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pre paid tips ? Why do some not pay


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I love how everyone on here says "its how the crew gets paid." I want to know where their facts come from. Seriously? And also, why is this even an issue when EVERYONE on this board seems to be a perfect and above and beyond tipper? If everyone tips good, this is a non issue. No need to discuss it. If the cabin stewards are making $4 per person per day on a cruise, I WANT THEIR PAY! Plus they have free room and board. Even if they only clean 10 cabins with 1 occupant, that is $40 per day, plus room and board, plus their base wage (whatever that is). That is more than I make at my minimum wage job, and I still have to pay almost the entire paycheck (sometimes more) to food, rent and everything else. Doesn't sound too terrible. Even with just a base wage and free room and board they are probably making more than me. And I support a whole family.


If this job sounds so grand to you, I recommend applying for it. :)

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Wow.. up to 22 pages.


Question ..... how many here think the number of people who remove the autotip and don't tip at all is any greater than the number of people who don't tip when going to..... say... Applebees?


I don't have a problem tipping at Applebees but tipping $350 for a family of four can be difficult. I can understand why some would adjust on the cruise but not the restaurant. Unless you are a candidate for buried alive or a complete slob (some are) a cabin for 4 should not take 4 times as long to clean. I do not believe for one second some of the claims of the tipping gurus. America would have be in the mess it's in with this level of generosity because charity starts at home;)

Edited by Blk_Amish
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Is it then wrong to go on a cruise? Should I tell my room steward up front s/he won't get a tip from me? Should I go against my cultural beliefs to tip BECAUSE it's expected of me? Isn't that discrimination of some sort?


Actually yes, I'm on vacation but I can make up my own bed, fluff my own pillows, get my own ice, and just like at home, use my towels several days in a row before wanting them washed. I CANT make the cute little towel animals, but they're just fluff anyway. So if the room steward didn't clean my room but every other day or so, it really wouldn't bother me anyway. I'm only in my room to sleep.

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Is it then wrong to go on a cruise? Should I tell my room steward up front s/he won't get a tip from me? Should I go against my cultural beliefs to tip BECAUSE it's expected of me? Isn't that discrimination of some sort?


Actually yes, I'm on vacation but I can make up my own bed, fluff my own pillows, get my own ice, and just like at home, use my towels several days in a row before wanting them washed. I CANT make the cute little towel animals, but they're just fluff anyway. So if the room steward didn't clean my room but every other day or so, it really wouldn't bother me anyway. I'm only in my room to sleep.


Some of us go on vacation to avoid doing everything after that but:D Since majority claim to over tip you are covered. They will continue to over tipping in order to keep the fares low, then knock you for not doing your part, in their attempt to keep the fares low.

Edited by Blk_Amish
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Let me clarify for you, when I say " the people " I mean my family members who did not tip. And even at that, no I did not have to tip extra, I just felt I did. Back then we tipped at the end of the cruise, so they wouldn't know it was a cheap room till we were gone. I can give you my email, but it'll go you no good.



GO MIZZOU!!!!!!!


Thanks for the clarification. Details are so important when posting. I thought you were trying to make up to the cruising pax that feel that they personally want to adjust their tips for whatever reason as they certainly have a right to. If I were to adjust for poor service I wouldn't need another pax to try to make up for it and that is what I thought you meant.


The email comment was a joke btw

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Wow.. up to 22 pages.


Question ..... how many here think the number of people who remove the autotip and don't tip at all is any greater than the number of people who don't tip when going to..... say... Applebees?

I think its the same people . they find a reason not to pay there share .

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Is it then wrong to go on a cruise? Should I tell my room steward up front s/he won't get a tip from me? Should I go against my cultural beliefs to tip BECAUSE it's expected of me? Isn't that discrimination of some sort?


Actually yes, I'm on vacation but I can make up my own bed, fluff my own pillows, get my own ice, and just like at home, use my towels several days in a row before wanting them washed. I CANT make the cute little towel animals, but they're just fluff anyway. So if the room steward didn't clean my room but every other day or so, it really wouldn't bother me anyway. I'm only in my room to sleep.


what cultural beliefs would promote not paying people if you can get out of it. its not extra money its there wage.

and if it is your cultural belief yes its wrong to go on a cruise ware you know tipping is expected .

you know a lot of people are raised to be leave things that later we realize are wrong . and so we change ., example Im sure many of us were raised to be prejudice but not all of us stayed that way . we could say thats just the way I was raised , or the classic thats just the way I am. like that some how makes it ok. the only way to hurt businesses who pay there employees in a way you dont agree with is to not use them.

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I don't have a problem tipping at Applebees but tipping $350 for a family of four can be difficult. I can understand why some would adjust on the cruise but not the restaurant. Unless you are a candidate for buried alive or a complete slob (some are) a cabin for 4 should not take 4 times as long to clean. I do not believe for one second some of the claims of the tipping gurus. America would have be in the mess it's in with this level of generosity because charity starts at home;)



I can some what agree with you on the family 0f 4 issue. I dont understand what your trying to say in they last sentence. I usually tip extra but I have no kids and I don't do it for any other reason than I got awesome service. and by the end of the week Ive grow to like the people taking care of me and mine.

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what cultural beliefs would promote not paying people if you can get out of it. its not extra money its there wage.

and if it is your cultural belief yes its wrong to go on a cruise ware you know tipping is expected .

you know a lot of people are raised to be leave things that later we realize are wrong . and so we change ., example Im sure many of us were raised to be prejudice but not all of us stayed that way . we could say thats just the way I was raised , or the classic thats just the way I am. like that some how makes it ok. the only way to hurt businesses who pay there employees in a way you dont agree with is to not use them.


Yes, as there are people who believe a system is wrong and work to change it. Many love the system as is, at the risk of people not being paid, because the cheap cruise serves their interest. If it's wage, it should be included or the company should make up the difference since it clearly made it an option for people to pay. The true issue is not with those who don't pay but the system that allows it and the people who wish to keep it as it to serve their own selfish needs. IMOP, this system and many (not all) who indulge is about greed, cheap, and selfish. I am going to look in the mirror and see which one is looking back at me, since I do indulge!


Thanks for acknowledging the family issue because some truly believe it takes 4 times as long to clean a cabin. Maybe it because that said cabin (quad) cost more per person.

Edited by Blk_Amish
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Right because the captain and bridge crew sail the ship for $217 per week. Wow what dedication. :rolleyes:


Im sure the captain and bridge crew aren't working off " tips" Im sure they are salary along with the cruise Directors..... Just the general laborers like waitress's and such..

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I didn't say the entire ship! lol, Just the ones that the website shows where the gratuity's go... Did I spell that right? LOL:p


O ok, sorry. I thought you were dividing the tips by 1370 crew people. I can't remember who all gets tips but your $11.50 a day gets divided by prolly 6 people



GO MIZZOU!!!!!!!

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Thats ok, I was just trying to say that the crew members Dont really get paid that much for all the work they do. the cruises ive been on I have never had a crappy crew member, They are always have a smile and want to know If IM OK... Yes I did throw out the 1370, but that was just a number I have heard before. hmmmm now im gonna have to find out exactly how many ppl actually get the " tips" lol. I love math!

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Thats ok, I was just trying to say that the crew members Dont really get paid that much for all the work they do. the cruises ive been on I have never had a crappy crew member, They are always have a smile and want to know If IM OK... Yes I did throw out the 1370, but that was just a number I have heard before. hmmmm now im gonna have to find out exactly how many ppl actually get the " tips" lol. I love math!


Very easy just google cruise line jobs and see base pay is very little :)

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This is kinda on the lines of this thread...... Just some ppl saying that the crew gets paid this n that. Well I've did the behind the fun tour on every cruise , I've talked to crew members ( knew one personally) and They get the wages from our tips. And ppl may say WOW We pay alot and they must get alot.. Well Do the Math.... Say $80.50 a week pp on a 7 day cruise. say a bigger ship. 3700 ppl.. . Thats a total of $297,850.00 of our money.. ( alot of ppls money)


Now the Crew... Crew size is around 1370 ppl..... So divide your dollar amount by the crew and they get a whopping $217.00 pp a week. Not a whole lot. PLUS they pay for some of the food they eat ( at a discount rate) and its not the same food that we get served!. So we give extra at the end for good service because If I was making these wages I just couldn't go around 12 hours a day with a smile on my face like most of them do!


People decide to take or not take a job according to a lot of factors. I'm really not going to feel bad for people who make less than I do, or more, for that matter. People tip what they want to tip. Some follow the suggested amount and some tip more or less. If the people working on the ship don't like any aspect of their job they are not forced to work there. I personally tip the recommended amount and give a bit more for exceptional service. I have one time removed a tip for very poor service in 15 cruises. I told the staff why I was doing so, and hoped the next passengers got better, or at least standard cruise service. If cruise passengers don't keep tipped employees in check the service will just get worse.

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People decide to take or not take a job according to a lot of factors. I'm really not going to feel bad for people who make less than I do, or more, for that matter. People tip what they want to tip. Some follow the suggested amount and some tip more or less. If the people working on the ship don't like any aspect of their job they are not forced to work there. I personally tip the recommended amount and give a bit more for exceptional service. I have one time removed a tip for very poor service in 15 cruises. I told the staff why I was doing so, and hoped the next passengers got better, or at least standard cruise service. If cruise passengers don't keep tipped employees in check the service will just get worse.


I've yet to tip based on what someone makes.

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When i booked our upcoming cruise for New Years, the Carnival rep on the phone automatically added in the grats on the cruise rate. I had an issue with that and asked that grats not be charged with the fare, and it would be handled on the ship,. My reasoning...


We are a blended family. Myself having children with spouses and one grandchild


My Partner also has same number of children, and he has one grandchild.


we have no children together.


For Christmas we decided to see if it could possibly come together.. lets get all children from both sides, their spouses, and both grandsons, and see if we can coordinate that we all get our vacation same time, no issues with employers approving same, and take the whole works to Florida for Christmas. ( we are travelling from Newfoundland Canada)


Well lo and behold, all 14 were good to go within a week of checking work schedules etc. No problems with inlaws or other families saying please dont go for christmas, so off i book.


first, two villas in florida for the ten days prior to Christmas

Airline for 14 return tickets to Florida and back

14 cruises, all in deluxe family oceanviews with the two bathrooms nice

rental vehicles for 10 days prior to cruise, and 3 extra days after cruise

two villas for the three days after cruise


we are paying all airfare, all accommodations, 14 cruise fares, rental car etc.


If the grats had been added to the booking, i would had been charged an additional 1127.00 just for grats whoa quite a bit


individually for each family not so bad, so i thought it reasonable that they pay their own grats.


We are spending 25 k on a Family Christmas Gift / vacation. Christmas in florida dec 18-28 new years cruise on dream Dec 28- Jan 4, and leave florida january 8 so mroe time after the cruise.


I felt kind of strange saying to the agent, remove teh prepaid grats, but, i couldnt justify the 1127. In the realm of things, already spending 25k whats another 1127, but it as simply having them pay for something themselves, and that would be the gratutities.


Cant wait to go, this is one full family vacation, with the two grandsons never been to florida, disneyworld, or a cruise, the two spouses never been, the children on both sides mine and his have been... and there is so much excitement.


anyway, that is teh reason i removed the prepaid grats so there are many different reasons for doing so


I find it odd that they just initiated on their own. That would piss me off.


Why give them your money they could even short term invest in anything they want.


Just this past week, who would have made out better had you or they took that money and invested in Twitter. Think about it.

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I find it odd that they just initiated on their own. That would piss me off.


Why give them your money they could even short term invest in anything they want.


Just this past week, who would have made out better had you or they took that money and invested in Twitter. Think about it.


They do the same thing with insurance, just tell them you don't want it, no big deal. Just because they add it to your booking doesn't mean they get it to invest it until you pay it. It's no different than paying off your cruise early, they could invest that to, or you can wait till the last minute to pay it off and teach them. Some people add the tips and pay the cruise off early because it's easier for them to have it all paid for and done. Think about it.



GO MIZZOU!!!!!!!

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I find it odd that they just initiated on their own. That would piss me off.


Why give them your money they could even short term invest in anything they want.


Just this past week, who would have made out better had you or they took that money and invested in Twitter. Think about it.


I would like to see this mention upfront even if it's not required to be paid. It's a charge some don't even consider until they budget is set or worse over extended.

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When i booked our upcoming cruise for New Years, the Carnival rep on the phone automatically added in the grats on the cruise rate. I had an issue with that and asked that grats not be charged with the fare, and it would be handled on the ship,. My reasoning...


We are a blended family. Myself having children with spouses and one grandchild


My Partner also has same number of children, and he has one grandchild.


we have no children together.


For Christmas we decided to see if it could possibly come together.. lets get all children from both sides, their spouses, and both grandsons, and see if we can coordinate that we all get our vacation same time, no issues with employers approving same, and take the whole works to Florida for Christmas. ( we are travelling from Newfoundland Canada)


Well lo and behold, all 14 were good to go within a week of checking work schedules etc. No problems with inlaws or other families saying please dont go for christmas, so off i book.


first, two villas in florida for the ten days prior to Christmas

Airline for 14 return tickets to Florida and back

14 cruises, all in deluxe family oceanviews with the two bathrooms nice

rental vehicles for 10 days prior to cruise, and 3 extra days after cruise

two villas for the three days after cruise


we are paying all airfare, all accommodations, 14 cruise fares, rental car etc.


If the grats had been added to the booking, i would had been charged an additional 1127.00 just for grats whoa quite a bit


individually for each family not so bad, so i thought it reasonable that they pay their own grats.


We are spending 25 k on a Family Christmas Gift / vacation. Christmas in florida dec 18-28 new years cruise on dream Dec 28- Jan 4, and leave florida january 8 so mroe time after the cruise.


I felt kind of strange saying to the agent, remove teh prepaid grats, but, i couldnt justify the 1127. In the realm of things, already spending 25k whats another 1127, but it as simply having them pay for something themselves, and that would be the gratutities.


Cant wait to go, this is one full family vacation, with the two grandsons never been to florida, disneyworld, or a cruise, the two spouses never been, the children on both sides mine and his have been... and there is so much excitement.


anyway, that is teh reason i removed the prepaid grats so there are many different reasons for doing so


I am trying to follow your post. You removed tips because either


a. you want the people going to pay that expense themselves (reasonable)


b. you think 1127 is too much, even though you are paying the same amount as if you were only bringing two people. Simple multiplication. 14 X the daily rate.


Most of the debate on this thread has been those who remove tips the last night of the cruise / on the boat. I have no problem with people not prepaying them. Just realize it will be charged to your sign and sail account. I assume everyone in your party is putting down their own credit cards for onboard expenses?

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Is it then wrong to go on a cruise? Should I tell my room steward up front s/he won't get a tip from me? Should I go against my cultural beliefs to tip BECAUSE it's expected of me? Isn't that discrimination of some sort?


Actually yes, I'm on vacation but I can make up my own bed, fluff my own pillows, get my own ice, and just like at home, use my towels several days in a row before wanting them washed. I CANT make the cute little towel animals, but they're just fluff anyway. So if the room steward didn't clean my room but every other day or so, it really wouldn't bother me anyway. I'm only in my room to sleep.


I don't have a problem tipping at Applebees but tipping $350 for a family of four can be difficult. I can understand why some would adjust on the cruise but not the restaurant. Unless you are a candidate for buried alive or a complete slob (some are) a cabin for 4 should not take 4 times as long to clean. I do not believe for one second some of the claims of the tipping gurus. America would have be in the mess it's in with this level of generosity because charity starts at home;)



Then I assume the first night of the cruise you inform your steward they do not need to enter your room, no service for the week?


And the same for the dining room staff?


If not, why not?


I have been in some very tough spots in my life, and you know how I afforded to cruise? I didn't, because I could not afford it.


I will not subsidize my cruise on the backs of those who work hard on the ship. I would not be able to sleep at night. But that is just me.

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I've yet to tip based on what someone makes.


Nor do I, but I don't tip according to peoples base pay either. I tip according to the guidelines of the event, and the service provided. Pre tipping to me, seems counter productive, and leaves no motivation to earn a tip.

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