plot to alienate their customers. I also prefer to approach problems with a positive attitude...it makes them much easier to solve.

If honesty is so important to you perhaps you could tell me why you say you have had many X cruises that you enjoyed, when in one of your earlier posts you said you've only been on one X cruise...Galaxy. Which is it?
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We don't want a 7 day cruise - this is our honeymoon and we won't settle. I am not that mad that X has schedule changes, maintentance problems or whatever they may be. The general concensous is everyone is upset with the lies. Things happen, it would be easier to make adjuctments if we recevied honest answers as to what is going on. As for my statement being inaccurate about Ma Bell - I never said she hadn't been through this before so I don't know what was inaccurate. I don't know what she has or hasn't experienced on her cruises and wouldn't comment on what others expereinces may or may not be.

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I have now been on total of 2 X's cruises. Both of which I enjoyed very much including one on the galaxy. My family (the 14 people who will be coming with me) have been on many many X cruises and always enjoyed them. I will answer anything you ask but I don't understand how many cruises I have been on have anything to do with X lying to it's customers. Are you implying that I had I been on more they would be honest? That is the only reason I would think you would ask how many cruises I have been on as if that makes a difference. That is absurd!

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