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Boo to the Halloween on the Highs Seas Crew Oct. 2016, Fantasy Trip Report


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Our head server came over tonight to cut up Claire’s meat. I think she was embarrassed.


31062272572_d97ffa3e99_z.jpgtort30by Jenseib, on Flickr


And then he fed her a bite! LOL.


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Another fancy salad for me.


32409056460_5c6f9d7eeb_z.jpgtor70by Jenseib, on Flickr


And I ordered my favorite…Shrimp, scallops and pasta. The pirate menu had recently changed but this was still on there. Unfortunately it was not as good as it has been in the past. I am not sure if it was just that particular plate or if they changed the recipe somewhat?


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Ferdi made some napkin hats for the kids.


31169888766_8123ac6e8f_z.jpgtort31by Jenseib, on Flickr



31169181596_0443238fb4_z.jpgtort20by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Luke was my buddy tonight since his parents were not there. Vicki sat by Jude and helped him, and I think Violet skipped dinner and was at the nursery. Luke basically doesn’t eat. His mom is a pediatrician and she has tried everything, but he just doesn’t eat much. So we found a few things he liked on this cruise and he would eat some of it….then we would just pick it up and shove some in his mouth when he wasn’t paying attention. LOL.


30838351120_4a776bc910_z.jpgtort21by Jenseib, on Flickr


He loved his hat.


31062276422_dacd523fb0_z.jpgtort22by Jenseib, on Flickr


31062275902_8762b2582e_z.jpgtort23by Jenseib, on Flickr


The photographer came around and took pictures of us.


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And of Geoff and the girls too.


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Notice that Abby is wearing the costume that Claire and Alexis wore last time we all cruised....this one was Alexis'. At first Gail couldn't find it when we were packing but I told her I still had mine if she needed it. On our first family cruise, Abby had worn one of Claire's old costumes.


31979966773_1f4aae980a_z.jpg027by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Then time for dessert….I can’t remember what this was.


32409066260_6a963d8f7a_z.jpgtor72by Jenseib, on Flickr


One of the girls got nothing.


32409066010_827a79e230_z.jpgtor73by Jenseib, on Flickr



Abby and the boys headed off to the kids club half way through the meal. We wanted to get pirate shots, but we ended up doing it without Abby. It was better to let her play since she loved the clubs so much.


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Rob was using his prop…aka kids cup from dinner…in every pose he could think of.


32413808030_eae65cec98_z.jpg036by Jenseib, on Flickr


31951120814_fe665d3f1a_z.jpg035by Jenseib, on Flickr

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I think Gail got in another line to get some of her and Rob and Claire and I also got a few more too.


32413808730_8e94dff009_z.jpg034by Jenseib, on Flickr


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Amanda took a couple of us as well.


32635919982_7532c2f57f_z.jpgtor112by Jenseib, on Flickr


30398538803_c9071e7082_z.jpgtort33by Jenseib, on Flickr



At dinner we had talked about the fireworks but didn’t want to fight the crowds. I told them that I was going to watch from my balcony as they are shot on that side of the ship. Technically you are not supposed to, but many people do it. I had the only room on the starboard side so several family members were going to come to my room to watch them.


32409065760_ff2d31e410_z.jpgtor74by Jenseib, on Flickr


We stood out there and waited and waited and waited. Rob was doubting me now. Alexis and Abby both laid down and were practically falling asleep.

I kept telling them all to wait and pointed to the area to look for them…and I was right!



32409065480_20b351369e_z.jpgtor75by Jenseib, on Flickr

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32409065290_837364f487_z.jpgtor76by Jenseib, on Flickr


We had a fantastic view of them and only had ourselves there to deal with. And the rooms on both sides of me were also out watching too. LOL.


Rob said in the future we needed to have at least one person be on this side of the ship as this was much better than dealing with the crowds.


All the kids were so tired…well except Claire who is a night owl, so everyone left.



Claire and I got ready for bed and watched a bit of TV. Tomorrow was another port day for us…St. Thomas…and this was the one I was looking most forward to.

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Oct. 26, 2017, Wednesday, Day 8


St. Thomas


Another early day for me.


Good morning St. Thomas!


30455644444_2c7a2b9a70_z.jpgstthom3by Jenseib, on Flickr


Over the years as I have read trip reports about different people cruising and the ports they visit……St. Thomas was always one I dreamed of visiting someday. Today was finally that day.


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I just love this blue water!


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It was a gorgeous sunny morning.


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We had our breakfast and I was a bad reporter and did not take pictures. We gathered at our meeting spot….again I believe it was at the Tube. A few times people had to run back to the room to grab this or that, but we had plenty of time. Our group today consisted of Claire and I, Geoff, Gail, Rob, Abby and Alexis, and Katie, Thad and Jude.

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Once everyone had been checked in we were led off the ship.


30385684950_65ef33d094_z.jpgstt7by Jenseib, on Flickr


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And we just played follow the leader and walked and walked and walked.


30385684240_3efb2ae281_z.jpgstt9by Jenseib, on Flickr


30385680360_8217474d83_z.jpgstt10by Jenseib, on Flickr


Geoff and I were talking and I told him that Mariah Carey was the Godmother to the Fantasy……we had seen Mariah Carey in the Macy’s parade last year….and then I went on to say that I can’t stand Mariah Carey. LOL. The people walking in front of us turned around and laughed…I said sorry and they said they agreed. Hahaha.


We were led to a pirate ship which was going to take us out snorkeling today.


30385683740_34116064e7_z.jpgstt11by Jenseib, on Flickr


30385683300_e1162df3b5_z.jpgstt12by Jenseib, on Flickr

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We got seated and it wasn’t long before we were heading out.


30385682880_c07017b055_z.jpgstt13by Jenseib, on Flickr


30385682690_a762bf46bc_z.jpgstt14by Jenseib, on Flickr


30385682410_4417ef0479_z.jpgstt15by Jenseib, on Flickr


This boat was pretty rocky and Gail started feeling sick instantly. I felt so bad for her. She is prone to seasickness but when taking meds she is usually ok on the big ship. We never thought what this little boat would do to her. She said “OH, I should have never come”….and I wished I could help her. I knew it was going to be along day, most spent on this boat or in the water.


She moved to where she could feel air better and I told her to take a second bonine since she only took one that morning. I asked one of the crew if they had ginger ale and they did not, but the gal (I no longer remember any of the crews name, but they were fabulous!), got Gail a bag of ice and told her to hold it on her neck. Gail said this helped immensely and though she wasn’t feel totally well, she could bear it.


We finally reached out snorkeling destination and were given quick instructions and then we jumped in.


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This was Geoff’s first snorkeling experience.


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At first I was slightly disappointed. There didn’t seem to be much to see, but they told us we may see turtles.


30761199985_d8f90dcba8_z.jpgstt28by Jenseib, on Flickr

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And then we did!!!


30125583613_b1948ea1de_z.jpgstt29by Jenseib, on Flickr


Just one guy, but I followed him around for a bit.


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And as you can see I kept snapping away.


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He came up for a breath of air….so cute.



30385679970_0dc32b2701_z.jpgstt20by Jenseib, on Flickr

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30712050001_35fef87e19_z.jpgstt36by Jenseib, on Flickr


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This was great…but I could only take so many turtle pictures before it would become boring.



The girl from the crew had been pointing out where the turtle was going and now that we got our fill she told us to swim over to the reef….OK, I am a bit more excited now.


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Now I don’t know the technical names of fish and sea creatures…but I know we saw Dory fish (Tangs), parrot fish and sea urchins and cucumbers, tube things, fans, and coral and other fun stuff like that. Feel free to name things for me.


30165430413_1fbfc7e8ac_z.jpgstt39by Jenseib, on Flickr


30764224216_8233eab504_z.jpgstt40by Jenseib, on Flickr



30739456091_b00f368832_z.jpgstt41by Jenseib, on Flickr

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30710565582_0f58a0832e_z.jpgstt42by Jenseib, on Flickr


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I was very impressed with my camera down here. It was the first time I really got to try it out. I had used it last summer in Jamaica while snorkeling but the water was so rough that I had a lot of trouble that day and didn’t get anything good.


30739449791_9972cd73c9_z.jpgstt47by Jenseib, on Flickr

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31171841471_6c17fdac2b_z.jpgstt96by Jenseib, on Flickr


Taking a peek above water.


31250252976_ecf8f16558_z.jpgstt97by Jenseib, on Flickr


Every so often I would have to look up to be sure Claire was around and that I wasn’t too far from the group. I got so lost what was going on underneath me it was hard to remember that I was there with family.


30918759680_19e8d18899_z.jpgstt98by Jenseib, on Flickr


31250250716_a94b543b68_z.jpgstt99by Jenseib, on Flickr


31171838461_91fcb062e4_z.jpgstt100by Jenseib, on Flickr



31250248416_e3478f90d3_z.jpgstt101by Jenseib, on Flickr

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One of the crew hollered that there was an octopus so I went in search of him…and found him. He was a fast moving guy though and hard to keep up with him.


30918756440_f9747d3b9b_z.jpgstt102by Jenseib, on Flickr


Every so often he would stop and blend in with his surroundings. It was just amazing. I kept trying to get pictures to see if I could capture him. I think some are failures while others I succeeded.


31171836461_36b59a116a_z.jpgstt103by Jenseib, on Flickr


Bottom left in the picture above.


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31250229606_8aa98c424a_z.jpgstt105by Jenseib, on Flickr


See how he has changed color in this next picture?


31250243766_73b4fc3e46_z.jpgstt106by Jenseib, on Flickr


I know in some of these pictures I posted he was blended in with the bottom but I can’t seem to see him now. I did though when I edited them and was just amazed at how well he could hide himself.



30918751880_8b223b29f2_z.jpgstt108by Jenseib, on Flickr

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I think that is Claire.


30513932634_293689a61b_z.jpgstt121by Jenseib, on Flickr


A snorkel selfie.


31336237965_517b84af39_z.jpgstt122by Jenseib, on Flickr


Abby was using a noodle to help stay up. She did a lot of complaining. LOL. She liked what she saw but she said it was hard work. She had been practicing snorkeling all summer long in swimming pools and was actually very good at it, but out in the ocean it was slightly harder and you can’t take breaks.


31336236805_95a0df99b7_z.jpgstt123by Jenseib, on Flickr


31221332811_bec61004d2_z.jpgstt124by Jenseib, on Flickr


31122984450_64a670c7a5_z.jpgstt147by Jenseib, on Flickr


31347772962_3ee69c9f10_z.jpgstt148by Jenseib, on Flickr

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