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Two GAPearl reviews in one! Imagination 3 day 11/15 & Sensation 3 day 12/12- PLATINUM


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Every.single.review. I am married, 2 kids - I love reading Kim's reviews and imagining being her BFF. :D


I'm sure we'd have a blast on a cruise together!


I am so glad that you have opportunities to cruise and you come back and relive your experiences with us. You certainly keep me smiling at the good parts and waiting anxiously for the "cliffhangers." You have a natural storytelling gift.


I'm enjoying as always. :)


Thanks Tawana! I really appreciate it! :)


Yup, ME:D!!!




I have read all of your reviews so far and I luv luv LUV them!!! Wish I could cruise alone but I am way too shy and wouldn't have half as much fun as you have! Thank you for letting us in on your journeys :) Can't wait for what's next!


Well thanks for following along in them all! I think you'd be surprised at how much fun you can have going solo. More to come!

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Hey Kim! Love that you have another review...they are very entertaining!! Question for you: There's a free shuttle from the Miami airport to the port of Miami? Wish I had known that...would have saved me some money! Do you know how often it runs and where it picks up passengers from? Thanks :)


I think she meant a free shuttle from the car rental company. If you rent a car through them they have a free shuttle to the port.




Hey soulsistah! Thanks for reading! Matt is exactly right. The shuttle was through the rental car company I used. It was free, but technically not free since I paid $30 for my rental.

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Loving this review as much as all of the others....


I FINALLY did book the Breeze Southern, which I thought I never would.


B-Day gift to myself along with my BFF Cruise Buddy. I am sure that we will have just as much fun as you.:D


Casino Premier Cruise also which is make is ALL THAT MUCH BETTER:o


Awesome! Looks like your cruise isn't that far away! I know you'll have an amazing time. Have fun planning it!


I know I won't be the only person trying to figure out WHO IS G!?!?!?!? So Ms. GAPearl I've spent my lunch going back to read your other review to find out about "G". LOL!!!!


For those interested post # 103 begins the encounter with G. And I thought I read all of your reviews but it looks like this was after my Allure cruise and I wasn't on the Carnival board much and I missed that review. So I'm enjoying it none the less as you write this one.


Cruising with you is still on my bucket list. :D A good time to be had for sure!!


Welcome back! Glad you're all caught up now. lol Someone once suggested I plan a cruising with Kim group cruise, haha. :p


So excited to check in this morning and see another one of your wonderful reviews! Can't wait for the rest.


Merry Christmas!!


Thanks Jenny! Happy holidays to you as well.


All I am going to say is "G who?"


My thoughts exactly. :D

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Hi Kim, I love your ' joie de vivre' outlook on cruising. Yes it's hard to believe that it took until your 9th cruise on Carnival, 10th overall, to visit Nassau. I enjoyed all your reviews and have recently re-read your review on Valor since it will be our next cruise.


Because of you I have included a visit to Barrachina and also considering climbing the Piton. As of now I have Cosol tours booked because I want to eat and drink (party :D) rather than exert myself. I haven't told Tracy about the climb because she would insist we do it. :eek:


As we get closer to the cruise, I'm usually fitter and more likely to attempt the climb. :confused:

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GaPearl, I guess that Kick my A_ _ really kicked your A_ _, right? LOL Glad you had a wonderful and awesome time. One day soon we are going to meet up on a cruise and I'm going to have the time of my life!


Yes it did! You wanna go back to Nassau with me? :D


OMG, I am laughing and reading your Nassua story to my husband. I'm 55, don't drink too much too often, but last Friday indulged in two 22 oz Margaritas...oh locomy. :o. Where is the green pucky face?


LOL That's too funny. Funny thing is I didn't even have a lot! I just had something very powerful, omg. :eek:


I was so happy when I scrolled down and saw another "GAPearl" thread! I love your reviews, your so funny! Cant wait for the rest!!:D


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my cruise comedy!


GAPearl reviews are some of my favorites to read!!!


Thank you! :)

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You're a doll, Kim! Love your reviews. I too am living vicariously!


Awww, thanks Belle!


Really glad I found another one of your reviews. Love the pictures. I must say, you hair is beautiful....


Thanks for reading! And thanks for the hair compliment. That's been my signature style for years, and I changed it for the next cruise. Stick around to find out what it looks like now.


I agree!! :D Kim, I love how you enjoy life and have so much fun on your solo adventures. I need to take a page out of your book! Can't wait to read more, and Happy Holidays to you Kim! :)


Thanks Monique! Happy holidays to you too!


I see you and a lot of other people commenting here are in Atlanta. Maybe one day we all need to meet up for lunch! :D


Hi Kim, I love your ' joie de vivre' outlook on cruising. Yes it's hard to believe that it took until your 9th cruise on Carnival, 10th overall, to visit Nassau. I enjoyed all your reviews and have recently re-read your review on Valor since it will be our next cruise.


Because of you I have included a visit to Barrachina and also considering climbing the Piton. As of now I have Cosol tours booked because I want to eat and drink (party :D) rather than exert myself. I haven't told Tracy about the climb because she would insist we do it. :eek:


As we get closer to the cruise, I'm usually fitter and more likely to attempt the climb. :confused:


Hey Mikey! I got through maybe 1/4 of your last review after I finished writing my Breeze one, but never finished since I had to get ready for these two cruises. I'm going to sit down one day soon and get through the rest.


You are going to LOVE the southern Caribbean cruise. You and Tracy are so fit. Do the climb! You can eat and drink (and party lol) in Barbados. The climb really is a once in a lifetime experience. I hope you guys end up doing it. I'll be patiently waiting for your review. haha

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Sunday, 11/17

Day 3- Fun Day At Sea


I woke early enough to get in a workout, but I still wasn't feeling 100% from the KMA drinks from the day before, so I skipped the gym. I headed to the MDR for a big breakfast and to also use my free drink coupon. I had pancakes, hash browns, and chicken sausage, and my mocha chocolate getaway arrived just as I was finishing my meal and ready to leave for the pool. Perfect timing.








I arrived out by the lido pool at 10:15 am. There were still a few empty chairs scattered around. I spotted Matt and Chris and we hung out by the pool all afternoon. The weather was perfect, hot and sunny.


New friend Matt (tggs726) is in the center and his brother Chris are ready for a relaxing day by the pool. Then there's me looking like I'm ready to film an episode of The Real Housewives of Carnival.








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When it was time for the pool games to get started at 12:30 pm, Matt and Chris were ready and willing to participate. It was a battle of the sexes, synchronized swimming, men vs. women kind of game. Both teams left for about 10 minutes to work on their routines. This is going to be hilarious.


The women's team went first. Their routine was to Beyonce's "Single Ladies." It was cute but just ok.








The men's team got Vanessa Williams's "Save The Best For Last." They started on the stage and then strutted their way to the pool. They did a really, really awesome job and were the winners. Next stop for these guys is Brazil, 2016.







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Up next was the hairy chest contest. About three years and five reviews ago, I got to judge the hairy chest contest on my Inspiration cruise. Matt was like you should be a judge again! Oh sure, why not. This will be great for my review. Oh the things I do for my loyal readers. :D


A girl from the entertainment staff was the host. She asked for six guys to be contestants. I moved a little closer to the stage so I could run right up there when she asked for judges. The three judges had to include a sexy single, a hot mom, and a crazy granny. Yep I was chosen as the crazy granny. :p I got to judge the guys' dance moves, hot mom judged the feel (what I had to do last time, ewww), and judge #3 had to smell them. Contestant #1 was my new friend Danny I met on day one and he totally set the bar. These guys were muy loco and all about some rated R dancing. I hope the video hasn't been leaked to youtube.









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Me being asked what I thought of one guy's dancing.




After the first round of competition, we had our first elimination and got rid of three guys. Now I love being a curvy, toned girl, but the next part had me wishing I was was half the size of Nicole Ritchie. The guys had to do push ups with me on their back. Oh dear. :eek: Maybe I should have run 5 miles the day before, not 3. Maybe I shouldn't have had that late night pizza. Maybe I should have ordered just one ice cream with my warm chocolate melting cake, not two. All these thoughts were racing through my head. The host asked beforehand if I'd be ok with it, and I said yeah. But now I was like oh God! I hope these guys can manage just one so I'm not embarrassed! Lucky for me, these three guys were very athletic with muscles and 12 packs. #1 did 13, #2 did 17, and #3 did 20. OMG! Danny told me later the host said most guys can only do 3 or 4, so I felt really good after that. haha


The hairy chest contest participants.




After that we narrowed the competition down to the final two. They had to give a Miss USAish, final question answer of why they should win the hairy chest contest and give their best pick up line to the crazy granny. #1 Danny was so sincere and was like I'd love to take you out and get to know you. #2 handed granny his phone and said "I'LL CALL YOU." Real smooth dude. In real life fellas, don't do that. haha The audience then decided the winner. It was close, but Mr. I'll Call You won. That was fun and I'm glad I had the chance to do it again. Probably won't judge again, though. Haha yeah right I say that now. ;)


After the competition.




Next I headed to the rotisserie grill for lunch. This is a great option on the Fantasy class ships because there's NEVER a line! There was also a small chocolate buffet.


After eating, the DJ played some Latin music on stage. Hairy chest contest runner up and my new friend Danny (oh he was part of the firefighter group) asked me to dance. We were the only people up there for two songs. Then out of nowhere, a guy from the ridiculously overcrowded hot tub came on stage to steal me and we started dancing. Danny stood there like what the *blank* are you doing? lol We danced for like 20 seconds, then Danny stole me back. Everyone in the hot tub and by the pool started cheering. That went on for a minute and then another girl came up and stole whichever guy I was dancing with. This went on the whole song. That was A LOT of fun I wasn't expecting.


After our dance battles the DJ got some line dancing on for a few minutes. We did the cupid shuffle and the wobble, and he went back to Latin music after that. "Dame mas GAS-O-LIN-A!" Yep, I'm still in love with Daddy Yankee. :D The stage was packed! It was fun little afternoon party up there. I eventually headed back to my chair for a while before heading to the sauna and back to my cabin for a shower and some relaxation time before dinner.

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7 out of 10 of us made it to dinner tonight. The Colombian ladies weren't there (no surprise) and the one firefighter we had wasn't either. He told me by the pool he was eating at the buffet tonight.


Spring roasted chicken or something like that. It was delicious and I tore it up.




Our dining room entertainment tonight was Gangham Style.








I don't really like this picture but I had to y'all show my dress. lol





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After dinner, I went to the 10 pm show of Al Romas and caught the second half of Ronnie Bullard's 11:15 show. Both guys were funny.


The Illusions Nightclub was P-A-C-K-E-D. It was electric white night. The production playlist cast were passing out glow sticks and glow wristbands and later came in with a little performance. They did this on the Breeze as well, so I guess it's something new. These guys were a little more interactive with the crowd than the cast on the Breeze.






Glow sticks in the air.




Then the DJ cleared the dance floor for the booty shaking competition. First time I've ever seen this! No, I didn't enter haha. :cool: There were like 15 girls that did. Some of the Latina girls would have had Miley Cyrus blushing.


Me with my very own Captain Booze Matt gave me.




It was another hot night in there. I honestly don't think they had the AC on. I have never been in a club on a Carnival ship that hot. I was sweating, sorry, glistening, as if I had just run a 5k. My goodness. I stayed out until 3 am and headed up to the lido one last time. I said my goodbyes and headed back to my cabin after exchanging info with a few.


This was short and sweet but now it's time to go. :(

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Monday, 11/18



I didn't go to sleep until 4 am, and was back up at 7 am. That wasn't sleep, that was a nap lol. I packed up the last of my things and headed up to the sail and sign kiosk on deck 9 to put my remaining unspent cash on my account. My total was $84 and some change and I put in $85. Carnival will donate all cash balances under $5 to St. Jude Children's Hospital unless you request it in a check.


I sadly left the ship around 8:30ish and called SAS Transportation to let them know I was ready for pickup. I was the last one in my van and we were off to FLL. It was a short 25 minute or so ride. The cost was $15, and I gave my driver $20 to include his tip.


Some Imagination observations:

  • I met lots of people that booked this cruise to get to platinum.


  • My cabin steward never left me ice. No biggie since I never needed it, but I guess you just have to ask for it now.


  • Cruise director Skip Lyons loved to talk and was soooooo long winded. I really didn't like listening to him.


  • The club was way too hot.


  • The pizza place late at night/early morning needs some work. Carnival should know that many passengers head here after the late night activities, yet they only have 1-2 people working. Each pizza is only four slices, and each person is served two slices. They make the pizzas to order. That being said, when you have 20 people waiting, it's slow. They should have more manpower back there during the late night hours and keep the pizzas coming out nonstop. I felt so bad for the one guy manning the counter. He was clearly overwhelmed.

So that's it for this cruise. Only 24 days after this debarkation until my next embarkation. Stay tuned for part 2! :D


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Who has more fun than this girl ^^^? Is anyone else living vicariously through Kim? Lol



ME! I am SO living vicariously through her. LOL! Kim, I may want to talk to you about how you got the no single supplement deals. You look like you are having way too much fun. AND FIREFIGHTERS TOO! Woot!


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Hello there Kim.. once again you have captivated the masses with another great review. Maybe one day I will bump into you on a carnival voyage. you always seem to have a good time. reading your reviews have me anxiously awaiting my next cruise in May.


Now I have to go back to the Bahamas just to try this dang drink because i really want to know if the KMA is that strong.. that senor frogs must be relatively new.. I was down that way a couple of years ago and i didn't notice it. but I do agree with you going to the local spots are always better.


anyway you know i subbed so i will be anticipating the second half of this review.

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Girl your review is FAB and FUNNY. I read your review about G and was very happy for you but then this review you are doing your thing, you had great company:D:D


Well thank you honey!


UGH - the waiting is killing me!!! :D


Sorry you'll have to wait just a little longer. I won't be able to do any more until tomorrow night. Stay tuned!


Another great review.............thanks Kim...


Thanks for reading!

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ME! I am SO living vicariously through her. LOL! Kim, I may want to talk to you about how you got the no single supplement deals. You look like you are having way too much fun. AND FIREFIGHTERS TOO! Woot!



Glad you're enjoying! I had a blast. :D Carnival, out of nowhere, released a list of sailings where they would not be charging a single supplement. There were about 30 choices, everything from a 3 day Bahamas to the 7 day from San Juan. Again it was only certain dates. You can go to Carnival's website and enter 1 at number pf people, and look for the deals that way.


Hello there Kim.. once again you have captivated the masses with another great review. Maybe one day I will bump into you on a carnival voyage. you always seem to have a good time. reading your reviews have me anxiously awaiting my next cruise in May.


Now I have to go back to the Bahamas just to try this dang drink because i really want to know if the KMA is that strong.. that senor frogs must be relatively new.. I was down that way a couple of years ago and i didn't notice it. but I do agree with you going to the local spots are always better.


anyway you know i subbed so i will be anticipating the second half of this review.


Hello again! Yes the drink was that strong. If you go there, good luck. lol I don't think the Senor Frogs is new, but the Fat Tuesdays is brand new from what I heard. Glad to hear you have your second cruise booked!


Great review as usually!! I love reading your reviews, can't wait to read part 2.


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Stick around! :)

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I really enjoyed reading this. Can't wait until "our" next cruise :)!!!



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Hahahaha don't go anywhere.


I loved reading the review and can't wait for part 2! Your reviews hold me over in between my cruises and since my next one isn't until February on the Magic this was much needed.


That's right around the corner! Thanks for reading and enjoy your Magic cruise!


Thank you for another great review and will be waiting on Part 2. You are a true gem! By the way, no Cornbread? :D


Thank you so much! Keep reading.....:D:cool::eek:

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