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.......idle jottings


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So far, we have not sailed AZ though we are booked on one. We have sailed on other ex R-Ships and really like the size and layout. With "only" 680 passengers max, they are miles ahead of most of the rest of the cruise world imho. I have not seen any reference to more passengers, just refit spaces with changes to some of the dining areas. The R-Ships have the buffet aft on the top deck with open air seating aft overlooking the wake. This can be very nice in nice weather but not so much otherwise. It seems to me this outdoor area is to be enclosed and a specialty Pan Asian venue installed. This would be in addition to their other venues. Also, the midships pool deck area which has a grill and bar is being expanded into more of an alfresco dining area. We shall see. I had a call on Wednesday from the Captain of Azamara Journey who was a long time favorite on SeaDream. We are hoping to sail with him again very soon. I thought you might like the interaction with management and staff over there. The way SD used to be but then Larry P was always approachable and forthcoming with us concerning issues. If you do sail on one of the former R-Ships, the aft "Owner's Suites" are the nicest spaces we have seen on ships except Cunard's QM2 Duplex Suites. So many choices.:D

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Hi ho-hum You might remember me you gave me you boot for plantar fasciitis to use on a crossing and it sure helped You were asking if anyone had sailed on Azamara and yes we did about 10 cruises due to the itinerary which SD did not have You cannot compare apples and apples They both are a different product We truly enjoy both cruiselines The food and service on SD is the best although food on AZ is outstanding since Robert van Rijsbergen is now executive chef on AZ ( remember him from SD) We have stayed twice in the owners suite and they are wonderful The normal suite is a little smaller then SD and the shower on SD is the bestNow they are also all inclusive Of course 684 pax compare to 112 on SD is different Even when we sailed with them when they are full you do not have that feeling The crew and other staff is wonderful Sailed a couple of times with the Captain form SD that went to AZ and he has not changed at all Still as visible and outgoing There is always a quiet spot to find in the shade and read and get a drink. The aft deck to eat outside is great or just have a drink If you have any more questions let me know Might see you again on SD

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So far, we have not sailed AZ though we are booked on one. We have sailed on other ex R-Ships and really like the size and layout. With "only" 680 passengers max, they are miles ahead of most of the rest of the cruise world imho. I have not seen any reference to more ......... over there. The way SD used to be but then Larry P was always approachable and forthcoming with us concerning issues. If you do sail on one of the former R-Ships, the aft "Owner's Suites" are the nicest spaces we have seen on ships except Cunard's QM2 Duplex Suites. So many choices.:D


Thanks Jim.

Yes HH was totally wrong about increasing number of passengers.

Apologies to Azamara fans.


Returning to the Azamara thread, HH was very impressed by their approach in gaining feedback, as illustrated in post below;


"To gather valuable insights on Azamara Club Cruises we are announcing a new type of Cruise Critic forum where WE ASK YOU the questions. Experience has taught us that the Cruise Critic community is engaged with our brand and reliably interested in developments regarding our ships, personnel and our future plans. For all these reasons we want YOUR feedback. Our intention is to post a weekly question on AZAMARA ASKS! Please 'subscribe' to this new forum so you'll not miss any question. We thank you in advance for your participation and look forward to your responses."


Cant see SD doing this !

It's more like pee off and dont bother us !


HH checked out the Azamara website.

Very interesting.

Lots of different itineraries, English butlers and oh yes the "Owner's Suites" does look amazing.

And HH is glad to see they approach re-furbishment with greater thoroughness but a tad dubious of a re-fit other than in Poland or Germany.


Opinion seems divided about Azamara's intention to lose outside deck space for their Oriental restaurant. Is there a real wish for Oriental food amongst their (assumed) guest clientele ? Yes once in a while but .......


Oh by the way Jim: are there any threads similar to this one, out there in CC land ? Or should that be "out there in CC sea" ?

Or is this thread a complete aberration ?

Surely there are other odd types out there ?

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An "oriental restaurant", can't believe it!


While Azamara may have retro fit their ships, one thing they don't have is

a plethora of outside deck space .... passengers are cheek to jowel pool side and there is absolutely to shade. When we were last on, they had a

"Reserved" space forward, under an overhang where they charged around

$ 50 per passenger. It could only accommodate around twenty or so, but was they only space where one could escape the mading crowds.


One of the major selling points of Sea Dream is the wonderful outside

deck space .... you never feel crowded and balconies, such a selling

point on other ships, seems totally un-necessary.


Think I'll forego the "buffet line" and stick with Sea Dream, until someone

chimes in with a review of the new Viking ship which is garnering a

lot of press.

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An "oriental restaurant", can't believe it!


While Azamara may have retro fit their ships, one thing they don't have is

a plethora of outside deck space .... passengers are cheek to jowel pool side and there is absolutely to shade. When we were last on, they had a

"Reserved" space forward, under an overhang where they charged around

$ 50 per passenger. It could only accommodate around twenty or so, but was they only space where one could escape the mading crowds.


One of the major selling points of Sea Dream is the wonderful outside

deck space .... you never feel crowded and balconies, such a selling

point on other ships, seems totally un-necessary.


Think I'll forego the "buffet line" and stick with Sea Dream, until someone

chimes in with a review of the new Viking ship which is garnering a

lot of press.


Initial reviews on the Viking ship are not so good. Lots of service issues mentioned. Overall, most seem to like the ship decor and layout. I wonder what we all would have to say if SeaDream announced that they were enclosing the TOYBar and the deck area forward of there to make an extra tariff specialty restaurant?? It could happen.:eek:

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Hi ho-hum You might remember me you gave me you boot for plantar fasciitis to use on a crossing and it sure helped You were asking if anyone had sailed on Azamara and yes we did about 10 .............tain form SD that went to AZ and he has not changed at all Still as visible and outgoing There is always a quiet spot to find in the shade and read and get a drink. The aft deck to eat outside is great or just have a drink If you have any more questions let me know Might see you again on SD


Of course HH remembers the "boot" !

Ooops ! ......and you of course !

HH hopes you are OK these days.

HH has been similarly assisted onboard by fellow guests treating HH's various ailments: HH remembers ctbjr's lady.

This divine lady came onboard with a heating pad (of industrial output: which, when HH switched it on, he would swear he saw the lights dim ! But it worked a marvel).

SD fellow passengers are the best for helping out one another in times of trouble.


And yes Robert !

He, formerly of SD. Yes a great chef. And a nice chap t'boot. Food will be great with him onboard.


And yes the Captain. What a guy. The most chilled man on the planet. And you are right, we saw him onboard SDII in Hong Kong and he had'nt aged one iota.


The normal suite is smaller ! Yikes. Would'nt suit Raggy...no siree.


Yes it would be great to meet up again but don't rely on HH's "boot": he does'nt need it anymore.

Subsequently HH's foot ailment was discovered to be gout and so HH is prescribed drugs to reduce high levels of uric acid but there is still the occasional "flare" for which he takes a heavy "thingy-ma-jig" drug.

"Flares" are few and far between these days though whenever Abenaki posts with his pesky comments, there is usually a "flare".

Nurse Jim is always at hand with advice and there is another chum who views it as karma or punishment for his sins or the results of an indulgent and excessive lifestyle and insists on a dietary regime of exceeding deprivation and of course no alcohol !

Nonsense of course, just cos he only eats beaver and the like from his traps in the wilderness outside his settlement in the wilds of Canadaaaarrrhhhh: this, coupled with his dour Protestant (probably Calvinist: the worst!) conditioning creates the views he "holds dear" and loves to espouse to HH at the "drop of a hat" whether he wants to hear them or not.

Not a thing you can do about it but in all other respects he is a great chum and HH's favourite designated driver.

Good crooner too.


In the spirit of friendship and rapprochement HH would like to salute you two lovely chums.

HH salutes you both.

The photo is off the "gogglebox". Watching the Canadian GP.....but oh what a dreary anthem you have. Britain's anthem is an awful durge, so you are not alone. Which anthem will be played at the end of the race ?



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That sounds like a wonderful itinerary.

We end a SD1 cruise in Venice in Sept and would love your recommendations on Hotels and restaurants.

Thanks in advance!


Sorry for the delay old chap.....affairs of state !


With great pleasure my friend: recommendations, that is.


HH will be on honest with you, we have visited Venice about 6/7 times and only for short breaks so we want to try different restaurants and hotels at wholly different spectrums of standards (though it now tends to be really quite good nowadays).

HH will speak to the boss and get back to you.

Please jog HH's memory if you dont hear anything.

Meanwhile, following on from your request, HH would also love to hear what other seasoned SD guests have discovered, which is worthy of suggesting.

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Off to Verona tomorrow at an un-Godly hour !

Yes before 10am !


Verona ....... bring it on !

So looking forward to your wines and food and will expect great service. Si.


Now HH has a mission...he has never really "got" risotto.

HH is looking for a mushroom risotto with some truffle.

Blondie fell in love with risotto with a touch of Parmiggiano as a young girl: she has a chum who is Italian and her family run a whole "gaggle" of restaurants in London. It was she who introduced this to her at the family's home village whilst on a mini pilgrimage !

It was the most perfect meal for her....so simple but bellissimo !


It's HH's time to discover risotto...oh and there are 4 white wine varietals in this region which he has never tasted.


Great food, as great wine, feeds the soul....HH is a simple man.

OK behave yourself....

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Glad you do not need the "boot" anymore What a pain to carry with you My problem has been gone too due to some wonderful massages in Thailand I agree with Blondie risotto with mushroom and truffle is divine We have a friend in Tuscany that owns a winery and makes the best risotto with mushrooms and taleggio cheese and truffleI am sure you will find it Hi to Blondie and who knows when we will pop again on SDTell then safe travels

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Now HH has a mission...he has never really "got" risotto.

HH is looking for a mushroom risotto with some truffle.

Blondie fell in love with risotto with a touch of Parmiggiano as a young girl: she has a chum who is Italian and her family run a whole "gaggle" of restaurants in London. It was she who introduced this to her at the family's home village whilst on a mini pilgrimage !

It was the most perfect meal for her....so simple but bellissimo !


It's HH's time to discover risotto...oh and there are 4 white wine varietals in this region which he has never tasted.



Come come Mr Hum..."never really "got" risotto"?


In the past I would somewhat agree with you as it does not really suggest "man food". Yet over the years, being very brave and trying a variety of them, I am now hooked. So much so that when a risotto is on the menu, it is a must.


Now it is a regular on "Dad does the weekend cooking menu". On Saturday, it was a smoked haddock, fresh pea and lemon risotto washed down with a tinglingly fresh Gavi.


Enjoy Verona...architecture, culture, food, wine...ahhhhhh.

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Come come Mr Hum..."never really "got" risotto"?


In the past I would somewhat agree with you as it does not really suggest "man food". Yet over the years, being very brave and trying a variety of them, I am now hooked. So much so that when a risotto is on the menu, it is a must.


Now it is a regular on "Dad does the weekend cooking menu". On Saturday, it was a smoked haddock, fresh pea and lemon risotto washed down with a tinglingly fresh Gavi.


Enjoy Verona...architecture, culture, food, wine...ahhhhhh.



Oh wow.....sounds yummy.

HH loves smoked fish....haddock, lovely, so is cod loin: un-usually in-expensive too.

With the peas and lemon risotto..beautifully balanced and a chilled Gavi. Oh boy !


Well HH, a man of his word and steadfast reliability, not to mention honour, had his first risotto of the trip !

And the speciality of the region of Veneto is "risotto raddichio e Amarone" and the recommended wine ? Why Amarone of course.

A mixed pepper, pepper mill delivered a rough dusting of said pepper and a container of grated Parmiggiano stood at hand and was similarly (and carefully) distributed over the red wine soaked rice with a few leaves of the bitter raddichio: belissimo !


Naturally we were eating outside in a side street (after extensive walking) off a large plaza (Bra) where a lovely breeze travelled through. This was a small eatery and did not need reams of plastic coated leaves plus pictures to indicate an extensive range of dishes to less discerning travellers. Yuk !


A complimentary Prosecco was poured: quite delightful even though a tad over floral.

Service was professional and efficient and quite charming. None of this "letta me guess, you are from Australia ! I have a cousin in Australia." and so on and so on.

The meal ended with a sharp lemon sorbet which rendered the palate completely clean...too clean, as the after taste of the strong red wine infused rice was delightful.


Blondie had once created a risotto with crab and sweetcorn.......mmmmmm but that was many decades ago. A chilled soave with that would go down well too.


The hotel is supposed to be the best in Verona......falls well short. You will probably receive this post as Autumn approaches, the wifi is "pants" !

And just look at this stupid bath ! A "Jacuzzi" with ornate golden fittings......no not Hum's style at all.




But to be around structures built before Chris and Mo: well it is staggering. Known round here as "the good old days". Add a tad of controversy to spice things up.


Oh HH found another WIFI network and things simply zipped along...so you Brits will receive this before tea and tiffins time.

And yes HH succumbed to the Jacuzzi: filled in no time but could'nt work the jets.....made the bubbles oneself !!!

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Well, you asked......No, in my humble experience I can find no other Cruise Critic thread that fits "complete aberration" better than you......I mean Idle Jottings......Really


Oh !

You may be right.........it's because of Sundance is'nt it ?

Yep, HH had his suspicions for a while now.

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Initial reviews on the Viking ship are not so good. Lots of service issues mentioned. Overall, most seem to like the ship decor and layout. I wonder what we all would have to say if SeaDream announced that they were enclosing the TOYBar and the deck area forward of there to make an extra tariff specialty restaurant?? It could happen.:eek:


Never (could enclose the TOYB etc..) !

They would have to spend money.....haha

Put a plastic sheet up on poles...maybe...haha


Of course the guy running Viking Cruises used to work at SD.....nice chap.

A guy with too many progressive ideas for SD, that's for sure.

Too many good people let go or given up and left.

Who next ?

And now for blatant "tittle-tattle"......there has been one appointment on Viking, known to HH, which left HH completely shocked !

Sorry cant say anymore but are Viking completely out of their "tiny minds" !

"It'll end in tears" and no mistakin' is HH's opinion....but what does this silly old fert know.


Anyway have you seen the boat !

Not for Hum.

Nice open deck though however manoeuvring between the crew and their oars maybe a tad awkward.


Shore excursions seem interesting:

Day 1: Raping and pillaging

Day 2: Pillaging

Day 3: Raping

Day 4: Axe battle between waiters and kitchen staff

Day 5: Viking feast (provided kitchen staff win axe battle: expect delays if limbs are missing)

Day 6: Pillaging

Day 7: Virgin offering to Odin (please submit number of sexual relations: staff may have to select less experienced guests if no virgins found. EU requirements now open this to both sexes)


But as a fellow cruiser, HH wishes Viking all the very best.

Of course there will be "teething" problems but the reported problems seem they can be fixed and there are more positives to focus on.


Interestingly the one area where there is a significant problem is directly related to the surprise appointment HH commented on earlier !

No, you will have to read the review yourself.


Good luck Viking.

HH is sure all the minor issues will get sorted but there is one.......well, let's keep it at that....

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Never (could enclose the TOYB etc..) !

They would have to spend money.....haha

Put a plastic sheet up on poles...maybe...haha


You really don't think AB is looking for ways to maximize revenues? Assume I received a great job offer from Carnivore Corp. Also assume Carnivore takes over the running of SD at AB's request because they promise him more money. Now myself, having imbibed fully of the Carnivore Corp Kool-Ade for the recent business model of all their cruise lines would not only enclose the TOYBar, at least from the bar back forward, while eliminating that useless seating and dream bed and the "Golf Simulator" in order to make it a very posh (extra tariff of course) dining venue. While I am at it, those Bali Beds take up perfectly good space. My Naval Architects can fit two (at least) Bali Balcony Suites on each side. But wait, there is more! Aft on 4 deck is useless space overlooking the pool, I see a very posh Lido Suite with balcony there. Or at least two Lido Balcony Cabins. Think AB is done yet? Not quite. Remember there used to be a wasted space called the Shop? Well, most folks don't read anymore so put some books in the Entry/Lobby on 3 deck. Move the Piano Bar into the old Library space and create another Admiral's Suite on the starboard side. That brings the passenger load up to 126. A much more reasonable passenger/crew ratio. But wait........what about that little used space called the "GYM"??????? The possibilities are endless. Would AB do such things?:eek::D

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Never (could enclose the TOYB etc..) !

They would have to spend money.....haha

Put a plastic sheet up on poles...maybe...haha


You really don't think AB is looking for ways to maximize revenues? Assume I received a great job offer from Carnivore Corp. Also assume Carnivore takes over the running of SD at AB's request because t"....................ate another Admiral's Suite on the starboard side. That brings the passenger load up to 126. A much more reasonable passenger/crew ratio. But wait........what about that little used space called the "GYM"??????? The possibilities are endless. Would AB do such things?:eek::D



Follow up questions Jim.

Where do they increase the crew accommodation for the additional passengers ?

Whete do passengers eat ? Dining room in two sittings, breakfast, lunch and dinner ?

Would the tender/life boat capacity be sufficient ? If not would another be required ? And if so, where would you accomodate it with lifting and deployment gear ?

Remember crew share: how long before new legislation changes that ?

Ship's realistic life span ?

Is'nt the hull thinning an issue ?

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First, they don't usually increase the crew, just the happy passengers. Then, in the Carnivore plan, the Topside Restaurant and Main Dining Room remain. Just no more "special" outdoor setups. You won't really miss it, we promise. As far as mechanicals, it has already been proven that one engine is plenty. Hull thinning is not usually a real factor. Spot thinning is usually re plated at regular drydocking. It is one of the things those pesky Surveyors check for.:eek: Tender capacity is plenty. Just wait in line a bit. As far as safety gear, the cannister type rafts will do and more of them take up little space. They probably already have overcapacity on them.

Edited by Jim Avery
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First, they don't usually increase the crew, just the happy passengers. Then, in the Carnivore plan, the Topside Restaurant and Main Dining Room remain. Just no more "special" outdoor setups. You won't really miss it, we promise. As far as mechanicals, it has already been proven that one engine is plenty. Hull thinning is not usually a real factor. Spot thinning is usually re plated at regular drydocking. It is one of the things those pesky Surveyors check for.:eek: Tender capacity is plenty. Just wait in line a bit. As far as safety gear, the cannister type rafts will do and more of them take up little space. They probably already have overcapacity on them.


So keep this between us right ?


Now HH is one of the Owners biggest critic and admirer.....you've gotta admire the guy, really you do.


And he has no problem chasing every dime but he loves these ships.........he wouldn't even consider it ! (Would he ?)


Butch maybe you will be asked to visit Oslo, all expenses paid to outline your ideas.

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So keep this between us right ?


Now HH is one of the Owners biggest critic and admirer.....you've gotta admire the guy, really you do.


And he has no problem chasing every dime but he loves these ships.........he wouldn't even consider it ! (Would he ?)


Butch maybe you will be asked to visit Oslo, all expenses paid to outline your ideas.


I am ready! Count me in! Of course, I will need to be flown to the ships regularly for inspection.......in your First Class BA seats of course.

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Came across this article which may be of some use.


- Before traveling to an unfamiliar country, always conduct background checks on each of their citizens


- When visiting museums, beware that many works of art were hung by pickpockets to distract you while they steal your wallet


- Only travel with the chalices you absolutely need, and leave the rest at home


- Never let your hotel room out of your sight


- Bury your valuables deep within your backpack to ensure you hold up every line and immediately identify yourself as a tourist


- Max out your credit cards with expensive purchases so criminals can’t use them


- Be able to tell the difference between a pickpocket and a harmless frotteur


- Only carry around the kinds of fanny packs, cameras, and guidebooks locals would use


- Thieves target high-traffic, tourist-heavy areas, so stick to unrenewed urban zones, back alleys, and abandoned wharfs


- Watch out for scammers by never letting your guard down and just enjoying yourself for even one second


- If you’re ever mugged abroad, assure your assailant that you will immediately go crying to the American embassy

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