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4 teenagers in a cabin...!!!!

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Well just 18 more sleeps.....yahoo


Still a bit freaked about 4 teenagers in a cabin,,,,3 are mine 1 is borrowed for the 11 days.


We are on The Empress of the Seas and the kids are in an outside cabin that is described as an inside...say what???....the cabin is on the outside of the ship on deck 8...however I do believe it is called an inside because there is probably no window. I 've read tons of info about the smallish cabins on the Empress, so just a bit worried about space.


Anyone have some ideas about storage of dirty clothes....4 teenagers + 11 days equals tons of clothes. I will be bringing a pop-up hamper, but I think I will have to be a bit more inventive.


The boys will be pretty good about the clothing, I am sure...but my daughter will change in excess of 4 times daily if allowed. I am thinking about having their laundry done 1/2 way through, just to save some room in the cabin. Also will keep luggage count down a bit.


I've also tried to find out if they have laundry rooms on this ship....so far every ship we have sailed, has had a laundry room on each deck...so far I haven't been able to confirm if one exists on this ship....that would be so helpful if there was. Just socks and underwear is going to take up an entire suitcase.....4 x 11 pairs of socks (equals 88 socks) plus 4 x 11 (equals 44) in the underwear department as well....... I guess I could try to call Royal Caribbean directly if no-one knows.


Any suggestions...???



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All i can say is OMG. 4 teenagers in a cabin on the Empress. We have sailed this ship 6 times already, just recently in Sept. We love the ship don't get me wrong, but it is just me and my DH in an oceanview and there is not enough room. The cabins on this ship are probably the smallest in the fleet. This ship does not have laundry facilities available for you to use by yourself. There is info in the cabin telling you how much it cost for laundry services.


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First of all, your daughter's limitation on luggage should help to limit the outfits, and I bet your daughter won't use as many outfits as you think. (Or maybe I just hope so!) Tell her that is something isn't dirty that she has to fold it and put it back in the drawer. We fold our dirty laundry and put it into our suitcase that is standing in the closet. Saves us a lot of room and then time when getting packed up to leave the ship.


Have fun!

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Just an idea that I got from my daughter when she went to Europe for three weeks. She packed her oldest undies and socks, then threw them out each night. Not only did she get to treat herself to new things when she got home, she also had a ton of room for souveniers.

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Just an idea that I got from my daughter when she went to Europe for three weeks. She packed her oldest undies and socks, then threw them out each night. Not only did she get to treat herself to new things when she got home, she also had a ton of room for souveniers.


I cannot imagine how huge her underwear and socks are to have saved a ton of room. I'm not small, but my underwear and socks I can pack into a ziploc baggie and have it all take about as much room as one shirt.


We had 4 teenage girls across the hall from our kids cabin on Monarch one cruise, these cabins are 119 square feet. The cabin door was always open, there was always someone coming or going from there. All I can say is it looked like a cyclone had hit and this was for a 4 day cruise. I cannot imagine them trying to find anything in that mess. But, they did have a lot of fun and thhey were very sweet girls.


We book my two teens into a separate room from us whenever we can, not only to have more privacy, two bathrooms and the extra space. But we can hardly tolerate the disorganization and clutter of kids in the room. We constantly monitor, pick up clothes, nag them to put things away, it's more work than being at home! We always tell the room attendant if he is having any problems with them and we tip him well at the end of the cruise.


Good luck with your teens, there are no easy or simple answers.


One more thing, have them wear flip flops and no socks during the day, if they only wear socks to dinner, see if they can re-wear them once each, that will cut you down to 5-6 pair each.

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Are you in an adjoining stateroom with these 4 teens?? If not, you should be aware of this policy, as I've seen previous posts here where the reservation/travel agents overlooked this rule, but then folks has trouble at the pier when trying to check-in...


"What is Royal Caribbean International's Age Policy?

No guest under the age of twenty-one (21) will be booked in a stateroom unless accompanied by an adult twenty-one (21) years of age, or older. This age limit will be waived for minor children sailing with their parents or guardians in adjacent staterooms or under-aged married couples (proof of marriage is required). Royal Caribbean International reserves the right to ask for proof of age. Please note: An individual's age on the date of sailing determines his or her status for the entire cruise vacation."

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Thanks for the quick responses....much appreciated


Happy ks...good point....being Canadian, you can never have too many socks..lol.... but we are on vacation in the sunny Caribbean, so I'll have to lighten up on the socks.....we'll just have to pare it down to one pair for formal night and a couple of travel pairs....I plan on bringing a small container of liquid laundry soap to wash up in the bathroom sink.


Also you are so right about the room....11 days with 4 kids, the room will look like a cyclone had hit, a couple of times....as well we do tip a lot more for the steward who is brave enough to enter the "pit"... and believe it or not,the steward has never complained...they earn every dollar


marfa53 ....another great suggestion....bring the ratty socks & undies and toss them at the end of the day.....that would absolutely work for DD...she is always looking for a way to get new clothes...even if it is just undies


zuscruiserz...we travel on 2 vacations every year, one being a cruise. We discovered that it is way more enjoyable for us and them, to have separate rooms. They have no issue sharing a room....+ the additional kid is really like another brother to her. She gets some privacy in our room for dressing / showering and the daily 1.5 hour hair curling....DH and I get dressed and out very quickly...we leave notes saying where and when to meet, plus the kids all carry their own walkie talkie. We also make the room available for the kid that might want a nap, or just some alone time....Additionally the balcony cabins have a sofa bed if one is ticked at the others and wants to sulk for an evening......DH and I never go to the room until the end of the day anyway...period. I wouldn't waste one precious moment aboard the ship in the cabin...never


I just wish they had laundry facilities....that is the way we have coped on the ship all these past years....also land vacations, we always book a condo through our timeshare that has a in suite laundry.....1/2 way through do laundry....oh well.....I guess the only option is to have the ship do it for me.


Any other suggestions, please let me know.



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PAGA...we've always got them right next to us.


They are pretty good kids to start with...however..I wouldn't leave anything to chance in this scary world we live in. There is a curfew, walkie talkies, buddy rules, we leave notes constantly, someone had suggested bringing a board letting everyone know where they are but I still like notes , plus we have rules with consequences, so they don't really step out of line, they don't drink & are fairly cautious kids....Now the big one...they have homework to do in the evenings as well.



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Please tell me I'm wrong, but as I understand it ................... your daughter is staying in the same cabin as her two brothers and one Male friend??? Not sure this is a good idea?!?


So I guess you never had brothers? Do you not realize that if anyone tried anything with most brother's sisters, they would have the s**t knocked out of them?

I have four brothers. I speak from experience.

As a teen, I had a wonderful time with my brothers. I would have had no problem staying in the same room with them for a short period.

We respected each other and each others privacy.

Why should these kids be any different?




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Robin - I understand where you are coming from.


We sailed last month on Serenade for 12 nights - our 4 kids (15,13, 9, 8) were next door to us- and it could have been very messy!!!


I have to say it was difficult keeping eveything shipshape ( bad enough in our cabin- just 2 of us!)


I kept all my 8 year old's stuff in our room, and he had his naps and showers every evening in our room.

My 2 daughters really overdid the packing- AND went mad shopping on San Diego pre-cruise, so I would suggest, whatever your daughter thinks she needs- she can easily leave 2/3 behind! And I was v guilty of both crimes too!


We sent a lot of our dirty clothes to the laundry which really helped.

Space bags are invaluable too.


Our cabin attendant was wonderful, and really helped keep the children organised, and I must add - the only times I have tipped extra to a cabin steward has been when our kids have been with us - so deserved.


Yes there were plenty of times where (both!) cabins looked as if a tornado had passed through them, (esp trying to get showered and dressed up for dinner), but we managed- as I am sure you will.


Have fun, stay relaxed, and I hope you all have a wonderful cruise.



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You wrote exactly what I was thinking...but didn't really say.


I grew up with 4 brothers...with me smack dab in the middle. I never got a date until the boys checked the fella out.....and by then the poor fella was so terrified, I never saw him again...lol


I had a great time with my brothers growing up....very fond memories of camping and pitching a tent. When I was really young, I slept in the same bed with them....and my kids did the same thing. DD hated sleeping in her room alone, so would sneak in with the boys in the middle of the night.


Maybe some people had smaller families growing up and had the option of not sharing a room at home or on vacation...not us.


I think she is way safer with them, and bonus, she will squeal on them if they try to sneak out at night....


To quote Mr. T......"I pity the poor fool"......who dares getting anywhere near her on this cruise.



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The pop up hamper is a good idea...I'd bring two of them, as they tend to fill up really fast. When they get filled, have them dump them out into one of the empty suitcases and shove it under a bed.


Another good space saver is an over-the-door shoe hanger...the kind with pouch like pockets. The one I have is made of clear vinyl. Hang it over the bathroom door and in each pocket put things like hair gel, deodorant, sunscreen, toothpaste, etc. There's never enough room in the tiny bathroom, and with 4 teenagers this will definitely help keep things organized better.


I've seen a laundry list before for RCCL and I thought the prices were a bit steep....especially if you're multiplying it for that many people. I don't have the list anymore, but maybe someone else does.

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Geez people! The original poster asked for tips about storage in the cabins and laundry facilities. I'm sure she would appreciate it if more people answered her original question and stopped questioning the motives of her sons and their friend.


Stepping off my soapbox now.....

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Sherry7....2 pop up hampers would be way better and once full dump into a suitcase....an over the door shoe organizer would be extremely useful...With toothbrushes, deodorant, hair gel, hair brushes, sunscreen and the works...the bath room will be probably unrecognizable...actually for both cabins, kids & adults. So 2 it is for both..thanks


Sandrab...thanks for the advice. DD could maybe keep her stuff in our bathroom since she takes absolutely forever in there....might keep the bathroom door pounding to a minimum once she gets in there and refuses to "open the door"...She can also use our room as her personal dressingroom, since DH and are speedy.....and the best advise is have fun and stay relaxed.


Thanks everyone so much...I'm getting less freaked out




Although I can appreciate some peoples paranoia (sp) when it comes to boys and girls sharing....my 3 are very close in age at 1 year apart....so they do spend lots of time together at home, as well as on vacation. They often flop on the 2 sofas in the basement to watch late night movies on the weekend...they will play for hours at board games. The oldest is now teaching his sister how to drive in the back forty. He is also a math wiz and tutors younger children including his brother. Being typical teenagers there is the odd scrap...2 ganging up on one...but there is nothing suspicious in their behaviour and nothing that I would worry about..so I respectfully ask that the comments be limited to helpful hints that maybe you have found successful or have possibly heard of that might make it easier on the "poor cabin steward" ..thanks very much for everyone's help


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I also have a DS13 and DD18, and when we cruise we have always had certain rules that they must follow. I thought that I would pass them along to you.


First rule: Never enter anyone elses cabin wether it be another teenager, an adult or cruise staff. Any cabin other than our 2 are off limits.


Second rule: Never use another passenger deck as a short cut. Use the main decks as you move about the ship.


Third rule: Never let two hours pass without communication from all kids.


Fourth: Set curfews for them and hold them to it. If someone breaks it then they some in earlier the rest of the week.


Fifth: Everyone eats dinner together every night in the dining room as a family.



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Hi, we always travel with my two son's and they always bring a friend. First off we get adjoining rooms which allows for the exception of having someone over 21 in the room. My husband & I have one cabin and the four of them have the adjoining cabin. We take the extra suitcases and put them under our bed. Have you ever visited your childs college dorm!!! There may not be enough room for my husband and I, but there is plenty of room for them...and I always tip the room steward extra for being so good about their mess, and by that I don't mean cleaning up after them, but cleaning around them! Just relax, have a great time!

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Most sex offenders live in the victim's home. That is a fact.


Yes but not every home has a sex offender living in it. For heaven's sake, some of us actually do pay attention to what's going on with our kids and are capable of making a judgement call on this.

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I like your set of rules..all with the exception of one, are the same rules that we use...and most other families we know have the same set as well. I had never thought about not using the other passenger decks....I think they always stay on the main decks, just because there is more to do and see...but your right that it should be restricted. That is officially our new rule


Just curious...have you ever had to exercise the earlier curfew on a cruise....so far they have never broken that rule.


lindajmac... I have tried unsuccessfully to get the cabin steward to leave their mess and just clean around the mess, things like toilet, basin, shower, make the bed and pickup towels...so far all the steward's have said that they could never, not pick up.... I think that most cabin steward are so conscientious about their jobs that they just have to clean....I don't know how others feel...but the cabin stewards have always gotten way more tip from us than suggested, for both cabin's. They work like absolute machines.!!!


I am going to hit the dollar stores today to see if there is something else that might help in the "Den of Iniquity"...wish me luck


Thanks again for all the help...and keep those suggestions coming...I always learn so much from this board



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You wrote exactly what I was thinking...but didn't really say.

I grew up with 4 brothers...with me smack dab in the middle. Robin


My DW grew up with 3 brothers and 2 parents in a small 3 bedroom, one bathroom home. If you were taking a bath and someone else had to "go", it didn't matter. To say they were comfortable in situations that might make others uncomfortable, might be an understatement.

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Being typical teenagers there is the odd scrap...2 ganging up on one....


Oh boy, do I remember that. We could torment, tease and pick on each other no end; but God forbid any outsider tried it. Then we forgot our squabbles immediately and tore the offender to pieces.

Bet your kids are the same.



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I also recomend 2 of the over the door shoe racks (holds lots of items cluttering the counters) 1 in the bathroom for toiletries and 1 outside the closet doors(if possible) to hold sunscreen, sunglasses, passes, hats, flipflops etc.

go to the dollar store and get suction hooks to put on the mirrors to hold other items in the bathroom.



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Shoe bags that velcro onto the closet rod! I recently returned from a btob. There were 3 women in the room. The shoe bags were fabulous! They are 6 to 8 incles wide and have 6 to 12 pockets. They hold underwear, tshirts, shorts, sox, shoes, tix, magazines--you name it. Made our storage about 4x more than it really was. They are everywhere. You will probably find some at the 99 cent store--mine is from the Container Store and cost about $10. Go for the lightest weight possible if you are traveling by plane.

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