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.......idle jottings


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Oh yes Britain is riddled with the "Norovirus" especially at whisky tastings, pubs, wine bars...... must be the sharing of glasses !

When will we ever learn ?

And that "Black Death" !

Oooooh that was a nasty.

And just as we got over that there was "The Plague"

All due to glass sharing (whilst drinking copious amounts of alcohol).

That's probably why you see so many hardened drinkers on the street, drink straight from the bottle (to avoid the use of glasses) or can but even they are not immune, Hum sees them swaying about, shouting loudly in a garbled manner and curiously they are always pointing....what at, is not clear.


Well glad you are "on the mend".

Enjoy the theatre.

Dont wander around at night in SoT.



Just starting to catch up Ho Hum. Loving your reply post. My kind of humour. Love it. BTW. Hail and snow here today!!!

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Just starting to catch up Ho Hum. Loving your reply post. My kind of humour. Love it. BTW. Hail and snow here today!!!


Yes that reply was not so well received, if memory serves Hum right but we are chums now.

Poppy you have a long way to go yet my dahling to reach present Hum.


Hail and snow!


Just as well Hum did'nt plant out bedding plants before going away.

Hum loves "potting up" for the late Spring and Summer displays about the Manor.

Are you the same?

Hum keeps to whites, silver greys..with green foliage.

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Been thinking of you Poppy.

Knew you had your "hands full"!

Didn't want to intrude.

You have quite a bit to catch up on my love........it's been quite a time with us also!

Being on SD is so needed.

Glad there are so few actually, time for much needed rest, time with Blondie (who has been "in the wars") and time with our darling and respected crew chums.

"Oh the larks"! we are having with them and they have the time too.

Food has been fabulous.

We wont talk about the wines!

Frank's in the "dog house" for running out of Chablis.

He has the cheek to blame Hum!

And Hum sent a wine back last night.

Slightly "corked" and at 115 dollars a "pop" and considering how much Hum "glugs" there was no alternative.

Frank fully agreed, mercifully.

Finally they sorted out the "spinning" ceilings!

The Polish contractors up ladders exposing their huge backsides must have nailed them down at the same time they were replacing the fire extinguisher sprinkler heads.

Flashbacks of walking into a pair still haunt Hum.

Please take that break!

5 days only and it's door to door for you and something to "keep you goin'"

If you dont go then consider BEL - LGW for a few nights in "Poshland".

Great food, great wine, great company (much cheaper too but guests have complained of "spinning ceilings" at ours too!!).



Oh Ho Hum that's an offer I find hard to refuse!! Big 50 on 15th May. Nothing planned that I know of. Even though I treated the other one to a big 40th to play Pebble Beach/Big Sur trip as a surprise trip for 3 wks and his big 50th as a surprise down under for 3 weeks too all courtesy of moi !! think my friends might be surprising me as I doubt the other one has anything planned!! Not sure. Will email you if that's ok?

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Oh Ho Hum that's an offer I find hard to refuse!! Big 50 on 15th May. Nothing planned that I know of. Even though I treated the other one to a big 40th to play Pebble Beach/Big Sur trip as a surprise trip for 3 wks and his big 50th as a surprise down under for 3 weeks too all courtesy of moi !! think my friends might be surprising me as I doubt the other one has anything planned!! Not sure. Will email you if that's ok?


You know where to find Hum.

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Seas: Moderate North Swell, 3 - 6 feet

Temperature: 15-20C

Weather: Sun

Sunrise: 07.00

Sunset: 20.12

Next port: Malaga, Spain

Activities: Early Riser's Coffee - Yoga - Walk a Mile - Tai Chi - Lecture: Apps that enhance productivity and entertain - watches go forward an hour - Try your luck with Lori, the Casino Manager! (well really!) - Trivia - Walk a Mile - Movie: The Martian (brilliant film)


Incidents / Events:

- SD1 is in "dry dock" at Lisbon. Polish contractors with hairy backsides a plenty!

- SDII drops off 2 passengers at Funchal, "head honcho", maitre d' and Executive Chef, Sudesh and pick up 11 Belgian travel agents.

- heading from Funchal it is colder....brrrrr!

- Dinners with "head honcho" and Executive Chef, Sudesh (2nd time) but last night we had "bites" in our cabin

- Life falls back into a steady routine: we never made it off ship whilst docked in Funchal! Funchal came to us!


Picture: Crew Show Finale


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Look here chums, you can tell 'ol Hum.

Why are you NOT going on crossings?

There were only 19 "real" passengers (that paid) on SDII.

And a bit better, 40 on SDI.


Just what are the reasons?

1. Lack of diversity (no land)

2. Boredom of doing same thing each day and seeing same faces

3. Worry about Hitting an iceberg or catastrophe mid-Atlantic

4. Worry about the idea of Rough seas

5. Cost of voyage and or excessive single supplement excess

6. Too long and cannot allocate that amount of time off work or away from loved ones (or in Gantt's case, his "pooches"; granted they are adorable and old)

7. Cost of flights (without better value returns)

8. Meeting that pompous, obnoxious, English snob with the funny accent (hard to believe though).

9. Never ever thought about it

10. Never knew about it

11.Blondie dancing on tables every time Lady Gaga is played (well anything actually, she doesnt need an excuse)

12. Worry about getting ill (you or loved one) mid-Atlantic

13. Travel insurance cost

14. Something else...oh pray tell. Hum's all out of ideas.


What is it chums?

Tell yer 'ol Uncle Hum (even if it is the thought of Hum!).

Dont be shy......and dont be so ruddy lazy......it takes no time to sign up though comingn up with a "user name" can take a while.....not for Commander Courageous though ehh? And Jim Avery either. Best if you dont use your real name (like the Commander).

There hasn't been a new chum in months and despite what some of ya may think, Hum loves to "hear" others views: us regulars all would. Honest.


Prizes, prizes, prizes!!!!

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Sorry just getting used to ipad. We have made the crossing 9 times but find the west to east crossing too cold in the second phase. Love being outside as much as possible on SD of course. We are booked with "chums" on the Autumn crossing SD2 where it starts a bit cool but gets warmer each day. Look forward Dear Hum to seeing you on that one. We are attending a wine tasting event this evening in Stockholm hosted by SD where they are presenting upcoming voyages. Should be a fun evening!



Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

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Sorry just getting used to ipad. We have made the crossing 9 times but find the west to east crossing too cold in the second phase. Love being outside as much as possible on SD of course. We are booked with "chums" on the Autumn crossing SD2 where it starts a bit cool but gets warmer each day. Look forward Dear Hum to seeing you on that one. We are attending a wine tasting event this evening in Stockholm hosted by SD where they are presenting upcoming voyages. Should be a fun evening!


Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app


Likewise, look forward to meeting you too again dear Tudorman (and your singing).

Hum can tell you that we are approaching Gibraltar (off Spain) and it is warm: even had to put suncream on.

Have a fantastic evening.

No doubt Ida will be hosting the event.

Say Hum says hi. We met in London a few weeks back for a similar evening. She probably doesn't recognise the name Hum but just tell her the fat bloke with the funny hair, the one who was a bit of a pompous "know all".

Maybe she will remember Blondie better.

By the way, it seems you are not alone in your opinion on the crossing direction.

Already 72 are booked on the November SDII crossing with lots of chums (Aussies, Canadian, Dane, Japanese and Yanks).


Have a nice trip from Athens in early September too.

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Hum, we don't do it purely for the worry of rough seas. For me, it would be the absolutely perfect end of tax season vacation - stress free relaxation. But Trapper Zimmy does sometimes suffer from seasickness, and if that happens what do you do? You're in the middle of the Atlantic and you can hardly get off the ship to get to dry land. It's a deal breaker for us.

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Hum, we don't do it purely for the worry of rough seas. For me, it would be the absolutely perfect end of tax season vacation - stress free relaxation. But Trapper Zimmy does sometimes suffer from seasickness, and if that happens what do you do? You're in the middle of the Atlantic and you can hardly get off the ship to get to dry land. It's a deal breaker for us.


You visit the good Doctor, bend over, and a shot (jab) in the bum makes it all go away for the duration..:eek::D

Edited by Jim Avery
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You visit the good Doctor, bend over, and a shot (jab) in the bum makes it all go away for the duration..:eek::D


Sounds good, Jim, but some people are allergic to that kind of medication. And the allergic reaction can be having your throat close up and needing a shot of adrenaline to breathe. Been there - have the T shirt - never want to be there again. We'll stick with our SD voyages where the only times you cover any distance is the first and last night.

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Sounds good, Jim, but some people are allergic to that kind of medication. And the allergic reaction can be having your throat close up and needing a shot of adrenaline to breathe. Been there - have the T shirt - never want to be there again. We'll stick with our SD voyages where the only times you cover any distance is the first and last night.


Wow! I don't blame you. I have, fortunately, not had such a reaction. Definitely food for thought before taking the shot. As many times people have asked about seasickness on the small ships, again we can attest that motion is usually not an issue on SD. The worst rides I have ever had were on QE2 and QM2. Both rather large ships.:D

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Hum, we don't do it purely for the worry of rough seas. For me, it would be the absolutely perfect end of tax season vacation - stress free relaxation. But Trapper Zimmy does sometimes suffer from seasickness, and if that happens what do you do? You're in the middle of the Atlantic and you can hardly get off the ship to get to dry land. It's a deal breaker for us.


Zimmy darling, the only way you would suffer sea sickness on this crossing would be if you were sick of calm seas!

Trust Hum, it was a pond.

Sorry your reason is rejected and oh we would love to have more time with you both.

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Dearest, you must almost be packing away your sailing costumes to head back to the Manor. Your most generous droppings have brought the greatest of pleasure to your reading public, if I may say so.

And now we are ready to begin a new chapter, Posh Pottering Amongst the Petunias brought to us by Hum, expert Horticulturalist ( or is it Naturist?)


Perhaps while out surveying the estate, you will think to ask the groundsman to have that ghastly blue light changed to something more flattering to your skintone.... You know the years are passing....


Bon fin de voyage to you both

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Dearest, you must almost be packing away your sailing costumes to head back to the Manor. Your most generous droppings have brought the greatest of pleasure to your reading public, if I may say so.

And now we are ready to begin a new chapter, Posh Pottering Amongst the Petunias brought to us by Hum, expert Horticulturalist ( or is it Naturist?)


Perhaps while out surveying the estate, you will think to ask the groundsman to have that ghastly blue light changed to something more flattering to your skintone.... You know the years are passing....


Bon fin de voyage to you both



Dear Abenaki,

We do not employ a groundsman, dear chum and never have.

Hum Manor and the various Estates are not some kind of golf or sport establishment like Augusta that permit the ghastly "lower orders" to wander around in coloured shorts and baseball caps, a "whoopin' and a hollerin'" Donald Trump style.


Our home, does however allow visitors associated with the National Trust to visit the gardens once a year over a three day period though. Places are limited and sold out in advance to just 100 persons from the "A" list to attend comprising of members of the nobility who offer similar daily openings to their Grand Homes that enable them to save significant Inheritance Tax as they pass on their various "piles" to their entitled progeny.

We never allow politicians (and certainly never ones from the "Left") or rock stars (despite Mick's and Keith's reciprocal promise of tickets) and the like.


No Abenaki, there is no groundsman employed.


Mr. Walters, the head gardener, who has been working the estate "man and boy" since he took over from his father in 1971, runs the gardens and co-ordinates the upkeep of the flower garden, the vegetable garden, the orchards, the grazing land for our herd of Highland cattle, the lawns of course, croquet lawn, tennis lawn, bowls lawn, beds around the house, formal beds, the "wild" garden, various ponds and the lake fed by the streams (filled with brown trout. We culled the "bottom feeding"'sturgeon a few years back, they take the ducks you know).


He works in partnership with Masters, the gamekeeper ensuring a stream of income is provided from the peasant shoots for the Arab sheiks that have country mansions around these parts. They pay us "silly money" and allow us use of the top floor suite at The Dorchester whenever they fly back to Mecca-land for the annual stoning of blasphemers and such like.


We decided a few years back not to support the local "Hunt"; the "un-speakable after the un-eatable" as Oscar once penned. No, it was not for any reasons of morality nay we are supportive of Country life and pursuits and it provides employment for the locals. It's Colonel Asquith Biskit-tin we cannot abide with whom we had a bit of a "falling out" when he ran the galloping horses and hounds right through our central rose garden in the courtyard in front of the Manor! Walters was furious! The Colonel understands little of the "finer pursuits" and simply could not understand what the fuss was about.

We still keep the stables, the paddock and the dressage area for daughters of chums whose parents we also charge a small fortune. They also oblige as waitresses for the Season serving "Bolly" and canapés. It gives them great practice for the future when they will have grand houses to run.


Petunias are never allowed around the main house but we do allow them to the workers cottages provided they are adopted around the rear of the property (out of sight by visitors arriving to the main house).


The blue lights work just fine Abenaki, providing a restrained appearance and they illuminate the limestone gravel paths along the line of trees to the lake as if it were bathed in moonlight.

We prefer NOT to illuminate our gardens and buildings in the "nouveau riche" style, like a garish, fairy cake of "skintone" colours as you suggest.

Have no fear for Hum's "visage"; the facial treatment work undertaken in Dr.Reuss's, private clinic just an hour's ride from Zurich airport has rejuvenated all the sags and blotches with the latest of laser treatments and Ancient Mayan plant extracts discovered by explorers from the British Scientific expedition of 1822 and cultivated secretly in a laboratory at Kew Gardens producing enough of the by-products to keep Hum "glowing" for years to come.


Sorry, must go, the housekeeping ladies insist Hum adjourns to the TOYB so that they can pack the trunks for tomorrow's departure. Byeee......

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Remind me what the SD lunch pour of rose is? So tasty.... M?


Dearest popper,

Hum has no knowledge of the "House" wines.

Hum did observe a sketch of a chicken on the label of the screw capped bottle as it passed by.

No, Hum enjoys the "M" de Minuty at $30 a "pop" and the more expensive Domaine Ott ($60?).

It's such a curse having such fine taste you know.

The Commander should consider himself to be so fortunate really!

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Sounds very grand, and yet I seem to remember that you are partial to the common (very common) white geranium at Manor Hum?


Hum has discussed this horticultural matter with you before dear Abenaki and had considered the subject settled.


If it is good enough for the (exclusive) Villa Feltrinelli (on Lake Garda you know, in northern Italy, you know) where they also adopt the even more basic red varietal, then it is good enough for Hummy.


Hum is proudly celebrating his "common touch" as Rudyard Kipling also wrote:


“If you can walk with the crowd and keep your virtue,

or walk with Kings

nor lose the common touch"


You can probably guess which category you have been allotted dear chap.




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