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.......idle jottings


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No such fuss happening in our suite today before we board! I am watching the kites and crows from the window to avoid thinking of leaving. There are fewer people sitting along the waterfront today. The haze is increasing as the day warms up.

Felt a bit sad saying goodbye to the lovely staff this morning. Chef kept us talking for ages after breakfast and sent me away with his recipe for my favourite "green sauce" (coriander, green mango etc) which Mr G (aka Sauce Boss) promises to replicate on our return home :D

The Hotel was cheeky leaving a note about the dry days for the election after they started so no one had a chance to stock up!

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So we have arrived. The journey from The Taj to the port was 10 minutes as promised.


Room check out service was brilliant. No queuing with rupee billionaires or dollar millionaires for us ! And we received BA air miles too !


So after passing a myriad of custom officials and tipping just about the whole world: we are onboard.

The air-conditioning that at first felt so welcome, now seems to be groaning under the relentless early afternoon heat.


Champagne; you welcome friend ! Chatted with Dr.Andy who knows ho hum of old and suggests its gout ! Yikes. Now everybody but everybody is touching my elbow ! Ho hum explains which sends them into laughter and makes no difference, they squeeze ho hum's elbow anyway ! Such fun ! Ha ha


We are 26 souls ! Why ? Time for a snooze, ho hum doesnt do "oh so nice to meet you, yes fascinating country, yes total alcohol ban, well that's India. Hah ha".


An English couple did'nt show which is a shame as they were a lot of fun.


Will wake up for "sail away": will be cooler. See off this champers bottle first.

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Left Mumbai, the crowds, the heat.

Met up with some of our fellow passengers at sail away.

All seem most agreeable. Only travelled with three others before (two Dutch and the regular English guy who loves crossings but hated India !! The poverty he exclaimed: no kidding, who'd have thought it ?).

Had dinner with a young, hip, Belgium couple: she a travel writer, he a photographer.

Very sophisticated couple. Obviously doing a piece on Sea Dream.

So ho hum has said how much he loves the vessel and the crew but dare he divulge the appalling lack of communication and the lack of product identity in establishing who Sea Dream is for and then providing that ? If it happens, it happens. Que sera, sera.

Their first impressions are very favourable.

Swopped stories and experiences of hotels and people met in the two Indian hotels we stayed at which they stayed at too.

Remarkably identical impressions.

Same highlight too: meeting the chef at one of the hotels.

They travel 70% of the year ! Amazing.


And we met our security.

Great guys.

Met them on the outward bound trip.

Very professional: excellent appointment Sea Dream.

There are cheaper options of security you know but a full British security team is considered the best (no "penny pinching" by Sea Dream. Full credit and appreciation).

American navy has pulled out of patrolling and the British and Japanese navies are likely to pull out soon. A tad of a concern.

We will be addressed by the security later today. No joking about but may report any stupid questions. Though on reflection, no questions about security are stupid. If it is asked, well ho hum re-considers, it must be important to that person. Apologies for rash judgement. OK will report any funny questions, how about that ? Deal.


Please dont think this is betraying a confidence but the waiting guys look "well, bushed".

To the first timer, attitude is impeccable as always but the heat and humidity of the last few voyages seems to have depleted energy levels. Quite a few have lost a lot of weight.

The Asian tour has been tough.

Hopefully cooler climes and so few guests will allow time for recuperation.


Had a fantastic Asian fusion dinner, so appropriate for the heat accompanied by a fresh white Spanish wine from the respected house of Raimat (for a house wine this is "top notch").

Garfield (desert chef) popped out to say hello after meal. His deserts are the best in the world. Ho hum is one of his biggest acolytes !

Begged him to arrange a hosting table.

He is a great raconteur who has been with the company since inception. Seen everything.

One of the best ambassadors for Sea Dream. A genius.

Had a simple panne cotta: just what ho hum needed.


Now, do you want to know anything while ho hum is onboard ? Feel free to ask.

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Here's hoping Dr. Fopp is keeping you properly educated. Glad to hear you have good professional security on board. US flag ships have some really strange "Rules of Engagement". Sad to see a country losing its way. Your trip sounds wonderful. The light passenger load is a real plus. Our best SeaDream voyage ever had 59 passengers and 98 crew. They certainly kept me in martinis.:eek:

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Slept well.

Cabin (ho hum refuses to call it a Stateroom: how pretentious. And you know ho hum is so not pretentious. "Pretentious ! Moi !".). Cabin was a tad warm but cooled as we travelled further away from India.


Well its a beautiful morning.

Elbow feels a lot better.

Ho hum's consultant Dr.Li has offered Ultrasound on return to UK to establish whether it is tennis elbow or gout.

Do you know how many times in a day ho hums elbow gets touched, bashed ?

Unbelievable !


And internet is working (but not good enough for live CCTV pictures of the homestead. But good enough for sending off this little piece).


Sun still strong first thing this morning at breakfast.

Chef Tomasz stands outside patrolling the kitchen area greeting everyone.

We shake hands, man hug and ho hum says how much he enjoyed Asia fusion dinner.

He beams "well ho hum, you know, it is so suited for warmer climates but not for the Med".


Plonk down at table. Order delicious de-tox tea and a veggie juice. The upmarket tea range is fantastic: the veggie juice is veggie juice, a way of getting some vegetables, thats all.


We all meet up for Security Briefing at 10.30am.

Brilliantly presented. We are silenced. No holds barred: Ollie tells us it straight.

3 attacks in the area last week !

A live firing demonstration on the rear of the vessel follows.

Well this is a photo opportunity if ever there was one !

Passengers and crew alike are pictured with the helmeted, armoured and semi-automatic weapon carrying security.

A few hours later, pictures emerge on Facebook !

The Belgian photographer takes a lot of photos. We talk later, he says he was fascinated to discover that written on tape on their body armour is there blood group !

By the way nobody asked anything "stupid" or funny though there was a self-referential question by a passenger eager to demonstrate his nautical knowledge..well that's how it seemed to the cynical ho hum (later at dinner he introduces himself to "our" table including the Belgians and Garfield, right in the middle of the missus's story !).


At some time the lecture "London Transport at War" was given.

That would explain why the vessel was completely deserted. It seems everybody bar ho hum and blondie attended; goes to show, ho hum's views on lectures is not a Universal Truth ! However it was not exactly abuzz with excitement afterwards.

The most glowing report was "it was really quite interesting". Hmmmm


Lunch great. A salad with English stilton crumbled on top accompanied by an Italian Pinot Grigio, aaaahhhhh bellissimo !


Very important meeting at HQ for a few hours. Reading. Checking news, football news, gossip etc.. and prepare for evening dinner.

Captain's Welcome tonight. Blondie is excited: there is caviar !

Chat and mingle with fellow passengers. Their personalities more clearer, emerging from the more bland polite exchange of last night.

Some real characters emerging.

A very attractive older lady insisting how to pronounce her name and accepting no variation in the slightest.

An older gentleman who grabbed the microphone from the Captain ! Yes really ! And talked forever !

The Club and Activities Director wore an amazing white dress which stood out against her dark, wavy hair and light brown body. Akarumba ! Very elegant.

Another lady wore an amazing red dress which seemed to be like individual leaves that floated and moved independently but harmoniously as she walked.

And of course blondie wore ho hums favourite shimmery lemon dress and looked gorgeous. Love you darling.


Great dinner: outside tonight.

Belgian couple with amazing travel stories. We like them a lot.

Now it seems she and ho hum have very similar musical tastes too ! Remarkable !

But how do you know Jethro Tull, Kate Bush etc.. "Well my father would take me to their concerts and I loved it".

Oh hell, her father !

Detecting the unintended set back and dismay, she adds "i dont think of you as my father" ( which is just as well because ho hum doesnt think of her as his daughter !).

They are a glamorous couple. He reminds ho hum of a young Richard Burton.

The sexiest man who ever lived and a voice that entranced you (check out the audio introduction to Dylan Thomas's "Under Milkwood")

Later Garfield pops up and sits with us.


Early to bed for ho hum. Moved to read the Richard Burton opening narrative:


"It is Spring, moonless night in the small town, starless and bible-black, the

cobblestreets silent and the hunched, courter's-and-rabbits' wood limping

invisible down to the sloeblack, slow, black, crowblack, fishingboat-bobbing

sea. The houses are are blind as moles (though moles see fine tonight in the

snouting, velvet dingles) or blind as Captain Cat there in the muffled middle by

the pump and the town clock, the shops in mourning, the Welfare Hall in widows'

weeds. And all the people of the lulled and dumbfound town are sleeping now."




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Here's hoping Dr. Fopp is keeping you properly educated. Glad to hear you have good professional security on board. US flag ships have some really strange "Rules of Engagement". Sad to see a country losing its way. Your trip sounds wonderful. The light passenger load is a real plus. Our best SeaDream voyage ever had 59 passengers and 98 crew. They certainly kept me in martinis.:eek:


Yes Jim, another odd thing the security guys were saying (and ho hum is not sure he completely comprehended what was being said, so forgive ho hum for errors) BUT they were saying that if an American were killed. The crew of the ship had to preserve the "crime scene",and notify the US authorities !

And if it were tampered with, those that tampered with it could be extradited to the US!

So the US have pulled out their naval,protection from the area, left those remaining un-protected and if an American were killed and the crime scene is not sufficiently protected, crew or crew members could be prosecuted !

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Yes Jim, another odd thing the security guys were saying (and ho hum is not sure he completely comprehended what was being said, so forgive ho hum for errors) BUT they were saying that if an American were killed. The crew of the ship had to preserve the "crime scene",and notify the US authorities !

And if it were tampered with, those that tampered with it could be extradited to the US!

So the US have pulled out their naval,protection from the area, left those remaining un-protected and if an American were killed and the crime scene is not sufficiently protected, crew or crew members could be prosecuted !


Yes, makes perfect sense. At least in the context of stupid that comes out of massive bureaucracies today. You should see the view on our side of the fence. If it works, change it. If it makes sense, get rid of it. I am glad my Captaining days are behind me as we had some actual responsibility/authority once out of sight of land. Clouseau is now considered a brilliant detective. On a brighter note, your reporting is exceptional even for Ho-Hum. I almost felt as if I were eating the excellent offerings and had Richard Burton at the next table.:D

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If you have seen the movie Captain Phillips, you will have seen a fairly accurate depiction of the defenses allowed on an American ship. Water hoses and steel cages that stopped the pirates for, lets see, approximately a minute. The most telling scene for me, and it is supposedly portrayed accurately according to sources I know, is the shot of a plodding lifeboat with 4 barefoot pirates being meekly followed by massive firepower of the US Navy. Ships, planes, thousand or more sailors, Marines, Seals following at a safe distance waiting, and waiting for permission from politicians in order to act. What a telling illustration of impotence. In this case, generally speaking, all finally turned out well (except for the pirates) but the end result, as you stated, is that now even this presence has been removed. Not much loss I guess. Given the choice of the US Fleet or a team of crack armed troops on board, I certainly would prefer the latter. I am sure you will have a safe passage and many more stories to tell. Hope the weather cooperates.

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Well, Ho-Hum, it should now be patently obvious why I make little use of my dual citizenship status, preferring to carry a Canadian passport. The Yanks have gone completely mad!


There is now a move afoot to restrict the sale of e-cigarettes, yet one can buy and carry a fire arm with impunity in many states AND in Georgia, just about anywhere one wants. Gotta protect those gun toting rednecks at all cost!


Sounds like you are in good hands with Ollie and his merry band. Also, sounds like the new cruise director is "a keeper".

Good thing as I think Gareth was overloaded.


Hope your tennis/gout elbow is doing better but do get a

second-opinion once ashore. Love to Madam and the crew. Will

talk soon.


P.S. Will tell you a tale about Joan Collins and yes, Burton

when next we sail.:)








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Well, Ho-Hum, it should now be patently obvious why I make little use of my dual citizenship status, preferring to carry a Canadian passport. The Yanks have gone completely mad!


There is now a move afoot to restrict the sale of e-cigarettes, yet one can buy and carry a fire arm with impunity in many states AND in Georgia, just about anywhere one wants. Gotta protect those gun toting rednecks at all cost!


Sounds like you are in good hands with Ollie and his merry band. Also, sounds like the new cruise director is "a keeper".

Good thing as I think Gareth was overloaded.


Hope your tennis/gout elbow is doing better but do get a

second-opinion once ashore. Love to Madam and the crew. Will

talk soon.


P.S. Will tell you a tale about Joan Collins and yes, Burton

when next we sail.:)


Hi Commander. I have to agree with you about the gone mad bit and I wish I had your duality of passports, for a number of reasons. I do have to respectfully disagree about the guns issue. I have owned firearms since I was 8 years old. I have (so far) never shot anyone though I am fairly certain that a few I have crossed paths with over the years might have earned it. This is the first time in recorded history that crimes are blamed on the tool used rather than on the person committing it. FWIW, in the US, the most used "tool" for murder is the classic "blunt instrument". This could include hammers, rocks, bricks and the very efficient baseball bat. What has this to do with SeaDream?? Well, it proves we are a diverse group willing to discuss anything. As you know, just spend time at the TOY Bar and you might well hear most anything discussed. Oh yes, and even though I was raised and lived lots of years in the South of the US, I am not very redneck-y. Well not too much.:D Moved out West to Cowboy Up.:eek:

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Another fine morning: seas are calm, sun is bright (elbow improving....slowly).

Security drill at 10.30am.

Crew and passengers descend into the Dining-Room (portholes closed) in an orderly manner.

One crew member wears life jacket too ! Which sends a ripple of laughter around the room.

Gentleman who gave the impromptu speech yesterday evening at Captains Welcome arrives (late) in dressing gown to drill. Strange thing to wear. He has obviously enjoyed his food and wine over the many, many years (as has ho hum) and the dressing gown belt is at critical stretch levels: hope he's wearing something underneath ! Eeeewwww (ho hum has nicknamed him "Old Todger" pronounced "toj-jer").


Then we file down into the crew quarters another deck below, where in the event of a pirate attack, the end metal doors would be shut !

The first part of the deck contains two corridors, either side of which are the crew quarters with showers, toilets in the centre.

The drill goes well. Captain Lund has arranged a tiny bar to lighten proceedings: it lifts morale as some could find it a tad daunting.

As we file out and peer into an open cabin door to the crew quarters, a crew invites us to see their cabin: let's just say "very cosy".

Wish ho hum knew he would be invited, would have brought something.


The lecture "The Seas we sail" was given: again very well attended except by moi and Mrs.moi. Both lecturers are charming guys.


Lunch so good yesterday, had it again.

Ho hum wishes people knew how to cut cheese properly !

You cut it into wedges from outside to inside thus achieving the full range of taste of the cheese (not so important with some cheeses but with Stilton, it's de rigeur).


In early afternoon, four crew put on watch for four hour shifts alternating every half hour (24 hours a day).

Some event has caused this: not noticed by passengers except "old big head" (moi).


Guess what distance it is between ship and horizon.........15 miles.

But with sun this visibility is reduced.

Boats used by pirates (skiffs) are tiny.

The sea is calm (no waves): so crew are looking for breaks in water 10 miles away for a four hour period !

Ho hum appreciates the security, crew and Sea Dream for their vigilance and professionalism. Every now and again you hear of amazing stories of crass incompetence at sea. Here it seems duties and responsibilities are taken with the appropriate seriousness. One reason for sailing with Sea Dream. Some of the personnel are very, very experienced, old hands.


Great dinner: outside again (a tad humid if being critical: table positioned by waiting crew so that blondie's hair doesnt blow into her face whilst supping her lobster bisque. Nice consideration but sacrificing a breeze was a price too much for ho hum: his ever expanding body needs constant cooling. At least we adjourned to another table with a breeze for deserts and teas.....aaaaaaaaa).

Belgian couple on Captain's table so this time joined by Dr.Andy for a meal. A super guy: always charming. Any single girls out there ? In his uniform, he is better looking than Tom Cruise in Top Gun. Phoaww ! No wonder blondie always asks him for dinner and wants to look her best without hair flapping in her face ! Never mind ho hum, oh well ho hum.


Again Garfield (desert chef) joins table after service. These "drop by's" are really appreciated. His deserts are divine; grilled pineapple tonight......touch of Demerara caramelised....so simple but so tasty.

We like Garfield a lot. His plate decorations and presentation (and portions) is always of the very highest standard. He still puts in so much skill and effort, night after night, in all kinds of conditions. How does he do that ?

To those that skip desert, ho hum says, skip something else instead. These deserts are heaven: just take a spoonful.


The bespoke Earl Grey to finish and directly to bed.....room cooler now.



And for a certain dear chum who we hope to sail with early next year: attached is a photo of blondie's shoes that accompanied her sparkly lemon outfit.


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For Jim Avery, I have been dutifully admonished for introducing political opinion into this otherwise lighthearted blog. You are right, of course, "guns don't kill ... people do", and I will let it go at that.


Suffice to say, all bets are off when it comes to discussions around the TOY

bar, when sufficiently plied with Veuve Clicquot. We can explore these

issues together then.

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For Jim Avery, I have been dutifully admonished for introducing political opinion into this otherwise lighthearted blog. You are right, of course, "guns don't kill ... people do", and I will let it go at that.


Suffice to say, all bets are off when it comes to discussions around the TOY

bar, when sufficiently plied with Veuve Clicquot. We can explore these

issues together then.


I am sure we would have a grand time as shipmates at the TOY Bar.:D:D

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Another fine morning: seas are calm, sun is bright (elbow improving....slowly).

Security drill at 10.30am.

Crew and passengers descend into the Dining-Room (portholes closed) in an orderly manner.

One crew member wears life jacket too ! Which sends a ripple of laughter around the room.

Gentleman who gave the impromptu speech yesterday evening at Captains Welcome arrives (late) in dressing gown to drill. Strange thing to wear. He has obviously enjoyed his food and wine over the many, many years (as has ho hum) and the dressing gown belt is at critical stretch levels: hope he's wearing something underneath ! Eeeewwww (ho hum has nicknamed him "Old Todger" pronounced "toj-jer").


Then we file down into the crew quarters another deck below, where in the event of a pirate attack, the end metal doors would be shut !

The first part of the deck contains two corridors, either side of which are the crew quarters with showers, toilets in the centre.

The drill goes well. Captain Lund has arranged a tiny bar to lighten proceedings: it lifts morale as some could find it a tad daunting.

As we file out and peer into an open cabin door to the crew quarters, a crew invites us to see their cabin: let's just say "very cosy".

Wish ho hum knew he would be invited, would have brought something.


The lecture "The Seas we sail" was given: again very well attended except by moi and Mrs.moi. Both lecturers are charming guys.


Lunch so good yesterday, had it again.

Ho hum wishes people knew how to cut cheese properly !

You cut it into wedges from outside to inside thus achieving the full range of taste of the cheese (not so important with some cheeses but with Stilton, it's de rigeur).


In early afternoon, four crew put on watch for four hour shifts alternating every half hour (24 hours a day).

Some event has caused this: not noticed by passengers except "old big head" (moi).


Guess what distance it is between ship and horizon.........15 miles.

But with sun this visibility is reduced.

Boats used by pirates (skiffs) are tiny.

The sea is calm (no waves): so crew are looking for breaks in water 10 miles away for a four hour period !

Ho hum appreciates the security, crew and Sea Dream for their vigilance and professionalism. Every now and again you hear of amazing stories of crass incompetence at sea. Here it seems duties and responsibilities are taken with the appropriate seriousness. One reason for sailing with Sea Dream. Some of the personnel are very, very experienced, old hands.


Great dinner: outside again (a tad humid if being critical: table positioned by waiting crew so that blondie's hair doesnt blow into her face whilst supping her lobster bisque. Nice consideration but sacrificing a breeze was a price too much for ho hum: his ever expanding body needs constant cooling. At least we adjourned to another table with a breeze for deserts and teas.....aaaaaaaaa).

Belgian couple on Captain's table so this time joined by Dr.Andy for a meal. A super guy: always charming. Any single girls out there ? In his uniform, he is better looking than Tom Cruise in Top Gun. Phoaww ! No wonder blondie always asks him for dinner and wants to look her best without hair flapping in her face ! Never mind ho hum, oh well ho hum.


Again Garfield (desert chef) joins table after service. These "drop by's" are really appreciated. His deserts are divine; grilled pineapple tonight......touch of Demerara caramelised....so simple but so tasty.

We like Garfield a lot. His plate decorations and presentation (and portions) is always of the very highest standard. He still puts in so much skill and effort, night after night, in all kinds of conditions. How does he do that ?

To those that skip desert, ho hum says, skip something else instead. These deserts are heaven: just take a spoonful.


The bespoke Earl Grey to finish and directly to bed.....room cooler now.



And for a certain dear chum who we hope to sail with early next year: attached is a photo of blondie's shoes that accompanied her sparkly lemon outfit.


Ho hum, I am following your reports with great interest as I am doing a similar cruise with Seabourn this October. Thanks.

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Ho Hum, I am following your reports with great interest! But it must be more than a tad disconcerting having all the security -- though necessary. Just hard to imagine on SD! Glad to know they are taking it so seriously.



Maybe SD could employ the security folks around the pool to keep people from reserving seats!:D

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Again another fine morning: seas are soooo calm, sun is bright (elbow improving..a lot.).


Ho hum doesnt think the programme is being seen clearly, so here are snap shots:

Weather: partly cloudy, 76-89F

Sun: 07.12am-19.21pm


- Kings Day in Netherlands so Bitterballen with mustard dip & Heineken shandy

- Trivia

- Lecture "The impact of the American GI in Britain"

- dumb film (who chooses this rubbish ?)


Another Security briefing: this time for crew.....for 90 minutes !

Though a certain high ranking crew personnel fell asleep (and snored...and was sitting next to El Capitano !).


Ho hum is pounced on by a lovely Spa lady who ho hum has known for ages: only this select lady is allowed to touch this flabby body (usually reflexology to help stimulate feet and reduce gout).

Well we chatted a few days ago on embarkation and we asked how each other was; the usual stuff and ho hum told her about his elbow and how brave he had been (she was impressed by ho hum's stoicism).

Well she had made a hot Thai herb compress. At first it was quite painful but after 10 minutes, it really helped. Going back every day. Love that lady, good Buddhist lady; prayers and offerings every morning for family, friends, crew, passengers and especially ho hum ! (Guess he needs saving the most: give up now darling. Anyway I'd rather be with my Canadian friends and Jim down below when I pop off !).


Nice lunch again; this time with lady who was sooo particular about pro- nun-ci-ashanon first encounter.

What a character and damnably attractive and certainly used to the high life but also disdains money. Any billionaires out there ? She's damn feisty but gorgeous ? Well we had a great time.


Whilst we were "down below" the other day, ho hum spied two Indian engineers (independent of Sea Dream). Ho hum also found out that another four had been onboard which suggests engine .........(the Chief Engineer has been less visible this voyage too. Bumped into him on stairs but he seemed in a hurry. Anyway engines both working, sounding good and much less black smoke noted: maybe that's it).


Wont mention it to Captain tonight (whom we are dining with. Alone. Ho hum is kept segregated from other passengers to avoid embarrassment, social faux pa's, putting foot in it etc..) dont wont to put him on back foot after all the engine furore on SD1 !

Captain Lund brings a relaxed style to a voyage and he is extremely competent at his job too. Maybe, like any master of his profession, he just makes it look so easy. It is'nt of course. Could be quite tough positioned between demands of shoreside management and those pesky passengers and having to command crew (albeit perfect).


Well we have a fun evening with him. Catch up on news; its been ages since we saw him last.

Still havent forgiven him for the "no show" in Trinidad & Tobago when the former Chief Officer (Michael) got hitched. He was only on a nearby island, we flew from the UK and Jeff (former CAD flew from Southern California !).

Well we had a great time.

Partook of a beautiful Chablis premier cru by Guy Laroche and a Bordeaux (Chateau Villegeorge: not an expensive wine but now drinking beautifully). Calvados accompanies Garfield's, French apple tart with vanilla ice cream.....sublime.

Garfield saunters in for, his now, customary, "evenin 'all" visit. Plonks down next to Captain and a fresh round of stories begins.

As surrounding tables empty, lady who we are now getting on so well with is invited by moi to park her "petite derriere" alongside, a chair is grabbed, cushions plumped and ho hum slides the chair back for the lady to be seated (ho hum's old charms now in overdrive).

What a happy few !

Blondie and Garfield stay up chatting about "only things they can speak of" (ho hum's security clearance is not high enough....but will pump her later for the real gossip. She offers ho hum a few morsels but there is still a lot untold.......ho hum reads her an article from her woman's mag saying how important it is for couples to share everything ! The magazine is grabbed from ho hum's hands and is hurled back at him !).


And a very goodnight to you all (but not for those crew out on watch).

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