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Halloween Cruise: Carnival Fascination Review & Pics-10/28/13 Sailing to LSC & Nassau


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Now back to the story...

I forgot to add these two pictures from the casino





It was time to have dinner and I was excited to see how many people would actually show up in costume.

Ann made all of us at the table a goody bag with CANDY!



Our waiter is afraid



Ann and Robin



Here's Sheryl!


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Trace was Scream and it was really creepy. I guess because he is so tall



For dinner on this night I had:

For a starter: lobster bisque

For an entree: Chateaubriand

And look at my adorable little pumpkin cheesecake



This was the other option



Tonight was the conga line night in the dining room. Sheryl, Melissa and I all jumped in



One of the dinner nights the service was actually noticeably slow. I usually dont even realize because I am usually enjoying my friend's company but at some point we all looked at each other before our entrees arrived wondering what happened. All the other nights was spot on though. Maybe just a bad night for the chef.



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After dinner I stopped by my cabin and found our towel animal for the evening




And the invite for the VIFP party which would be on the final sea day



We had some time to kill before the Halloween Costume Meet and Mingle so we went to watch the In the Bag game. It is described in the Fun Times as "It's time to go scavenger hunting...in your bag! Bring all sorts of fun items that our Entertaiment Staff might call off a list. If you have what they call, you get points. So grab whatcha got, the hunt is on!"

Initially I thought it was cheating to bring things that had been called in past cruises but apparently you can do so. It says bring all sorts of items. Our team captain's wife had a HUGE bag of stuff that they eventually spread out over 3 little tables in the front row.



This was pretty fun to watch but it got weird when some things were getting challenged. I felt like Venice would have to break up a riot soon with people getting ticked off.

Heres a group of us who didnt have much to contribute because we didnt really bring much to the lounge



Well, we didnt really have much to contribute until they asked for men's pants. After a bit of hesitation though he was ready to go the distance for our team



But the other team beat us to it. Nice effort though

We were tied at one point and both captains were wearing a bathing suit top and were asked to strut it on stage

Our captain


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With more time to spare I wandered around taking pictures of the costumes that I saw and eventually ended up in the Puttin on the Ritz Lounge for Karaoke. This was a larger venue and I knew that Nikki would certainly be singing again. So most of our group watched karaoke until the Costume Meet and Greet on Promenade at 9:45.

Caz had a bag of treats that he let us choose from. He had slime, kaleidescopes, zombie fingers. I think Nikki gave me some candy. Hooray treats.

Sheryl got funny with the slime. She was asking for a Kleenex



Caz said he picked this one just for me



Then the bar waiter came around and he was DYING laughing



1/2 of the Judds is ready to sing



I ordered a Twilight Zone


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Oh hello there Mister Snorkeler




HAHAHAHA - LOVE that you got a picture of Kyle on his first snorkel adventure!


And love the LSC pics and all the decorations - since I "forgot" to pack my camera charger (which translates of course into although I swear I tore the bags apart in the cabin looking for it I promptly found it once we were home and unpacking in some utterly random pocket) I was saving battery for Halloween - and nice of you to do the walking for us this time! :)


Can't wait to read what happens next!




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This review is SO MUCH FUN!! We sailed to Nassau and LSC on the Fascination a few weeks before you did and we loved it. We have some friends who are going to be on the May 6th sailing of the Fantasy. We already have two cruises booked for next year, so we opted out of going with them. But after seeing how much fun you and your group had together, we're starting to think maybe she should try to go on that one too.

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This review is SO MUCH FUN!! We sailed to Nassau and LSC on the Fascination a few weeks before you did and we loved it. We have some friends who are going to be on the May 6th sailing of the Fantasy. We already have two cruises booked for next year, so we opted out of going with them. But after seeing how much fun you and your group had together, we're starting to think maybe she should try to go on that one too.


I am considering seriously that May 6th trip and so is willow! Just waiting to get my tax return and then will book it. Come with us!

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Carnival's Halloween Meet and Greet was in the area around the Stars Bar on Promenade at 9:45pm.

There was music playing



And a very large group of costumed folks congregated and danced as staff members moved through the crowd, handing out certificates to those who were chosen to participate in the costume contest to be held at the Palace Lounge.

Large group of dancing creepies










Our Bubba got a certificate!


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More creepies



As I moved through the crowd of people, I started to get a little claustrophobic and left the area through the casino and when I went into the atrium. They had the atrium ceiling lights lit up with only the orange.



And this clown was running a casino table



Then I ducked into Cherry on Top just to have a look, because I have an unhealthy obsession with candy. Although, I didnt buy any.









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After all the costume contest participants were chosen, they were summoned to meet at a designated place and then were brought backstage at the Palace Lounge.

We then found out that our Sheryl got chosen to participate too!



The costume contest was to be held at 10:30pm. The CD brought all the participants onto the stage and interviewed each one to find out what they were for Halloween.







After all the contestants (some of them judged as a group) had their turn, the CD brought each group forward for audience participation judging. You were to applaud the one's that you liked best.

3 fairies



My pics in here are just horrible



Then the CD would gauge the loudness of the applause for the second run-through and would have those that had less applause step back. He would continue this process asking that the audience then only clap for ONE group that we really liked.

And the winner? FAST FOOD family. The one that had the Ronald McDonald clown, Wendy from Wendy's, a kid in a toga holding a pizza for Little Caesars, The King from Burger King...and I cant remember the rest.

Here is a really blurry pic of them


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I noticed this staff member waiting to shoot a confetti gun at the conclusion of the Costume Competition



It was a dud and she couldnt get it to go KAPOW so she just dumped it on the floor. Funny



And then it was time for another one of my favorite cruise activities! LIDO DECK PARTY!!! It was listed for 11:00pm



Wobble, Cupid Shuffle, Cha cha slide, 1 cent 5 cent 10 cent dollar dancing part TWOOOOOOO!!!!



At one point, the entertainment director called all of us up who had participated in the Thriller Dance Class and we performed for everyone.



After all the dancing and merriment I grabbed a Nikki and we got some Mexican food from the buffet that ran 11;30pm-1:00am. It was really really really good!!!

Shortly after this, I called it a night and retired to my cabin. I had already left the Andrew a message earlier in the day and also went ahead and packed away anything that I wouldnt be using for the remainder of the cruise. This was helpful and I didnt feel rushed trying to do it on the last day. (the last day :()

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One thing I forgot to mention earlier is that one night my roomie Melissa came in the cabin after I had gone to sleep. She loves the casino and was usually quiet about coming in at night if I had gone to bed first.

Except this one night. She came in "NANCY, ARE YOU AWAKE????". I sort of hear her but am not sure if I am dreaming. Then again, "NANCY, ARE YOU AWAKE???". I roll over and she says "I WON!" and begins counting hundreds right on my chest. She won $1000.00!!! I was happy for her but rolled over and went back to sleep. LMAO.

Here is Melissa with her winnings




Melissa and I both got up relatively early this morning and we spent a little while packing everything but what we would need to leave the ship in the morning. After that bit of depressive activity, we agreed that we would like to have breakfast in the MDR. I had the bagel with lox again, some bacon and some hash rounds.

Breakfast with my roomie friend



We looked over on the floor at the table next to us and...what do we have here? A lonely little onion ring



There were some last minute things we both wanted to take care of but one of the things I wanted to do was to get a Poling picture to show my pole dance instructor when I returned home. Street poling is basically using structures around you to strike a pole pose.

Here was mine



I also wanted to take a few pics around the gym so that people would know what kind of equipment is available


Melissa found a lady working out here that is a physical therapist and showed her a few things she could work on. She looks skeered!



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forgot about packing
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Gym equipment







After our gym time we went to the shops to buy a few souveniers and then I decided to wander around until lunch. I knew I wouldnt be all that hungry but the MDR lunch that day had the Fish and Chips and I have been wanting to try this for the last two sailings and have always missed it.

Look what I found on lido deck!



I had read about this before but this was the first time I had seen it in person




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One last peek at the door before I took down all the decorations



I hadnt even opened either one of my bottles of wine or my champagne at this point and I wanted a mimosa

How fitting! (I am aware Cruise is spelled with an 'i' but it's close



Usually in the mornings I would take that pink water bottle up to lido and fill it with the OJ Passionfruit Guava and keep it on ice in my cooler. That juice mixes well with rum, vodka and champagne. THAT was a good mimosa



The whole set up



Another new thing I wanted to try was a lido deck massage. At $1.00 a minute with a minimum of 15 minutes, I figured it was a pretty good deal.



View of lido as I waited my turn


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Since roomie friend Melissa did so well in the casino, she paid it forward by paying for Robin, Sheryl and my massage. Thanks Melissa!

Melissa ahhhhhh



Sheryl ahhhhh



Location of set up, just at the automatic doors on lido



Robin ahhhhh



Me ahhhhhh



I have had quite a few massages in my day and this one was amazing. It was just shoulders and neck but she worked out an annoying little pain I had at the base of my skull that had been there for over a year. I am impressed.

Always drink your water after a massage to wash away the toxins!


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Lido again. It was raining off and on this day



Lunchtime in the MDR! Let's gooooo! Melissa, Robin and I all went together

I had the Jamaican Bean Soup which was really good.

And as I said, the fish and chips! It was perfectly cooked. Nice and crispy on the outside and moist on the inside. The coleslaw is the best I have ever had and I have had a wide variety of cole slaw in my lifetime.



Robin used her drink coupon to get a mango dacuqiri and gifted half of it to me. Thanks Robin!



On our CC roll call we talked about having a putt putt tournament on the last sea day at 2pm. With my drink in hand, I climbed the stairs to the sports deck and met up with marshhawk and catmando. They didnt have the little cards that you can write your score in so I just kept a mental check.



Me, Marshhawk and catmando




Angela, James and Birdie showed up too


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Angela and James




Yet another thing that I have wanted to do on a cruise is sit on Serenity deck and play some of my favorite music while staring at the wake. I loaded some tunes from Massive Attack and Enigma before I sailed and I was excited to sit and stare for a little while

So, that is what I did



Tunes and a mimosa with a view=heaven



Ahhhh serenity






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I sat back there for about 30 minutes and I started to get a little hot and somewhat restless. It is very hard for me to sit still for very long. I am always moving. I was thinking a dip in the pool would be nice but I had no one to watch my things while I did so. Lucky for me, Melissa and Robin happened along and they said they would watch my stuff. YAY.

I hopped into the pool and talked to a few folks in and around the pool. There werent many kids in there at all. Not many kids on this sailing actually.

Done with the pool, I went to the towel shack and "checked out a towel". I sat with my friends people watching



Sun is going down



Robin and Melissa pointed out this sweet little lady dancing on the stage to the DJ's tunes. She was totally in her own world. Fun to watch.





After I was sufficiently dry, I checked my towel back in at the towel shack and went to my cabin to get ready for the VIFP party. Oh yes. That would turn out to be a great time indeed

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The VIFP party was held in the Puttin on the Ritz lounge and there were many people in attendance. There were many servers passing around hors d'ouvres and the drinks were full pint glasses and in abundance.

Cheesecake thing



Ham and cheese sammich



VERY strong pint sized drinks



At our little booth I was surrounded by good friends









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And let's not forget the Kim's! Or Kim and Kim. Or Kim squared



I gave Nikki back her tu tu and her wig and immediately regretted never wearing the wig. I should have worn this thing all week! And Sheryl gave me her glasses because I couldnt seeeeeeee



They played the film talking about the history of Carnival and then we, of course, yelled for the ships we have sailed on. FINALLY, I have one more ship to yell for!



Then they played the Electric Slide and I ran up there to join in. I was hoping for another chance to Wobble but no luck there.

There were a LOT of drinks consumed at this party. I figured that dinner was going to be a total hot mess. And it was.




Two of em. I brought what I had left to the dinner table


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Sitting in the bar in fll waiting for my flight to San Juan! They need to have those massage chairs on fantasy! The PG party was on the last day? I don't think I'd like that. I'd drink too much (love the red drink but not the yellow), and probably get all sad and refuse to pack. ;-)


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