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Smoke filled room on the Explorer 8/705


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I smoke but not in my cabin, it's too small. I always get a balcony cabin and do smoke outside.

I try to be considerate of others by not smoking in my cabin, I won't smoke if I'm sitting next to you at the blackjack table or out on the deck but telling me not to smoke on my balcony is going to far.

Non smokers think smokers should be considerate, but they also need to be considerate. I DON"T believe for 1 second that my 1 cigarette in the am and one in the PM(maybe even 2) outside on the balcony really affects you. I find that alot of non smokers(not all) are not happy unless the are complaining about smokers. And lets not forget the ones who see I have a cigarette in my hand on the smoking side of the ship and still come sit next to me and than bitch about the smoke and start waving their hands. Or how every non smoker now has an allergy to smoke.

You want me to be considerate, well I want you to also be considerate. If I can do it so can you.


Slam away, but I'm still smoking on my balcony.

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I smoke but not in my cabin, it's too small. I always get a balcony cabin and do smoke outside.

I try to be considerate of others by not smoking in my cabin, I won't smoke if I'm sitting next to you at the blackjack table or out on the deck but telling me not to smoke on my balcony is going to far.

Non smokers think smokers should be considerate, but they also need to be considerate. I DON"T believe for 1 second that my 1 cigarette in the am and one in the PM(maybe even 2) outside on the balcony really affects you. I find that alot of non smokers(not all) are not happy unless the are complaining about smokers. And lets not forget the ones who see I have a cigarette in my hand on the smoking side of the ship and still come sit next to me and than bitch about the smoke and start waving their hands. Or how every non smoker now has an allergy to smoke.

You want me to be considerate, well I want you to also be considerate. If I can do it so can you.


Slam away, but I'm still smoking on my balcony.


Well said! Although not a smoker, the reality is that most allergies are caused by dust within ones home, not by outside sources, so the claim of 'allergic to smoke' is just as much the person who has the allergeric reactions fault as the person smoking. If they were to get out of their house for a few hours per day, their allergies would not be so apparent (by the way, it's not the smoke you are allergic to, it's the dust pollens the smoke causes)

Before blaming smokers, please tell the person next to you filling their SUV with gas that the emissions they are causing is making it unpleasant for you to drive so you would appreciate them staying on their own highway. Sound a bit ridiculous? So is blaming a smoker for your 'allergy' to smoke.

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Well said! Although not a smoker, the reality is that most allergies are caused by dust within ones home, not by outside sources, so the claim of 'allergic to smoke' is just as much the person who has the allergeric reactions fault as the person smoking. If they were to get out of their house for a few hours per day, their allergies would not be so apparent (by the way, it's not the smoke you are allergic to, it's the dust pollens the smoke causes)

Before blaming smokers, please tell the person next to you filling their SUV with gas that the emissions they are causing is making it unpleasant for you to drive so you would appreciate them staying on their own highway. Sound a bit ridiculous? So is blaming a smoker for your 'allergy' to smoke.


AHEM! I've got to disagree here. YES, most alergies ARE caused by other things, but that doesn't mean there are no alergies to smoke.


I grew up breathing second-hand smoke & smoked myself for 10 years -- no problem. My Grandmother, however, smoked some odd brand marketed to women that I absolutely COULD NOT TOLERATE. It didn't bother anyone else, but the smoke from these things made it impossible for me to breath when I was within 10 yards.



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Well said! Although not a smoker, the reality is that most allergies are caused by dust within ones home, not by outside sources, so the claim of 'allergic to smoke' is just as much the person who has the allergeric reactions fault as the person smoking. If they were to get out of their house for a few hours per day, their allergies would not be so apparent (by the way, it's not the smoke you are allergic to, it's the dust pollens the smoke causes)

Before blaming smokers, please tell the person next to you filling their SUV with gas that the emissions they are causing is making it unpleasant for you to drive so you would appreciate them staying on their own highway. Sound a bit ridiculous? So is blaming a smoker for your 'allergy' to smoke.


I'm not sure I follow your logic. Are you saying that people who are in fact allergic to the chemicals in cigarette smoke are somehow to blame for having the allergies in the first place? This makes no sense to me, and would be like blaming someone for being allergic to cat dander. Or are you saying that there is no such thing as an allergy to the chemicals in cigarette smoke? This is incorrect.


Allergies are a reaction by some people's bodies to certain chemicals and chemical compounds. Yes, dust and dust mites are biggies here, but it's the chemicals in the dust (such as dander and pollens) that are primarily responsible for allergic reactions. The chemicals in dust mites' "leavings" (you know what I mean) contain allergens for many, many people and are one of the most common allergies.


Cigarette smoke contains many chemicals and chemical compounds; some people are allergice to various chemical components of cigarette smoke. It is no different than an allergy to cat dander or grass pollens. And has nothing to do with people being in their homes surrounded by other allergens.



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I'm not sure I follow your logic. Are you saying that people who are in fact allergic to the chemicals in cigarette smoke are somehow to blame for having the allergies in the first place? This makes no sense to me, and would be like blaming someone for being allergic to cat dander. Or are you saying that there is no such thing as an allergy to the chemicals in cigarette smoke? This is incorrect.


Allergies are a reaction by some people's bodies to certain chemicals and chemical compounds. Yes, dust and dust mites are biggies here, but it's the chemicals in the dust (such as dander and pollens) that are primarily responsible for allergic reactions. The chemicals in dust mites' "leavings" (you know what I mean) contain allergens for many, many people and are one of the most common allergies.


Cigarette smoke contains many chemicals and chemical compounds; some people are allergice to various chemical components of cigarette smoke. It is no different than an allergy to cat dander or grass pollens. And has nothing to do with people being in their homes surrounded by other allergens.




Many of the 'pollens and allergins' that you refer to in cigarette smoke can be also found in household cleaning products, so it would cause one who is not accustomed to cleaning regularly the same reaction to smoke as it would to cleaning.


Pet dander is far more dangerous to people who have never been around pets (because they have not built up an immunization to them); just as cigarette smoke is far more 'allergy' causing to people that are not accustomed to cleaning regulary. You said it yourself, there are many compounds and chemicals of cigarette smoke, most of which are also found in cleaning products.


The only allergies that are unable to be explained are things such as foods. Other allergins are caused by pollens and dust, both of which could be eliminated if someone were to clean regularly.

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Well, I can see we're not going to agree on this issue. That's fine. But pollens are not a component of cleaning products or cigarette smoke (unless perhaps pollen from the tobacco). People who are allergic to animal dander don't build up "immunizations" to it. I know many people who clean regularly and are highly allergic (as in asthma attack) to cigarette smoke. One is not related to the other, especially since you can buy cleaning products that work well but do not contain hazardous chemicals. To equate allergies to the chemicals in cigarette smoke to not cleaning regularly is, well, illogical. And it is not possible to completely eliminate dust, dust mites, pollens, or dander without living in a hermetically sealed environment.



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I must have woken up cranky this morning as I don't ususally respond to the smoking posts.


To the original poster I am very sorry you had this experience and that the staff could not make it any better for you.


I am a smoker, I do smoke in my home, (because it is MY HOME and I have no children to worry about). I do smoke in my cabin while getting made up for the day or evening. I will smoke on my balcony when I am out there.


This may make me inconsiderate in some peoples views. However, I will never light up a ciggarette in places I shouldn't and when I am in public places I will try to move as far from others as I can so that I do not interefere with their own enjoyment of that space. I am sorry but this is as considerate as I am ever going to be, I am also entitled to a life whether the choice I make is good or bad for me.


I too get irritated by people who sit in smoking areas and then complain about the smoke - what is that about?


I also doubt that every non smoker has an allergy to smoke - I am sure there are some people who have an allergy but it would appear from my experience that nearly all non smokers have claim allergies when really it is only the smell that they dislike - if that is the case then just say WE HATE THE SMELL.


Oh and to the person who said smokers should wait to have a ciggarette in the morning, because we wait for breakfast (not sure why this equates) I have 2 questions 1. How long should we wait? and 2. What if you never eat breakfast and your coffee and ciggarette is the extent of your morning meal - this applies to a lot of my lady friends.


OK as I light up my next ciggarette while drinking my morning coffee I will shut up.



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Well, here we are again…someone else is to blame for my allergies.


According to medical allergists, smoking does not cause allergies but may be a trigger that sets off a pre-existing allergy. Some asthmatics also smoke…have one in my family…without noticeable consequences.


As in the case of the OP, some people cannot be happy about anything…despite the efforts of RCI to correct a situation they found objectionable.

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I have severe allergies. Even the hint of stale smoke smell triggers allergic reactions for me.


Why don't cruise ships have smoking cabins or decks or parts of decks for those who want to smoke in their cabins? Often when I just walk past a cabin of smokers I have a mild allergic reaction. In hotels I only stay on non-smoking floors. I would love to see non-smoking cabin decks on cruise ships too.

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There's a clean air act campaign going on here in Baton Rouge and they've stated this in their fight (which I thought was kind of gross, but true!)


"Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing section in a pool"


That said, I don't smoke and never have. My parents smoked when I was young. They quit long ago, but I developed a sensitvie nose for smoke. If someone goes outside to smoke and then comes back in....smoke can still be detected in ones hair and clothing.


But I have to agree that the same thing happens to me with perfume/aftershave as well...can't stand it...makes my eyes water and I start sneezing. Is this an allergy? Don't know? I'm not an allergist, but I do know it has some adverse effect on me.


I think it would be nice if cruise lines implemented smoking/non-smoking cabins, but I think it would be hard to do....and I doubt they ever will. We sailed on the Paradise when it was smoke-free and man was that nice!

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Guys, guys - it doesn't matter one iota what CAUSES an adverse reaction in a non-smoker. Whether it's allergies to smoke, allergies to something else or simply an abhorrence of the smell, the REACTION - the EFFECT of my CAUSE is still the same, and I should still be coureous of others. That said, if I'm sitting in a smoking section with a cigarette in my hand and you come sit next to me, you have NO RIGHT to complain. If the annoyance to you is slight, you should not complain - after all, there are slight annoyances everywhere and your perfume, or your lack of fashion sense, or your breath, or your [fill in the blank] may annoy me as well ... that does not mean I have the right to be rude about it.


Someone misinterpreted my earlier post to be nicer than I really am. I said when I smoke on my balcony it will be *hoping* it doesn't bother anyone next to me... I didn't say I wouldn't do it if someone was on their balcony next to me. I mean, please, I'm going to smoke somewhere and to me the balcony is preferable to the cabin where the smell lingers long after I'm gone.


And yes, I'm very aware that if I quit this would be a moot issue....

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I am not a medical person and will not comment of smoking allergies from a medical standpoint but I will say this., I am a pipe smoker when out in public I don't generally smoke but I do carry a new and unsmoked pipe around to "play" with. Sometimes I will sit down and put the unsmoked pipe in my mouth as a comfort thing and I find the reactions from others to be amazing. People walk by me and start coughing and arm waving, etc, husbands and wives approach me and tell me that I am killing their spouse who has asthma, allergies, whatever. I tell them the pipe is empty and that I'm not smoking and they just continue on as if I am. Sorry you have to put that away, you are so inconsiderate, etc. I tell them again that I am NOT smoking...... it never seems to matter.


I was almost kicked out of a restaurant a few weeks ago when I was approached by the manager who told me I can't smoke my pipe in the restaurant and that the patrons are complaining. I showed my pipe to the manager, stuck my finger in the empty and pristine unsmoked bowl and he said OK. Ten minutes later a woman almost has a fit when she sat down at the table next to me and she called the manager over who politely informed her that I was not smoking. She literally starting yelling that she could smell the smoke and her eyes were tearing, she yelled so much that the manager offered to pay for our dinner if I just put the pipe away. I asked the manager if he was insane and he told me that he's done all he could and would I please leave as I was disturbing too many guests. Remeber folks I WAS NOT smoking.


The world has turned into a terrible unforgiving place it seems when even the most benign action can illicit the responses it does from some zealots.

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The possibility of being booked into a "smoky" or otherwise "smelly" room is one more reason to bring along a can of your favorite air freshener or perhaps a couple of those freestanding ones - no candles please. Febreeze (spelling?) works great.


You should still notify the steward or escalate to the hotel manager if the situation requires it. Sometimes all that might be needed is a few sprays to mask the offending odor and prevent it from ruining your cruise.

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As someone has already asked the original poster. Where and from whom did you hear that the 9/18 of last scheduled sailing on Explorer is being eliminated and that dry dock will happen a week early.


My husband and I are on that sailing. As of now our travel agent has told us that RCL is still selling the 9/18 sailling. That would be stopped if in fact they had decided to go to dry dock a week ahead of schedule.


We appreicate the info but before a whole future ship of cruisers are upset it would be appropriate to make sure that this info is a fact and not just something heard over cocktails or perhaps from a staff member who is trying to smooth things over so that you would think that something was being done to correct problems ASAP.


We were on Explorer in late April of this year. Other than the fact that she does need new interior items, rugs, upholstry etc. She was clean, the shows were on par for the RCL product and the food was just fine.


Sorry that you had a had experience but again where did you get your info

Thanks Carol Anne

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We sailed with RCCL only once and we will never go back. Ship was filthy, smelled of cigarette smoke and just not up to other cruiseline standards. We used the spa pool and there were ash trays that were left full and never emptied for the entire 7 day cruise. UGH! Not for me!

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Back to the original post....



My family and I just spent a week on the Explorer 8/7-8/14/05. We thought the ship was wonderful! We had two interior rooms which did not smell like smoke at all, and I am an anti-smoker. The rooms were clean when we arrived, kept clean and had no bed bugs as I have read elsewhere. The shows were very entertaining and different shows appealed to different ages. There was so much to do. The food was very good, especially in the DR. The Windjammer food was good, our only complaint being that it was the exact same menu for breakfast and lunch each day. But there was a large variety I must say. We had heard the ship was going into dry dock, but only for one week. We figured they would be cleaning carpets and doing major cleaning, fixing broken tiles, etc. There was one day when we were not able to flush and we were told there was a problem with the plumbing vacuum system. It flushed within the hour. We thought the EOS was great. Sorry to hear that the original poster was so disappointed.:rolleyes:

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I am so happy to hear from so many considerate smokers.

My DD and I both have severe allergies. People don't realize that the smell left behind is full of toxins and THAT is what people react to. Often people think that it's only the actual smoke that causes problems.


Many thanks to all of you for your kindness.

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First, I'm sorry to hear that the OP had such a problem on the ship...


Most people have an aversion to certain odors, not an allergy.


Skunks, perfume, body odor, pets, certain bodily functions, stinky feet, smelly shoes, cigars, pipes, cigarette smoke..to name a few.


I laugh when people who own cats and dogs say that their house doesn't smell like pets..It REEKS to me but someone else might not even notice. I know people who love the smell of burning rubber.


If I walk into a bakery (supposedly pleasant odor for most) I want to gag from the smell. It's an aversion....not an allergy.


I don't know how it would work trying to assign smoking and non smoking cabins but I'm sure one day it will happen.

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I have to admit, when I got desperate, I sneaked a couple of cigs in the bathroom of our cabin. My husband doesn't smoke and I didn't want to make his cruise miserable, but why don't cruise lines offer smokig or or non?

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Sorry guys - I am a smoker too - and look forward to the indulgence of a glass of wine and a cigarette on the balcony of my first ever cruise watching the sunset - If you are standing on your balcony - I will be very considerate, and stand at the other end - it is outside after all.


I will not smoke inside the cabin, in Australia most places are non-smoking so I am use to it, can I also say that wherever you go now over here the party atmosphere is outside where the smokers are !!!


I would also be interested in knowing when the Explorer is going in for a spruse up and also what exactly will be done to it - our cruise is October 30, 2005.

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"Pet dander is far more dangerous to people who have never been around pets (because they have not built up an immunization to them); just as cigarette smoke is far more 'allergy' causing to people that are not accustomed to cleaning regulary. You said it yourself, there are many compounds and chemicals of cigarette smoke, most of which are also found in cleaning products. "


I don't know what you do for a living....but please keep your medical advice to yourself because it is WRONG

People don't build up immunities to allergens....they become MORE sensitive to them. The body has memory cells that can spot the allergen fast and then the response is greater. The first time you get stung by a bee you might have a local reaction - they next time you may have a systemic reaction and then have a full blown anaphylactic reaction.


Those unfortunate enough to have a reaction to cleaning products will experience increasing discomfort. By the way, the the chemicals in cleaning products are not the same as those in smoke.


There are proven studies that the lingering odor of smoke is not a benign unpleasant odor - it is toxic and it will cause, at best, irritation to the respiratory tract.


Also the poster who drew a parallel between the odor of bread baking and smoke - come one....you can't possibly believe that.

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