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How to be first off the ship, first on bus, etc (Dawn)


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Everyone says to maximize time at ports and excursions, be the first off the ship, on first tender, on first bus, etc.


How do I ensure that I will be on the first tender? Can I get tickets on the first day of sailing?


What about the bus? Any sure way to be on the first bus to Disney?

I know, someone's gotta wait, but I don't want it to be me :eek:

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If you don't mind being shoved, stepped on, knocked around sort of like being on any train in NYC during rush hour this is the scenario for those trying to be first off the ship. There is no easy way unless you jump off from the promenade. Of course if you're being tendered you might need a parachute.


We just waited a bit and strolled off without the above frustrations. We only had a balcony room so maybe those with suites, etc. have priority tickets from the concierge. I have never seen a clear definitive answer to this dilemma. Anyone signed up for ship scheduled excursions would be given priority for meeting buses or guides.


The thing to remember is that if you want to get off, you will eventually.

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If you don't mind being shoved, stepped on, knocked around sort of like being on any train in NYC during rush hour this is the scenario for those trying to be first off the ship. There is no easy way unless you jump off from the promenade. Of course if you're being tendered you might need a parachute.


We just waited a bit and strolled off without the above frustrations. We only had a balcony room so maybe those with suites, etc. have priority tickets from the concierge. I have never seen a clear definitive answer to this dilemma. Anyone signed up for ship scheduled excursions would be given priority for meeting buses or guides.


The thing to remember is that if you want to get off, you will eventually.


Are you saying that unless it's a suite, exiting the ship is pretty random? Not even first come first serve?

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Are you saying that unless it's a suite, exiting the ship is pretty random? Not even first come first serve?
Wouldn't random be first come first served? In my experience, sometimes when you're in port, people on ship's tours will be let off first then it's anybody at any time. If you're on a ship's tour, I don't think it matters if you're first or last. The bus won't leave until everyone is on. If you're going out on your own, and you want to be one of the first off, it may require a lot of time on your part to be waiting in the hallway near the gangway first. If you're in a suite and it's a tender port, you can get priority tender tickets. If you're not in a suite, you'll have to show up for tender tickets early and hope you get the first tender.
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Wouldn't random be first come first served? In my experience, sometimes when you're in port, people on ship's tours will be let off first then it's anybody at any time. If you're on a ship's tour, I don't think it matters if you're first or last. The bus won't leave until everyone is on. If you're going out on your own, and you want to be one of the first off, it may require a lot of time on your part to be waiting in the hallway near the gangway first. If you're in a suite and it's a tender port, you can get priority tender tickets. If you're not in a suite, you'll have to show up for tender tickets early and hope you get the first tender.


Not always. There's always the occassions when someone can bribe, er I mean convince someone to let them go before others. I don't know what its like honestly.

Can tender tix be obtain in advance? Like dinner reservations being made on first day?

So, Im thinking for Disney, the drive is one hour. Those on the first bus get to Disney sooner rather than later, and have more time for rides and stuff. The first bus probably will fill up quickly and not have to wait to reach capacity. That's the one I want to be on.

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Not always. There's always the occassions when someone can bribe, er I mean convince someone to let them go before others. I don't know what its like honestly.
Honestly, I've never heard of this on a cruise so I wouldn't worry a lot about that. ;)
Can tender tix be obtain in advance? Like dinner reservations being made on first day?
If you tender to a port, the tender tickets are usually given out the night before or the morning of. I've never seen people get them once they board or ahead of time except for suite passengers.
So, Im thinking for Disney, the drive is one hour. Those on the first bus get to Disney sooner rather than later, and have more time for rides and stuff. The first bus probably will fill up quickly and not have to wait to reach capacity. That's the one I want to be on.
If you're on the ship's tour, I'd then try to be near the exit to whereever your tour meets and when they say to head to the gangway, you're already by the door and can scoot out fast and get to the bus to at least be on the first bus.
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There will always be someone who gets off before you. You have two choices really, 1. Take a Garden villa, 2. become the captain--other wise join us and get off with everyone else.


You are giving New Yorkers a bad name.

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It sounds like Cecilia is giving the information you are looking for.


smeyer, I'm not sure if I'm being referred to as "giving New Yorkers a bad name" but since I was born and raised in NYC I speak from experience about the trains at rush hour. I love the trains, best way to get around the city, but don't want to deal with shoving, being stepped on and knocked around on my vacation just to get off the darn ship before everyone else.

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what as referring to was NYcshipmate wanting to be off first and willing to bribe people to allow it. I am from NY and its get in line buddy people push on the subway so that can get in not so they can get ahead... I was born and still live her. People are in a rush but not overly rude...

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We were on the Sea in April. It didn't matter whether we tendered in or were docked, those with ship sponsored tours were the first off. Peope were stationed at the stairs to keep others from debarking. You had to show a ticket for the tour in order to get off first. We never waited more than 30 minutes to get off the ship.


If you don't develop some patience, you are NOT going to enjoy your cruise experience. This is such a unimportant thing to stress over.

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I think everyone needs to relax. All Nycshipmate wanted to know is how to make the best of his/her excursions and have as much time as possible at each port. Nothing derogatory was said about New York-ers. I was born and raised near DC and rode the metro every day for years. Lots of pushing, shoving. That's just the nature of people. Chill out.

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Smeyer, my fellow New Yorker, you are absolutely correct. I agree that people shove to get into the train and aren't really being rude, just mean to get IN. As mentioned by someone else I encountered more rudeness and arrogance on the stairwells of a ship from people trying to be the first ones off. I agree that waiting 30 minutes to an hour is best. I say let those that have excursions get off first and then the rest. But that's just my opinion. But just because you have a stroller with several small children in tow that doesn't make you more important than the rest of us. I'm merely venting here after getting the backs of my ankles clipped repeatedly from a stroller without any apology before deciding to head back up to the Garden Cafe and waiting some time. I simply want to feel like I'm on vacation away from the usual hustle bustle of life.


Hang out, grab a drink and relax. You'll get off the ship eventually.

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Those with excursions booked through the cruiseline are the 1st off and then they start with the highest deck and work their way down. At least that's how I've always seen it done. We had booked a tour on our own and had to wait until they got to our deck...hopefully you won't have to go through customs also.

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Claudie ~ I have to agree with you. I have been "clipped" by more than just strollers (grocery carts, too. . . . yikes!!!). But, I have 2 small children in tow. And, believe you me, I ALWAYS look out for other people when I'm "strolling." Either with a stroller or grocery cart. Just like when driving, people need to leave enough space for ample "stoppage." (is that a real word???? :cool: )

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Smeyer, my fellow New Yorker, you are absolutely correct. I agree that people shove to get into the train and aren't really being rude, just mean to get IN. As mentioned by someone else I encountered more rudeness and arrogance on the stairwells of a ship from people trying to be the first ones off. I agree that waiting 30 minutes to an hour is best. I say let those that have excursions get off first and then the rest. But that's just my opinion. But just because you have a stroller with several small children in tow that doesn't make you more important than the rest of us. I'm merely venting here after getting the backs of my ankles clipped repeatedly from a stroller without any apology before deciding to head back up to the Garden Cafe and waiting some time. I simply want to feel like I'm on vacation away from the usual hustle bustle of life.


Hang out, grab a drink and relax. You'll get off the ship eventually.



Thanks I agree as well. When someone pushes the carriage ahead of them when the light is against them in the trade its called testing traffic happens way too often....

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Everyone says to maximize time at ports and excursions, be the first off the ship, on first tender, on first bus, etc.


How do I ensure that I will be on the first tender? Can I get tickets on the first day of sailing?


What about the bus? Any sure way to be on the first bus to Disney?

I know, someone's gotta wait, but I don't want it to be me :eek:




You are setting yourself up to have a bad cruising experience. Sounds like you are starting the trip ready to take on the entire cruiseship just to be the first in everything. If others have to wait a little, why shouldn't you? If you are concerned about not having enough time at Disney, perhaps you should just drive there on a land vacation and not put everybody else out.


The ship's crew has enough on their hands without having to deal with your demand to ensure being first without regard for procedure. I don't think you will like being branded "Public Enemy No 1" by your fellow passengers and the crew for the rest of the cruise.


Look at it in perspective, is getting to Disney earlier that big of a deal? If you are a child, I can understand, but I don't think you are.


Do yourself and others a favor, lighten up. ;)

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If you don't develop some patience, you are NOT going to enjoy your cruise experience.

This quote may be the most important sentence in this discussion. Striving to be the first on, off, in, out, etc. is a seriously bad mindset when beginning a cruise holiday. Tempers flare, unfortunate words are exchanged, and nerves are frayed before the day's activities have begun. People on shore excursions won't suffer if they're not the first to board the bus. The folks who always need to be first-first-first in every line at every activity or event do not achieve anything useful, but they make life a little less pleasant for the rest of us.

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I think everyone needs to relax. All Nycshipmate wanted to know is how to make the best of his/her excursions and have as much time as possible at each port. Nothing derogatory was said about New York-ers. I was born and raised near DC and rode the metro every day for years. Lots of pushing, shoving. That's just the nature of people. Chill out.


Hey 2Cruise4Ever, thanks for the voice of reason. If you hadn't mentioned this insanity in our roll call, I'd have never known about the tempers my little ol' thread caused :eek: . Strollers, subways, bribes, espionage, OMG:eek: :eek:


To smeyer418: I am from NY, but I said nothing about ME bribing anyone. I just don't want to have others bribe and get ahead of me (anywhere) for my lack of bribe. I hate when people push on the subways. I think it's rude and unsafe. And people do push on the subway to get ahead--to get the seat, to get the best standing spot, if you will. Are you one of those?


To cruiserb: I have all the patience in the world, but what has that go to do with maximizing and making the best use of my time. I am on a ship sponsored excursion, so I guess I will be amongst the first off, right? And my question is just as important to ME as that person who wanted to know if the butter sauce comes warmed at just the right temperature:p at Bistro.


To hcf: Dramatize much? Have I hassled a crew member? I am not a child, but will have my child with me. Is wanting more time at Disney a crime? Is wanting to ensure my elderly mother doesn't stand too long a sin? You need lighten up. Better yet, go troll somewhere else.


To Professor: The only nastiness and tempers I've observed are here. If I

manage to get on the bus first without stepping on someones heels, or shoving, or bribing, etc, how "does that make life a little

less pleasant for the rest of us. " It only means that I've done my research,



Now, back to my regularly scheduled cruise planning.:cool:

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I don't blame you wanted more time at the theme parks.


They charge more than $100 to spend six hours there. If you can squeeze out an extra 30-45 minutes, that's good.


It is true that those with excursions get disembarkation priority. But, in PC, there are so many people who book excursions, the line to get off stretches the length of the ship outside by the lifeboats.


But, then there is another line inside that I still haven't figures out.


Once one bus fills up, it leaves. Those people, however, can be the ones on the last bus to depart the theme parks.


This is the issue.


It still don't know why the buses don't return 45 minutes before sailing. That would lessen the urgency to be first off, last back on.

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Okay, here's my suggestion for wanting to be the first one off the ship for whatever reason-do NOT even think of going on a ship with 1500-3000 other people. Don't be offended but it's absolutely true. Fly down to Florida and rent a boat with a crew. They'll cook, clean, sail, and most of all, ensure that you are first off the boat.

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Okay, here's my suggestion for wanting to be the first one off the ship for whatever reason-do NOT even think of going on a ship with 1500-3000 other people. Don't be offended but it's absolutely true. Fly down to Florida and rent a boat with a crew. They'll cook, clean, sail, and most of all, ensure that you are first off the boat.

Very helpful post:rolleyes: . I can't afford your suggestion, but since you care so much be sure to invite me (and my fam!) on your charter.

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Hey 2Cruise4Ever, To smeyer418: I am from NY, but I said nothing about ME bribing anyone. I just don't want to have others bribe and get ahead of me (anywhere) for my lack of bribe. I hate when people push on the subways. I think it's rude and unsafe. And people do push on the subway to get ahead--to get the seat, to get the best standing spot, if you will. Are you one of those?



If I mis read your bribing issue, for that I am sorry. I rarely push--but it always ticks me off that people don't move away from the doors. In Japan they have pushers who do it for you. I don't push for a seat but pushing to get on is a different story....enjoy relax a little on the ship you'll feel better. One last point I firmly believe that if you want to go to Disney, a cruise ship is not the way to do it. You can fly and stay a couple of days at the amusement park and enjoy it a lot more when the park is emptier- late in the day or in the morning.

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But I'm not the one who wants to be first off the ship. However, I would love to hire a sailboat but I can't afford it either.


If you are trying to go to Disneyworld, a cruise ship excursion will not allow you enough time unless you are going off off season like January. The lines to get off the ship are just the beginning. Wait til you get to the park. More lengthy lines. I know people that have done this and said big mistake.

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