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Solarium Zoo on Enchantment of the Seas 7/7/05

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(Beachchick here)


I know this wasn't in response to me, but I will respond anyway.


Yours is a rote response from many, many parents. Let me point out that RCI markets themselves as a cruise line for everyone, not just families. They show how romantic it is for couples, what a great way to celebrate a wedding or anniversary, etc. RCI ships are designed to accommodate the desires of all kinds of people, including (but not exclusively) families.


Just as there are many adults who say, "leave the kids at home," (and they are wrong) there are just as many parents who say, "cruising is for families" (with the implication that it's not for adults or that families are simply being nice enough to let adults cruise too; these parents are wrong too). None of us "own" cruising.


We are simply asking (begging, ranting, or hoping) RCI and parents (and BTW, most of us are parents) to enforce/follow the very simple rules that allow adults some adult only areas. We are simply asking that parents insist that their children behave properly and respect the rules.


And before you flame me, NO, I most emphatically do not think this means children should be expected to sit in the corner quietly and not bother people. Children are by nature exhuberant and excitable--they need places to be kids. That is why there is AO and nearly constant activities for kids. That is why there are "everyone" pools and "adult" pools. In fact, some ships have "kids only" pools. That is why there are set hours for kids in the Solarium pool during inclement weather. BTW, parents are expected to be at the pool at all times with their children under 12 (I think it's 12; could be older), regardless of where that pool is. Why on earth would any parent leave their child alone at a pool (or any other inherently dangerous place)?


So, please stop telling us to cruise elsewhere. Just as adults don't "own" RCI, neither do families with children. All of us, adults too, should respect the rules of civilized behavior. Being on a cruise ship doesn't mean we leave our manners at the dock. (You will notice I don't let adults off the hook here--as I've always written, rules are for adults too.)



Beachchick - for starters, my post was specifically in response to justaknucklehead' comment about the "genius" who desired to market to families. I am part of one of those families, and I take offense. It was not to you, and it was not to all adults who have a problem with this issue.


I, too, enjoy time alone from my children in adults-only areas. And as the wife of a federal law enforcement officer, I take my children's discipline extremely seriously. I do NOT allow them to offend/disrepsect anyone, disobey a rule, etc. and get many, many comments from adults on and off ships about my children's behavior (yes, I'm bragging, but raising good kids is my life's goal). They are not perfect, nor am I, but I sure as hell try every day of the week! My problem with this issue is that even the good kids get "branded" by adults who's opinions of families have been so tarnished by these future-felons-of America! I don't blame you all for being pissed off - unruly kids are offensive and waste my hard earned time and money, too. But it must be hard to turn on and turn off the emotions for some, since on my last RCI cruise on the Vision last October I came across some of the nastiest anti-kid sentiment ever! Example: We would go to open sitting in the dining room and as the waiter was trying to seat us many, many table would say "no kids here". Its open seating, for God's sake. Can you say "no blacks/gays/whites/men" or anything else???? When we did sit with adults, 9 times out of 10 the adults would leave the table saying "what lovely children you have". Yet I have to endure stares, comments, etc. from the others every meal - its not a particularly good feeling.


I had several people confront me (unpleasantly, I might add) and ask me if I had taken my kids out of school for the cruise (as if its their business). My kids were on a break and we were transferring across the country....why should I have to explain? Why not just come up and state the obvious - that I'm a lousy parent and am compromising their education? (I know, that's a whole 'nother hot topic). I could go on, but I'll spare you all. Maybe I'm the only parent who has experienced it, but there was a real negative attitude toward kids in general, probably from those who have spoiled it for the good kids.


I support all of you, since I'm one of you, in wanting time away from kids. If RCI allows use of the Solarium in incelement weather, the kids can use the pool. If they turn it into a fiasco, then shame on the parents and RCI. I'd be livid and the officers would be hearing about it within minutes. If it is a time when kids are not allowed, the officers would be hearing about it within minutes.


Keep an open mind on your next cruise, folks. There are still SOME good kids out there.

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ok, this is a little off topic but it still kinda applies....


As you can see by my avatar, I am not really what I am going to portray, but think about it.


I am Mr. Sex Offender and I love to cruise. I also like little kids around me. I see a bunch of little kids in a hot tub with bubbling water and no one can see what I am doing. I watch these little kids run around and no parents are around to stop me. Yes, I am in an adults only area but these kids aren't supposed to be here. I am going to tell this little one to leave and then follow him. I still don't see any parents around as I talk to this little one.


Oh look, RCI staff member is watching me talk to this little one, but he/she doesn't know that I am not related or a friend. I still don't see any parents around after I have been talking to this little one for 15 minutes in the hot tub.


Ok, I am going back to my real self..... As a law enforcement officer, I have seen many kids get in trouble because of the lack of parental supervision. Look at recent events. Yes the parents want time without their kids, but it is still their responsibility to monitor them. Yes the RCI staff can run the kids out of the Solarium, but where are they going to go. Where are the parents when their kids are going down the hallways and into some of the remote areas of the ship.


I worry about my 23, 22, 19 and 16 yr old kids when we are out. We were at a store not too long ago and our 19 yr old son was in the swimsuit area and a strange lady was talking to him. Yes, we watched to see what was going on. I did not approach since I didn't want to embarass him, but I did watch him.


Don't rely on the staff to make the total decisions to run kids out of the Solarium. They don't know who the kids belong to. I hope I don't have the same situation, but I would take the child to the parents and let them know that just because we are on a ship doesn't isolate their child from the real world.


Ok, I will don my flame retardant suit now.

Great response! There was another thread recently where someone jumped all over a woman who was (obviously) very protective of her child and wanted information on leaving her kids at AO. Someone basically called her "nuts" and stated she needed to see a doctor. I am repeating my response, since it is similar to yours and relevant:


Out of 3000 pax on a megaship, are you sure there are no reformed pedophiles? Do you know how many of those people have ever been incarcerated? Substance abuse problems? Spouse abusers? Gambling/alcohol problems? Psychological issues? Get a clue. It is a mini-city and is a microcosm of society, complete with the above-referenced type of people. Any parent who does not exercise due diligence should hand over their "parenting card" immediately to the authorities! I cannot believe there would be bashing of this type of parenting, and yet we bash the unruly teens/bad parents on other threads. How do you think these teens turned out that way? Parents that didn't give a crap! You can't have it both ways.

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I had several people confront me (unpleasantly, I might add) and ask me if I had taken my kids out of school for the cruise (as if its their business). My kids were on a break and we were transferring across the country....why should I have to explain? Why not just come up and state the obvious - that I'm a lousy parent and am compromising their education? (I know, that's a whole 'nother hot topic). I could go on, but I'll spare you all. Maybe I'm the only parent who has experienced it, but there was a real negative attitude toward kids in general, probably from those who have spoiled it for the good kids.




It is not anyone's business about how someone elects to educate their children. I get very fed up with people judging me as a parent because of where I send my kids to school (they wear UNIFORMS?) and when I elect to vacation. Do not even asnwer people who have the utter gall to ask you that. It is not their business.

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It is not anyone's business about how someone elects to educate their children. I get very fed up with people judging me as a parent because of where I send my kids to school (they wear UNIFORMS?) and when I elect to vacation. Do not even asnwer people who have the utter gall to ask you that. It is not their business.



With the number of children that are being home schooled along with major variations in school breaks all over the country, children can be found "out of school" almost any time.


Some people, however, equate taking kids out of school for family vacation to not requiring them to go to school at all.



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It is not anyone's business about how someone elects to educate their children. I get very fed up with people judging me as a parent because of where I send my kids to school (they wear UNIFORMS?) and when I elect to vacation. Do not even asnwer people who have the utter gall to ask you that. It is not their business.


EXACTLY. The fact that I am even asked (and have been asked many times) is what pisses me off. On my last cruise (dare I mention it was CCL?) I even had two young women come up to me and say "you really catch crap from all sides, don't you" - they had noticed one woman ask the question about school, and another ask me if all four kids were from the same father, if you can imagine! (to which I answered "I'm not really sure who the fathers are - we're waiting on the DNA").


Again, in keeping with the additional post, I abhor unruly children/pathetic parents. They make my life difficult.

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ok, this is a little off topic but it still kinda applies....


As you can see by my avatar, I am not really what I am going to portray, but think about it.


I am Mr. Sex Offender and I love to cruise. I also like little kids around me. I see a bunch of little kids in a hot tub with bubbling water and no one can see what I am doing. I watch these little kids run around and no parents are around to stop me. Yes, I am in an adults only area but these kids aren't supposed to be here. I am going to tell this little one to leave and then follow him. I still don't see any parents around as I talk to this little one.


Oh look, RCI staff member is watching me talk to this little one, but he/she doesn't know that I am not related or a friend. I still don't see any parents around after I have been talking to this little one for 15 minutes in the hot tub....

Your point is well made and has been made here before. IMO I honestly don't believe offending parents participate in Cruise Critic. I would never let our little ones out of our control (beyond Adventure Ocean) for a whole variety of reasons, including what you stated. Disturbed people exist in every venue - bad things can and do happen on any vacation. If you need a "break" from your kinder whilst on holiday, as a previous poster stated bring your own sitter...
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It is not anyone's business about how someone elects to educate their children. I get very fed up with people judging me as a parent because of where I send my kids to school (they wear UNIFORMS?) and when I elect to vacation. Do not even asnwer people who have the utter gall to ask you that. It is not their business.




I think all schools should have uniforms (little off topic). Less pressure for kids because they dont have the "right" look.


I think that all parents should know where their children are at all times. My daughter was a little annoyed when she got her drivers liscense and I put a tracking system on her car. Its for her safety and my pieces of mind knowing that I could locate her if need be.

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I think all schools should have uniforms (little off topic). Less pressure for kids because they dont have the "right" look.


I think that all parents should know where their children are at all times. My daughter was a little annoyed when she got her drivers liscense and I put a tracking system on her car. Its for her safety and my pieces of mind knowing that I could locate her if need be.

OMG! "..tracking system.." see ya on the Serenade:)
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I think all schools should have uniforms (little off topic). Less pressure for kids because they dont have the "right" look.


I think that all parents should know where their children are at all times. My daughter was a little annoyed when she got her drivers liscense and I put a tracking system on her car. Its for her safety and my pieces of mind knowing that I could locate her if need be.


I have an 8 year old fashion freak! He even puts gel in his hair! Uniforms were the best things invented for that kid!


I had a woman walk up to my husband, in a mall, to inform him he is not the father of my oldest boy! I was horrified. My two oldest boys are adopted and both Hispanic so my husband does not expect to look like them (he is blond). I cannot believe this woman thought she was informing my husband I had cheated on him and was trying to pull one over on him.. What a witch. She is lucky I did not hear this exchange. I asked my husband why he did not tell her the truth. His response was something along the lines of "you cannot educate the stupid and besides she now feels like she 'saved me' and is so busy congratulating herself she would not hear me". He was right but I still wanted to wack her, walker and all!

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We are just off the Brilliance 12 night Med cruise. The teens on that cruise tried to take over the ship. I really didn't see that many out of control kids but they were in small gangs. They would fight with other innocent kids on the ship. Their were two boys that we heard of that received broken noses. The kids stood on the upper decks over looking the centrum and tru balls down at the people watching the art auctions. It was upsetting. They were also throwing chairs overboard. I couldn't believe it, we felt that at the end of the cruise things were so bad that we had to watch our backs. The last night of the cruise there were secruity people everywhere on the ship.




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Why do people do this to themselves? Cruises are the new Disneyworld, there are going to be kids, and lots of them, especially in summer.


You can't control other people's children, but you can control the choices you make for your vacation. It's that simple.

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I had a woman walk up to my husband, in a mall, to inform him he is not the father of my oldest boy! I was horrified. My two oldest boys are adopted and both Hispanic so my husband does not expect to look like them (he is blond). I cannot believe this woman thought she was informing my husband I had cheated on him and was trying to pull one over on him.. What a witch. She is lucky I did not hear this exchange.


You're kidding. All I've got to say is, you've got more self control than I have.:eek:

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My daughter was a little annoyed when she got her drivers liscense and I put a tracking system on her car. Its for her safety and my pieces of mind knowing that I could locate her if need be.
Would love to hear more details about this, especially as my own daughter approaches driving age!;)

BTW-- the whole issue of kids in the covered pool came up last summer when we were in Alaska. Fortunately my kids are hearty Minnesotans and saw no problem with swimming outdoors, even when it was chilly...

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WRONG... WRONG... WRONG..... Disneyworld activities consist of about 90% of the activities geared towards kids.... Criuse ships... about 10% or less for kids... Disneyworld cost less that a hundred bucks Cruises about 2000 bucks(some more/ some less) KEEP YOUR STUPID KIDS OUT OF MY WAY.... CLEAR??
Didn't know you could fly to FL, get a hotel room and admission to Disney all for "less that a hundred bucks". Color me amazed. :rolleyes:
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Wish I could quote you cf, but my quote feature is temporarily malfunctioning.


First of all, I will absolutely do everything in my power to keep my children away from a man who refers to children as "little pricks" and "stupid kids" whom he will throw overboard. You aren't the kind of person I want my children around.


Secondly, our last trip to Disneyworld cost $5,000 for the week, our last cruise cost $4500 for the week.


Thirdly, if you have any clue as to the kids programming on cruiseships, they run from 9am until 1 am, so, in actuality, are every bit as comprehensive as the activities for adults.


Cruiseships are excellent venues for family vacations. If kids on cruises bother you, choose another venue.


Finally, thank you for your concern, but I'm a very hands-on parent whose children are in line and I have no tolerence for bad behavior. That is why I wouldn't want them anywhere near you.

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You can't control other people's children, but you can control the choices you make for your vacation. It's that simple.


Nobody should HAVE to control other people's children. We should be able to choose vacations without worrying about absentee parents and their roving gangs of unsupervised hellions. IT'S THAT SIMPLE.

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Nobody should HAVE to control other people's children. We should be able to choose vacations without worrying about absentee parents and their roving gangs of unsupervised hellions. IT'S THAT SIMPLE.


Yes, in a perfect world only good parents would cruise, and you wouldn't need to control other's children, but there are a lot of negligent parents, and you can't control that. With that fact in mind, if you put yourself on a cruiseship that won't monitor it's guests, you've opened yourself up to having to tolerate all kinds of rude people.


Look at the some who are posting on this thread, if that's any indication.

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As a parent of 2 DD's ages 12 and 15, who has gone on 2 cruises WITH them and 3 cruises without, I agree that kids should know the rules of the cruiseline BEFORE taking a cruise. Both times our DD's cruised with us, they knew our expectations of them - and they were great. This last cruise we did as a family (in May on the Vision to the Mexican Riviera), I was in the Solarium for an hour, BY MYSELF, and the girls did their teen thing and we met up together at the appointed time - ONE hour later. They knew that the Solarium was adults only, I was enjoying a little time alone, and that I would spend the rest of the day with them. As a matter of fact, the pizza/fries, etc. were in the Solarium, and they asked if I would get them a snack (which I did), so, not all rules are made for breaking.


I believe this is taught at home (or not, in some cases) and not in school, and you aren't going to change someone's mind by being negative about it - it will only make those people (kids AND adults) more adamant about causing you discomfort in any way possible.


BTW, DH and I DID take our kids out of school to cruise in May (RCI doesn't cruise the Mexican Riviera in the summertime); don't flame me - LOL! Nliedel - our girls also wear uniforms as it is a private Christian school (keeps down on the clothing costs during the school-year IMHO), so I know what you're talking about! BOTH ended the school year as the top student in each of their classes;) .

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Wish I could quote you cf, but my quote feature is temporarily malfunctioning.


First of all, I will absolutely do everything in my power to keep my children away from a man who refers to children as "little pricks" and "stupid kids" whom he will throw overboard. You aren't the kind of person I want my children around.




The person who makes these sort of comments should be taken out of the gene pool for the benefit of all mankind! But then again, what woman would choose to engage in reproduction with a "man" like that....and that's loosely defining "man"

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Everyone can complain as much as they want. As long as cruiselines are breaking records for increased passengers and profits, they will continue to enforce the rules as they see fit. Once profits begin to fall in direct relations with customers dissatisfaction then and only then will changes be made.



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Without reading thru the 6 pages of replies...


I would have asked the children to leave the hot tubs if their parents were not around and explain it's "Adults Only." If they refused I would then tell them "Did you know hot tubs can boil children's blood?" Or maybe "Children are not allowed in hot tubs. If you break rules, your family may get tossed off the ship and you don't want your parents mad at you do you?"


Nothing wrong with a little intimidation. :cool:

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As a matter of fact, the pizza/fries, etc. were in the Solarium.


That's part of the problem. The pizza, burgers and fries should be in the Windjammer and NOT the Solarium. We witnessed many children coming in for the pizza, spotting the Jacuzzi's, and within minutes climbing into them. Had the pizza not been in the Solarium there would be no reason for children to even be there. After the first day the only place to get the pizza and burgers were in the Solarium so the workers obviously directed the children there. Also the only place to get this food late at night is the Solarium as the Windjammer is closed. That explains us finding the Solarium packed with wild out of control children at midnight-1 am with no "pool attendants" in sight.

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