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ARCADIA ~ New Years Cruise 2005/2006


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Anybody else booked on Arcadia's New Years Eve sailing out of Acapulco, transcanal to Barbados?


It's our first P&O cruise so we are really curious to see how the line and the ship shape up. We have been on Zuiderdam and really loved the layout of that ship.


The New Years cruise appears to be almost sold out - unfortunately we could only get on the waitlist for second dinner sitting and will be mortified if we have to stick with first sitting (too early for us). Any suggestions as to how to avoid this???

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Hi Ken

I posted on the Millenium E Caribbean Nov 04 thread but didn't get the chance to meet you on the ship!

We are booked on the Arcadi Xmas Panama cruise for Dec 15th 2006, so you will have to let us know your opinions of the ship and destinations when you return!

Like you this will be our first cruise on P&O, we usually like to go with Celebrity, but the itinerary and the contemporary design of the Arcadia appealed to us, along with the early booking discounts!

We booked an aft balcony cabin as I have read this is a great way to transit the Panama Canal, sitting on your private balcony as we pass through the locks! Well, we have got 17 months to wait so I'd better not get too carried away yet!

Love to hear all about your experience, hope you have a great time!


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Hi Ken

We're on this cruise, leaving from LGW - I agree, it does seem to be pretty full. I wondered when you booked as when we did in January we couldn't even get on the waitlist for second sitting dinner, so we've had to resign ourselves to first. If you booked after us, I'd be curious to know how you managed to get on the waitlist since we were told it was closed. May find we do a bit of 'alternative dining' from time to time.

Look forward to meeting you.

Best regards


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Hi Lisa


sorry we didn't meet up on Millennium. Phill came down with a bad throat/chest infection so we weren't on top form for most of the week. Too far to go for just a week really!!!! Will fill you in on the Arcadia details - lucky you having a stern facing balcony, nothing so fancy available when we booked. Mind you you must have the patience of a saint to book that far in advance!!!!


Hi Ann


we are supposedly leaving from Luton (couldn't get Gatwick) - but infact we have now arranged to fly out to Palm Springs the week before to get some sun and get over the jet lag before embarkation. We booked in March (I think) and got put on the waitlist thanks to our TA I guess. We are number 150 something so don't reckon on our odds much - we were hoping to meet some nice people on this board and see if we could get an invite onto their table which might have overcome the problem. I've never known second sitting sell out so early before!!!! Probably got something to do with the no kids policy (hallelujah!!! - only reason we considered going over a holiday period). Are you staying on in Barbados after the cruise???


See if we can keep this thread going - maybe get some others joining?? It can be fun to get to know a few people before sailing.


Best wishes



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Hi Ken


Yeah wer'e booked on same cruise. can't wait!! Been booked sine Jan. Even then could'nt get desired flights out of Glasgow, as advertised in brochure, next best Manchester.

Have found that on previous Costa cruises that changing dining times is no problem when you turn up for cruise. Good luck!


See you there


Colin P

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Hi Ken

Lucky you - spending a bit of time in the States before the cruise. Unfortunately, we are limited for time so are not staying on in Barbados post cruise.

I'm going to contact my TA to see if anything can be done to waitlist us for second sitting as well but to be honest I'm not really holding out any hope.

I know of a few other people who are on this cruise (via the P&O website) and read some interesting comments about Arcadia which have certainly whetted my appetite for the holiday. We were on Adonia last November and had a fabulous time - the child free environment sells it for us.

Hope to meet you on board - only 5 months to wait!

Best regards


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Hi Ann


I checked our booking details and we are 195th waitlisted!!! Even worse than I figured. We didn't ask for waitlisting - just requested second sitting with our booking and that's what turned up. We will be really annoyed if we get stuck with first sitting as we hate eating that early - or to be honest, getting ready to eat that early!!!!


We own a hotel here in Brighton so the extensions before and after the cruise are part of our annual break when the hotel closes for staff holidays. We work 7 days a week so figure we have earned a month off by the time December comes!


We have sailed on HAL Zuiderdam and as the layout is the same as Arcadia, are keen to try out the British version. There are lots of places on deck to get away from the crowd - if its the same as Zuiderdam, there is an area of deck adjacent to The Crows Nest with awnings that allow you to get some shade when the sun gets too strong.


You've been on Adonia but have you sailed much with P&O before? Its our first time and not sure what to expect.





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Hi Ken


No 1st time P&O. Like Ann it was kids free that did it for us. After xmas with Costa and 100s of kids I'm really looking forward to Arcadia, problem will be that will set the standard, oh well!!

Yes, we took 1st sitting by choice, as were early in and 1st up in morning, it suits us for doing something after dinner to burn cals before bed.

Been Sunbird, Brilliance & Braemar.



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You certainly earn your break - you must be really busy at the moment. At least we get to take holidays regularly during the year, but we enjoy land-based holidays as well as cruises.

We're not seasoned cruisers like yourself. We sailed twice on Canberra, the last time was during her final summer. After that we did Sun cruises three times (Sunbird - Caribbean; Seawing - Eastern Med; and Carousel - Canaries) before choosing Adonia as a 25th Wedding Anniversary celebration, albeit it 5 months late!


We didn't even get the option to waitlist for second sitting - it was completely closed. In fact, when we booked, we were waitlisted for first sitting as well (did find that a bit odd to begin with but I gather that PandO's system only pre-allocates a certain percentage of bookings but it was only a few weeks before we were confirmed on first. We've never eaten so early either and I think it will take a bit of getting used to, as you say, especially the getting ready. Still, I suppose it's all part of the experience and we'll just have to make sure we get into the 'alternative' venues from time to time.




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Hi Colin


amazing how popular these kids free ships can be!!! Loved Brilliance - have a soft spot for Royal Caribbean but just wish their itineraries were a little more exciting! Curious about Fred Olsen though - what's it like? The tartan carpets have always made me a little dubious but would like to try Black Watch or Boudicca some time.



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Hi Ann


great minds think alike!!! Was posting a reply as you were posting yours! Yes, we are really busy at the moment, though that's not a complaint - this time last year business was right down the pan, and with a mortgage the size of ours that is not good!! This business has its good points as well as the bad, but it is a lot less stressful than being an architect which I was in my previous life!!!


Lucky you trying Canberra before she went - what was she like? How were Sun Cruises? Love the older ships they use but are they maintained properly? Have gotten very used to the smell and feel of brand new ships - and inspite of what some people say about them not being like the old days, I like my creature comforts and I like somewhere where everything is sparkling new and not used before. I get into all sorts of scrapes on the Cunard Board because I think QE2 is a very second rate cruiseship these days and say so - this is taboo on the Cunard Board!!!!


Oh well, each to their own.





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Hi Ken

After reading your post about the long waitlist for 2nd seating, am I glad we booked so far in advance! I hope you manage to get your preferred seating, you could always try the alternate dining venues for a few nights, then hope a late seating becomes available while you are on the ship.

We were on the Brilliance in May for a weeks Med cruise. We were very impressed with the friendly staff on board and the ship was in beautiful condition, although I think Celebrity has the edge on the food, but we had no complaints with RCI.

We are looking forward to retuning to the Century in October for a 9 nt Carribbean cruise. We are going with a couple who we met on the Millie last year. We had been chatting on these boards for months prior to the cruise and when we met them we hit it off straight away. We visited them in New Jersey back in April and they took us into New York and Atlantic city. Whilst we were there they asked us if we would like to go with them on their next cruise, we booked with their travel agent and saved quite a bit on the UK price, booked our own flights to Miami so we are all set!

Apparantly the Arcadia will be in port the same day we are in St Martin so I will be hopefully able to get a good look at her!


Our very first cruise was on the Carousel. It may be one of the older ships by todays standards but it will always hold fond memories for us, after all, you never forget your first cruise!


Hope you all have a great time on Arcadia, tell all on your return!




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Hi Lisa


we loved both Brilliance and Jewel - would sail more with RCI if they did more exciting itineraries (doesn't that sound awful). Would agree that Celebrity just has the edge - will be there when their new Chalenger class comes out in 2008.


Really quite depressed about early dining - the ship sails at 6.30 from most ports so you miss sailaway unless you start getting ready in the middle of the afternoon. I guess its the ONLY drawback of a no kids ship!!!! You are right, if we can't bribe someone as soon as we get onboard, we will be doing more than our fare share of 'alternative dining' !!!


Isn't it amazing how little our American friends pay for their cruises!!! We have always booked via a US agency (apart from Cunard and P&O) - won't tell you how little we paid for our Mille cruise last year but it was a snip!!! A bit annoyed with P&O regarding the Arcadia booking as they won't even give us any credit for not using their flights. Aparantly we don't get to have the use of a first night hotel in Acapulco either (if there is one - it may be an overnight flight).


I've heard good reports of Century - make sure you give Arcadia a good once over in St Martin (think you can get quite close). We went down to Southampton to see Arcadia sail on her maiden voyage and she is quite impressive.


Talk soon



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KenC - I am not sure if I always believe these waiting lists. I would go to see the MD as soon as possible after boarding and ask him to find you a place on second sitting. We had the reverse on QM2 as we wanted first sitting and were allocated second. A click of the mouse changed us over no problem. Have you ever been on a cruise where there has not been that permanent looking notice on the pursers desk saying that the ship is full therefore no cabin changes are possible. Makes things easier for all the staff that way.


Hope you are not going to find the food on P&O a let down after Cunard. We sailed on Oriana on much the same route from San Francisco and through the canal. Loved the ship and at that time (two years ago) the more British feel to the whole experience, and the way the captain walked round the ship each morning. But the food was, and I hope they have sorted this out now, very sub standard to that we had been used to on QE2 and Caronia.


Overall I think you will enjoy Arcadia.



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we on the outbound voyage 16 dec 2005, Barbados - Acapulco, also on the waitlist for 2nd sitting on this trip. Hopign I can work my magic with the matre d', just got back from the rotterdam (HAL) going round the baltic, requested late sitting, got allocated on arrival 17:45 (who eats fives courses at this time) but was easy to change, was second in line (people in front wanted to change from 20:00 - 1945, so that made his life easy


Hoepfully P&O will be the same, must admit already coutning down the days


role on christmas

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thanks for the words of encouragement. As we are flying out a week before the cruise I hope to embark earlier and more awake than those flying out (probably overnight by charter flights) - so you can bet I will get to the M'd as soon as humanly possible. I too find it hard to believe that for a booking nearly 12 months in advance (in the case of Anne) they only have first sitting left. Didn't realise that second sitting could be so popular.


As far as food is concerned fore-warned is fore-armed. Have read reports of P&O food being akin to school dinners! Can't believe they are that poor but we go with an open mind - to be honest good food is important, but not THAT important to us on a cruise! Can't wait to try P&O and Arcadia, though I will be looking at her and imagining what sort of Queen Victoria she would have made.




pity you get off as we get on - we could have learned how successful you were with the M'd!!! Yes, it's a great itinerary which ever direction you do it. Are you staying on in Acapulco for New Years or flying straight back?





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Guess you will be leaving on the charter planes that our cruise load is arriving on!!! From the details received so far it seems like a very late boarding (something like 5pm) - we will already be in Acapulco the night before, so we are hoping to beat the rush and get onboard first.



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My husband and I will also be joining you on the Arcadia tropical delights cruise out of Acapulco, we have the same problem with dinner 306!! on the wait list for second sitting, we also hate to eat so early so will be doing lots of alternative dinning if we cann't get it changed.

We love P&O this will be my 4th trip with them,have been on Aurora twice(were on the ship when she limped back into Southampton a day late in January)Oriana once, I had heard bad reports about food before we sailed with them but could not fault the meals we had, I am also fond of Royal Caribbean, to compare I would say buffet food is better on Royal Caribbean,dinning room food better on P&O, P&O do more vegetables and better desserts.

I am delighted to be able to make some friends before we cruise there's not usually any response from P&O passengers on this site so hope we can keep the thread going.

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Hi johardy


good to hear from you - isn't it strange we are all on first dinner sitting when we nearly all want to be on second.


Good to hear another good impression of P&O. Have always wanted to try them but somehow never made it. Have always been a little concerned that they they might be a little 'too' British - if you know what I mean? Guess we will soon find out.


We have an upcoming transatlantic on QM2 in September before gearing up for Arcadia. Have you been in the Caribbean with P&O? - I have read somewhere that evening dress code is a bit more casual there. Any ideas about the number of formal/informal/casual nights on a 14 nighter?


Talk soon



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Hi Ken

I will be interested to hear your reports of QM2, we are going on Disney Magic end of Oct have been on it twice before and love it, it's not just for children, very classy ship one of my favorites.

We were in the Caribbean for Christmas and New Year last year on Aurora, like other ships the formal nights were on the sea days, as we have 4 of these I would think we would have 4 formal nights, although we have two consecutive days at sea and I don't think we would have two consecutive formal nights however I would expect new years eve to be a formal night. The dress on formal nights was just the same as any other ship I have been on, from one end of the spectrum to the other.

I know what you mean about P&O being too british I thought the same because I do love the american ships, but it's not the case, and I could soon see why they have such a loyal following.

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Hi johardy


Everything I hear about P&O makes me regret not trying them before - especially as you confirm that they aren't too British!!! Dresswise, formals aren't a problem - its the others, informal and casual, that I'm not sure of on P&O. Any clues on those would be great.


We did the QM2's maiden voyage and fell for the ship big time. It's like nothing I have ever seen before or since. We had a few issues with service and food on occasion but believe they are mostly sorted out now. We like Cunard but can't stand QE2 so are a bit limited in choice - one of the things that drew us to Arcadia was the fact that she had been intended as Cunard's Queen Victoria. Interested to hear more about Disney - love the look of the ships but nor sure we could put up with all those dear children onboard!!!


Don't think we are going to have much trouble keeping this thread going - there only appear to be about 2 or 3 posts per day on the P&O board!!!


Are you flying direct to Acapulco? If so do you know if is it an overnight flight or is there a hotel for the night before?



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I realy don't think you'll have any problem with dress code it is all very much the same as any other ship we have been on, we took the same type of clothes we always take and it was fine.


I've not recieved any details of our flight yet, we booked quite late. I know we are flying from Manchester because we live in the north(Cumbria) but don't have the times yet.


I would urge anyone to try the Disney ship although they have a higher proportion of children on board you see less of them than you do on other ships, all childrens clubs are kept on one deck, there is a family dinning rotation and an adults rotation, all shows have a family show time and an adult show time, the bar areas are all adult only after 9pm, there is an adult only pool/sun deck at the front of the ship (nice and quiet) and on the private island there is an adult only beach well away from the other areas that is bliss it's my favourite beach of all time.

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Hi Ken

I will be interested to hear your reports of QM2, we are going on Disney Magic end of Oct have been on it twice before and love it, it's not just for children, very classy ship one of my favorites.

We were in the Caribbean for Christmas and New Year last year on Aurora, like other ships the formal nights were on the sea days, as we have 4 of these I would think we would have 4 formal nights, although we have two consecutive days at sea and I don't think we would have two consecutive formal nights however I would expect new years eve to be a formal night. The dress on formal nights was just the same as any other ship I have been on, from one end of the spectrum to the other.

I know what you mean about P&O being too british I thought the same because I do love the american ships, but it's not the case, and I could soon see why they have such a loyal following.




See you were on the Aurora at Christmas. We were too!! Off on QM2 in Sept and then on Oriana for Caribbean christmas. Have you cruised with P & O before this trip or was this your first time???



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