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Anyone ever get into a verbal argument or

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Another thought: The cruise lines DO NOT enforce the rules. Last cruise we were on this guy was in the ADULTS ONLY hot tub up in the solarium. Of course he had his two kids in there with him. I brought this to the attention of one of the workers and all I received in reply was a giggle, a shrug of his shoulders, and a look on his face like "oh well." If I start a cruise line one day, I assure you all rules will be enforced. Especially the dress code in the dining room. I think I'll call it Kewlguy Cruises.

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Tracy I am p****** myself laughing. I would have loved to be there for that one.


We had the pleasure (not) to be seated with the rudest, unsophisiticated

senior couple from NYC on our recent 17 nights on the Westerdam. They were unbelievable. Formal night was a black t shirt and windbreaker for him, ketchup went on everything including rack of lamb and filet mignon. Disgusting manners, verbally abused his wife at the table, called our table mate from Germany "Hans" all the time because he couldn't remember his name. Ordered staff around like personal servants and told the head waiter he thought he was demoted to cleaning toilets due to the service in the dining room. There was much more , and I managed to hold my tongue the whole cruise, don't know how I did it . Hubby wouldn't never say anything to anyone for fear of hurting their feelings.

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Actually now that I think about it, on one cruise a couple of years ago I had a woman about 80 years old nearly knock me down a flight of stairs because I didn't get out of her way fast enough. She was yelling "older person coming through." I'm telling you it was like getting run into by a linebacker.

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The one that stands out in my mind was when I was walking down the stairs to get to the dining room. 2 women were standing on the stairs, but at opposite ends, talking to each other. They were standing in such a way that anyone would need to walk through the empty space between them to get down. Odd place to have a conversation, but whatever. So, I went down the stairs, passed through the space between them, when one of them stops talking and just begins to royally tell me off. I don't remember it all, but it was good... something along the lines that my mama never taught me any manners, and that I should have taken the other staircase to go downstairs so as not to disturb their conversation. She went on and on... all I was thinking was if this is how she behaves on vacation, what is she like back at home :eek:

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We were in line to get on the bus for a shore excursion. There was a family in front of us, a mom and her grown up kids. I had my sister with me and my grown up son. A man squeezed between the mom of the other family and me. He could have cut through at another spot where there was room. His wife was on the other side. She threatened to deck us. Mind you, the two women who were kind of shoved aside (the other mom and myself) are not young athletes. However, the other family and my son were ready to get involved. Her husband had an expression of, 'she's doing it again.' Luckily, they went on the other bus.


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We were on a bus excursion to Chichen Itza and a woman asked if she could have my seat so she could be closer to her family. I politely told her no as I was sitting with my husband and across the aisle from friends with whom we were chatting. She became "incensed" and demanded my seat. She didn't get it and I ignored her alllll the way back to port.

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I wouldn't necessarily call it 'rude', but what this woman did really ticked me off....I had been playing a slot machine for a long while, and walked away, was out of the casino and in the Centrum when she came running out to me to tell me her husband just won $1,000 on the machine I just walked away from....was that really necessary??......ahhhh...timing is everything!! :-)



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I wouldn't necessarily call it 'rude', but what this woman did really ticked me off....I had been playing a slot machine for a long while, and walked away, was out of the casino and in the Centrum when she came running out to me to tell me her husband just won $1,000 on the machine I just walked away from....was that really necessary??......ahhhh...timing is everything!! :-)




That is the same thing that happened to me. I played the same machine all morning and finaly it was time to take a tour of the ships galley/kitchen. I got all the way to the elevators only to have a puffing out of wind young girl tell me she won 900.00$ plus dollars on her second pull.

I was happy for her on one side and ticked that she felt the need to come and tell me on the other.

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Guest OBAYbee

I am a lot like several of you here. If I blow a gasket it ruins my entire day. Usually the person needing the gasket blowing could care less so I hardly ever bother to reach that point. I try and remove myself from the situation... EXCEPT this once.

I was in the theater playing Bingo, it was the last day of the cruise. There was a group of young girls about 5 or 6 sitting behind me that were not playing and were L O U D. Obnoxious loud. I looked around a few times and gave them that *look* then they decided to get louder. That's when I turned around and asked them if they could keep it down or take it outside that I was unable to hear the numbers being announced.

Their mother sitting in FRONT of me turns around and yells at me proclaiming her girls are on vacation and for me to just chill out. Wrong thing to say because that caused my gasket to blow!! Big time.

I informed the lady that much to her surprise so was I, however I unlike her expect my children to be polite and respectful especially on vacation. Then came the shocker... I got what I think was a standing ovation! haha Apparently some gaskets on others were starting to over heat and they enjoyed watching mine blow first.

After that applause the girls and mother walked out.

I didn't win anything at Bingo but I think I made a few friends that day. heh

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Wow, a lot of stuff being about New Yorkers....interesting to say the least, but I guess it could be true. Most of the old people here are crotchety and should be summoned to death at 60, but they shouldn't overshadow the few kind NYC people that do cruise...

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I respect that New Yorkers are not afraid to speak their mind. Some of them can be obnoxious--but at least they will say what everybody else is thinking. Basically, I think people from the Northeast cities in general talk much faster and louder than those from small towns. Sometimes it comes across as rude, but is not always meant to be. Maybe speaking loud is the only way to be heard above all the traffic noise. When I am in the City, I become agressive too. Otherwise, you'd never catch a cab.


My husband was thrilled when we met a NY couple on our cruise on the west coast last year. There were so many midwest sweet, polite, reserved people on the cruise that when hubby met this NY guy who was loud and opinionated and wired, it invigorated him. They really enjoyed talking sports together. I am considered a polite sweet person according to coworkers--but I am very opinionated. I grew up in Connecticut--halfway between Boston and NY. Small town people like me just don't have reasons to be fired up. All I want to talk about is my next cruise and football. I leave baseball and politics to everybody else around here. That's where all the passion is in the Northeast.



Plymouth, MA

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As a New Yorker now living in CT. I resent <g> the stereotype that we are all crude and obnoxious. Pushy - yes, Agressive, yes, but I have seen just as many obnoxious and agressive folks from across the pond as well as from a broad spectrum of the USA.


It all has to do with upbringing - if your parents taught you to respect others - and mine did - makes no difference where you came from.

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I was on vacation with my wife when we ran into an old girlfriend. She was with her new boyfriend. I guess he didn't like the way I had treated her years ago. With my ex egging him on, push came to shove and he broke my right hand with his jaw.


I dated my ex for 2 years before we broke up, you'd think she would have seen the boxing trophies in the closet at least once :)

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I'd like to have you on our Norwegian Spirit Thanksgiving Cruise in 2006. I kept waiting for a woman with her young daughter to get out of the hot tub in the solarium on our last cruise on RCCL Legend of the Seas. Didn't realize it was adults only. Could have used your assistance.

Another thought: The cruise lines DO NOT enforce the rules. Last cruise we were on this guy was in the ADULTS ONLY hot tub up in the solarium. Of course he had his two kids in there with him. I brought this to the attention of one of the workers and all I received in reply was a giggle, a shrug of his shoulders, and a look on his face like "oh well." If I start a cruise line one day, I assure you all rules will be enforced. Especially the dress code in the dining room. I think I'll call it Kewlguy Cruises.
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I had two instances on my cruise last week.


1) I was walking all over the Windjammer with my plate full of food looking for a place to sit and eat. There were no empty tables. Finally, I noticed a man sitting at a table for 4 by himself. I politely walked up to him and asked if he minded if I barrowed a corner of his table to eat. He said that he couldn't because his daughter was going to be joining him. A lovely couple overheard and offered me their table as they were leaving. I said thank you and was then able to share with another lady and her grandson who were also looking for somewhere to sit.


2) On one of our At Sea Days, there were NO chairs to be found on the Pool Deck - ANYWHERE. I finally got frustrated at a long line of about 8 lawn chairs that were occupied by books and towels. I removed the book from one chair and sat down. I looked at my watch and decided that if they were to come back in 10 minutes, that I would move. If not, I would stay. 18 minutes later the group returned and was very put out about my being in "their" chair. After sitting there for about 2 more minutes trying to decide if I was going to leave or stay, I informed them that the chairs were for people to sit in and not books. Then I left and went down to the 5 Deck and found a chair there in the peace and quiet.

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As for rude NY's vs the rest of the country. Try going to Branson in the spring or fall when it's mostly blue hair time rather than families. I'm sure you'll see plenty of old fashioned mid-western rudeness to compare to NY's any day.


I've come to the conclusion that old folks and young people share a few traits.


1. They both have their own menu's at restaurants.


2. they both get discounts off memberships, shows et....


3. They both need afternoon naps


4. Depends (need I say more)


5. Neither groups should drive a car


6. Manners are pretty much unknown to many of them


Of course not all children or seniors fit these profiles but.......I manged to keep finding the ones that do.l

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Ohhhhh what a MAN you are... You're pathetic. A real man knows when to walk away. I hope you're prosecuted.


From the sound of it, (the ex was egging on the boyfriend) sounds like the other man started it. My take on it was he was defending himself, and if it was self defense then the other guy got what he had coming to him. And it was a fight between 2 guys, it's not like he punched a women.


Rude and obnoxious people can be found anywhere, whether its NY or OK. Unfortunatly there is always going to be that population out there that seems to think the world revolves around them and that they are more important then everyone else.


When I was on a cruise there was this woman who could do nothing but complain about the cigarette smoking. Problem was, she was on the smoking side of the ship up by the pool. Finally, i guess one couple had enough. They sat down on either side of her and smoked up a storm, telling her that smoking was permitted there. She finally got a clue and left.;)

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...I stood four foot in front of her chair, giving her a good view of my rear end and blocking her view of the pool...


Good going, Mrs. Pete!!


Had I done this, she would have thought there was a total eclipse of the sun!!



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I watched an argument over saved seats in the theater, just before the show. (We were sitting just a few rows behind them) This lady was saving a whole row, and a couple just wanted to sit down after passing 6 or 8 other saved rows of seats. They must have gotten tired of moving on, and just stood their ground regarding the "no saving seats" policy.


The lady that was saving the seats, went to get security. The security people, and eventually the hotel manager himself, all came in to talk to both parties. The couple was never asked to leave, so I'm glad the "no seat saving" policy held out. I realize that their job is to make everyone happy, but rules are rules. You can't just let people do whatever they want, regardless of policy, common courtesy, or in the general interest of keeping peace. The rest of passengers that obey the rules, deserve a happy time as well.


I know the laws on land, and don't just walk out of stores without paying, even though I would like to. If a rule is important enough to make, it should be important enough to enforce as well.

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As a New Yorker now living in CT. I resent <g> the stereotype that we are all crude and obnoxious. Pushy - yes, Agressive, yes, but I have seen just as many obnoxious and agressive folks from across the pond as well as from a broad spectrum of the USA.


It all has to do with upbringing - if your parents taught you to respect others - and mine did - makes no difference where you came from.


I was born and raised in NY and was taught by my Mom to be considerate to others. Sometimes that is really hard to do. There is and old saying "YOU CAN TAKE THE GIRL OUT OF NY BUT YOU CAN'T TAKE NY OUT OF THE GIRL. We can give as good as we get. The stereotype we get from others is unfair as most of us are really nice unless pushed to far by others who are rude for the sake of being rude.

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"Ever since I turned 55, I feel my new senior mission in life is to say things to obnoxious people that everyone else is thinking and afraid to say."



Are you my long lost twin sister? :D

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I have read all of your reviews & I just had to add one of mine. On a New Year's cruise 2002 Dh, a couple we travel with, & myself were on the Sun Princess. Even though we were second seating dining because of a table mix up we were in the PC dining room at a specific time every night. On several night's we had the unfortunate unpleasure of a family that seemed to get a table near ours. Rude would be giving them a compliment! They made the waiter's, head waiter's run & I do mean run for their every whim including getting them special foods like certain olives from another restaurant etc, & were quite loud about this. They even had the nerve to tell the wait staff to MOVE IT or they would report them for lack of service! This made all of us get our food late at times we did not & could not blame the waiter's because they were trying to do their jobs professionally. I must say that on this cruise our waiter's were two of the best we ever had on our 16 cruises. This group also wore black tee shirts mocked up to look like a tux on formal night's, not only that they were very vulgar also. They also boasted that they orginally came from the UK & have now settled in Cal. On the last night I still was not going to say anything except when we were all saying good bye to the wait staff. I was made fun of & they rubbed their eyes & said Boo Hoo look at those fools saying good bye & wasting my time because I still did not get my strawberries. That did it! I very loudly told them it's a shame that the U.S. has to take in any type of rift raft, & God Save the Queen because she had the insight to throw your A__ out of her Kingdom! I must admit the look on their faces was pricless & the applause was deafening! Even the wait staff applauded!

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My stories are a pretty common one but I thought I'd share...


While on Crystal for a family vacation I was sitting in one of the lounges with my little cousins getting ready for karaoke night. One of my cousins went to go use the bathroom and asked us to save her seat. An old man came by and sat in my cousin's seat so I polietly told him that the seat was taken and that my cousin would be back from the restroom in a few minutes. He looked at me and said "so what?". I then went on to explain for the second time that the seat was taken but he ignored me (he literally turned his back on me and proceeded to hit on some old lady sitting near us). My cousins and I moved to another section of the lounge - my parents have always taught me to respect my elders so I wasn't comfortable starting anything with him but now that I'm older and know better I wish I had given him a piece of my mind.


On another family vacation, all the kids were sitted at one large table together. We were laughing and enjoying dinner when the lady at the table beside us told us to be quiet because her baby was sleeping. We attempted to keep our voices down but I guess it wasn't good enough because the lady turned around and started swearing at me and my little cousins saying that she was sick and tired of us laughing and talking while her baby was sleeping. Being the oldest of the group I told her polietly that if she was concerned w/ her baby getting a good nights sleep that she should consider ordering room service and hanging out in her cabin where noise wouldnt' be an issue.

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On one cruise I was standing in line at one of the bars for a snack type buffet(chips dips and the like), when an elderly lady just pushed in on me as I was getting to the table. I'm in a hurry she said. I didn't make a scene I just let it go, its not worth it. I told my wife about it and we both laughed. That evening in the show lounge I was very surprised that the lady was the featured entertainer that night. On stage she was so nice and polite. I knew different. I can not remember her name.

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