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Oreo's awesome breeze review 3/10 to 3/16


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The first few hours aboard the Breeze were spent mostly wandering around and people watching. We were very, very impressed with not only the size of the ship but quite possibly, this ship had one of the best layouts of all the ships I have had the opportunity to sail on. I really enjoyed being able to hang out at different areas of the ship and not just the lido deck. You had so many different things to do, places to eat, and little fun places to discover. We not only hung out at the venues on the Lido deck but we also spent a lot of time at the Ocean Plaza, the Lanai, the Piano Bar, both MDRs, the bar's on the Lido deck, the Italian Restaurant, the Red Frog Pub, the Serenity Deck, the Casino, and the list goes on.


There have been some very good and detailed picture reviews of the Breeze thus far with countless pictures of all the places on the ship so I won't add to that here. Some things you just have to see for yourself. I can say, for those planning to cruise aboard the Breeze anytime in the near future to def check out: EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE FOOD VENUES as well as to spend some time on the SERENITY DECK and find some of the HOT TUBS. I found that the Punchliner Brunch was very good in the Sapphire MDR in the mornings as well as Thomas Brown (the comedian late at night). By the way, the HOT TUBS are located on the starboard and port sides of deck 5, the lido deck AFT, and the Serenity deck. Yes, there were lots of kids on our cruise and they do tend to, for some reason mistake the hot tubs (which I personally feel are for ADULTS) for sand boxes. However, if they get too rowdy or splashy you can simply ask them to calm down and be respectful of others. Or, if that doesn't work, just kick them under the water a few times. :eek: No, I'm just kidding. That's terrible. Insert funny story here: So, we were riding up on the elevator from the casino one night around 3am and we saw one of the comedians in the elevator. He was really cool and as we had to go from deck 5 to deck 9 where our cabin was located, we naturally had to stop on a couple of floors. Now, on one particular floor we stopped on a group of about six kiddos got on (I would say they ranged in age from about 11 to maybe 13) and were acting like they had been snorting sugar all night long I promise you. They were like screaming and laughing and jumping up and down in the elevator and my husband and I along with the comedian were all looking at each other like, seriously? Its 3 o'clock in the morning. So anyway, at one point on young man stepped on the comedian's shoe and he was like, "hey, man, yall need to calm down. Its too late for all this noise. Why don't yall head back to your room?" So the young man says, "yeah, you need to go back to your room too, you're too old to be up this late." I just about died I laughed so hard. The comedian got a little miffed and told them he was going to come and bang on their door at 7am and that shut them up for a minute. I guess he's not smarter than a fifth grader, lol!!

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Yes, there were lots of kids on our cruise and they do tend to, for some reason mistake the hot tubs (which I personally feel are for ADULTS) for sand boxes. However, if they get too rowdy or splashy you can simply ask them to calm down and be respectful of others. Or, if that doesn't work, just kick them under the water a few times. :eek: No, I'm just kidding. That's terrible. Insert funny story here: So, we were riding up on the elevator from the casino one night around 3am and we saw one of the comedians in the elevator. He was really cool and as we had to go from deck 5 to deck 9 where our cabin was located, we naturally had to stop on a couple of floors. Now, on one particular floor we stopped on a group of about six kiddos got on (I would say they ranged in age from about 11 to maybe 13) and were acting like they had been snorting sugar all night long I promise you. They were like screaming and laughing and jumping up and down in the elevator and my husband and I along with the comedian were all looking at each other like, seriously? Its 3 o'clock in the morning. So anyway, at one point on young man stepped on the comedian's shoe and he was like, "hey, man, yall need to calm down. Its too late for all this noise. Why don't yall head back to your room?" So the young man says, "yeah, you need to go back to your room too, you're too old to be up this late." I just about died I laughed so hard. The comedian got a little miffed and told them he was going to come and bang on their door at 7am and that shut them up for a minute. I guess he's not smarter than a fifth grader, lol!!


Loving your review and great sense of humor. We will be on the Breeze in June (and are very much looking forward to it). Having a spouse, I can totally relate to the "child" remark you made at the beginning (only dealing with one child), although I often believe that my teenagers are better behaved.


Love the story about the kids in the elevator. On our second cruise (on the Dream), there were a bunch of kids running around by the stairs and elevators on one of the decks (I think the Lido but am not sure anymore), I'd say they were probably about 12. They just didn't care who they ran into or in the way of. One ran past me (to close for my comfort) just as I was starting to move and tripped over my foot, and because he was running, he practically flew across the space of the floor. I knew it was my foot that he tripped over and tried hard not to laugh while he blamed each of his friends for tripping him. When we got into the elevator, I couldn't contain my laughter any longer - it truly was very funny.


Looking forward to reading more of your review (even tho yours was a six day and ours is an eight day, I like to read about others' trip and see their pictures). :D

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Ok, I am going to blame you when I can't get up in 4 hours for work! :eek: I am truly loving your review, and waiting for more.


I cracked up when you posted "Aww...sukky sukky now." I know it well. :) Now did you come up with your user name?


MORE...MORE...MORE...MORE. (Chanting)

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Hello fellow SpringBreakBreezer, Calamit Jane, Thanks for the advice. I will try and redo in the morning!!

Some friends who did a back to back said your week had LOTS more springbreakers. I hear it was louder and more crowded. Either way, it was a great ship !

I forgot to say how cute your little human is. LOL. With your spirit, she must be a firecracker, too.

By the way, you win the Wife of the Year award if you got your husband to miss a sporting event. We are all impressed! It was a long time before I told my husband that our 2010 cruise was on Super Bowl Sunday. I waited to tell him that AFTER it was clear that the Eagles would not be playing ! If they had been, I think I would have been a Solo Cruiser.

I LOVE your review.

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U are doing great!!!!!! Everyone has to start some where ,But Ur Personality is WOnderful and U are giving us a Great Review.. I know what U mean about the pix, They get me every time.. Cant wait to see them.. Keep up the Great work, and THANKS SO MUCH for even taking the time out to do this for us :)

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So last night when I was writing this my five year old got really jealous and was like, "why are you still obsessing over that stupid website. The cruise is over! You need to tend to your man!"


I looked him straight in the eye and said, "you're not going to make me choose between you and my family."


Then he rolls his eyes and says, "What are you doing, anyway?"


I say, "I'm writing a review of our cruise from my point of view."


He goes, "Well, you better not be on there talking about me and calling me a five year old."




Then he says in his creepy, "Carrie" movie voice, "They're all gonna laugh at you."


And wouldn't you know it I was thinking to myself all night long that people were going to read my review and be like, who is this Oreo person that beats children, verbally abuses her husband, and uses coarse language? Release the hounds!!!!!:eek:


But then I woke up, came to work, signed on, found my post and I saw all these nice comments. Whew!! You do like me!! Thanks, family!!:D

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LOLOLOL Yall are FUNNY!!!! this is good...


So last night when I was writing this my five year old got really jealous and was like, "why are you still obsessing over that stupid website. The cruise is over! You need to tend to your man!"


I looked him straight in the eye and said, "you're not going to make me choose between you and my family."


Then he rolls his eyes and says, "What are you doing, anyway?"


I say, "I'm writing a review of our cruise from my point of view."


He goes, "Well, you better not be on there talking about me and calling me a five year old."




Then he says in his creepy, "Carrie" movie voice, "They're all gonna laugh at you."


And wouldn't you know it I was thinking to myself all night long that people were going to read my review and be like, who is this Oreo person that beats children, verbally abuses her husband, and uses coarse language? Release the hounds!!!!!:eek:


But then I woke up, came to work, signed on, found my post and I saw all these nice comments. Whew!! You do like me!! Thanks, family!!:D

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The first ting we ate on board was a burger from Guy’s Burger Joint. Other CCer’s are were telling the truth: IT WAS DELICIOUS.






Next, we tried a burrito from the Blue Iguana Cantina – I think that’s the name of it. It was pretty good although I found the fixings to be a little Luke warmish. Once we finished walking around we found some loungers up on the 11th deck overlooking the lido. I got a few picks of the pool, CARNIVAL waterworks and some other stuff. Nothing no one hasn’t seen 100 times before.






We had stateroom 9451, AFT, on the starboard side. I really like balcony rooms and although someone whose name I shall not mention, is a fraidy cat and refused to sit out there for more than 30 seconds the whole cruise. It was very quiet out there although it was close enough for me to ear hustle on the conversations taking place in the hot tubs down on the 5th deck. Nothing too juicy.





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I think our room was ready around 1:00 and once we dropped off our carryon’s stuffed our face a few more times, and then figured out where our table would be in the MDR we made our way to the Lanai to meet our ROLL CALL GROUP. We hooked up a few other CCer’s that were pretty cool such as JENALE 80, DUNNER, KASH49, POOH72, XCRUISEME17, and a few others I’m not even going to attempt to put faces to screen names – I’m just too old to remember all that. All in all, it was a great M&G and we def had more than our share of laughs (and drinks) even though we didn’t really get a chance to do much after the meet and greet as things were a little hectic. On the plus side, my husband did spark up a “BROmance” with Pooh72’s husband – but more on that later.


So after the meet and greet, we made our way back up to Lido deck to find a good seat for the SAIL AWAY. YAY!! ADIOS MIAMI



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Looking forward to the rest of your review!


BTW, if I'd known about Guy's Burgers and all the other 2.0 upgrades before I booked my cruise, I just might not be sailing on the Victory in June. Yeah, yeah, do your research, I know. Looks like I'll just have to book another cruise soon so I can sample on the 2.0 goodies!:D

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So this is where we would get our first glimpse of our SUPER COOL, SUPER EXCITING, SUPER FRIENDLY, SUPER ENTERTAINING, & SUPER FUN cruise director, Mr. Butch Begovich – I think that’s his name. This guy…man, this guy. He was what word can I use to describe him? Ahh, I’ve got it. SUPER!! Seriously though, this guy ran circles around the kids that were hopped up on sugar, lemonade and 4 helpings of warm chocolate melting cake. His energy was off the charts. He would literally stand up on one of the benches at the beach pool and jump around doing the cupid shuffle, wobble, electric slide, cabbage patch, roger rabbit – and do it with his own little twists. I was really impressed. For a white boy from MINNESOTA he really had mad skills!! It was something to behold. I’ve never laughed so hard or had so much fun. He would participate in most of the games held on the Lido deck when he wasn’t playing game show host in the Ovation Theatre or hosting seminars. One night in the Comedy Club he came in and had to “put them paws” on a guy who was really drunk and potentially disturbing the rest of the crowd before the show started. He did it all. Customer service manager to concierge to entertainer, and top flight security guard. And the games. Oh my goodness. There is something to be said about a guy who fiercely competed in a contest to see who could “poop” the most pebbles into a plastic cup (those who were on board know what I’m referring to). That’s job dedication. And not to mention the fact that I saw him take a jump fully clothed into the Beach pool at one point. It was wild!! We had a blast. He was definitely by far, hands down the best cruise director we’ve ever hard or heard of. Sadly, if I heard correctly, I believe he is leaving Carnival after x amount of years to pursue his master’s degree. I don’t know where I heard this but if its true those to follow will really be missing out. Sad face.




Passing other ships as we left the port.






Enjoying the breeze...



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Loving your review and great sense of humor. We will be on the Breeze in June (and are very much looking forward to it). Having a spouse, I can totally relate to the "child" remark you made at the beginning (only dealing with one child), although I often believe that my teenagers are better behaved.


Love the story about the kids in the elevator. On our second cruise (on the Dream), there were a bunch of kids running around by the stairs and elevators on one of the decks (I think the Lido but am not sure anymore), I'd say they were probably about 12. They just didn't care who they ran into or in the way of. One ran past me (to close for my comfort) just as I was starting to move and tripped over my foot, and because he was running, he practically flew across the space of the floor. I knew it was my foot that he tripped over and tried hard not to laugh while he blamed each of his friends for tripping him. When we got into the elevator, I couldn't contain my laughter any longer - it truly was very funny.


Looking forward to reading more of your review (even tho yours was a six day and ours is an eight day, I like to read about others' trip and see their pictures). :D


LMAO!! Too funny.


We are also (okay, I am also) looking at the 8 day itinerary that goes to Aruba and Curacao. If I can somehow convince my husband that it would only cost us like $250 a person then we might be able to go for Christmas. Just a little white lie...lol. ;)

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Ok, I am going to blame you when I can't get up in 4 hours for work! :eek: I am truly loving your review, and waiting for more.


I cracked up when you posted "Aww...sukky sukky now." I know it well. :) Now did you come up with your user name?


MORE...MORE...MORE...MORE. (Chanting)


I hope you made it to work on time!! LOL I was up at four this morning watching Barney with my daughter -- I knew I shouldn't have given her that ice cream sandwich...


The oreo comes from a dalmation I had back in 1999 -- I had two more after him, "domino" and then finally "greyarea". Oreo was my favorite though. I went off to college and when I can home one year my sister and mom had conspired against me and given him away to the neighborhood fire department. That's okay though cause I pet her butt in dirty close and sat on it for two hours as payback. Anyhow, so its for sentimental reasons I kept the name "oreo" and added the "maximus" after the movie gladiator came out. Hence, "oreo-maximus". Crazy, I know but I don't think I ever have to worry about anyone copying it. :D

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Looking forward to the rest of your review!


BTW, if I'd known about Guy's Burgers and all the other 2.0 upgrades before I booked my cruise, I just might not be sailing on the Victory in June. Yeah, yeah, do your research, I know. Looks like I'll just have to book another cruise soon so I can sample on the 2.0 goodies!:D


Yeah, we def had a lot of options when it came to food onboard the breeze. Too many options for people trying to watch their weight...:eek:


But, I will say though that the best cruise I've ever taken was on the Victory during our honeymoon (for reasons other than the obvious of course) due to the ports we got to visit. The Victory is great ship and you will have a blast. Are you sailing out of San Juan?

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Looking forward to the rest of your review!


BTW, if I'd known about Guy's Burgers and all the other 2.0 upgrades before I booked my cruise, I just might not be sailing on the Victory in June. Yeah, yeah, do your research, I know. Looks like I'll just have to book another cruise soon so I can sample on the 2.0 goodies!:D


The burgers and fries do look absolutely yummy don't they. I wonder if you can get just an order of fries (no burger).

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The burgers and fries do look absolutely yummy don't they. I wonder if you can get just an order of fries (no burger).



I found my husband one day with a plate FULL of fries ! Yes, you can. He proved it. They are GOOD, too.

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I found my husband one day with a plate FULL of fries ! Yes, you can. He proved it. They are GOOD, too.


Awesomeness ... any idea if there is vinegar to go with/on those fries (that is the perfect compliment to fries like that)? They look like Five Guys fries.

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