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Just got the dreaded email!


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My dh and I both received the email. My 67 points are fine; his are gone and he has a new latitudes number. So of course I called and the rep started telling me I need to send an email...and I sort of lost it. I'm still trying to figure out what happened to me. I'm a reasonable person and don't easily lose my temper but I don't understand why I need to be on the phone for half an hour and then come up with all the info they need to put together an email. We booked a cruise on Sunday that leaves this Saturday and everything was fine when I booked...now it's all goofed up? And this can't be a surprise. This thread was started Dec 3 so they know something isn't working and yet it's still happening. And what accounts are they merging?? We've always had the same latitudes #. *sigh* I just needed to vent a little.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Well' date=' that's just [b']LOVELY.[/b]

I am SO aggravated with NCL right now. I, too, got the dreaded email and all of our cruise histories are gone (DH, DM and I). From gold to zero via an email. This is on top of the aggravation of having the THIRD person assigned as my "new" PCC in as many weeks (the first two couldn't seem to return calls or emails).


Our Latitudes numbers and status were restored shortly after the above post; HOWEVER, today I see that I now have yet another new number and my status is past guest. AGAIN.


If this bunch of IT yahoos worked for me, I'd fire every one of them. Anything that changes customer information and causes customer angst is a very bad thing. Merging multiple numbers into a single (the ORIGINAL) number is a very simple thing to do.


NCL, you're missing the boat (pun intended).



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I also recently received the "dreaded" email. After reading this thread I took a screen shot of my latitudes status with my cruise history. I emailed the latitudes clerical department and explained what had occurred complete with my screen shots of before and after the merge. I hadn't heard back from anyone for about 5 or 6 days when I needed to call the pre cruise concierge desk for our upcoming January 18th sailing. After speaking with the concierge desk rep regarding our upcoming cruise I explained what happened to my account and asked if she could transfer me to the latitudes department. In a blink of an eye she was able to look up our past cruise history and fix the problem in less then 30 seconds. That is great customer service in my book!

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It is so aggravating that this is happening to so many of us!


I have found the Latitudes Clerical dept to be pretty useless - they never responded to my email! :rolleyes: I finally called the NCL 866 number and got the most helpful rep - she restored DH's points immediately!


The annoying part for us though is that his old number (the one that was sequential with mine and our daughter's) is no longer valid. :(


I have a "new" PCC and I'm pretty sure he's new to NCL, but so far very helpful. I will definitely call him should we have any issues like this again! ;)

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Our Latitudes numbers and status were restored shortly after the above post; HOWEVER' date=' today I see that I now have yet another new number and my status is past guest. AGAIN.


If this bunch of IT yahoos worked for me, I'd fire every one of them. Anything that changes customer information and causes customer angst is a very bad thing. Merging multiple numbers into a single (the ORIGINAL) number is a very simple thing to do.


NCL, you're missing the boat (pun intended).




I feel your pain, Ozzie's Mom. There is no excuse for this happening even once, but they're messing with your Latitudes info again???! :mad:


I'd be right there with you, firing the bunch! ;)

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This just happened to me, again. First time was about 2 years ago. This time, I have a cruise booked, all docs show my "old" Lat number (just cruised in November on that number). When I logged into my NCL to check on a cruise we are taking in a couple of weeks, instead of Platinum, I was "past guest" with a new Lat number. I called and spoke to a nice rep with NCL who said it "happens all the time" and that all she could do is e-mail because there is no number to call. I waited a day, called back and vented a bit to a different NCL rep. She got a supervisor involved and had my Platinum statues restored in about 5 minutes (under the new number). Still doesn't show past cruises but all I cared about was being Platinum for the upcoming cruise.

NCL really needs to get their act together. I have had various levels of past guest numbers with most of the other lines and not one of them has ever messed up past cruises or status.

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So, we had the same issue when I went to print our edocs for our upcoming cruise on the Epic my husband had a totally different number and it said "not yet enrolled":eek: He is a gold.....so I called customer service, got a run around and was given another phone number, called that one (went to the same place) and before they could transfer me again I just told them the story with both of his numbers and she corrected within 30 seconds. Even stayed on the phone until I could log back in to check. Crazy that one person can do it and 5 others can't.......

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So, we had the same issue when I went to print our edocs for our upcoming cruise on the Epic my husband had a totally different number and it said "not yet enrolled":eek: He is a gold.....so I called customer service, got a run around and was given another phone number, called that one (went to the same place) and before they could transfer me again I just told them the story with both of his numbers and she corrected within 30 seconds. Even stayed on the phone until I could log back in to check. Crazy that one person can do it and 5 others can't.......


AGREE! My PCC explained politely that this is the one thing he cannot fix for me and that my only recourse is to EMAIL the Latitudes desk. He also said he has never heard of this problem before. I told him he needs to start reading the Cruise Critic NCL message boards.

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This just happened to me, again. First time was about 2 years ago. This time, I have a cruise booked, all docs show my "old" Lat number (just cruised in November on that number). When I logged into my NCL to check on a cruise we are taking in a couple of weeks, instead of Platinum, I was "past guest" with a new Lat number. I called and spoke to a nice rep with NCL who said it "happens all the time" and that all she could do is e-mail because there is no number to call. I waited a day, called back and vented a bit to a different NCL rep. She got a supervisor involved and had my Platinum statues restored in about 5 minutes (under the new number). Still doesn't show past cruises but all I cared about was being Platinum for the upcoming cruise.

NCL really needs to get their act together. I have had various levels of past guest numbers with most of the other lines and not one of them has ever messed up past cruises or status.


So, we had the same issue when I went to print our edocs for our upcoming cruise on the Epic my husband had a totally different number and it said "not yet enrolled":eek: He is a gold.....so I called customer service, got a run around and was given another phone number, called that one (went to the same place) and before they could transfer me again I just told them the story with both of his numbers and she corrected within 30 seconds. Even stayed on the phone until I could log back in to check. Crazy that one person can do it and 5 others can't.......


I have made sure there is a screen shot stored in my Dropbox should this happen again -- and by all accounts, it will happen again! :rolleyes:


I also will never send an email request to fix again -- I will call and call and call until I get that gem of a Rep who will correct the issue right then and there! Amazes me how some of the NCL Reps claim they can't do anything, you have to email and wait. :( Then you call later and get the Rep who restores your points/status in no time!


I just wish they could restore the original Latitudes # and put some sort of freeze on the account where it could only be added to; nothing could be taken away again!! Wouldn't it be nice to feel our points are secure?!! :D

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It happened to us also. My points where correct, my DH showed none and he is platinum also. I called and they corrected it immediately.

I usually book through a TA and this time I booked direct on NCL.com no PC. Next time it is back to my TA never happened when I booked through a TA.

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Got it fixed (again) Saturday, printed eDocs and then my number changed and status was lost (again) Monday. Sent another email. NCL has a bug in the code and this will continue happening until they fix it.


Concerned that checkin won't be smoorh due to my Latitudes number on eDocs being invalid. My number may change several times between now and February, who knows?


I think I'll change my NCL user iD to PastGuest. And buy lottery tix -- it may be easier to hit THOSE numbers than resolve NCL's problem.

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Got it fixed (again) Saturday' date=' printed eDocs and then my number changed and status was lost (again) Monday. Sent another email. NCL has a bug in the code and this will continue happening until they fix it.


Concerned that checkin won't be smoorh due to my Latitudes number on eDocs being invalid. My number may change several times between now and February, who knows?


I think I'll change my NCL user iD to PastGuest. And buy lottery tix -- it may be easier to hit THOSE numbers than resolve NCL's problem.[/quote']


Ugh! I definitely understand your frustration! I hope all goes well for check-in. I have a feeling that the staff checking you in will know how to resolve any issues on-the-spot! ;)



I have just dealt with this situation and from reading the above posts my experience was completely different.


here's the short thread ; http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2146311


Much easier to read this than for me to explain.


cheers...the Ump...:D


Thanks for sharing, Ump! :) Once I reached the right person at NCL, it was taken care of immediately also! :D


I never did get a response to my email from many weeks ago! Why does that not surprise me?!! :rolleyes:


From what you posted though, it appears NCL realizes they're messing up during the "conversion"? It also appears they're still doing what they shouldn't be doing since these dreaded emails have been received over many weeks.


Then there are repeat problems, as in Ozzie's Mom's case. No excuse for that. :(

Edited by Vicki'sMom
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Tried to book a cruise last night but had some issues. Latitudes numbers and points were fine. Today, I try to book again and now it does not recognize my number. Get the cruise booked and when I look at my latitudes number, it's different and says past guest. When I try to look up my past cruise it says none. :confused:


Not happy. What number should I call to get this all fixed?!


Thank you!

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Guess I shouldn't just hit delete on all email NCL sends out when I am not in a cruising mood. I just looked at our cruise docs for our upcoming cruise and sure enough, I'm "not enrolled" and we both have new numbers. His is correct though. We are not in the platinum range so it really won't make much of a big difference, but I am missing my last 7 day cruise with them.

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Tried to book a cruise last night but had some issues. Latitudes numbers and points were fine. Today, I try to book again and now it does not recognize my number. Get the cruise booked and when I look at my latitudes number, it's different and says past guest. When I try to look up my past cruise it says none. :confused:


Not happy. What number should I call to get this all fixed?!


Thank you!


I'm sorry you're having issues too. I'm not sure of the best/easiest way for you to get this resolved, but what I did was called the number at the top of NCL's page (866-234-7350 - the number to "book" a cruise). The first Rep I spoke with claimed he couldn't do anything and gave me the email address to report the problem. :rolleyes:


I called back later and this time I got the most helpful woman who was able to restore my husband's points and Gold status immediately.


My advice is to call that number; don't get frustrated if you have to call more than once. ;) I hope you will post how things go.

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I got the helpful lady this morning who was able to get my status reinstalled in less then 5 minutes. This may have something to do with the fact I was claiming Bronze and not Platinum. I could definitely see them wanting to actually have time to track down and prove all the people claiming they are platinum (not that I don't trust everyone in this thread), as there are some really dishonest people out there who might be trying to use this error to up their status.

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I just had some issues resolved with my account/cruise history also. Not the easiest group of people to work with, you're only allowed to speak to the people at the call center , and they can't do anymore than tell you to write an email to LATclerical@NCL.


My house burned down several years ago, so proof was hard to come by, but ultimately, all they will accept to restore your points. Fortunately after many hours on hold, and a couple of emails, it was finally resolved.


Good luck to all of you in the same situation.

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I think I have figured out why this keeps happening. Our sons are going with us on a cruise next week in a separate cabin. When I went to print their edocs, I noticed on the ticket contract a Latitude's number is listed, however, the next column is titled 'status' and it says 'not enrolled'. This would be where their level (gold, platinum, etc) would be listed if applicable. No color is listed because this is their first NCL cruise.


My guess is after the cruise is over and corporate goes to credit the cruise rewards to their system, they assign a whole new Latitudes number. Therefore, more than one number and all the confusion. Understanding too, this could have happened years ago whenever your first cruise on NCL was and you just weren't aware of it.


Just my take on the issue. I'll be curious to see when we get back if our sons do indeed have two numbers on different paperwork/website.

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I think I have figured out why this keeps happening. Our sons are going with us on a cruise next week in a separate cabin. When I went to print their edocs, I noticed on the ticket contract a Latitude's number is listed, however, the next column is titled 'status' and it says 'not enrolled'. This would be where their level (gold, platinum, etc) would be listed if applicable. No color is listed because this is their first NCL cruise.


My guess is after the cruise is over and corporate goes to credit the cruise rewards to their system, they assign a whole new Latitudes number. Therefore, more than one number and all the confusion. Understanding too, this could have happened years ago whenever your first cruise on NCL was and you just weren't aware of it.


Just my take on the issue. I'll be curious to see when we get back if our sons do indeed have two numbers on different paperwork/website.


Bon Voyage! :)


I will be interested to hear about your sons' numbers! I'm not sure that we'll ever completely figure out NCL and their methods!!! ;)

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