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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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After sampling at least three different kinds, I was feeling REALLY good…so good, that I managed to capture this AMAZING photograph…





…of my own shadow. Yes. You know you’ve had TOO MUCH RUM when you take pictures of your own shadow while on a Caribbean island. Sigh. Perhaps I DO need a chaperone while cruising, after all. To save myself from embarrassing moments such as this.



You are so funny. I actually laugh out loud reading this review (at work). You should publish these reviews - or submit them as e-books. You're very talented.:)

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So, by 11:00, we were on the road to the French perfumery – also known as Tijon. Along the way, Gabriel again pointed out the sights…and while he was talking…I noticed that my lap was getting…wet. This is curious. I’d been holding the bottles of rum I’d purchased at MaMaDoux in my lap, and when I started investigating, I saw that the bottom of my paper sack was soaked.


Uh oh. This does not bode well.


I opened the sack, and noticed that the lid on the banana rum bottle had not been completely sealed, and I now had a puddle of dark, sticky liquid in my lap. Oh, joy. I quickly sealed the bottle, but I’ve now got rum ALL over my fingers…REALLY sticky, sweet rum…and the only way to deal with it is to begin licking my fingers. Cuz' I HATE sticky on my fingers....a lot. It's one of the (many, sigh) textures that I can't stand. Sticky. Shudder. I had to get it off - and I had to get it off NOW. So I began licking...and licking...and licking....I’m sure I made quite the sight to my fellow cruisers – the lush lady who is licking and slobbering all over her rum-soaked fingers at 11:00 am in the morning…it’s no wonder she’s traveling SOLO. Not to mention – I now REEK of rum…and we’re heading to a perfumery.


We’re greeted at the door of Tijon by John, the owner, who transplanted here from Minnesota after one-too-many harsh winters. John greets everyone as they enter, and I’m sure he’s a bit taken aback by the lady who’s got rum on her pants and rum on her fingers…I always make SUCH an impression when I travel.


The first few minutes was spent with John giving us a brief spiel on how they blend their perfumes…



There’s also a perfume quiz here…winners get free bottles of perfume!


John then said that he could custom-blend a perfume for us in their workshop, if we were interested. I was interested. I was VERY interested.


As I said, I LOVE perfume. LOVE it. And one of my most favorite EVER perfumes was recently discontinued, and I haven’t been able to find it since. It’s a unique blend of chocolate with cherry…(there’s that food, again…I am always enamored by food!). I asked John if he could recreate that blend for me, and he took me over to a wall where there were hundreds of tiny vials, each labeled, with about every imaginable scent…you can choose up to three for your own perfume, so I quickly chose chocolate and raspberry…as I wasn’t happy with the cherry scent.


John took me back to his workshop, where he quickly began putting together different combinations of the scents, and asked me to rate them:




It didn’t take long before he had the perfect combination, and I was extremely happy. He then bottled it up, and asked me to name my creation, so he could label it.


Well. This caught me off guard, as I hadn’t realized I’d have to name my own creation. But I’m up for the challenge. I’m creative. (I think I am, anyway). And I’m a word master (I think I am, anyway). Surely, being the creative word master that I am, I will be able to produce the BEST PERFUME NAME EVER IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND. It will be EPIC.


Are you ready for this???!!!


I named my chocolate and raspberry creation:









Choco Berry


Don’t judge. Apparently, I may be a creative word master – but NOT when I’ve been guzzling – oops, I mean SIPPING – rum all morning. On an empty stomach.


Imagine my reaction later that evening, when I was a bit more…um…sober…and I came across my souvenir bottle…


“Choco Berry???!! What the HECK???!!! What, was I naming CEREAL??!!"

The scent is beautiful. The name…eh…not so much.


Anyway, after creating and naming and bottling my masterpiece, I had a bit of time to shop in the store…there are lots of pretty displays of both womens’ and mens’ scents:






We had about 30 minutes total here…so if you want to custom blend a perfume, just have an idea of what (up to three) scents you would want…I didn’t write down what I paid for the perfume – imagine that, in my rum-induced haze – but it was reasonable.


Speaking of writing down…I WAS making notes, as usual…but check this out. This is one of my notes from the perfumery that I wrote down in my book:


“Guy from Minn whoo eps here now.”




Oh, geeze. Anyone have a CLUE as to what I was trying to say here? It’s no wonder that I try to stay away from alcohol. Hiccup.




Soon, Gabriel was rounding us all up for our next stop…the Caribbean cooking class. Oh, thank goodness. I needed some food. Soon.


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I named my chocolate and raspberry creation:









Choco Berry


Golly Gee, surely if you had been sober [or at least not sticky] you would have realized the perfect name would have been "Kansas Cocoa"

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Golly Gee, surely if you had been sober [or at least not sticky] you would have realized the perfect name would have been "Kansas Cocoa"




You are so right. And I never, NEVER thought of that.


<smacking myself up the head>


I love it! Next time I go back - I'm changing the name. :)

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By 1:30, we were at the restaurant, Le Ti Provencal (158 Boulevard de Grand Case, if you're interested), for our cooking demonstration. We were greeted at the door and escorted in to the beachside venue:




We were led back to part of the restaurant where chairs had been set up in front of a table laden with a Caribbean bounty:




As pretty as that table was, though, I couldn’t take my eyes off the view…




Holy smokes! I’ve taken a lot of cooking classes over the years, but never – NEVER – one with a view like this! It was almost distracting…and I thought, “I hope the chef is good – because he’s got a lot to compete with to keep our attention!”


Speaking of chefs...meet Chef Dwayne:




I didn’t have to worry about Chef Dwayne. He MORE than held his own with that beautiful view as a backdrop. He delved right into the cooking demonstration, with the right blend of humor, knowledge and skill…and with the help of a rather audience-shy and reluctant volunteer, he quickly blended up several delicious dishes:




This was chicken, mixed with a sauce of coconut milk, thyme, and Colombo seasoning (which is like a curry)…and it was to DIE for. Seriously. I was licking the bowl…yum. Mixed with my rum-soaked fingers, it was even better.


Next up was a delicious shrimp gumbo:




Oh, wow. Another thumbs up. Just the right amount of heat – and the fresh shrimp? Lip-smacking good.


Now, we needed something sweet…and Chef Dwayne delivered….


…to be continued…

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OMG - You are so bleepin' funny!!!!!! :D:D:D


Choco Berry???? - FOR REAL??? HILARIOUS!!!!




I was under pressure.


And I was sticky.


And I had rum on my pants.


And I was a tad bit...tipsy.


That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. ;)


(When I was growing up, there was a chocolate cereal called "Count Chocula" - with a vampire on the box...and a strawberry cereal called, "Frankenberry" - with a Frankenstein monster on the box...I keep thinking I took those two cereals and blended them together for the name of my perfume.)


I dream in food.

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. . . I love it! Next time I go back - I'm changing the name.


Glad I could come out of my lurkdom and make a meanignful contruibution to the thread.


Go 'Hawks and Shocks! [with a secondary soft spot for FGCU]

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love the review so far, photos are my favorite part --plus your witt writing. Will have to read Europe review next. We have only sailed RCI once and now that college son no longer needs a camp --back to RCI + added amenities they offer...off to read all 48 pages now.Thanks for posting I know it takes a lot of time to do a review. But great to go back and relive the cruise.

Edited by Buffettfan 225
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Yes, we needed something sweet…so Chef Dwayne whipped up some delicious bananas flambé:




Very good. Yum.



After this delightful demonstration, we were led to the bar, where a complimentary drink awaited us:





This was officially a “Creole Sunshine Cocktail” – which has an intriguing blend:





…as well as an intriguing price… 7 Euro. Yikes. Glad I got it for free!


However, Chef Dwayne calls this drink a “Slow Creeper”…for very evident reasons once I took my first sip. Good – but deceivingly strong. On top of the rum I’d already had for breakfast, I was sipping this rather cautiously….


We had about 30-45 minutes to explore the beach, which was near empty, or have lunch at the restaurant. If the shrimp gumbo or chicken Colombo had been on the menu, I would have gladly ordered some more – as the portions we’d tasted had been rather small….so, not seeing anything I really wanted to eat, I happily walked up and down the near-deserted beach, putting my feet and ankles in the warm water….





All too soon, it was time to head back on the bus….and head back to the ship.


Before we got to the pier, though, we had one last surprise stop. For a tour entitled, "Made in Paradise" - it was only appropriate that we stop at a little bar & restaurant entitled, "Paradise View" - for a photo opportunity:





This was a 10-15 minute stop, as there were little stalls where you could purchase reasonably-priced souvenirs. One guy got back on the bus, proudly showing his $4 baseball hat....


Soon...we were back at the pier...where the beautiful Allure was waiting for us:





My thoughts:


First, the perfume factory…I found this interesting, but it was really more of a shopping stop than anything…which is pretty typical, actually, for an RCI-sponsored excursion. Whether it’s a cameo factory, or a carpet factory, RCI is pretty good at sneaking in these stops for shopping. I DID enjoy getting the opportunity to blend my own perfume – but I didn’t really learn anything about perfumes, so to speak. If you don’t mind shopping for perfumes, then this was okay.


Next – the Caribbean cooking demonstration….by FAR, the best stop on the tour. This was worth the $56 alone…in all seriousness. Chef Dwayne was SO funny, and so witty, that if he doesn’t have his own televised cooking show soon, then someone is missing out! And the food…delicious! To have this in one of the most beautiful and peaceful spots on the island?





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Wow! I'm glad this review will help you...I ate in the Specialty Restaurants every night, so I will be doing a review of each of them.


I'm sorry about the circumstances, but I'm glad that you and your ex can sail together! This ship is so massive, you can probably escape for some peace and quiet - I'll be sure to tell you where to go for some "alone" time, and it can be our secret! ;)


It's funny about the Constellation...I'm sailing on her in April, for the "Top Chef" (Bravo TV) cruise. Hubby Mike and I are avid "foodies" - and so we're going to enjoy that cruise for sure! I would have been looking to you for some tips and advice.

Having just found this wonderful cruise review...cannot wait for the Top Chef review! I see you becoming a sous chef...offering to empty the trash for them.

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Once back onboard, I had a bit of time before evening activities…and I decided that some R&R was needed…


Heading to my favorite Cupcake place, I got a taste of paradise – as in a Chocolate Turtle cupcake – and insuring that it was safely wrapped up in plastic, so it wouldn’t take a tumble (I'm smart like that), I headed up to my own bit of paradise on the ship…the secret deck on Deck 11:




I mean, does life get much better than this? A chocolate cupcake…on a secret deserted balcony…in beautiful St. Maarten…people-watching as they come back along the pier.....This was THE perfect place to watch the runners as they made their way back to the ship, and I was truly in heaven….





Soon, Amy and Steve joined me, and we had a pleasant chat about their own day…they had done a great trip around the island in their rental car, where they got some amazing photos…I always enjoy hearing what other people do while onshore, as it gives me ideas for the NEXT time I visit. Being the eternal optimist, I always know there will be a NEXT time…anywhere in the world!


When I got back to my cabin to get ready for the evening, I discovered one of the downsides of a balcony....


...the dreaded "leopard" look...brought on from soot on the butt:




For you experienced cruisers, you know exactly to what I’m referring to…but to the newbies…beware. There is sometimes soot that will settle on the chairs and loungers on balconies…and if you’re not observant, you will have a lovely spotted design on the back of your shorts. Like me.


Poor shorts…rum AND soot. They’d had quite the day.


Time to get dressed for the evening, and this was the dress of the night:




Do I look festive? I hope so...I had not one, but TWO parties to go to!


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I think this tour will have to be on my priority list for our next cruise to St. Maarten.


I have to laugh out loud at your reviews. They are so funny at times. Or maybe it is that "you" are so funny. It's like reading the next Janet Evanovich book before it comes out. :pI would love to cruise with you sometime.


Thanks for taking the time to do these reviews, especially since you aren't feeling up to par right now. Hope your next cruise is great and hope your upcoming surgery is successful and painless.


Gwen :)

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You are so right. And I never, NEVER thought of that.


<smacking myself up the head>


I love it! Next time I go back - I'm changing the name. :)


Kansas Cocoa! Holy cow, that would have been PERFECT!

Edited by mrsfecura
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This is laugh out loud funny! Very much enjoying your review and we are sailing with Princess in 2 weeks, so I should be reading their reviews but I'm enjoying yours too much.


I'm with you on being sticky........it made me shudder just reading about it. One of my biggest pet peeves is being sticky!!!!:eek::D


Looking forward to the rest of your review and maybe sailing on the Allure one day.

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I noticed that my lap was getting…wet. This is curious. I’d been holding the bottles of rum I’d purchased at MaMaDoux in my lap, and when I started investigating, I saw that the bottom of my paper sack was soaked.


Uh oh. This does not bode well.


I opened the sack, and noticed that the lid on the banana rum bottle had not been completely sealed, and I now had a puddle of dark, sticky liquid in my lap. Oh, joy. I quickly sealed the bottle, but I’ve now got rum ALL over my fingers…REALLY sticky, sweet rum…and the only way to deal with it is to begin licking my fingers. Cuz' I HATE sticky on my fingers....a lot. It's one of the (many, sigh) textures that I can't stand. Sticky. Shudder. I had to get it off - and I had to get it off NOW. So I began licking...and licking...and licking....I’m sure I made quite the sight to my fellow cruisers – the lush lady who is licking and slobbering all over her rum-soaked fingers at 11:00 am in the morning…it’s no wonder she’s traveling SOLO. Not to mention – I now REEK of rum…and we’re heading to a perfumery.



Ha..this defintley beats you and your daughter making us (a little) late at every stop on the tour you did last time you were in St. Maarten (nope, never gonna let you live that down) =p

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Party #1 that evening was the Diamond Party – held in the Amber Theater. Upon arriving, we were given a choice of cocktails, and I chose this – because it looked pretty:





Yes, it was free. But…after one sip of this horrific, disgusting concoction, I realized that RCI must have put away all of their cheap liquor and brought it out for this event....because this was, undoubtedly, the WORST drink I’ve ever tasted in my life.




Anyway, I settled in a seat for the event…it featured Ken Rush, the Cruise Director, as well as the Captain, who spoke briefly to the crowd, and was entertaining, as usual. I will say one thing about Captain Johnny - he knows how to work a crowd.


Soon, the RCI singers and dancers came out for a brief performance:




Afterwards, they spoke briefly about their performances during the week, especially their roles in "Chicago: The Musical".


Some things of highlight to note of the event:


Ken was celebrating his 28th anniversary with RCI the next day…so there was a big deal made out of that…it's nice to see someone stick with the same company all this time...that says a lot.


They also announced that there were nine…NINE…Pinnacle cruisers with us this week. Holy smokes – that’s a lot! Ken then announced that the highest Pinnacle cruiser on board had a whopping 1,373 points….!


That’s like, FOUR years of cruising!!! To give some perspective, I’m a Diamond…with a mere 128 points. I'm just hoping to make it to Diamond + one day...but I can't even imagine Pinnacle. Wow.




Soon, it was time to leave this party and head to my 2nd party of the evening – the famous Rita’s Fiesta! This was going to be my dinner for the evening, and I wanted to be able to write a review of this venue.


Rita’s Cantina is a Mexican-inspired restaurant located on the Boardwalk (Deck 6). For lunch and dinner, there is a $3 cover charge to get in, and the food is then a la carte. However, approximately 3-4 times per cruise, Rita’s Cantina transforms into Rita’s FIESTA!


This is an all-you-can eat party featuring party favors, dancing and food…you can choose either the non-alcoholic package for $10, or the alcohol package (for $30). Each package gives you three drinks. I figured for $10, I would definitely get my money's worth...but let's see if I did.


The party had already started when I arrived to check in, and I had a bit of trepidation…everyone was already seated at these large tables, and I would be…solo. Yikes. Was I going to be seated by myself at a lively and energetic party - where I'd stick out like a sore thumb?? Or would I be seated with a bunch of strangers? Either way – I was a bit nervous.


I walked up to the podium to check in, and I noticed the couple in front of me.


No way.




Yes, way.


It was the Brazilian Muster Mother/Daughter!


I KNOW them!


This was truly fate…I now didn’t have to worry about dining by myself – or dining with strangers. I would be dining with friends. Thank you, Cruise Gods! Along with Amelia and Fernanda, we also had Susanna join our group. Susanna is another RCI employee (like Fernanda); she works on the Allure at the Shore Excursions Desk:



Susanna…at work!


Fernanda and Susanna have been friends forever, since they've worked for RCI for many years. They more than welcomed me into their little group; I was made to feel like family.


At the check-in, you are given a plastic bracelet…green if you’re drinking alcohol, and red if you’re not. Each bracelet has three tabs – indicated by a “1, 2, 3” – which the server will tear off when you’ve ordered a drink. This is how they keep “tabs” on how many drinks you’ve had! Ingenious!





They also hand the men/boys a sombrero and the women/girls a plastic, blinkie necklace. Well. I pouted. I wanted a sombrero. I’m not sure why – I mean, does one really NEED a sombrero??? But for some reason, I had it in my head that I wouldn’t be able to properly party down unless I had a big fat sombrero on top. The Podium Guy said, “No. Only men can have sombreros.” WHAT? What’s with that??!! I can pout with the best of them, and after sticking out my bottom lip, the Podium Guy relented and gave me a sombrero.


I’m not sure why it was such a big deal, though, because I looked around and saw that pretty much EVERYONE – male and female – had a sombrero. Maybe he just wanted to see me pout. Who knows??


So…drink tabs in place…blinkie necklaces blinking…and sombreros on top…we were led to our table to begin the feasting and fiesta-ing:



Look at these FINE ladies!!!



What a group we were…two women from Brazil…one from Mexico…one from Kansas City. I spoke no Portuguese…but a little Spanish…Amelia spoke little English…but fluent Spanish…luckily, Fernanda and Susanna were fluent in Spanish AND English, so we could converse.


But really. Who needed conversing? We were enjoying the music and the company. This is what I love about traveling, and cruising in particular...all of the people you meet from all over the world.


Life was good…and it was about to get better…because soon...we'd be getting drinks...and FOOD!


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Oh, my, a chance to share some info with the Drama Queen. Yeah! We were on the Radiance in Alaska in 2011. I'll be happy to share my shore excursion information if you like. We were on the pre-cruise land tour that did NOT go to Denali. We loved every minute! The cruise is amazing as well. It is a totally different vibe on the ship during this cruise.


You'll have a blast no matter what you do! It is beautiful!


Good to hear about this - you may just have to share! As I've said, I've done NO research...yet. I'm sure I'll have an amazing Cruise Binder before we depart, though - this will be one that I'm not just going to wing it! And the Radiance - she may be my most-favorite ship in the world. I've sailed on her a couple of times now - and she's a beauty.



Thanks for another great cruise review. With the Oasis coming to Europe in September 2014 we will use your review to get ready for it.


Yay! I SAW that! The Oasis in Europe! Wow...it's going to look MASSIVE in some of those smaller ports! I'm glad the review can help you!

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Well, at least your parents purchasing their own Ft. Myers condo bodes well for the furniture arrangements in YOUR house. ;)


Oh, Amy - this made me laugh out loud. Guess what Mom did the first day they moved in? Yup. Moved all of the existing furniture around. Sigh. She'll never quit. But you're right - now she'll leave MY house alone!



You are so funny. I actually laugh out loud reading this review (at work). You should publish these reviews - or submit them as e-books. You're very talented.:)


Aw, thanks, Cheryl! I appreciate that...I keep looking into how to publish, and then I get sidetracked - look, a squirrel!!! Yeah - like that. ;)

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Glad I could come out of my lurkdom and make a meanignful contruibution to the thread.


Go 'Hawks and Shocks! [with a secondary soft spot for FGCU]


Hmmm...growing up in Missouri - and going to the University of Missouri (Kansas City) - I can never, in good conscience, root for the Jayhawks...but I wish you luck! Until you possibly play the Eagles. ;)


I've given up trying to get any actual news down here in Ft. Myers - the entire evening broadcasts for the past week have been 99% about FGCU...!


love the review so far, photos are my favorite part --plus your witt writing. Will have to read Europe review next. We have only sailed RCI once and now that college son no longer needs a camp --back to RCI + added amenities they offer...off to read all 48 pages now.Thanks for posting I know it takes a lot of time to do a review. But great to go back and relive the cruise.


Thank you! I'm glad someone likes my photos...as I know they're not professional, nor that wonderful some times. I get frustrated; I see the perfect photo in my mind, but I can't quite capture it on film...yet. :)

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I think this tour will have to be on my priority list for our next cruise to St. Maarten.


I have to laugh out loud at your reviews. They are so funny at times. Or maybe it is that "you" are so funny. It's like reading the next Janet Evanovich book before it comes out. :pI would love to cruise with you sometime.


Thanks for taking the time to do these reviews, especially since you aren't feeling up to par right now. Hope your next cruise is great and hope your upcoming surgery is successful and painless.


Gwen :)


Thanks, Gwen! Today is a good day...I'm actually feeling a bit human...it comes and goes. This excursion in St. Maarten was perfect for someone who's been to the island before and is looking for something a bit different...and enjoys food! And hopefully one day we'll get to cruise together! :)


Keep the colorful reviews coming! I know I'm not speaking for just me when I say that immediately after reading an entry I am jonesing for the next one! :D


Thank you - that makes me feel good! Sometimes, you wonder if anyone's even reading...so good to know that you are. :)

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This is laugh out loud funny! Very much enjoying your review and we are sailing with Princess in 2 weeks, so I should be reading their reviews but I'm enjoying yours too much.


I'm with you on being sticky........it made me shudder just reading about it. One of my biggest pet peeves is being sticky!!!!:eek::D


Looking forward to the rest of your review and maybe sailing on the Allure one day.


Thank you! Ugh...sticky. It was AWFUL! And I had no wipes...no water...to wash off with...so, I had to improvise. ;)


Ha..this defintley beats you and your daughter making us (a little) late at every stop on the tour you did last time you were in St. Maarten (nope, never gonna let you live that down) =p


See...you saw first-hand evidence of my Directionally-Challenged Self, and you will always bring that up!


And to think...I was on my BEST behavior on that trip, with my young, impressionable daughter in tow. Which is why you didn't see me drinking any of the rum punch on the bus...altho I was soooooooooooo tempted. ;)

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Our waiter, Iputu, arrived and took our drink order. We all ordered a round of virgin Pina Coladas…and oh my. They were YUMMY! They were just what we needed while we waited for the appetizer to arrive.


For the fiesta, you don’t order off the menu. It’s a pre-fix menu, and it is served ‘family style.' This means it’s set down in the middle of the table, and everyone dives in. The appetizer consisted of Chipotle-style flautas, and quesadillas, and they were both delicious:




I apologize for these photos…the lights were somewhat low, and we were sitting outside, on the Boardwalk…and it was dark. So…the photos aren’t the best quality, but they give you an idea of what we had to eat that night.


We also had some traditional chips with salsa, although there was some to-die-for guacamole, as well:





Soon, it was time for our entrée…which was chicken and beef fajitas! Complete with peppers, onions, guacamole, sour cream, refried beans, and cheese:



It’s a Mexican FEAST!


Just when you think you can’t possibly have another bite, they bring out the dessert…which is a tray of cinnamon sugar churros (with chocolate dipping sauce), banana enchiladas, and Mexican flan.



The dark stuff is the chocolate dipping sauce...YUM!


Between courses, during courses – heck, the ENTIRE course – there was (VERY LOUD) music blaring, people dancing, and just all-around fun. Our servers would come grab us and take us out to the Boardwalk for the Electric Slide dance…or other variations of…and the servers across the way at Johnny Rockets weren’t going to be left out… they’d jump over and start dancing with us, as well…in fact, at one point, it looked like a dance-off scene from West Side Story – between the Sharks and the Jets – only in our case, it was the Johnnys vs the Ritas…dueling it out in dance. The passers-by on the Boardwalk that evening probably got quite the show....!



This was an extremely fun evening…I found the food very tasty and very plentiful. Is it gourmet? Snort. No. It's Mexican. It's fun. Don't go to Rita's Fiesta for a gourmet meal - you go for the EXPERIENCE!


This is what the evening cost me:


THREE generous-sized virgin Pina Colada’s

Chips & Salsa



Fajitas – complete with all the toppings

Churros & chocolate sauce

Banana enchiladas with chocolate sauce

Mexican flan with fruit salsa

Dancing, dancing, and more dancing

Laughing, laughing, and more laughing

A blinkie necklace

…and a sombrero


All for $10.


Spending it with three amazing women…from different countries…different backgrounds…different cultures….? Priceless.


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My evening wasn’t over yet…nope! I had one more place to go…and that was to the Amber Theater (again), for the headline show, BeatleManiacs.


Their show was okay…they start with the “early” years of the Beatles, complete with the black-and-white set and costumes:




They then move to the psychedelic era, with the kaleidoscope of colors:




Was it a great show? No. But the music was fun to sing along to, and the crowd seemed to enjoy it…I think it just seemed low-energy for me, and that COULD be my own fault – after experiencing the fiesta for the last two hours!


After the show, I was done in…so I headed up to my cabin…along the way, though, I came across everyone’s favorite cruise buddy…bonus points for who can tell me his name???!!



A Cruise Critic Celebrity!


He was pretty shy tonight, as you can see – but I was tickled to see him…sometimes, he can be elusive.


Whew. What a day. Between the rum, the perfume, the cooking, the beach, the fiesta, the Beatles, and the friendships – it was pretty darn good.


Discounting the spilled rum and the soot, of course. ;)


Coming up: Cruise Compasses and Cruise Specials


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