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Yuletide 12.20.05


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Hey Carol and the rest of you Yuletiders,


Have a great voyage on the QM2, save us some BBC's and try and catch Maritime Historian Bill Miller, he's a very entertaining lecturer. You can usuallys spot Bill strutting around the Kings Court in mornings decked out in his Cunard colors inspired clothing.


Happy Sails and Happy New Year too!




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Thanks, Jonathan, for your good wishes. I'll be online about once a day and will try to check the boards. Let me know if you have any questions. Will try to notice any changes after refit and report back. I called Cunard a few days ago to see if I could pay to upgrade to the grills and was told sold out and wait list of 600---oh my--hope I can find a deck chair. Still can't wait.


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I imagine you are aboard by now. Look forward to hearing your reports from the QM2, mostly curious about the refit, eager to hear info regarding the coffee bar and any other interesting tidbits you come across. Also, let us know who will be captain for the January 3, voyage we're all hoping it will be Commodore Wawryk. Have a wonderful voyage.



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Hi Jonathan, Ship awesome. Can't tell much yet about refit except spanking clean and it appears all carpet brand new. It is spotless. Funny thing we confirmed late seating table for 4 and found ourselves at early seating table for 6, nerviously awaiting our 2 mystery dinner companions, only to find two handsome gentlemen join us-----Bill Miller and his friend. We will attend his lecture today and report back. I could not remember if you know him or just enjoyed his lectures, but mentioned you anyway. Interesting getting cross town yesterday with the strike. West side just fine but east side a nightmare since 5th and Madison aves are closed as are the park transverses. Regards, Carol

Cruise director is Ray (Rouse?). Will check on Captain for next voyage. Regards

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That is very funny that Bill Miller and his friend are your table mates. I'm not acquainted with Mr. Miller I've seen him on both the QE2 and QM2 and greatly enjoyed his lectures, he is so animated and passionate about ships.


I like Ray Rouse, he was cruise director on QM2 for the July 2004 Independence Weekend Cruise. I noticed on one of the local webcams that the QM2 was still in port last night at 7 pm, I assume the transit strike was to blame, what time did you finally cast off?


Also curious to see how you think Britannia compares with the grills. Looking forward to your further reports.



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We were delayed last evening until around 7 or so (probably around 8 before we actualy sailed) because of a flight delayed from London. It came from Newark so there was no traffic problem. There are a huge number of Brits on this cruise, suprisingly since it departed from NYC. I have heard 60% Brit/ 40% USA and it seems so on board. Very civilized. Bill Miller is a pleasure to share dinner with. I confirmed that all (or most) carpets were replaced during refit. The ship seems to be just sparkling in every way. Other refit changes are small details such as revolving doors from galley to Brittania to cut down on noise and the wine bar added the coffee machines--thus now more coffee bar options.. So far Brittania seems just fine--no difference between Queens grill and Brittania in food (I know there are some differences such as the ability to also order off an additional grill menu for steaks and chops each evening) but truly we haven't noticed any difference in food. Service is just slightly better in QG, higher diner wait staff ratio, but let me put this in context. The difference between Britannia and Queens Grill on this trip is somewhere around 12,000 per person. That's $50,000 for us. The biggest difference I have found is the ability to dine when you wnat to instead of being locked into a too early or too late seating. This is very important to us--but not worth 50,000. The cabin differences are minor-we are on deck 8, lifeboat obstructed, but sunny and bright and directly below our prior Queens grill room. Cabin is somewhat smaller than QG but not tight. I would pay a little more for Grill options but not the huge amount it was on this trip. Surprisingly the one negative both in QG and Britannia is that the beverage service is slow. We hate to wait for cocktails or wine before dinner-meaning we would prefer to have our cocktail early on and in every dining room the sommialiers are so busy is is always a struggle. This is a very minor issue, it just surprises me since it is a revenue source and I would be order more drinks if they actually were served early on. We are loving this trip so far in every way, it is truly wonderful--no complaints-(other than dinner at 6PM is just way too early). My comments are meant to help others to make the right choices.

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I'm not surprised at the amount of British passengers aboard QM2. The QE2 Holiday cruise two years ago also had a majority of U.K. passengers it lends to the international appeal of the voyage.


I'd be curious if the new coffee bar has improved business at the Samuel Cunard Wine Bar, it was always rather quiet in previous sails. I understand they are serving sandwhiches and snacks, certainly a nice alternative to what the Kings Court offers after hours.


Is all of the carpeting new throughout the ship? It seemed to be in great shape as per our trip last March. We did a wonderful jeep 4x4 excursion in Barbados a few years ago, if it's available I highly recommend it. We did the Rocky Roller Drive in St. Kitts last year, nothing special, I hear the scenic train trip is quite nice. Really enjoy reading your reports, keep them coming.



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Commodore Warwick will continue for your sailing and until the ship sails to Hawaii. Apparently his wife is from Hawaii and it will be an honor to sail the ship there and then retire.

The wine bar is quite active at least when we have been there in the afternoon hours; my husband and daughter commented on the nice sandwiches they enjoyed there.

We have just come from an outstanding dinner at Todd English. Every morsel is to be savored as is the exceptional service...Ahh, now I remember QG dinners. Yes there is a difference. Todays comment is just book Todd English every night and still save a bundle. If you try Todd English a must have is the fallen chocolate cake.

The carpet has been changed in most public areas-the staircases seem to be brand new as do the elevator bank areas. The truth is the entire ship is is excellent condition.

Bill Miller's lectures are very interesting and fun to listen to as he is a gifted speaker. Not a note in sight and plenty of laughs.

Illuminations solar system show was like being at the Museum of Natural History.

Weather has been terrific with the first sea day comfortable enought to easily outside and I ran deck 7 in a tee shirt. Today--second sea day as 75 degrees in the morning and a pool day although somewhat windy. I have a slight sunburn, not planned. You should lose less than a day in each direction to chilly weather.

Let me know if you have other questions,,but save some for wonderful surprises. We are enjoying the ship even more than last March even given that then was QG and now not.

Last comment for today. We brought a laptop, but love the library for computer use; it is just so pleasant.

Regards--off to cocktails and maybe a show


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Surprisingly the one negative both in QG and Britannia is that the beverage service is slow. We hate to wait for cocktails or wine before dinner-meaning we would prefer to have our cocktail early on and in every dining room the sommialiers are so busy is is always a struggle. This is a very minor issue, it just surprises me since it is a revenue source and I would be order more drinks if they actually were served early on. We are loving this trip so far in every way, it is truly wonderful--no complaints-(other than dinner at 6PM is just way too early). My comments are meant to help others to make the right choices.



Where are you on 8 deck? We are scheduled to be in cabin 8095 Starboard side on 3 january. Just wondering what to expect! I think that cabin is between the large white lifeboat and the 3 or four smaller ones aft of it. Hopefully, we will have a tad of view between the boats.


As for beverage service, last year on the Westerdam Christmas cruise, one evening there was a private party or something (and we were concierge class- deluxe suite passengers) that kept most of the sommeliers quite late and into the beginning of our late seating dinner. We never did get beverages! They were pretty good at remembering our preferences, though I probably drove them crazy switching between Mojitos and Margaritas, and one night a nice dry sapphire martini! (made with Bombay Sapphire)! We got to the point that we would visit one of the bars on the way to the dining room if we were running early, and would get a drink there, and take it with us into the dining room. They didn't seem to mind, and we asked first. Of course that was on HAL. Don't remember if we ever did that on Cunard. It's been a few years.


Thanks for sharing your experiences with us! It just makes me that much more anxious! I can't wait!



Oh, P.S. Will Bill Miller be aboard our journey, since we are losing John Maxtone-Graham to the QE2? Thanks!



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Originally posted by Travelgals

Let me know if you have other questions,,but save some for wonderful surprises.




So I'm assuming there are some refit changes that are rather exciting..it appeared from some other posts that most of the refit stuff was mechanical in nature. Excellent, I will keep my eyes peeled for these "wonderful surprises". I understand there are new 'fixtures' of some sort in the Grand Lobby.


Thanks for the info about Commodore Wawryk, very thrilled he will helm our journey, that will be a photo well worth purchasing to perch on the mante piece.


Did you by any chance stand on deck for the sailaway from Manhattan. I always forgo this experience but, am eager to observe the ship sail under the Verrazano. Was it exceptionally cold?


The Todd English is excellent, but, you must fast for the day, it is very rich and filling. Have they by any chance opened the magrodome over the pool on deck 12? It's such a nice area, looking forward to spending more time there. Also, looking forward to sampling the whirlpools on top of ship, imagine the view is gangbusters from up there particularly at night.


Have you convened with any other Cruise Critics aboard? I hear the Rock at the Opera show has been revamped, looking forward to a night of being wowed at the Royal Court. Happy Holidays to you and your family.








according to Bill Miller's website he will not be joining us on our voyage, but, it sure would be nice if he stuck around for another 12 days.



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... awaiting our 2 mystery dinner companions, only to find two handsome gentlemen join us-----Bill Miller and his friend.
Assuming you are referring to "William H. Miller," you are very fortunate to end up seated with such a notable person. I have many of his books in my collection. You lucked out!



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A lovely day in Tortola today, a quiet island even with 3 ships in. We did not try any tours, just visited several beaches, easy to have the local drivers suggest the best beach for your needs.

When we sailed from NY, we had the best seat in the house--front and center in the Commodore Bar--my favorite bar on the ship. It was not too cold outdoors, but it was really pleasant to enjoy an after dinner drink (early seating and we were delayed leaving NY) and still duck as we approached the bridge.

Tonights sail a way was on deck 12 and the roof was open over the pool. I hope this is the area you mean (I'm still somewhat lost).

I have heard that there are between 280 and 400 children on board and one would never know it. This is a really civilized sailing. Very relaxed, no lines anywhere, friendly people, no commotion; just wonderful in every way.

I haven't noticed changes in the grand lobby--but I'm not sure I remember the details from our last trip.

The only carpet I've seen that does not look as though it was not very recently changed is the stairwell leading from the pool on 8 down to 7 to avoid Todd English.

Travel to go

We are in 8019 and 8021. The lifeboats obstruct the view, but they are set way out beyond the balconies and so we do see alot and have no light obstruction at all. We can sunbath, privately, on the balconies. I will try to check your room.

Regards, Carol

PS Bill Miller is debarking on Jan 3rd. If you can catch him another time you will really enjoy all he has to say.

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The QM2 must look beautiful all decked out in her Holiday finery. Is there a big tree in the Grand Lobby, wreaths and lights. I really hope they leave some decorations up for the January 3 voyage.


Really enjoying your daily reports from the QM2. Treat yourself to a BBC in the Golden Lion, Norm, I think the bartender there, concocts the tastiest versions of these cordials.


Happy Sails,



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The ship is decked out, beautifully for the holidays. There is a big tree, simply done, in the lobby and garland running along the curved staircase as well as several additional throughout the ship. We sang Christmas carols on Christmas eve just before the late seating and it was fabulous. Santa paid a visit (he must have been finished in the rest of the world because he was spotted throughout the ship all day. I even sat on his lap for a quick photo; a whole lot different at 53 than I remember it at 6. Speaking of photos I usually do not care for the backgrounds used for photos, but on one evening there was an all white background really well done offered which we took advantage of and were really pleased. It is in my opinion the only one worth 27.50.

W are in Granada, on boxing day and I think the shops are closed, so we will probably take a taxi tour if we can and come back to the ship. I am really enjoying alot of ship time.


Travel to go--I was able to peek into 8095 from the corrider for a second while the door was open for cleaning and it seems the view is mostly right between two lifeboats. I think you will like the cabin.

Regards, Carol

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Travel to go--I was able to peek into 8095 from the corrider for a second while the door was open for cleaning and it seems the view is mostly right between two lifeboats. I think you will like the cabin.

Regards, Carol




Thanks for that little side trip for me!

Someone posted a website from a travel agency which was purported to have accurate depictions of the cabins vis a vis the lifeboats, and that looked like a good one. The only downside I can see is that it appears to be a connnecting room, and knowing what we already know about those, I will probably bring along a roll of duct tape to seal the door between them in hopes of not hearing gezundheit from the next room, should I sneeze!


Looking at where it is in relation to other important areas, I think it will be a great room! It's even near those laundrettes, so I can run out in thed middle of the night and throw in a load when all is quiet!


Thanks. Enjoy the rest of your trip!


Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Happy Kwanzaa and Happy Boxing Day to all!

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Must be beautiful in Barbados today, it's sunny and freezing here in New York. The all white background you mentioned for the photos, just a blank background or a snow motif?


For all the oddball, ersatz backgrounds they offer I would so much prefer to have a shot taken during a sunset on deck 8 aft, I remember they did this on the QE2 a couple of years ago.


Any sightings of sea creatures yet on your travels? We often saw flying fish in the Caribbean. Curiously, the most bountiful array of sea life I encountered was on the QM2 Independence Cruise in the vicinity of South Carolina. We spotted a sea turtle, a school of dolphins and at least one ornery looking shark.


Give the Britannia my best.



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So far Barbados is our favorite Island. Unfortunately dinner reservations should have been made months in advance. Perhaps this is due to Christmas, but I'm not certain. We did visit several restuarants and have a drink to get a feel for each in case we decide to make a land visit one day. The all white background is not snow; it is a professional type white canvass. It's fun and looks great.

I quess you are getting ready to pack, we've passed the halfway mark and the rest of the trip will fly by I know.


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I'm poised and ready to pack, alright. These last few days now are really starting to creep by. Six months ago the very notion of five days till we sail was cause to dance around and throw streamers, and now five days seems like six months.


Enjoy the rest of your voyage and if your an early riser don't miss the opportunity to watch the QM2's pre-dawn arrival in St. Thomas. Grab yourself a perch on the observation deck and see the twinkling lights of Charlotte, Amalie while nearby glowing ships gradually steam toward this tropical port, very magical.



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