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Anyone renewing their vows??


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Here is the link that will give you info on the Royal Romance Vow Renwal Package.

I bet you are so excited, especially having your family there with you.


We eventually decided to do our own thing and not go with Royal Romance because we wanted a beach location.


When is your cruise and what ship?

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We are on the Visions and cruising March 26, 2006. Thanks for the info. I can hardly wait, I mean, my girls can hardly wait!!! It's funny, my youngest(7) asked me why mommy and daddy are getting married again? I said that we are already married, but we want to make it stronger(after 19 years), like a pinky promise, then she she said, "Oh I got it!" Then she asked me if she was going to have another baby sister or brother.....NOT!!!

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I bet you will get some great pictures, especially with your girls there.


Planning the renewal was really fun for me. We are going very casual since we are having the renewal on the beach. DH is wearing shorts and a classy short-sleeved subdued tropical shirt, my dress is very tropical looking. I think I have a picture of it on one of the renewal threads or the what are you wearing thread. We both plan to be barefoot and I am hoping to have some pictures taken where we are actually standing in the ocean. :D


We don't know if it will be the formal night on the ship or not but we can have formal pictures taken at that time. I think a bottle of wine or champagne and a special dinner at chops will round out our vow renewal day.


Our children our grown up and out of the house (19, 22,24) so they think the whole thing is pretty cool since we are starting this new "empty nest" part of our life. We are actually having a pretty good time since the last one left for college! We have had kids in our house since the first year we were married so we deserve the break.


Let us know how you come out on your plans.


I will be back before you leave so I will try to post some pics once I get back, if people are interested.

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Hi everyone! I've been out of the loop for a while now, with the holidays and everything I was off from work for a short time (much needed time if I may add that LOL) but I'm back now. I don't have any new developments on my renwal front. I have started to look for DH something to wear when we go somewhere. He will probably end up in khakis and an off white shirt.


Like you, love2vacation, we are hoping that we get some really good pictures. The planner we are using goes to 3 different spots around Aruba so we should have some nice variety for sure. I too like the idea of getting a picture of us actually in the ocean, I have saw pictures like that in the past and they have always looked really neat. That is one of the reasons I went with a shorter dress!


We are all booked and ready to go now. I wish we were leaving sooner though, we only have a little over a year but it seems like an eternity! This will be the first year that we haven't been on a cruise, we are going on a weeklong trip to Hawaii instead this year which should be fun, it just won't hardly seem like vacation though without a room steward picking up after you and a chef preparing all your meals LOL. We might try to do a "cheap" cruise in the fall (probably E. Caribbean since you can usually find good prices on those last minute in the fall) of course we will wait to see what the hurricane season is going to do. Last time we were in the Eastern Caribbean Hurricane Lily was out there, really though except for some pretty rough seas one night you would have never known.


It was good talking to everyone again!

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Well, it is so hard to believe that we are less than two months to our cruise and renewal. :) I am getting so excited.................


I started to freak out about my dress and decided to go shopping to see if I could find anything I liked better than what I have. I had found one on the David's Bridal website that I liked but it will take 8 weeks to get and I have to drive an hour to try on the sample. :cool: I talked to my DDs and they both told me they really like my current dress, then I tried it on again and decided they were right, it does look nice and will be perfect for a casual renewal. By the way, there are NO summer dresses in the stores right now so I really am stuck anyway. So with that crisis over, I am now thinking about if I want to do something different with my hair or just leave well enough alone!!!!


I go back to have my hair trimmed and dyed on Feb 18th and my hair stylist said she would show me how to pull some of it back and pin it so it would be a little more fun looking. :confused: We will see how that turns out!!


I have started tanning twice a week so I have a little color. I have decided not to order a bouquet. I am going to just take some ribbon and pick up flowers at a shop on St. John or buy some on the ship and fashion into a small bouquet. That way if they refuse to let me carry them back on I won't be so sad and out so much $$$$!!! :mad:


That's what is new here........................................ :rolleyes:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Bump- How are everyone's plans coming along?


Well, our plans are all pretty much set. Now we just get to decide on the fun stuff. Shore excursions, what route we want to take on the drive down to Miami, how much stuff to pack, what we need to bring. The countdown has begun and it's less than 30 days until we leave! :D I can't wait to get out of the Wisconsin doom and gloom and get into the caribbean sun and fun!


I do have one thing to do yet. I need to call NCL and order the honeymoon package so I can surprise my soon to be wife! I mean, what better way to start your honeymoon cruise than with champagne and strawberries on your balcony!

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We are still in the process of planning ours. We couldn't find a short cruise

to St Thomas, so we played with the idea of having something here on our

1st anniversary, April 8, but when we really talked about it, we decided what

we really wanted to do is have something on an island, so we have decided

to either do our anniversary next year, or depending how the days fall, Valentines Day of next year. That way we can still do St Thomas/St John, and have plenty of time to plan something nice, and give family/friends time to plan and save if they want to come. We had our civil wedding back in April, so this will be our real wedding. Keep you posted!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Robinm--we too are planning a vow renewal on RC. We are planning our cruise for April 21, 2007.....never too soon to start planning a vacation!

I have been in touch with RR and they told me the same thing, we will meet with someone on board when we arrive to discuss the day and time. I am hoping for a late afternoon time. We so far have 18 people coming along. What fun!!! I am not going to stress about any of this, as previous posters have said, this is all about having fun with it.

Let me know how your plans are coming along.

Everyone else too.......this is so much fun.

We will be renewing for our 25th anniversary.


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Well, as far as plans, I'm just going along for the ride. I am hoping that things go well. As I am not too stressed being the fact that I am not getting married, but renewing. We leave in one month....LOOKING SOOOOOOO forward to this. My girls all have thier "pretty Dresses" as do I. I am wearing an informal wedding dress. But other than that, not much going on right now. Will give an update when I get back. Good luck on your planning.

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Hi. I am planning to renew vows in April 2007 on NCL Spirit. We invited 41 family and friends to join us. Our anniversary falls on a day where NCL does not offer a wedding package. We are doing a ceremony ourselves on the beach of Samana. We then are just having dinner in a speciality restaurant. Does anyone know any information about Samana? I am having a hard time finding information about it. A friend suggested finding an all inclusive for the day, but I still don't know. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

I have reading postings and they have been helpful.


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We are just 3 weeks away. I just sent in the final on the renewal so we are set. Our renewal is very laid-back and casual, and I am excited about having the renewal on the beach. Everyone please keep your fingers crossed for us for OK weather for that day.:) I just haven't been thinking about what will happen if it rains; our planner said if it is really bad we will just go to a church, and this is fine with us because we will just go with the flow.


Good luck to you robinm as it sounds like your renewal is just a week after ours!


jjs mom- I guess I would google for weddings for that site and see what you come up with but I think the resort things sounds great especially with so many people coming with you.


Best wishes everyone with your plans for 2007. The best advice I can give is if you want to look for a dress for a tropical climate - start early. Your selection will be so much better this summer and anything else off the ride site will take 3 months or more.:eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our renewal is just a week away!!!!:D


Considering that is is snowing like crazy today in Iowa, I can't help but think it will be so much better a week from today in St. John!! Our coordinator told me DO NOT look at the weather websites as they are never right! I am taking her word for this.


Renewal review to follow very soon!

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  • 4 weeks later...

We had a wonderful ceremony on 3-12 on St. John.


We took the ferry from St.Thomas and then had some time to shop and have lunch before Stacy our coordinator from Ceremonies of St. John picked us up to take us to Hawksnest beach.


Rev Emmanuel did an wonderful job with the ceremony and vows and Stacy took pictures for us. The ceremony seemed to be created just for us and was perfect. It was such a touching moment for both of us and definitely the highlight of our cruise. (We were both very touched.)


I highly recommend Ceremonies of St. John and Stacy. Our ceremony was no-frills and very simple ,but they treated us so well and made the day special for us. Our dream of a ceremony on the beach came true, and we couldn't be happier.


I hope you all have the same feelings after your big day!

I am trying to post a picture but can't get it small enough........... new program.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For those of you who have already done your vow renewal or are planning there vow renewal, I have a couple of questions for you.


My wife and I and two kids are taking a cruise the 4th to 11th of June. (West Car. Rhapsody out of Galveston) we are celebrating several things, Son's graduation from High School (May 23rd) wife's birthday (May 29th) 14th Anniversary (June 6th), and my birthday (June 10th).


My question is this!! while on this cruise I plan on asking my wife to renew our vows on our 15th Wedding Anniversary, while on a RCCL Cruise of course. The reason that I am asking, is that while we were planning our wedding I was in the military and out of the country while she did all of the work planning the wedding. Also, for the first 10 years we were married, I was still in the service and drug her all over the country. I was constantly traveling while she was the rock that kept our family running. I retired in 2003, however since then, it seems like we have been in constant turmoil with finding jobs, buying our house and getting everrything together, etc. etc. etc. I want her to know how much I appreciate all she has done to keep this family so stong.


I am usually pretty good about coming up with something romantic or fun at times like this, however this time I just cannot decide. Some of the ideas that I am thing about are as follows:


1. On the first formal night, 5 June, asking her if she will marry be again, during dinner in the dining room. Of course I would set something up with the waiters, etc. such as having them deliver an ring, while I get down on my knee to propose.


2. On the date of our Anniversary, we will be in Key West. Last year we were there and went on the most amazing sunset cruise, I was thinking of booking the sunset cruise again, and during the cruise right about sunset, getting down on one knee and asking her to marry me again with the sunset in the background.


3. Having sort of a scavenger hunt on the first sea day, sort of along the lines of "The Amazing Race" without racing. Some of the items on the Scavnger hunt would be a spa treatment, with massage, facial, etc. A trip to one of the on board shops for dresses, etc. A trip to the Salon for hair and makeup, followed up my before dinner drinks.. and then to the formal night, possibly having the waiter deliver something to her that there is a special event in one of the lounges where we would go and then I would propose.


So what do you all think? Any suggestions that you all might have for me to make this the most special occasion.



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Question- Are you planning on asking her to renew the vows, and then also renewing them on the trip, or are you just planning to ask her to renew with a ceremony later?


Does she like surprises? Personally I like choice # 1, but does it bother her to have all the attention that one of the public choices will create?


With RCCL, I think if I remember correctly, you can book their renewal package up to a couple weeks before you sail. You could also plan something at one of the ports, if Royal Romance from RCCL does suit you.


I opted to plan a renewal on St. John with a private company because we wanted something more personal, and informal on the beach But it could also have been planned to be very formal if we would have wanted it. The vow renewal was one of the best things we have done, and I would highly recommend it.


You didn't say what your ship is or what ITN. This could make a difference.


Good luck and hope you renewal turns out well. I am sure she will be wowed!;)

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Question- Are you planning on asking her to renew the vows, and then also renewing them on the trip, or are you just planning to ask her to renew with a ceremony later?


I just plan on asking her to renew the vows, and then we will actually do the vow renewal a year later on our 15th Wedding Anniversary trip. We have already talked about doing the Canada/New England cruise next year, so we will do the ceremony then, not sure where it would be yet, depends on the dates of the itineary.


Does she like surprises? Personally I like choice # 1, but does it bother her to have all the attention that one of the public choices will create?


She loves surprises, that is why I am thinking something along the items I suggested. Actually it would be hard for me to do something like that as I get nervous speaking or doing things in front of groups, however I would do it for her.


With RCCL, I think if I remember correctly, you can book their renewal package up to a couple weeks before you sail. You could also plan something at one of the ports, if Royal Romance from RCCL does suit you.


I have already talked to our TA about some of the options for next year, however alot will depend on what her and I decide to do, of course letting her decide where, when, on the ship or off, etc.


I opted to plan a renewal on St. John with a private company because we wanted something more personal, and informal on the beach But it could also have been planned to be very formal if we would have wanted it. The vow renewal was one of the best things we have done, and I would highly recommend it.


You didn't say what your ship is or what ITN. This could make a difference.


The ship that we are going on this year is the Rhapsody of the Seas, Western Caribbean ITN... Key West, Cozumel, Grand Cayman.


The ship we plan on next year is Jewel of the Seas, Canada/New England ITN... Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, Portland, Maine, Bar Harbor, Maine, Saint John,nb (bay Of Fundy), Halifax, Nova Scotia


Good luck and hope you renewal turns out well. I am sure she will be wowed!;)


Thank you, and I will let everyone know how it turns out....

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For those of you who have already done your vow renewal or are planning there vow renewal, I have a couple of questions for you.


My wife and I and two kids are taking a cruise the 4th to 11th of June. (West Car. Rhapsody out of Galveston) we are celebrating several things, Son's graduation from High School (May 23rd) wife's birthday (May 29th) 14th Anniversary (June 6th), and my birthday (June 10th).


My question is this!! while on this cruise I plan on asking my wife to renew our vows on our 15th Wedding Anniversary, while on a RCCL Cruise of course. The reason that I am asking, is that while we were planning our wedding I was in the military and out of the country while she did all of the work planning the wedding. Also, for the first 10 years we were married, I was still in the service and drug her all over the country. I was constantly traveling while she was the rock that kept our family running. I retired in 2003, however since then, it seems like we have been in constant turmoil with finding jobs, buying our house and getting everrything together, etc. etc. etc. I want her to know how much I appreciate all she has done to keep this family so stong.


I am usually pretty good about coming up with something romantic or fun at times like this, however this time I just cannot decide. Some of the ideas that I am thing about are as follows:


1. On the first formal night, 5 June, asking her if she will marry be again, during dinner in the dining room. Of course I would set something up with the waiters, etc. such as having them deliver an ring, while I get down on my knee to propose.


2. On the date of our Anniversary, we will be in Key West. Last year we were there and went on the most amazing sunset cruise, I was thinking of booking the sunset cruise again, and during the cruise right about sunset, getting down on one knee and asking her to marry me again with the sunset in the background.


3. Having sort of a scavenger hunt on the first sea day, sort of along the lines of "The Amazing Race" without racing. Some of the items on the Scavnger hunt would be a spa treatment, with massage, facial, etc. A trip to one of the on board shops for dresses, etc. A trip to the Salon for hair and makeup, followed up my before dinner drinks.. and then to the formal night, possibly having the waiter deliver something to her that there is a special event in one of the lounges where we would go and then I would propose.


So what do you all think? Any suggestions that you all might have for me to make this the most special occasion.




I think option 1 or 2 would be great. Option 2 sounds more romantic, but I am sure she will be thrilled with either one.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi everyone,


We are booked on Carnival Victory Western Caribbean Jan 28/07 stopping in Costa Maya / Grand Cayman / Ocho Rios and I am considering doing a renewal of vows while on this trip. I had the TA contact Carnival and the price they gave was a bit steep I think for what they are offering (which isn't much - Captain says the ceremony on deck, some champagne and a cake, one free 8x10 pictures plus 1 rose for bride and boutenniere for groom for $430). Therefore I was thinking of maybe doing it in port. Any suggestions on where to find one of these lovely local co-ordinators for any of the ports above?




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Sounds like prices went up a bit since I renewed my vows in October.

My husband really wanted to renew our vows for our 10th anniversary, as we had gone through some rocky spots and he truly viewed it as a renewal.

As we already had the cruise booked as a second honeymoon (our first cruise), I called Carnival’s wedding planners to see if they offered any renewal packages.

They sent information on 2, one with reception food and drinks, one without.

For $385 the basic service included:

  • Special-ceremony location (for us the piano bar, which was lovely)
  • Ceremony performed by the Ship’s Captain
  • Keepsake “Renewal of Marriage Vows” certificate
  • Recorded ceremony music
  • Photography Services (one free 8x10, the rest can be purchased at about ½ the normal Carnival costs)
  • One Long Stemmed Rose for the Bride and matching Rose Boutonnière for the Groom
  • 2-Tier Wedding Cake (which they boxed for us after we had one piece, and re-served at dinner)
  • Sparkling Wine and 2 Etched (“Romance”, “Honeymoon” or “Anniversary”) Champagne Flutes
  • (This package accommodates up to 8 people)

Or, for $735, you get the above plus One Hour Open Bar with Hot/Cold Canapés (this package accommodates 20 people).

Now, for the things not written down.

  • We had a wedding coordinator assigned to us, which helped facilitate things
  • We had a rehearsal
  • We had 2 of the crew there as attendants (one was the wedding coordinator). One of them offered to take pictures/video for us.
  • We were not rushed at all
  • The keepsake certificate comes in a folder with room for the 8x10, they also gave me a copy of the vows we took, but you can make your own if you want.

Overall, it was a very nice ceremony, and a wonderful memory. The Ladies were very nice, and the Captain was all that I would expect in a Captain. I am very glad I renewal onboard.


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Lady Alexa,

Congratulations on the renewal and the new ring.

Glad your renewal went well.



You might look through the threads, or do a CC search for the Caymens or Ocho for renewals. Jamaica is a prety big wedding destination for couples because most all the resorts do free weddings if you stay on the resort. Sandals, Couples, etc. You might check the tourism web site for Grand Caymen and Ocho as well. There might be info there.


Good luck, and happy cruising.

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