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.......idle jottings


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Dont know why anyone gets excited about PJs ..... Ho Hum being "heavy boned" cannot get into the darn things !


Still, we give them as Xmas presents to the staff at the estate. Yes we are thoughtful like that.

"More champagne sweetie" ?

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Dont know why anyone gets excited about PJs ..... Ho Hum being "heavy boned" cannot get into the darn things !


Still, we give them as Xmas presents to the staff at the estate. Yes we are thoughtful like that.

"More champagne sweetie" ?


shouldn't you be at the Cocktail Party????

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Keep receiving begging emails from friends to join them.......mmmmm sure looks good.

Well what if we did a 5:7 dayer.......Yes it seems to lack soul but its only a week.

Maybe we should look around...bet their Reservation Department isnt the shambles SD is.

Press Release 12.02.2015

Hapag-Lloyd Cruises increases its English-speaking guest numbers sailing on board EUROPA 2 by 230% in 2014


  • In 2014 Hapag-Lloyd Cruises increased the number of international guests on board its fleet by 52%; and on its newest ship EUROPA 2 by 230%


What a boost (from 10 to 33 guests) ! :D


Come on ho-hum - give them a chance ... ;)


Gcmv recieved an information, that on his cruise in June, there will be a Sherry-tasting and culinary-school (by Ricardo Asti and Stefan Metzner -Restaurant "Marais Soir" Munich) around Sherry onboard Europa2 - sounds great!

They will also offer special wine and dine evenings. All events are complimentary included ... :)


The more Sherry you drink, the less you need "ship-soul" ... ;)


HLKF reservation department is outstanding - 10 of 10 (German standard;))

Edited by gcmv
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Well today its another perfect day. Yes there is some cloud but that is a relief actually.


And for a certain passenger, tonight there is a tribute concert to Bob Marley entitled "One Love" !


The mood amongst the Caribbean people is very subdued after the west Indies cricket team lost to Ireland in the Cricket World Cup. Its a bit like the US ice hockey team losing to the Mexican ice hockey team.

Oh the shame !


In case you are interested there is a group onboard from one company based in Michigan. And they are all very charming, polite and maybe a tad too quiet.

We have sought to make their acquaintance individually and we have enjoyed their company.

The company boss gave a little pep talk at the start of the voyage which demonstrates a responsible company that created the group and a responsible ship management for outlining preferred expectations.

Both parties deserve full credit.

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A lady goes to the bar on a cruise ship and orders a Scotch with two drops of water.


As the bartender gives her the drink she says, "I'm on this cruise to celebrate my 80th birthday and it's today.."


The bartender says, "Well, since it's your birthday, I'll buy you a drink. In fact, this one is on me."


As the woman finishes her drink, the woman to her right says, "I would like to buy you a drink, too."


The old woman says, "Thank you. Bartender, I want a Scotch with two drops of water."


"Coming up," says the bartender.


As she finishes that drink, the man to her left says, "I would like to buy you one, too."


The old woman says, "Thank you. Bartender, I want another Scotch with two drops of water."


"Coming right up," the bartender says.


As he gives her the drink, he says, "Ma'am, I'm dying of curiosity, why the Scotch with only two drops of water?"


The old woman replies, "Sonny, when you're my age, you've learned how to hold your liquor. Holding your water, however, is a whole other issue."

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The old woman replies, "Sonny, when you're my age, you've learned how to hold your liquor. Holding your water, however, is a whole other issue."


Dearest ho(ld)-hum,


excellent! You hold the chair for jokes and jottings .... :D

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Same here!! Our friends are already planning their next voyage on Seadream...

They said if there are more people on seadream as nice a HH and Blondie, they would definitely come back.


Sitting at Eden Rock Restaurant enjoying another cocktail....aaaaa, this is the life...

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Ah, I see yet another fellow Cannuck has come under the spell of that fair skinned, smooth talker, bon vivant from 'the posh parts", known here as Mr Ho-Hum.


Ever the intrepid inquisitor, like a lion stalking his prey he brings you into his circle, all the while sizing you

up for membership in his exclusive fraternity. Ah, dear Kathy, you and your DH Danny have fallen like many before you,

but aren't you lucky. In this age of political correctness and ass kissers, isn't it refreshing to have the chance to spend some time with those above the fray ... all the while savoring the pleasures the "good life" affords.


Sounds like your first few days aboard SD are meeting expectations BUT when at Eden Rock I hope you

had the chance to partake of the gazpacho, perhaps the best you'll ever enjoy. Anyway, at least you

are missing the frigid temperatures back home in "the settlements", which don't seem to be abating

any time soon.



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Same here!! Our friends are already planning their next voyage on Seadream...

They said if there are more people on seadream as nice a HH and Blondie, they would definitely come back.


Sitting at Eden Rock Restaurant enjoying another cocktail....aaaaa, this is the life...


Ah, I see yet another fellow Cannuck has come under the spell of that fair skinned, smooth talker, bon vivant from 'the posh parts", known here as Mr Ho-Hum.



Ah, I see yet another fellow Cannuck has come under the spell of that fair skinned, smooth talker, bon vivant from 'the posh parts", known here as Mr Ho-Hum.


Ever the intrepid inquisitor, like a lion stalking his prey he brings you into his circle, all the while sizing you

up for membership in his exclusive fraternity. Ah, dear Kathy, you and your DH Danny have fallen like many before you,

but aren't you lucky. In this age of political correctness and ass kissers, isn't it refreshing to have the chance to spend some time with those above the fray ... all the while savoring the pleasures the "good life" affords.


Sounds like your first few days aboard SD are meeting expectations BUT when at Eden Rock I hope you

had the chance to partake of the gazpacho, perhaps the best you'll ever enjoy. Anyway, at least you

are missing the frigid temperatures back home in "the settlements", which don't seem to be abating

any time soon.



All that this simply proves, are that the people of Montreal are generous, kind and most gracious; pure and simple, whom it has been a great privilege to meet and whose company, ho hum and Blondie, enjoy, tremendously.


Not everyone onboard are as friendly and gracious as the fine citizens of Montreal and outlying, settlements.

The other evening a gang of shrews (who resolutely keep themselves to themselves with exasperated expressions) remarked to blondie at cocktails "is THAT what you call Yacht Casual" (she loves to dress up, you see).

Quite "catty" and totally un-necessary dont you think ?

Blondie behaved perfectly ladylike towards them..........it was enough for ho hum, simply to keep "schtum" !


But we feel amply rewarded when we meet nice people and the majority of SD fellow passengers are really delightful and that is why many guests return, dont you think ?


Oh the friends we have made (and are continuing to make with K&D and their friends).


Now we had better move on to another subject, ho hum can see Raggy "rolling his eyes" and Cabbie is beside himself !!!


Talking of people from Michigan.

The group of people onboard are mostly from Michigan and what a courteous, jolly and nice bunch of people they are too.

They have been rewarded by their company for achieving high performance standards with a trip on SD.

Their boss and his wife are onboard too.

Their behaviour is impeccable and they are delight to chat too.

They are most conscious of integrating with other passengers too.

And its great to see a younger age group too.

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Do you know how many womens clothes shops, jewellery shops and soft furnishing shops in Gustavia there are ?

Too many !

Ho hum simply wanted a French baguette and rough pate.

Bought the bread (and a few cakes for Concierge & Shop ladies) then went to the supermarket to buy the pate. Blondie exclaimed queue far too long !

So lunch without pate......had the onboard cheese instead, even so......

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Do you know how many womens clothes shops, jewellery shops and soft furnishing shops in Gustavia there are ?

Too many !

Ho hum simply wanted a French baguette and rough pate.

Bought the bread (and a few cakes for Concierge & Shop ladies) then went to the supermarket to buy the pate. Blondie exclaimed queue far too long !

So lunch without pate......had the onboard cheese instead, even so......


The shopping there is shocking, simply shocking. You deserve some recognition for your duty above and beyond. I once was taken SHOE shopping there by DW. Of course she plied me with numerous ice cold Caribs at a convenient dockside bar first. Seems to work every time.

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In the spirit of "Idle Jottings" page one, post one, a question for Ho-Hum. Mr. Hum, have you ever sailed on one of the Europe River Cruises?? If so, which one and how did you like it? If not, why not?? I figure if Sundance can ask you about tanks, a river boat question should be simple.

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Not everyone onboard are as friendly and gracious as the fine citizens of Montreal and outlying, settlements.

The other evening a gang of shrews (who resolutely keep themselves to themselves with exasperated expressions) remarked to blondie at cocktails "is THAT what you call Yacht Casual" (she loves to dress up, you see).

Quite "catty" and totally un-necessary dont you think ?

Blondie behaved perfectly ladylike towards them..........it was enough for ho hum, simply to keep "schtum" !



Rude, rude, rude - Blondie always looks marvelous!

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Rude, rude, rude - Blondie always looks marvelous!


Delightful Lady Zimmy, sadly not everyone in the world is as gracious and kind as you and Blondie, more's the pity.

But it just makes us appreciate real friends the more and we count you and Lord Z as real friends.

Hope to see you both before too long.


HH & blondie

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Do you know how many womens clothes shops, jewellery shops and soft furnishing shops in Gustavia there are ?

Too many !


Tell Blondie to wait...I will convince her to buy everything.....


Stop dilly-dallying and bandying words my man.

Get the huskies prepared, snow shoes on leave the wild settlement to join us !

We need to experience St.Bart's lunches and you sir are the ones to show us.

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In the spirit of "Idle Jottings" page one, post one, a question for Ho-Hum. Mr. Hum, have you ever sailed on one of the Europe River Cruises?? If so, which one and how did you like it? If not, why not?? I figure if Sundance can ask you about tanks, a river boat question should be simple.


Jim, ho hum has not partaken of a river cruise just as he has never partaked in line dancing or had a creme de menthe or dressed in women's clothing !

My God sir, there is so much in life ho hum has never done and probably there is a good reason for this but you cunningly ask a supplementary question: why not ?

Because, despite all outward signs, ho hum considers himself a young man !

Yes it is ridiculous but river cruises tends to draw on those of advanced years.

Of course ho hum may be wrong and ho hum would actually love to do it.


We have seriously considered canal barges in France but they are seriously expensive: river cruises less so.

A senior guy from SD and a lady Club Director work for the two best companies and it is tempting way to see Europe; classic Europe.

Seriously they look great.

Are you thinking of doing one Jim ?

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Another beautiful morning moored off Sandy Bay as we are.

Seabourn Spirit just left.

Wonder why ?

Maybe its the swell. The sea is shallow here and the currents strong so there is some unfortunate rolling which the re-positioning is attempting to mitigate.

There are beautiful white sandy beaches and several passengers are i tending to the high end Viceroy hotel for a drink and enjoy their exclusive beach.


Ho hum is having a mild recurrence of the old gout but the hand is healing well. One of the waiters suggested ho hum run a comb over it to encourage blood flow.

It works ! Bruising down dramatically. Thankyou Ponce (from Puerto Rico: a great guy).

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Another beautiful morning moored off Sandy Bay as we are.

Seabourn Spirit just left.

Wonder why ?

Maybe its the swell. The sea is shallow here and the currents strong so there is some unfortunate rolling which the re-positioning is attempting to mitigate.

There are beautiful white sandy beaches and several passengers are i tending to the high end Viceroy hotel for a drink and enjoy their exclusive beach.


Ho hum is having a mild recurrence of the old gout but the hand is healing well. One of the waiters suggested ho hum run a comb over it to encourage blood flow.

It works ! Bruising down dramatically. Thankyou Ponce (from Puerto Rico: a great guy).


Ho-Hum, do you take Colchicine for the gout? Works wonders. I get mine from Canada. Perhaps Commander can send you some for Christmas.

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Jim, ho hum has not partaken of a river cruise just as he has never partaked in line dancing or had a creme de menthe or dressed in women's clothing !

My God sir, there is so much in life ho hum has never done and probably there is a good reason for this but you cunningly ask a supplementary question: why not ?

Because, despite all outward signs, ho hum considers himself a young man !

Yes it is ridiculous but river cruises tends to draw on those of advanced years.

Of course ho hum may be wrong and ho hum would actually love to do it.


We have seriously considered canal barges in France but they are seriously expensive: river cruises less so.

A senior guy from SD and a lady Club Director work for the two best companies and it is tempting way to see Europe; classic Europe.

Seriously they look great.

Are you thinking of doing one Jim ?


I am with you on the line dancing, have tried Creme de Menthe and don't like it, not sure about the women's clothes. It was a bit fuzzy out that night but yes, a river cruise in Europe is "on the list". I don't think the oldie rule exists there any more than on cruises as we have several youngish friends that have really enjoyed them. Several of the lines are moving more upscale with all inclusive plans and emphasis on dining. I have traveled the Rhine Valley years ago as a backpacking University student and would love to revisit that part of the world without the sleeping in parks part. Just wondered if you had participated in such nearby pursuits. It is dependent on airfares and, lately, they are out of line. In order to have a human sized piece of space on a tin tube, they charge more than 8 days all inclusive on a cruise. Makes no sense other than they can get away with piracy these days. A rant for another day.

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We from the settlement are having a blast!! Haha!...we have been following HH and Blondie around the Yacht because they seem to know the best places to sit!..it's worked out so far...


But I must confess...HH does not look like Mick at all....more like a Bee Gee brother. Again just teasing HH..haha!

And just to even the score where Blondies attire is involved both Mary and I totally approve! And we look forward to see the next stunning dress she wears...

It's all good!

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We from the settlement are having a blast!! Haha!...we have been following HH and Blondie around the Yacht because they seem to know the best places to sit!..it's worked out so far...


But I must confess...HH does not look like Mick at all....more like a Bee Gee brother. Again just teasing HH..haha!

And just to even the score where Blondies attire is involved both Mary and I totally approve! And we look forward to see the next stunning dress she wears...

It's all good!


Bee Gees.......Yes, that would work for Mr. Hum. I bet he used to "bust a move" to them back in the day.:eek:

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