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Have you ever had people give you a hard time with your children on a cruise?

JandD Mom

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"A man said "to himself", but quite loudly: "I went on vacation to get away from children!" My FIL was also in the elevator, and he simply stated: "Well, I went on vacation to get away from a**holes. I guess we're both disappointed."


A great comeback. IMO, some grownups act like kids. My 8-year-old has better manners than some adults: she says "thank you" (she'll even expect the other person to say "you're welcome") and even washes her hands after using the facilities.

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I am clueless as to why anyone would expect to get away from children on a cruise? They are marketed to families. I have seen people post to the boards time and time again that children do not belong on a cruise (it is a very vocal group) but there are lines that market to families. RCI, Princess, Carnival and even to some extent Celebrity make a point to woo familes to their lines. They make a fortune off families. RCI has the Royal Family Suite. Trust me, they want families there. So why would anyone think that they would get away from kids on those lines?


Every child has childlike moments. They run or their voices get loud and people roll their eyes. That is no big deal and not ruining your cruise. My father believed a child should be seen and not heard and believe me, my childhood sucked. I will not do that to my kids. So when they are in an appropriate setting they can be kids. That setting is NOT the dining room on a cruise ship and they know it. We are working hard to set the groundrules for the cruise here and you know what? So are MOST of the parents that take their children on a cruise.


No one wants their kid to be a menace. I would much rather hear "Oh my what a beautiful family" than something negative. I cannot think of one parent who does not feel the same and I am not very sheltered.


People who make negative remarks outloud to parents about normal behavior are just trying to control something they have no control over.


BTW normal behavior does not, imo, include kids running up and down the halls at all hours of the night, pushing every elevator button and screaming loudly in the halls or pounding on people's doors. In that case I call security. That is not a child problem, that is a parenting issue.

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I haven't really had anyone give me a hard time about my kids while on a cruise, but having a 6'6" 245 pound hulk of a husband helps.:p I have heard of other people having minor problems with rude people while on board, but it's not the norm. I think the couple next door to you were probably taking an afternoon nap and were woken up by the sound of your voices out on the balcony next door. Many older ones get up at the crack of dawn and then take an afternoon siesta. I know my parents and most of their friends who are in their 70's do this. I imagine they were cranky at being woken up and then even crankier when the cruise line didn't take their side.:rolleyes: I imagine if they had just went over and told you that they were napping you would have accomodated their wishes and the whole thing would have worked out just fine. But when they called security, yelled at you from their room, and made a stink about things, that's what made things turn ugly. Personally, I think the people next door to you handled things very poorly. I have had situations that could have turned ugly end up being no problem because I handled things in a kind and loving way. It's all about the attitude and how you handle the situation.:)


Nliedel, I totally agree with you on the people that say "cruising is not for kids". That is the most ludicrous statement I have ever heard, and you hear it often from a certain group here at Cruise Critic. Most major cruise lines offer free supervised childcare, huge playrooms full of toys, teen only rec. centers, video game rooms, kids swimming pools, and organized activities for kids like kids scavenger hunts and kids pizza parties. How can all of that be offered to lure families with kids and it not be kid friendly? The statement that cruising is not for kids is the dumbest statement I've ever heard.:cool:

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Of course children belong on cruises. A cruise is a wonderful family holiday but I object to parents who think they can ease up on their child's supervision simply because they are on vacation and feel entitled to relax and let their children loose on the ship. You should know where they are at all times for the comfort of other passengers and more importantly for their safety. A ship can be a dangerous place.

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Of course children belong on cruises. A cruise is a wonderful family holiday but I object to parents who think they can ease up on their child's supervision simply because they are on vacation and feel entitled to relax and let their children loose on the ship. You should know where they are at all times for the comfort of other passengers and more importantly for their safety. A ship can be a dangerous place.

I'm with you on that one.


If someone wants to get away from children.......then go to an adults only resort (like Sandals) I'm not going to keep my kids at home because someone else doesn't particularly like children. Besides, my children are perfect angels. ;)

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I'm with you on that one.


If someone wants to get away from children.......then go to an adults only resort (like Sandals) I'm not going to keep my kids at home because someone else doesn't particularly like children. Besides, my children are perfect angels. ;)


Sure they are 2boysmommy! I have a couple I can ship you if you want little devils. I am thinking of dressing them all as devils this year for Halloween cause it would save on costumes.

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Sure they are 2boysmommy! I have a couple I can ship you if you want little devils. I am thinking of dressing them all as devils this year for Halloween cause it would save on costumes.

I actually bought my son a sweatshirt when we were in Salem Ma that says "I'm a little devil" Its the cutest thing...and he thinks its a riot. He's just a typical boy- when he's good....he's got the halo over his head. But when he's bad....oh boy....look out! The horns come right out!! LOL

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I think kids are behaving much worse today than they did 30 years ago because the basic structure of the family has changed drastically. When I was a kid most mothers were stay at home moms and the kids got lot's more individual attention. Nowadays, both the mother and father has to work to make ends meet and the kids suffer because of it. Mom and dad are so worn out from working and catching up on things around the house when they get home that they're too tired to discipline the kids. Look at the parents you see around you the next time you go out, they look worn and haggard, they're too tired to get onto the kids.:( Personally, I think a cruise is a great way for the family to reconnect and spend quality time together. A cruise is one of the most relaxing vacations you could possibly go on and these parents need it more than anyone. Shame on those who rag on parents and give them and their kids dirty looks. Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in America, give them a break!:cool:

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Please don't blame a child's out of control behavior on working parents -- or even assume that is the case. My husband and I both work. Sure we're tired. But we don't shortchange the kids -- ourselves, each other, our friends, but never our kids. We're "into" our kids, make sure they behave and try to teach them to have good manners. When we cruised this summer, they were wonderful. Of course they needed the occasional reminder about running in the halls or to use indoor voices, but I don't think we disrupted anyone's vacation.


And I've seen more than my share of bratty kids that have stay-at-home moms. Just because the mom (or dad) stays home doesn't mean they use their time to teach their children to behave or stay on top of the kids. Yes, cruising is a wonderful, relaxing vacation and when we went this summer we all needed the break and the excitement of doing something we'd neve done before.

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I think kids are behaving much worse today than they did 30 years ago because the basic structure of the family has changed drastically. When I was a kid most mothers were stay at home moms and the kids got lot's more individual attention. Nowadays, both the mother and father has to work to make ends meet and the kids suffer because of it. Mom and dad are so worn out from working and catching up on things around the house when they get home that they're too tired to discipline the kids. Look at the parents you see around you the next time you go out, they look worn and haggard, they're too tired to get onto the kids.:( Personally, I think a cruise is a great way for the family to reconnect and spend quality time together. A cruise is one of the most relaxing vacations you could possibly go on and these parents need it more than anyone. Shame on those who rag on parents and give them and their kids dirty looks. Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in America, give them a break!:cool:


This "Ozzy and Harriet' mentality has always been more fantasy than fact. Thirty years ago was the mid '70s and there were plenty of dual income families and single parents. Even in the 50s and 60s when there were more "stay at home" moms, there were a lot of dual income families (my mother and father both worked full-time since I was in second grade, my husband's mom and dad both had outside the home jobs his whole life). Prior to WWII many urban families were structured with all adults working outside the home and a grandmother or older relative taking care of all of the kids. Prior to modern conveniences, keeping house was more likely to wear a woman down than any modern outside the home job!


I AM looking around me at all of my co-workers who are working moms and working dads. Few have a stay-at-home spouse and all have kids who are fine upstanding students with no more behavior issues than the kids where there is a stay-at-home. None of us is "worn out" or "haggard".


I am a girl scout leader and a volunteer at the Y's dance program. My husband coaches my DD soccer and basketball teams. My co-workers a similarly involved in their children's lives. One of my co-workers came in early to leave early today to chaperone a field trip to the zoo this afternoon. We've found that the "stay at home" parents are those least likely to volunteer to help out and/or if you can get them to help - are the most unreliable.


My friend is a teachers aid and has been asked to work fulltime this semester in the Kindergarten classrooms - the reason she was given (and documented in the request to the school board for the expenditure)? - ". . . behavior issues due to an unusually large number of kindergarteners who had stay-at-home caregiving and were not acclimated to the formal learning environment." :eek:

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This "Ozzy and Harriet' mentality has always been more fantasy than fact. Thirty years ago was the mid '70s and there were plenty of dual income families and single parents. Even in the 50s and 60s when there were more "stay at home" moms, there were a lot of dual income families (my mother and father both worked full-time since I was in second grade, my husband's mom and dad both had outside the home jobs his whole life). Prior to WWII many urban families were structured with all adults working outside the home and a grandmother or older relative taking care of all of the kids. Prior to modern conveniences, keeping house was more likely to wear a woman down than any modern outside the home job!


I AM looking around me at all of my co-workers who are working moms and working dads. Few have a stay-at-home spouse and all have kids who are fine upstanding students with no more behavior issues than the kids where there is a stay-at-home. None of us is "worn out" or "haggard".


I am a girl scout leader and a volunteer at the Y's dance program. My husband coaches my DD soccer and basketball teams. My co-workers a similarly involved in their children's lives. One of my co-workers came in early to leave early today to chaperone a field trip to the zoo this afternoon. We've found that the "stay at home" parents are those least likely to volunteer to help out and/or if you can get them to help - are the most unreliable.


My friend is a teachers aid and has been asked to work fulltime this semester in the Kindergarten classrooms - the reason she was given (and documented in the request to the school board for the expenditure)? - ". . . behavior issues due to an unusually large number of kindergarteners who had stay-at-home caregiving and were not acclimated to the formal learning environment." :eek:


Come on, this goes both ways. It has nothing to do with whether kids have stay-at-home parents or both parents working outside the home. It has everything to do with parents who teach and discipline their kids. Those that do, have children that behave better in public, those that don't, don't.

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I agree that discipline plays a huge part of it. Parents who don't discipline their kids for whatever reason tend to have poorly behaved kids. Parents who discipline their kids regularly have well behaved kids. But the problem is there will always be someone around that acts like they're being put out by having to tolerate kids being near them, regardless of the kids behavior. This is the situation the OP faced, and unfortunately, it happens occasionally regardless of what type of vacation you are on.:(


I have had things like that happen on land based vacations too. While at Disneyland of all places, while we were standing at a street corner watching the parade go by an older woman complained that the kids were too loud.:rolleyes: Everyone in the crowd was shouting and waving at the characters as they went by. Why she singled out my kids I'll never know. They usually get compliments on their good behavior. They were just shouting hello to Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and all of the other characters. The place was packed with kids and they were all doing it. I told her that if she didn't want to hear kids shouting and having a good time then she shouldn't have come to Disneyland. I didn't let the old bat ruin my vacation and I suggest the same for you. Don't let one rude person ruin a vacation for you. The only way it would bother me is if I didn't stand up for myself. It's my vacation too and I'm not going to walk on eggshells just to accomodate someone I don't even know, especially when my children are doing nothing wrong.:cool:

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I am taking my kids on thier second cruise in January. (we have FIVE)


My kids LOVED the cruise we took them on last year. Our four teens indulged in everything they had to offer- dance lessons, basketball contests, reading on the deck, formal nights, etc. My 6 year old LOVED the hot tubs, the buffets, and just sitting on our balcony. I am 100% certain that my children never offended another passenger because they have been taught to respect EVERYONE. They respect each other and even enjoy spending time together.


However, I did see some bad behavior with a 3 year old out by the pool. I saw screaming, stomping, threatening, and even physical attacks...and I am not talking about the child- his FATHER was acting that way. I finally intervened and spent about 2 hours chatting with this man....trying to give him some better ideas on how to get his son to behave. I even corrected the child a few times...quietly, gently and with respect for him. He responded beautifully....I hoped the dad took note.


My point is that crappy parenting (working or nonworking parents, doesn't matter) creates unhappy children. I have worked for most of my kids lives, and they are wonderful children that I am proud to take anywhere. I have met children of stay-at-home mom's who are HORRIBLE. There is no black and white on this issue.


Last thing- to the guy making a fuss about the crying baby, you are totally unfair. It is irritating but SO WHAT? Babies are part of life, some cry, big deal. When I see someone with a crying baby on a plane, I always offer a sympathetic comment and try to distract the parents from the "problem"...they are usually stressed out trying to quiet the baby and afraid they are bothering the other passengers. Once they relax, the baby is more likely to relax also. I even offered to hold a screaming baby for a frazzled mom once on a red-eye from Denver. She did not take me up on it but I know she appreciated the offer. Sir, I suggest you try being a good fellow citizen. Life is not all about YOU.

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I know what you mean about good parents and bad parents, and working vs not working.


I've been a stay at home mom since my second child was born. There were times when my son was about 3-5 when I thought I was the worst parent in the world. I wished the kid would have come with a manual for those years. He would act up and I just had no idea how to deal with it.


Since then we have both grown and learned a lot. Now that he is 9, I'm starting to see a mature, polite young man emerging. I attibute three things to his improvement, consistancy on my part with providing consequences to inappropriate behavior even before it happens, general growth and development on his part, and lots of prayers.


But when he was three, ooh I thought I was going to loose it sometimes. And here I was a stay-at-home mom with an out of control kid.


Atleast I knew better than to bring him on a cruise when things were kind of out of control like that. I don't think I could have enjoyed one minute of that vacation.

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I forgot that most people who complain about kids were born at 40.It's amazing how soon people forget .I bet everyone of there parents could tell a vacation ot family horror story about them.


I don't really think that is the case. While a small percentage just don't like kids, most of the complaints about kids on crusie ships is the lack of parental control & supervision parents should have over their kids. Some parents think it's OK to baord the ship and let their kids run wild with no curfews.....after all they paid good money for their cruise! :rolleyes:

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This has got to be the worst case. We haven't even sailed yet and I am getting people insulting my children on these boards. This person referred to my child's cute behaviour as being a pain in the a__.


On the Ncl boards titled "Dawn with kids?", everyone was having a nice chat about what to do on the ship with your kids. Someone suggested bringing a very small inflatable pool for my unpotty trained 2 yr old at the t-rex pool. Then this child basher makes a comment about how the ship will turn into a floating daycare and she needs some peace and quiet.


I am quite new to these boards; but have been reading for some time. I have gotten valuable information here. I guess sometimes it just take one bad apple to ruin a whole bunch.


Thanks for letting me vent.



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This has got to be the worst case. We haven't even sailed yet and I am getting people insulting my children on these boards. This person referred to my child's cute behaviour as being a pain in the a__.


On the Ncl boards titled "Dawn with kids?", everyone was having a nice chat about what to do on the ship with your kids. Someone suggested bringing a very small inflatable pool for my unpotty trained 2 yr old at the t-rex pool. Then this child basher makes a comment about how the ship will turn into a floating daycare and she needs some peace and quiet.






I agree with you 100%. I have cruised with kids and without. If I wanted a cruise without kids, I would try Oceania, Silversea, Crystal and a few others with no kids facilities. Even Celebrity has a few "adults only" sailings. These would be a good bet. However, when I travelled on a large RCCL ship that advertized a brand new state of the art kids club at sea, I am betting there would be kids on board.


I liked what Cruisin' Chick's FIL said. Anyone who goes on a large ship that advertizes huge kids facilities, books themself next to a quad cabin, then complains because there are kids nearby, is an a** *ole.

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(However you spell it)


It is beyond me why some one would have the gall to make a general complaint about children on a family friendly cruise line. But there are many that will butt into a thread and express thier dislike for children. I guess they forgot that they were once children them selves, or they are so bitter about their childhood, they feel they have to make everyone elses miserable too.


There was a thread on the Celebrity board about "Are We Spoiling our kids".


I pointed out the positive side of bringing your kids on a cruise was that it gives you a specific opportunity to "Raise the Bar" on what is expected of children. I have been reading the boards for a while and quite frankly ill behaved children are subject to much criticism. So I am trying to assure that my kids are well prepared to be well behaved. If they can't behave, then by all means, I'll take the criticism. But I am hoping that I have prepared them as to the kind of behavior that is expected. We've done a table manners video, we've talked about being courteous and helpful to the Seniors on the cruise. No running anywhere on the ship... things like that.


I have really seen growth in my two kids in just the preparation that we have been doing to get them ready for the cruise. I'll have to get back to you on how they actually do, but I think they are going to be just fine.

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(However you spell it)




I pointed out the positive side of bringing your kids on a cruise was that it gives you a specific opportunity to "Raise the Bar" on what is expected of children. I have been reading the boards for a while and quite frankly ill behaved children are subject to much criticism. So I am trying to assure that my kids are well prepared to be well behaved. If they can't behave, then by all means, I'll take the criticism. But I am hoping that I have prepared them as to the kind of behavior that is expected. We've done a table manners video, we've talked about being courteous and helpful to the Seniors on the cruise. No running anywhere on the ship... things like that.



Cruise Arizona,


You make a good point. My kids know the rules before we go anywhere: No running or talking in hallways (on a cruise or hotel), be nice to others, etc. However, I also wanted to point out that the people who were giving us the hardest time on our cruise that led me to start this thread, were in their 50s. And some folks in their group who were giving us "the hand" were in their 40s!


So I definately can't and won't bash seniors with regard to the behavior I experienced. I bash rude people who are either too dumb, or ill-equipped to find the vacation that meets the demographic they are looking for.


MentalVacation makes a great point on this too!

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This has got to be the worst case. We haven't even sailed yet and I am getting people insulting my children on these boards. This person referred to my child's cute behaviour as being a pain in the a__.


On the Ncl boards titled "Dawn with kids?", everyone was having a nice chat about what to do on the ship with your kids. Someone suggested bringing a very small inflatable pool for my unpotty trained 2 yr old at the t-rex pool. Then this child basher makes a comment about how the ship will turn into a floating daycare and she needs some peace and quiet.


I am quite new to these boards; but have been reading for some time. I have gotten valuable information here. I guess sometimes it just take one bad apple to ruin a whole bunch.


Thanks for letting me vent.




Don't sweat it. People complain. I'm sure you'll get far more compliments on your kids' behavior then rude comments.

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