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My Cuba Cruise

Balloon Man

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HI all!


Mark C ~ you're welcome. I love talking about the cruise & I've only been on it for a week unlike Ron who has done several weeks.


I took the Cuba Life tour which is a really good way to see a lot of different

places & the lovely countryside. DH just walked around the small town.

I remember thinking as we drove away from Antilla that it's a good place just to see how the people live.


Trinidad is a place I want to see too but don't know about taking a taxi. I'm not sure if this is the excursion somebody else said there were hardly any cars on the road so I'm thinking of doing the ship's tour.


I've been searching for a review that had a picture of some crafts they'd made on board but can't seem to find it.

I did find this which is a nice introduction to the cruise.



Liz54 ~ fingers crossed for good travelling weather on the 22nd.


~ Jo ~ :)

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I am finally home from my 3 week jamaica/cuba/ sailing adventure. Arrived back home safely around 2am last night into the cold of Toronto. Not happy to be home and missing my man insanely much.


Our cruise was beyond fantastic. Pretty much the best trip I have ever been on. I don't know if that is because I had him with me, or because I had never been on a cruise, but we had a blast and cannot wait plan another one !




When we arrived at the terminal in Mobay, we were told we had to pay a departure tax of 22$ US each or 3600ja total. We had no American currency on us, and I only had Canadian as we had spent the rest of our Jamaican as we wouldnt need it on the cruise. SO after the hubby ran back into town to get us some JA, they wouldnt give change so we again had to wander around the terminal to find someone to give us change so we could pay this tax. Apperently it has to be paid if you have been on the island a certain amount of days prior to the cruise, or if you are a Jamaican citizen. It was a huge pain and we were not the only people who were not impressed with this.



Our room was 6233, and our steward Elvis was fantastic. He had our small beds pushed together for us and made it into one big bed. We noticed, as we liked to look into the rooms while the doors were open, that alot of couples did not have their beds made into one... so weird to me.. if your with your hubby or wife, why in the world would you sleep in seperate beds? so strange. It also seemed like we had one of the bigger rooms in our room catagory and some of the other rooms looked like half the size of ours. Also, if your tall, or bigger, the bathrooms are TINYYYYYY. My hubby could hardly take a shower as he is like 6'3.



In cienfuegos we took our own wander around. It was only about 10 mins from the boat to the centre of town, so i would not waste your money on a ship tour, as you can do it yourslef for free and in half the amount of time. We headed out after lunch and spent a few hours in the afternoon just exploring the small town.


Punta Fances is a gorgeous beach, we also spent a few hours there, just walking up and down. Saw some cool fish, and a starfish and a sea slug thinger.


Havana was the best for me. I had booked a private tour, our guide was our age which was great. We had a private taxi mixed with a walking tour, and she took us for about a 3 hour walk aaround old Havana, even up to the top of the old Barcardi building which had the most amazing Havana views. We went to the other side of the bay as well and throughtout new Havana. We also went to a river where the locals practice Wicca which was pretty cool. I did not know that was a thing in Cuba. Our tour was just over 5 hours, and it was 100cuc total. Totally worth it. We ventured back out after dinner for a night walk around Old Havana. So calm there and just beautiful. I would love to go back and spend a few days staying in the city.


Also note we did not even pull away from the dock until well after 1am. I was asleep but the boy woke me up to see the city all lit up at night as we departed.


Antilla we booked the Cuba Life tour. It was ok. I don't know I guess I expected more, but I found the indian part pretty cheezeball, the meal was fantastic and the beach was gorgeous and the burial ground place was super cool but I felt like we didnt really spend enough time at each place and it was kinda rushed. But the day was really hot so just sitting on the bus and watching the world go by out the window was great.


Santiago we did the Panoramic tour, half a day and it was enough for us, I dont think I would have lasted a whole day. We saw the city, the castle and went to the cemetery. Spent the rest of the day enjoying our last day on the boat.


The pool is small, but hardly ever used, I was always alone in it when I went in it, same with the small hot tub.


We had the 8 drink package included in our stay and that was more then enough for us. We always each got 2 bottles of water to take on shore.. and the caramel iced coffees are legit the best drink I have ever had.


The disco is pretty much empty. I did walk by it after midnight one night and there were about 10 people over 50 line dancing...

I felt like alot of things.. the shows, disco etc.. all start way to late. I am young and I still thought that.


We were pretty much the youngest couple on the cruise, which was fine with us. We were there for each other and mostly kept to ourselves which was totally fine.


We thought the food at the dinners were very very good. I loved every meal I ate. I also loved that I could get brie cheese every day at breakfast.


I am sure I will think of more things... I am currently going thru the 1500 photos that we took over our week. Once I get them posted I will post the link!


Thank you all for everything. You gave me so much insight and were such a wealth of information in the planning of this adventure.

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Hi all!


Kerri ~ thanks for the link but I didn't find the picture I was looking for. The craft was making paper flowers & she spoke about the person who led the class. I am really bad at crafts but did give it a try on my last cruise just for fun. I think I might have seen the picture on the website we can't name.;)


zebraprintsky ~ thanks so much for coming back with your review of the cruise.:D Sounds like you had a great time! Too bad about the problem at the terminal. Did you notice in your night time walk around Cuba if the Catedral de la Habana was lit up with an image shining on it please?

Did they say how many people were on your cruise & was more than one dining room open for dinner? Was Bingo ever played? Looking forward to seeing your pictures when they're ready.


~ Jo ~ :)

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Hi all!


zebraprintsky ~ thanks so much for coming back with your review of the cruise.:D Sounds like you had a great time! Too bad about the problem at the terminal. Did you notice in your night time walk around Cuba if the Catedral de la Habana was lit up with an image shining on it please?

Did they say how many people were on your cruise & was more than one dining room open for dinner? Was Bingo ever played? Looking forward to seeing your pictures when they're ready.


~ Jo ~ :)



Jo- We went for our night walk just to see if the Catedral de la Habana was lit up, and sadly it was not !! I wish it had been, but it was still a gorgeous walk that evening. I didnt really pay much attention to how many people were there, but I could feel there was more people there after Havana rather then before. For dinner there was the buffet on deck 9, as well as two seatings for dinner on deck 8, as well as the steak house. I never saw more then a few tables full at the steak house, and as we enjoyed the a la cartes for dinner, we never paid extra for the steak house. We did try to play Bingo one night, but only 1 other person showed up, so we went and played video games instead. We did not try again so I am not sure if it ever happened, but every day it was on the daily schedule !

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Hello zebraprintsky, welcome back to the cold North. Another 11C sunny day in Victoria today after a wild stormy day yesterday. I have a couple of questions with regards to the arrival and departure tax in Jamaica.


Did everyone that boarded the ship in Montego Bay have to pay the departure tax or is it only for those that have spent some time in Jamacia? I arrive in Jamiaica on Wedesday and leave on Friday and I was just wondering. Also did you have to pay when you arrived and departed by air or was it included in your airfare.

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Hello zebraprintsky, welcome back to the cold North. Another 11C sunny day in Victoria today after a wild stormy day yesterday. I have a couple of questions with regards to the arrival and departure tax in Jamaica.


Did everyone that boarded the ship in Montego Bay have to pay the departure tax or is it only for those that have spent some time in Jamacia? I arrive in Jamiaica on Wedesday and leave on Friday and I was just wondering. Also did you have to pay when you arrived and departed by air or was it included in your airfare.


Not everyone who boarded in MoBay had to pay the tax. I think it was only if you were there for more then a certain amount of days (I had been there for over a week by the time we went on the cruise) and if you are a Jamaican you have to pay also. I would say have 3600JA just incase as they dont have change. You can always change JA into CUC in Cuba.


If you are arriving/departing finally by air, you dont pay at the airport for anything, ever. Its always included in your flight cost to and from jamaica. I dont even think they have cashiers at MBJ to be honest.


enjoy your trip and let me know if you have any more questions and I will do my best to answer

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Jo, just thinking that no cruise is everything to everyone so there are bound to be some negative comments here and there. But having read these seriously negative reviews on the secondary sites have left me with the feeling that they are ultracrepidarian in nature and tend to be more than somewhat mythomane. Perhaps the authors should have taken more time to apricate...

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Jo, just thinking that no cruise is everything to everyone so there are bound to be some negative comments here and there. But having read these seriously negative reviews on the secondary sites have left me with the feeling that they are ultracrepidarian in nature and tend to be more than somewhat mythomane. Perhaps the authors should have taken more time to apricate...


Good ones, Ron. My SIL is myothanic -I will have to remember that one.


Apricate has become part of our daily vocabulary as we prepare for our escape from the land of ice and snow.

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Hi all!


Ron ~ you made me LOL with your fancy words! TG Google is my friend!:D


I searched for info about the departure tax but can't see one that applies to

your situation wu687. I remember when we disembarked the ship in Jamaica there being some question about it but we never had to pay. Maybe it was included in the airfare plus we had only been in Jamaica less than 24 hours before getting on the ship.


We shared a taxi to the airport last time & I know there was set rates for the fare but I can't find that info online either!:o We didn't buy the transfers this time as DH would rather not wait for others on a bus for the same price as a cab potentially.


Warmer weather is looking good at this point but at least the sun is shining here & the daylight lasting longer.


~ Jo ~ :)

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Jo, just thinking that no cruise is everything to everyone so there are bound to be some negative comments here and there. But having read these seriously negative reviews on the secondary sites have left me with the feeling that they are ultracrepidarian in nature and tend to be more than somewhat mythomane. Perhaps the authors should have taken more time to apricate...



By the same tolken some people tend to be mythomane saying how graet the weather was and how wondefull the food was just to impress their freinds:eek:


Its ultracrepidarian advice in nature:eek:

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By the same tolken some people tend to be mythomane saying how graet the weather was and how wondefull the food was just to impress their freinds:eek:


Its ultracrepidarian advice in nature:eek:


:eek:I may not be enough of a linguist for this cruise!!

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Hi all!


Ron ~ you made me LOL with your fancy words! TG Google is my friend!:D


I searched for info about the departure tax but can't see one that applies to

your situation wu687. I remember when we disembarked the ship in Jamaica there being some question about it but we never had to pay. Maybe it was included in the airfare plus we had only been in Jamaica less than 24 hours before getting on the ship.


We shared a taxi to the airport last time & I know there was set rates for the fare but I can't find that info online either!:o We didn't buy the transfers this time as DH would rather not wait for others on a bus for the same price as a cab potentially.


Warmer weather is looking good at this point but at least the sun is shining here & the daylight lasting longer.


~ Jo ~ :)


I did find some information on the FAQ for yourcubacruise.com with regards to Departure Tax for those departing by cruise in Montego Bay.


Are there any departure taxes?

When departing Cuba by ship, no. When departing Jamaica by ship, if you have

spent 1 pre night in Jamaica you will need to pay a departure fee of $25 USD.

This must be paid by all Jamaican residents.


I also read that it only applies after 48 hours. For air departures it is usually included in ticket cost.



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Mythomane...I like it. That one could come in useful.


Mercurial is my only big word.

A photographer I worked with thought it applied to one of the company's owners. I never thought anything that nice. :rolleyes:

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I am never playing Scrabble with Ron.


Not to worry. I was removed from every spelling bee I had ever attended, with my attempt at the very first word...:o . I can't even spell Spell Check without my Spell Check...:D


The two words used today are part of this week's Word-A-Day site I spoke of. They both seem to be appropriate for those negative critics that must remain nameless...;)

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Not to worry. I was removed from every spelling bee I had ever attended, with my attempt at the very first word...:o . I can't even spell Spell Check without my Spell Check...:D


The two words used today are part of this week's Word-A-Day site I spoke of. They both seem to be appropriate for those negative critics that must remain nameless...;)



I once won a spelling bee. Some might consider it to be the major accomplishment of my life. :D


I like to say that I can spell, I am just a lousy typist.

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I did find some information on the FAQ for yourcubacruise.com with regards to Departure Tax for those departing by cruise in Montego Bay.


Are there any departure taxes? When departing Cuba by ship, no. When departing Jamaica by ship, if you have

spent 1 pre night in Jamaica you will need to pay a departure fee of $25 USD.

This must be paid by all Jamaican residents.


I also read that it only applies after 48 hours. For air departures it is usually included in ticket cost.


Perhaps it is timely to remind those recently joining us and who are embarking at Havana that although your Cuban entry tax will be included in your air fare, you will be again charged this tax when you re-enter Cuba after having visited Jamaica. You needn't be concerned about currency as this tax will be added to your shipboard account. That then leaves the exit tax of 25 CUC's at your departing airport which must be in Cuban CUC's.

Edited by ONT-CA
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Perhaps it is timely to remind those recently joining us and who are embarking at Havana that although your Cuban entry tax will be included in your air fare, you will be again charged this tax when you re-enter Cuba after having visited Jamaica. You needn't be concerned about currency as this tax will be added to your shipboard account. That then leaves the exit tax of 25 CUC's at your departing airport which must be in Cuban CUC's.


Thank you for that succinct explanation. I was confused and had given up! Just mentally prepared for multiple demands for 25 CUCs!

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Thank you for that succinct explanation. I was confused and had given up! Just mentally prepared for multiple demands for 25 CUCs!


And multiple demands they are. I wrote to the Toronto office of the Cuban Tourist Bureau complaining of the double taxation to which there was no answer. But when I looked around to see how much restoration was occurring in Cuba, indirectly for our benefit , I felt a little sheepish about it all.

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I thought that I read in the FAQ that for the 2014/2015 sailings that there was NOT a fee charged for re-entering Cuba from Jamaica,that it was already included in the fee. Not a show stopper if not. Getting excited reading all the comments here. Arrive in Havana Feb. 2 and start cruising on the 9th.

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I thought that I read in the FAQ that for the 2014/2015 sailings that there was NOT a fee charged for re-entering Cuba from Jamaica,that it was already included in the fee. Not a show stopper if not. Getting excited reading all the comments here. Arrive in Havana Feb. 2 and start cruising on the 9th.


Perhaps there is now a change in procedure. But we were required to go to the purser's desk to fill out the new immigration form and at which time the charge was placed on our accounts. We then received a blank customs form on our bed before retiring which then had to be filled out and presented along with the immigration form to the authorities the next morning when proceeding ashore into Cienfuegos. But I'm hoping you are correct that this has now changed for the better.

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