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Constellation 5 Day January 24 2015 Review


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Totally enjoying your review. I love Key West. Your photography is awesome, especially the photo of the rooster.


Thanks, not having an excursion planned was nice and gave me a chance to get out and just play with my camera for a bit. Had to get the roosters, my SIL is also a photographer and always posting pictures of her chickens so had to show I could do it too.

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It's formal night but since we're in Blu it's smart casual for us every night. Last year I brought a dark suit, but with it being a two week trip, including Disneyworld, and no irons on board my suit was a disaster. This year, smart casual for me. Nice slacks and a black long sleeve dress shirt. No tie, but I have a black T under the dress shirt to compensate for the open collar. Around the ship I see a range of clothing. A couple of guys in Tuxes, some in suits or sportcoats, and some dressed as I am with slacks and a dress shirt. Can’t tell you how many were not in suits for the MDR as we didn’t eat there. At least one of the tuxes was in Blu, and the couple seated next to us was dressed like we were, except his dress shirt was short sleeved. Can’t tell you much about the sartorial splendor of the women except that there was everything from dress slacks with blouses to cocktail dresses, I didn’t see any gowns. Of course I’m the wrong guy to ask about this stuff, my wife would notice more of it. Nobody looked out of place though no matter how they were dressed.


Blu is busy and Tijana tells us it will be 20-30 minutes for a table for two and hands us a pager. We decide to wait in Cellar Masters and easily find two seats at the bar. Before my wife can finish her glass (mine was long gone) the pager goes off telling us our table is ready (maybe 15 minutes).


We're given a table for two and Tijana comments that now it's the large groups she's having a problem getting seated. I believe it is truly just lucky timing on whether or not you end up waiting for your table.


The tables in Blu are close together and you will overhear what you neighbors are talking about whether you want to or not, but the overall atmosphere is very quiet. We always end up talking at least a bit with our neighbors, but I've never felt like I had to and it would be easy to keep conversation to a minimum if you wanted; besides I have to admit out of the 8 times I’ve had dinner in Blu there has only been once I didn’t want to talk to the couple next to me (they both looked grumpy and not a word was spoken between us). Every other meal I’ve enjoyed meeting new people from different parts of the country.


The food is excellent (a copy of the menu is attached), I have the scallops and bisque to start, my wife is able to order a few items from the MDR without a problem. The sommelier and I get along too well and he just leaves me the bottle to self serve. Before I know it I've drunk the entire bottle and am well on my way to my worst night at sea.


After dinner we stop by the showroom but the show is just about over. They're performing a collection of James Bond tunes and the singing/dancing is pretty good; the crowd seems to be enjoying it anyway. With the show ending we head to the Martini Bar and thus seal my fate for the rest of the night.


The bar is busy but there are plenty of seats around the outside of the lounge area. A server takes care of us pretty quickly and soon two seats open at the bar. Being in such a warm, fuzzy mood by this point I quickly make friends with the bartenders who take very good care of me this evening. With the premium package I don't worry about the brand of alcohol they're making the drink with, or the size of the glass, I just enjoy myself and order several more drinks then I need for the evening.


The rest of the night goes by in a flash with the bartenders joking around with guests and putting on quite a show as they mix and pour multiple drinks at once.


We make our way back to our cabin which isn't easy considering the alcohol and the movement of the boat. It doesn't look like rough seas but either the direction or the timing of the swells is causing the boat to skip side to side quite a bit. Top deck cabin, skipping boat and a premium drink package all prove to be my undoing as I'm up the rest of the night praying to the porcelain gods. I'm usually not prone to motion sickness but this time I'm done in.:o

Blu Sunday Menu.pdf

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Loving your review, just as I did last year, and I will be following behind, but in 1140 this year instead of 1138. The photos are fabulous, and I think your idea to wander the streets and photograph is a perfect way to spend the day in Key West. I have suffered the same illness as you before during these cruises but mine strikes a little sooner....it stems from a rare condition called 'first night crazies'.....:)

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Loving your review, just as I did last year, and I will be following behind, but in 1140 this year instead of 1138. The photos are fabulous, and I think your idea to wander the streets and photograph is a perfect way to spend the day in Key West. I have suffered the same illness as you before during these cruises but mine strikes a little sooner....it stems from a rare condition called 'first night crazies'.....:)


"First night crazies" is what we had last year (although I didn't get "motion sick" last year). My wife and I laughed that we made it two days this time.




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"First night crazies" is what we had last year (although I didn't get "motion sick" last year). My wife and I laughed that we made it two days this time.


We get on Sat. and Sunday is by BD... Soooo I am trying not to have the First Night Crazies and save it for Bob's BD.. but it might end up being 2 days:eek:

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We get on Sat. and Sunday is by BD... Soooo I am trying not to have the First Night Crazies and save it for Bob's BD.. but it might end up being 2 days:eek:


Good luck with that. I was doing fine until I thought a Chocolate Espresso Martini sounded like a good dessert. Chocolate, Coffee, Alcohol....what could go wrong?:rolleyes:

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Day 3 - At Sea


This will probably be the shortest day I write up since I slept through most of it. Moving is hard to do and I realize quickly that although I can still drink like I'm 21, I recover like I'm 49. My wife brings me back some toast from the buffet and I take a few bites before I decide a shower may be best. Somewhat refreshed we decide to go to morning trivia, Me with a very large bottle of Evian in hand.


This trivia session is done with Sara who has a wonderful sense of humor and makes sure the rules are understood up front so there's no arguing. 15 questions, a few worth multiple points, and you can have a team of six; but feeling the way I do my wife and I decide to go at it alone. We love trivia games and end up playing three times over the week, coming in second all three times. I'll take it though, each time we lost to a larger team and usually because we changed our answer. Like Sarah says, "Stick with your first answer.....unless it's wrong." The prizes varied from a deck of cards to luggage tags.


We decide to try lunch in the main dining room. We've never eaten there before and this would give us a chance without giving up a meal on Blu. The dining room is nice, with two floors and an open area in the center of the second floor looking down on the first. It's at the back of the ship with huge windows looking out over the wake. I believe the second floor is where Select Dining guests are normally seated and this is where they are serving lunch today. My first impression is that it is much noisier than Blu, to be honest it seems noisier than the Ocean View Cafe too. Lunch service is good and the food decent but I think the buffet is just as good, if not a little better because of the choices available.


After lunch we head to the Reflection lounge for bingo (can you tell I'm moving a little slow today?). We're early so there is a swing dance lesson going on still when we get there. A pretty good size group, the dance floor is full, is being taught by two of the dancers from the show we saw last night. Everyone looks to be having a good time and there was a large range in ability and age out on the floor.




Bingo is run by Sarah and Jermaine. For $39 you get three cards, $49 gets you six. There is a higher level that also throws in a few paper cards for the finale and some pull tab instant win games. With our Captains Club coupon we buy the six cards and get a bonus three cards for the finale for free. The basic cards are the slider type and are good for all three games. We played four corners, single line and blackout. The payoffs today were a $240 pot split two ways, a $450 pot, and a $550 pot (if you were there don't punish me on my numbers I'm close enough). If you get blackout in the first 45 numbers you win a jackpot of $15,000. This cruise had a few vacant cabins so they also had a drawing for an upgrade to a suite. I came close on the blackout but no luck for us today.




We decide a nap before dinner is what we need and go back to our balcony for a little snooze.


We head down to Blu for dinner about 7:30 and it looks a little crowded but Tijana says it will only be about 15 minutes. We take our pager and go sit in Cellar Masters again, but no wine for me tonight.


We're seated in 10-15 minutes at the most and quickly decide what we want to eat. Even feeling a badly as I do the food is wonderful, I just decide to skip dessert. My wife orders off the menu from the MDR and is told no problem; when I say off the menu I should clarify. Each day my wife would check the San Marco menu at the entrance to San Marco and remember what she wanted, she did not ask for a MDR menu. Then at Blu she would see if there was something she would like more and order whichever suited her tastes. I've been told on the M class boats the two restaurants share a kitchen, or at least are right next to each other, so that staff can bring you an item or two from the MDR if requested. This isn't the same on the S class and if anyone on the Constellation objected she would have made do. Blu menu attached below.


After dinner we wander through the shops a bit, listen to some music, throw some money into the slots before deciding to call it an early night. Here is where my compliments go out to the housekeeping staff. I had left that room a mess. I'd had the "do not disturb" sign up all day and had planned to pick up when we came back for the evening. As we were leaving we ran into our housekeeper who asked if we were leaving for dinner. We told her we were and she took that as her clue to jump into the room and bring order to the chaos I had wrought. When we returned from dinner that room was spotless and looked like it did every other night at turn down.



Blu Monday Menu.pdf

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10 days left and your review is making it either easier or harder, can't decide!:eek:


One question on the menu, one of the apps was Chilled Maine Lobster Salad... did you happen to see it? Wife will want that and might order 2!


Sorry, didn't see it. On my phone right now so difficult to check menu to know which night it was offered. If it was Saturday we dined at the Tuscan Grille. Hard to believe I would have passed it up any other night (although this last evening I was a little weak in the knees and might have missed a few things).


Sorry, these last few days of the review are slow to come. Finally had to go back to work yesterday and it has put a serious crimp omg personal time. :D


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Reality reentry.....the hardest part of the cruise....


Reentry was so difficult for me I put in my retirement papers my first day back. :D


Wasn't supposed to be for another year so now I have a huge backlog to clear in the next three weeks. Slowing down my review.



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Day 4 - Cozumel


Wake up feeling much better and ready to tackle the day. Didn't have any real plans for Cozumel since we had just visited. My wife has spa treatments scheduled for the morning and afternoon and I have one for the afternoon.


The Constellation is docked at the International Pier next to the Silhouette. Further down the road at the Carnival pier there is one Carnival boat and another one pulls in during the morning. Closer to downtown I can see two more ships docked, looks like Holland America and Norwegian, looks like a busy day in Cozumel.




We take our time heading down to Blu for breakfast and I enjoy some custom museli made by Mentor (the self credited best museli maker in the world) and eggs before starting our day.My wife and I agree to meet for lunch between her treatments and go our separate ways. I decide to get off the boat to take some pictures and see if there is a WiFi source nearby.






Debarking is pretty simple and the walk into the shopping area of the International Pier is fairly short. There are signs everywhere telling you not to bring any food, plants, etc. into Mexico and the local police are there to look at your bags and pass it by their dog. Most of the excursion groups have already left so it’s not too crowded but there is still a good hustle of business going on. The shopping area is a mixed bag of bars, craft shops, tourist shops and stores selling tobacco, liquor and medicines. There is a little bar right at the beginning of the dock advertising WiFi with a $6 cover good all day (this is not Senor Frog’s but it is right next to it.) I figure I’ll walk around a bit, maybe do some shopping, before I settle in to check in at home. With the two hour time difference my kids are either still asleep (college) or at school (high school) anyway.





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Nothing really grabs my eye in the shops so I decide to wander out onto the street and see what is around. The International Pier lets you out about a mile and a half away from Margaritaville which is pretty close to the edge of downtown. By the way, there is another Senor Frogs by Margaritaville, and then you get into the shopping area. Next to the pier is the El Cid Beach Resort, I know you can day passes there but have never tried it. In this picture the pier is to the extreme right, Senor Frogs right of center, and the El Cid to the left.




Across the street is the Royal Village shopping center and the Hard Rock Cafe. I cross the street (a deadly proposition with all the tourists in their rented jeeps and riding mopeds) and find a coffee place in the the Royal Village center. They have a $5 minimum per device to get WiFi service and an inside and outside area to sit and enjoy your coffee. Everything’s in pesos so know your conversion rate. I get a coffee and find a place to settle in and check up on the news. The WiFi service is solid and pretty fast but I’m not able to take advantage of WiFi calling for some reason; don’t know if it is a limit put on by the shop, the service or my phone so no texting or voice this way.


After relaxing for a while I head back through the shops at the pier. I bargain with a local seller for some cheap souvenirs and donate to the local Humane Society, getting a water bottle in return.






Time to head back to the ship for lunch and a relaxing afternoon.

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I meet my wife at the Ocean View Buffet for lunch. The variety of food and some fresh cooked pasta is great but I do have to say I am disappointed in the artichokes with the pasta, they’re not very fresh or tender, and the pesto could be stronger. The buffet is pretty full for a port day, but the staff is quick to clean empty tables and help people find seats. There are quite a few groups playing cards or mahjong. Not sure how I feel about them taking tables when the buffet is crowded there are other places on the ship to go, but the staff seems to have seating under control. My wife tells me her morning spa sessions were done very well and she thoroughly enjoyed them. Her masseuse was the only American staff member in the spa (maybe the ship) but I can’t remember her name (Kay?).


After lunch we change into our bathing suits so we can enjoy the Persian Gardens before our treatments. I’ve heard several complaints about the Persian Gardens on M class ships being dark and depressing, but I don’t find this to be the case at all. It is dim, but so are most massage and relaxation rooms. Sitting back on the heated benches and just closing your eyes for a few minutes is bliss, especially when we are the only two present. I try out the Turkish bath, sauna, and steam room, before coming back to the benches, and find all of them wonderful. There are two showers near the entrance with various types of shower heads that feel great too. My wife tells me she also came in here on our sea day, but there were quite a few people in there that day and they were treating it like a coffee klatch; not nearly as relaxing when everyone is talking around you.


We leave the gardens with enough time to shower and change in the locker rooms before heading to our afternoon treatments. The locker rooms are nothing fancy, but they are clean and a convenient place to put your property while you enjoy the spa and exercise room; they provide robes there so no need to bring the one from your room.


For the afternoon my wife is getting a pedicure and I am getting a straight razor shave. I’ve never had one before but a few of my friends have and say they feel really good and shave you so close you can get by for a few days without shaving again. I enjoy the hot towel, shaving cream and shave. It is soothing and the oil/cream, whatever it is they use on my face afterward feels really nice. My shave is shorter than my wife’s pedicure so I sign my bill and head back to my room to relax with a beer on my balcony. This is when I catch on to being disappointed with my spa treatment. In my room I glance at my watch and realize I wasn’t given my full time in the chair since even now back in my room my end time hasn’t come up. I figure it’s not worth complaining about (what are they going to do shave something else ) but as I rub my face I realize I can feel stubble too. A few minutes later my wife walks into our room with a drink and some food from the buffet. I tell her what happened to me and she realizes she has been shorted on her time too. She calls the spa to complain but they tell her she got her full time. Sorry, but when you not the time going in and you’re back in the room with drinks and food when you’re ending time was supposed to be you didn’t get full service. What are we going to say though, the technician fudged her times on the receipt to cover the 50 minutes. Don’t want to wreck the relaxing mood we worked for all day by walking all the way back to the front or arguing with guest relations for any kind of refund, but have to say I will really rethink using the spa’s services on our future cruises. Their staff in the salon area completely wrecked the reputation their morning staff had built up with my wife.


We relax for a while on the balcony before we decide to head up to midship and watch the Silhouette sailaway. Last year this was probably the best comedy show on the ship as we watched those who enjoyed the Mexican culture perhaps a little too much stagger and run to make it back to their ship before it left port. Strangely this year nobody is running late. Don’t know if it’s the weather (it was a little cooler this year) but everyone is back aboard with plenty of time to spare, and there aren’t too many balloon party hats to be seen anywhere. We watch the Silhouette push away from the dock and sail away into the setting sun.




An hour later as the Constellation makes ready to sail we head back to our balcony to enjoy a few drinks as we slowly make our way into the sunset ourselves. Last year the Constellation had a male guitarist every evening playing at the Sunset Bar below our balcony and we were looking forward to the same this year. This year it was a wonderful female guitarist named Roberta Amaral whose voice is as good as any recording artist out there. We passed by her sets at several different locations throughout the cruise and enjoyed every song we heard. Nothing better than relaxing on your balcony, drink in hand, listening to a six string while you sail away.









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Wonderful review, Spa is a no go for shave!

Am really ready to be sipping a drink while listening to the lady sing shortly!


I have to say, I had the most amazing shave ever last April on the Reflection. I've been looking forward to another ever since.


I'm on the Connie with you next week. If we run it into each other, I'll let you know how it was. I'll be the one boarding all scraggly and clean shaven sometime before day 5 :).



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I have to say, I had the most amazing shave ever last April on the Reflection. I've been looking forward to another ever since.


I'm on the Connie with you next week. If we run it into each other, I'll let you know how it was. I'll be the one boarding all scraggly and clean shaven sometime before day 5 :).



LOL - I am sporting a longer than usual (Keep it short short) white beard for our day In KW... kinda a nod to "the old man". Might get it shorten that evening, BUT it being my birthday I might "forget"!

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I have to say, I had the most amazing shave ever last April on the Reflection. I've been looking forward to another ever since.


I'm on the Connie with you next week. If we run it into each other, I'll let you know how it was. I'll be the one boarding all scraggly and clean shaven sometime before day 5 :).




Wish that had been the case for me. Maybe I built up to much in my head what I was expecting, but after hearing from my friends all the good things about the treatment I expected more. Think I'll have to go get another one locally and see how they compare. Worried though, that if my wife and I both had a complaint about the salon services (and we are definitely NOT complaining people) there may be a problem.

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