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SWEET LIBERTY! The cruise that almost wasn't! Sept 20-27, 2015 review


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I have been enjoying your review and I have been bouncing back and forth between you and phgsteelerfan 's review of this trip. I am also enjoying your hubby's comments and pictures on both reviews. It must have been cool to meet somebody from CC . There are some people I feel like "know" from reading their reviews over the years .

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I have been enjoying your review and I have been bouncing back and forth between you and phgsteelerfan 's review of this trip. I am also enjoying your hubby's comments and pictures on both reviews. It must have been cool to meet somebody from CC . There are some people I feel like "know" from reading their reviews over the years .


It was so cool to meet phgsteelerfan and her hubby! I wish we had been able to spend more time together...we might cruise again together some day but will probably be a couple years before we can do this again.


If we had thought about it earlier, we would have just done a joint review! maybe next time :)

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So I'm not sure what's going on with my pictures...bandwidth was supposed to reset today, but apparently it didn't. If it doesn't reset tomorrow I might just bite the bullet and pay. I just hope it's worth it! So if you don't see photos and are starting this from the beginning, and you'd like to see them please comment and let me know it's not for nothing!


So continuing on where I left off...wrapping up St Maarten and our last day of the cruise;


We made our way back to the port, stopping one last time for photos on the way:








We ran into Pghsteelerfan and her husband in port while shopping in the Old Man Guavaberry stand. We had to get a Guavaberry colada to share, and picked up several bottles of rum to take home. If you are ever in St Maarten, be sure and stop here for a sample! We came home with a bottle of Guavaberry, Mango, Oranjestad (orange) and one other...I can't remember what flavor it was. Anyway, we stopped for a photo together before heading back on board.




So we said goodbye to St Maarten and now all of a sudden the realization that our cruise was coming to an end hit us.




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After leaving St Maarten, we started the packing process and then got ready for dinner. It was just the 2 of us for dinner tonight. We went a little later than we typically did, maybe around 8pm. We had been told earlier in the week that if the chef was able to make Bitter and Blanc for us it would be tonight, so we had our fingers crossed.


Shortly after we sat down, an older couple sitting near us got up out of their seats and moved to an empty table next to us. We thought this was kind of strange, since they were not moved by staff and it seemed there was some confusion by them just moving tables. They said they moved because they were annoyed by being so close to the bussers station and they were grossed out by them scraping their plates. I never noticed this happening in the dining room. They were kind of snobby and we were surprised they would lower their noses enough to see what they were even eating. The table on the other side of us was complaining about everything the whole night..."this is too hot", "this is too cold", " this is taking too long" blah blah blah. We just wanted to enjoy our last supper without so many complainers around us.


Hubby was terrible though...he made a point of scraping his plates together and stacking them for the waiter, just to annoy the uppity couple next to us.


If I remember correctly, we tried:

Baked Meat Balls (delicious!)

Mango soup (my fave!)

and Frogs Legs (my other fave!)


for our meals we had (I think)

Prime Rib

Tiger Shrimp Creole


And then it was time for dessert. I kept telling hubby all week not to get his hopes up that we'd be able to get Bitter and Blanc, but he really had his hopes up. When it came time to place our order, we were told the chef was working on it for us!


It was such a little thing, but meant so much to us! We were so excited! We didn't take many photos of food, but we did this time!




It was worth the anticipation! It was so delicious!! And when we were done with dinner, we sat for awhile just to wait for "It's Showtime"...even though we knew it was the sad "Leaving on a cruise ship" song. After showtime, the chef came out and we were able to thank him in person for the Bitter and Blanc. It was such a wonderful end to the cruise.


I headed back to the cabin to finish packing. At least we didn't have to worry about weight this time since we still had a couple days post cruise in San Juan, but it was still a challenge to make everything fit! And luggage had to be outside the cabin by 11pm (I know last time it was midnight). Hubby went to watch the Legends show, but said it was awful...lol.




We didn't want the cruise to be over but we knew the dreaded debarkation process would start up bright and early in the morning.



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Thank you! I hope there are more following along than have commented...it's a lot of work to put this together! But it's fun too :)


Hi, Kendra. I'm following your review! I check back several times a day for an update...I know how busy life can be and appreciate the time you've taken to do this awesome review!


Again, so nice to get the chance to cruise with you and Jim. It was nice to meet and chat with your sister and her husband, too :)


We're open to reunion cruises, no matter how long it takes to actually happen. It took 8 years to reconnect with Michelle and Andrew!

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I have been enjoying your review and I have been bouncing back and forth between you and phgsteelerfan 's review of this trip. I am also enjoying your hubby's comments and pictures on both reviews. It must have been cool to meet somebody from CC . There are some people I feel like "know" from reading their reviews over the years .


Me too! i have enjoyed both completely!

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I'll second what Laura said, I have been enjoying your review and pictures. I was literally laughing out loud about the dinner the last night with the uppity couple and the other complainers. Some people will never be happy. I love what your hubby did with scraping and stacking the plates. LOL!!! You guys have some great pictures. Our last sunset pictures look almost identical, but I guess you'll have that since it was the same cruise and same sunset.


I'm also open for a reunion cruise one of these days. I just know for us, we won't be able to next year.


I'm looking forward to the rest and your stay at the Courtyard in San Juan. I'd still love several extra days there.



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One thing my DW forgot to mention... (because she was taking a nap and I didn't have time to go get her)


As we were leaving port I was talking with some people I'd met earlier in the cruise...and someone yelled DOLPHINS!!!!


We were on the port (south facing) side and there were a couple dolphins swimming and jumping...


Off in the distance I could see a whole pod of them...probably 2 or 3 miles away... but a few of them kept coming over to the ship and playing and jumping...

The water was so clear, I even saw one doing barrel rolls under the water. I pretty much just caught video, so here are a few screen captures of them...













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One thing my DW forgot to mention... (because she was taking a nap and I didn't have time to go get her)


As we were leaving port I was talking with some people I'd met earlier in the cruise...and someone yelled DOLPHINS!!!!


We were on the port (south facing) side and there were a couple dolphins swimming and jumping...


Off in the distance I could see a whole pod of them...probably 2 or 3 miles away... but a few of them kept coming over to the ship and playing and jumping...

The water was so clear, I even saw one doing barrel rolls under the water. I pretty much just caught video, so here are a few screen captures of them...














Great pictures! I wish we would have seen them. We were in the back of the ship and missed seeing them. Thanks for adding the pictures.

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Thank you! I hope there are more following along than have commented...it's a lot of work to put this together! But it's fun too :)


Kendra, there have been over 19,000 plus views of your review. Did you know there was a column showing the # of replies and one for views?


So yes, a lot of us have been reading your review and enjoying it.


I usually don't like to comment until the review is over. I don't like to intrude on the flow of the reviews. maybe others are like me and will comment later. I am jumping in here to assure you that all your hard work is appreciated.


Thank you so much for all the time you have put in doing this review. It is a lot of work and greatly appreciated by me and I am sure by many others.

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After leaving St Maarten, we started the packing process and then got ready for dinner. It was just the 2 of us for dinner tonight. We went a little later than we typically did, maybe around 8pm. We had been told earlier in the week that if the chef was able to make Bitter and Blanc for us it would be tonight, so we had our fingers crossed.


Shortly after we sat down, an older couple sitting near us got up out of their seats and moved to an empty table next to us. We thought this was kind of strange, since they were not moved by staff and it seemed there was some confusion by them just moving tables. They said they moved because they were annoyed by being so close to the bussers station and they were grossed out by them scraping their plates. I never noticed this happening in the dining room. They were kind of snobby and we were surprised they would lower their noses enough to see what they were even eating. The table on the other side of us was complaining about everything the whole night..."this is too hot", "this is too cold", " this is taking too long" blah blah blah. We just wanted to enjoy our last supper without so many complainers around us.


Hubby was terrible though...he made a point of scraping his plates together and stacking them for the waiter, just to annoy the uppity couple next to us.


If I remember correctly, we tried:

Baked Meat Balls (delicious!)

Mango soup (my fave!)

and Frogs Legs (my other fave!)


for our meals we had (I think)

Prime Rib

Tiger Shrimp Creole


And then it was time for dessert. I kept telling hubby all week not to get his hopes up that we'd be able to get Bitter and Blanc, but he really had his hopes up. When it came time to place our order, we were told the chef was working on it for us!


It was such a little thing, but meant so much to us! We were so excited! We didn't take many photos of food, but we did this time!




It was worth the anticipation! It was so delicious!! And when we were done with dinner, we sat for awhile just to wait for "It's Showtime"...even though we knew it was the sad "Leaving on a cruise ship" song. After showtime, the chef came out and we were able to thank him in person for the Bitter and Blanc. It was such a wonderful end to the cruise.



One thing that did bug me was the RIDICULOUS SIZE of the menus!!!


Here's a pic of the menus...mine was at the edge of the table on my side (a two top table) and the other was on my DW's edge... they OVERLAPPED by 3 or 4 inches!!!! SHEESH...



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I really like this picture! Leaving St. Maarten...


I was taking a picture of the whale tail and was really hoping the moon would come out... it usually doesn't... BUT IT DID!!! WOOHOO! :)




And another one a bit more zoomed in...



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Just an FYI. I had been saving my bottle of Guavaberry rum for a "special occasion " until I read that you could buy it in the states. I spent a little more, and the stores in my state only carry the original flavor, but now I have my person bartender (DH) whip me up a Guavaberry colada at my whim. Life is good.

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Sorry for the delay in posting. I've been having computer issues with my laptop, but I'm getting a new one next week (Yay for Black Friday!). I'll see what I can do for now before it starts overheating and acting up.


September 27; Sunday

Debarkation :(


Sunday morning came far too quickly for us. Hubby got up first because he wanted to take photos coming back into the port in San Juan:













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According to the time stamped on the photos, we came around the fort at 5:30am and into the port to dock at 5:50am. I'm sure it's not exactly the same for every cruise though.


Since all of our luggage was packed the night before, it didn't take long for us to get ready and vacate the room bright and early. I can't remember what time we were supposed to be out of the room, but I think it was by 8 or 8:30am. We still had our carry on bags and several other shoulder bags with us. We've got to learn to not overshop on these trips!


Hubby had to make a run down to the liquor storage and pick up the items we had purchased during the week. He was probably gone from the cabin for 20 minutes doing this. He said the line wasn't that long and it moved pretty quickly. Would this deter us from buying liquor in port again? Probably not, unless for some reason we were flying out immediately after the cruise since packing it for the airline would be difficult at the airport. Since we didn't have to pack it for flying that day, we were ok with this process.


We decided this morning to have breakfast in the dining room since we haven't done that ever before. I wish we had done this every morning! It didn't take near as long as I assumed it would. It was just the 2 of us and we ordered omelets and had pastries and hash browns. It was a really nice way to end the cruise instead of fighting crowds at the buffet. If I remember correctly, the dining room was only open until 9am. We had all of our carry on luggage with us, but it wasn't crowded at all and we were ok with it sitting next to us while we ate. We were in and out in about 20 minutes. I'm not sure it was this quick every morning, but we might have to try it on our next cruise.


After breakfast, we headed back to the Lido deck to find my sis and bil and wait with them. I'm not sure what our debarkation number was, but it was 20-something. Maybe 26?


Of course by this point people had been leaving the ship for a couple hours already. We found a spot in the inside of the lido area with a/c to wait it out. They were calling numbers one at a time up to about 18 or 19. A couple of times Cassie, the CD, made announcements that things were backed up in the port so to hold off on heading down.


At around maybe 9:50 or 10am, they started into the 20's. All of a sudden instead of calling each number one at a time, she lumped basically all the remaining numbers together and called something like 20-28. Now what was the point in even having separate numbers if she just lumped them all together?


We sat for another 5 minutes, assuming the elevators would be backed up with the huge number of groups called at the same time. And then we gathered our bags and headed down. Nothing had been said for some time about it being backed up so we figured we were ok.


We got down to the bottom of the ship and sadly dinged out for the last time. The line off the ship was extremely long. We were in a long line just to get back into the port building from the ship, where our luggage was waiting for us.


It seemed like we stood in line forever, but it couldn't have been more than 10-15 minutes. Once we got to the actual port building, porters were there asking if we needed help. We decided that might not be a bad idea. We gathered all of our luggage and piled everything onto the cart. He then took us to the front of the line...which was huge! It ran the whole length of the orange building, which was probably half the length of the ship itself. So getting a porter here was worth the tip for sure! We basically walked right through customs. He glanced at our paperwork and waved us right through.


We wanted to spend a little time in Old San Juan, but called our hotel first to see if we could possibly get an early check in. They said yes, so we decided to get the shuttle and pick up our rental car, head to the hotel and get checked in, then go back to Old San Juan and just pay for parking there rather than staying there and trying to find a place to store our luggage.


We called the car rental for the shuttle and they told us to meet them across the street. Our porter followed us all the way there and we unloaded everything and we tipped him well. It was now 10:35am.




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It took us about an hour to get the shuttle, load up all our luggage and take it to the office to pick up our rental car. Then we had to load all the luggage into the rental car and headed to the hotel and got checked in early. Our next 3 nights were at the Courtyard Isla Verde.


We had reserved 2 rooms and asked if there were any upgrades available when we checked in. My BIL's status with the rewards program got us upgraded rooms. We were supposed to be low floor, partial ocean view standard rooms and were upgraded to high floor, ocean view rooms. We were on the 9th floor.


Our rooms were on opposite ends of the building though. Theirs was on the northwest corner, and ours was on the southeast. We were on the end closest to the airport. These rooms don't have the full ocean front view, but it was still nice to be higher and have an ocean view instead of just the partial ocean view.


This was the view from our balcony:



This cabinet had a mini fridge and microwave:





He didn't get a photo of it, but the room also had a sofa. It was a very large, lovely room and we were pleased!


Our only complaint about the hotel was that the neighbors kept slamming their door. In and out, in and out...and these doors are heavy. We could also hear the airport a lot more than on our last stay at this hotel, but I imagine that is because we were on the south end of the building. I would highly recommend booking the ocean front rooms at this property. It's worth the upgrade fee for the best views and being away from the airport. The airport was pretty quiet most of the nights though, so while we were actually sleeping it wasn't a problem.


After getting settled into our rooms, we met in the lobby and had a sandwich at the little deli restaurant. Then we decided to head back to Old San Juan and do a little shopping and exploring there. We were back in Old San Juan by 1pm.






We wanted to find the Coach outlet...well, at least my sister and I wanted to. And we wanted to have pina coladas at Barrachina. Those were our primary goals for the day. Hubby was driving and we thought we knew where Coach was, but for some reason we had trouble finding it this time. Even GPS wasn't accurate on it's location. It's hard enough navigating through Old San Juan with the super narrow one way streets, but there was construction going on also. Frustrations were starting to mount but finally we found it. Hubby dropped the 3 of us off and then went to find parking.


Sis and I headed in to shop. BIL decided to wander out in the other nearby stores. I found a couple of purses I liked, one which was a reasonable price, and one that was quite a bit higher than what I've paid for anything Coach before. I really liked the style, and it was actually a Coach store product, not Coach Factory. (If you aren't aware of the difference, the items at Coach Factory are mostly items made specifically for that store. They are similar to regular Coach items but aren't exactly the same. Every now and then they'll get items from Coach though, which I think they refer to as Coach Reserve.) Usually the Coach store items have more hardware...more chains and metal than the stuff made for Coach Factory. This purse I liked that was from Coach was pink, and had the turnlocks on the zipper pull tabs, the metal feet on the bottom and the hangtag was metal instead of leather. I debated and debated what to do because it was twice what I wanted to spend. I ended up deciding on the cheaper one, which was a mini Bennet style.


After we finished up our purchases at Coach, and by this time hubby had found parking and caught up with us, we walked to Barrachina.


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We ended up ordering some appetizers at Barrachina but the nachos I loved on our last visit here were no longer on the menu. We had a couple pina coladas with our light lunch and the decided to head back to where hubby found parking. It was a little bit of a walk, and it was hot!




There were a lot of venders set up, like an art fair and we did a little shopping along the way.


Here are some random photos taken during our afternoon adventure:






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