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Is anyone booking with CozumelCruiseExcursions dot net?


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Has anyone recently booked or taken a tour with http://cozumelcruiseexcursions.net/ ? We want to confirm that they're still in business and providing tours.


We filled out the online reservation for a jeep tour and paid the deposit. We got the auto-reply which said we were booked and they would follow-up with a personal email confirmation. We're at 1 week until we get to Cozumel and we haven't heard anything. I've emailed and called without any success. We're starting to get a little nervous. Just want to confirm that we're good to go. :confused:


Please let me know if anyone has had any contact.



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There are good reviews from the past couple of days on trip advisor about them. They must still be in business. There are 2 cozumelcruiseexcursions. One is dot net and one is dot com. This review is#58 of 221 of things to do in Cozumel. I would assume this is the correct review, because if you go to their website link from trip advisor it goes to the dot net one. Although, I have noticed that some people with similar excursions review under the wrong heading.


Hope things work out for you!

Edited by Rondo
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I exchanged messages with someone who posted a good review on TripAdvisor. The only issue they had was that the email response from CozumelCruiseExcurions got sent to their SPAM folder (I checked and I don't have one there). They said they had a great time on their tour. The guides were fantastic.


So this seems like a localized problem for me and that the company is legit and doing a good job for people. The only next step I can think of is calling the local number in Mexico. Might be an expensive call, though.


I'll post again when I have more info.

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Today I was able to talk to the person who directs the Jeep tours and he confirmed we were scheduled. He didn't know why we didn't get our email but said he would follow-up with the guy who does the scheduling. Sure enough, we got our confirmation and E-receipt so everything is looking good now.


I'll post a review when we get back.

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We took the jeep tour a few days ago, booked through the same website. I would definitely recommend the tour itself, our guide Juan was fantastic. The website and communication are terrible though.


We booked about 5 weeks ahead of time. Got an instant reply and had a paypal receipt for the deposit but didn't get any personalized receipt until just a couple days before we left. It had us worried too because they did not reply to email after email and we were pretty sure we had been scammed.


We wanted a tour where we would NOT have to drive. We had talked to John ahead of time and were told our guide would drive, no worries.


We were told our driver would pick us up at our hotel lobby (we were there on a land vacaction) at 9 am. At 9 we were in the lobby waiting...and after about 5 or 10 minutes we had to call Frank, who was the one we were told we'd be meeting. That quick phone call cost $3. Frank told us they were waiting for us at the shopping mall next to the hotel, which was not where we were told to be. We had to quickly walk over there because they said they couldn't pick us up at the hotel lobby as we were instructed by John.


I also realized that our instructions said our balance due was $110 for 2 people and that we had paid a $28 deposit. But we had paid a $38 deposit and our balance should have been $100. Luckily I had the receipt for my paypal deposit with me and showed it to them so we only paid the $100 balance.


We got there to be told that we had to drive. Something about a dispute between the taxi union on and tour companies and that tour guides are not allowed to drive...this upset me very much because we had specifically been told by John that we didn't have to drive. If we wanted to drive we would have just rented a jeep on our own.


After quite a bit of arguing, they called John who got on the phone with me. He told me that this all changed just recently and there was some lawsuit pending so it was a big mess, and that if we wanted to, we could just drive until we got out of the busier area and then our guide would take over and drive, but that if a taxi driver wanted to cause a stink about it, they could stop the tour or something...it was very complicated.


After much hesitation, my husband got in to drive, and the seat wouldn't move back far enough for him to work the clutch. They apparently rent the jeeps when they have tours, and they are very beat up. After he fought with the jeep and couldn't get things situated to drive, the guide just said he'd drive and take the risk.


Now, none of this was the fault of the tour company. The booking company was the one who gave us the instructions and told us the wrong time, the wrong balance and the wrong information regarding driving. So I want to be clear that our issues were with the mentioned website, not the tour itself.


Juan, our driver and guide for the day was absolutely fantastic. Our first stop was to pick up snorkel equipment at a bar on the west side called Asur or Azul or something like that. Once we chatted for a few minutes and he realized we have some snorkel experience, he said he wanted to take us to a different spot so we backed up a bit to the Money Bar and snorkeled there. It was amazing snorkeling and the first time we had actually had a guide in the water with us snorkeling that gave us pieces of information and pointed things out that we maybe wouldn't have noticed otherwise.


After that stop we headed to Punta Sur and saw the lagoon with the crocs and walked to the top of the observation tower, then headed to the lighthouse. We walked to the top of the lighthouse as well and the views were stunning!


There we met a local little Coatimundi (also called Coati or Pizote). He was wild, but so used to people there that he was quite comfortable asking for food and taking it very gently when given to him. He was adorable!


We ordered nachos at the restaurant there (which were amazing!) and sampled some tequila. Then we headed out to the next stop which was lunch at a bar on the east side called Andule. There we had fajitas, which were by far the best I've ever had. Hands down!


Across the road from Andule is a nice stretch of beach and we asked if we could have some time there. Juan was fine with it, since we didn't have to rush back to a ship and didn't have a schedule to keep. We spent about 20 minutes in the water, which was crystal clear and gorgeous.


Then we headed into the town of San Miguel and stopped at the tequila tour. By this point we were actually past closing time, but Juan found someone there and they opened it back up for us. The tour itself was nothing exciting, just a brief history of tequila making, but it's not an actual factory. (there isn't one on the island). Then we were able to sample some tequila and made a few purchases.


Then he drove us around town for a little bit. We discussed the idea of renting a house there for our next visit and he drove us by some of the houses for rent so we could see where they are and what they look like. After that we headed back to our hotel


Our 5 hour jeep tour actually ended up being about 7 or 7.5 hours so we tipped Juan very well. He was wonderful!


So to make a long story short, the tour itself is fantastic. The website and booking process are horrible. We booked 2 other tours through the same company and had issues with all 3. I couldn't find any other way to book the custom jeep tour except through the mentioned website though.

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Thanks for your review. I will probably go ahead and book with them because we want the private tour, but I will be prepared for any problems with booking/meeting place. No problems with driving-that is what my husband is looking forward to! :D

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We just got back from our cruise. We took the Cozumel Cruise Excursions dot net (CCE) jeep tour on the 25th. Our experience was nearly the same as valentinebaby1 (great review!). Same communications issues and it took a phone call to Frank to get the promised personal email confirmation.


Our goal was also a tour where we did not have to drive. They explained the issue with the taxi company so I drove us out of town and for the first couple stops. Then our guide did the rest of the driving. It was an older jeep with manual transmission but it drove fine. We were lucky because it had a top so the sunburn was minimal for us!


Our email gave directions to the meeting spot and we had no issues finding it. Frank and the other guides were there and we met up with several other folks doing the same jeep tour. Frank told us how would each have a guide and explained the route:

  • Snorkeling,
  • Punta Sur,
  • East-side of the island,
  • Lunch at Andale's,
  • Tequila tour

This was disappointing to us because the website describes this as a "Custom" jeep tour. Our expectation was that they would ask us where we wanted to go and then plan it out. We wanted to see San Gervasio first, skip the Tequila, and make snorkeling an optional last stop (didn't want to do it first because then we would be riding in the jeep in wet bathing suits!).


After a discussion with Frank, they agreed to take us to San Gervasio but we would do the Tequila tour first (since this stop wasn't optional, we're thinking there must be an arrangement). The tour was interesting and after we passed on buying the $55 bottles of tequila, I drove on to the ruins.


When we pulled in to San Gervasio, there were 6 full-size tour buses already parked. This was a let-down because our goal was to hit the ruins before the cruise ship tours got there. But the tequila tour messed up that plan. CCE paid the entry fee to the site and we paid the $4/pp historical society fee. They had told us about this extra fee earlier so it wasn't a surprise. We weren't able to hire a guide because all the guides were booked already (our CCE tour guide waited in the jeep). There were some big groups of people but the park is pretty large so we were able to lose the crowds.


After the ruins we went to the eastern shore and then a stop at Andale's for fajita's and a walk on the beach. The food was tasty and we had a nice lunch. The beach is really beautiful and not crowded.


Next we headed down to Punta Sur and climbed the lighthouse. The view from the top is stunning so this was worth the climb. We then stopped at the lagoon and saw a couple crocodiles. One was stalking a crane and we thought we would experience a National Geographic moment. But the crane saw the whole thing coming and flew away. We enjoyed this stop pretty well.


After Punta Sur we talked about snorkeling but decided to skip it since it was getting late and we had booked a snorkeling tour at our next cruise stop in Grand Cayman. We were dropped off at the starting point after about a 5.5 hour tour.


All in all, we would give this a 3.5 - 4.0 stars. The communications issues were not a good start to the process. We were also disappointed with the "fixed" tour but they were able to customize it for us so that worked out (but included the obligatory Tequila and Andale's stops). Having to drive was also not what we planned but that worked out also once we got out of town.


The other let-down for us was our tour guide. It so happened that this was his first tour. He was very nice and took good care of us. But we wished we had gotten someone who would have explained more about the island and the history as we drove on the tour. Most guides give you the running commentary. Ours would would answer all our questions but then it was silence until we asked another question. I'm sure he'll get better as he does more because he's really a great guy.


Sorry for the long post but I hope this is helpful information.

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Thanks for the update! I'm glad we are aware of certain problems that could arise. But, this is the tour that looks most appealing to us, so we will make the best of it.


Seems like most of these types of tours have their negatives. :( We've had wonderful tours while others had complaints. We've had complaints when others have had wonderful tours. C'est la vie!

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I booked custom jeep tour in March for an April cruise. Same problems I am reading here...got automated email and charge was paid by PayPal but no personalized confirmation or e-receipt as stated.

Have sent emails to inquire (both directly and thru the website with no response.

Have called on two different days to all numbers available and get an automated message to leave voice mail..no call backs received.

This tour is one of the most recommended online but business is not usually done this way?

I am concerned our one day in Cozumel will be wasted if there is no response from them before our trip. I have no way to be sure they even received the reservation information.

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I booked custom jeep tour in March for an April cruise. Same problems I am reading here...got automated email and charge was paid by PayPal but no personalized confirmation or e-receipt as stated.

Have sent emails to inquire (both directly and thru the website with no response.

Have called on two different days to all numbers available and get an automated message to leave voice mail..no call backs received.

This tour is one of the most recommended online but business is not usually done this way?

I am concerned our one day in Cozumel will be wasted if there is no response from them before our trip. I have no way to be sure they even received the reservation information.


I wish I had an answer for you...John Adams was the person we were working with, but he is not very consistent with communication. He mentioned that his wife is ill, so between that and the fact that internet service in Cozumel seems to be pretty inconsistent, that could play into the delays.


The tour is legit, the communication is poor. As mentioned earlier, be prepared to drive (manual transmission).


If you need other recommendations of things to do in Coz, let me know. After spending a week there, we took several different tours and things on our own. Just be aware that if you made a deposit with this company, you probably won't receive a refund regardless of what they say. We booked 2 tours through cozumel snorkel dot net and this jeep tour through cozumel cruise excursions dot net and all 3 deposits were handled by the same paypal account. John Adams insists that they are not directly related to cozumel snorkel dot net only that they assist with paypal deposits but one of the snorkel tours we booked was canceled on us last minute and we still have not received our deposit back despite being told twice that they were sending it. I tried to dispute the transaction via paypal and was told because it wasn't for a tangible item they don't get involved in "service" disputes. So my next step is to try to dispute through the credit card company as fraud I guess? It was $10 total so I'm not sure I want to hassle with it.

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I booked custom jeep tour in March for an April cruise. Same problems I am reading here...got automated email and charge was paid by PayPal but no personalized confirmation or e-receipt as stated.

Have sent emails to inquire (both directly and thru the website with no response.

Have called on two different days to all numbers available and get an automated message to leave voice mail..no call backs received.

This tour is one of the most recommended online but business is not usually done this way?

I am concerned our one day in Cozumel will be wasted if there is no response from them before our trip. I have no way to be sure they even received the reservation information.


I finally got through to Frank by calling his direct number. It's +52 1 987 876-9318 (be sure to add the "1" that was not on the auto-reply email). He said he would get in touch with John. Shortly after that is when I received my e-receipt and additional info email. Note that this is a non-US cell phone so additional charges may apply. HTH

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I wanted to clarify some things that I realized I had mixed up on my review above...we booked 2 tours through cozumel snorkel dot net and the custom jeep tour through cozumel cruise excursions dot net. All 3 paypal deposits went to the same paypal address so believe there is some connection between the 2 websites/companies but John Adams with cozumel cruise excursions said they only assist cozumel snorkel with their paypal payments and that otherwise they are completely separate.


I went back through my emails and realized that we did receive a confirmation for the jeep tour about a week after booking. It was the other 2 booked through cozumel snorkel that I didn't receive (one was never received, one was received only days before we left).


The tour itself was fantastic, other than the driving issue and being told the wrong location for pick up. Once all that was squared away the day was wonderful.


Since returning, John Adams assisted me in getting a refund on the deposit paid for one of the cozumel snorkel tours booked (the one I didn't receive a confirmation on because it was canceled last minute). He assisted because he handles the paypal payments for cozumel snorkel, but still insists that the companies are completely separate.


Would I book with either company again? cozumel cruise excursions I might consider it, if there was no other option for the same type of tour (and I did not find anything else like the custom jeep tour). I would not book through cozumel snorkel dot net.




I just checked my email after posting this and had an email from cozumel cruise excursions dot net waiting for me from earlier this morning. They emailed to apologize again for the mixups we had and said that they were taking my advice and disassociating themselves with cozumel snorkel dot net. They said they had their office broken into a few months ago and computers were stolen and the owner's wife has been ill so the last few months have been rocky but they now have some additional help to fill in and they are getting back on track. After talking to them yesterday and today it seems they are really making an effort to fix the issues that we experienced.

Edited by valentinebaby1
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I was just going to post a thread about this and so glad there is one already.


There are 2 companies with the name Cozumel Cruise Excursions one is dot net the other dot com.


I sent $20 via paypal through the dot net website several days ago.. no email confirmation.... NOTHING for days now.

Paypal business name Cozumel Cruise Excursions

Email Info@cozumelcruiseexcursions.net and CozumelCruiseExcursions@gmail.com

neither have responded to my emails regarding questions about the snorkel tour


The phone numbers listed are either disconnected ( one in PA the other in FL goes to voice mail but no calls back)

I sent a complaint email by mistake to CozumelCruiseExcursions DOT COM

and they have informed me the following:


We have received so many emails such as yours and read many negative comments online by clients who have understandably mistaken our company for this new site. This other start up site is a disgrace and sadly we have no legal recourse or we would sue them and get them off the internet so they can stop ripping people off. I am very sorry but you did not book through our company. I can tell you that you are not the first to contact our company with a similar complaint.


So I am not sure why people are getting responses by booking a jeep tour but not a snorkel tour.


I have started a dispute via paypal and once I am in Coz beginning of May for 5 days I will stop in the office and get this refund if I have to.


Thanks for posting Frank's number because this John is responsible for the tours booked and refunds as his name was on the paypal account too.

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I sincerely believe that cozumel snorkel dot net and dot com are the same company...why?


In an email I have from cozumel snorkel dot net, Mike C's signature was this:


Mike C.

cozumesnorkel at gmail dot com

cozumel snorkel dot com


Of course I had to adjust it above but it was clearly given as dot com.


I had read a review I believe on trip adviser that someone was scammed by the dot com website. I asked Mike why he put dot com in his signature when he is supposedly the dot net website and he claims it was just a typo.


I believe they are the same. Why would a company typo on their own company website name? Seems fishy to me...


Now as for cozumel cruise excursions dot net, John Adams claims that they were assisting cozumel snorkel with their paypal deposits, only by allowing cozumel snorkel dot net to use their reservation system but that otherwise they are not connected in any way. John also claims that he made the decision to stop accepting deposits for cozumel snorkel because of the bad reputation they were creating for themselves and he wanted to disassociate himself from that. But it sounds like he's still taking payments for cozumel snorkel. But it's only been a week since he told me that so it might take some time to update the websites or to get Mike with cozumel snorkel to cooperate.


I would avoid using cozumel snorkel dot net and dot com. I would probably avoid using cozumel cruise excursions dot net also, but at least John made an attempt to make things right with us and he refunded the deposit we paid for cozumel snorkel. The tour we booked with John was great in the end so that all worked out.

Edited by valentinebaby1
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I just checked my email after posting this and had an email from cozumel cruise excursions dot net waiting for me from earlier this morning. They emailed to apologize again for the mixups we had and said that they were taking my advice and disassociating themselves with cozumel snorkel dot net. They said they had their office broken into a few months ago and computers were stolen and the owner's wife has been ill so the last few months have been rocky but they now have some additional help to fill in and they are getting back on track. After talking to them yesterday and today it seems they are really making an effort to fix the issues that we experienced.


Can you tell me what email address was that ? and you talked to them? what phone #?

thank you

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Can you tell me what email address was that ? and you talked to them? what phone #?

thank you


By "talking" I meant our email conversation. I was never able to successfully reach them by phone. But the email address cozumelcruiseexcursions at gmail dot com.



and I just realized you were talking about cozumel cruise excursions websites and I was confusing that with cozumel snorkel's websites... sorry about that. But I DON'T have any reason to think that cozumel cruise excursions dot com and dot net are one in the same... It was cozumel snorkel dot com and dot net that I believe are the same. The whole mess with both companies has been a frustrating and confusing thing...since we booked 3 separate tours (2 with cozumel snorkel dot net and one with cozumel cruise excursions dot net) and all 3 went to the same paypal address. So I keep getting them mixed up!

Edited by valentinebaby1
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Interesting email I just received today since my posting on his FB page. John claims he is not the tour company that I reserved with. Cozumel-tours.net but that he handles their reservations ( well he didn't handle mine very well since he didn't confirm or send me a receipt, only paypal did)


He says that he is helping out this other tour company , that is ridiculous... he asked me politely to remove the FB post which I did but I have posted everywhere else about the tour company and will see if he sees those posts too.


On TripAdvisor there are several complaints also.

If you look at threads where Destination Experts reply they will tell you that about 5-6x a week someone posts the same glorified review about John's company. They are fake since a lot of these people only have 1 review and when you look at their history of postings they don't seem to have inquired or asked for help in their planning


Time will tell if there is any resolution, apparently the Cozumel-tour.net I booked with isn't physically in Coz and only books for other tour companies.. anyways.. the plot thickens..

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This is his first reply,

Thank you for contacting us, and could you please let us know when you are coming so that we may check if we have availability. We could certainly pick you up from the resort dock or the Money Bar.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.




Mike C.


Cozumel Snorkel @Gmail.com


http://www.Cozumel Snorkel .net


This is his reply... so yea... his signature is for both Cozumel Snorkel dot net and dot com


Thank you so much for inquiring, but we do not have availability

You can contact John directly at cozumelcruiseexcursions@gmail.com

They have really great trip advisor reviews and are very reliable.


They even help us manage our reservations, but we are creating our own because they no longer are helping out with this because they said they had problems with other tour operators, and have been getting a bad name because of other tour operators like cozumel-tours.net because they never respond to their customers on time.


Beware of tour operators who do not own and operate their own snorkel tours, because they tend to use anyone, so you do not know who you are really booking with.


These places include cozumeltours.com cozumel-tours.com cozumeltours.net cozumel-tours.net and are all owned by the same people.


Thanks I hope you have a great time during your stay in Cozumel




Mike C.


Cozumel Snorkel @Gmail.com


http://www.Cozumel Snorkel .net

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This is his first reply,

Thank you for contacting us, and could you please let us know when you are coming so that we may check if we have availability. We could certainly pick you up from the resort dock or the Money Bar.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.




Mike C.


Cozumel Snorkel @Gmail.com


www.Cozumel Snorkel .net


This is his reply... so yea... his signature is for both Cozumel Snorkel dot net and dot com


Thank you so much for inquiring, but we do not have availability

You can contact John directly at cozumelcruiseexcursions@gmail.com

They have really great trip advisor reviews and are very reliable.


They even help us manage our reservations, but we are creating our own because they no longer are helping out with this because they said they had problems with other tour operators, and have been getting a bad name because of other tour operators like cozumel-tours.net because they never respond to their customers on time.


Beware of tour operators who do not own and operate their own snorkel tours, because they tend to use anyone, so you do not know who you are really booking with.


These places include cozumeltours.com cozumel-tours.com cozumeltours.net cozumel-tours.net and are all owned by the same people.


Thanks I hope you have a great time during your stay in Cozumel




Mike C.


Cozumel Snorkel @Gmail.com


www.Cozumel Snorkel .net



That's pretty funny actually, because John with cozumel cruise excursions dot net claims HE quit working with Mike because Mike was giving him a bad rep.


I would avoid all of them.


Go directly to the Money Bar on your own, rent snorkel gear and snorkel from the shore. Snorkeling there was some of the best we did all week, and since we had our own equipment it was free.


If you want to see some more of the island or the East side specifically, take the Bar Hop Tour. They were very quick to reply/confirm and everything was perfectly smooth with them. Perfect day!


I've posted several comments on cozumel snorkel dot net's web page and they keep getting removed and now they've blocked me. Mike is very quick to remove comments, but can't reply to his emails...


I'm pretty sure all of the positive posts on all of those websites and trip adviser etc are fake.


Good luck to anyone who chooses to book with them!

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