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Hi, I’m Julie McCoy, Your TR Director Review of the CB


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We came to an area where Jessie the alligator lived. He said he was going to call her and then he did…”Hey Jessie, come on over”. I laughed. I am not sure what makes them come to the boat, but he did that at every spot we stopped at and they would come. Perhaps they just know the sound of the boat and are curious. It works though.


Now I can’t tell one alligator from the other, but he did call out Speedy as well. I think the first few pictures are Jessie, then Speedy came out a bit later. They are territorial so they didn’t get super close, but close enough to each other that the captain had to tell them to behave. The 2 of them have fought before and one had a few injuries from the fights…like a missing foot or something along those lines.




They do come up pretty darn close to the boat too.



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The black birds were vultures. The alligators come to the boat because the tour operators feed them (sometimes marshmallows, chicken parts, or annoying small children (unfortunately, only kidding about the last).


Iguanas are not native to Florida. They are an invasive pest introduced when people let their pet lizards go or they escape. I am surprised you didn't see iguanas on the side of the streets as you drove back to Ft Lauderedale.

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We moved on to see a family of birds that live in these weeds. I think Bubba (I think that was his name) was the gator that lived near here and he was checking it out for us too.



Our captain kept telling him to leave them alone.


Off in the distance another gator was coming. I think this was little Bubba, or something along those lines. They actually had 3 gators with the same name and one was big, one was little and one was just Bubba…or something like that, so I got confused….and can’t they think of any other names?


Anyways the captain said you will see this one stop at a certain point as it’s a territory line between the 2 and sure enough he did stop. But the current Bubba went over to take a look and he was more of a trouble maker than the other one.

The little birds popped out and we could even see the babies in between the reeds.


Our captain threw bread out to lure them and this crow type bird decided to drop in for a bite.


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The black birds were vultures. The alligators come to the boat because the tour operators feed them (sometimes marshmallows, chicken parts, or annoying small children (unfortunately, only kidding about the last).


Iguanas are not native to Florida. They are an invasive pest introduced when people let their pet lizards go or they escape. I am surprised you didn't see iguanas on the side of the streets as you drove back to Ft Lauderedale.


They said they don't feed them...but maybe they do at different times of the day when people are not with them. And the only food that went out while we were on as bread for the birds. But it wouldn't surprise me if they do feed them.

No we never saw igaunas anywhere along the streets. We did in Mexico though. I probably would freak if I saw one come up to me in Florida. :eek:

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The black birds were vultures. The alligators come to the boat because the tour operators feed them (sometimes marshmallows, chicken parts, or annoying small children (unfortunately, only kidding about the last).


Iguanas are not native to Florida. They are an invasive pest introduced when people let their pet lizards go or they escape. I am surprised you didn't see iguanas on the side of the streets as you drove back to Ft Lauderedale.


I was going to post the same thing about the vultures and the alligators being fed.


We live in Boca Raton (about 20-25 miles north of Fort Lauderdale) and we have iguanas all over our neighborhood. They leave a mess in our backyard and along the canals - yuck! Where I work I see them crossing the streets and sunning themselves, too. Same for many parts of South Florida. In Fort Lauderdale, go to the Bass Pro Shop, take a walk outside and look around the large pond. You'll see lots of iguanas. Very common.

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I was going to post the same thing about the vultures and the alligators being fed.


We live in Boca Raton (about 20-25 miles north of Fort Lauderdale) and we have iguanas all over our neighborhood. They leave a mess in our backyard and along the canals - yuck! Where I work I see them crossing the streets and sunning themselves, too. Same for many parts of South Florida. In Fort Lauderdale, go to the Bass Pro Shop, take a walk outside and look around the large pond. You'll see lots of iguanas. Very common.



It was evening when we were at Bass pro, so I never went out back to look or even pay attention....Kind of creepy!

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We moved on again. During the course of our ride we had 3 big fast goes down the water trails, the first one out was the best and the longest.



We saw another boat heading out.


Another gator.


We went in search of another iguana and were about to give up when we spotted him a bit further down.



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And yet another gator sighting.


I believe he said there were 6 possible gators to see in the areas we covered and we had seen 5 of them, so that was a pretty good record. Especially since one of them…the one we didn’t see…was very rarely seen. Another one was not often seen either, but we had seen him.

It was time to head back in now.


This tour was fantastic and well worth the money…which I think with my discount it was just under $50 for the 2 of us. I think we were out on the water for about an hour and had seen so much and our captain was really funny and knew his stuff.

They do do the tip speech at the end of the ride, but it was really worth it and we did tip him.

I want to also say all of the gators we saw are wild. They live in their territories and are not fed or kept there. That’s where they chose to live and they just know them because that is where they take their tours every day.

After we got off the boat we headed back down the dock and they were holding the pictures they had taken earlier. We looked at ours and we did like it and mom….who hates pictures and never buys any…bought it. I was shocked. It came with a keychain too with gators on it and we decided that would be a little gift for Claire.

We then headed to the bathrooms and then went to see if the Alligator show was going to start. The guy told us one was just starting and we could head in.

Wow! This is a very steep downhill walk.


I have been told recently that this whole place was recently rebuilt basically and it’s much better and nicer than what it was before.

I took a few pictures as we waited for the guy to start.


It was super sunny…and hot…and they had little canopies up for shade for the gators, so it was hard to get a good shot.


And this is our show guy…which even though he said his name, I didn’t pay particular attention to at the moment, but he is Chris for those of you who watch the Gator Boys.


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Chris talked about the gators there, which are all rescue gators. They have been taken from areas they were not supposed to be in, like swimming pools, back yards, businesses, etc.

They cannot be released back into the wild. The law says they have to either be killed or taken to a rescue facility like this because they have a homing system in themselves and no matter how far you release them, they tend to end right back where you rescued them from in the first place.

It was funny because there are several alligators in there, and they just laze around. Chris dragged the one he wanted over to the area he needed him. He said they usually are pretty cooperative as they know if they aren’t they will be used in the next show too and they like to just lie around.

Of course he told us of all the dangers. He even said that they have to be patient and not over do it if the gator isn’t ready because one guy had recently been bitten while doing a show.

I guess I liked the sign, because I took several pictures of it….though I know I was taking some on my phone and texting them to my sister to show my niece since she is a fan of the show.






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Gators have very little strength to open their jaws……But they can snap them shut extremely fast.




He would open the jaw for the gator and then let is nap shut…but he didn’t always snap shut, so not sure if there is a trigger they do to make him shut it or not…of course the gator can snap at any time he darn feels like it too.


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The show was over and Chris told us how they are all volunteers here so tips are appreciated…A portion goes to pay him and a portion goes to feed and keep the gators.

They also brought out a baby gator that you could hold and take a picture with your own camera. I think it cost like $5 to do so but we were not interested. We did however put a tip in the box for Chris.

Now during the show I had been texting pictures to my sister. She asked if that was Chris and at the time I wasn’t sure, so when the show ended I asked if he was Chris and he said yes. I asked if I could take a picture of him for my niece and he said yes and I quickly texted her this next picture and she was very excited.


Mom and I agreed that Chris is pretty easy on the eyes!

It was now really hot out and we were ready to head out and find some lunch.

I started the car and let it cool down before getting it. It was so hot in there. The parking lot was now really full and there were a lot more people. We could see many more airboat tours going out now too. We were so happy we had arrived when we did.

As I stood outside waiting for the car to cool down, I rearranged stuff in my bag and I was even going in the trunk for some reason…. and I noticed a car waiting for our spot. It was obvious I wasn’t getting in the car as we were just standing there, so for all this person knew; we were waiting for more people to join us. It really annoys me when people sit there and stare at you wanting your parking spot. I understand needing a spot, but I really showed no signs of leaving and then I feel pressured to move on.

Finally I just ended up getting in the car and opening the sunroof to let some of the heat out too. The wheel was still really hot to touch, but it wasn’t burning anymore. We pulled out and I swear cars from nowhere were all swarming to get our spot. So take note…arrive early and avoid the crowds.

We headed back to the highway, which still wasn’t super busy, but a bit busier. Holy cow!!! People drive like maniacs! There was a motorcycle going like a bat out of hockey sticks and just weaving in and out between cars. This guy will be found dead on the road someday if he keeps driving like this. He wasn’t the only one either, everyone was just pure crazy. My mom and I were so amazed.

We headed back to the hotel and asked in the lobby where we could find some restaurants. They told us to take the highway to the next exit and there was a strip mall type area with several options. So we headed that way. And yes there was. The main drag had a lot of 3 way and 4 way stops….but I guess that only applies to half of the people. Most didn’t feel the need to stop. C.R.A.Z.Y!!!!

We found a TGI Fridays and decided to go with that option.

We got a seat and decided to share one of those big appetizer combos…and I failed…I did not get a picture.

We noticed a lot of people were really dressed up here. It was Sunday, but some people were wearing gowns. It was kind of strange. It wasn’t all one party either, different tables with really dressed up people. I guess Fridays is the hot spot on a Sunday.

The nice thing about sharing an appetizer…..room for dessert!

I ordered some sort of peanut butter pie and it was delicious!


Of course Mom helped out on that too.

We paid the bill and headed out.

There was a little line in the parking lot to get out to the main drag through the mall. We waited and there was a guy to the left of us chatting away on his phone. He wanted out and there wasn’t a car behind me, so the natural thing would be to wait and pull out behind me. NOPE! The car in front of me moved, I move and so did he. Never looking…just chatting away on his phone. Well I let my horn go…and not just a honk, but a continuous blow to let him know what a jerk he was. He just about hit the front of the car… never looked ….oh and he had a sports car, so you know he thinks he doesn’t have to follow the rules. (not that all sports car drivers are like that). He gave me the finger….hey buddy I got 2 of them…and I don’t have one tied to my phone so you get both! LOL!

He then inched forward and pulled out in front of another car (and they honked at him too) as he went on to the main drag like a bat out of hockey sticks! Yeah it was only like 20 MPH on that road, but he was doing 0-60 in 3 seconds flat….and I am sure he didn’t stop at the next stop sign either.

We safely pulled out and took the slow road back towards the highway exit. Again we were just amazed how many people used the stop sign as more of a suggestion than a rule.

We were tired and decided to head back to our room and take a nap. I parked and Mom headed up before me. I was a few minutes behind and when I arrived I saw that the room was not made up yet. I did see the maid cart in the hall at the room next to us so I assumed we were next.

I told Mom I wanted to go to the beach anyways and take some pictures, so I guess now would be a good time.

We headed back out and ask the maid in the hallway if our room was next and she said “not me”. Ok, not much English from her I guess. I asked her if she knew when it would be done as we were going to the beach for a short while and would be back. “Not me”. UGH! Ok, well it has to be soon right?

We went down to the lobby and asked directions to the beach and the guys told me to go to Hollywood Beach as it wasn’t as crowded. I had seen signs for Dania Beach and I thought I read online that it was just minutes away.

He said no, go to Hollywood and gave me directions. He said I would need quarters though for parking.

This ended up being a little further than we expected but it wasn’t too far. We passed the back side of the airport on the way, and then we went through some areas that looked a bit run down.

We found our way and there was an attendant at a booth for the parking. It wasn’t quarters…it was dollars. I think it was $7 to park. I don’t know if there were parking meters along the road or what, but we didn’t see them. We were fine paying the parking fee though and went in and found a spot to park.

We found a path and saw many people have parties here in the picnic areas. One party was really pumping with huge speakers and music blaring pretty loud. They could entertain all the parties in the area. LOL





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This lifeguard shack was not nearly as nice as the ones in California. Not that they were great, but this was really run down.



It was such a beautiful day.


There goes a plane!


We took our shoes off and walked towards the water.



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The little bird in the reeds was a blue gallinule. They were endangered at one time, don't know if they still are on the list.


About the South Florida drivers: there is a macho cultural group that should remain nameless (but showed up in great numbers in the late 60's ;)) that plug their "little" brain into the steering wheel when driving and turn off the brain in their skull.

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The little bird in the reeds was a blue gallinule. They were endangered at one time, don't know if they still are on the list.


About the South Florida drivers: there is a macho cultural group that should remain nameless (but showed up in great numbers in the late 60's ;)) that plug their "little" brain into the steering wheel when driving and turn off the brain in their skull.


LOL! I have an idea what group you are talking about!


Beautiful beach photos!



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Neither Mom nor I are big on swimming and we did not bring our suits along to the beach. The water was warm and the temps were hot and it was perfect weather to just wade in the water. I had wished I brought my suit and as soon as that thought went through my head, my mom said she wished she had brought hers. So that is saying something because she NEVER swims.






We set our shoes down and walked up and down the beach a little ways wading through the water and I took pictures.






Of course there were seagulls as well.





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There were some seagulls taking a stroll on the beach.


Even a baby seagull.


The happy family.




We decided it was time to walk back to the car and head back to the hotel. It was nice there, but we were ready for a nap now.


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Some of the picnic areas.


We headed back and decided to stop at a gas station and fill the car back up since we had to return it in the morning. I also grabbed some soft drinks for us to take back to the hotel as well.

We pulled in and Mom had forgotten her key in the room so she took mine and I was going to meet up with her in a minute. I told her I would just knock….so don’t fall asleep till I get back.

I called home and checked on everyone and then headed up to the room. I knocked on the door and there was no answer, so I knocked a little more and harder. A maid came out from the room next to ours…yes the cart was still there….and said “she not there”. I told her she was coming to the room and should be in there. So I knocked some more. She again said “She not there, she went downstairs”. OK then. Maybe I misunderstood mom.

I headed back downstairs and found mom sitting in the lobby. I asked what was going on and she said the room was still not cleaned and she asked the maid and she told her it wasn’t her room to clean. So mom marched right down to the lobby and talked to the front desk and told them they better clean this room immediately as we had now been back several times and it still wasn’t cleaned. And just so you don’t think we are getting excited over nothing…it was about 5 till 5 PM at this point.

Mom was livid and she kept looking over at the desk as we sat there.

I took a few pictures and then I played on my phone a bit.




We decided enough time had gone by and went up to our room and sure enough it was now cleaned, with fresh towels, even extra towels.

It was now just a little too late to take a nap if we wanted any chance of sleeping at night.

We took turns showering and getting ready for dinner and I think we found a movie on TV that we started to watch, though I can’t remember what it was now.

Mom wanted pizza tonight, but good pizza and at a place that you can sit down at so I took a walk down the front desk to ask their suggestions. They gave me some menus and told me most were more carry out type places, but Sals was pretty good and more of a restaurant type place. I knew where that was as it was right next to the TGI Fridays we ate at for lunch.

Mom thought that sounded like the best option and once we were ready we headed out. I had wanted to watch the season premiere of Once Upon a Time that night, but we left a little later than we should have and I knew it would be cutting it close. I did have it set to tape at home though and I was sure Claire would give me a play by play of the whole show.

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