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Just had a call from TA to say that my booking has gone haywire with Cunard for our QM trip. Our cabin is safe and secure, but it's our kids (19 & 21) that has gone astray!!!! Even though right here in front of me I have the confirmation. My son says that this is a written contract between us and them and they are at fault. We booked this trip approx this time last year and by the time we go away in Sept it will be 18 months!!! Anyway agent has just been called back by some guy from Cunard here in the UK and apparently that cabin has been taken off sale because of engine noise. Now I really am confused. I don't know much about ships but I would have thought that the engines were below deck 2. Below deck 5 there are more staterooms and on deck 3 there are passengers facilities directly below!! Wonder if this is just an excuse!! Anybody on this board been in cabin 5110???? I can see that there is an area right next to it that is a blank space so maybe this has something to do with it. Maybe it is a power plant or something next to this cabin!! They are offering us a cabin for transatlantic, a different cabin for splendours of the fall and then back to the other cabin for the transatlantic back to the UK. One of the reasons for booking as soon as the bookings for 2005 opened was so that we got exactly what we wanted. OK so fair enough they've pulled it off sale, but my agent was not informed and has only found out over the past couple of days as they are completely changing over there system and all our booking numbers are different to the ones we booked this time last year. I'm sure it will get resolved one way or another. I am not lugging clothes from 1 cabin to another and one of the cabins they are offering me is 5014 right at the front of the ship. Been cruising long enough not to want that one thank you very much!!!!!! I'm now beginning to wish I'd stuck with P & O and had a suite on Oriana which is doing a similar trip and itinerary around the same sort of time as QM2. BTW I don't know if I mentioned earlier on in my rant that our cabin (B4) and booking is OK. It's just our kids cabin that's causing the headache!! How is Cunards customer relations???



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Cabin 5110 is on sale in the Cunard 2006 brochure and is immediately forward of the atrium - afaik the engine housings are aft of the atrium - in the deck plans the big blank space next to the shops one side, the Chart room on the other, on deck 3 for example, so sounds like some one is telling fibs...It is also (under the new designations) D5, while 5014 is a D6 - so a downgrade. I would not put up with either a downgrade OR a cabin change and I'd ask for onboard credit to compensate for your hassle.


Good luck



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Yes, I've noticed the cabin is still on sale. I am rather sceptical about the excuse I have to say. I had noticed that the cabin the kids had was asterisked for a 4 berth. I wonder if this has anything to do with it??!! Why not have 4 fares in there instead of 2!!!!! Waiting for my TA to call me back today. Cunard were awaiting a reply from the US!! I am not happy with what they have done nor am I happy with what they are offering. So we will have to see. Wish I'd stuck with P & O as in the 15+ years that I have cruised with them the only gripe I've had was the time they lost a suit carrier during embarkation. And even then it may not have been them as we had come down on a coach and it could have been left on the coach. Even so they were very helpful about the whole thing. Anyway they have no cabins left that I would want on Oriana for a similar trip at approx the same time of year. Let's hope they can come up with a reasonable solution to this problem.



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They have come back this morning offering us Deck 12 deluxe balcony and D2 inside cabin. From what I have read on this board and also from my experiences you do not want to be that high up if the weather should be rough and also there is a deck up above which can be noisy to the cabins down below, even though I'm sure they probably don't get much use on a transatlantic crossing. Also the cabins are in my opinion in the forward end of the ship not midships!! I have rejected this offer as I knew exactly what I was doing 12 months ago when booking original cabins midships deck 5. Saga continues!!!!!



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I am getting the impression that Cunard is currently changing thier reservation system to the Princess one. And during a conversion, bookings can drop out.


Sometimes cabins are also taken away from crew use. Remember QM2 has still got a lack of crewcabins.


Hope in the end you'll get what you want.

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Elaine: just read of your issue re rooms. Wow, I really would persue this (actually your TA) and get what you paid for in the beginning.

A similar thing happened to me, and my TA eventually got some satisfaction (on Celebrity). We ended up with a nice room. I think you will too.



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Still awaiting a satisfactory outcome on this one. I booked 12 months ago so that we could have the same cabin throughout the entire trip. Now they want the kids in the same cabin for the transatlantics and to move them for splendours of the fall. I am not wasting our precious time that we have in New York moving the kids from one cabin to another. Also the cabins they are offering are in the worst positions possible. I can have a cabin on deck 5 as far forward as you can go or I can have a cabin on deck 12 (I don't think so. Another reason for booking 12 months ago was to get the cabin in the positions we would feel comfortable with)!! All this apparently happened in March and neither we or our agent had been informed. Maybe if we had been informed then we maybe would have had more choice. I am very sceptical about Cunards reason for this change. It has occurred to me that the cabin is a four berth cabin and they could have four lots of fares instead of two. I have also considered that maybe it was double booked and we are being made the scapegoats. I don't wish to sound rude here but you Americans just wouldn't put up with it would you and I reckon you would also get a better response than I am actually getting here on the other side of the pond!! Also I will be watching when we get on board to see if this cabin is actually being used or not. And god help them when I return if I find out that it is being used. I am now getting really angry about a trip that I should really be looking forward to. Hubby is already hacked off that they take for gratuities directly from your on board account. He believes that it is an individual thing between ones cabin and restaurants stewards rather than through Cunard. Also having cruised mainly with P & O the tips are always left to the passengers discretion. To date I have never felt I needed to not give our stewards a tip and always stick to the guidelines. I can see him going down to the pursers office to get that taken off the minute we get on board. It's now 1.30pm here and I wish my agent would call me with some news. Should I think of it as no news is good news or should I call her and pester her once more??!!



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I think you should call again and if necessary call cunard direct- I'm english- not american- but I wouldnt put up with it either!!! As Guernsey guy said i would at least want on board credit- if your TA is no use- go direct to Cunard and dont accept any rubbish- ask to speak to someone there who can answer your questions! Good luck

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I have not been in cabin 5110 so I cannot help you with that information. However, I have been in an inside cabin on deck 6 and a balcony cabin on deck 5. When you book through a TA, I don't think Cunard will speak with you directly concerning this problem. Lets hope you have a great TA who will really go to bat for you and insist that you get the rooms you want and deserve. That is one of the reasons for using a TA.


You are wise to continue to reject the Cunard offers that you do not feel are equal to or better than your original cabin. I agree that you should not have to change cabins in NYC if you orginally booked the same cabin for the whole voyage.


Tell the TA exactly what decks and what areas of the ship you will consider. Also, tell the TA that you will only accept one cabin for the entire voyage. That way, the TA can reject anything Cunard offers that he/she knows is not acceptable to you.


When we were on deck 5, we were in cabin 5217. It is in the aft part of the ship. We did not notice any more motion than we had when we were on deck 6 more midship. On deck 6, we were directly under the Kings Court and we did hear noise above at times.


I am so sorry you are having to deal with these problems before your QM2 cruise. She is a wonderful ship and I think you and your family will have a great time. Hopefully you can get the cabin problem resolved soon and you can concentrate of the fun of planning your voyage.


Good luck and continue to insist that Cunard give you a room that you like. Let us know the outcome!

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Well I'm not sure whether I should be happy or not. Apparently they have presumably upgraded passengers from cabin 5126 so that the kids can have the same cabin throughout the whole 25 nights!! I felt that since other passengers had been asked to move I really couldn't say no!! But cabin 5126 is next to the Atrium lifts!! I am not worried that this is going to be noisy. Guy reckons they have had no complaints about the cabins next to the atrium lifts being noisy. So I suppose I can only say we've had a side step to the other side of the atrium cabins!! I'm sure though that I was advised by sales consultant when originally booking that this cabin might be noisy!! Not sure now whether I've done the right thing or not accepting it. It's really sticky here and I've got a headache from all this worrying and reading deck plans. Maybe I should have accepted the cabin on deck 12, but then when the boat is rockin and rollin I don't think the kids stomach would be happy!!!!!!



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These is no machinery space next to Cabin 5110.


The blank space you see on the passenger plans contains crew lifts, crew stairs and immediately adjacent to 5110... an Electronic Workshop. I shouldn't think there would be any 'machinery noise' from there.


I wouldn't worry about being upgraded to a cabin on Deck 12 forward. Unless the weather is exceptionally bad you probably wouldn't feel anything at all. Remember, even the Captain lives right forward on Deck 12. You would be neighbours!!!!


Cabin changes.... if you do finally get stuck with one... don't have to be a hassle at all. It takes nothing to grab a steward and get one of the hotel hanging trollies. Easier to make the move yourself than get hotel staff involved. It takes only a few minutes. My wife and I once changed cabin three times on back to back cruises. It wasn't a problem at all. Just don't be put of by some steward telling you that you have to wait for the next cabin to be serviced. Make sure someone at the Purser's Desk arranges for this to be done immediately on arrival in New York. Tell them point blank that the move was not your choice and that it is wasting your time ashore.


Hope this helps if all else fails!



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You say you had a balcony cabin on deck 5. Can you give me your thoughts on these cabins. We have one of these cabins, whilst the kids have to make do with an inside cabin. They quite like it because they get to sleep with no daylight beaming through!! Will there be enough wardrobe space for all the clothes we will be taking with us (25 nights and days is a lot of clothes)???


Do they supply shower gel in the showers??? On P & O they use moulton brown.



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Hi Elaine,


I would love to spend 25 days on the QM2! Yes, we had a balcony cabin on deck 5. I'm sure you are aware from reading these boards that the balcony cabins on decks 5 & 6 are the hull balconies. We are not people who spend a lot of time in our room but we enjoyed the balcony. It was nice to look outside and see what the weather was like or if we had arrived at a port. If you take a bungee cord, you can use it to keep the balcony door open.


There is quite a bit of closet space and drawer space. It was more than ample for our 10 day cruise. Remember that the QM2 has very nice laundry facilities on each deck. At the time we cruised, there was no charge.


They supply shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, and lotion. They are Canyon Ranch products. Canyon Ranch runs the onboard spa. If for some reason your room steward does not replace them, just ask.


The spa is another of our favorite places on the QM2. The therapy pool is heavenly. If you book any spa treatment, you can use the therapy pool as well as the sauna, etc. at no extra charge for the entire day. You can also book packages just to use the therapy pool, sauna, etc. if you do not book spa treatments. The day you board they will be giving tours of the spa. Taking a tour gives you an opportunity to see all the facilities.


If you like to dance, the Queen's Room has the largest dance floor on any ship. We enjoyed the nightly entertainment and the shows in Illuminations. We also enjoyed some of the lectures. The Cunard website MAY have a list of the lecturers who will be on your voyages closer to the time you sail. In 25 days you should have time to experience everything.


Just go with a positive attitude. Remember it is a large ship and it will be a large ship experience. Cruise Critic is a great source of information. Keep asking questions.

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OOOmmm maybe I'm a creature of habit, but I like my mouton brown shower gel. Maybe I'll just take my own!!


We requested 2nd sitting dinner and a table for 4 in the Britannia restaurant. Do they have many tables for 4. As we booked June 04 do you think we may be lucky in getting what we request??


Does the in hull cabin appear dark because you don't get the full balcony view?


Our kids have been moved to a cabin backing onto the atrium lifts. I am now worried that you can hear them going up and down. Also do the atrium lifts stop at all floors between 2 & 7??



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I am sceptical about Cunards explanation for the cabin change!


I shall be watching when we are on board to see if this cabin is being used. Personally I think someone has double booked this cabin and they thought it would be OK to move the kids!! Still I have now accepted a cabin just the other side of the atrium cabins but it does back onto the atrium lift. I really hope that you cannot hear the lift going up and down!!


Many thanks for your reply anyway.



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Elaine - If you are not keen on the added gratuities, you can ask for them to be removed from your account and handle them yourselves, but do this sap after boarding at the pursers desk. Cunard still don't get it with tipping, all they need to do is to say that tips are included in the price as is the case with other cruise lines. Of course this would boost the advertised price of their cruises or crossings, and this would never do would it?



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We had plenty of light in the hull balcony. Hopefully, you will enjoy it as much as we did.


As for the lift noise, I have never heard of anyone complaining about the lifts on the QM2. Usually young people can sleep through anything, so hopefully they will be fine. We always travel with a white noise machine. Do they have those in the UK? If your children are really light sleepers you might consider one of those.


There are quite a few tables for four in the Britannia. We had one on our first cruise. We had a table for six on our second cruise. When you arrive in your cabin there should be a small map of the Britannia with your table assignment. You can go to the restaurant and check it out. If you are unhappy with your assignment you can ask the maitre'd for a change. We really enjoyed second seating on both cruises and I think you will find the wait staff more relaxed on second seating. Most of the wait staff on the QM2 is excellent. However, there are evidently a few who are not. If you are not happy with your wait staff, ask for a change.

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Having just returned from a crossing with an outside Deck 6 balcony, I can honestly say that the in-hull decks are delightful--bright and wonderfully protected from the winds of the Atlantic. When standing at the rail, there is nothing but you and the open sea... no lifeboats, decks or fellow pasengers to look down upon. I was hesitant at first, but would now book the same accommodations again. Also, when we hit 30 ft waves and gale force winds, we rocked and rolled much less than those on decks 8-11! You'll be pleased.


There are tables for four. I reccommend #113. It's on the main level midway between the soaring atrium and the windows and has good views of all that is going on. Try not to get a table that is on either side and behind the mural wall line. These tend to feel a bit isolated and are too close to the kitchen traffic. In my opinion, unless you are seasted right along the rail, the second level feels too much like sitting in the attic-- because it has a tiered design, the closer you get to the windows, the lower the ceiling gets.


Put the hassle behind you as best you can. You'll have a great trip!

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Never heard of a white noise machine. When I refer to my kids I make them sound like little one's but by the time we cruise one will be 19 and the other will be 22 whilst on board. My son (19) can sleep through anything virtually and my daughter wears ear plugs!! When I told her about the cabin change she seemed fine about it.


Actually I have another question for you. I see in the brochure it states that Cunard reserves the right to refuse sale and/or service of alcoholic beverage to guests under 21. It then says that it cannot be held liable for the actions or activities of any guest who consumes, purchases or obtains, by any means, alcoholic beverages. Now here in the UK the legal age limit for drinking alcohol is 18 and whilst my son does not drink a lot he occasionally has a drink. Am I right in thinking that they will not serve him if he is on his own, but if for instance myself or my husband or our daughter brought him a drink that would be OK. I suppose it's very difficult for them, as over in the US whilst you can get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle at 16, but cannot drink alcohol until you are 21. Here in the UK you can smoke (legally) from the age of 16, learn to drive at 17 and drink alcohol at 18.



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Are we able to request a specific table. Do you think it's worth me contacting Cunard about a specific table number??


I have been cruising now for a number of years and noticed early on in my cruising life that you are best to be in the middle of the middle of the ship re movement. We go to the caribbean at christmas from Southampton through the bay of biscay. In fact any cruise you do down to the Med or Canary islands you have to go through the bay of biscay. This bay has a real reputation. I think the only time I have ever been on it when it was like a mill pond was late one May on the QE2. I've never seen it like that before and in fact it was quite spooky!!


I figured that doing a transatlantic the in hull may give better protection from the elements outside. On Aurora we have a balcony cabin which is very similar to the QM2 in hull balconies, but it does have a small section of clear glass, so you can see the sea whilst laying in bed.


As for the cabin hassle!! I am not happy with Cunard regards the whole way they have handled this issue but we have managed to get one cabin for the whole trip as originally booked. I shall however be writing to Cunard before we go telling them how unhappy I am with everything that has gone on. I just hope our onboard experience does not come across like our pre cruise one!!!! I'm sure it won't.



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Thanks, will send my other half down ASAP after boarding. Don't get me wrong we don't not give a tip. We just feel its personal and should be left to the passengers discretion. In fact on our regular cruise line we are always greeted fondly by our past staff. As we cruise with them often it is always like coming home. Call me sceptical but I also wonder how much of the tip that you pay direct is actually given to the cabin/restaurant stewards!!



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