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Our Super Last Minute "Breeze"y Adventure - 6 Days in the Western Caribbean Review


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I don't post much but I read on here almost daily. I still need to finish up my Valor review – and I will – just so I have it all documented, but first I’m going to share about my most recent adventure….a cruise with my 11 year old son, Anthony! I actually have all of the narrative written so just need to copy/paste here and include some pics and it’ll be done. So there’s actually a chance I’ll finish this one semi quickicon_smile.gif Maybe. Usually I take well over 2,000 pics on a cruise...this time..less than 500...guess I actually relaxed! Also in regards to the narrative - I wrote everything as if I was talking to family/friends who haven't cruised (or if they have not much) and don't know about cruise critic etc. So if there's a little too much "duh" info on here...that's why.


How Did This Happen?

The first week of June my in-laws went on a cruise. They booked it last minute and though I had contemplated tagging along, it was the last week of school and I didn’t think Anthony should miss it…although it probably would’ve been fine. I love to cruise and I was jealous as heck when they pulled out of our driveway (even though I have a cruise booked in the fall) lol. Inside I was screaming I wanna gooooooooooooooo! (Or maybe I actually yelled that out loud…anyways…) So the cruise bug bit me (again). I'm a newborn photographer and my assistant had told me she was going to be out of town June 27-July 6th and I can’t photograph newborns without her so I thought..hmm… maybe that would be a good time for me to take vacation too. So while the in-laws were gone I started browsing Carnival’s website…”just for fun.” I found a few cruises that would work for us the week of June 28th. I mentioned it to hubby and he jokingly said something along the lines of, “I don’t wanna go – go without me.” Ok! Well I didn’t really want to go without him and I could never possibly go without any other adults so when the in-laws got home I said, “Hey…I found a cruise the last week of June….leaving 3 weeks from today..I know it’s crazy but you know you wanna go!” (They’re always trying to get me to let them take Anthony alone but I always tell them we’re a package deal and I have to go too). I thought for sure they’d want to.


The cruise I was looking at was on the Carnival Sunshine out of Port Canaveral (Orlando) so we could drive (10 hours). I hate driving more than 2 hours at a time but if the in-laws went we could rotate drivers. So for a day or two they said they’d think about it. Then a few things came up and they said no it wasn’t going to work for them. But I really wanna gooooooooooooooooooo. So I kept looking and watching the prices and then just for the heck of it I looked at airfare. It was sky high. Boo. Then I had a thought and checked Spirit. I’ll talk more about it later but basically there was an affordable option for us to fly to Ft Lauderdale! I combined the cost of the airfare with the cost of the cruise and realized it was about the same price as the cruise fare by itself out of Port Canaveral and that didn’t include what it would cost to drive. Hmm…. could I really go on a cruise with just Anthony and no other adults? So I hemmed and hawed for days and bugged Brian about it and he finally said just do it.


Carnival was having a promo on their gift cards where if you bought a gift card for $200 or more you got an additional gift card for free for 10% of the price of the card. For example if you bought a $200 gift card you got an additional $20 gift card for free. So once I got the approval from hubby I bought enough gift cards to cover the cost of the cruise and then I booked our cruise using them (on the last day of the promo). I got a nice gift card for free to use towards gratuities and I have no idea how but I got some free on board credit on my account too. My carnival.com account now said “13 days to cruising.” OMG I did it! We’re really going! I had buyers remorse for a couple of days afterwards. I felt guilty for spending the money and then I started getting a little nervous about cruising for the first time with just my 11 year old…..but the nerves and regret turned into excitement fairly quickly!


Geez 13 Days Is A Long Time to Wait…

Actually 13 days is not much time at all!! I had a TON of work to do including photographing 5 newborn sessions and a couple others (that's a lot). Usually I spend tons of time researching when I go on a cruise – where to eat, where to stay, how to get there, what to do etc. A few things we had to just figure out when we got there which was tough for me being a planner but it worked out fine! Thankfully one of my favorite past times is to read cruise reviews online….doesn’t matter the ship or the ports they go to I just enjoy reading them (I go along on a virtual cruise every night!). So figuring out what to do in each port wasn’t very hard because I had read for years what other people have done on their cruises.


So after working my tail off for days (18+ hour work days), Friday, June 27th finally arrived and I turned the out of office on! We spent the day running errands….shopped for a few clothes to take with us, picked up toiletries etc and of course we had to go to the bank. At the bank I got cash out to take on the trip but also I got $40 worth of ones and $50 worth of 5s. That made it so easy during the week to have money for tips wherever we went! Hubby met us at the bank and I had him sign a letter giving me permission to take Anthony out of the country without him especially since we were travelling to Mexico (the Carnival website says you need it). So we got that notarized and threw it in the “important folder.” We never did end up needing it but for the few minutes it took to have it signed/notarized it made me feel much better knowing I had it with me.


That night we went to dinner with my parents and sis and 2 of her kids (her hubby and my nephew were out of town) and then we did a little more shopping at Kohls next door. Headed home around 8 and then the real fun began. I had to pack… and then I had to check us in online for the flight as well as get all our documentation filled out for Carnival. So it was a late night…I didn’t go to bed until 1am. Well I don’t know about you but when I have to be up early for a flight I never sleep very well. I wake up every 15 min …”Am I late? Did I oversleep? Is it time to get up yet?” Blech! No fun! But a small price to pay for going on vacation!!


Love these 3 – Anthony and his cousins Lillian & Violet


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It’s Go Time!


After tossing and turning for a whopping 3 hours, I got up a little before 4am, showered and finished packing a few things and then it was time to get Anthony up. Unfortunately I found out Brian had had to go to work during the night (sometime after I went to bed) so he was super tired but at least he could nap later!


We got the car packed and left for Myrtle Beach around 4:45am. We borrowed one of my parent’s cars the night before since the AC works better and the gas mileage is way better!


The trip down was uneventful…Anthony played on his iPad and we chatted for awhile…Brian listened to his radio…. I played on my phone. We were getting excited for our trip.


When we got to the Myrtle Beach airport I was surprised to see it’s a new terminal. I hadn’t flown in/out of Myrtle Beach in probably 10+ years. I found out it was about a year old and it was way nicer! I started getting a little bit nervous – this was really happening. I’m really taking Anthony by myself on vacation! We went to the Spirit counter. I had checked us in the night before online and printed our boarding passes but we had to get checked in with our luggage…our bags were under weight (yay). I like how they checked the bags for weight…..we put both suitcases on the scale and as long as the total was 80lbs or less we were fine. Good thing too cuz my bag was over 40lbs (Anthony’s was like 29 pounds lol). It all worked out. I was also glad I had prepaid for our luggage. It was cheaper and then it was all taken care of for travel day. Usually I forget about the luggage fee and get to the airport and am like…aww crap I have to pay $25-30.


So we said our goodbyes to Brian, had him take a pic of us to mark the start of our adventure and then headed for security – quick and easy and we didn’t even have to take our shoes off! Did the usual when we got to the gate…..bought People magazine (I always read it on take off and landing….lol) got a couple drinks, a quick potty break for each of us and before long it was time to board.





This was our first time flying Spirit and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I had heard in the past “don’t book Spirit…they’re terrible” and other less than nice things. But based on our experience I think as long as you do your research ahead of time and have the right expectations, you can save a lot of money! For those that aren’t familiar, here’s the scoop: when you buy your ticket you are paying for your seat only. The seats do not recline and there is just a tad less leg room than on other airlines (unless you choose to pay for a row with extra leg room). If you want to choose which seat you get, you also pay a fee for that. Drinks/snacks are an additional fee but for us, we typically buy them in the airport anyways and they were comparable to the airports (overpriced is still overpriced lol). Finally, you have to pay for your bags, but there are many different options. If you pay for your bags when you book your ticket, you pay less. If you wait until you check in, it costs more and if you wait until you get to the airport, well it’s really expensive (i.e $100 a bag!) So again back to expectations and research. I planned for us to each have one checked bag which cost $30 each because I paid for it when I booked our tickets. We each carried one “personal item” which was free. A small backpack is considered a personal item. I used my Canon camera backpack which is a pretty decent size and I carried plenty in it. You just need to be able to fit it under the seat in front of you. So all that to say, other airlines charge you $25 or $30 for your checked bag as well…so as long as you don’t go crazy with your carryons …you’re paying about the same. We didn’t pick out our seats and we were still sat together so that saved money and we brought our own drinks on. When all was said and done I paid about $500 for both of us round trip including luggage, taxes and fees. The cheapest I could find flights on the same dates on other airlines was about $600 PER PERSON plus luggage. So I think we did alright! Truly if we hadn’t been able to get such a good rate on Spirit we wouldn’t have taken the trip at all.


Ok moving on…. So we boarded and were pleasantly surprised that the plane was actually pretty new (or appeared to be)…the seats were comfy and while there was less leg room than on other planes I’ve been on, it was still plenty for us. The flight was easy peasy and Anthony loved take off and then looking out the window on our descent into Ft Lauderdale.









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Fort Lauderdale


I’ve never been to Ft Lauderdale airport but it was relatively easy to find the baggage claim and get our luggage (woo hoo we’ll have clothes this week!) I wasn’t 100% sure what we were going to do about transportation to our hotel. I had considered doing a 1 way car rental but parking at the hotel would’ve cost $20-$35 for the night so that seemed kinda silly. I had read ahead of time about “Go Airport Shuttle Service” or there was the option of a private car. We walked outside and saw the line for “Go Airport Shuttle” and we had perfect timing….2 vans pulled up right then and they had a spot for Anthony & I on the one that was going to downtown Miami (where our hotel was). Perfect. It was $23 per person. Cabs were like $85 and private cars would’ve been about the same or more than a cab. One thing I had read about the shared transportation is that sometimes it takes awhile to get to your destination because they have to make multiple stops at different hotels. Well we got lucky and our hotel was the first stop! Sweet! I think we were in the van less than 30 minutes? Anyways..I paid them and walked into our hotel – The Hyatt Regency- Downtown. I had gotten it on Priceline for $80 for the night. I had called the hotel from the airport and knew that we could check in early for no additional fee.

We went upstairs and got settled in to our hotel room and cooled off a bit.


The room was nice enough although the hotel itself was a little on the older side. We had 2 queen beds and a view of the pool. Here’s a few pics:






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Welcome to Miami, Bienvenido a Miami

(I always think of the Will Smith song lol)


We made a few phone calls home and then made a plan for the day. We were tired and hungry (and hot) but excited to be there…sooo the first thing we did was head to the Metromover. There was a stop adjacent to our hotel. It’s a free mass transit automated people mover train system in Miami, with stops at 20 stations. Trains come every few minutes so it was an easy and fun way to get around. Anthony loved it – which made me love it! The train we were in was pretty empty so I think that made it more fun than if there was wall to wall people lol.






We got off at the stop closest to Bayside Marketplace. We walked around there for a little bit but mostly we were excited to see if we could see any cruise ships. We saw a couple Carnival Funnels but they were pretty far away and through some trees. I thought it would be a better view but still fun to catch a peek!





I had no idea what to do for lunch. We were both really hungry and since I no longer eat grains/sugar it makes it a little harder to find places to eat. I knew that Hard Rock Café would have burgers and salads so that’s where we went. Unfortunately my friend Manny who lives in Miami posted on my facebook about 10 minutes after we sat down at Hard Rock with his recommendations for where to eat cuz I’m sure they would’ve been better lol.


We had to wait a little bit to get seated but that was fine…. The restaurant itself was kind of a disappointment. I’ve only been to a few Hard Rocks but they’re usually pretty big/impressive. This one was kind of boring and small/cramped. Also the AC either wasn’t working very well or there were just so many people it couldn’t keep up…or it’s just hot everywhere in Miami in the summer even in the AC? Not sure but it was uncomfortable hot. Combine that with being tired and hungry and then having poor service…. boo….wish we had gone somewhere else. The food was pretty good though and we both perked up some after that.





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A few silly pics from lunch

I have to share this series of pics….. Anthony has just recently gotten an Instagram account and after he found out from his friend’s older sister that, “it’s not cool to post more than like once a day” he’s very selective in what he posts. But I told him it was probably ok to post a few extras since he was on vacation and we wouldn’t have service for about 5 days anyways. So he wanted to use my phone to take a selfie (my camera is better) and then I would text it to him to post on his account. So here’s his first attempt:



I said the “selfie” camera looks too grainy….let me take a couple for you instead. Here’s mine…






He said he didn’t like them because his eyes were open too much?!? So this is what he posted….



Oh the fun with a “tween” lol. He purposely shut his eyes part way and then took the shot lol


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More of Miami


We walked around a little bit but again it was so hot and we were tired so we decided to head back to the hotel…but not before we rode the Metromover – the entire route lol. Anthony wanted to ride the whole thing and it had AC and was an easy/quick way to see downtown so that’s what we did. I had also researched where a drug store was so we could get snacks/drinks for the ship so we got off at the stop that was just before our hotel and walked to the CVS. Anthony got some drinks to carryon to the ship (they were small cans and fit in his carryon – I didn’t want to deal with it so I skipped it). We got some snacks as well and then walked back to our hotel. Here’s a few more pics from our afternoon:













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A few more Miami pics








This is where it gets kinda boring but it was oh sooo wonderful. We got back to the hotel around 3/3:30ish…..we stayed in the room the rest of the night. We watched tv….I painted my toes…downloaded some books to my Kindle and just relaxed.




We ordered room service and it was soooo yummy and pretty darn affordable – that’s rare for hotels (I think). Anthony had a kids spaghetti and salad and it was a really good size portion. I got a Cobb Salad – it was made with organic ingredients and cage free eggs – heck yea! I think it was $25 for all of it including a tip. We went to bed early since we got up so early. We wanted to be well rested for The Breeze!



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Yay! It’s finally here! Cruise day!! I’d say we had waited months or years for this day but nope….13 days lol. I have never booked a cruise so close to sail date but it was nice to not have to wait to go!


I got up first and got showered…Anthony was still passed out!





I woke Anthony up and then while he showered I packed and I also had to iron a bunch of Anthony’s clothes – they looked terrible and I had forgotten some wrinkle remover spray. I never iron so that took a little while lol. We just had some snacks in the room for breakfast because we knew we would have lunch once we boarded. We left our room around 10:30am and went outside and asked the valet for a cab. One pulled right up and loaded our luggage and off we went to the cruise port. The fare was $15 I think for both of us. This was Anthony’s first cab ride!




We were so excited to catch our first glimpse of the ship(s) in port! The ride over was less than 10 minutes. I let Anthony take a few pics on our way!






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It's so big!


We got out of the cab and found a porter to drop our luggage off with and then we went to the terminal to get checked in.







We of course had to go through security and then upstairs to check in/get our sail and sign cards and boarding zone numbers etc. We didn’t have to wait more than about 3 minutes in line before an agent was available. I thought we got there fairly early but the room was pretty much full already. We got boarding zone 5.







We sat down and just waited for our turn to board the ship. We played on our phones…texted hubby etc…posted a few pics online and before we knew it was time to board.

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Time to Board


They started boarding around 11:40am (Wedding Parties, Platinum/Diamond and VIFP guests). Our Zone 5 was called at noon. Here's all the people waiting at that point.






We headed up the escalators, got our embarkation photo taken, our sail and signs “dinged” and then it was time to board!! The moment of anticipation right before you board is incredible! I couldn’t wait to see the ship and I really couldn’t wait to see what Anthony would think. The only other cruise Anthony has been on was on the Fantasy which is the oldest ship in the fleet and now he was boarding the newest!









And just like that we were on board the Breeze!!





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Now what?


They said cabins would be ready at 12:30pm. and when we actually boarded the ship it was 12:20ish….so we headed to our cabin to see if it was ready and it was. Well, first I had to take a quick pic of the atrium! Oh and we went out on one of the outside decks quick!








In order to keep the cost of the cruise down since it was so last minute…I booked us an “inside guarantee.” That means that we were guaranteed an inside cabin and Carnival got to pick where it was located on the ship. (It was $200+ more to pick it myself…no thanks). We were on Deck 9 – cabin #9329. I had seen in other pictures of inside cabins that there were the 2 twin beds and a couch. Not the case. We walked in and I almost fell over…it was so tiny. We obviously made do and were happy to just be on the ship but I was a little disappointed and thought we would have had a bit more room. It was the smallest cabin I’ve ever had and I’ve been in other insides. Oh well. Again…we were fortunate to be on the ship so really can’t complain. We looked around the cabin a bit (didn’t take long lol) and looked at the Fun Times for the day and decided that we would head to lunch and then explore the ship.



We walked up the one flight of stairs to Lido Deck ….being right underneath the Lido Deck was awesome and sucky depending on the day/time….more on that later!




It was awesome to run up there quick to grab food or a deck chair! We had to go to Guy’s Burgers first because I had heard such great things.

They really were good burgers…. I just got a patty (or two) and ate it with a salad and some fruit… no bun for me, but it was still yummy. Also no fries for me but Anthony enjoyed his and he doesn’t like fries that much. Not all of the Carnival ships have “Guys Burger Joint” so this was the first time I tried it.


Oh before we went to lunch we found the table for the “Bottomless Bubbles” package. I get this every cruise. Basically it’s unlimited sodas for the duration of the cruise. Ironically there aren’t many bubbles in them because they pour warm soda on top of ice but I don’t drink coffee and I haven’t kicked caffeine/diet soda yet so I made do lol.


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Getting Settled In


Sooo after our sodas and burgers/salad Anthony wanted to go try out the water slides. He had worn his bathing suit on board but mine was still in my luggage which had yet to reach our cabin. We went back to the cabin to see if it was there but no luck. So I grabbed my book and we headed to the water park. I looked for a seat to chill in while he played but it was pretty busy up there so I went down a deck and found a super comfy spot in the shade. Kicked my feet up, took a pic and posted it for friends/family to see. Ahhhh…on vacation! Love it!




I read for a few minutes (and people watched) and before long Anthony was next to me dripping wet. Water slides weren’t open yet and he now wanted to go on the ropes course. I had just started getting comfy so he went back to the cabin and changed clothes (had to have dry clothes for the ropes course he found out) and then he went and tried it out. He loved it and was gone for about 40 minutes. After that we went back to the cabin to see if the luggage had arrived but no luck yet so we set out to explore the ship. We started on Deck 3 and explored what we could but realized that deck 3 mostly contains the dining rooms and the galley so we headed up to Deck 4 and explored all the way aft. We went past the Library Bar, the Thrill Theater (more on that later), the Art Gallery/Auction, Circle C and Club O2 (for the “older” kids – ages 12-17), and then we went around the corner and found….dun dun dun…..The Arcade! I don’t think I’ve ever set foot in the arcade on a ship but this one was pretty fun. We played a few games together right away. Anthony couldn’t wait until “later” when I suggested that lol. After the arcade we headed up to deck 5 and headed the opposite way down the length of the ship again. We went past the Limelight Theater where they had the comedy shows…the Piano Bar, The Steakhouse, The Liquid Nightclub, The Red Frog Pub and Ocean Plaza. We walked outside onto the Lanai that went around the whole ship on Deck 5 (it’s the only Carnival ship like it). We walked to the back and took some pics of the Carnival Conquest that was also in port with us.











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Exploring the Breeze & Sail Away


We didn’t walk all the way around (we figured we would do that after we finished our Deck 5 walk through inside. So we went back in and walked through Ocean Plaza (which is mid ship) and saw that in the area where it connected with the Red Frog Pub there were a few games including a Foosball table. Anthony asked if we could play and at first I was like nah we’ll come back later and then decided…no….there’s no time like the present. It was quiet in that part of the ship right then (who knows what it would be like later) so we played and it was so fun. I’m guilty of working too much and not always playing with my kiddo so I’m glad we stopped to play! We laughed and giggled and trash talked. We tied because we played until they called us to Muster/ The Safety Briefing and it was right when we were playing for the final point! The ship tour would have to continue later!






Our Muster Station was B3 which was in the Sapphire Restaurant on Deck 3. It was the only time we’d be in that dining room for the week because we were assigned to a different dining room for dinner and open seating at breakfast/brunch as also in the other dining room – Blush. Muster was relatively painless although long as usual but at least we had comfy seats.

After muster we headed up to Lido Deck for the sail away party. I love sail away!!! The energy on a ship the day of embarkation and sail away is so awesome. Everyone is happy and excited for the week ahead. They played music (lots of line dances i.e. Cupid Shuffle, Electric Slide etc)….we met the cruise director, Matt Mitcham (who was a lot of fun the whole week) and before we knew it we were moving! We were on Deck 11 and danced a little up there but mostly took pics and just enjoyed the music. It had been a long time since I had sailed out of Miami …..it was fun to see again!






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Our First Night On Board


Around 5 we headed down to the cabin to see if our luggage had arrived and it had – yay! So I took the time to get us unpacked before dinner and I let Anthony go to the arcade for a little bit. I gave him a budget but well…that didn’t last long! I should’ve known better lol.


We got changed and ready for dinner. We had 6pm early seating dinner.


Me and my date before we headed to dinner!



For the first time we were at a table that was on the upper level of the dining room. I don’t remember the table number but it was fine… it was an 8 top and it was just us and one other family with an 11 year old girl. Our servers were friendly and service was pretty good except for 1 night – more on that later.


Anthony and I had pretty much the same thing(s) every night because I knew what my “safe” options were. Both of us had steaks, salads and/or fruit and veggies. We skipped dessert pretty much every night too. Anthony isn’t big into cakes/pies etc and there wasn’t anything I could/would eat other than fruit so we just would leave after the main entrée. I brought some dark chocolate and a jar of natural peanut butter with me on the ship and I would have at night in our cabin so I still got to have something sweet!


At 7:30pm we went to the Welcome Aboard Show in the Ovation Theater. I didn’t have high hopes for it because Brian and I went to the show on our Valor cruise and it wasn’t very entertaining but this one was. Our cruise director interacted with the crowd a lot during the show and he’s hilarious so it made it very entertaining. Anthony loved it! (I loved hearing him laugh/giggle!)


After the show we went up to Deck 4 to buy our tickets for the Thrill Theater. I had read online ahead of time to go to the theater early in the cruise before other passengers find it (and it gets crowded!). The Thrill Theater was a lot of fun! It plays 15-20 minute short films/rides in 3D…the seats move and there are other special affects (i..e you get sprayed with water, there’s wind, bubbles, fog, and some other “surprises”). The tickets are $7.95 for 1 show or $14.95 for unlimited. We knew we’d go at least twice and most likely more than that so we got the unlimited tickets. The first night was, “Planet Earth; Shallow Seas.” They showed and talked about lots of animals under the sea….when they would splash in the water, you might get sprayed with water. The water snakes “poked” you in the back in the seat…blech…it felt like what you think a slithering snake would feel like coming at you from the back lol. A friend of mine hates snakes (like realllly hates ‘em) and I thought of her immediately when this happened! The show was fun but the subject was a little boring compared to the other ones we saw during the week but we were still looking forward to going back.




After the Thrill Theater we decided to continue our ship tour so we walked around the Lanai on Deck 5 and took some pics.




We skipped decks 6-9 because they just have staterooms on them. Then we headed up to Lido on Deck 10 and then up to Decks 11 and 12 to explore the sports decks where the ropes course was, the basketball court, the mini golf etc. On our way to the other side of the ship we saw that on the Lido Deck/Seaside Theater they were playing a movie – “The Jackie Robinson Story.” So we pulled up a couple of deck chairs and watched for about 30 minutes. I looooove sitting on the outdoor decks at night…it’s so peaceful and the wind blows in your hair…there’s (obviously) no sun…it’s just wonderful!




After that we headed back down to Deck 5 to explore a little more and we went to the Fun Shops. Our first stop was to find Anthony a lanyard to keep his sail and sign card in (we found him a red one that said Carnival on it) and then we went next door to “A Cherry on Top,” the candy store! For about 10 seconds I kinda wished I still ate sugar/candy and then I remembered how bad it makes me feel so instead I enjoyed watching Anthony’s eyes light up while he picked something out. Then it was time to head back to the cabin to chill for a bit and call it a night. We had a busy day of relaxing coming up!


Whew - that was a lot to get posted so I'm going to take a little break but I'll be back later today or tomorrow with Key West!

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Great start to your review. I will be checking back in. We just booked a last minute cruise as well. Booked a week ago and leaving in 2 weeks on the Pride. I haven't even started packing yet


Yay; can't wait to read about your newest adventure. I hope you have a great time! Does this mean Dad is feelin better? :)


We went to Grand Cayman on this cruise and you'll enjoy what we picked to do (thanks to some of your reviews it was a no brainer) :)

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