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Skinny In Italy!


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Quit having those thoughts miss Kay. Like you have said, everyone feels different about where they are. And you may see someone who is much smaller than you who feels like she is huge. And in that sense you should feel even more proud of the 30 pounds you lose.


Its all a mindset, and being overweight, but happy with where you are heading is much better than being a normal weight and feeling like you must lose so much weight.


And no you are not the only truly overweight person on MFP, I know that for sure. You just don't see them posting a lot on there, especially won't see any pictures.


You are on the right track and that is all that matters. No one is going to judge you in any way, just proud of the progress :) So only happy thoughts here on out!!


I agree that the problem we have is all in the visual in what we see. I should be in how we are feeling. And what is a "normal" weight for each individual? There are big boned people who need the weight to look good and there are petite people who can sometimes look anorexic. We need to feel good about how we look no matter what size we are. I have friends of all sizes and each one of them has a struggle of their own. One of my dear friends has lost 90 pounds in a year with WW and Yoga. One of them has been really struggling to lose 40 pounds over the last 4-6 years and it won't budge. How do you feel? Positive attitude and support makes a huge difference and you are well on your way and YOU CAN DO IT!!

I said before sometimes it is not the number on the scale but how the clothes fit. If you are working out then the inches could be dwindling but the pounds don't move.

Have faith in your ability to accomplish what you want and you will get there. :)

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Hey Ladies! Thanks for all the comments. I suppose I just wanted to warn you all... I'm not thin! Though... you should know.... I usually FEEL skinny. :o:p That's the funny truth. LOL


Have a great day and keep up the exercise, calorie counting, and dreaming of vacation everyone!! (We leave in 90 days!!!)

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Hey Ladies! Thanks for all the comments. I suppose I just wanted to warn you all... I'm not thin! Though... you should know.... I usually FEEL skinny. :o:p That's the funny truth. LOL


Have a great day and keep up the exercise, calorie counting, and dreaming of vacation everyone!! (We leave in 90 days!!!)



This is good to know...wish I felt skinny more often :) And you could always simply post a picture miss lady, then we know who to look for...just saying :)

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I am also on 1300-1500 calories. I find this number keeps me from being hungry and that is very important to me.


Thanks again.




Yup - I do not like being hungry - it makes me cranky :mad:


I am encouraged by all the motivation! While I am excited to be going to Alaska, I am a bit envious of you folks going to Italy:) I went there with my Mum and her friends a few years back. That is motivation for me to stay in shape - watching all these ladies in their 70's trucking on those cobblestones. Have a fantastic time!


- Alyssa

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Happy Monday morning all!

Well, I had my weigh in on Saturday and was down 1.2 pounds. I figure every week without a gain is a week with a win!


Of course Saturday night I was hosting my company's suite at the Spurs vs. Suns game. The only food in the suite is turkey hot dogs, Italian salad (loaded with pasta, bacon and feta cheese) and popcorn chicken. Yep - I ate it.


I woke up Sunday morning feeling awful. Just intensely exhausted. I got up, fixed lunch and then went back to bed for about 4 hours. Went to bed last night really early and slept another 10 hours.


I feel better today. I wonder if you're body can just get worn out??? Anyways, I'm going to watch my cals today, but probably skip the gym. Don't want to push it.


Have a good week all!


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Of course Saturday night I was hosting my company's suite at the Spurs vs. Suns game. The only food in the suite is turkey hot dogs, Italian salad (loaded with pasta, bacon and feta cheese) and popcorn chicken. Yep - I ate it.


Congrats on the weight loss Ann! I agree ~ ANY loss is a good loss!! :)

I agree on taking it easy ~ you know your body better than anyone else!


All that food you wrote about above reminds me... my husband and I are having our annual Superbowl Party Sunday! We've been able to do this for 5 of the 6 years we've been together ~ Rotel (with hamburger), Chips & Buffalo Wings!! :eek: I'm going to have to walk Sunday morning!!! :D

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you could always simply post a picture miss lady, then we know who to look for...just saying :)
Just look for the girl eating cheesecake by the buffet or at the frozen yogurt machines every day!! ;)


While I am excited to be going to Alaska, I am a bit envious of you folks going to Italy:) I went there with my Mum and her friends a few years back. That is motivation for me to stay in shape - watching all these ladies in their 70's trucking on those cobblestones. Have a fantastic time!

Those ladies in their 70s can do that because by then their stomachs are a mess and they CAN'T eat anything!! LOL Alaska is on our MUST DO list so I think you are going to have a great cruise too!! I told my husband that after this trip overseas, we are not going to cross the pond again until our 10th wedding anniversary ~ which is a full 6 years away!! I want to see more of the states ~ Alaska, Hawaii, Miami, New York City, San Diego, etc.. There is something good to see everywhere.

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Ugh, trying to lose weight is frustrating.


I am eating less and exercising a lot more and I am way up today. As in, up from my starting weight earlier this month. So frustrating.


I ran 3.5 miles yesterday (to a runner that may not seem like a lot, but 3.1 mile is the longest I have ever run, so I was happy).


I even cut back on the wine, sheesh. Where is the fun in that if I don't see any results.


Ok, sorry, just had to vent. Going to keep doing what I'm doing, I need to forget about losing weight and just focus on getting fitter. Then I'm sure it will fall into place.


Hope everyone else is having a better start to their week :)

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Hi all, today is my 1month mark when I record inches and pounds lost for the whole month. I lost 4 pounds and 1 inch. Not as good as I was hoping when I started 4 weeks ago. As you ladies put it, a loss is a loss right? My cruise journey starts in 30 days so hope I can double the loss for Feb.! Have a great week everyone! Cindy

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Thanks charlene, I do throw in some 4 mph walking every mile, but I still count it :)


Every once in awhile I feel disappointed that running is still so hard, but then I remember it was not long ago when a mile was super difficult and a mile straight running was impossible so that makes me feel better.


I just need to keep it up and eventually that half marathon will be no sweat, not literally of course (I sweat a ton, lol).

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I agree 3.5 miles is a good run:) That distance is sustainable on my body for years. Maybe someday I will train for distance, but in the meantime I am happy with 3 mile runs mixed with hill climbs and exercise classes (box fit my newest fave).


Just keep moving so you can climb to those high spot on your adventures and soak in the moment!


- Alyssa

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I'll join in...Sailing on May 18th on the Elation...wanting to lose 15 to 20 pounds.


I also have a trip to Las Vegas the first weekend in March and I am trying to slim down for that as well.


I am doing the calorie counting on my fitness pal...name is angbrazeal for those of us not linked up yet.


I am trying to exercise...suppose to be back in a bootcamp class 3 times a week starting next week. :(


What's everyone's meal plans? I am really trying to watch those yummy carbs I love...bread, pasta, chips... Eating fruit for snacks, hard boiled eggs for some added protein and drinking tons of water. Lean meat and veggies are all I should see on my plate. :(

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On the MFP app it tracks all kinds of things...fat, carbs, sugars...

Do you pay attention to that or just the calories?? If you eat fruit at all you will go over on the "sugars"... I am eating FRUIT for Christs Sake!!! Its not the same as a Snickers candy bar!!

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Welcome Summergirl!!


Bootcamp classes sound fun.


I am trying to stay away from carbs, but I need to find a happy meduim, off to the store today to buy some sweet potatoes and more veggies. Running on low carbs is no fun.


When I was using MFP a lot, I paid attention to everything. Yes you will go over sugars, just don't worry about it too much if its all fruit. helps you see which fruits have more sugar though.


I adjusted all my values though because I was aiming for more fat and protein and less carbs. Might need to readjust and really get back on there though.

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Welcome Summergirl!!


Bootcamp classes sound fun.


I am trying to stay away from carbs, but I need to find a happy meduim, off to the store today to buy some sweet potatoes and more veggies. Running on low carbs is no fun.


When I was using MFP a lot, I paid attention to everything. Yes you will go over sugars, just don't worry about it too much if its all fruit. helps you see which fruits have more sugar though.


I adjusted all my values though because I was aiming for more fat and protein and less carbs. Might need to readjust and really get back on there though.


Do you feel like you are constantly "stopping at the store"...eating healthy is a pain in the butt!


My sig. other had Arby's roast beef n cheddar sandwich with curly fries...i had a Healthy Choice Top Chef frozen entree for 310 calories just because it was handy. Oh well...when I think I want something better to eat I just look down at my fat roll!


As for running...it kills me. I do a little bit (1/2 mile spurts) in bootcamp and I am like knocking on death's door! And it is too cold out...30 degrees and 30 mph wind...no way!

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Do you feel like you are constantly "stopping at the store"...eating healthy is a pain in the butt!


My sig. other had Arby's roast beef n cheddar sandwich with curly fries...i had a Healthy Choice Top Chef frozen entree for 310 calories just because it was handy. Oh well...when I think I want something better to eat I just look down at my fat roll!


As for running...it kills me. I do a little bit (1/2 mile spurts) in bootcamp and I am like knocking on death's door! And it is too cold out...30 degrees and 30 mph wind...no way!


Wow, willpower, there is no way I would eat a frozen meal if my husband was getting fast food. Obviously food is my downfall, I enjoy working out for the most part (finally starting to enjoy running a little, still kills me too, but it is quick and I burn a ton of calories). Cold isn't an issue for me now (live in hawaii), but it is really hot some days. High 70s kills when it is humid, blech. I really should start working out in the mornings.


And yes, always going to the store it seems. Veggies only last a few days, need to get some more recipes that use frozen ones so I can stock up.

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On the MFP app it tracks all kinds of things...fat, carbs, sugars...

Do you pay attention to that or just the calories?? If you eat fruit at all you will go over on the "sugars"... I am eating FRUIT for Christs Sake!!! Its not the same as a Snickers candy bar!!


Welcome summergirl!


Yes -this sugar thing drives me crazy on My Fitness Pal. I always go over. It's not fair. Oh well. I'm still losing weight. It just makes me feel like I could do better. I often go over a bit on the protein - but try and stay under on carbs, sodium, fat, cholesterol.



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On the MFP app it tracks all kinds of things...fat, carbs, sugars...

Do you pay attention to that or just the calories?? If you eat fruit at all you will go over on the "sugars"... I am eating FRUIT for Christs Sake!!! Its not the same as a Snickers candy bar!!


I love fruit! I do not measure the sugars, but fruit comes with water and fiber and tons of healthy micronutrients you surely won't find in a Snickers (darn it!).

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I do not run. I can barely jog for a 10 seconds with my dog. :o I'm still doing well and feel more active and better every day. I am a long ways away from running, however.


And you could always simply post a picture miss lady, then we know who to look for...just saying :)
There are pictures of myself and my husband all over Cruise Critic - I always do a review after we return from trips!! I even posted some on our roll call thread!! LOL :D;)
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Kay - I'm with you. I don't run either. I do try to walk really fast when I can :D. Plus I've started adding an incline to my treadmill time at the gym. I just feel like I must look all wacky when I run.


Summergirl - welcome! I'm on MFP as well. AnnInTexas. Personally I love it. I'm really watching the calories, so that food diary is kind of my lifeline. I can't remember if I'm tracking sugars or not... I think I'm just doing fat, protein and carbs.


Ashley - hang in there sister! Vent, then get back on track!


I've pretty much run amok all week -- boo hiss. Spurs snacks Saturday night, lunch with the boss on Wednesday. I totally blame peer pressure! Good news, I've managed to get back on track today. That's all I can do!


To make matters more urgent - my sister invited us to join her family for a long weekend at Great Wolf in late April. I have no idea what that is, but it's got a waterpark, so that means bathing suits! Totally moves up my bathing suit worthy readiness deadline by almost 3 weeks! Yikes!


I decided to add a cruise countdown to my signature, so I can keep track of the dwindling time I have left to get my act together. :eek:



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We are having a SuperBowl Eating Fest Sunday!! :eek::o I'm planning to wake-up, workout, do laundry & clean like a madwoman all day, get everything ready and then around 5:30pm... eat a few things I shouldn't!! I won't go overboard, of course.


Anyone else going to be having some rotel, chips & buffalo wings Sunday??!! ;)

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Thanks for the support ladies, feeling a bit less bloated today, so thats good.


Don't get me wrong, I don't "run" like a normal person, more hobble along a quicker gait than a walk. And I don't believe in "jogging," if I'm not walking, I am running, haha.


Jealous Kay, my husband doesn't like football but I miss Super Bowl parties. We still don't know many people around here, and I haven't heard of those we do know having a party, darn anyways. My sunday plans include a 4.5 mile trail run/walk and a trip to costco, I'm a wild woman.


Good job on making a plan to workout first, just push yourself a little harder then you don't need to feel bad about the EatFest :)

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Ashley - you wild woman - you are HILARIOUS!! LOL You will feel better tomorrow when you WEIGH IN and LOSE!!


I don't know how I feel about the weigh-in. I've not been active tonight like I was all night last night. :confused: We'll see tomorrow am...


Welcome to all the new people!! In case you want to join us, some or most of us try to post our weight loss each Friday on here!! Keeps us accountable!!

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