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What are your thoughts on Phentermine? (adipex)

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My daughter has been on this for a few days and has already lost 17 lbs so I went to see my doctor about getting it today. She gave me a 30 day supply but told me she wouldn't take it herself, made me sign a consent form and advised me against it. We are cruising in about 36 days so I was hoping to build some better habits and drop a few lbs before then. Anyone on here try this before?

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I confess I took it but only because I had won a spot in a weightloss competition through a radio station. It was a medically supervised program that included phentramine. I was given a complete EKG and blood panel to first determine if I was even a candidate for it. I was, others were not and were given an herbal supplement like it.


It worked for me and I lost 60 lbs but keep in mind I also had the luxury of seeing the doctor for it and being monitored weekly, and I also got a b12 shot. The diet part was very low carb and legally in my state you can only be prescribed it for a certain amount of time.


I referred 3 friends to the program and they also lost big time. One lost over 100, the other 50, the other 30. They of course, had to pay for the program I got mine for free.


I've kept all the weight off. I can't stand to eat the things I used to enjoy, and I am so used to eating less that to eat more than what I am now used to makes me sick to my stomach.


I would only recommend it if your doctor is going to monitor your progress on it. It's not meant to just "give" someone the pills and let them be on your own. I'm glad I had the EKG first and blood panels. I wouldn't do it any other way.



My daughter has been on this for a few days and has already lost 17 lbs so I went to see my doctor about getting it today. She gave me a 30 day supply but told me she wouldn't take it herself, made me sign a consent form and advised me against it. We are cruising in about 36 days so I was hoping to build some better habits and drop a few lbs before then. Anyone on here try this before?
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Congrats on your weight loss!!


My doctor will be monitoring me but only once per month. I had a complete physical a few months ago, including labs. She checked a few things yesterday but didn't give me an EKG because I am in good health, no family history of heart problems and I always have good blood pressure. I have to go back in a month and she will check me out again to determine if I can take it for another month. She gave me a 2 pages of information, which I had to sign. It tells me things to look out for and when to stop taking it and when to call her.


Today was my first day on it. I still felt hungry but was easily satisfied. I managed to stay just under 1200 calories, which is way less than normal for me. The biggest thing I noticed is I didn't have any cravings for sweets...I usually crave them constantly! Also, I normally drink about 8 Diet Cokes per day. Today I only had 2 and I never craved them, I'm just trying to avoid caffeine withdraws. So far I've had 8 glasses of water today which is about 7-8 more than normal.


I hope this works for me because I gained 60 lbs after injuring my feet and I really need to get it off!

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I too tried adipex after I had foot surgery and quit smoking, oh AND turned 40. I went from a size 2 up to a size 18 in less than 2 years.


My doctor didn't do an EKG but he did see me after 30 days. He checked my vitals and told me I might experience an increase in blood pressure. I haven't so far.


I lost 27 pounds in less than 3 months but then I stopped taking it regularly. I stopped losing. I do notice an increase in my cravings. I actually called this morning to get a refill so I could start taking it again.


I added CLA, raspberry ketones and a b complex vitamin in addition to the adipex the last month I took it regularly and I was losing like crazy. I should mention that I drank home made protein smoothies in the morning for breakfast and sometimes for dinner because that was all I really felt like eating.


Good luck on your weight loss!! I know EXACTLY how you feel.

Edited by clalford1
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I too tried adipex after I had foot surgery and quit smoking, oh AND turned 40. I went from a size 2 up to a size 18 in less than 2 years.


My doctor didn't do an EKG but he did see me after 30 days. He checked my vitals and told me I might experience an increase in blood pressure. I haven't so far.


I lost 27 pounds in less than 3 months but then I stopped taking it regularly. I stopped losing. I do notice an increase in my cravings. I actually called this morning to get a refill so I could start taking it again.


I added CLA, raspberry ketones and a b complex vitamin in addition to the adipex the last month I took it regularly and I was losing like crazy. I should mention that I drank home made protein smoothies in the morning for breakfast and sometimes for dinner because that was all I really felt like eating.


Good luck on your weight loss!! I know EXACTLY how you feel.


Congrats on your weight loss!! Have you started back on them yet? Did you gain any weight after you stopped taking them? What is CLA and raspberry ketones?


I have been drinking protein shakes 1-2 meals a day too.

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It works but your body can get used to it in a short time and then it won't work. I've been on it a few times but still haven't conquered my other eating issues and that needs to be in place. My doctor would pay close attention to my heart while on the phentermine.

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As I understood it, the EKG was a pretty crucial step prior to taking it more so than the blood panel part. So this is what the doctor said anyway, she was a specialist in weight loss.


If you haven't conquered your eating part, that's not the medicine, that's you. Your the only one who controls what goes into your mouth and if dont change your eating habits at the same time you can build up a tolerance to it which is what you did. It's not a license to keep eating in the same way that got you fat to begin with. You still have to control your eating habits, the idea is to curb your appetite. I think this is why a lot of diets fail, people still think they can eat the same amounts they are accustomed to.


It works but your body can get used to it in a short time and then it won't work. I've been on it a few times but still haven't conquered my other eating issues and that needs to be in place. My doctor would pay close attention to my heart while on the phentermine.
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My first week I was allowed no more than 5 carbs..only high protein, low fat..I am not a big meat eater to begin with so for me this was torture but the first week I lost 14lb..4 fat and 10 water..consistently after that I lost 3-5 lbs per week..600 calories and 20 carbs which is surprisingly a lot of food..more than you think. Now I maintain on about 1200 per day. I've gotten back into endurance exercise and when I have days of hard running I eat about 1500 calories per day, but it's an extra 300 in protein and not carbs. I do eat fruits/veggies/bread now, but my eating habits changed so I eat no more than 40-60 carbs per day and I'm good. And I have to say, the best part for me was having my wedding dress taken in 6.5 inches!


Congrats on your weight loss!!


My doctor will be monitoring me but only once per month. I had a complete physical a few months ago, including labs. She checked a few things yesterday but didn't give me an EKG because I am in good health, no family history of heart problems and I always have good blood pressure. I have to go back in a month and she will check me out again to determine if I can take it for another month. She gave me a 2 pages of information, which I had to sign. It tells me things to look out for and when to stop taking it and when to call her.


Today was my first day on it. I still felt hungry but was easily satisfied. I managed to stay just under 1200 calories, which is way less than normal for me. The biggest thing I noticed is I didn't have any cravings for sweets...I usually crave them constantly! Also, I normally drink about 8 Diet Cokes per day. Today I only had 2 and I never craved them, I'm just trying to avoid caffeine withdraws. So far I've had 8 glasses of water today which is about 7-8 more than normal.


I hope this works for me because I gained 60 lbs after injuring my feet and I really need to get it off!

Edited by Gathina
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As I understood it, the EKG was a pretty crucial step prior to taking it more so than the blood panel part. So this is what the doctor said anyway, she was a specialist in weight loss.


If you haven't conquered your eating part, that's not the medicine, that's you. Your the only one who controls what goes into your mouth and if dont change your eating habits at the same time you can build up a tolerance to it which is what you did. It's not a license to keep eating in the same way that got you fat to begin with. You still have to control your eating habits, the idea is to curb your appetite. I think this is why a lot of diets fail, people still think they can eat the same amounts they are accustomed to.




I know which is why my dr took me off it. I was doing good then had a few things happen that triggered my emotional eating. If I can conquer that I know I'll beat my issues even without meds.

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My first week I was allowed no more than 5 carbs..only high protein, low fat..I am not a big meat eater to begin with so for me this was torture but the first week I lost 14lb..4 fat and 10 water..consistently after that I lost 3-5 lbs per week..600 calories and 20 carbs which is surprisingly a lot of food..more than you think. Now I maintain on about 1200 per day. I've gotten back into endurance exercise and when I have days of hard running I eat about 1500 calories per day, but it's an extra 300 in protein and not carbs. I do eat fruits/veggies/bread now, but my eating habits changed so I eat no more than 40-60 carbs per day and I'm good. And I have to say, the best part for me was having my wedding dress taken in 6.5 inches!


Wow!! Only 600 calories? My doctor told me to eat 1200, which is hard to do while eating healthy on these pills but I try to at least get close. I'm so happy it worked out so great for you. I hope I have good results too.

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Yes. Drastic but it's not as drastic as you think when you consider it's low carb and high protein. I did have like 2-4 cups of green vegetables per day.


I researched the doctor a lot. I work in the medicine field so I knew what I had to look for. I don't think the program I went through was the typical doctor supervised program given the money one would pay for it if you hadn't won it like me. I also wrote down what I ate and that awareness in itself was amazing. I ate healthy food..never a big sweet eater..my problem was carbs from too many good grains, even fruits/vegetables. But I also was disgusted with myself for how I looked and felt and took ownership of it and wasn't blaming anyone but me. When I had my moment of truth with my wedding dress it wasn't pretty but I was willing to fight through the shame of it to change. Half of weight loss is in the mind. People think they can't live on less food but they can.


Wow!! Only 600 calories? My doctor told me to eat 1200, which is hard to do while eating healthy on these pills but I try to at least get close. I'm so happy it worked out so great for you. I hope I have good results too.
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Yes. Drastic but it's not as drastic as you think when you consider it's low carb and high protein. I did have like 2-4 cups of green vegetables per day.


I researched the doctor a lot. I work in the medicine field so I knew what I had to look for. I don't think the program I went through was the typical doctor supervised program given the money one would pay for it if you hadn't won it like me. I also wrote down what I ate and that awareness in itself was amazing. I ate healthy food..never a big sweet eater..my problem was carbs from too many good grains, even fruits/vegetables. But I also was disgusted with myself for how I looked and felt and took ownership of it and wasn't blaming anyone but me. When I had my moment of truth with my wedding dress it wasn't pretty but I was willing to fight through the shame of it to change. Half of weight loss is in the mind. People think they can't live on less food but they can.


So is that the norm when taking this? I know my daughter isn't eating much either. But my doctor told me to eat 1200 calories and I've always heard anything less isn't healthy. I could eat less if that's what I should be doing...

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My first week I was allowed no more than 5 carbs..only high protein, low fat..I am not a big meat eater to begin with so for me this was torture but the first week I lost 14lb..4 fat and 10 water..consistently after that I lost 3-5 lbs per week..600 calories and 20 carbs which is surprisingly a lot of food..more than you think. Now I maintain on about 1200 per day. I've gotten back into endurance exercise and when I have days of hard running I eat about 1500 calories per day, but it's an extra 300 in protein and not carbs. I do eat fruits/veggies/bread now, but my eating habits changed so I eat no more than 40-60 carbs per day and I'm good. And I have to say, the best part for me was having my wedding dress taken in 6.5 inches!


I just completed my first week on this. I averaged 926 calories per day without feeling hungry...that's net calories after deducting calories burned. I lost 8.4 pounds. My daughter is losing faster but eating much less and she's not exercising because she's scared to while on this medication. I find it gives me more energy so it's easier to do it. I haven't had any big side effects yet, although I did have terrible heartburn last night. I've had GURD for years but I'm not sure what triggered it last night...maybe an old pair of jeans I squeezed into a few pounds to soon...they were comfortable while standing but a little snug in the waist while sitting.

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My first week I was not allowed to exercise and that part I hated as I like to exercise (so why was I fat, right? LOL). The second week I could start but only slowly and as I built up my carb amount I could exercise more. On the days I did my endurance exercise I had to add 200 more calories of protein per day and 5 carbs. I think what your daughter is doing is smart and it's working for her. I maintain at about 1200 calories per day and because my stomach is so much smaller I just don't feel like eating much anymore and some of the stuff I used to like I cannot eat.


If people have a history of cardiac problems I don't know this is the wisest thing to do for a diet. But again, I had the advantage of having a cardiac doctor supervise everything through the program. It is a drastic approach and I wouldn't recommend it unless you are being closely supervised.


I just completed my first week on this. I averaged 926 calories per day without feeling hungry...that's net calories after deducting calories burned. I lost 8.4 pounds. My daughter is losing faster but eating much less and she's not exercising because she's scared to while on this medication. I find it gives me more energy so it's easier to do it. I haven't had any big side effects yet, although I did have terrible heartburn last night. I've had GURD for years but I'm not sure what triggered it last night...maybe an old pair of jeans I squeezed into a few pounds to soon...they were comfortable while standing but a little snug in the waist while sitting.
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I have tried it several times in the last 20 years. Every time the weight came back, but sometimes it took a year or more and other times less. I believe my success afterwards was tied completely to my mental state.


I took it last summer and have pretty much maintained since then. I've gained less than 10 lbs back, which to me is a huge success. Each time, I was only allowed it for about 3-6 months, depending on the dr and was monitored monthly. The last few times I took it, I only took a half pill because I felt the side effects too much when taking a whole and I was looking for "help" not a miracle cure in a pill.


I would say that to anyone considering it, yes it works, but if you get off the pill your appetite WILL return and you will gain all of it back if you don't attempt to change your habits. Don't wait until after you get off - make the commitment to change before you take them or they'll be just another yo-yo. I do recommend them if you feel like you don't have the ability to do it completely on your own. The last time I took them, I was depressed because I hadn't lost the baby weight a year later. I felt awful about myself and didn't feel like I had the strength on my own to get the weight off. I knew I needed a change and the pills helped by providing me with a nice jump start.


I highly recommend Made To Crave by Lysa Terkhurst to help transition off the pills. If you are a Christian, this will help immensely.

Edited by cruzzza
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I took it last summer and have pretty much maintained since then. I've gained less than 10 lbs back, which to me is a huge success. Each time, I was only allowed it for about 3-6 months, depending on the dr and was monitored monthly. The last few times I took it, I only took a half pill because I felt the side effects too much when taking a whole and I was looking for "help" not a miracle cure in a pill.





I highly recommend Made To Crave by Lysa Terkhurst to help transition off the pills. If you are a Christian, this will help immensely.


I am a Christian. I looked this book up after you mentioned it. I think it's something I would enjoy reading when I get a chance. That would probably be during our cruise or this summer since I'm a teacher.


Congrats on your weight loss and for maintaining most of it, which we all know is sometimes the hardest part!


I've just started experiencing a couple of new side effects. I think I already mentioned my heartburn has been acting up the past couple of days and then today most foods and even water taste gross. The only thing that tasted good today was diet coke, which I'm limiting to two a day, water with MIO added for flavor and salad. (I've been drinking, even craving water so this is disturbing) Other things I've been eating, drinking and enjoying over the past week were awful. Maybe tomorrow I will try a half pill to see if it help with either or both.

Edited by TJV123
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I took it about 5 years ago and lost 70 lbs. I loved the way I felt taking it. But as soon, as I went off of it, I started gaining weight back immediately. I was still exercising and watching what I ate, but there was no way I could continue the low calories I was eating while I was on Phen. I really think it messed up my metabolism because no matter what I did, I could not stop the weight gain.


I wish you luck with your loss. It definitely does work.

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I took Phentermine for about 18 months. I lost some, but my blood pressure went sky high, and I had to quit taking it. THEN, I gained back all the weight and then some. Now, I am on a clinical trial, and I am steadily losing (lost 30 lb). Of course, the clinical trial also involves using Weight Mate, so I get nutrition advice as well as the advice of a personal trainer. . . . that helps. They don't want me to lose too quickly, because they say, "The faster you take it off, the faster you put it back on." I have found that to be sadly true. With HCG, Phentermine - whatever. The trick is to eat healthier, and move more - sadly. This is a 4 year clinical trial, so I think I will keep the weight off!

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Hi all!


I bought a Groupon for one of those medically supervised weight loss programs a couple of weeks ago. It came with a dr. visit, a nutritionist visit, an EKG, labs, lipotropic shots and an appetite suppressant if I wanted it. I paid an additional $150 to get a resting metabolism test and a VO2 test (that tells you where your "fat burning" zone is when you exercise).


I got the Phentermine on 2/25. Ten days later I went in and weighed and I had lost 12 pounds. But I was really kind of stressed about it, because I had not been eating. I would be surprised if I even cleared 900 calories a day. According to my metabolism test, I should be eating between 1100 and 1600 for weight loss.


So I decided to stop the drug. I went back to the nutritionist and worked through some of those issues. I re-started the Phentermine, but often skip a day or cut it in half. That seems to be a good spot for me.


I am learning that my old eating habits still "own" me... I order meals that in the past I could finish in a heartbeat, but now can't even come close to finishing. I've also learned to make lunch my biggest meal of the day. Dinner for me is often some Progresso soup (100 cals) or a protein shake.


The phentermine will defintely help get that weight loss jump started -- you just need to make sure you are doing it the right way (don't eat too little) and can maintain that "right way" eating after you stop them.


Good luck!


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Your doing it the "smart" way..and a lot of it is in the mind anyways. I'm in the same boat..even a salad I could normally eat in one sitting gets stretched out to 3 meals sometimes. I eat my biggest meal of the day during lunch also, but had learned that trick from my Latin husband as it's a big thing in their culture to do it that way, and we are also big soup eaters at night!


People can live off 1200-1500 calories a day, the problem is something in their mind tells them they can't or its unhealthy and they become afraid and sabotage themsleves right there.


Congratulations..there is NOTHING that tastes better than putting on smaller size clothes..so not worth cookies or that other garbage that we thought we gave us so much pleasure! :)


Hi all!


I bought a Groupon for one of those medically supervised weight loss programs a couple of weeks ago. It came with a dr. visit, a nutritionist visit, an EKG, labs, lipotropic shots and an appetite suppressant if I wanted it. I paid an additional $150 to get a resting metabolism test and a VO2 test (that tells you where your "fat burning" zone is when you exercise).


I got the Phentermine on 2/25. Ten days later I went in and weighed and I had lost 12 pounds. But I was really kind of stressed about it, because I had not been eating. I would be surprised if I even cleared 900 calories a day. According to my metabolism test, I should be eating between 1100 and 1600 for weight loss.


So I decided to stop the drug. I went back to the nutritionist and worked through some of those issues. I re-started the Phentermine, but often skip a day or cut it in half. That seems to be a good spot for me.


I am learning that my old eating habits still "own" me... I order meals that in the past I could finish in a heartbeat, but now can't even come close to finishing. I've also learned to make lunch my biggest meal of the day. Dinner for me is often some Progresso soup (100 cals) or a protein shake.


The phentermine will defintely help get that weight loss jump started -- you just need to make sure you are doing it the right way (don't eat too little) and can maintain that "right way" eating after you stop them.


Good luck!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I highly recommend Made To Crave by Lysa Terkhurst to help transition off the pills. If you are a Christian, this will help immensely.


I put this on my Kindle and just started it today. We are on our way to Miami now and our cruise is tomorrow. Woo-Hoo!! Hopefully with this book, my new food and exercise habits, and the phentermine I brought, won't gain too much!


So far I am down 24 lbs. I have been eating healthy and exercising a few times per week. I not only brought the phenteine with me but also workout clothes. I think I'm going to take the phentermine every other day while on our cruise.

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