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do you sacrifice to wear something special/nice


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Ok, new question, I love these threads and hearing others opinions.


Now before anyone flames or gets upset, this is not necessarily for cruiseing, it is a general real life question. And as I think we can all agree that you can be dressed appropriately without "discomfort", well I do, lol, I think we can have a nice discussion without any flames or hurt feelings if the question is taken in the spirit it is meant. It may also give some of us some ideas and alternatives. This has nothing to do with the price of an outfit.


How much are you willing to sacrifice in comfort to wear fashion clothing. I.e., spanx, control top, heals, stilletos, panty hose whatever you feel is not the most comfortable thing to wear but you do in the name of fashion and to look absoultely georgeous.


As an example, you love the new fashion dress, to wear it you need pantyhose, something you hate, do you wear it so you can wear the dress or would you pass on the dress. Same thing with heals, do you wear high heals just to look better even if they are not comfortable in the name of fashion.? Have you found any solutions to makeing something more comfortable in a fashion sense?


Keep in mind that it's a realistic question, there is a handbag, called the Chloe Paddington Bag, it weighs a wopping 3 pounds if not more empty. It's sold out and I saw the last bag at Saks with 4 women fighting over it (not me) Women are sacrificing carrying such a heavy bag which could even give them health problems like back/shoulder pain if it will become too heavy with the contents in the name of fashion and it is considered the "it" bag of the season from some articles I read. So hence the questions.

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I have a bustier and some spanx that I wear with my formals to add a little padding to the top and keep the tummy in. They get a little uncomfortable after dinner, but not unbearable. And its not all day.


I also draw the line at starving myself to fit into a dress. I had been trying to loose those last 5 lbs to fit into that black lace dress, but I wasn't going to starve myself to do it. I did finally loose the weight, but I was just from being busy, not from conciously starving myself.


The whole weight thing is a tricky thing, because I want to balance diet and good nutrician, but wouldn't we all like to be 5lbs thinner in a few places. Bad thing is that I loose upper body weight first, and then I tend to look to thin-up top, and still curvy in my lower body. So I try to find fashions that flatter or hide my pear shape.


I am fine in Heals as long as they have an open toe, then that old figure skating arthritis doesn't hurt. I do have a simple pair of black loafers, that look great with pants, but they hurt the foot also, so I can only wear them for a short period of time, and not if I'm doing a lot of walking.


So here's my thought, "It's not too much of a sacrifice if its for a few hours, don't starve, and if your going to be wearing it all day be comfortable."

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I would have to say no. I don't wear things that require me to be uncomfortable. I don't lack in the fashion arena either. I find acceptable alternatives.

I hate to say this but I don't need control top panties or pantyhose. I will wear stockings if the look needs hose. If I need a smooth line I will find an under garment to achieve that look. (slips, thong panties, petti-shorts) If I'm wearing a dress that is strapless or has an open back I will wear those pasty things or a strapless bra. I won't wear anything that requires continual adjustment. If I happen to wear a pair of panties and they tend to go north I throw them away when I get home, that's how much I hate wearing things that aren't comfortable.

I'm 5'8" so not being able to wear spiked heels (anymore) really doesn't bother me, I just find cute shoes with a lower heel or platform type heel. I have beautiful clothes and shoes; I just pick styles that work for me and that don't end up hurting.

Don't get me wrong I don't have a relationship with LL Bean or Eddie Bauer!



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Clothing or shoes that are uncomfortable generally stay in my closet unworn, and eventually will wind up in the Salvation Army pile. I LOVE shoes, and up to 3" (well, one pair is 3 1/2") heels, but they MUST be comfortable. Purses - well don't get me started on those. I am so picky it usually takes me months to even find one I like. No way would I buy or carry one that I felt was impractical. That is just not me. I do not remember the last time I wore pantyhose, and I do hate them with a passion, However I did wear tights quite often last winter, coordinated with boots & skirt, and I love that look, so I will tolerate them, though I have to say they are nowhere near as uncomfortable to me, but that may be simply because I lost weight. So if I had to dress for an occasion that really did call for pantyhose, I'd probably wear them.

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For really dressing up, such as formal night on a cruise, I will wear something uncomfortable to make the look. What comes to mind first is the high-heeled shoes. I work at home, so my everyday look is very casual and dressing up on a cruise is important to me. If my feet hurt by the end of the evening, it's still worth it to me for the enjoyment I get from dressing beautifully.

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Wow, I love the replies, I gotta give you ladies a lot of credit.


I would not do it. I just couldn't do it. I wouldn't even do it for 2 hours. I really am in awe and impressed by all of you. Seriously, for all my love of clothes and fashion and shoes and bags, and nice things, wow, I just couldn't make the sacrifice.


At the same time, I'm learning stuff here, things that I never even thought about for makeing an outfit look better. I knew about it, just never think about it, gotta start checking more closely before I go out, now, lol.


Thanks for the replies so far, I may check (not do) but at least I'm learing about the checking part.

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Very interesting topic.


Nope, I don't compromise comfort. Like Cruise Arizona, I carry my weight in my bottom and am struggling to lose that extra 5 pounds (okay, so mine is 10 pounds. shhhhh!). Until if comes off, there are certain pants or skirts I'll wear control top hose with, but the truth is, they really don't bother me. I wouldn't wear them in summer, (that would feel horrible to me) but the other 3 seasons, it's just no biggie.


Shoes are a major issue and us NYC woman walk alot on city streets. Without the right shoes, it's awful. Maybe that's why so many of us spend alot on shoes. Quality costs money. I'm not saying that I wear 4" heels to walk through the museum, but I do always have fashionable footwear. So when I buy a pair of shoes/boots/sandals I wear them around the house for a while and if there's any indication of discomfort, they go back to the store.


Handbags. Since we NYers don't drive around we have to carry a lot of stuff in our daytime handbags. Umbrella's, papers, snacks.....all the things that many of you would have in the back seat or glove compartment. So as MrsMoose said, weight is a major issue. I see the Louella, Kors and some of the Chloe bags and even empty, they're heavy! I can't imagine lugging one of those around all day with my cell phone, wallet, book, etc in them. So when I go to the store and look at bags, any that are heavy, go right back on the shelf.


So, all in all, the answer is NO. I won't sacrifice my comfort.



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When I shop for dressy clothing, I'll do my best to find garments that can be worn without hose, spanx or that cannot accomodate my girls without a well fitting bra. I find that if I look for clothes that actually fit me and hide my "flaws" I don't need as much help. My body is not going to look sleek and sexy in anything, so I avoid anything clingy or very short.


I do suffer in the shoes, though. I'm not used to wearing heels on a daily basis and cannot tolerate them for long periods of time. I probably take more time selecting a cabin on a ship than most do, I want to be close enough to the elevators that will take me closest to the dining room so I don't have to walk so far!


Handbags? Forget it, even though I have a number of nice ones, I hardly carry them. I think of them more as a collectors item. I keep at work what I need to make it through the day and the trunk of my car is one big purse. I think I stopped carrying a full sized handbag when the DH and kids started having me carry their "stuff", so I was the one with the sore arm and a crick in my neck. I've noticed they stopped getting so much "stuff" now that they have to carry it themselves.


MrsMoose, you do think up some fun topics!

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I'm trying to think up fun topics, my head's in a bad place right now so I'm trying to put it in a fun place.


I'm with you, lol, I know I will never look sexy and don't even want to try. Thankfully my DH is not into the "sexy look". He thinks flannel pjs are sexy (so do I), I never was comfy in all those "sexy lengerie things".


I'm with you, I try to find clothes that cover my flaws, if they are less than sexy, I just don't worry. I hate thongs, and I hate to be "strapped" into or anything. I can't do the tummy control things, I tried, but I can't. I won't wear panty hose, for health reasons and comfort reasons. And heals, no way won't tolerate them and just won't wear anything that requires them.


I do look sleekest in a pair of well fitting black pants and a black sweater/top. My mom even says I look like I lost weight when I wear that, but in the summer time black is just to hot so I don't wear it even though I look best in black. Not just for the slimming effect, black is really a good color on me.


As for the "girls", I have them too, I hope I get to keep them also, but I won't bind them in anymore, I just want to be comfortable and still look good, (can't have everything) so first and formost I go for comfort.


Jane, thanks for mentioning that, I forgot it in my original question part. That is an excellent point, about lifestyle and what you will wear. Thanks for that.


NYC is definitely a walking/carrying place. I know exactly what you mean. I drive everywhere now, I move my car for 5 blocks, where as in NYC I'll walk 10 or more (back problems or I'd walk 20 or more). I still can't carry a heavy bag but I still won't wear heals either, for comofrt, for health and driving in heals is not fun either, I think I would have to remove the shoe, lol.


I ask these questions because I actually learn things, think about things that I may know but not normally think about, and well, hopefully it might help others to think about things too that may be useful.


I'm glad that a lot of you like my questions/topics. I enjoy conversing with all of you and hearing about all your fashion opinions. I actually have gotten a lot of food for my own thought (not because I cruise, but in the fashion area) so thanks much

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I was involved in two major auto accidents that resulted in major injury and chronic pain. One left me with my cervical spine fused and the other with my right foot fused and nerve damage in both areas of my body. However, life goes on and I go on. I did have one wish,one that I did not think possible given my condition....To dance at my daughter's wedding.


My doctor's, neurosurgeon and podeatric surgeon worked together. They knew my feelings and I am fortunate to have found these highly skilled, very compassionate, very human doctors who understood how important this was for me. They told me they could give me this one night. The cocktail included cortizone injections, narcotic anagesics and oral steroids and resulted in days of pain and swelling and total bed rest to recover. However, I had my evening of dancing and celebrating my daughter and son-in-law.


Sometimes the pain is worth it.;)



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I enjoy dressing up too, but I like to be comfortable. I rarely wear high heels because I'm pretty clumsy (!) and tend to fall down a lot. My most uncomfortable moment in shoes was doing the hike along the Vegas Strip. ;)


I do wear pantyhose because my legs rarely see the sun and I like a little color on them. The only time I was ever uncomfortable in panty hose was when I reached the 8-hour mark in a pair of thigh highs. I was like "dang! get these things off!!!" But normally they don't bother me.


As far as my "girls" go...well...my girls are practically non-existent so I can buy those cute little dresses that don't require any extra support. I guess I'm lucky in that respect...

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What a beautiful story and thank you for sharing, brought tears to my eyes, and yes, that definitely was something worth the pain. Wow, I'm so happy you found doctors who are human and compasionate, not always easy to find in today's world unfortunately. (No offense to any doctors here or the spouses of doctors). There are some out there.


I'm so happy for you that you had your night of dancing. You have no idea how happy. That was for such a good reason too, not for fashion, but for pure love and joy. (No flames please, I'm not saying fashion is a bad reason, but this is such a loving story, I can't help myself).


I'm so happy that you had your evening. I hope you are doing ok now.

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Ryansmemom...that is such a touching story!


As for me, no I don't sacrifice for comfort, but I know some women would not find my choices comfortable.


I wear heels...always have felt more "comfortable" in them over flats. I have had to go down to a 2 1/2" rather than my usual 3" or more due to my knee..but I dislike flats. I will wear my "normal" cute shoes for an evening out, but not daily like I use to.


I agree Jane, lifestyle plays a major role in choosing clothes. I have about a 10-15 minute walk between classes, so there are only certain shoes/boots that I wear to school and all have a minimum 2" requirement.


I'm at school sometimes 8-10 hours so I bring what I need with me. I will not carry anything over my shoulder...and my back-pack currently wieghs about 37 lbs (more when I bring my laptop) so I have a "rolling" back pack. Most of the business women in my building have "converted" since seeing mine...it's just so much easier even if it isn't en vogue at the moment.


I know what looks good on me, and what items I will or will not wear regardless of what is "in" so I buy accordingly. Hose have never been an issue...I don't mind wearing them as long as they are certain brands (and never with sandals ;) )


I do wear pantyhose because my legs rarely see the sun and I like a little color on them. The only time I was ever uncomfortable in panty hose was when I reached the 8-hour mark in a pair of thigh highs. I was like "dang! get these things off!!!" But normally they don't bother me.

LOL! I feel you there! I had a mock-turtle neck sweater like that once and I counted the second until I could get home and tear that thing off!


So...I wear what I want...and my wardrobe happens to be comfy for me :) My sister would never wear what I wear as an "every day" wardrobe...so I think comfort is different for different people.



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MsREd, this is so true, everyone is comfortable in different clothing and shoes.


While I would never be comofortable in hose and heals, those that are in my opinion are not sacrificing. For you to wear flats would be the sacrifice if you hate flats.


That is a great idea about the rolling back pack. I've seen many people with this and I think it's a great idea, and so much healthier for your back.


I think fashion is great, I love clothes, and fashion and all, but I never should it be at the expense of health, 37 lbs on your back or on wheels on the floor, I agree who cares if it's "au courant", your healthy back is much more imporant, way to go MsRed.

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Before I started training for this marathon I probably would have said I sacrificed some. Now, I will not sacrifice at all.


For the first time in my life I am really comfortable with my body. I'm not as small as I have been because being 5'8" and a size 4 requires work. What I am is accepting of my curves and my new muscles.


Food has stopped being my enemy and at my height, I can carry off a size 8 or 10 with panache.


Linda, what an AMAZING story and so glad you were able to dance at your daughters wedding!

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Before I started training for this marathon I probably would have said I sacrificed some. Now, I will not sacrifice at all.



Blue Herons,


A friend of mine is running in the Marathon. He's coming down from Toronto for it. What's your number? I'll look for you.


Best of luck!



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Blue Herons,


A friend of mine is running in the Marathon. He's coming down from Toronto for it. What's your number? I'll look for you.


Best of luck!




This is too funny Jane. Because the NYRR's screwed up my finishing time, my number is something obscene like 49950 and they only go up to 49999! They had my finishing time at 7 1/2 hours which is about 2-3 hours longer than it will take me to finish. As is, we are working on getting the corral changed but I don't know about the number.


Hopefully when I pick up my bib Friday morning it will be changed. AAARRGGHH!


You can email me at BlueHerons@hotmail.com and I'll fire off my correct bib number.


BTW, as a non New Yorker but a very frequent visitor to your town, I would like to thank you for y'alls incredible support of this marathon. There is no other marathon like it and it is amazing to see 2 million plus people come out as spectators.


I've watched it as a spectator but this is my first time running!

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Wow, I was born and raised in NYC and I remember the Marathon, I didn't realize that it was 2 million people, that was amazing. My ski instructor here way back, ran it once, and he told me about the training and stamina involved. He was such an athlete, he competed on the canadian olympic team in rowing once (not skiing).


Congrats to you just for being able to enter and run. I wish you all the best with it and again, you are truely amazing to be able to do this.

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Linda - thats such a great story. So glad you got to dance!


Blue Heron - best of luck in the Marathon. I'm truly impressed by the discipline and training it requires. Doesn't matter what place you come in, just the fact that you are running is truly amazing. Best of Luck!


As for comfort, I hate feeling uncomfortable in my clothes. I try to find outfits that don't require lots of supporting equipment (strapless bras and such), particulary with formals. Fortunately, my girls are not so large but are perky and are therefore still where they belong and require little to no support. If I wear something that I find later I'm fidgeting with, out it goes to goodwill.


I would say my only sacrific has been shoes. I don't do it intentially, but every now and then I get caught off guard. NYC is the biggest issue for me. We live on Long Island but frequently go to the city. As Jane pointed out, walking in the city is much different than anywhere else. Inevitably I will wear a pair of shoes to go out for dinner and we end up either not getting a cab or changing our plans, so I end up walking around in shoes that were meant for dinner and not hiking through the city! :eek: On Long Island, you just hop in the car and go to the next location.

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How much comfort would I sacrifice? Not much.


I do usually wear Spanx when dressing up, but I don't find them horribly uncomfortable. To me, Spanx are better than full stockings. I also don't really wear high heels. I've finally found a couple of pairs of really dressy shoes that I can wear and be comfortable enough to keep them on.

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Good Luck BlueHerons, I too admire your endurance for running the marathon. The bug bit me this year and I'm starting to train to run the Columbus Marathon next year.


Back to comfort/discomfort; guess I like pain....I'll wear tight spandex to look just right in a outfit, heels too, don't mind control top pantyhose either, doesn't bother me. But only on very special occassions and cruises for only a couple hours. Everyday wear must be comfy enough to last all day and still look good.

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my discomfort isn't really due to what I wear more my posture. I have a very old compression fracture in my upper back. Doesn't generally bother me too much except when I am making a real effort to stand up really straight, like when I am wearing a nice dress. After a while it gets real achy, so I know it's time to change into something more comfortable. Heels are a little uncomfortable, but mainly because I don't wear them much.

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Thanks so much for your kind words. I usually don't talk about my pain because I don't like dwelling on it. I try my best to live my life and only deal with my pain when it calls me. The treatments for it have become part of my daily routine. I cope as best I can, do what I can and live every moment as best I can. It's only when I campare my life to someone elses standard of "normal" that I run into the danger of feeling sorry for myself. We all have our strengths and limitations in life.:)


Blue Herons:


I say GO GIRL!! Run that Marathon like the wind!! Enjoy your day!:)



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