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Cruising with a toddler


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My best advice would be to let the grandparents enjoy your child for a week. I love my kids dearly but would never have taken them on a cruise as toddlers.


How can you give that advice if you've never actually done it.


Our 2 toddlers, one at almost 4 and one at 13 months loved their cruise and were fairly content. All children and all parents are different. They oldest still talks about it a year on even though he's been to Orlando since so we are now doing it again

Edited by Flying Scot
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My boys are 3 and 5 and will be going on their 7th and 8th cruises (respectively) in August. (don't think they will make it to platinum the old way, darn!)


Anyhow, obviously they have been cruising since they were very young and I cannot echo the comment enough of just going with the flow and letting them set the pace. Every cruise has been different. In the beginning I would get disappointed because a prior cruise had gone a certain way and I felt that now it wasnt "working out". It all works out once you babe reasonable expectations and can just relax about things.


At home we are very scheduled about naps, food, and such. Every time we cruise, we just see how it goes. If they nap, they nap, if they don't p, they don't. They may fall asleep at dinner.


Seriously, go and have a ball. I cannot imagine not having these experiences with my family. I understand they may not remember it all. But we will. And the bond just grows closer.



Totally echo everything you've said there. Great advice.

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How can you give that advice if you've never actually done it.


Our 2 toddlers, one at almost 4 and one at 13 months loved their cruise and were fairly content. All children and all parents are different. They oldest still talks about it a year on even though he's been to Orlando since so we are now doing it again


I haven't done it but I have raised two daughters. It is just my opinion. If spending 2 grand plus following your toddler's every whim on the ship works for you, then more power to you.

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My best advice would be to let the grandparents enjoy your child for a week. I love my kids dearly but would never have taken them on a cruise as toddlers.


Spot on.


I honestly never understood why someone would pay that kind of money to take a cruise with a toddler. I mean isn't taking a cruise vacation about taking a break and relaxing? Watching and caring for your child is not a break nor relaxing.

Edited by Hanzo
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Spot on.


I honestly never understood why someone would pay that kind of money to take a cruise with a toddler. I mean isn't taking a cruise vacation about taking a break and relaxing? Watching and caring for your child is not a break nor relaxing.


o_O Wow! Well I can't speak for everyone else but I'm taking my daughter (who will be a week shy of her 2nd birthday) because I can't stand the thought of being away from her for a week. I'm her mom and I love her. Why wouldn't I want her to come along? She'll enjoy the cruise too and because she'll enjoy it I'll enjoy it that much more.


I'm taking a cruise to relax and escape from life for a week and I can definitely do that with her along. We'll do things together during the day, nap together, and when she's finally asleep at night I'll get to relax on my balcony with a drink or two and get lost in my books (that I never have time to read because of work, school, and mommy duties). I am not taking a cruise to get away from my child, I'm a parent 24 hrs a day and honestly I'd spend the entire cruise missing her and worrying about her so she's coming with me. Anyway, this is just my opinion and is not meant to bash any other parents choices. Happy cruising!

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I am the grandparent. I'm excited about taking her along with 8 other family members so we have enough people to take turns escorting her around the ship.



please keep the suggestions coming!


That was the biggest help for us when cruising with our toddler. Lots of family! The staff always gave a lot of attention to our toddler which made him feel special.

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Spot on.


I honestly never understood why someone would pay that kind of money to take a cruise with a toddler. I mean isn't taking a cruise vacation about taking a break and relaxing? Watching and caring for your child is not a break nor relaxing.


Sure it is. We had great cruises with our son when he was a toddler. Some of them we did with family and some with just us and our son. It is different than a "couples cruise", but it is still fun and relaxing.

Edited by Cruise, J.D.
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Spot on.


I honestly never understood why someone would pay that kind of money to take a cruise with a toddler. I mean isn't taking a cruise vacation about taking a break and relaxing? Watching and caring for your child is not a break nor relaxing.



when I have my grand babies around me-- I am totally relaxed.

We took family vacations each year when my kids were little now they have kids of their own.. and I take vacations the grand kids come along.


Why NOT spend that kind of money for that type of vacation--- i cant take it with me when I am gone.-- so i spend it now reaping MY memories

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Spot on.


I honestly never understood why someone would pay that kind of money to take a cruise with a toddler. I mean isn't taking a cruise vacation about taking a break and relaxing? Watching and caring for your child is not a break nor relaxing.


It's not just about that. At least it for me. It's also about quality family time. You can do that just as easily on a ship as any other type of holiday.

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It's not just about that. At least it for me. It's also about quality family time. You can do that just as easily on a ship as any other type of holiday.


I suppose. I mean if it makes you happy go for it. But when I go places with my daughter her happiness is my primary goal, so on a ship that's all I'd be doing is worrying if she was happy.


I'd rather not pay thousands of dollars for something she won't remember. Now when she gets to be older, say 7 or 8 sure. Outside of Camp Carnival, what else is there for a two year old to do on board that I couldn't do locally and cheaper?

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Spot on.


I honestly never understood why someone would pay that kind of money to take a cruise with a toddler. I mean isn't taking a cruise vacation about taking a break and relaxing? Watching and caring for your child is not a break nor relaxing.


Unfortunately not everyone has someone to watch over their kids for a week. Sure, you could book a trip to Disney instead but there is only so many things a toddler can do there too.


We took our daughter (at 10 months) to the Virgin Islands and had a blast. Now we're taking her on a cruise (at 2 1/2) because I really think it wouldn't be the same without her.


Not to mention that carnival does offer Camp Carnival if we need a few hours to ourselves but in reality, I don't think we'd enjoy it as much without her.

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I'd rather not pay thousands of dollars for something she won't remember. Now when she gets to be older, say 7 or 8 sure. Outside of Camp Carnival, what else is there for a two year old to do on board that I couldn't do locally and cheaper?


we take vacations because of MY happiness. and if I am happy the kids are happy. We had a ball with an 18 month old. Yes it is a different way of vacations for us. We have yet to utilize the camps First cruise she was too little, 2nd cruise we jsut didnt feel comfortable-- next cruise we tried it for an hour-- she rather stay with us.. Dont know for this cruise what she will want to do---


she sits with us for the entire dinner-- she is a world traveler at 7 and has really good manners, likes dressing up for dinner. Meeting people

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Let them try different foods. So many people I see - not just on cruises - automatically order their kids chicken fingers / hot dog / grilled cheese. I say let them try EVERYTHING. People always express surprise that my kids eat things like olives... fish... salads... even escargot... it is because we have always given them the chance. A cruise is a great time for them to try new things.

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we take vacations because of MY happiness. and if I am happy the kids are happy. We had a ball with an 18 month old. Yes it is a different way of vacations for us. We have yet to utilize the camps First cruise she was too little, 2nd cruise we jsut didnt feel comfortable-- next cruise we tried it for an hour-- she rather stay with us.. Dont know for this cruise what she will want to do---


she sits with us for the entire dinner-- she is a world traveler at 7 and has really good manners, likes dressing up for dinner. Meeting people


Hear hear. More power to you :clap:

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Let them try different foods. So many people I see - not just on cruises - automatically order their kids chicken fingers / hot dog / grilled cheese. I say let them try EVERYTHING. People always express surprise that my kids eat things like olives... fish... salads... even escargot... it is because we have always given them the chance. A cruise is a great time for them to try new things.


I agree-- and with me we have to try a new food each night-- we order one thing and pass it around. We did this way back on our first cruise with my kids- we ordered one thing from each of the parts of the menu.


Loved the chilled soups-- pheasant was a boney bird- didnt help that it came on the plate looking like a bird--- flattened. (LOL


I read so much about picky little kids and i cant understand how that comes to be-- how does a 4 year old become a picky eater? I know it happens but how

Edited by serene56
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I just have to ask those that feel the need to give their opinion on taking children on a cruise. Exactly where in the OPs question did she ask for the pros and cons of taking her child on a cruise? Your posts are making it difficult to find the tips that were asked for. Berating someone for taking their family on a family vacation is not a tip.


Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

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My son is 5 and he has been to Costa Rica, he and his sister (2) have been to Playa multiple times - they have passports, and this is our first cruise. I've enjoyed the tips, I didn't even think about bibs! I suspect we will do lots of walking - hopefully use the camps for a few hours here and there, and I like the idea of apologizing to neighbors in advance and offering them a drink!

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I just have to ask those that feel the need to give their opinion on taking children on a cruise. Exactly where in the OPs question did she ask for the pros and cons of taking her child on a cruise? Your posts are making it difficult to find the tips that were asked for. Berating someone for taking their family on a family vacation is not a tip.


Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


Thank You!!!


My two granddaughters will be traveling with our family on an upcoming cruise to Hawaii.

I'm taking my family of 8 on a Hawaiian cruise, which includes the two very intelligent & insightful toddlers. 4 & 2 respectively. They are also well behaved!

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I cruised with an almost one year old and an almost 3 year old. I was incredibly lucky to be on vacation with my parents, my sister, her husband, and their three teenagers, who were all really helpful with my children. We took two umbrella strollers with us. One kid or the other would sometimes fall asleep in the stroller while we were hanging out on the deck, but if for nothing else, they will be great for all the lines on embarkation and debarkation day. I also had my younger child in a baby carrier (goes on like a backpack, but in the front.). It was good to have options.

We had connecting cabins and had a pack and play set up next to the king bed in one room. Put the pillows around the edges of the bed to keep my older child from rolling out.

We brought a tiny bottle of dish soap and a sponge so we could wash the sippy cups and plastic utensils we brought.

My kids had a rough time with the time difference, as we traveled across the country, but one night when my one year old fell asleep at dinner, our waiter brought over a folded up table cloth to use as a pillow!

Hope you have a great trip and the whole family enjoys it.

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I would not want to be in the cabin next to a screaming toddler or baby.


Neither would I. Who does.


Yet I'd live with it, empathise with the parents, and understand they had as much right to be there as I did. At least that's what I've always done.


The same goes for hotel rooms everywhere. Do you propose families just go in a cocoon until thier kids are older? What if you live next door to a young family?


Anyway as another poster said, this thread is for tips on cruising with a toddler.

Edited by Flying Scot
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On a cruise you have the opportunity to enjoy your family without the cooking & cleaning so you get quality time. We can walk around, blow bubbles, color, roll a ball, discover new things.....no real agenda....just whatever. I'm looking forward to introducing her to new things all my life.


Thanks for the soap idea. I know to bring extra silverware & sip cups (i'm sure we will lose 1 or 2). Umbrella stroller is better but I didn't think about the one with cover. Snacks, pull ups and drinks for a week. Blow up toys (less room), movies/dvd player, children medicine, water toys, backpack. I have order a crib for the room. Extra tip money for room steward:p.


I would not want to be next door to a crying child nor a smoker nor an arguing couple nor children gone wild nor just plain loud adults. Who you get for neighbors are just the roll of the dice.


Thanks for all the suggestions

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We just returned from a week on Allure of the Seas with DD (2 years 4 months). We had a wonderful time! It was definitely different than cruising by ourselves but we have some very treasured memories. No matter what type of vacation we took there would have been costs for DD. I travel for work so, except for 1 short trip a year with just DH & I, DD comes along on vacation....it is extra special family time.


We sailed with a group, including grandparents which definitely helped. We also worked hard in advance to get DD potty trained so she could swim.


Things we took/did that were great....took all possible medication (thankfully didn't need any, but was comfortable knowing we had it if needed), took a favorite blanket & 2 small stuffed animals from her bed, took small packages of wipes--great for quick clean ups of hands, faces & clothes, DVD player with some DVDs of favorite shows, disposable placemats, disposable sippy/straw cups, crayola coloring sets with the markers that only show up on the special paper, potty seat (fold out that sits on seat so she can use potty without holding her--this comes with a pouch so you can easily throw it in a purse/bag).


Things we took that we didn't end up using....toddler utensils, disposable bibs, coloring books, iPad. Folding step stool (sink & potty were low enough she didn't need it)


I was certain we'd use the iPad, but there was so much going on it barely came out of the safe. We took way way too much in the way of coloring & books. In the dining room she was occupied by the kids around us, the people in our group & her food.


Even though she is potty trained, I took diapers. Since this was a big change for her (new place, sleeping, experiences, etc) I was worried about her moving backwards since I've heard of kids doing that when confronted with change. In the end we didn't need them, but if we had it would not have been easy to get them.


We found the toy lending program & nursery (Royal Caribbean) a huge help. She played with those toys whenever we were in the cabin.


We did not stick to a strict schedule. For the most part we followed her lead and we only had 1 major meltdown (embarkation day--up early, no nap, major excitement).

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