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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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Hi all!


Sherri ~ loving your report, just as much as your Med one. I'm really looking forward to reading about your cruise with Fabio too!;)


DS & I went on Oasis in Nov 2011 & I'm booked for Allure this Nov & hoping she'll come too. I sent her the link to this thread to tempt her.

She loved O in Las Vegas so that might just do it.


I have to agree about the Junkanoo excursion, that was a lot of fun & I'd go there again if she wants to try it. I want to try the 3 restaurants too as last time we did Chef's Table & enjoyed it.


Take care, thanks & good luck with your recovery.


~ Jo ~ :)

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I've loved reading your reviews since Europe (and if you've posted any from before that cruise, I would love to know about it!)


I've been wanting to try Oasis or Allure, but would likely need to go solo. I have read plenty of positive solo reviews, but love yours for one minor reason - you are discussing your experiences in dining venues other than the main dining room or Windjammer.


Unlike you, I am not particularly outgoing/social. When I started reading your "solo" review, I rolled my eyes when you posted pictures of the friends also on the ship and just assumed you would do everything together. So, I was really pleasantly surprised to read that you actually ate solo many nights and at the "fancier" restaurants on the ship. It has really been wonderful to hear how the solos are treated at these venues and has really swayed me to seriously consider one of these ships.


Really looking forward to the rest of your review and I hope you feel better soon.

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I told him that if his writing was any good, we’d publish it under the title of “Tails of the Canine Cruiser” – and he happily agreed. And then I realized that I was talking to a stuffed animal in my cabin, and I really, really must be losing my mind.


That is adorable! Did the Room Steward do that for you, or did you do it afterward? All we ever had were the animals, well except for the Steward putting sunglasses on them, they didn't do anything else. I love this puppy! I'd talk to it :)

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Hi all!

I have to agree about the Junkanoo excursion, that was a lot of fun & I'd go there again


We had contacted Arlene at the Educulture/Junkanoo Museum ahead of time and went there on our own, not through the ship although the Disney cruise we were on had that excursion (which ended up canceled so we had Arlene all to ourselves). It was a great time, the place is so colorful, and if anyone wants to go, I'd suggest emailing her to see if she'll be open.


This is the link to our Nassau album in Facebook (public link) if anyone wants to see the Junkanoo pics: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151256341391475.430754.557221474&type=1&l=48361b4bf5 - and me modeling the flamingo headdress from a previous parade.

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Shari, thank you so much for taking the time to write this fabulous review. My husband is off on a fishing weekend and I have been glued to the laptop reading since he left. We are booked on the 4/27 Oasis. Reading this wonderful review I am second guessing myself that we choose the right ship. We are sailing this coming NYE on Celebrity Eclipse/Eastern Caribbean so we choose Oasis because it was going western. This is our first big ship experience and the Allure sounds fantastic! My husband is techie and will be sad if we don't have the techie stuff in our cabin. Can you or anyone tell me the biggest differences between the two?? Thanks again, you are a wonderful writer!

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Can you or anyone tell me the biggest differences between the two?? Thanks again, you are a wonderful writer!


I've been on both and loved both. I think the biggest differences are the shows (Hairspray on Oasis, Chicago on Allure, the other shows are a little different but similar), and the restaurants. Rita's on Allure, the Seafood Shack on Oasis out on the Boardwalk. Plus there is a Hot Dog House on the Allure that isn't on the Oasis. There is a huge wine bottle as the base of a bar in Vintages on the Oasis, but I don't think there was one on the Allure, could be wrong about that but I don't remember seeing it on the Allure.


Otherwise, the decorations are different but the cabins are the same, the technology is the same from what I recall. Love the in-room TV technology, and the boards all over the ship where you can get all kinds of info. The Allure is a few inches longer so it's technically the biggest :)

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My first and only time in Chops, I was new to Weight Watchers, and of course, was trying to eat right and be sensible. Boy, was I foolish. I gave up the Red Velvet Cake for something that I thought would be more "diet friendly". Well, never again........:p On my upcoming cruise in Nov. on the Grandeur, I will definitely be getting this dessert. It is my favorite cake and I am still kicking myself for not getting it then. But, I did lose 3 lbs. on that cruise and lost a total of 30 lbs. on WW. That was a good thing. But, next time all diet thoughts will go out the window. That cake looks so good. I can hardly wait until Nov. Thanks for the reminder of what I missed..:mad::(


Gwen :)


Gwen - 30 pounds is awesome! I don't know how many points a Red Velvet Cake would be - but I think you've earned it! (And you can always go do Boot Camp afterwards to work it off...hee hee!)



Oh goodness, your dishes from Chops look simply yummy! Wish we would have eaten there on our cruise (we walked by it, thought about it, didn't do it.) as it smelled delicious when I walked by it.


I can sympathize with the broken foot, I had surgery on my foot back in December and was still recovering during my cruise experience and it had some pretty painful points ( I had a pin placed in my foot to repair a damaged tendon and when we cruised the pin still hadn't set all the way just yet). Kudos to you for doing it too! Really enjoying the review and the photos *drool*.


I think you should do Chops on your next cruise - just be sure to make reservations EARLY, as it definitely gets crowded! And I hear you on the foot...I was pretty sore in December and was tired of wearing the "boot." Such a lovely fashion statement, too. ;)

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Drama Queen, you are making me re-think my position of never going on a ship that size. I had no interest in even looking at the Allure, until I saw your review, and having read a couple others, (and thoroughly enjoying them,) I decided to read this one. You are making the ship seem so much more appealing! It's going to be tough now to decide which ship to go on next. I was thinking of the Jewel, and hubby was thinking Celebrity anything, but the Allure is now in the running, mostly because of your pictures of Central Park. I can't wait to read the rest! It is taking me away from the winter that just won't end, here in southern Ontario.


Just my humble opinion, but I think everyone should give the "big ships" a try at one point...some may love them...some may hate them...but the 'not knowing' is no fun! And Central Park...oh, I wish I was there today...strolling along...hearing the birds during the day and the crickets at night...it was magical! Let me know if you decide to go - I'll look for your opinion on it! (But I love the Radiance-sized ships, as well, so you won't go wrong with the Jewel!) It's 85 degrees here in Ft Myers today...if that helps you deal with Ontario winters! ;)



Are these the infamous gold sandals from your 2009 blog post? I'm trying to catch up on your blog but I'm only on December 2009. You are very funny and I love how you write.


OMG, this made me laugh! Actually, no. I STILL HAVE my gold sandals - but they have seen better days, because those things have been all around the world. They're actually here in my closet in Ft. Myers, but Hubby won't be seen with me if I wear them... :( Those sandals you see in the above photo got me through Europe this summer - they're the Privo Clark sandals, and they are EXTREMELY comfortable. They're cushiony, and I can wear them with shorts, as well as dresses - versatile!


Thanks for reading my blog - you've got a lot of reading to do if you're "only" up to December 2009! ;)

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Sherri ~ loving your report, just as much as your Med one. I'm really looking forward to reading about your cruise with Fabio too!;)


DS & I went on Oasis in Nov 2011 & I'm booked for Allure this Nov & hoping she'll come too. I sent her the link to this thread to tempt her.

She loved O in Las Vegas so that might just do it.


I have to agree about the Junkanoo excursion, that was a lot of fun & I'd go there again if she wants to try it. I want to try the 3 restaurants too as last time we did Chef's Table & enjoyed it.


Take care, thanks & good luck with your recovery.


~ Jo ~ :)


Thanks, Jo! I will definitely be posting about Fabio...yum. I hope to have lots of fun stories and photos on that cruise... :) I SO hope your DS comes with you - I know she'll have a fabulous time!



Just finished a marathon reading session to catch-up to this point. Fantastic EPIC cruise review. Thank you for taking the time to post and share you adventure. And especially thank you for your service with disaster relief!!!


THANK YOU! That means a lot to me. :)

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I've loved reading your reviews since Europe (and if you've posted any from before that cruise, I would love to know about it!)


I've been wanting to try Oasis or Allure, but would likely need to go solo. I have read plenty of positive solo reviews, but love yours for one minor reason - you are discussing your experiences in dining venues other than the main dining room or Windjammer.


Unlike you, I am not particularly outgoing/social. When I started reading your "solo" review, I rolled my eyes when you posted pictures of the friends also on the ship and just assumed you would do everything together. So, I was really pleasantly surprised to read that you actually ate solo many nights and at the "fancier" restaurants on the ship. It has really been wonderful to hear how the solos are treated at these venues and has really swayed me to seriously consider one of these ships.


Really looking forward to the rest of your review and I hope you feel better soon.


I am so glad my solo review has helped! And actually...I'm really very introverted. Don't laugh. I am. I have always had to force myself to be sociable and outgoing...my natural inclination would be to hide out in my cabin with a book the entire cruise...but then I think of all the adventures I would miss, so I put myself out there.


I think that Amy & Steve and I had the perfect balance of being together - and being apart....I didn't want to be too intrusive on their vacation, and I knew we have different interests sometimes...and I know one of my biggest interests has always been food - exploring, experimenting, and stretching myself with different flavors and such. I NEVER felt out of place as a solo diner...as I said before, the only "uncomfortableness" I ever experienced was my own insecurities, which I quickly got over. I am most likely NEVER GOING TO SEE 99.9% OF THOSE PEOPLE EVER AGAIN - so what did I care what they thought of me, dining alone??!! ;)


As far as posting any other reviews before Europe - nope...not on Cruise Critic, anyway...but you can always go back and read several years' worth of posts on my blog....it has day-to-day stuff, as well as lots of mission trips & Red Cross adventures all over the world. Some serious stuff - but some funny stuff, too. Sigh. I don't know why the funny stuff always seems to find me. ;)


That is adorable! Did the Room Steward do that for you, or did you do it afterward? All we ever had were the animals, well except for the Steward putting sunglasses on them, they didn't do anything else. I love this puppy! I'd talk to it :)


Norman was pretty cool...I'd bump into him every day in the hallway, and I'd always stop and have long conversations with him...I think he liked my story-telling. He saw me carrying that notebook, so I told him I was an EPIC writer (??!!), and he then wanted to hear stories of what I'd written. I think I became his daily entertainment....so we had fun together!

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Shari, thank you so much for taking the time to write this fabulous review. My husband is off on a fishing weekend and I have been glued to the laptop reading since he left. We are booked on the 4/27 Oasis. Reading this wonderful review I am second guessing myself that we choose the right ship. We are sailing this coming NYE on Celebrity Eclipse/Eastern Caribbean so we choose Oasis because it was going western. This is our first big ship experience and the Allure sounds fantastic! My husband is techie and will be sad if we don't have the techie stuff in our cabin. Can you or anyone tell me the biggest differences between the two?? Thanks again, you are a wonderful writer!


Thank you! And you can spell my name any way you like - believe me, I've seen a million different versions of it!


DON'T second-guess yourself! You'll have a great time on the Oasis! I don't know if the Oasis has the iPod docking system in the room, but if that's the only difference as far as technical stuff, that's not a big deal! You still have the interactive TV in the room, which is cool. And you still have the different neighborhoods - including Central Park, my favorite! As Janeyzee said, the shows are different - but they are all good! A cruise is as good as what YOU make of it, so as long as you "get out there" and explore everything the Oasis has to offer, you're going to have a wonderful time. :)


I've been on both and loved both. I think the biggest differences are the shows (Hairspray on Oasis, Chicago on Allure, the other shows are a little different but similar), and the restaurants. Rita's on Allure, the Seafood Shack on Oasis out on the Boardwalk. Plus there is a Hot Dog House on the Allure that isn't on the Oasis. There is a huge wine bottle as the base of a bar in Vintages on the Oasis, but I don't think there was one on the Allure, could be wrong about that but I don't remember seeing it on the Allure.


Otherwise, the decorations are different but the cabins are the same, the technology is the same from what I recall. Love the in-room TV technology, and the boards all over the ship where you can get all kinds of info. The Allure is a few inches longer so it's technically the biggest :)


Thanks for stepping up and helping! Can I hire you out as my assistant? I need one. Can't pay much, as I'm not making much on this review - hee heeee...!!

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Whew. I think all comments, questions and concerns have been addressed...so we can move on...I need to post the Cruise Compasses for Day 3, as well as the Daily Specials, and we'll then move on to Day #4:















Up next: Daily Specials


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We’re now up to Wednesday, Day #4 of our cruise…and we’re docking in St. Thomas, in the United States Virgin Islands. America's Paradise, as it's known. I had a wake-up call for 7:00 am, as I wanted to continue with the 7:30 Stretch classes I’d been enjoying the last few days...except for when I grab the wrong color mat and cause Arnold Schwarzenegger's twin to have a meltdown...


But today would be DIFFERENT! I would know better! Nothing would get me down today!




Little did I know.


I arrived at the gym at 7:20 am, which gave me a few extra minutes to hang out…and I began watching the Body Conditioning class, which had started at 7:00 am, per the Cruise Compass. (Which will be posted later...so you will have PROOF) It was being taught by the Cameron Diaz-twin who had been our instructor the FIRST day of Stretch Class. I wasn’t really sure what “Body Conditioning” class entailed, so I was curious…and as I observed it, I began thinking, “Hmmm…it’s not all that different than Stretch Class.” Meanwhile, while I was waiting, about a dozen or so other people arrived, all obviously waiting for the Stretch class to begin.


At 7:30, the students in the previous class began gathering up their mats…and I walked over to grab a BLACK one so I’d be all set for Stretch. Yay, me. One of the ladies recognized me from the last few mornings, and she says, “Oh, THERE you are! Did you realize that this was Stretch class? That we just finished?”


Um, no.


No wonder it looked an awful lot like Stretch Class. It WAS Stretch Class.


I said, “Well, that’s weird. It said in the Compass that Stretch wasn’t until 7:30…just like it has been all week.”


The lady said, “I noticed that, too – and tried to point that out to Ms. Cameron Diaz-twin here – but she didn’t believe me. She insisted that Stretch was to begin at 7:00 am. Period.”


Well. Ms. Diaz-twin was wrong, according to the Compass. Several of us who’d been waiting for the 7:30 Stretch class walked over to the instructor, who was gathering her own stuff and walking off.


“Excuse me,” I began…somehow having been elected the leader of the Stretch Class Rejectees Who Thought Class was at 7:30….”It said in the Cruise Compass that Stretch Class is at 7:30 today.”





She looks at me, narrows her eyes, and says, “Do you have a copy of the Compass?”


Well. She had me there. And she knew it. I mean, really??? Who brings a copy of the Cruise Compass with them to a 7:30 am Stretch Class???


When I couldn’t produce the physical proof of the error, Ms. Diaz-twin shrugged and walked off, saying, “Well, I have a Spin class at 7:45.”


Wait, what?




No apology. No explanation. No remorse. I had just been DISMISSED.


I couldn’t believe it!!! I am not quick to anger…and I’m pretty easy-going…but this…THIS…was just downright insolent and rude. The dozen or so of us standing there all looked at each other in shock at the attitude we’d just witnessed. Wow.




Did I do anything about it? Nope. I wished I’d gone and filed a complaint right then and there…but I didn’t. I should have at LEAST gotten a free cruise out of the deal - or an upgrade to a Suite...right?! So, as far as I know, Ms. Cameron Diaz-twin is still being rude to guests who dare…DARE…to point out that she might have been mistaken about the time of Stretch class. And I’m sorry about that.


Needing to blow off some steam, I hit the walking/jogging track…and walked no less than SIX laps. I must have really been mad. Six laps on a broken foot! When I was finished, and since I just “happened” to be already on Deck 5 – the Promenade – I decided that only an iced Chai tea and a white chocolate donut would make things better. It’s amazing what delicious flavors can do for your soul…not to mention a smile from William, my favorite Chai tea maker.


William had seen me coming and had it READY for me when I reached the counter, and greeted me with a cheery, "Good morning, Miss Sherri! Here's your Chai! And your chocolate!"


Now THAT, Ms. Diaz-twin, is how it’s DONE. ;)




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Soon, we were docked in St. Thomas…and being that I’ve been to St. Thomas a million times (not really – but close), I decided to not get off the ship. My grandparents used to live on St. Thomas, and I’d spend summers with them…I know the island like the back of my hand, and there was nowhere that I really wanted to go.


Well. That's not quite true. The jewelry shops along Main Street in downtown St. Thomas were REALLY tempting me, as they always do, but I was trying to be good. Jewelry shops to me are like bars to an alcoholic...and I knew I'd resist temptation if I just never set foot off that darn ship.


I decided to pretend that I had chartered the World's Largest Cruise ship for just me, and so that's what I did. And it was fun.


First stop, of course, would be to the pool deck...no having to fight chair hogs or screaming Klingons...it was mine, all mine.


Here’s a photo that I took of the beach pool with a time stamp of 10:00 am:





This was AWESOME!!! I DID pretty much have the entire pool – and pool deck – to myself. It was quiet. It was blissful. It was serene.




Squee! I have it to myself!!!


I alternated between the empty beach pool, and the empty whirlpool tub…and life was very, very good. Who needs a stinkin’ Stretch Class - or jewelry in St. Thomas - when you have an entire pool to yourself on the World’s Largest Cruise Ship??!! (trying to convince myself here, obviously)


Every so often, I'd wander off to another neighborhood to check out the crowds - or lack of crowds - and I had to laugh when I took this photo of the Boardwalk at 12:52 pm:



Squee! I have it to myself!



It was very surreal...almost spooky, actually. I don't think I've ever had an entire cruise ship almost to myself...you start thinking that you're in one of those "Left Behind" movies or something....every so often, I'd look over off the side of the ship just to make sure I saw people scurrying about on the pier.


Soon, though...I was hungry...where to go? Where to go?? Where does one go for lunch when you've chartered the World's Largest Cruise ship for just yourself??!!


Edited by KansCocoa
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On a day when the ship is in port, lunch choices are limited. I could choose between the Windjammer, the Solarium Bistro, the Wipe Out Cafe, or Park Cafe. I had wanted to do Johnny Rockets, but it wouldn't open until 2:00 pm, and I was hungry NOW. And it was only 1:00 pm.


I had a hunch that the Park Café would be practically empty, and that roast beef sammich was calling my name.


Well. It wasn’t QUITE empty. What's this??!! I am having to SHARE my chartered Cruise Ship with someone ELSE??!!




Okay. I'll share. It's just one lady. I can deal with that. I think there's enough room for both of us.


So, guess what I had for lunch at the Park Cafe?




Duh. That was a no brainer....



…which was just as delicious as ever…along with:






…a made to order salad, which was yummy…there's little shrimpies there on the bottom....and to top it off:





Yes. TWO. Don’t judge. I’d had a rough day. :p



I had a facial scheduled for 2:00 pm in the Spa, because what ELSE would one do when one has a cruise ship to themselves...??? And so after lunch, I went down to Deck 6, checked in, and then sat for awhile in the Relaxation Room. Little did I know the treat I had in store for me the rest of the afternoon...truly one of the most interesting afternoons I've had in a long time.


My esthetician that afternoon was a Pakistani gentleman named Hammad Khan - and I hope he's reading this, because he was pretty awesome. And I told him I was I going to tell everyone that. Hammad would tell you that he's the ONLY Pakistani crew member onboard the Allure, and he's very proud of that status. All I could think of when I saw him was, "This guy has the most AMAZING skin I've ever seen...on man OR woman. Wow!"


What was supposed to be a 60-minute facial turned into 90 minutes…as Hammad and I REALLY connected…he was just an amazing young man. Of course, he asked me to guess his age at one point, and I honestly thought he couldn’t be more than 25. He blew me out of the water when he said he had just celebrated his 40th birthday. Get OUT!!!


We talked and we talked and we talked…not just about how to take better care of my own skin (and he was blunt, I’ll give him that), but about our cultural differences and perceptions. He was extremely educated and respectful and knowledgeable…and I loved getting his perspective on things. His goal is to open his own salon one day in Pakistan, and he’s very close to having the money to do that, as he’s been saving for years…and he has a banking degree, in addition to his cosmetology background.


We were so engrossed in our conversation that I almost, ALMOST, forgot to enjoy the wonderful things he was doing to my face…but never fear. It was easily one of the best facials I’ve ever had in my life.


So, here's a shout-out to Hammad Khan...I don't know if he's still on the Allure, but if he is - request him. He was amazing.


And again, Ms. Cameron Diaz-twin, from the gym, that’s how it’s DONE.




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I've thoroughly enjoyed your review up to this point and have had many giggles, but your Duck Dynasty comment had me laughing out loud! We're boarding the Allure this Sunday; our first RCCL cruise and your review has provided me with just the right amount of tips and anticipation. I'm grateful to you, Sheri!!!

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Sherri, I would have been upset, too, if I had gone to class and the instructor had the time wrong! She or someone else should have taught it. One time, I was the only one who showed up for a pilates class and the instructor, a guy, taught me alone and tailored the class to my level! He insisted on doing this because "it was his job to do it". BTW, how much is the Chai tea? Thanks, Marsha

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Thanks for stepping up and helping! Can I hire you out as my assistant? I need one. Can't pay much, as I'm not making much on this review - hee heeee...!!


Oh I would love to be your assistant, I think I'd have a ton of fun following you around, giving you your pen and notebook when you needed to write, setting up your photo shoots. I'd do it for free!

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I’m going to continue the review here in a second, but at this point in the narrative, I have to insert a true confession. Are you ready? Are you sitting down?


Okay. Deep breath. Here it is:




I have the World’s Worst Camera Karma.




It all began on a vacation when I was 15 years old to Philadelphia, and while I was exuberantly running up the famous “Rocky” steps, I accidentally dropped our one and only family camera – shattering it, and the film (remember that?) to bits. My parents have never let me live that one down. That story will still be told when I’m 95 years old and couldn’t tell you who “Rocky” even was and why was he on the darn steps. :rolleyes:


It continued in 2008 while I was on a 3-week mission trip to Hawaii, where I was helping to build a camp for disabled children. During the three weeks, I had amassed over 3,000 photos on my Nikon D50 camera…and one night, while reviewing my photos on the camera, a message popped up that said, “Would you like to reformat your memory card?”




I’d never seen that before, and figured, “What’s the harm in that?” And so I said, “Yes.”


You know where this is going, don’t you?



In the blink of a nanosecond, 3,000 photos that had captured not only the spirit of Hawaii, but of our efforts there, went POOF. Gone with the Wind. Nada.





And my Bad Camera Karma continued on this cruise. In the first place, I’d had to go buy a camera at the last minute before cruising – as I didn’t have one with me in Florida. I had my iPhone, but I wanted something that wouldn’t lose it’s battery one minute after turning it on…which drives me CRAZY, by the way. Anyway, I struggled with that camera ALL week…and I would use it one day, use my iPhone the next, while trying to capture photos from the ship.


I thought I had managed to figure it all out…but for some very mysterious reason…all the photos that I took the rest of this day – Day #4 – have mysteriously disappeared.





Poof. Gone with the Wind. Nada. But – ONLY for this day. I still have all the other photos.


Is that weird???


So…I’m going to go ahead and continue, and tell you about a neat tour I did on the ship that afternoon, as well as my dinner at Izumi, but I don’t have any photos.




They are now floating somewhere in Camera Cyberspace, joining all those photos from Hawaii five years ago.



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I've thoroughly enjoyed your review up to this point and have had many giggles, but your Duck Dynasty comment had me laughing out loud! We're boarding the Allure this Sunday; our first RCCL cruise and your review has provided me with just the right amount of tips and anticipation. I'm grateful to you, Sheri!!!


I'm glad I could make you laugh...and if you enjoy Duck Dynasty, then you're MY kind of people! And that's a fact, Jack! (said in my best Uncle Si voice!)



Sherri, I would have been upset, too, if I had gone to class and the instructor had the time wrong! She or someone else should have taught it. One time, I was the only one who showed up for a pilates class and the instructor, a guy, taught me alone and tailored the class to my level! He insisted on doing this because "it was his job to do it". BTW, how much is the Chai tea? Thanks, Marsha


I agree...I expected at least an apology...along the lines of..."I'm sorry if there was some confusion about the time...I can't teach class today as I have a Spin class coming up, but hopefully I'll see you tomorrow."


The Chai Tea...I FOUND MY NOTES! It was $3.55....!!!

Edited by KansCocoa
Because I found the price of the Chai Tea!
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Oh I would love to be your assistant, I think I'd have a ton of fun following you around, giving you your pen and notebook when you needed to write, setting up your photo shoots. I'd do it for free!


Yes, the salary would suck, but think of all the perks you'd get:




And lots of it!

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