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GOOOOOOOD GRIEF!!!! Enough of the Boomer Sooner torture!!! AND we did just play OU THIS WEEKEND!!! Lost...barely...it was a good game...but neither OU or A&M have any room to talk THIS football season....both teams suck!!!


As for Kurt Busch....NEVER liked him either!!! Looks like in the end though...he's going to skate out of it free as a bird!!! Glad though that Roush booted him....via sponser pressure...but I was glad to see Herman...i.e., Kenny Wallace...get the call to drive.....he's not the best....but I sure like him!!!


As for my birthday....it's Feb. 12th! That's Lincoln's Birthday....that's my big distinction!!!! I'll be the big...38....which is what I believe you will be too!


That is the full meal deal for Thanksgiving....we haven't really quite firmed up our plans yet....but we will be around here! My MIL...lives in Canyon....and my Mom...here in Amarillo....so we'll be around here. Oh, and I know that at least one of my sisters and husband....AND kids...will be coming in for Thanksgiving....don't know if both of them are?!?! I have two sisters....no brothers! Both sisters married w/ children...one lives in Denver the other in Dallas!


I'd definitely pay the extra and fly in on the third!!!

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I like Kenny Wallace too! Did you ever watch NASCAR 360??? I love him on that one too!


NANNY NANNY BOO BOO! I got my wireless working! Now, I just have to roll up all that cable I have strung from here to there!


Don't forget SURVIVOR tonight! I have to take my puppies to the vet this evening but should be home in plenty of time to watch!


I have a question for ya! Do you think they would apply the military discount for us to pay for the third person on our cruise?? I know it's only $409 without the discount, but it would make it EVEN SWEETER!

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Hurray!!!! I am soooo happy that you got your wireless working...that's great!!! I still have wires....but I can totally live with 'em!!! Cable Modem...very fast!!!


As for the military discount...I honestly don't know?!?! Who's the third....you guys are thinking about bringing someone else along?!?!?


Well...you know where I'm going!

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We actually have wireless Cable internet! It's great...I'm still working on why it won't let me access certain things on the web...like MSN messenger and Limewire.


The third person is our son! He's as excited about the trip as we are! Now, if we could just get his passport corrected.

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HEY!!! First off...its not Texas...its Texas A&M, and I was only confused...because....I thought that was a done deal...the kiddo was going with...that was the plan from the start...and then...I wasn't sure how the kiddo would qualify for a military discount?!?!


Anyhow...no biggie! I've got it now! So Saturday....Yippie!!!! And Thanksgiving is coming up soon...hurray!!! Three day week next week...that is GRRRRRREAT!!!! Wife only has a two day week....Teachers?!?!?! Well...today is house work....nothing bad....just cleaning up, maybe fixing up....I want to re-seal all of our stone floors.....we're expecting company next week....Thanksgiving and all ya know....and the wife has her eye out for a new Christmas tree!


Hope your day goes well....what's planned?!?!

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You just have prettier colors than Texas...I guess...Yea, it's a done deal with the boy going I'm just hoping that they might give us a discount because of my husband being former Navy. I'm not sure how all that works...


As for next week, I only work 2 days! YIPEE!!!!!!!!!! Then only 4 days the next!!!!!!!!!!! DH is coming in on Wednesday. We'll go to the IL's for Thanksgiving. My side of the family gets together the weekend before Christmas. It just makes it easier. We have dinner at my Aunt's (my mom's sister, she lives in Stinnett) and then my DB and DS's families all come to my house and we...we'll say enjoy the Holiday Spirit??!


My DS just got back from Hawaii...her son got married there...I wanted to go but it's just a little too expensive. I actually gave her $250 so she could go...it was more important that she go than me be there.


Saturday, we cleaned house....had to shampoo carpets...I don't have stone in my house...I've got carpet and pergo flooring, which I love!


Sunday, watched most of the race coverage...Glad to see JJ HIT THE WALL! Good to see Tony have a better attitude and win the championship! Now we are watching the Poisdon adventure...if we had cable we wouldn't get Channel 4 because of all that stuff between them and cable one....


Short week ahead....did I mention that before??!! :D


Have a good week...don't eat too much ham!

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We're watching the Poisiden Adventure too!!! Egads...stone floor...well in other words...slate tile...that's what I mean...same thing though...but we have a ton of it....and we spent the whole weekend fighting sealers...tried some new stuff....WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!!! I think we have it all fixed now...but out of the whole weekend...we only got the entry way done!!! The Kitchen, Breakfast Nook, Utility Room, and Master Bathroom...still need treatment!!! AAAARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

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Well...I actually appreciate...NBC giving it a shot....the whole idea of a new Poisiden Adventure...I thought that was cool...and I was looking forward to it...ever since I saw the first commercial for it....BUT, I gotta say...after watching it.....LAME!!!! It sucked!!! WAAAAAY too many impossibilities....way to many, totally obvious...events....but the best....the very best had to be at the very end....when they finally do rescue our small band of featured players....everyone seemed soooooo happy....that they saved some people....9....NINE PEOPLE....out of 5,000!!!!!!!!! That's NOT very good!!!! I wouldn't be excited about that!!!! And seriously...come on....out of 5,000 people....THAT'S ALL...that survived....WAS 9!!!!!! There would have been WAY more than that...just washing OFF the boat when it flipped!!!! Anyhow...it was really lame...not to mention HOW CLOSE they were to the bomb....shaped charge or NOT, that could blow the bottom out of that ship...then they just walked right through it.....they would have been killed!!! Enough of that already!!! Hope your day goes well....I'm off to my favorite place!!!

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Yea, it was VERY LAME! My DS was watching it with me and he was all into it...and he would tell me "Momma, you can't do that on a cruise ship!" There was some VERY obvious things, like you said! I could never understand why they didn't crawl across the ladder instead of walking??!! Wouldn't it have been easier??!! And the little boys camera made it through the water??!! Now, give me a break! Oh, well, they tried...I couldn't remember all of the first one but was able to remember bits and pieces.


We're having our Thanksgiving dinner at work tomorrow! I get to try to cook something tonight!


I told my DH that he would get a home cooked meal while he was home this time and he said "Not at my house!" He wants me to cook when he's home, which is usually the weekend, and I'm tired of cooking by then!

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Ahhhh....Tuesday....Thanksgiving is drawing nearer!!! Oh....as for that Poisiden Adventure...good grief...I could go on and on....about the goofy stuff in that....I really do appreciate the fact that they tried....but it was lame...like we discussed! Boy....and I tried to sleep late this morning...I got in late last night....but NO, right now I'm about 10 minutes behind my normal time!


Hope you have a good day! Hope you have a good Thanksgiving...and I'm sure I'll talk to you some over the holiday! Off to work!

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Well, I began my long weekend today! HOOOORAYYY! I've got plenty to do! Then I figured out I forgot some key ingredients for the stuff I'm making and have to go to the store.


Basically, my day is sleeping late (6:30), finishing cleaning some of the house, go get the DH at the airport at 11:55, go to the grocery store, and then come home and do some baking!


Oh, I forgot to tell you that I sent my son's passport back, well....I I got a letter from them and I have to get him two more passport pictures and send them! I'm so glad we did this EARLY! Nobody I talked to said anything about having to have him take more passport pictures! ARGH!

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Well...Greetings and Happy Post Thanksgiving! Whew...I am sick of turkey...and we still have a refridgerator full!!! Nice Snow today too!!!!


So....you got your room 6392....hold on....let me go grab a book and see where that is....Alrighty...see how quick that was....I'm back.....so Port side...(which is one of the best sides....(kidding...))...anyhow....right near the stairs....I've always enjoyed that...we typically stay near the stairs...we've never had any trouble with any kind of noise from the stairs...and we enjoy the easy access to the stairs and elevators..(when you can actually GET AN ELEVATOR)...I consider the stairs as at least some sort of exercise...against the monsterous quantities of food that we normally eat on a cruise! Anyhow....that's great! Miami looks better than the Texas Panhandle today huh!!!

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Luckily we don't have a lot of left overs!! But that's because we do it at my in-laws and I only bring back what I want. So, lucky me! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!


It didn't snow here...or if it did it was while I was taking a nap or in Amarillo early this morning. Had to take the DH to the airport at 4am! It was lightening to beat the band on our way to Amarillo.


We had our choice between that cabin or another one on the starburd (SP?) side...We choose that one because it being AFT and close to the stairs and elevator! We didn't book our flights to come in on the 3rd the way we had discussed, we're just going to fly in on the 3rd...with Carnival making the arrangements we shouldn't have any trouble making the ship...DH is still giving me a hard time about all the luggage I want to take...


Did you get to see Survivor? I didn't realize that was Gary Hogaboom (SP?!) until DH was telling me...I knew he was a football player but...just didn't recognize him!


Well, it's another short week for me...I don't have to go to work until Tuesday! YEA!


Oh, yea, another thing...we got a letter from the Passport office and I have to submit two more photographs of DS for his passport...if they hadn't mess up I wouldn't have that problem, now would I?


Also, when we called to make the reservations, the guy was giving me the run around for a little while saying "You'll have to get another certificate number" and that I needed to call the people who I won the prize from...well turns out that this prize is only 1 in 11 across the whole country, so he had never dealt with anything like that! 1 in 11, can you believe it!


Oh, almost bought the OU flag this weekend...but the DH informed me he'd wipe his tail end with it if I bought it! Would have got a Junior flag but they didn't have one!

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Another short week....you BUM!!! Not me...I'm back 100%....the only thing that sets this week apart for me....is that at least the Christmas Parties are starting already....in fact we have our big Departmental Christmas Party...this coming Friday night at my boss' house....(which is kinda nice....sorta....though maybe a bit strange...buy my boss lives across the alley from me....so me and the DW just walk over...and come in his back door)....makes driving home easy!!! LOL!


I think you choose a good cabin...and I hope everything works out just fine...I'm sure it will...flight-wise and reservation-wise...and EVEN passport-wise....EVENTUALLY!!!! Oh...don't know if you meant this or not...and I don't mean to offend...so you can just tell me I was being stupid...but its "Star Board"....two words originally....but now its melded into one word...just "Starboard" There's the left side....which is "Port" and the right side...which is "Starboard". This actually comes from back in the Viking times...when the sides of the ships were called "boards"....and the steering oar...called the "Star"....was always on the right hand side of the ship....thus that was called the "Star Board" side....its a long story...but they used to always dock on the left side of the ship...this had to do with the oars...so eventually the left hand side...became known as the "Port" side. I know...I apologize now...I know I'm a loser...I know I'm and engineering dork!!! The nature of the engineering beast is...we're usually not happy with ANY mysteries...(except for spelling)...but engineers tend to dig into everything...to always answer the question of "Why?" I'll stop boring you now!


I did watch Survivor....and yes, I alwas knew that....was Gary Hogeboom...we were really pulling for him to win...but oh, well...that's Survivor for ya!

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If you live across the street from your boss do you also mow his grass during the summer??! :)


I knew when I spelled starboard I had probably spelled it wrong, my DH is into all that Navy stuff...not me...I just call it left/right...you're lucky I know what aft is!


Now, if this time would just pass a lot quicker between now and February 5th! I guess I can't complain to much, at least I get to go on a cruise SOON!


SOON! That's part of SOONER! BOOMER SOONER BOOMER SOONER! I just had to do that! :)


Yes, I have the day off but I have a lot to do...DH left his cell phone so I have to fed-ex it to him. I have to take my son to school then mail my certificate for the cruise to Carnival, mail my son's passport pictures....AGAIN! ARGH! Then just go work out and straighten up the house after that! I'll probably get a nap in there somewhere...and then pick the boy up at school....

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Oh....your life is rough....ANOTHER day off?!?! Well...its all over now!!! BACK TO WORK Soldier!!! I already got my first day back....over with....now I am sooooo back in the groove of things.....NOT!!!! 1980's I know!!!


OH..and as for that BOSS THING and MOWING HIS LAWN....Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha....Oh, that is too funny!!! I am on the floor right now....Oh...that's a good one!!! 1980's again.....NOT!!!! It was really NOT intentional...see I have a brand new-ish boss....he was transferred here from S. Carolina....last year....and about the same time....my wife and I were house shopping....we were looking at some of the brand new parts of Amarillo....at the brand new homes...and it turns out that we bought a brand new house...right about the exact same time...my new boss....bought a brand new house in the exact same new part of town after just moving to Amarillo...and tada...we live across the alley from each other. Not intentional....but for like the office Christmas party....it has its perks....but NO, I don't mow his yard. I've never even given him a ride to work!


That OU stuff is going to come back to haunt you someday!!!


Do you know...I don't even own a cell phone...I swear I am going to be the last person on Earth to have one! We have one for my wife...but I don't have one!!! And I'm the one that has to drive out of town....everyday! Go figure....just never have worried about it that much...and have never really figured I had anything THAT important to say! Have always kind of dreaded breaking down in the dead of winter though....knock on wood! Well...enjoy work tomorrow! Count them beans!!!

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So, if you don't mow your boss' lawn and you don't drive him to work...then what do you do for him??? Trim the hedges??!! Put up his Christmas lights??!! Wash the dogs??!! Wash his car??!! HA HA HA!!!


I thought you said you liked gadgets? But you don't have a cell phone? Myself and DH had personal cell phones then with the job he's got he got a cell phone through work...Nextel phone...It's kind of a dorky looking phone...but it's all they would issue...it's a rubber phone! Since he got it he canceled the service he had with our personal phones and that's all uses now...but when he left it here he had nothing...Can you believe it cost me $55 to fed ex it? I was floored!


Now, when will the sooner stuff bite me??? When A&M wins against them....NOT!


Yes, I have to go back to work tomorrow...at least it's a short week for me! It will be busy though...somebody is gone and it's the end of the pay period...oh boy!


I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited about our cruise though...It is officially on my Carnival page...And it says...Leslie,

We can't wait to welcome you aboard your "Fun Ship":






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You know...I don't know if I'm just a gadget fool or anything....I do have an iPod that I love....but I don't have a PDA...a cell phone...or other such things....Oh, I do have a company issued pager...Oh, and I do have a bunch of musical crap!


I am a geek at heart though....however, I'm NOT A GEEK!!!


I bet you are getting VERY excited about the trip...I know that I always do...I thought my head was going to pop off last summer....the closer and closer the cruise got....fortunately though....it didn't...but we did have a great time!


You've still got to make it through Christmas...and then January....hang in there! Shoot...last summer...we were just about where you were...looking forward to the cruise...starting to think about packing....working out excursions and final places to stay and all....and then one weekend...we just went out....looking around...at a few open houses....just thinking about maybe home shopping and shazaam!!!! In about a day, we decided to buy a new house, put ours on the market...quickly touch up our existing house....show it, sell it, pack, move....and into the new house we were...bank account drained...then...."Oh...wait a second....we have our cruise coming up in 1 month...should we cancel....can we still afford it...what should we do?!?!?!" Of course...I say...."What the H#LL...let's just go for it all...and figure it out later!!!!" So we moved in, packed our bags...and went on a cruise! Came back...two weeks later...burned the brand new garage down!!! It was a busy summer! I'm still trying to figure it all out....but I think we survived! Oh, we rebuilt the garage...the brand new house...is brand new again!


Anyhow...enjoy work....and hang in there!!!

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So...here...forgive me if this is toooo forward...but did I see where you mentioned something about "working out"?!?! Is that a normal thing....or a pre-cruise thing?!?!


Trust me...my weight is NOT rigid...I do actually run...year round...but I do also step up the pace a bit just before a cruise! My wife...NEVER works out....she would get winded...jogging across the living room!


Have a good day!

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Actually I started working out when my parents died...but haven't been as loyal as I should be...but got back into this May and go three times a week...or try to! I go to a place called "Curves for Women", and I love it...it's only 30 minutes but it's like a 1 1/2 work out! And it's only women and NO MIRRORS! November was the worst for me though...getting sick, being busy and Thanksgiving!


Oh, I forgot to tell you...my DS wants a tux for the cruise! He has black pants, so I'm gonna look for a shirt and bow tie for him!


Oh, and how was Thanksgiving? We did the In laws on Thursday, put lights on the house Friday, and went shopping Saturday. Not much really, but it was nice have DH home!


OH, I was reading a thread on here that asked "Where does the crew sleep when the ship is sold out?", I told the DH about it and he nearly fell in the floor laughing...he can't believe someone would ask that "not very intelligent" question!


As for the gadget thing...I only have a cell phone but.....I want a blackberry, an IPOD, and a Digital Video recorder! I love my cell phone and talk to my sister every morning on my way to work after I've dropped the boy off!

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Curves....yes, I've heard of it...never been there of course!!! Funny huh! I used to live in the gym in my early to mid 20's....but not any more....like I said though...I still run a lot...that's my version of working out....and NOT that we are super huge fanatics about it...my wife...she is just naturally skinny....poor thing....myself....I yo/yo a bit....but to me...that's just part of life...I've never been what I'd consider really heavy...but I have been what I'd consider really skinny before...so anyhow...I'm usually somewhere in the normal range! Speaking of that...did you watch The Biggest Loser?!?! We love that show...it was really, really good this season...and the finale was last night!


Oh...that is funny about the cruise and where does the crew go?!?!? Good Grief!!!!


On one of our cruises...at the end of the cruise...the Cruise Director...gave a whole speach about...stupidest questions people had ever asked him on the ship....it was really funny....tons of stuff like that one! I'm sure they all have about the same story to tell...but it is funny to hear if you've never heard it!! You know questions like, "Which Elevators go to the FRONT of the ship?!?!"


Well...have fun at work!


I think the DS and a tux would be great...and we had a great Thanksgiving....now...back to the weight loss...gotta run off that Thanksgiving!!!

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