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Has anyone been "kicked out" of their dining table?

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We had a situation where someone actually went into the dining room prior to the first night's dinner and moved the table numbers so that his party had a window table. .


The numbers should've been moved back for you after that first nights meal.




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We had a somewhat similar situation on our honeymoon. Princess tried to put all the honeymooner together, not taking into account the language that each couple spoke. The first night at dinner was a disaster, as the other 2 couples both spoke fluent Spanish and broken English. The next night we went to dinner, a third couple was sitting at our table. The maitre'd pulled us aside and explained that this other young couple spoke Spanish, so he felt it best to put them with the other spanish-speaking couples. I had seen our tablemates talking to this other couple during the day, so I wonder who really initiated the move, them or the maitre'd.


Hubby and I got bumped to a table of 4 - the other couple - easily in their 70's. We were annoyed, but on a certain level it did make sense - it was hard to enjoy dinner when the tablemates don't speak the same language. We would have enjoyed sitting with a younger couple, but as it turned out the older gentlemen had a career in the military and hubby was absolutely fascinated talking to him every night.

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Some of the words being used here; humiliated, mortified, enraged, are a little over the top. .


You got to be kidding. I would have felt the same way. Being 10 min late for dinner gave the maitre d more than enough time to have a table ready for these people.

It could have been a very simple reason, maybe these people requested a table for 6. It was just not handled in the right way.

What more do you want that alot of you keep saying there has to be more to this story, maybe this couple ate like pigs(not saying you did), but who cares. Thats not the point he is trying to make, the point is RCCL didn't handle it the right way, and I agree.

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I would have been mortified! :eek: I've heard of others asking for tablemates to be removed, but that was when the tablemates were rude or obnoxious. This does not seem to apply to your situation. As a seasoned cruiser, you are probably well aware of the changes in seating that take place in the first couple of nights of the cruise. Again, this does not seem to apply in your case.


I did a group cruise a few years back and two of our party ended up seated at a table for 10 with people they didn't know while we had a table for 8 with only 6 seats taken. It was easily arranged to have the couple moved to our table. The couple explained to their original tablemates and everything worked out just fine.

If in fact your tablemates asked for you to be removed without even discussing a change with you first, that was totally out of line. The Maitre D should never have gone along with this. From reading your posts, it sounds like you ended up at a much better table with much better people. Sorry you had to go through all this to get there.

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Wow - did RCCL really make a mess. There are so many options or alternatives that their actions are just incredulous - what were they thinking? They clearly need some sensitivity and business training.


I do agree with others that you might consider it a positive that it happened on the first night and you didn't have to endure those socially-challenged tablemates any longer than absolutely necessary. You likely would have determined their MO and style (or lack thereof) in another day. Imagine a week with them! Hey - time to move on; forget about it! Time to plan your next cruise!

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I would love to be sitting in the area of some of these posters who basically are telling the OP to get over it or it was no big deal when the same thing happens to them. I'll bet at that point they'll sing a different tune.

Agree! They have every right to feel the way they did. I can imagine the OP really wanted to cry in front of a bunch of strangers:rolleyes: Regardless if they caused the other tablemates trouble or not, things were not handled in a diplomatic fashion. If these couples told the waiter their request the night before, then why could they not find the OP a table sooner? Regardless of how many people are in the dining rooms, I'm sure it would have taked a few mere mintues to make a new arrangement for two.


I might not have been so nice in the OP situation. Others might not either if they had to wear her shoes.;) :)

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I agree that RCCL handled it very poorly. My wife and I had one really bad experience a few years back, in the Main Dining Room, First Floor - Middle, first night out, where an assigned tablemate and his wife made quite a loud scene, clearly stating that he did not like my profession and just could not sit with me. He and his wife summarily left the table with lots of looks and hushed discussion. We said nothing, and, I figure that in about 30 seconds - the incident was forgotten.


There was no way that I was going to obsess about the event or allow it to consume me. I was not going to beat it to death. It was a vacation. I planned on having a good time and did. We enjoyed ourselves. I didn't care what anybody else thought. And, no one said anything. We got other table mates and had a grand time for the next nine nights.

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What happened to the OP should never happen to anyone. I would have been mortified, too. I think the classless tablemates should have been keelhauled!


On one of our cruises we were seated the first night with 4 other couples, including a nice, quiet French Canadian couple on their first cruise, and a husband and wife who were loud, rude, and obnoxious (possibly as a result of their constant state of inebriation - we saw them at the bars, the concierge lounge, all week, always drunk), and I'm afraid I don't remember much about the other 2. None of us knew each other prior to the cruise, and we were all close in age. The two couple mentioned above had cabins on deck 10, along with us. The first night the loud, drunk couple, make it very obvious that they were anti-Semitic. They didn't know we're Jewish, and I'm not sure they would have kept their mouths closed if they had known. We were shocked, upset and uncomfortable, so we found the maitre d' the next day and asked to be moved to a different table. We tracked down the French Canadian couple and explained why we had moved, so they wouldn't think it had anything to do with them. We were seated with a family of 4 (mom, dad, their 2 year old, and mom's parents). Mom and dad were physicians living in Kentucky, originally from Poland, and spoke only Polish to their son. The grandparents spoke almost no English, but we still had a good time with them. Back to table #1. The French Canadian couple told us that the next night the loud couple came to the table drunk, made a scene, spilled food all over the place. And the other 2 couples left the table that night. By the end of the week, they were sitting there by themselves. Sure wish we had thought of kicking them out so the other 8 of us could have gotten to know each other better!

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What happened to the OP should never happen to anyone. I would have been mortified, too. I think the classless tablemates should have been keelhauled!


On one of our cruises we were seated the first night with 4 other couples, including a nice, quiet French Canadian couple on their first cruise, and a husband and wife who were loud, rude, and obnoxious (possibly as a result of their constant state of inebriation - we saw them at the bars, the concierge lounge, all week, always drunk), and I'm afraid I don't remember much about the other 2. None of us knew each other prior to the cruise, and we were all close in age. The two couple mentioned above had cabins on deck 10, along with us. The first night the loud, drunk couple, make it very obvious that they were anti-Semitic. They didn't know we're Jewish, and I'm not sure they would have kept their mouths closed if they had known. We were shocked, upset and uncomfortable, so we found the maitre d' the next day and asked to be moved to a different table. We tracked down the French Canadian couple and explained why we had moved, so they wouldn't think it had anything to do with them. We were seated with a family of 4 (mom, dad, their 2 year old, and mom's parents). Mom and dad were physicians living in Kentucky, originally from Poland, and spoke only Polish to their son. The grandparents spoke almost no English, but we still had a good time with them. Back to table #1. The French Canadian couple told us that the next night the loud couple came to the table drunk, made a scene, spilled food all over the place. And the other 2 couples left the table that night, leaving the French Canadian to fend for themselves with these 2. By the end of the week, they were sitting there by themselves. Sure wish we had thought of kicking them out so the other 8 of us could have gotten to know each other better!

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Soooo Sorry to hear that such a thing could happen to someone! No way should anyone be singled out like that in front of an entire dining room. We would have been very upset and the cruise would have been ruined for us.


This is why we usually cruise on Princess. The dining situation is totally up to you...what time you eat, who you eat with and weather you even want to sit with anyone at your table. Personal Choice dining is the way to go and meet lots of new people while dining, only if you want.

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I would love to be sitting in the area of some of these posters who basically are telling the OP to get over it or it was no big deal when the same thing happens to them. I'll bet at that point they'll sing a different tune.


You know I just read through several pages of posts about this. In the four pages I read there was one post, by Oceana that stated they perhaps reacted badly (the OP) and two that wondered, including Phoenixcruiser (not picking on people but pointing out that I read the posts) if there was another side to the story, as there often is. No one called the OP a liar and no one told them to "get over it" and certainly not the large numbers your repeatedly berating posts have made it out to be.


Should this have happened? No and no one thinks this was "deserved" in any way. Did RCI bungle it? Yes, it is obvious they did. Can people state that there may be more to the story? Well of course there is more to it. Obviously something happened that made the people want to remove the OP. I doubt it had anything to do with the OP and could have merely been something along the lines of they are vegetarians and the OP had on leather shoes. Who knows why people come up with silly reasons to exclude others? I think it's ridiculous but it happens all the time.


The posterst telling their story are relating their situations and how they handled it to make the OP feel like they are not alone that gaffs happen and that it is not the end of the world. What would you have people do? MArch with flaming torches to RCI's headquarters and demand reparation? Sharing a painfilled experience and telling someone how you went on is bonding. It can also be healing.



I think that people are trying to say that they hope that this incident of stupidity and blindness did not ruin the OPs vacation. Not that there is something wrong with the OP or anything the OP said.


I do think people need white knights sometimes and it is nice that you are offering yourself but except for a very few remarks, which could be interpreted a lot of ways and not as cuts to the OP, I am not sure a knight is needed here. I know that sounds curt but I am starting to feel like I am a naughty 8 year old who needs a lecture on decency and I am fairly confident that is not the case.

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I agree that RCCL handled it very poorly. My wife and I had one really bad experience a few years back, in the Main Dining Room, First Floor - Middle, first night out, where an assigned tablemate and his wife made quite a loud scene, clearly stating that he did not like my profession and just could not sit with me. He and his wife summarily left the table with lots of looks and hushed discussion.


I can't help but ask........what exactly do you do........are you a pimp??? ;) :D :eek: Totally kidding......but what could be so bad? If that is too personal.....please disregard.......I just can not imagine people being so shallow......I know many are.......but have no idea how they live with themselves.

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I just think there is a more optimistic way of looking at this. Is there a chance the 6 asked what could be done to get different tablemates and were told by the dining staff that it would be easier to move 2 than to move 6? Sure, it could have been handled with more grace and tact, but please, this doesn't really seem to be that big a deal. Again, I will say I feel sorry for the way you feel, I don't believe any one deserves things like this, but I believe very much, that some people have thicker skins than others.

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We too had a similar experience on Splendor. We arrived the first night at our table ( for 6 ) and 6 people there already seated. We asked the waiter if we were at the correct table and when he checked the other's sea pass cards, one of the other guests explained that they wanted their friends to seat with them so they had them changed to their table (our seats)! I told the waiter to take me to the Head waiter and requested that she reassign us to a table of our choice which she did. We were seated with 8 other people that had been re assignred for various reasons and we had the time of our lives with excellent company. I did not take no for an ansewr when I asked for the new table. I would not have dreamed of kicking the NEW people out of our seats and looking at sour pusses the rest of the 14 day cruise! Rccl has always been very accomadating when we have had a problem if we were reasonable in our requests.

I agree that if you had asked for a complimentary bottle of wine or one meal at Chops.

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I do feel for what happened.

And agree more should have been done either at the time or before the next meal.

Our first cruisemy wife and I were seated with a Rabi and his wife. At first we thought what.. But they were the best. We only saw each other at dinner but we had great conversation.

On our second cruise we sat with a middle age couple, a younger couple and a senior couple. The funny thing was the the senior couple had only been married recently. But everyday we all had stories to tell one another.

Our third cruise we were at a table for 8 but only had 6. One couple from Chicago and the other from Texas. Again good conversation.

4th cruise------We ate two nights in the Main Dining room and after that we ended up enjoying our dinner in the Windjammer for the rest of the cruise. Why? The procedures that forced me to have cold Prime Rib when our table mates ate hot food. When the waiter was serving our table mates their desserts and I asked to see the dessert menu, the waiter said but sir you have not had your main course yet....You can not have dessert before your main course. BUT WE all sat down and ordered at the same time. The difference was my wife was talking and playing with her soup. So thus our waiter figured not to serve our main course as my wife still had soup in front of her. Once he stated that fact, her soup was in front of me with my napkin in the bowl. He got the drift.

I guess if I would have shown up and they had removed me from a table, then Knowing me as I do...I would have walked over to the Captain's table and sat down and then if someone would have said something ,,,,I would have asked WHY was my table gone?

Just my two cents..

Arvids & Laura:cool:

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(beachchick here)


PhoenixCruiser: Regardless of the reason or anything else, it should have been handled before dinner. Period. Also, we are justified in asking to be moved if we don't like our table mates; we are not justified in insisting that others be moved.




I disagree. If I was at a large table with friends, etc., and another couple that was not part of my group was seated with us that we found offensive, I would ask first that we six be given a table by ourselves. Perhaps this is what happened and the ship handled the situation by moving the OP and her husband as it was easier. I would absolutely no obligation to explain my request to the other guests. This is not my job. I am on vacation and I want to enjoy my dinner each evening, period.


I also agree that to cry and to feel "humiliated" is a little extreme, but we are all different in that regard. I would not have stood in the middle of the dining room for ten minutes. I would gone immediately back to the entrance and waited for an explanation and resolution by the head waiter. How we react to situations often determines the outcome, IME.


In my 104 cruises, I have on about eight occasions asked to be moved from my original table assignment. I was polite and respectful in my requests, but also quite firm. There was never an instance on any line where I was not accomodated promtly and satisfactorily. And I never felt a need to explain anything to the strangers at my original table.

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What happened to the OP should never happen to anyone. I would have been mortified, too. I think the classless tablemates should have been keelhauled!


I agree! But the primary responsibility for this horrible situation is with the dining staff. If I were the OP, I'd never sail with RCI again because this was handled so poorly. I'd also engage in a letter-writing campaign to be certain that the powers-that-be are aware of the situation.

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on our last cruise on the mariner hubby an i asked for a table for 2 (we booked almost 2 years early hoping to get it) No biggie we did not but instead were seated at a table for 12:eek: we definetly did not want that but decided to just go with the flow well we must have been a table of oopsies because everyone at our table had ben assigned other tables requests etc.. we had a great time and really enjoyed them but we did have 2 problems on the first night there was a horrid family mother father 2 kids that were so snobby first they informed us that they were not happy with the seating assignment they wanted a table with other families (got it understand we were all shafted we can relate) but then when an older couple with teh genttleman in a people mover came to teh table she said very loudly "you have got to be kidding me can this might get any worse" and then her son got up proceeded to move to another seat away fom the couple and literally snub anyone who spoke to him ...fast forward 10 minutes of horrid snotty conversaion till the photo comes around she puts her hand on his camera shoves it away and says "you got to be kidding I am not getting mypicture taken my luggage has not arrived" everyone else kinda looked at each other and we all thought the same thing " i bet there is a reason" I mean if she was acting like this to us and teh staff no telling how she acted to teh porters etc at the dock!!! HA! needless to say they did not return the next night.. then on the 3rd night we had a wonderful couple join our table that had been moved 2 x yes 2 x they said they booked last minute and they understood they were shuffling them to get a table but wow I was surprised!!!! needless to say we had a great cruise enjoyed teh large table despite teh fact that we really wnated alone time and made the best of it but i really had my eyes opened to table assignments

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Wow, the restraint many of you have shown in the past in the face of horrible treatment by incredibly rude boors is admirable.


If someone snottily told me that not only had they taken over my table that they'd also drank my wine, I believe that person would receive another glass of my cabernet - in his lap!


And the lady shoving the camera away from her - don't know how I could have sat there and said nothing.


You guys are awesome!

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You know I just read through several pages of posts about this. In the four pages I read there was one post, by Oceana that stated they perhaps reacted badly (the OP) and two that wondered, including Phoenixcruiser (not picking on people but pointing out that I read the posts) if there was another side to the story, as there often is. No one called the OP a liar and no one told them to "get over it" and certainly not the large numbers your repeatedly berating posts have made it out to be.


Should this have happened? No and no one thinks this was "deserved" in any way. Did RCI bungle it? Yes, it is obvious they did. Can people state that there may be more to the story? Well of course there is more to it. Obviously something happened that made the people want to remove the OP. I doubt it had anything to do with the OP and could have merely been something along the lines of they are vegetarians and the OP had on leather shoes. Who knows why people come up with silly reasons to exclude others? I think it's ridiculous but it happens all the time.


The posterst telling their story are relating their situations and how they handled it to make the OP feel like they are not alone that gaffs happen and that it is not the end of the world. What would you have people do? MArch with flaming torches to RCI's headquarters and demand reparation? Sharing a painfilled experience and telling someone how you went on is bonding. It can also be healing.



I think that people are trying to say that they hope that this incident of stupidity and blindness did not ruin the OPs vacation. Not that there is something wrong with the OP or anything the OP said.


I do think people need white knights sometimes and it is nice that you are offering yourself but except for a very few remarks, which could be interpreted a lot of ways and not as cuts to the OP, I am not sure a knight is needed here. I know that sounds curt but I am starting to feel like I am a naughty 8 year old who needs a lecture on decency and I am fairly confident that is not the case.


Well said. With all due respect to the OP, I must disagree with her statement that "there's really no other side to the story." Folks, there are always, always two sides to every story. We'll likely never know the perspective of the other couples or even the maitre D', and who knows, maybe their version would clear up what was just a misunderstanding, etc. Or maybe they would confirm our suspicions that they are insensitive jerks! The fact that people state that there is another side to the story DOES NOT MEAN that they believe the OP is lying or is guilty of some unnamed offense. It simply means we are only hearing the story from one perspective when it's quite clear that there are more people involved in the incident than the OP.


Point is, "No matter how flat the pancake is, it's always got two sides!"

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I would like to thank the OP and others for sharing their stories. I want to hear the good and bad about cruising so I am better informed. It's a shame that vacations are not a gettaway from rude and cowardly bullies.


To the OP, please update us on RCI's response to your letter. The wait staff really dropped the ball by not informing you of the change well in advance of dinner.

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