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Not impressed with Coral Breeze


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We were in Belize this last week. We did the Coral Breeze snorkeling and Sting ray alley. I would definitley not use them again. First of all our correspondence with them stated the Enchantment of the Seas water tours started at 10:00 am. We walked up to the Wet Lizard at 9:40 and the boat was pulling away. Monique yelled for it to come back and was none too happy we were late. I showed her written proof we were not late and she said just give me the money and get on the boat. She kept my info with the wrong time on it to show her web master. There was another couple we had met through Cruise Critic and they missed the excursion. We told them there were 2 more coming but they were unconcerned - even though it was their fault and the people made resevations and had a deposit down. All in all the administrative part of Coral Breeze needs a major overhaul.

The guides in the water were actually pretty good and snorkling was nice. The water was beautiful and the reef was amazing.

The main reason I would not recommend the Coral Breeze is that the captain of the boat (in my opinion) was unsafe. He would go as fast as the boat could go and when it came time to stop he would cut power totally all at once and everyone on the boat would go flying. One little girl hit her head up against the boat and my husband actually feel over and scraped his knee and hurt his shoulder. With no warning this crazy driver would go from like 50 to 0 in one second.

The boat itself was hard to get in and out of. From the dock you had a really big step down into the boat. Not a huge deal but a really long step. I would be happy to answer any questions anyone has.

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Wow, sorry you didn't like Coral Breeze. I certainly understand your frustration. I personally loved them and had no complaints. It was by far the best excursion I've ever done. The snorkeling took my breath away and the marine life was amazing.


Could it have been a matter of ship time vs local time? We ran into that Last December in Grand Cayman with another company. It was completely our faults. It turned out a good thing because we found a much better company by accident at the tender pier.


Hope you mention the problem to Paul. I believe he's usually good about responding to negative experiences.

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vikeqn, like Babie mentioned, I would like to hear from you to address your concerns.

The issue with the captain will certainly be addressed. It will also be addressed with the rest of the crew who had to feel the same jilt from the inertia.

Regarding the tour times, we have had more changes than you can imagine as the cruise lines juggled their itineraries after this past hurricane season. This has settled down now that they have finally decided on their itineraries for the remainder of 2005. Your tour time was changed from 10am to 9am and this should have been reflected on the final confirmation that is sent 10 days before a tour. If it was not, I need to look into that. I have a high level of confidence in the automated administrative part of our tours as this is used for thousands of people. If there was a serious problem, it would be magnified. Something must have been missed on the reservations you mentioned, as the others that day did receive the information about the time change.

I am glad you enjoyed the actual snorkel part of the tour.

Please feel free to email me to discuss.

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Thank you for your response. I appreciate you looking into the captains driving. Hopefully no one will get hurt in the future. We did really enjoy the guide - a lady. Like I said before the lady - I think her name was Monquie - took our paper work to show it to who ever to get it fixed. We were not thr only ones who had the wrong time? Weird.

My main concern is about the boat ride. Going from a fast speed to suddenly cutting all power can result in injury. My husband's shoulder is still sore. Saftey should be the number one concern for all on a shore excursion.

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We participated in a Coral Breeze tour last Dec (2004) on a cruise out of Galveston. Overall we were very happy with the staff, especially our guides. They were funny and personable and made us feel very safe. My only complaint was that we paid for the Shark/Ray Alley, and between our stop at Caye Caulker and back out, the guides forgot the bait, so we saw very few sharks/rays. Because we were so excited about that part of the trip, it was pretty disappointing, but we didn't let it ruin our trip. We enjoyed the snorkeling part as well as the lunch and free time on Caye Caulker. We are going on another cruise in January and are considering booking them again for the Manatee watch/snorkel.

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I am half of the couple that was left behind, even though we too were instructed as Vikeqn stated to meet at 10:00 at the Wet Lizard. I brought my laptop on the cruise with me as it was a working vacation and checked my emails daily. There was no final confirmation sent out 10 days prior to this trip (it did not happen). Monique Young, the person who we were to meet at the Wet Lizard took absolutely no responsibility for the error and tried to blame my husband and I for not being there earlier than stated in Coral Breezes instructions. Incidentally the only reason Vikeqn and I were even in Belize as early as we were (after 9:00 a.m. for sure) was because we took the first tenders that were only for the people who booked tours directly through the ship (she followed as I led the way and for some reason they let us get away with it even though I could not produce an excursion ticket other than waving the Coral Breeze email when they asked for excursion tickets.) I made a mental note that in your companies instructions it mentioned that Coral Breezes was aware of all the ship schedules. Which if you were aware of our ships schedule you would have known that anyone who booked an independent tour and took the proper tender could have been at the Wet Lizard at 9:00 a.m. Is it possible that perhaps Monique and her crew were catering to the passengers from the Carnival ship that needed the guests to return to their ship an hour or so before us? What I found strange was that we ended up using a different tour company and we left the dock after Coral Breezes boat, then snorkelled a reef for a while and then we went on to Shark Ray Alley where we anchored right next to Coral Breezes boat, we stayed there quite a while after Coral Breezes left and then went on to Caye Caulker for a wonderful lunch my husband is still raving about. We then returned to the pier with a half hour to spare for the Carnival passengers to tender back to their ship. We lingereded a short time in Belize and then tendered back to the Enchantment and as our tender was starting to leave the Coral Breezes boat returned and I don't think the Carnival passenger's that took Coral Breezes tour had much time to spare to get back to their ship. So it seems as though Coral Breezes actually did me a favor. I got to spend my excursion with a lovely guide who was very pleasant and knowledgeable. The crew could not be concerned enough about my safety. The boat was operated in a proper and safe manner and due to the vigilance of our crew and guide no one was injured and they went out of their way to prevent any potential problems. Oh and I almost forgot, it cost less with the other company. So in other words... Thanks, Coral Breezes

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Elaine, since the Enchantment was the first of two back to back cruises. We had an 8 day Eastern Caribbean on Carnival Liberty following this one and we spent a couple post cruise days in florida, we just got home a few days ago and with yesterday being Thanksgiving I still have not had a chance to fully unpack. I have their business card somewhere. Our guides name was Natalie. When I find it, I will be sure to post it here as our experience with them was very positive.

I also have to call my credit card company today as Paul from Coral Breezes sent me an email Nov. 14th telling me they would mail my deposit back to me within a week and nothing has come yet. So I will just let the credit card co. deal with them since they have already wasted enough of my time.

I will get you the info you asked for as quickly as I can. Sorry I didn't have it readily available. Take care and enjoy the holiday weekend.

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Quick update: the refund came in today's mail. I had to laugh since I made an error the email from Paul was actually dated Nov. 13th, not the 14th, and said I should have the deposit by the end of the week, since they were refunding it from their U.S. office. When I got it today the postmark was November 22nd, can't anything be easy? I have to give the Postal Service credit though, it only took 3 days, with one of those being a holiday. Good job USPS!!!

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We also used Coral Breeze when we arrived in Belize in Sept.2005 on the Carinval Glory. We also had some problems with Coral Breeze and will discuss them here.


When we first arrived, we purchsed tickets and got our snorkeling equipment and proceeded to wait just out side until we were ready to go. Once we boarded this packed boat, we were off. To where, who knew?? There was no discussion of of plans or of the scenary we passed. The entire crew said nothing as we sped at top speed past all kinds of sights. We drove way past the our docked cruise ships and then finally we arrived at Goff's Caye (a beautiful tiny island) a postcard picture. No one again gave any instructions so most of us thought this is where we were to snorkel from. They did help passengers off the boat. Then when everyone was off and scattered, one man crew member annouced that those that weren't snorkeling this was their stop and for those that were, we would be reloading everyone in about 15 mintues to go to the snorkeling site.


After what turned out to be about 30 minutes, we were again loaded with assistance back into the the baot and we were off again but this time not fast. Just off few hundred yads off the island , we stopped again. We were instructed on how to use the life preservers and snorekl equipment by a woman Monique. Then we were instructed to follow her and she would tour us through the reef. The ladder was never lowered for the elderly on the ship and everyone, from the oldest to the youngest was instructed to just jump off the side of the boat. Alittle easier said than done, I am 36 and this drop from the boat into the water was about 6 ft. and I even was a little scared and took sometime to gain the nerve to just jump in.


As soon as I was in the water bc it took me a few minutes, I turned around and the boat was backing up right towards me!!?? I quickly swam out of the way. Next thing I know I hear a lot of motor noise and pop my head up to see what is going on and I see the driver of the boat going at full throttle in circles around all of us in the water. Not only was he driving fast but he was doing this while seated backwars in the boat. I guess he was showing off, to who I don't know but driving recklessly!!


After snorkeling, we got back on the boat and were taken back to the island to relax at the beach. While there we find out that the guy that who usually comes and sells drinks, has not showed up and we were all dying of thrist! Then time keeps passing quickly and it starts getting to be less than 2 hours before we have to get back on ship for the last tender and we are all still on Goff's Caye!!


After some instruction from my boyfriend who gathered the passengers that we came with and all reboarded it was time to leave. But not before we were stopped by another group that their boat was having problems and needed to get there passengers back as well. So not only were we all jammed on this boat but now they were adding another 10 or so passengers?? My boyfriend told them there was no room for more people and that they did not arrive with us originally. Then everyone was asked by a crew member if they had not came with us original on that boat that they needed to get off. But no one would get off so we all started to get pissed bc we had to get back before our last tender left and time was passing quickly. So they say that if you are on the other ship the Explorer to get off and go to the other boat bc a moajority of the passngers seated were from the Glory and needed to get back to their ship ASAP. Then a few couples got up and only then did they get up. We were so mad that they heisitated until the last possible second to get off! They did not wan tto have to get off. So my boyfriend again suggested that everyone pull out their sail and sign card to establish who was from what boat since the Exploreer was staying much later than us in Belize. But these people finally got off!


We raced back to the port only to find them boarding the last tender! The snorkeling was incredible, no doubt about that but the tour its self was disorganized, not narrated at all, and young driver of boat was driving dangerously. Though the lady Monique and another boy child about 15 who was in charge of keeping the inside of the boat neat and safe by placing the life preservers back when we were all done, were very friendly and efficient.


I wanted to do this tour again with the kids in 3 weeks when we will be back in Belize but I am afraid for their safety. Maybe we will try Cave-Tubbing instead with another company.



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I think you are mistaken with the company you used. Coral Breeze does not operate to Goff's Caye and we don't "sell tickets" when you arrive. If you could please clarify the company you used for this tour as I am certain it was not Coral Breeze.

Reputation is important so others know who they can use for tours. Making note of the wrong tour company can incorrectly hurt their reputation....especially with the experience that you described.

I would appreciate your attention to clarifying this.

Thank you.

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We were not really issued "tickets", tickets meaning we purchased an excursion. Sorry if I said it was Coral Breeze, this is the name my boyfriend remembered. I did not go with him to purchase them, I was shopping. I apologize if this is the wrong company but tour experiences with the poster were very similar.


Now it leaves me guessing which company we actually booked?? I would hate to book them again. I will look for them when we arrive and see if I can't find them again.



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I've e-mailed you twice through your website and I've never gotten a reply. I also haven't been able to book or reserve through your website either. I'm not sure what the problem is (I've checked my spam folder) but I thought I would let you know.



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I am glad to hear your company was not the ones we used while in Belize in Sept. In fact, I have used Coarl Breeze to book our snorkel/beach excursion with the kids in just a few weeks!


Thank you for clearing this up for us, I would have hated to miss out on using a reliable company and a great excursion experience by not booking with you guys and again, living to regret my choice.


See you all soon-


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I just tried again and it didn't work for me. I just wanted to let Paul know.

Hopefully, I'm the only one having problems. If I had a business online, and a customer was having trouble trying to purchase something from me, I would hope they would try to let me know somehow. Hope you have a great tour Bill!


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stephanotis (Stephanie),


I'm sorry you are having problems with our website but I double checked and we have not received anything from you. Feel free to contact me directly at paul@coralbreezelimited.com ....I hope the CC police can see i'm only supplying this as you are trying to contact me. I hope to hear from you.

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Few questions for you:


Which of your two tours for snorkling would be for the more "active" crowd. (ie more experienced with snorkling)


How close to your visit date (we are NCL SUN Dec 14th) may you book online?


Can you rent bikes on Cay Cauker and ride around on this tour?


What time do they pick us up on this date?





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As an operator, I'm not allowed to discuss these things on the boards. It is a rule of the boards which I respect. Feel free to contact me directly for answers...hope you understand.


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Coral Breeze - I just want to be sure I am right about Belize and cave-tubing. I think we used your company last year on an excursion and, as I recall, your company does not actually do the cave-tubing but "sub-contracts" (for lack of a better word) with Wet-N-Wild, Marvin, for him to do the tour. If I am remembering right, I wanted to chime in that we had a good time and the trip was a lot of fun. Marvin did wonderful and we had reserved the trip in advance. There were no problems. However, if I am remembering wrong, please let me know since I would not want to comment positively incorrectly (now THAT was hard to explain!).


I agree with you that reputation is very important on the boards and if you were the company I am thinking, I wanted to speak out on your behalf. Do you still "sub-contract" with Marvin? I saw some very positive posts about him and his new employee Charlie elsewhere on the board.

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Just got home from our cruise and we were LUCKY enough to get Coral Breeze as tour company for their first ever River Tubing Excursion! Let me say..... WOW! Our entire group is still laughing and talking VERY highly about the trip, tour and kowledge Ivar and Carlos showed us on the trip. I'll be writing up a FULL review on the entire trip and posting it here at Cruise Critic over the next couple of days.



Allen :)

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These are types of questions that I am not allowed to answer on the boards as it would violate the tour operator policy. I appreciate you checking first. If you email me, I would be happy to help.


Sorry, I thought the question was general enough that it would be okay to ask here. I e-mailed you privately so I will look forward to hearing from you.

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