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Carnival Victory Review - New Years Cruise 2013


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Over the next couple of days I plan on posting a review of our recent cruise on the Carnival Victory out of San Juan over the New Year. The upcoming posts will include a review of San Juan pre-cruise and the cruise itself and finally the review of post-cruise and final thoughts and all with plenty of pictures.


The cruise took place from December 30 2012 - January 6, 2013. We embarked in San Juan, Puerto Rico and visited St. Thomas, Barbados, St. Lucia, Saint Kitts and St. Maarten. We had 1 sea day between St. Thomas and Barbados.


A little bit of info about us. My husband DH and myself took this cruise and we are in our 40's! We left our DS 17 at home for this cruise. We are from the capital of Canada and we definitely need a mid winter get-away! Prior to the start of this trip we got dumped with snow so most definitely needed that getaway - as I write this we are in a deep freeze and I would love to get away again LOL.


We have travelled quite a bit in the last 10 years but have not travelled in the winter in the past 4! Our DS wanted to have a traditional Christmas at home with snow and Christmas trees.


Our previous trips included all-inclusive resorts in Dominican Republic, Mexico, Aruba and Bahamas and then in 2007 we took our first cruise and since then we have been hooked! Now, I am of the opinion that cruising is how I want to travel. All-inclusives are nice but nothing beats seeing a new port every day or every couple of days.


We booked this cruise at the end of October and were delighted to select this cruise over others we were looking at. Originally our travel agent was trying to steer us away from this cruise because she didn't think she would be able to get us reasonable airfare to San Juan. I had done some preliminary research and told her that the difference in airfare/cruise cost worked out to be the same as a airfare/cruise out of Ft. Lauderdale/Miami.


For this cruise we opted to fly in to San Juan a couple of days early - you just never know how the weather will behave and we wanted to ensure we had time to make it to the ship if our air arrangements had to be changed. We also ended up staying one extra day at the end of our cruise to allow for a substantial savings on airfare and one that ended up paying for our hotel room and then some! Just a note to anyone else planning on flying into San Juan for a cruise - the price difference from leaving on the Monday versus the Sunday pays for your hotel room and you get to enjoy San Juan and your holidays for one extra day.


Enjoy the review!

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The week before we were to leave on holidays I was checking the weather network to see what would be happening prior to our cruise and I was shocked to find this as the forecast for the day before our trip.




and this was the storm we were to get on December 20, 2012 and we are located pretty much dead center of that circle




and what it looked like after the storm.




I am so ready for this trip! Thankfully all of the weather delays were the day before our expected departure and we didn't have to worry about making alternate arrangements.


On our day of departure December 28, we had to get up bright and early to catch our 7:20 a.m. flight out of Ottawa to Charlotte, NC and then on to San Juan, PR. We made it to the airport for 5:30 AM Yawn! DH went and parked the car in long term storage and I waited patiently for him. While waiting a nice lady at the US Airways counter gave me the US Customs form to fill out.


DH met me and we went to the self check-in counter and got all of our paperwork completed and then we realized that we should have dropped off our coats at the lockers before we did the check-in - OH Well! Live and learn. Off we went to put our coats away. Now in the Ottawa airport the departure check-ins are on the second floor at one end of the building and the arrivals are on the first floor at the other end. This is where the lockers are located.


By the time we got back to the check-in counters the US Airways employee was looking for us. As we were walking up to the counter we ran in to some old neighbours of ours but not just any neighbor she was originally from our home town and went to the same high school that DH and I went to. Haven’t seen them in quite some time as they moved away about 3 years ago now. Was nice to see them and they were on the same flight as we were, however they were heading to Jamaica! They were also leaving their 18 yo home alone.


Off to security and that went pretty smoothly - it’s kind of nice having a flight at 7:20 a.m. as the 6:00 a.m. crowd was already through and there weren’t that many people going through when we arrived. It’s been 4 years since we’ve flown so this was our first time going to the airport where we would have to have the full body scan or the pat down - well as it turns out we didn’t have to do either? Not sure why but maybe it’s a random selection thing. The one strange thing they did was swab my hands and belt but they didn’t do DH. So random!


Off to Customs check-in. These guys always make me feel intimidated but that’s there job so we answer all his questions and we are on our way. We get to the gate and sit down for a bit - DH went off to get water and gum and then a couple of muffins as I was starting to get a bit hungry and the flights now don’t have much in the way of food and what you have to pay for is questionable!


We make it to Charlotte in good time and then sit on the tarmac for a clear path to our gate. That can be a bit frustrating as you just want to get off the plane at that point. Finally get to the gate and then we have to wait for our carry-on luggage. The tunnel was pretty cold too. From what we were told the temperature in Charlotte was -1C.


Got our luggage and headed to our gate - still had plenty of time before our flight so we grabbed a quick bite to eat. Two sandwiches, a bag of chips, some nuts a water bottle and a sprite and it came out to $36 - highway robbery.


Now pretty much everyone knows that the speakers are pretty bad in most airports and sometimes with all the other noise around you it's hard to hear the boarding calls correctly. We thought we heard our boarding call so we went to line-up just to find out our zone had not been called! We got out of line and waited and lo and behold our zone was called next. Should have just stayed in the line - who's checking anyway.


Get on the plane and try and fit our two carry-ons in the same bin and they won't fit so we stand there for a couple of minutes trying and all the while we are holding up people trying to get on - HA! Then the stewardess says - why don't you just try another bin. Thanks and why didn't you suggest that a few minutes sooner!


All the passengers are loaded up pretty quickly and the captain comes on the speaker and says we are in line to take off shortly and with the nice tail wind we should arrive on time. A few minutes later he comes on to say they are putting some cargo on and we'll have to wait a few more minutes. It's at this point that my tiredness gets the better of me and I fall asleep. I wake up some time later and we still haven't left. We boarded the plane just after 11:00 am and our flight was to leave at 11:50 and it's now around 12:20 and he finally starts moving. At this point I figure we will get in to San Juan a bit late.


Well we arrived in San Juan on time - how surprising and it was a really good flight.




I think though I preferred the flight to Charlotte. There were 13 rows and 4 seats across. There was plenty of leg room and the take off and arrival were really smooth. The big planes with their speed and size kind of scare me. I always worry that the brakes will fail!


So we take our time at this point - what's the rush we are on holidays now! We wait for the plane to clear out and grab our stuff. When we get into the airport we connect to the free wi-fi and touch base with family back home.


Off to pick up our luggage and then grab a taxi to our hotel. The taxi ride was interesting as they always are. The one thing with the roads here is that they are all in pretty good shape but lanes disappear and it seems without warning. DH wants to rent a car tomorrow and head up to the rainforest and I am terrified! Hope it all goes well.


We make it to our hotel the Sheraton Hotel and Casino.


The temperature in Puerto Rico when we got to the hotel!




We checked in and got up to our room - freshened up a bit and headed out for a bite to eat.


The view from our room.




We stopped at the lounge and tapas bar. We had beef sliders, some chicken dish and a couple of beverages. The food was really tasty and hit the spot, but for a tapas dish it actually was too much food.


Went for a walk around the casino property and then headed back to the casino - where we spent a whopping $5 at the penny slots. DH was actually up to $6 at one point but then spent it all. We are such gamblers!

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Day 2 - December 29, 2012 - Puerto Rico


---- Part 1


Got up bright and early this morning - have no idea why as it was still kind of dark outside. Took a shower and got ready for the day. DH got ready and we headed down for our free continental breakfast. When we got to the restaurant where they serve breakfast we asked the hostess if this was the correct location for the free breakfast and she said she would check. She then proceeded to call the front desk, talk to another hostess and finally after several minutes looked at us and said yes you have the free continental breakfast and she led us to a table. We were told we could order the continental breakfast or there were some additional choices in the same area on the menu or we could order any of the other items or have the buffet and pay the difference. We both decided to have the continental breakfast as it would be more than enough food for this early in the morning. We had fresh fruit, toast, a croisant, and another small pastry as well as orange juice and coffee. Our meal came out to just $25 but we were covered for $37.50 so we gave the extra to the waitress. Hope she liked the tip.


After breakfast we headed back up to the room to get ready for our adventure today. Driving up to the rainforest! I had booked a small SUV for the day but when we got to AVIS car rental we were told that we would be getting a Dodge Ram 1500 - WHOA! and no upcharge as they were out of vehicles. It was that or a cargo van with AVIS advertising and logos all over it! Thank goodness we didn't have to take one of them.




So after we get the truck loaded up with our gear for the day - I grab the GPS unit and enter the correct coordinates for the rainforest and off we go. I was pretty surprised how easy it was to get around in San Juan and the outlying areas and especially with the size of vehicle we were driving.


Along the way we saw some interesting sites. There were vendors selling stuff along the highway and they would walk up to your car to sell to you. They didn't seem to care that there was traffic and they were walking amongst the moving vehicles.




Before we headed into the rainforest we decided to stop at a shopping centre to pick up the essentials that we would need for the week. We found a Kmart and stopped there. We picked up stuff like water, shampoo, laundry detergent, snack food for DH.


Got back in the car and headed up to the rainforest. The exit to the rainforest was through a small village and it was a very narrow and there were cars on both sides of the road - it was interesting getting this big truck through there.


---- to be continued

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---- Part 2


We decided to stop at the El Yunque information centre before heading up into the rainforest. For anyone else reading this save your $4 per person. Not much in there unless you want to spend your time reading stuff and not enjoying the rainforest. There is a movie but we didn't watch it.


As expected in a rainforest it started raining just as we got out of the car.














---- to be continued

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---- Part 3

We decided to drive to the top of the rainforest and then work our way back down. The park was very busy today and many of the parking lots were full when we went past. We were hoping it would be a bit better when we made our way back down. We stopped and hiked the Caimito trail.












---- to be continued

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---- Part 4


We stopped along the way to see some lovely waterfalls. There are quite a few waterfalls in the park. Some are right beside the road and others you have to go on one of the trails to view them.














---- to be continued

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---- Part 5


We made our way down to a small cafe and had a bite to eat for lunch. We shared a plate of Yunquequesadilla. It included chicken and plantain and was quite tasty. During lunch we had a little visitor!




Then we hopped back up into the truck and stopped a couple of more times for some beautiful photo ops.












---- to be continued

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---- Part 6








When we finally made it to the bottom of the rainforest we followed our GPS directions and for some reason it had us follow the local road instead of trying to get on the Highway. I enjoyed this drive as we were able to see how the locals live and see some interesting sites along the way like the above ground cemetery and well the most interesting site was the loose horse running along the road and at one point directly towards our truck. Wouldn't have experienced this along the highway.








---- to be continued

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---- Part 7


When we got back into town we decided to visit the local outlet shopping centre. No real bargains here at least for what I was looking for. Picked up a nice Tommy Hilfiger sweater for DS and looked at some Puma shoes for DH but he couldn't find a pair that he liked enough to buy. What I did find strange at some of the outlet stores was the amount of heavy clothing that they sell. I saw heavy sweaters, coats, toques and gloves. I mean I know it is winter in the Caribbean as well but do they really wear this stuff?


At this point we were getting pretty tired and hungry so we thought we would head back to the hotel. On the way I think we unintentionally missed a toll booth not sure how that will come back to haunt me with the car rental. When we got close to the hotel we decided that we would do a quick detour before heading back into the hotel to get the truck filled up with gas. Here's a very strange thing to note about Puerto Rico. Their speed limit signs are in imperial but their gas stations are in liters. How they get their gas for under $1/liter I would love to know. We got $15 worth of gas and that brought the gas tank back up to where it was when we picked it up. Good reason to not own one of these gas guzzlers. At this point that I screwed up the GPS thingy! We left the gas station but it was programmed to the gas station and I hadn't cleared it and I pushed detour on the GPS unit so off we go and DH is thinking at this point that I have programmed it to return to the hotel. However the silly GPS unit keeps telling us to turn right. So we go in a nice little circle before I figure out I need to change the address on the thing.


When we got back to the hotel they were setting up for some event at the Convention centre and it was getting pretty congested in the area near the hotel.


When we went out for dinner we asked our waitress what was going on and she said that there was a concer with DJ David Guetta and all we could think about was that it was too bad our son wasn't here with us as I am sure he would have loved to attend the concert.


After dinner the fountain was working and putting on a light, music show so we watched that for a bit before heading up to the pool area for a nice view of the waterfront and the two cruise ships that were in port today. Headed back up to the room for a quick shower and upload my pictures. Then I checked Cruisett and realized that the two cruise ships would be leaving soon so we went and watched them leave. Looks like one of them was facing forward and the other facing backward and that is exactly how they left the port.




What a great day here in Puerto Rico!

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Good review of the ports! But any ship pics, and how you enjoyed this the ship? I'm sure I'm just impatient :-P


Sent from my Galaxy 3S


I will get to that shortly! Thanks for asking! However, this is a port intensive cruise and although we did spend some time on the ship the majority of the posts will be about the ports and activities we did.

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Day 3 – Puerto Rico Embarkation Day


So today is the day we start our cruise – not our first day of vacation but out 3rd. Can I say we are totally stress free – almost. It will be much better once we are on ship and can stay put for 7 days.




We woke up bright and early again today! What’s up with that anyway. We decided to get ready and go and have breakfast. We also got our hotel statement today and for some reason they charged our room with our breakfast and tip from yesterday. This was to be included in the price of our hotel room. Went down to breakfast and decided that we would have the buffet for the extra $5 so that we would be full until almost time for the embarkation. It was a good breakfast but I would never want to pay $19.95 for what we got.


After breakfast we went to the check-in counter to straighten out our bill from yesterday and to ensure that only the extra was being charged to our account today. While we were waiting we overheard a couple having a disagreement with the hotel staff regarding their booking. Seems they arrived late due to flight delays and they had called the 1-800 number to inform them of the delay but that information never got through to the hotel. The hotel then sold their room because they hadn’t showed up. Now they weren’t sure they would have a room. In any case they got a free breakfast while they had to wait to find out.


We got our bill fixed up and all was good. Went back to the room to pack up our remaining stuff and relax for a bit – until check-out time that is. The hotel wouldn’t allow late check-out but did allow us to continue to use the facilities until we had to leave and they stored our luggage. The only problem with that is there is nothing around the hotel to do except sit by the pool and for my DH it is hard for him to relax and for me it is difficult to sit by the pool and see our ship in the distance and know we have to wait!








While we were there we saw the staff of the convention centre setting up for the New Year’s Eve bash. It was neat to see them set up the staging and kind of scary to watch too.




---- Continued

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---- Part 2

We decided to sit by the pool until 12:30 or so and then we went to the little Mexican restaurant by the hotel. We had great food their the night before and the price was pretty good too. We went down and had some nachos and drinks and sat enjoyed the peacefulness. I had overheard a conversation while I was at the pool deck of another couple saying that they would get their bags and check out around 2 and then head to the ship. Embarkation was set for 2:30. I let DH know this and suggested that we head there earlier. When we were done lunch we headed over to the hotel to pick up our luggage. I was shocked with how much was sitting there and wondered how long it would take to find ours. However, while we were standing there I saw ours just sitting beside the luggage counter and all of it sitting together. When the porter returned to the desk we just told him that was our luggage and he helped us to the front doors. Another porter blew the whistle for the cab and wow we were on our way.


The cab got us to the port and it was busy but the lineups weren’t at all long. We got out of the taxi had some help with our luggage and paid some guy at the port $2 per bag to get our luggage to the ship – it was worth the price as I wouldn’t have wanted to carry it the whole time. It did seem kind of sketchy to begin with as they were not inside the terminal but on the outside and they didn’t have Carnival shirts on but I did see them bringing luggage racks full of luggage to the ship so I was pretty confident we would be ok. Checked through the first security gate and we were on our way to the port building. Next security check and then on to the picture taking place and then to the check-in desk. Now this is where my stress level increased. We had entered two different credit cards on our booking so we could spread out the joy! DH was the first to check-in and the desk clerk said there was a problem with his card – WHAT! Now I’m starting to panic as I didn’t want all the charges on my card. I hand over my documents and I’m OK but we don’t seem to know why DH’s card isn’t working. We had called before we left to ensure that we didn’t have any problems with the cards while away as sometimes this can happen and the credit card company will put a stop on the card until you are able to talk to them and confirm everything. We were told we would have to check with guest services to find out why.


Off we went to the security screening point to have our bags scanned. Then it was on the ramps to the ship. My excitement is increasing but still worried about the cards. Next step the card photos and then on to the ship. So before we can go and relax we had to head over to guest services to sort out the card. Thankfully the lineup isn’t too long. Within 15 minutes we were at the counter and DH’s card was checked and they told us everything was good? I’m still not sure but will hope for the best.


Since we had already had some lunch earlier we decided to walk around the ship and see where everything was before it got too crowded.





Oh and since I was here taking pictures anyway - I decided to set up my Internet account at the same time - 120 Minutes.









---- Continued

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--- Part 5


Desert and coffee shop






If you notice behind the cakes there is a box filled with Fun Ashore guides but it also includes puzzle sheets you can pick up and work on.




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---- Part 7


At some point we grabbed a snack and then headed to our room. Our room steward was in the hall when we got there and he introduced himself to us. Why do their names always have to be so difficult? His name was Iwayan!


We dropped off what we had and went out to look around again. Walked around the ship for a bit and then returned to the room to find our luggage had arrived. We unpacked and put everything away. Plenty of storage space in the cabin for all our gear and we still had room for our empty suitcases.


Before dinner there was a Fun Ashore Fun Aboard show in which we got to meet the Cruise Director and he gave his little spiel about the ship and shore excursions etc. After this we decided to go to dinner so went back to the room and got ready for dinner.






Tonights dinner wasn’t to be in our designated dining room or table but was still a sit down dinner. Also, dinner was only being served on the first floor of the dining room and was Anytime Dining. They brought us to a table for 8 and then put 6 other people at the tabel with us. They didn't speak a lot of English and it was a little uncomfortable for us. I had the shrimp cocktail, the greek pasta with chicken and chocolate melting cake for dessert.


After dinner we decided to go to the shopping talk and was hoping to win a few prizes. Oh well didn’t win anything and was pretty much bored for the whole talk. The shopping expert was a bit rude too. There was a table of young ladies that were talking and he told them if they didn’t stop he would have to ask them to leave.


After the shopping talk it was pretty close to the time for the muster drill so we headed down to our Muster Station and were some of the first people to arrive and were standing against the wall of the ship and everyone else that arrived after us were in rows in front of us. I would say we were 4-5 rows deep. We had to stand there for what must have been 20-30 minutes while we waited for everyone to show up and then waited through the talk. I know, I know this stuff is important and especially after what happened with the Concordia but god I was getting hot and starting to feel a bit claustrophobic. Just a note, if you are claustrophobic I would arrive a bit late!


We wanted to find the secret opening to the deck above the bridge for the sail away. You get the coolest view from up there and along the sides of the ship and most people don’t know it exists. Shhh! I didn’t tell you about it either!










---- Continued

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---- Part 8


After sail away we headed to the Lido deck to see what was happening at the sail away party. Wow can these people dance! Wish I had the moves like some of these people. There was a Latin/Caribbean vibe to the whole thing and people were dancing Salsa style. I also learned about a new dance move The Waffle and video taped it as well. I hope I can transfer some of the videos to this review as well as we did get some good footage.




Nice full moon tonight and I don't mean mine!


At this point we were pretty much done for the night and headed back to the room and we were greeted by our first towel animal. I believe it was a frog/walrus. Whatever it was cute.



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Can't wait to read more about the ports you visited, we will be doing same itinerary but on the Valor in March. We have been to San Juan couple of times but have never left from there. Is it different than just docking there for the day?

I loved the itinerary and would definitely do this one again if I have the chance. As for our port visits we did a little bit of this and a little bit of that - stay tuned!

I wouldn't say it was different per se but that would depend on what you want to do in San Juan and where you happen to stay while you were there.


Thanks for the review, we will be on the Victory in a few weeks, and next January we will be doing this itinerary but on the Valor

No problem. The Victory is a nice ship - not too big and not too small. Have fun on her. We were in cabin 7381 and it was a great spot. Close to stairs and elevators and easy access to all the food venues. One annoying thing about the ship is that you are not able to walk from one end to the other on all floors. You will have to remember which floors allow you to do this easily, usually the cabin floors are best.

I would love to do this itinerary again and on the Valor.

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