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EPIC 7-Night Mediterranean Rome Roundtrip - Photo Review!

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After that, we went to Sagrada Familia where Dolca blurted out more falseness about "Gaudi the Modernist."


What was crazy was, on several occasions, I was explaining to Max things that I had learned about the building in school. Dolca would overhear, and then she would rudely "correct" me and start spitting out inaccuracies that were probably just due to bad translation (I spent the semester with Italians and Chinese grad students... I understand that things getting lost in translation), but the way she was so "I'm right about this" and butting into our conversation really rubbed me the wrong way.



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr

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Note to self: Avoid Dulca on future trips to Barcelona!


Love Alec and his "twin"!


(Victoria, Neil was passing by whilst I was reading your report and he wanted me to tell you that he has never seen such fantastic photography!)


I'm so enjoying this report!

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Everyone loves Max...



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


So after Sagrada Familia, everyone was hungry and ready for lunch. We voiced our need for food to Dolca, and she told us - "You can eat when you get back on the ship." Chick say WHAT? We weren't getting back on the ship til 3:30. We needed to eat now! Finally, she relented and let us eat.... tapas at a stand-up bar. It was so awkward. She gives us pairs plates to split, and so I don't know why, but Rachel and I were splitting a plate and Alec and Max were. The tapas were just sitting out on the bar, and you grabbed them and ate them there, saving the tooth picks so you knew how much to pay. Europe in general really trusts people to honor the system.


One thing that Europeans don't seem to understand is that American boys, particularly big American boys, need lots of food... particularly meat. Those little tapas weren't filling anybody up!


More Gaudi...



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


Columbus stood on these steps. Barcelona really wants to claim rights to Columbus. Which is funny because he is a native of Genoa.

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So Dolca stops us in this alleyway and starts talking to us about a church. Then she says, "It would be nice to go in, but unfortunately I don't think we can because some of you aren't dressed appropriately." Everyone nods and says okay. Then Dolca says, "Yes. It is because of you (points to me) and you (points to Rachel)." Woah, chick (if you haven't noticed, I've been saying "chick" when I would normally say a word that starts with a b) - there was no need for that. And we were NOT the only ones not dressed correctly. Neither Max's or Alec's shorts covered their knees! Or my mom's! Sure, I was the worst offense with the bare shoulders, but I didn't know we were supposed to be going in any churches, and honestly, I could never go in another Catholic church in my life and I'd be absolutely okay. Yes, I'm an architecture major, but I've seen so many now that they ALL LOOK THE SAME! Anyway, if they wanted to take us in churches, they should've told us to dress appropriately.


The other family we were with was super cool about it. "Thanks for wearing shorts because we didn't want to go in there anyway." "Look at that line - wouldn't want to stand in that!"


I was so angry, I didn't even bother taking a photograph of the front of the church.



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr

I should be wearing a scarlet letter or something....



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr

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We were going to just do the HoHo or Segway in Barcelona, but seeing your pictures makes me think we may do the tour!


Keep them coming!!


We WON'T be doing Barcelona Day Tours, though, so we won't have to worry about that horrible guide!


Thoroughly enjoying your review! Now we can't wait to go!


What a wonderful opportunity you have had to study in Italy!


Nautical Mom

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And now.... the final straw!!!



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


I was telling Max how I had read that supposedly, Columbus was pointing towards Genoa, his home. Then Dolca overhears and pipes in, "Oh! I forgot to tell you where he is pointing. You are wrong - it is to the West Indies, not America." Whoa, B (I feel like chick is just too lighthearted now) - I didn't ASK for you to interrupt my private conversation, and I didn't say that he was pointing towards America.


And our last stop was Montjuic. Apparently, I did a great job of touring Barcelona on my own because I had already seen almost every place we stopped at.



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


On the bus ride back to the ship, we drove by the Olympic Stadium. Dolca exclaims, "Oh, there is construction! I wonder what that is for," and starts speaking to the bus driver. Max and I agree that it must be for the X Games that there are signs all over Barcelona for. Then a few minutes later, she overhears us talking about X Games and says, "Oh, the X Games! Are they hosting that here?" There are only signs EVERYWHERE!



Okay, I was VERY DISAPPOINTED in Barcelona Day Tours. Since the company was recommended by Rome in Limo, I thought it was going to be more like a private driver thing than an annoying-as-heck tour guide. Dolca was a terrible tour guide. She said a lot of incorrect things, and if she were nice, then I would forgive her for some obvious translation errors. But she wasn't, and even so, I can't forgive her for calling Gaudi a Modernist. Not to mention, she didn't cater this tour towards us at all. She would stop us all so that she could go to the bathroom, but she wouldn't stop when we all wanted to eat? Also, on several occasions, we or the other family told her that we weren't interested in seeing something or would rather see something else, and she ignored our requests. For example, the other family told her that they love eating at local restaurants and trying the local beer.... and she took us to Tourist Town USA to eat overpriced touristy tapas. While we may have just had extremely bad luck with the worst tour guide ever, I would not book Barcelona Day Tours again, and I will not recommend the company to anyone else.

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Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr

Now this is a sight for sore eyes!


We got back on the ship and headed to the Garden Café for a late, much-needed lunch. I didn't find anything I really wanted the first go-around and was going to go back and get a salad, when they announced that muster would be taking place in 30 minutes, and all services would be shut down. The salad bar was closed! Everything was closing! I hopped in the ice cream line which was still serving for something to eat. I was next in line when another CM than the one serving comes up and says, "I'm sorry. We're closed." I smiled and said please, gesturing at my sticker because maybe if she knows I'm not mustering, she'll understand. She rolls her eyes (first rude employee, I might add - and I think it's because they all seemed pretty stressed about cleaning the kitchen before muster), grabs some gloves, and scoops me ice cream. Thank you!!!


Now, we had kind of been craving a peak at The Haven and realized that muster would be the perfect time to do a quick walk-through. And before you flame me, no one was there, and we didn't use any services or disturb anyone - just a quick DIY tour. Besides, nothing was open, anyway.



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


It is soooooooo nice!!!!!! Next time I'm on the Epic, I sure hope I'm in the Haven! The quick tour sure sold Max - "So why didn't we book a suite?"

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Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


Now this is a sight for sore eyes!




We got back on the ship and headed to the Garden Café for a late, much-needed lunch. I didn't find anything I really wanted the first go-around and was going to go back and get a salad, when they announced that muster would be taking place in 30 minutes, and all services would be shut down. The salad bar was closed! Everything was closing! I hopped in the ice cream line which was still serving for something to eat. I was next in line when another CM than the one serving comes up and says, "I'm sorry. We're closed." I smiled and said please, gesturing at my sticker because maybe if she knows I'm not mustering, she'll understand. She rolls her eyes (first rude employee, I might add - and I think it's because they all seemed pretty stressed about cleaning the kitchen before muster), grabs some gloves, and scoops me ice cream. Thank you!!!




Now, we had kind of been craving a peak at The Haven and realized that muster would be the perfect time to do a quick walk-through. And before you flame me, no one was there, and we didn't use any services or disturb anyone - just a quick DIY tour. Besides, nothing was open, anyway.






Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr






Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr




It is soooooooo nice!!!!!! Next time I'm on the Epic, I sure hope I'm in the Haven! The quick tour sure sold Max - "So why didn't we book a suite?"






I noticed that the dailies said MANDATORY MUSTER DRILL on Barcelona day, and only Mandatory Muster Drill for embarking passengers on Rome day, and nothing at all on Marseilles day!


Great to find out about their shutting everything down!


Maybe you'll have a suite on your honeymoon! :D You girls seem to have great BFs!

Edited by NauticalMom
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So Rachel decided to take advantage of the embarkation day spa promotion and booked a massage for the evening. That is one of the bonuses of embarking in Rome - you can take advantage of all of the embarkation day deals later in your cruise.


I tried to convince the boys to go with me to the Sail Away Party, but they said no! Uhmmm.... why???? They wanted to hit the bars... of course. :rolleyes:


We were at the Whiskey Bar (the only bar we hadn't tried, yet), and Max asked the bartender what they did with the empty bottles. He and Alec were trying to score a bottle of Patron Platinum for their apartment next year. The bartender told them that if he had an empty bottle, he would definitely give it to them, but he'd been on the ship for three months, and the bottle was only half empty. He did let them hold in and his most expensive liquor for a picture, though.



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


The Patron Platinum is $18/shot. The Balvenie Portwood in Max's hand is $33/shot.


I will update that last week, Max purchased his own bottle of Patron Platinum and today, he got a light-up base for it. :rolleyes:


Having toured the Old Jameson Distillery and enjoying some whiskey mixed drinks there, I thought that I would like the whiskey bar. But I made the mistake of ordering the Apple Manhattan... something that sounded to me like a fruity beverage with a dash of whiskey. Well, I was incredibly wrong - it was almost straight whiskey! Luckily, my Dad walked by, so I waved him over and told him that I bought him a drink! :cool:


Also, you might look at these guys and think they're whiskey and beer drinkers. I would like to clarify... they are some of the girliest drinkers. I can't even count how many times I heard them order a "Tutti Frutti Smoothie" or a "Forbidden Fruttini." :D Harass them if you wish, but it won't get to them. According to Max, real men drink whatever they like and have no insecurities about it. I must admit that is one of my favorite things about Maxwell - he does what makes him happy and doesn't care about what people think.

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FINALLY, I convinced them to go up to the top deck for the sail away party (okay, we were really going so that Alec could get some food from the Garden Café). This was all that was left....



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr

A few drunk ladies breaking it down on the dance floor.


"What are you talking about, Victoria? This party is lame!"

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This was the night that I had rebooked our Teppanyaki reservations to. Max and Rachel are pretty enthusiastic about hibachi, so that was a must-do on our list.


Unfortunately, we were seated in the most awkward way possible - in a straight line. We were the second party to arrive at the table, and they had seated the first party (of 7 if I recall correctly) along the "L," so we were sitting in a straight line - not cool. I was on the very end, so I had a better view of the other hibachi grill than I did our own. Not only that, but I was sitting beside a structural column. So whenever the waiter came to place something in front of me, he had to say excuse me, and I had to lean to the left so that he could set something down. So when I wasn't leaning, I spent a large majority of the meal analyzing the space and how they could've arranged it to work with the structural columns. I did this, of course, after telling Max that the civil engineers should've come up with a better solution than a structural column. Couldn't they cantilever? Adjust for a supporting wall?


This was my view -



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


This is a photo of the OTHER grill.



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


My mom insisted that I switch seats with her so that I could get better photos. That confused the cook because we rearranged. It was actually a very simple rearrangement - instead of 1,2,3,4 it was 4,3,2,1 (literally - those were the numbers of our orders). Max explained this to him in a very understandable way, and the guy just didn't comprehend. The waiter, however, did, so he made sure that we got the correct meals.


While I'm speaking of the chef, he wasn't very entertaining. I was disappointed because we had overheard/caught a glimpse of a very lively show the night before when we were eating at Wasabi. I partially blame the chef's lack of tricks on the group of people occupying the "L." They were on a business trip and thought they were the stuff. But they conversed loudly with one another (about controversial topics, such as how one of them grew up a Mormon) and ignored the chef altogether.



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


I got the surf and turf. The steak was very, very good. In fact, it was my favorite steak for the entire cruise.



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr

Edited by LittleMissMagic
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There's Mom in the worst seat ever -



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


Our lovely seating arrangement -



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


Remember how I told you about the people sitting on the "L" being on a business trip? Well, the reason I know this is because when they passed out the checks, the lady closest to us waved the waiter over. "I'm here with my company, staying in the Haven, and they're paying for everything. Whatever I want to get, it's on the company. All I can eat and drink and gamble. So they pay your tips, not me." The waiter just said okay. I think he was very confused as to why she felt the need to tell him that. Why would he care who exactly was paying the tips, as long as he got paid? :confused:


After dinner, Dad stayed behind and asked to speak to the manager. He explained the bad situation with the chair right by the column - how it not only doesn't have a good view of the grill, but is difficult for the waiter to serve people at. The manager explained that for large parties, someone has to sit there. "I didn't ask to sit with those people." The manager apologized and said he would make sure that no one sat there in the future. The next day, he sent a bottle of wine to my parents' room. Way to go, NCL!

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After dinner, Rachel and Alec went to the Internet lounge, and Mom, Dad, Max, and I went to Howl at the Moon, one of my favorite nighttime entertainment options on my solo cruise. Howl at the Moon didn't disappoint. I knew my mother would love it, but I wasn't sure about Max - he also enjoyed it.


Things got crazy much earlier than expected (really, within the first half hour or so) when this drunken lady walked on the stage with requests -



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


She stayed on stage for several songs after that, dancing and encouraging others to join her.



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr

I think they sent the female pianist on break early in attempt to get this lady off the stage. it worked - she invited the lady to meet her at the bar and buy her a drink.


It was a really ROUGH night at sea, and Max was getting motion sickness, so we didn't stay up too late that night.

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The next day was a much-needed sea day. I had read this beforehand, but now I agree - port days on European itineraries can be exhausting!


We got up early to eat breakfast and get chairs. Max, with his Italian roots, loves to lay out in the sun. We were afraid that it was going to be too windy (for us girls) to lay out, but it turned out to be a good day. The other family that was on the Barcelona excursion with us the day before joined us on the pool deck.


Poor Max's head is too large for sunglasses. He found an alternative...



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr


The sun isn't quite as fun for ginger-born Alec -



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr


We had a great time on the slides. The line for the tube slide that day was ridiculous, so we took advantage of the short wait for the purple slide. Honestly, it's my favorite. It goes really fast, especially if you really swing yourself into it. And you only go down one story, so it's quick to get back up to the slide. The green slide is fun at the top, but we had problems with getting stuck near the bottom. We only waited in line to do the tube slide once. It was a good 15-20 minute wait. There are a bunch of kid tubes, but only a few adult tubes. And everyone standing in line was an adult. I could use a kid tube (yellow), but because everyone else needed the adult tubes (blue), I waited in line with everyone else. I would've felt like a line cut going to the front to get a tube intended for kids that happens to work for miniature adults, anyway.


The boys got a bucket of beer for the afternoon. They thought it was a good deal until Max exclaimed, "We just paid $36 for a 6-pack!" Yikes! They also got pretty sick of their beer by the first or second bottle. The orange crush bartender came by - "Are you ready for another bucket?" "NO!" in unison. :D


They then switched to their preferred sweet drinks...



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr


But apparently, it didn't do very much. Max still complains about how he spent $75 at the pool that day and didn't even get a buzz.

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Later that afternoon, Rachel and I really wanted to check out the trampoline bounce on the sports deck. Our friends from the slides were working the trampoline when we got there. It was incredible how much information they gathered and remembered about us. They remembered that I was living in Italy (I didn't even tell them that - someone else must've) and that Rachel and I were sisters.


Warning to those of you wanting to do this - you step on a scale, and they say your weight out loud! :eek: Multiple times! :eek: :eek: :eek:


I went first.



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr


I wonder if I could've asked to face the other way...

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Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr


They instructed me to do back flips, front flips, double back flips (those you really have to time right). Then they challenged me to do 10 backflips in a row! I succeeded... and they wanted me to do 10 more! Ummm... sorry, I'm too dizzy!



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr

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Then it was Rachel's turn -



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr


You'd think, with her being a cheerleader who does back handsprings and all sorts of tumbles, that she'd be really good at flipping. But she said that training in tumbling actually hurt her. Because in tumbling, you flip at your peak height. On this thing, you have to start flipping as you approach your peak.



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr

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Waiting for your post of the dailies! Like you, I'm in charge of our party of 7, taking this cruise next may 14, 2014, rome round trip. So I'm hoping to use your dailies for my reservations planning guide. Thanks a lot!



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Waiting for your post of the dailies! Like you, I'm in charge of our party of 7, taking this cruise next may 14, 2014, rome round trip. So I'm hoping to use your dailies for my reservations planning guide. Thanks a lot!




Go through some of the recent reviews of Epic cruises. They were posted about a week ago. I've downloaded them all. I'm going in July. Hoping Missing In Action Dan is off by the time I'm on. On our last cruise on the Jewel he scheduled hours of Kareoke or Scareoke as I call it. He seems to have scheduled long sessions in Bliss on the Epic cruise too. I'm happy for Richard and Nacho to be on board though-they're great fun!



I thought you looked great in your shorts. Dolca sounded dodgy-I hope you didn't tip her. She was probably getting a cut from the restaurant she wanted to take you too.

I'm loving this review -I'm also a Rome embarker. Are the pools open during muster in Barcelona? Maybe that's a plan, when hopefully heaps of passengers are doing muster and I won't have to wait in long lines. Us Aussies don't do lines. We just go away, give up and don't bother. Not used to them over here. (5 minutes is long enough!) I've already made a decision if the lines are too long I won't bother with the slides.


I'm also wondering about the shows. I have booked both, but I don't want to have to turn up 20 minutes early, sitting in a theatre waiting is not my idea of fun. I'm not that patient. Are you better to just turn up 5 minutes before and hope you can get in rather than book?

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I thought you looked great in your shorts. Dolca sounded dodgy-I hope you didn't tip her. She was probably getting a cut from the restaurant she wanted to take you too.

I'm loving this review -I'm also a Rome embarker. Are the pools open during muster in Barcelona? Maybe that's a plan, when hopefully heaps of passengers are doing muster and I won't have to wait in long lines. Us Aussies don't do lines. We just go away, give up and don't bother. Not used to them over here. (5 minutes is long enough!) I've already made a decision if the lines are too long I won't bother with the slides.


I'm also wondering about the shows. I have booked both, but I don't want to have to turn up 20 minutes early, sitting in a theatre waiting is not my idea of fun. I'm not that patient. Are you better to just turn up 5 minutes before and hope you can get in rather than book?


As far as I know, the pools and pool deck are open during Barcelona muster. The slides, however, are not. Also, you have to be wearing your sticker or have it somewhere handy because the crew members are trying to get everyone to muster.


As for the shows, I booked both and showed up maybe 5 minutes early to the show booked - if that. We had absolutely no problem finding a decent seat. There were plenty of open seats, and we were all able to sit together. So I think either way, you would be fine. However, for both shows, I booked the late show. I'm sure the early shows are more crowded.

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It was Norwegian Night Out (formerly Dress Up or Not), but I had booked our Cirque Show for 6:30 (the one time I went for an early dinner time! :mad:), so we missed all of the festivities! We still dressed up, though!



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr


Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr



Sea Day by vshingl, on Flickr

We had booked premium seating because the standard category was sold out in advance. I heard from a NCL crew member that they only book 30% of the dinner show in advance online, so I think we could've booked standard on the ship easily. However, when we got to the table, the first thing Max says is, "This is Premium?" I think we were on the second row of premium, and I believe that is because we were a large party. The front row consisted of large tables which they appeared to be filling with several small parties. The problem with our table was that the balcony above us blocked a little bit of our view. They did offer us first floor or second floor, and Mom said first floor. The second floor looks like it would've been around the glass, looking down on the performance. In the end, I think we actually had pretty good seats. The back row (standard) consisted of booths pushed back against the wall, and so the wait staff and performers were constantly walking in front of them during and between acts.


We really enjoyed the show - Rachel and Max especially. Max was pulled up during the act changes to be a part of the skit. He didn't want to go (it turns out because he wasn't wearing his jacket - this coming from the guy who was dying to go on stage for Blue Man Group!), but Rachel and I forced him to go along. Luckily, he had a very minor roll in the skit they were doing.


The food was actually very good. Max said it was the best filet he had the entire cruise. He raved about how great it was. I wasn't a big fan of the desserts, but I rarely like those tiny rich things, so that wasn't a surprise.


In the last act - the two strong men who incredibly lift one another up - when the bottom guy was balancing off the back of a chair with the guy on his shoulders, he dropped him and fell backwards with his leg stuck in the chair. It made a loud bang and they yelled out in pain. I was so worried that he was seriously hurt. The stage hand rushed to his assistance and got his leg out of the chair. Then he stood up and shook it out a little. They sent the pretty, contortionist girl out in a sexy nurse's outfit as if to attempt that it was all part of the act. To our surprise - they resumed their act and did the exact same stunt again - this time completing it! I was shocked that they got right back up and did it again!

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After Cirque, we realized that it was almost time for the Dating Game Show in the Bliss Lounge, so we might as well go watch that. Well, as soon as we sat down, we were approached by the entertainment team, asking us if we'd like to participate. We declined, saying that we already had boyfriends/girlfriends.


A few minutes later, they came back, explaining that it's really difficult to get people to participate in this game, and that they had champagne backstage. Everyone agreed except Max. He had had enough of his volunteering for the day with his performance in the Cirque show.


Backstage, we met the other girl for the show. She was a sweet girl about our age, and she told us that she was doing this because her cousin was the Bachelor, and her aunt thought it would be funny if he chose his own cousin in the dating game. So she started making up a fake persona who was an exotic dancer in Vegas. That's when Rachel and I realized that we didn't want to be ourselves, either. And I wanted to make sure I didn't get picked. So I decided to be the "good girl," and Rachel was kind of the in-between - more of a preppy brat.


The Bachelorette went first because she had to go to the 9:30 Cirque show, so we didn't get to watch Alec. He was super cheesy with his lines, but he won the Bachelorette's heart. One of the other guys competing was apparently super into this, because he was very verbal about being upset when he didn't win. And during the game, each of his responses was a jab at Alec.


Here he is busting a move:



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


Is that the running man, Alec?



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


And we thought the height difference between Alec and Rachel was funny...



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr


The Bachelor was totally trashed. I'm surprised they let him get on the stage. The assistant cruise director, Richard, was hosting the show, and he was pretty miffed about the drunkenness. One time, the Bachelor said something pretty inappropriate to his cousin, and Richard piped up, "We're here to have fun, but we need to be respectful." We were supposed to be asked four questions by the Bachelor, but Richard cut him off at three because he was literally falling off his chair. He was, however, sober enough to learn that he had actually chosen his cousin for a date. "It's you??? You B**!" Richard apologized at the end of the show, saying that he hoped no one was offended. It was unfortunate that the Bachelor was so drunk that Richard had to act as a parent rather than encourage the fun.



Barcelona by vshingl, on Flickr

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