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Live From The Legend (6/6 Sailing)


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I had a nice long post going, and I lost it. Dang it. I'm here onboard the Legend in the Internet cafe. Having a ball! I will post a detailed review later, but for now, I can give you some highlights and you can ask questions, and I'll try my best to answer.


For reference purposes: this is my 3rd cruise, 1st with Carnival. I am 37, husband is 43, kids are at home. We have an aft wrap around balcony suite on the Verandah deck and LOVE IT! There are currently 2 pool-type lounge chairs, 1 "wood" type lounge chair, 2 "wood" regular chairs and 2 tables out there and still room to move around. The suite is chopped into different rooms, which I love! Long hallway from doorway goes into living room with sofa, chair, ottoman, desk area, TV, fridge. Around corner is separate vanity area, then bathroom with whirlpool tub and shower (sliding door on shower, not curtain), lots of space, then bedroom has big bed with very soft duvet cover, chair, TV, walk-in closet with shelves, safe, drawers for storage, nightstands, etc. Lots of room!


Monday night was rainy during sailaway and we didn't leave til 5:30, so we had dinner in the Unicorn Cafe. Calzones are wonderful! Well worth the 10 minute wait. You can grab a drink and salad, then have your calzone fresh and hot out of the oven. Didn't go to the welcome aboard show that night, walked around and unpacked instead. Watched some highlights the next day on the TV; it was actually entertaining.


Tuesday had dinner in the dining room. Met one set of tablemates, great couple celebrating 25th anniversary (but they must have just been in their early 50's). The other tablemates were doing the Supper Club in honor of a birthday. Wait staff was great and the maitre 'd has a lovely singing voice and very entertaining. Saw the Jazz Hot show - it was good with singing, dancing and lots of energy! Sat by the pool, did the port talk and ate a lot! Made friends with a great bar staff guy. It's so nice having a friend on the bar staff who calls you by name and always makes sure you're doing good on drinks. The same guys that work the pool area also work the shows in the evenings, so look for them there also. We've always been taken care of! Very nice! Slide is open for those wondering!


Yesterday was more crowded at the pool. Did the shopping talk - you have to go to the shopping talk to get your coupon for the free charm bracelet and charm at Diamonds International. Spent most of the afternoon at the pool, sitting in the shallow "deck" type area surrounding the 5' pool itself. Kept cool sitting in the water, but not immersed, so I could read and people watch. There are two mid-ship pool areas - one with music and another just in front of it without music (but you can still hear what they're playing). Always had deck chairs, very comfortable. We did the Supper Club last night for dinner; definitely gourmet, especially the presentation. Watched the show - Brett Alans' magic show and Roger Hornfield. It was okay. Walked around outside, enjoyed the stars and total darkness of the sea. Scott entered the blackjack tournament and almost made finals.


Today we arrive in San Juan around 3pm. We booked a shore excursion, last minute on the TV in our room last night. So convenient. We're doing Old San Juan and Bacardi Distillery. Picked this one so we could be back in time for dinner onboard. Then after the show, we're off to Senor Frogs and the deck party is at midnight tonight, too.


That's all for now; I'm going back to the pool area and wait for arrival at San Juan. Lunch buffet opens in about 20 minutes. Yesterday was Caribbean theme at Taste of the Nations, plus the regular buffet had roasted chicken, BBQ baby back ribs, sirloin roast and lots of other stuff. So much food!


Anything you want to ask - feel free - I've purchased an Internet plan so I can post here and keep up with e-mails and IM my daughter back home. I missed my kids terribly and it's so nice to be able to instant message them, knowing they are there at the computer, communicating with me!


Special hi to MrPete! I've met just about everyone from our roll call. It's nice knowing people onboard and so far, this has been wonderful! Talk soon!

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Enjoy your arrival into San Juan. If you want to get a good view coming into the port, go the front of ship on deck 9 (on the port side). LAND should be in sight about 1:30-2 pm ish (at least that's when we saw it last week).



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Thanks for the update!!! It brought back memories from last month as we were on the same sailing as Pete!!! It rained in San Juan the whole time we were there but Senor Frogs was dry (rainwise)!!!!! My favorite port was St Thomas as we did the Godfrey Tour and it was great!! We also ended up on the same tour with Pete!!!

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It brought back memories from last month


Can you possibly believe all this time has passed already!


I heard from Godfrey this morning! He going to arrange getting us from St. Thomas to St. John for a day at Trunk Bay. Kristen still mimmicks his "Here on Sane Tomeassss"!

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Just 10 mins ago I was doing time cards for next week's payroll and realized Monday is the 13th. That's 1 month from the time we sailed. I couldn't believe it!!! Of course an awful lot has happened in that month!!!!! Maybe that made the time fly!!!

Kristen is just too cute.....I remember when you guys got your drinks mixed up..how funny she was!!!

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It's a game now. She pulled a fast one on me Sunday night. We went to the Chinese restaurant, and ordered three Pina Coladas (one virgin), and caught her sucking down mine "for a taste". Who keeps track of the one "with the cherry"?:eek:


I think we'll switch to Shirley Temples' for a while!


A six year old with her own cabin drinking Pina Coladas. Boy, am I in trouble!

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Do you know who the assistant maitre 'd is on the Legend? When we sailed in March/April...word was that someone may have been getting a promotion...I was just curious if it all went through!! :D

Perhaps MrPete knows?



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We just got off the 5/29 sailing as you guys were getting on. I keep thinking what I was doing a week ago.


Hint to the ones on there now - the self disembarking is a mess. A very long line from the lobby to the back of the boat and curled around the hall. Personally I would do the old fashioned way of waiting for your number to be called.

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the self disembarking is a mess. A very long line from the lobby to the back of the boat and curled around the hall. Personally I would do the old fashioned way of waiting for your number to be called.


Oh my YES. I second this. Although it's more organized, there are WAY too many people doing this. When I got on line, it started at Satchmo's, went to the front of the ship, outside the lounge, and back to the lobby again. I would wait till they paged self assist, or go back to the old fashioned method.

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Just a quick update - San Juan was okay...took the Bacardi & Old San Juan tour, thought we'd be back in time for early dinner, but were not, so we ended up eating at Senor Frogs and staying until 11pm. Very fun, wild, loud, frat boy fun!


Today was Godfrey's tour all day and Coki beach. Rained most of the morning, during the shopping and tour part, but cleared up in time for the beach. Tonight is dining room and Christopher Alan Graves show.


I'll see if I can find out the assistant maitre 'd....til next time!

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I believe Thom is the assistant maitre d'; don't see much of him. JP is the maitre d' and he keeps us entertained with his singing. Tonight was also a conga line through the dining room.


Christopher Alan Graves was great last night - very entertaining. Tonight is the Talent Show, so we are going to skip that one. Only one show and it's at 10:30. Just got done dinner, and even missed the Past Cruisers party because it was from 7:15-8:00. We didn't get done dinner in time, and I didn't want to do the alternate dining, so we just missed out this time. I enjoyed having dinner with our tablemates better anyway.


Today was Tortola; rainy in the AM. As others have said, there's not much to do in Tortola. We walked around to some of the shops right outside the pier area and ended up buying our souvenir stuff from the "locals" who had tents set up outside the pier. Spent the rest of the afternoon by the pool.


Two more sea days, and we're home. I plan on doing as little as possible except sitting by the pool, reading my book, getting drinks from Rhonel and eating. I must take full advantage of these sea days!! By the way, I had Chinese for lunch today, and the Kung Pao Chicken was great! I must say the food onboard has surpassed my expectations. Everything has been really good. I'll give more detail in my actual review.


For those sailing after us, I'm sure you will love it!


Special note for 1st time cruisers: The pools are salt-water! So be careful with the eyes and keep in mind that as you dry in the hot sun, the salt tends to dry up on your skin and in your hair, and your skin gets a little sticky. I'm sure the next two days will be popular pool days!


Any other questions, feel free to ask, and I'll find out best I can.


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Marella was the winding slide by the pool opened when you went?

Also, know of any good beaches to snorkle in (where- SJ, ST, Tortola?)

Any recommendations on what to see/do on the 3 ports?


We are going next week - 6/22/05.

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Thanks for taking the time to keep us informed. Sounds like you are having a fabulous time!! Have a drink for me...It's only 34 more days till I am where YOU are and i can't wait!!!! One favor please...any suggestions on what to do in ports??


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As I said before, we were on the 5-29 sailing. I didn't see the slide in operation until we were in St. Thomas. I asked what was going on and the guy said that the slide had been down for two months. Something to do with the pipes and he expects it to break down soon again. How soon? I don't know. I went down three times. That was enough. It isn't a fast slide (my speed).

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The slide was not open the first day, and the Capers even said the slide was closed. But the next day (Wed?), I was looking at the TV and it shows views from forward and aft. The aft channel shows the slide and it was working. One of our tablemates went down it too. Said to watch out for the salt water going up your nose.


As for excursions, in San Juan, the Old San Juan tour was the most popular. I think it may take you to the forts. The Bacardi tour was okay, but I think you'd get more out of San Juan by doing just the city tour. You don't get to actually tour the Bacardi facility and see the rum being made. It's an audio tour, with some visual stuff, but not like we expected.


St. Thomas had a lot of shopping and nice beaches. Godfrey did a great job with the tour. It was 2 hours of shopping, 2 hours of driving around "tour" style and 2 hours at a beach of your choice. We went to Coki Beach and it was nice. Very clear water and lots of fish to feed. Godfrey is independent, and not part of the ship tours. You can do an Internet search for him, he only charges $20 a person for everything.


Tortola, there just isn't a whole lot to do around town. The Jeep Safari is really just a regular open backed jeep (military style). Maybe snorkeling would be better. You're only there from 7-2, so there's not much time for anything. We went walking around a little, but didn't try any of the excursions through the ship.


I'll post more tomorrow, on our last sea day. I think I had enough sun today, so I may try to lay low tomorrow. 'Til then....


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We actually arrived in San Juan a little early. Since we were signed up for an excursion, we had to meet in the Follies Lounge before 3pm. We went about 2:30 and there were already a lot of people there. All the Carnival excursions that took place during the day met in the Follies Lounge. There were nighttime excursions that met later. We were headed off the ship before 3pm. The largest crowd was those doing the Old San Juan tour. We took the Bacardi & City tour. We met in the Follies Lounge, and walked through the ship to the disembarkation area, then through San Juan's port facility to wait in line for the tour buses. You stand in line for your specific tour and they count off people for each bus (shuttle type bus). Ours held 24 people. So even if you and your friends are on the same tour, you may not ride the same bus unless you're all together. This particular tour did not go to the forts (El Morro). Oh, and another thing, the TV excursion description says this tour only lasts 2.5 hours (leaves at 3pm, you think you'll be back by 5:30 in time for dinner onboard). Wrong! We didn't get back to the ship until close to 6:00. So if you're doing early dining and you take this excursion, be prepared to eat somewhere else onboard or somewhere in town. We ate at Senor Frogs and didn't end up leaving there until after 11:00. It was fun.


Today was disembarkation talk day. It's a little cloudy out and cooler, but very comfortable. There aren't as many people out by the pool as I would have expected on the last day. I had enough sun yesterday, so I opted to stay inside. The 8 days have gone by relatively fast.


I know everyone will enjoy their cruise! I must say I was impressed with this ship overall. I'll be sure to write a long review later, as will Laura from our roll call. I have met everyone from the roll call (except Stan), and they have all been great. I feel like I have actually been away on vacation, without being rushed. Very relaxing.


One more evening, then it's self-disembarkation tomorrow morning. I didn't want to self-disembark, but our car service is picking us up early for an early flight out of JFK back to Texas. If I had planned a little better, I wouldn't have scheduled our flight so early (12:05pm). But I also didn't want to get home at midnight either. I guess we'll just have to be part of the cattle herd in the morning. <moooo>


For those with this cruise still ahead of you, you're sure to have a great time. If you drink and like to keep the same barstaff around you, I would highly recommend Rhonel and Richard in the mid-ship pool areas. Search them out and introduce yourselves and they'll remember you the rest of the trip. They also do bar service in the dining room and/or the shows at night, so you'll see them around at different times, but they will always remember you! It's very personable. I hope you all have as much fun as I did! Can't wait to hear your reviews, too!



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