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Please Help-urgent!!! Leaving Soon!


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Coolest- I am sorry, read right over the part where you said it was commendable. No hard feelings? My bad.


Goin-thanks for pointing that out...yes, I am stressing......sorry!


No prob Lil, I figured you were stressing... just wanted to point it out because I know sometimes I read really fast and have to read things a few times... I truly hope everything works out and good luck to your son... sounds like you have one with his priorities in order, good for you!

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Coolest- I am sorry, read right over the part where you said it was commendable. No hard feelings? My bad.


Goin-thanks for pointing that out...yes, I am stressing......sorry!


No hard feelings, lil...hope everything works out for you guys and that you have a great time!! (still sticking by my suggestion though....My mom was a teacher for 20 years...it would be at least worth looking into:) )

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Sorry you have chosen to turn this into a hateful negative thread. I feel that the folks that posted to your Urgent - Need Help!! were sincere in their efforts to support and help you. Apparently, you only wanted to know about how to get around the system with Carnival and not be out the cash. Cruises do not work that way and most people understand this. You seem unreasonable and angry and if you read the post regarding your son-there is NO mention of him being "out of control" I simply stated that you may be dealing with a control issue. I wonder why that would put someone on the defense so quickly? Anyway, I am not going to dignify your rude questions about me. I don't believe these boards were intended for anger and rudeness and suggest you take it somewhere else. In addition, I wonder how much thought went into your planning this trip at the beginning of the school year.....

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First of all I don't understand how he can be worried about grades 8 days into school???? Did I miss something??? There is a whole year to make up anything that is behind in 8 days..


As for your question you will loose money if he does not go.. 50% to 100%

See if there is any way he can do an extra report on ports of call for some extra credit.. Take his school work along and work thru it!!! This is a positive experence if looked at in such a way!!!!!! Make it to your advantage!!! Good luck!!

I wish you the best and I am not blasting you.. Choices are hard to make and so is money.. Enjoy the cruise!!!!!:)

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I'm with you lilmsonry, you ask a technical question about a fare refund and suddenly everyone wants to question your parenting skills, tell you how to parent or be your child's therapist. First of all, I think it is quite remarkable and responsible that his concern for his grades is a greater priority than a week of fun. With that kind of commitment he will go far in life.


If you didn't have insurance you would loose money for sure. Since you do have insurance, you might just call the insurance company and explain the situation to them. I wouldn't present it as changing his mind, I would present it as a school emergency that is preventing him from going. I would consider grades an emergency but they may not. You might be able to give them documentation from the school principal to substantiate the story which surely shouldn't be a problem. This might not work at all, but it sure is worth a try.


If you bought your travel insurance within 15 days of booking your cruise, you might have a change of mind clause that would give you a partial reimbursement.


Best wishes with this because it sure would stink for the child to feel bad about doing the right thing for his education.

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I'm with you lilmsonry, you ask a technical question about a fare refund and suddenly everyone wants to question your parenting skills, tell you how to parent or be your child's therapist.


I don't think anyone on this post has questioned her parenting skills.. they were suggestions only.. there is a difference.. :rolleyes: If the OP only wanted advice re: Carnival's policy on a late cancellation .. I am sure she could have excluded that it was her son.. Since she did not obviously her son comes in to issue with most responses..:) From what I see most if not all are very positive towards her son!!

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Irish-You mean if somebody stated your kid was wierd and somebody else stated that he is out of control, be the parent, take charge....that you would not be offended? Come on now....I wanted to know about Carnival, that was why I was trying to get ahold of them.



Anyway= no offense to anybody meant, just a mom that doesn't mind taking up for her kids. If the comments were made to you, you might think differently.

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Irish-You mean if somebody stated your kid was wierd and somebody else stated that he is out of control, be the parent, take charge....that you would not be offended? Come on now....I wanted to know about Carnival, that was why I was trying to get ahold of them.



Anyway= no offense to anybody meant, just a mom that doesn't mind taking up for her kids. If the comments were made to you, you might think differently.


I am not trying to start bickering back and forth here but some threads are misinterpreted more times then not..:( You appologized already to "your kid is wierd" you missed what was in parenthesis beside that.. as for the control issue that was not directed at your son.. it was (well how I interpreted it) as a parental issue.. I for one misinterpret lots here and have to re-read ..If you wanted to only know about Carnival you should have stated that only.. You have been posting and I am sure reading lots here and I am sure you know how most people respond.. ;) I hope it all works out for the best for you and your family:)

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lil...I don't recall any poster stating that "your kid was out of control". I've re-read the posts, and just don't see this anywhere. I have personally tried to give you complete and accurate information re: your original question, which I hope you appreciate. Also, I know of NO trip insurance company that will cover a cancellation due to "a school emergency"! As a former middle school Principal, I will tell you that there would be NO WAY I would jeopardize my position and/or reputation, or that of my School District's, by writing a letter to a trip insurance company stating that your step-son could not go on this cruise due to a "school emergency", as it could have legal ramifications. I am now retired, and work part-time as a TA, and think that the information I gave you in my first reply is pretty much Carnival's policy. Again...please try not to be so defensive, OK? Some of us are trying to help you, but it's becoming difficult.

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Wow Coolest, looks like you got a raw deal here :( I didn't see ANYTHING rude with your post at all... actually, I thought it was very nice... you made a suggestion, and said it was commendable what he was doing... Lil, sounds like you might be stressing, and that is understandable... but no need to jump down the throats of people that are trying to offer suggestions... Seriously, I didn't see a single thing rude in that post... :confused:


Good luck to you...


GC . . . couldn't agree with you more. The OP is proud of her step-son (and rightfully so . . . there aren't that many kids out there that would be so worried about their grades dropping because of a week or two cruise vacation with their dad and step-mom that they didn't want to go). However, she sure did come down hard on some that posted with only good intentions. I too saw nothing rude in anyone's post to her. The suggestions given were good ones . . . with no malice intended (at least from what I read).

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Have him ask his teachers if he can take any school work with him for extra credit. He can do it during sea days and any down time. What a weird kid!!! (but very commendable) Is he in high school, community college, Harvard?


Lil, again... I think you have misread alot of posts. Look at the post above... do you HONESTLY think she was calling your son weird in a bad way??? This is a cruise board... we think anyone is weird that doesn't want to go on a cruise, especially picking work or school over a cruise... it is NOT meant to be derogatory but since this is a cruise board, alot of people are crazy about cruising... What Coolest said was not rude in the least bit... she offered a good suggestion (NOT questioning parenting skills)... so I know you apologized about it, but then you brought it back up AGAIN... please, know that when you throw out personal information when asking a question, you are going to get alot of opinions... if you can't handle them, your best bet would be to call Carnival or your Travel Insurance company rather than asking your question here.... sorry to be frank, but the posts in this thread have been very mild, and I really honestly think you have overreacted and taken things the wrong way.

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Was not trying to dig anybody at all, just wanted to know what Carnival's policy was. Don't want a pi__ing contest, just info about what to expect/loose from carnival. I might not have made myself clear enough in the original post, as I was typing quickly. If so, that is my fault and I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend or start arguing. That is not what the board is for. Never planned on writing a bogus letter or trying to get around any carnival regulation, just wanted to know what it was, this far in the game.


Thanks to all who have posted, good or bad. Thank you for taking the time. If I have offended you, I am sorry.


Thank you again.

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. Reservations will be held until 30 minutes prior to departure. No refunds will be made in the event of “no shows”, unused tickets, lost tickets, interruptions, partially used tickets, or cancellations received late or after the start of the cruise. A cancellation occurs when a stateroom is released and not simultaneously rebooked on the same sailing. Carnival strongly recommends the purchase of trip cancellation insurance from your travel agent. Cancellation charges for individual bookings will be assessed as listed below. For cancellation charges related to group bookings, partial ship charters or full ship charters refer to your charter contract or group booking agreement for terms and conditions.




DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE DATE CANCELLATION CHARGE (per guest)2, 3, 4 & 5 DAY CRUISESUp to 61 days None (except cruises to nowhere*) 60 to 30 days Deposit** 29 to 8 days 50% of Total Fare7 days or less 100% of Total Fare6, 7 & 8 DAY CRUISES Up to 76 days None 75 to 30 days Deposit 29 to 8 days 50% of Total Fare7 days or less 100% of Total Fare ALASKA CRUISES Up to 76 days None CRUISE TOURS 75 to 46 days Deposit AND 10 DAY 45 to 15 days 50% of Total FareOR LONGER CRUISES 14 days or less 100% of Total Fare Total Fare is defined as Cruise Fare, Air Fare Supplement, Transfer Services and Pre/Post Cruise Vacation Packages.


*The deposit is non refundable

**For cruises-to-nowhere, the cancellation charge is 25% of Total Fare.

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HOpefully you will get your answers... I doubt your travel insurance will cover your son not wanting to go because of school... I think there is one company out there that allows you to cancel for any reason... so you would need to check with your insurance company, we can't answer that one for you. You have a few days to cancel to get a 50% refund... hopefully the offices will be open at some point tomorrow... just keep calling. Unless you can find someone else to go, it looks like you are at least out 50%. Good luck!

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As already posted, you will lose 50% for cancelling if you notify them (somehow) now. If you get to within 7 days of sailing, you are out 100% of the money you spent for his fare. Trip insurance will not help in this case. It has to be a "covered" expense: illness, death, call to jury service...that sort of thing (unless you have some sort of super duper policy). I checked Carnival's trip insurance policy to see if there was something you could use. I'm no lawyer, but I didn't see anything that would help if he cancels. :(


I am a teacher myself, and I agree with the other posters on this thread that his teachers would/should be more than happy to provide him with independent study for a week (if asked early....not on his last day before vacation at 2 PM :eek: ). I am regularly asked to do this for travelling students. Anything that he doesn't understand can be reviewed when he returns as long as he tries to do the work.


Good luck to you. I hope he changes his mind and decides to go. It will probably be a long time before he gets the chance to go again.

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Gabs: He is 16 and school is difficult for him, he reallllllly has to work at it.
OK am I still missing something????

Didn't school just start???

At 16 he is in high school correct??

When did his school year start???

Is this year round school???

I am confussed our school has not even started..

Un-clear on how he could even have any grades yet to be worried about???

Is his bio-logical mother behind this at all???

Very confussed???

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IYou mean if somebody stated your kid was wierd ....that you would not be offended?


Nope! I would not be offended....my step-daughters ARE weird! (they take after their Dad...)



(still going with the "take school work along on the cruise" thing. And chucksta, your report on ports of call is absolutely brilliant!!)

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Here's my take if it matters -


Read the posts - Lil - you gotta calm down - lots of defensive posts - everyone is entitled to their opinion. . . .


I suggest - you personally contact the teachers yourself, explain that you can't get a refund for the cruise, and ask for assignments in advance prior to the cruise. . .


Bringing home a little "thank you" gift for the teachers is always apprecated too. . . . The teachers realize that going on such a wonderful trip is an opportunity of a lifetime, and if you "reason" with the teachers, they will most always work with you, and not penalize the student.


thanks for reading, and good luck


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If you are in the US, the 5th of Sept is a holiday and schools are closed. If you cruise is less than a week, then the kid will be out of school 4 days.

Unless of course you are outside the US then no holiday there.


I'd have to re-iterate Chucksta's comment, is the bio-mom involved (if not behind) this decision?

It's nice to do things for the step-kids and ultimately builds some points there.

Another thing to consider is that perhaps he blames his father and his interests for the parents splitting up. He may be doing this to get over on you both knowing how much it could cost you.

If you are going to cancel, do it now to at least get some of your cash back.


Lesson to be learned here:

A - don't take vacation during school year with kids who struggle in school

B - if you do take vacation during school year, it shouldn't involve the kids

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Gabs: He is 16 and school is difficult for him, he reallllllly has to work at it.
Lilmsonry, I'm sorry for your situation. Those teen years are hard. My 14 year old (almost 15) is very difficult sometimes. It is good that he is worried about his grades. My son,who is 20 now, had the same problem, struggled with grades and now he is suffering for it. School should be one of the most important things in his life right now (but family is always first!) I know I didn't answer your question, I hope someone can. Good luck, I hope everything works out for you all.
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