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Foreign aid for hurricane?

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RiverRev. Thank you for your posting. FACT: Primary responsibility comes from the City, Parish and state government. They have to request assistance and then the federal government can act which in fact they did starting on Sat with the delaration from the president. FEMA prepositioned personnel, supplies and emergency medical teams in localitys outside the danger zones. The effected area is 90,000 sq miles. When roads became unpassable, and primary bridges fell into the water, and all communication within the citys failed, delays happened. The severity of the situation became known Mon afternoon and continued to develope throughout the night. 70,000 refugees have been evacuated to other cities and states. As bad as the Super Dome was, people were fed and watered. I can't believe that lady complaining that her MRE was not warmed, but she had water, water, water. From Mon evening till Thur evening is only 3 days. Much has been done. Everything? Of course not. It was and is impossible.

Rev. Thanks again for your insightful and factual post.


I'ld like to add one more thing. Monday afternoon there was much speculation by officials and the media as to the cost of this storm.

Based on what was known at that time the guessing was between

15 and 20 Billion dollars. That was based on what was known Monday afternoon. Tonight the president will sign a relief bill of 10.5 Billion as

ONLY a downpayment. Based on what has been learned SINCE Monday the cost will probably run 50 to 70 Billion. As more has been learned of the disaster, ALL recovery efforts are being ramped up.


I lived in the NO area 30 yrs ago and this was exactly what we heard as a worst case senario everytime we prepared for a possible hurricane. The preparations, whether the levies or other things is the responsibility of the City, Parish and the State with assistance on request of the Corps of Engineers.


Although I've mentioned what is the government authority with primary responsibility (City, Parish and State), that should not be considered as a partisan political criticism and nor should anyone else at this time. There will be plenty of time to play the blame game in a couple of years.

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This is what I have to say about hurricane Katrina's ordeal.

I am outragged by the lack of preparedness our Government and those in charge were to this disaster. They really dropped the ball. Shame, shame on them. They knew for days that a catagory 4 or 5 hurricane was going to hit somewhere along the coastline. I have not heard of a storm of that magnitude that didn't cause millions of people to be homeless and many would need to be rescued, and that water and food would be needed. They also should have know that there would be looting, it is shameful, but it does happen. Why wasn't the National Guard and other law enforcement agencies standing by ready to be deployed where they were needed. I can not believe this is happening in the United States. For Gods sake there are thousands of tiny babies, small children, elderly and adults that need food, water and medical attention now. I think it's time we start taking care of Americans first. This is just my opinion.


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This is what I have to say about hurricane Katrina's ordeal.

I am outragged by the lack of preparedness our Government and those in charge were to this disaster. They really dropped the ball. Shame, shame on them. They knew for days that a catagory 4 or 5 hurricane was going to hit somewhere along the coastline. I have not heard of a storm of that magnitude that didn't cause millions of people to be homeless and many would need to be rescued, and that water and food would be needed. They also should have know that there would be looting, it is shameful, but it does happen. Why wasn't the National Guard and other law enforcement agencies standing by ready to be deployed where they were needed. I can not believe this is happening in the United States. For Gods sake there are thousands of tiny babies, small children, elderly and adults that need food, water and medical attention now. I think it's time we start taking care of Americans first. This is just my opinion.


AMEN!!! And it is day 5 and the president is JUST NOW visiting the devasted area.

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Maybe we should have sent our troops down there 2 days before the storm hit so they could have got wiped out too - who would we send in then - I think our government is doing everything it can, as fast as they can - but now they are trying to help people while dodging gunfire??


Just my opinion!

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coiran. Agreed. You don't put your relief resources in harm's way. Never have and hopefully never will. Some look at the pics and ask "why?" Others look at the pics and say "how can I help?" As we read on these boards every day, there will always be those that are happiest when criticizing and finding fault. Again, I say that our government was doing all they could under the circumsances of roads and bridges being gone, no power, no water and all infrastructure out of commision. This is a disaster of Biblical proportions. There is just no way to be prepared for one like this. This is bigger than the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. In fact the biggest natural disaster in US history. Those that say relief resources should have been in place before the storm are either very niave or just not thinking.

Decisions can't be made only on emotions.

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I've been reading these various threads on here and I must say, I cannot fathom the excuses that are being made for the lack of forsight, terribly slow to react and the blaming that is going on.


The United States is suppose to pride itself on the fact that it stands together and helps each other out at a time of need. That looks great on the front page of the newspapers but, quite frankly I think what has happened in the south shows it just isn't so.


The amount of time it's taken to get the proper relief even started in New Orleans has been far far too long for a country that is suppose to be "the best".


Too many excuses and for Bush - today - Friday - lots of good photo opps.

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AMEN!!! And it is day 5 and the president is JUST NOW visiting the devasted area.


I think Bush is one of the worst presidents in our history, but I can't blame him for this. When dignitaries visit a disaster scene of any kind it takes a massive amount of logistical and security forces away from helping the victims. There was nothing his physcial presence could add but trouble prior to this.

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Lynees. Are you saying your PM wouldn't visit the victims of a tragic natural disaster? Are you suggesting that everyother president would not visit the victims? This is not the time to bash Bush or Clinton or anyother individual. Or even your PM. I remind you that in 2 1/2 days, 70,000 people had been evacuated to other cities and states. They have been fed and watered when possible. I have been so impressed with everyone involved in this human tragidy. They city of NO and the infrastructure is DESTROYED. Any bldg that has water in it will have to be demolished because of the threat of desease. The city will be gone. Just heard from the Sec of State that even the very poor Sri Lanka has offered aid. She also mention that so far sixty (60) countries have offered aid.

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I've been reading these various threads on here and I must say, I cannot fathom the excuses that are being made for the lack of forsight, terribly slow to react and the blaming that is going on.


The United States is suppose to pride itself on the fact that it stands together and helps each other out at a time of need. That looks great on the front page of the newspapers but, quite frankly I think what has happened in the south shows it just isn't so.


The amount of time it's taken to get the proper relief even started in New Orleans has been far far too long for a country that is suppose to be "the best".


Too many excuses and for Bush - today - Friday - lots of good photo opps.


Before you critisize the response of the US, look at our own situation here in Vancouver. We are on a major fault line and if an earthquake were to come, the nearest military base is Alberta. Now lets think, transporting troops throught the Rockie Mnts to the lower mainland after an earthquake, I wonder if any tunnels will collapse in the Fraser Canyon. Lets fly them in to YVR, which will have sunken due to the Liquification of soil on sea island. Perhaps we could drive them 1,200 km's, might take a while.

And wow, there are but 4 bridges / tunnels to Vancouver from outside, 3 of which are 30+ years old. I'm sure they will all survive.......

Try getting to Vancouver on a sunny day, takes hours even if there are no problems.

We are hardly prepared for any disaster let alone one of this magnitude. And furthermore, I could care less if our PM came to see it for himself, with todays electonic and communications, he would be better to co-ordinate from the safety of Ottawa.

Let's be serious here..

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"Before you critisize the response of the US, look at our own situation here in Vancouver. We are on a major fault line and if an earthquake were to come, the nearest military base is Alberta."


wrong wrong wrong


Actual just across the straits from Vancouver are 3, yes 3 miltary bases


CFB Esquimalt, home to Canada's west coast navy, Pat Bay with a squadron of Sea King helicopters, and CFB Comox, north on the island that has search and rescue helicopters and P3 maritime patrol aircraft. All of thses are a hell of a lot closer than Alberta.

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I stand corrected about the bases, thank you.


Our military is horribly underfunded and we would be in a desperate situation if a disaster were to happen anywhere in Canada. I only pray that it doesn't, and that we all learn from the problems on the Gulf coast.

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for all those involved in this horrendous event. I must say that France has offered aid ,so the offers are coming. Thank you Canada and Germany. I guess we can stop boycotting french fries!:) I must say I think the problem there started about 4-5 years ago when a man wrote a book about what needed to be done in New Orleans to correct some of the faults. I am sorry but I cannot remember his name or the title of the book. This book was delivered to Congress and it was obviously set aside. He devised a plan to redesign the levee system and add some support in underprotected areas. The cost to fix the problem was obviously alot less then ,than it is going to be now. In the final analysis it is probably going to be rebuilt the way this man proposed. I think that we are so used to our infrastructure in this country that we forget what it was like before it. Our area suffered 2 major ice storms in less than 12 years. Alot of us now have generators so that we do not freeze. Not to say that what happened here was on the same scale as that in NO and surrounding areas. Just to say that I remember the deadly quiet and the sound of the trees breaking. It sounded like the OK corral. On a positive note on the news tonight reported that our area collected 1 million 150 thousand dollars. I think that we live in a wonderful nation and we shall rise to the challenge!!! My thoughts and prayers are with all that live or haved loved ones in NO, and all other effected areas.

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Just saw on the news that the first planes have left Canada with supplies (not specific to what was sent)


Canada is also deploying 1000 soldiers on Tuesday


26 nations have banded together to release 60 million gallons of oil.


I must say that I am horrified by what I have seen on the television. Gangs of armed men ruling the street, the military told to shoot looters on sight....


I think back to the Tsunami, and the Thai people quickly banded together to help each other, sharing what little they had with foreign tourists, and people who had lost everything patiently waiting for help and supplies.


It is a shame that in NA, many of those same types of victims turn to violence. I hope this experience teaches the American government that their policies on guns need to be reexamined.


My best wishes go out to those homeless and stranded.

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"I stand corrected about the bases, thank you."


no problem, as one of those woefully underfunded military members, I come across people everyday who don't realize how much we do have even though all we hear about is how little we have.


Having travelled the world over, from Europe, Yugoslavia, the Caribbean, the US and even Canada with the Forest fires of 88, the ice storm in Quebec, Swiss Air in NS, and even now as we get ready to send ships and helo's to Louisiana, I can assure you that no matter how bad it ever got in Canada, east or west the canadian military would be there .

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coiran. Agreed. You don't put your relief resources in harm's way. Never have and hopefully never will. Some look at the pics and ask "why?" Others look at the pics and say "how can I help?" As we read on these boards every day, there will always be those that are happiest when criticizing and finding fault. Again, I say that our government was doing all they could under the circumsances of roads and bridges being gone, no power, no water and all infrastructure out of commision. This is a disaster of Biblical proportions. There is just no way to be prepared for one like this. This is bigger than the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. In fact the biggest natural disaster in US history. Those that say relief resources should have been in place before the storm are either very niave or just not thinking.

ecisions can't be made only on emotions.


I find it amazing that you can feel there was no way anyone could be prepared for this disaster and that the government has done all it can. In the light of all the massive hurricanes, getting bigger and more numerous every year, (4 hit Florida last year alone) and with this part of America having always been in direct path of these storms, many, many, times over and prone to flooding. being swamps and below sea level...there were hundreds of things they could have done..but chose not to. The levees were built to withstand only a force 3 hurricane, yet they knew this was to be at least a 4 or 5. the gov't cancelled the extra money for repairs to damaged sections..and they had NO evacuation or Emergency plan for such an incident and it has been anticipated for MANY Years. I am an American,living in England, from Florida. I have family there who survived a direct hit by Andrew and had half their home leveled and nearly lost their life, and I am a veteran of many nasty hurricanes. I am also aware that Biloxi and Gulfport were often hit and flooded..why no preparation? Evacuation should have meant everyone, even the poor, uneducated,stubborn. and the blacks....trucks manned by national guards, police,fire,red cross, whomever..should have gone around neighborhoods and cleared the people out, by force if need be. America is a gun culture. Most victims had no money, or way out, or places to go. They were in imminent harm yet they were left behind. I am sitting here now listening to CNN and a reporter telling how one person attempting to help, couldn't get the faces out of his mind of dying old people and screaming babies, dehydrated from lack of milk and water on day 5 of this dissaster. Still waiting in the middle of N.O. to get to shelters..While we watch an unarmed reporter ,in no fear for his life, stand next to a dozen or more heavily armed police, surrounding a building they THINK (in his words) has a lone possibly armed looter inside. While one block away, in view, are a hundred or more people standing in dirty water and surrounded by garbage waiting for supposed supplies of WATER that don't arrive.A doctor at a hospital cried as she watched people die simply for lack of drugs. They moved the critical to the roof top of the hospital 2 days ago as helicopters were to evacuate them, but they never came. The dead were wrapped in blankets in the corner, while others suffered. Medicine could have been airdropped..there were not all the shooters..reporters confirmed that..Helecopters were flying overhead all the while they spoke with no difficulty.. But now, after 5 days, people are desperate and it will get nasty. What would you do? How can A massive country like the USA, with so many neighboring states, wait so long ..and still.. are not helping their own people ?? President Bush has today proved himself over and over again to be totally out of touch with reality. He posed outside some damaged houses in an area nothing like the real crisis zone. Afraid of the result if he did visit N.O.. the People were clean, well fed and smiling. He was photographed several times over hugging and reassuring a very attractive mother and daughter..arms wrapped tight around them as he walked off into the sunset. His speech both there in Miss. and at N.O. airport..A grinning Bush told of his visions for a brand new Bigger and Better Gulfcoast..Big Plans for N.O. and Biloxi..it's gonna rise again. But will it rise With these poor people..or Without them? It was very exciting for him, like a new project. Rebuilding part of America. But no mention of the thousands of people still waiting to be rescued who are hungry and thirsty... imagine 5 days of no toilets, clean water,food, bed..no concern for them at all. They are expected to go on waiting..waiting..waiting.. with more dying each day. Even the mayor of N.O has called his talk BS.. couldn't agree more. Other states should have sent in help themselves..immediately..it was possible if they had wanted to. If Bush were there..or our Tony Blair for that matter..HELP would be there and FAST! There are No excuses..Would you be understanding in their shoes? America looks like a 3rd world country..and 110 billion being spent on Iraq..supposedly for democracy...where is the democracy for these Americans who have lost absolutely everything and where is their homeland security????

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coiran. Agreed. You don't put your relief resources in harm's way. Never have and hopefully never will. Some look at the pics and ask "why?" Others look at the pics and say "how can I help?" As we read on these boards every day, there will always be those that are happiest when criticizing and finding fault. Again, I say that our government was doing all they could under the circumsances of roads and bridges being gone, no power, no water and all infrastructure out of commision. This is a disaster of Biblical proportions. There is just no way to be prepared for one like this. This is bigger than the San Francisco earthquake of 1906. In fact the biggest natural disaster in US history. Those that say relief resources should have been in place before the storm are either very niave or just not thinking.

ecisions can't be made only on emotions.


I find it amazing that you can feel there was no way anyone could be prepared for this disaster and that the government has done all it can. In the light of all the massive hurricanes, getting bigger and more numerous every year, (4 hit Florida last year alone) and with this part of America having always been in direct path of these storms, many, many, times over and prone to flooding. being swamps and below sea level...there were hundreds of things they could have done..but chose not to. The levees were built to withstand only a force 3 hurricane, yet they knew this was to be at least a 4 or 5. the gov't cancelled the extra money for repairs to damaged sections..and they had NO evacuation or Emergency plan for such an incident and it has been anticipated for MANY Years. I am an American,living in England, from Florida. I have family there who survived a direct hit by Andrew and had half their home leveled and nearly lost their life, and I am a veteran of many nasty hurricanes. I am also aware that Biloxi and Gulfport were often hit and flooded..why no preparation? Evacuation should have meant everyone, even the poor, uneducated,stubborn. and the blacks....trucks manned by national guards, police,fire,red cross, whomever..should have gone around neighborhoods and cleared the people out, by force if need be. America is a gun culture. Most victims had no money, or way out, or places to go. They were in imminent harm yet they were left behind. I am sitting here now listening to CNN and a reporter telling how one person attempting to help, couldn't get the faces out of his mind of dying old people and screaming babies, dehydrated from lack of milk and water on day 5 of this dissaster. Still waiting in the middle of N.O. to get to shelters..While we watch an unarmed reporter ,in no fear for his life, stand next to a dozen or more heavily armed police, surrounding a building they THINK (in his words) has a lone possibly armed looter inside. While one block away, in view, are a hundred or more people standing in dirty water and surrounded by garbage waiting for supposed supplies of WATER that don't arrive.A doctor at a hospital cried as she watched people die simply for lack of drugs. They moved the critical to the roof top of the hospital 2 days ago as helicopters were to evacuate them, but they never came. The dead were wrapped in blankets in the corner, while others suffered. Medicine could have been airdropped..there were not all the shooters..reporters confirmed that..Helecopters were flying overhead all the while they spoke with no difficulty.. But now, after 5 days, people are desperate and it will get nasty. What would you do? How can A massive country like the USA, with so many neighboring states, wait so long ..and still.. are not helping their own people ?? President Bush has today proved himself over and over again to be totally out of touch with reality. He posed outside some damaged houses in an area nothing like the real crisis zone. Afraid of the result if he did visit N.O.. the People were clean, well fed and smiling. He was photographed several times over hugging and reassuring a very attractive mother and daughter..arms wrapped tight around them as he walked off into the sunset. His speech both there in Miss. and at N.O. airport..A grinning Bush told of his visions for a brand new Bigger and Better Gulfcoast..Big Plans for N.O. and Biloxi..it's gonna rise again. But will it rise With these poor people..or Without them? It was very exciting for him, like a new project. Rebuilding part of America. But no mention of the thousands of people still waiting to be rescued who are hungry and thirsty... imagine 5 days of no toilets, clean water,food, bed..no concern for them at all. They are expected to go on waiting..waiting..waiting.. with more dying each day. Even the mayor of N.O has called his talk BS.. couldn't agree more. Other states should have sent in help themselves..immediately..it was possible if they had wanted to. If Bush were there..or our Tony Blair for that matter..HELP would be there and FAST! There are No excuses..Would you be understanding in their shoes? America looks like a 3rd world country..and 110 billion being spent on Iraq..supposedly for democracy...where is the democracy for these Americans who have lost absolutely everything and where is their homeland security????

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Kenandlaura. I lived there 30 years ago. Poverty has always been a problem there. Public assistance, I'm afraid has made cripples of a large part of the population. I'm not sure if or what the solution is but maybe some that are leaving for refugee camps may find more opportunitys else where. The US economy is doing pretty well. The GDP was announced today at 3.3% growth, better than expected. Low interest rates and a very strong retail and housing segements are looking good. 3.3% inspite of much higher energy costs. Oh. And crime was a major problem 30 yrs ago too.


The American poverty rate has grown every year for the past four years. Some parts of the economy are doing well, but, for many Americans, that is not the case. The growing economy doesn't do anything for the large number of service sector employees...those retail gains don't raise wages, they just raise profits for shareholders and incomes for the CEOs. What the growth in the economy has to do with the poor in New Orleans is beyond me, however.

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Also, regarding the government's response, people are making excuses for the shameful job that has been done. The federal government not stepping in because it is the state's responsibility? Please, that is just an excuse.


Last year a hurricane simulation "PAM" was done. It showed what would happen and predicted EXACTLY what is happening now. The U.S. government (FEMA having lost power and resources once it became part of homeland security) did not take the exercise seriously. The government chose not to spend $14 billion to help to strengthen levees a few years ago, instead putting more money toward Iraq. On Sunday, every resource should have been directed towards evacuating every person out of N.O. It wasn't.


People have perished who didn't need to. Bottom line.

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Money was released to strengthen the levees - yes - against the administrations wishes - but it was released - however - it was only released in June 2005. Again - should we have had troops in place before the storm hit? And who would we then send in to rescue the troops. Get real!!!



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Money was released to strengthen the levees - yes - against the administrations wishes - but it was released - however - it was only released in June 2005. Again - should we have had troops in place before the storm hit? And who would we then send in to rescue the troops. Get real!!!




Yes but people have been lobbying to get monies to strengthen the levees since the 70's. That's a long, long time to wait for a model they knew was only a matter of time.


Troops could have been placed in staging areas closer to the cities when it was apparent that Katrina was a cat 5. Yes she weakened but not enough to send them home.


I was in Opal (as I have posted we lost everything) and helicopters had food into my small city within 24 hours. Not just the Armed Forces either but church groups etc. We volunteered with the Red Cross (a whole lot more helpful and interesting than sitting on our butts for a week picking our toes and waiting for the power to come back on, which was our alternative option). The organization was amazing and much of it in close proximity before the hurricane hit. Now Opal was no Katrina but there was better organization than I have seen in even areas of Mississippi.

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This event is exactly what was forecast THIRTY years ago when I lived there. Every time we prepared for a possible hurrican the Times Piceyune (sp) printed this scenario. Let's see; I think 30 years ago was the Gerald Ford administration, then Carter, Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton and now Bush 43. If blame is due for administrations, there is plenty of time for that. Yes one of the levies finished an upgrade within the last five years. This is the primary responsibility of the city, parish and state government with the requested help of the Corps of Engineers of the federal government and financial aid from the fed. As for the safety of the recovery personnel, New Orleans, according to the 2004 stats from the federal government, ranked as the EIGHTH most dangerous city in the US. I look forward to returning for some more of that great food again in the not too distant future. Without a doubt the best eating city I've visited. Oh my. My mouth waters.

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Money was released to strengthen the levees - yes - against the administrations wishes - but it was released - however - it was only released in June 2005. Again - should we have had troops in place before the storm hit? And who would we then send in to rescue the troops. Get real!!!



I don't know about the money, but I do know that help should have been deployed to just outside of the potentially affected areas. From what I have heard and seen this was not done. Why weren't the navy vessels on their way before the storm hit instead of after? Also, I do remember that Jame Lee Witt, head of FEMA under Clinton, was constantly praised for his quick response to disasters during those years. Finally a news report tonight said of 222 disaster excercises by the federal government, only 2 were related to weather concerns, including the Hurricane Pam scenario. A person involved said that these two non terrorist exercises were not treated seriously by Homeland Insecurity.


If this sounds like I am angry, darn right I am. I am a patriot who has often felt that I lived in the greatest country in the world. Today I wonder. My anger is so great that I fired off a letter to the local paper which I was told will be published.


Finally, my family and I will be donating what we can to the relief efforts and I urge everyone to do the same. My 9th grade son has offered his allowance to people who have much less than we do.

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The only levee to fail was one upgraded to withstand a cat 5 hurricane (the 17th st canal levee).


FEMA was prepositioned as close as they dared.


An article in National Geographic Oct 2004 states the Red Cross refused to establish ANY shelters in NO because they could not deem any place in the city to be safe.


Blame as many people as you want. The bottom line here is that the best people for the job of managing this disaster were not consulted. It strikes me that the U.S. organization best skilled at moving large numbers of people and supplies under difficult circumstances is the American Military, and most beaurocrats are afraid of them.

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