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Terrorist threats in Turkey


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Hi Len, I agree with jvnyc, Istanbul is a fabulous city, you shouldn't miss it. And as said, two years is a long time away. In geopolitical time it's a lifetime.


That said, you asked if we would accommodate your boarding on Day 3. If you mean would we pro-rate your fare, no.

If you mean would we permit you to board that day, I'd say probably yes, assuming there are no legal or logistical issues, and the ship is notified well in advance. Permission would be decided by the office.

But you would miss the first two welcoming days onboard, not to mention Istanbul, one of my favorite cities to walk in!


Thanks Bonnie. I meant boarding at Mykonos with no price adjustment. I realize we'd be paying for two days that we would not be getting and paying for two nights at a resort in Mykonos (not a bad thing). For now, we're hoping things in Turkey don't go nuts.

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It is alarming. We have decided no more Turkey for us too. I'm confident in the security procedures of Azamara but not confident going ashore, which is disappointing. We will stay on the ship and enjoy the peace and quiet.


Im also anxious over our up and coming cruise on Journey on 21st July especially in the light of the economic crisis in Greece. We are warned in the Uk by the FCO of potential terrorist threats in Turkey and as cruise passengers are we targets for desperate Greeks?

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There have been violent attacks in Turkey, and the possibility of terrorist attacks against U.S. citizens and interests, from both transnational and indigenous groups, remains high.


The Kurdistan People's Congress (also known as Kongra Gel or KGK, better known as the Kurdistan Workers' Party or PKK) has been the most active terrorist organization in Turkey. However, PKK activity has almost exclusively targeted the Turkish Government, and a cease-fire called in March 2013 has largely held. Regardless, the possibility of collateral damage to U.S. or Western personnel cannot be ignored. (The U.S. government has designated the PKK as a foreign terrorist organization.) Terrorism and violence emanating from other sources continue to be causes for concern.


On January 6, 2015, a female suicide bomber entered a police station in the Sultanahmet district of Istanbul near the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia Museum. After claiming she had lost her wallet, she detonated explosives, killing herself and one policeman and leaving another officer injured. Although an indigenous terrorist organization known as the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C) claimed responsibility for this attack, it later withdrew its claim.


On January 1, 2015, a member of the DHKP/C threw a grenade which failed to explode at the police honor guard outside of Dolmabahce Palace, the site of the Prime Minister’s Istanbul office. The attacker then drew a pistol, but it misfired. The honor guards subdued and arrested the attacker.


On February 1, 2013 the DHKP/C attacked the U.S. Embassy in Ankara using a suicide bomber; a member of the Embassy’s local guard force was killed (in addition to the suicide bomber) and several others were injured. The DHKP/C also carried out attacks against Turkish Government targets in March and September of 2013 using shoulder-fired rockets, improvised explosive devices (IED), and small arms. Designated as a terrorist organization by the United States in 1997, the DHKP/C has existed since the 1970s with a network of Turkish expatriates throughout Europe. The DHKP/C has stated its intention to commit further attacks against Turkey, NATO and the United States, to include private sector organizations with a U.S. affiliation, though Turkish law enforcement actions have weakened the organization.


A Syria-based group, Mukaveme Suriyyi (Syrian Resistance), under the leadership of Mihrac Ural (formerly head of the Turkish People’s Liberation Party/Front – THKP/C), is believed by Turkish authorities to be behind the two largest terrorist attacks of 2013 in Turkey.


While al-Qa’ida maintains a presence in Turkey, it has not staged attacks there for more than a decade. Groups and individuals imitating al-Qa’ida might attempt to do so, however, placing U.S. and Turkish interests at risk. In an incident in central Turkey in March 2014, three men of Balkan origin believed to who have fought in Syria with the forces of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) were arrested after a confrontation in which a policeman, a gendarme and a civilian were killed. The threat of violence associated with foreign fighters transiting through Turkey to and from Syria and Iraq appears to be increasing.


Terrorist organizations may attempt to conduct new attacks on anniversaries or other dates they deem as historically significant or symbolic. The DHKP/C considers the period beginning with the group’s founding on March 30 and ending three weeks later is recognized as a period with several significant anniversary dates. The DHKP/C considers December 19th as a significant day to protest past treatment of DHKP/C personnel in jail as well as attaching significance to April 17 and July 12. Likewise, the November 27 anniversary of the founding of the PKK, the August 15 anniversary of the first PKK attack against the Turkish Government, the February 15 anniversary of the arrest of PKK’s founder and the mid-March celebration of the Kurdish holiday of Nevruz stand out as dates with an elevated potential for terrorist action. Nevruz celebrations, generally held in cities and towns throughout southeastern Turkey and in other major cities in mid-March, have been combined with political rallies in the past, and have turned violent and involved clashes with police.


U.S. citizens are reminded to maintain a high level of vigilance and to take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness. You should follow local news sources during your stay to remain abreast of any potential areas, dates, or times of concern, and enroll in the STEP program.


Wherever you are in Turkey, do not accept letters, parcels, or other items from strangers for delivery either inside or outside of Turkey. The PKK has attempted to use foreigners to deliver messages and packages. Individuals acting or seen to be acting as "couriers" could be arrested for aiding and abetting the terrorist organization.


In addition to terrorist activities, there have been instances of religious violence targeting individuals in Turkey working as religious missionaries or viewed as having proselytized for a non-Islamic religion. Threats and actual instances of crime have targeted Christian and Jewish individuals, groups, and places of worship in Turkey, including several high-profile murders of Christians over the last decade.


Turkish officials expressly said they excluded Jewish people, in Turkey and elsewhere, from their criticism of the Government of Israel in the wake of the intervention by Israeli Defense Forces on the Free Gaza Flotilla in May 2010. Despite this, the level of anti-Israeli/anti-Semitic sentiment remains significant following Israel's 2008 and 2014 Gaza offensive. Unidentified protestors in Diyarbakir in July 2014 ransacked the venue of a municipal Ramadan community meal (Iftar) sponsored in part by the U.S. Consulate in Adana. No U.S. officials were yet present, but seven municipal employees (Turkish citizens) were injured as they were setting up for the event. Protestors burned American flags, and chanted anti-American and anti-Israeli slogans.


In May 2013, public anti-government demonstrations that began in the Taksim and Besiktas areas of Istanbul soon grew into widespread demonstrations throughout all of Turkey. The demonstrations started at varying times and often with little notice, and lasted throughout June and much of July, with flare-ups again later in the year. Violent altercations between the protestors and Turkish law enforcement occurred in Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Adana, Mersin and dozens of other cities nationwide. These altercations resulted in thousands of injuries and six confirmed deaths of protesters. Hundreds were detained for their participation in protests, with prosecutors asking for decades-long prison sentences. Some individuals who were not part of the demonstrations but were caught in the vicinity of violence were injured and detained.


Exercise caution and good judgment, keep a low profile, and remain vigilant with regard to your personal security. Terrorists do not distinguish between official and civilian targets. As security is increased at official U.S. facilities, terrorists may seek softer targets. These may include facilities where U.S. citizens and Westerners are known to live, congregate, shop, or visit. Be especially alert in such places.


International and domestic political issues sometimes trigger demonstrations in major cities in Turkey. Demonstrations can occur with little or no advance notice. However, even demonstrations that are meant to be peaceful can become violent and unpredictable; they should be avoided. Be alert and aware of your surroundings and pay attention to what local news media say. Obey the instructions of Turkish security personnel at all times.


To stay connected:


Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program so we can keep you up to date with important safety and security announcements.

Follow the Bureau of Consular Affairs on Twitter and Facebook.

Bookmark the Bureau of Consular Affairs website, which contains the current Travel Warnings and Travel Alerts as well as the Worldwide Caution.

Follow the U.S. Embassy in Turkey on Twitter and visiting the Embassy’s website.

In the event of an emergency, contact us at 1-888-407-4747 FREE toll-free within the United States and Canada, or via a regular toll line, 1-202-501-4444, from other countries.

Take some time before traveling to consider your personal security and checking for useful tips for traveling safely abroad.


Past terrorist activity and other threats to safety and security in major cities and regions in Turkey include:


Ankara: In March and September 2013, the DHKP/C used rocket propelled grenades during attacks against Turkish government buildings in Ankara. In February 2013, a DHKP/C suicide bomber detonated an explosive vest in a side entrance to the U.S. Embassy in Ankara, killing himself and an Embassy guard. Several other people were also injured in the attack. On March 19, 2013, three members of the DHKP/C coordinated hand grenade attacks on the Ministry of Justice and used a light anti-tank weapon (LAW) on the headquarters of the ruling party. There were no casualties. On September 20, 2013, two members of the DHKP/C attacked the Turkish National Police (TNP) headquarters and a police guesthouse with LAWs. There were no casualties at the scene, but one of the attackers was killed while attempting to flee. The other attacker was wounded and arrested.


Istanbul: On February 28, 2013, the Turkish National Police (TNP) arrested several alleged al-Qaida members. In September 2012, a PKK suicide bomber detonated an improvised explosive device in the Sultangazi Police Department, killing one and injuring seven. In March 2012, a PKK suicide bomber detonated explosives alongside a riot police bus in the Sutluce District injuring 16 people, ten of whom were police. In May 2011, a bomb believed to have been placed by the PKK to target a nearby police facility exploded in a residential area, injuring eight. Small-scale bombings, violent demonstrations and vehicle arson occur on a regular basis. Most incidents have happened in neighborhoods not generally frequented by tourists.


Kastamonu: In May 2011, terrorists launched an attack on a convoy of election campaign vehicles belonging to the Prime Ministry, resulting in the death of one police officer.


Mediterranean/Aegean Regions: This region of Turkey has seen both traditional terrorist bombings against the Turkish Government designed to injure, and others designed to intimidate tourists. In August 2012, the PKK attacked a Turkish military bus near Foca using a roadside bomb resulting in ten casualties, including one death.


Eastern and Southeastern Provinces (including Adana): Due to heightened security concerns, the Government of Turkey has closed its border with Syria for all foreigners, including U.S. citizens, to enter/exit Syria. At this time, only Syrian nationals may exit legally to Syria. While commercial and aid deliveries continue to flow into Syria, currently no one is allowed to cross from Syria into Turkey unless seeking emergency medical treatment, or those seeking refuge from imminent danger. Exceptions may be granted by the Turkish government but require advance administrative processing and are not easily granted.


U.S. government employees are subject to travel restrictions. They must obtain advance approval prior to official or unofficial travel to the provinces of Hatay, Kilis, Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, Sirnak, Diyarbakir, Van, Siirt, Mus, Mardin, Batman, Bingol, Tunceli, Hakkari, Bitlis, and Elazig. U.S. military and Department of Defense civilians have additional restrictions and should consult their local area commander to obtain the latest travel guidance. Official travel to these locations may be temporarily curtailed due to security conditions. Mount Ararat, in Ağri province, is a special military zone and access permission must be obtained from the Turkish Government through a Turkish embassy or consulate before coming to Turkey. U.S. citizens traveling in southeastern Turkey, as well as to Mt. Ararat, should exercise extreme caution. On February 11, 2013, a car bomb exploded at Hatay’s province’s Cilvegozu international border crossing between Turkey and Syria, killing 13 people, including three Turkish citizens. At least 28 others were injured in the blast, which occurred after a Syrian-registered minivan was detonated close to a customs building on the Turkish side of the border. Mihrac Ural, an Alawite Turk from Hatay Province who has been an important pro-Damascus militia figure in the conflict in Syria, was widely blamed for the bombing. On May 11, 2013, Turkey suffered the deadliest terrorist attack in its modern history when 52 people were killed in twin car bombings in Reyhanli, a town in Hatay Province close to the Syrian border. Turkish authorities strongly believe that Mihrac Ural was also responsible for these bombings.


In addition to the threat from the PKK, other violent extremists have transited Turkey en route to Syria. Since mid-2013, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also referred to as The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), formerly known as Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), made substantial military gains in northern Syria along the Turkish border. Additionally, starting in May of 2014, ISIL began military campaigns in Iraq and by mid-June 2014, had control of much of the northern portion of the country, including the cities of Mosul and Tikrit. In June 2014, ISIL captured the Turkish Consulate in Mosul and took the Consul General and his staff hostage. In the end of June 2014, ISIL announced the establishment of a new caliphate and named their leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as their Caliph. Turkey’s southern border with Syria remains porous, potentially allowing members of ISIL and other Islamic extremist terrorist groups to travel with ease between Iraq, Syria and Turkey, possibly bringing with them weapons and explosives. The deteriorating security situation along the southern border has intensified opportunities for criminal smuggling groups to illegally move goods ranging from cigarettes to crude oil and gasoline to small arms. While there have been no reported kidnappings involving of Americans in Turkey, our Worldwide Caution continues to warn travelers that various terrorist organizations continue to finance their operations through kidnapping for ransom operations. ISIL, al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and al-Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) are particularly effective with kidnapping for ransom and are using ransom money to fund the range of their activities. Kidnapping targets are usually Western citizens from governments or third parties that have established a pattern of paying ransoms for the release of individuals in custody. We recommend that U.S. citizens take precaution in any meetings with individuals claiming to represent or be affiliated with anyone involved in the Syrian conflict.


The Embassy strongly recommends that U.S. citizens avoid areas in close proximity to the Syrian border. Due to the ongoing conflict in Syria, Turkish towns located along the border with Syria have been struck by bullets and artillery rounds that originate in Syria, some resulting in deaths or injuries. On October 3, 2012, a mortar round from Syria landed in the Turkish border town of Akcakale, killing five Turkish citizens. On July 17, 2013 stray gunfire from Ras al-Ayn in Syria caused one death and several injuries to Turks across the border in Ceylanpinar. Two rocket shells from Ras al-Ayn dropped onto the Sanliurfa/Ceylanpinar border post security wall and garden. Fighting between different armed groups near Ras al-Ayn and Ceylanpinar is not uncommon. Turkish government forces have also engaged smugglers and other criminal elements at numerous areas along the border, resulting in casualties. Travelers are also specifically advised not to photograph Turkish military operations or installations near the Syrian border or anywhere else in Turkey.


Turkey also has an increasing number of Syrian refugees located in refugee camps and unofficial shanty-towns throughout the country, with the largest population located in southern border provinces. In some cases, Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens have clashed in cities with large refugee communities, either in organized demonstrations or as a result of a perceived provocation.


On March 3, 2015, the U.S. Department of State updated the Travel Warning for Syria. This travel warning remains in effect. The U.S. Embassy in Damascus closed in February 2012.


The Embassy reminds U.S. citizens that the situation in southeast Turkey, while usually calm, can change without warning.


In May 2012, in Kayseri province, two PKK terrorists detonated a car bomb in front of the police station in Pinarbasi resulting in the death of one police officer and injuring 17 other civilians among them. In October 2011, during a pro-PKK rally in Adana, an improvised explosive device was detonated and six police officers and three civilians were seriously wounded. In June 2010, an assailant shot at a U.S. citizen in Adana. Reports indicate that extremists initiated the attack based solely on his U.S. citizenship and the fact that he resided in Turkey. In January 2010, the U.S. Consulate in Adana was fired upon during nighttime hours, although there are indications the Turkish police standing guard outside may have been the actual targets. There have been anti-U.S. demonstrations and efforts by some groups to encourage the departure of U.S. Air Force personnel from Incirlik Air Base, just outside Adana.


Turkish police regularly mount major operations against the PKK and other terrorist cells throughout the southeastern provinces. Operations have been launched to prevent what were believed to be imminent terrorist attacks, as well as to cripple terrorist cells' fundraising and recruiting capabilities. Some disrupted cells have had strong links to al-Qaida. The PKK conducts operations primarily focused on security personnel throughout southeastern Turkey; though attacks occasionally injure or kill civilians. Travel is difficult and should be considered dangerous in some portions of this region.


Roadside explosions caused by remote-controlled land mines or other improvised explosive devices have occurred several times in the past year in the Batman, Sirnak, Hakkâri, Siirt, Mardin, Diyarbakir, and Tunceli provinces, as have small-scale attacks with Molotov cocktails and other home-made weapons. These attacks usually target Turkish military or police personnel, but occasionally harm innocent bystanders. Attacks are more frequent before major political events and anniversaries associated with the PKK terrorist movement. Small "sound bombs,” producing only loud noise, are frequent events throughout the region. There have also been a number of PKK raids on Jandarma (rural police) posts and ambushes of Turkish security force vehicle patrols in many of Turkey's rural southeastern areas. Access to the southeastern provinces of Sirnak, Hakkâri, and Siirt along the Iraqi border, are controlled by the security forces.


Use commercial air travel whenever possible while traveling to southeastern Turkey. If road travel is necessary, drive only during daylight hours and on major highways. The Turkish Jandarma and police forces monitor checkpoints on roads throughout the southeastern region. You should cooperate if stopped at any checkpoint. Be prepared to provide identification and vehicle registration if stopped. At these checkpoints, roll down the driver's side window (the passenger side also, in vehicles with tinted windows) when stopped by security force officials. Security forces can then safely inspect the vehicle and its occupants. Remain calm, do not make any sudden movements, and obey all instructions immediately. Security officials may restrict access to some roads at times, and security force escort vehicles may be required to "convoy" visitors through troublesome areas. In some cases, this must be arranged in advance. We strongly discourage the use of public transportation at any time in the southeastern region.


CRIME: The rate of street crime remains relatively low in Turkey. In Istanbul, petty street crime is most common in tourist areas such as Taksim Square, Sultanahmet, and in the areas around the Grand Bazaar and Spice (Egyptian) Bazaar. Carry only what you need when in these areas. You should carry a copy of your passport and visa with you and leave your U.S. passport in your hotel safe.


As in other large metropolitan areas throughout the world, common street crimes include pick pocketing, purse snatching, and mugging. Often the crime is preceded by some sort of diversion such as an argument, a fight, or someone bumping into you. Residential crime is an issue in major cities, with criminals targeting ground floor apartments for theft. Do not be complacent regarding your personal safety. You should use the same precautions you would in the United States.


The Embassy and consulates have received reports of crimes against women. In January 2013, a U.S. citizen female tourist traveling alone was murdered in Istanbul. Female travelers are urged to exercise caution and use common sense, especially when alone. Female travelers should request a female attendant in the "mixed" Turkish baths (hamams). Incidents involving the use of "date rape" drugs (Nembutal and Benzodiazepine) have been reported.


Do not buy counterfeit or pirated goods, even if they are widely available. Not only are bootleg copies of copyrighted goods illegal to bring back into the United States, if you purchase them, you are breaking local law.


U.S. citizen tourists sometimes report a particular kind of confidence game in Turkey, mainly in Istanbul, that targets lone male tourists. The con induces unsuspecting men to patronize certain eating and drinking establishments where the costs for food and beverages are hyper-inflated. Generally, an inside person associated with one of these establishments, usually another unassuming male, will befriend a target and invite him to visit a bar that he knows. Once at the bar, drinks are brought to the table and the target is usually joined by one or more females and others who work there. The target is unaware of the costs of food and drinks that are either ordered or simply delivered to the table until after the bill arrives. Since the prices are not clearly marked in menus, patrons generally have little recourse but to pay the final bill, no matter how outrageously high the total is. People who refuse to pay are intimidated to do so, and sometimes forcibly taken to an ATM to withdraw money. When dining out, patronize well established restaurants, and if you are off the beaten path, always ask to see a menu before ordering anything.


The Embassy and consulates have received e-mail complaints from U.S. citizens about online scams – ranging from fraudulent awarding of diversity ("lottery") visas to fronts for Internet dating and romances to scams about purchasing pets – and were subsequently defrauded of hundreds or thousands of dollars. Be very careful about suspicious requests for deposits and various types of registration fees. The State Department’s International Scams webpage has a section detailing some of the more common scams. You should also exercise due diligence when purchasing real estate in Turkey. For more information please visit the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Guidance for Foreigners website. Please carefully research the background of any property in order to ensure that everything is legal.


VICTIMS OF CRIME: If you or someone you know becomes the victim of a crime abroad, you should contact the local police and the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. We can:


Replace a stolen passport;

Help you find appropriate medical care if you are the victim of violent crimes such as assault or rape;

Put you in contact with the appropriate police authorities, contact family members or friends; and

Help you understand the local criminal justice process and direct you to local attorneys, although it is important to remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting the crime.


The local equivalent of the "911" emergency line (for police, fire, or ambulance) in Turkey is 155. The emergency number for ambulance assistance only is 112.


Please see our information on victims of crime, including possible victim compensation programs in the United States.




Assistance for U.S. Citizens

U.S. Embassy Ankara


110 Atatürk Blvd.

Kavaklidere, 06100 Ankara



Telephone +(90) (312) 455-5555

Emergency After-Hours Telephone +(90) (312) 455-5555

Fax +(90) (312) 466-5684


Contact American Citizen Services Ankara

U.S. Embassy Ankara

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I'm sorry but we cannot now extend this line to worry about the Greeks who are the mosr wonderful people. They typically have an excellent relationship with tourists in particular the Brits




This is all getting a bit "high drama".

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Hi Everyone,


As this thread has run it's course, it is now closed. Should there be anything new to report (i.e. itinerary changes due to geopolitical developments), I'm confident that Bonnie will start a new thread with any updated information.


Thanks very much for your understanding and participation.

Edited by Host Andy
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