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Detailed Photo Review of Paul Gauguin 10-Night Cruise 9/6/17 Plus Moorea Pre-Cruise


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We met our tour group in the Grand Salon at 8:15am and boarded the tender together at 8:30. The tender ride to shore was about 5 minutes long, and we laughed when we saw that we were at the same spot where we met for our sunset catamaran tour nearly 2 weeks earlier! A guide was waiting for us when we exited the tender. He said there would be 8 of us on the tour today, so once we had all gathered, he lead us to a van that was parked in the nearby lot. While we drove the 10 minute ride to the Intercontinental, he passed around a clipboard with safety waiver forms for us to sign. When we pulled into the driveway of the Intercontinental, he took us through a gate at the back of the property which lead straight to their dive center. How convenient!


There were 3 guides on the tour with us- one was the lead guide who would take us through the experience underwater, one was the photographer/videographer who documented the experience and we could buy the photos or videos at the end of the tour if we wanted to, and the third guide just stayed on the boat to assist as needed and I think he also controlled the air supply tanks. After some brief introductions (so brief that I didn’t catch any of the guides’ names!), they helped us step down onto the boat and get ready to go. They had water shoes for anyone who didn’t have their own, and they also had snorkel masks we could borrow. There was a dry box in the middle of the boat where we could store our bags during the 10 minute ride to the tour site. When we arrived, it really did feel like we had come full circle as we were again between the 2 motus off the northwest coast near Les Tipaners where we had visited on our jet ski tour! It was still so early in the morning that no other tour groups had arrived yet, so we had the space all to ourselves.


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The guide gave us a quick briefing on how to communicate with scuba signals and how to clear our ears from the pressure under water (neither of these were things I had ever had to do before, so I was thankful for the lesson). He divided us into 2 groups of 4 people each, and we would take turns using the helmets. We were in the first group, so while we were doing our underwater walk, the other 4 people were able to go snorkeling around the coral garden.


These are the helmets sitting on the edge of the boat.

24382219428_e6ff61e3cd_c.jpg2239 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]24382219428_e6ff61e3cd_c.jpg


The guide demonstrated that instead of swimming, he wanted us to walk on the ocean floor as he guided us around the coral.

38253292521_7d57016c7a_c.jpg2240 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38253292521_7d57016c7a_c.jpg


Once we were all ready, it was time to get in the water! They used a pulley system to lift up the helmets because they were very heavy.

24382218578_a21252e692_c.jpg2241 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]24382218578_a21252e692_c.jpg


Then we had to climb down the ladder until the water was at our shoulders


26477510699_658da9b163_c.jpg2243 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]26477510699_658da9b163_c.jpg

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And then they could lower the helmet down onto our shoulders and we wouldn’t feel the weight of it because they didn’t unhook it until we were under water.

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I had imagined the helmet would be fully sealed around my head, but this was not the case. In fact, it was possible to slide my hands up into the mask from the bottom if I needed to clear my ears by plugging my nose (if the yawning and jaw-moving techniques didn’t work), or if I just needed to scratch an itch or move my hair or whatever. The interesting thing was that no water got inside the helmet and my head/hair stayed mostly dry through the whole experience. I wear contact lenses and was a little concerned going in, but it was no issue at all! There is air flowing into the helmet and it creates an air bubble which keeps the water out and allows you to breathe normally.


Once all 4 of us were in the water, it was time for the real fun to start. The guide handed us a plastic canister filled with sardines and there were holes poked in the sides of it. This attracted the fish to us but didn’t actually feed them. We each took turns holding the canister.


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The teeth on that trigger fish were intense!

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My turn!

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24382213448_4a25e1619e_c.jpg2251 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]24382213448_4a25e1619e_c.jpg


Oh, you can sort of see his teeth in this photo. At one point, he grabbed the rope hanging off the side of the canister and tried to swim away with it. The photo guy chased after him to get it back!

38253285951_f97b5b1e21_c.jpg2256 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38253285951_f97b5b1e21_c.jpg

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Hi Lisa,

I actually do have the TG-5. I was originally planning to get the TG-4, but then they released the new model so I went with that instead. I used the TG-5 to take all my photos from this vacation both on and off the ship, except for the panorama photos (I used my old Sony underwater camera for that because I prefer the Sony's sweeping panorama method as opposed to the stitching method that the TG-5 uses which messes it up more often than not haha) Yes, the TG-5 is meant to be an underwater camera, but I really liked the above-water photos I took outside too. The indoor photos weren't great, but they were good enough for what I needed. I did bring a better non-underwater point and shoot camera for indoor photos but never ended up using it. I find it easier to keep all my photos on one camera if possible because then they are all in order by file number when I load them onto my laptop after the trip.


As for the accessories, I skipped the zoom lens because I read reviews saying it wasn't worth the extra money for the minimal extra zoom it give you. I did buy the fisheye lens and I loved it! It let me take the photos with half the frame above the water line and half below. It also made it easier to take selfies and I really liked how the landscape photos came out with a bigger area in the frame.


The camera is definitely bigger than any other point and shoot I have owned (especially when the fisheye lens is attached), and it is slightly heavy, but nothing unreasonable. When carrying it around the ship, I usually left the fisheye lens in the cabin so the camera body could fit in my little wristlet.


Not sure if that was helpful, but let me know if you have any other questions! :)



Thanks Dana, much appreciated! :) Lisa

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I sure hope that’s not the sting ray who bit me on the jet ski tour!

38253285391_1ea06905c0_c.jpg2258 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38253285391_1ea06905c0_c.jpg


The guides showed us that if we held our breath for a few seconds, we could lift the helmet up overhead and be fully submerged in the water. I didn’t want to try this because of my contact lenses (I would have had to keep my eyes closed, so what’s the point??), but DH did it like a champ!

38253283551_f56c244be8_c.jpg2263 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38253283551_f56c244be8_c.jpg


I was very surprised when the photo guide signaled to me that I should take off my underwater camera and give it to him so he could take photos of us together. I had assumed his sole purpose was to take photos that we could buy, so it was really nice of him to take some photos on my camera for free!

38253297011_50fc4060e6_c.jpg2265 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38253297011_50fc4060e6_c.jpg


After about 10 minutes of playing with the canister, the guide signaled that we should walk over to this big rock of coral.

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He banged his hands on the rocks which worked to attract more fish.

26477500129_17a37d365a_c.jpg2267 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]26477500129_17a37d365a_c.jpg


Hi Mr. Sting Ray!

26477499399_79016ea05d_c.jpg2268 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]26477499399_79016ea05d_c.jpg

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a beautiful Butterfly Fish

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The guide offered to take a few more photos for us…

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37542790404_aa3dcf9b22_c.jpg2279 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]37542790404_aa3dcf9b22_c.jpg

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After 30 minutes under the water, the guide signaled that it was time to make our way back to the boat. As we climbed up the ladder, they rehooked the helmet onto the pulley and lifted it up so we could get out of the water. Once all 4 of us were out of the water, the guides gathered up the other 4 guests and took them down for their turn. We used this time to jump back in the water to do some snorkeling. I went over to where the others were doing their underwater walk because that’s where all the fish were! I just floated by the surface and observed from above since I didn’t want to get in their way.


These photos aren’t the best because they were 12 feet below the surface, but it gives a good overview of what the experience was like.


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About 10 minutes after I got in the water, I could hear jet skis and tour boats coming into the channel. The fish went crazy and started to swim towards the surface, so I took that as my cue to swim back to the boat and get out of the water (I definitely didn’t want to somehow get bitten by another fish or sting ray!!)


Sorry about the water spots, but this was the only photo I took of our tour boat…

38198719366_c4ec0f6ba6_c.jpg2291 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38198719366_c4ec0f6ba6_c.jpg

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These yellow tubes were hooked up to the oxygen tanks on the boat and then connected to our helmets.

38198718886_b0f455e6df_c.jpg2292 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38198718886_b0f455e6df_c.jpg


Soon enough, the second group was done with their walk, so we headed back to the Intercontinental.

38253270361_5264d35517_c.jpg2294 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38253270361_5264d35517_c.jpg


When we got back to the dive center, the photo guide loaded all our photos onto a computer and we could view the slide show and decide if we wanted to buy anything. He also played the video from his GoPro on another tv set and we could buy that too. They sold a USB stick with all of the photos for $80 and the video cost $50. His photos came out good, and one of the couples did buy the USB stick, but the photos on my camera were just as good and those were free, so we did not buy their photos.


Overall, I really enjoyed this tour! I have snorkeled many times, but I have never been submerged underwater like this. It was so fun to be grounded under water and be able to interact with the fish. In addition to the glass in the front of the helmet, there were also viewing windows out the right and left side and up out the top so we had a full view of all the fish swimming around us. If you do take this tour, I recommend being in the first group to use the helmets so you can finish your experience before the other snorkeling tours start arriving at the motus.


The guide drove us back to the tender pier by 11am, just in time to catch the tender back to the PG. I think the 8 of us were the only ones on the boat!

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24382194798_c93deaa60a_c.jpg2303 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]24382194798_c93deaa60a_c.jpg

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I've been following your adventures and have loved seeing the gorgeous photos as this may be as close to these islands as I'll ever get. But suddenly as I was going through your last entry, I was no longer able to see photos! The last ones that came through are of you with the "feeder" and then all I see are broken photo icons. Any ideas on what might be happening or how to fix?


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I've been following your adventures and have loved seeing the gorgeous photos as this may be as close to these islands as I'll ever get. But suddenly as I was going through your last entry, I was no longer able to see photos! The last ones that came through are of you with the "feeder" and then all I see are broken photo icons. Any ideas on what might be happening or how to fix?


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Oh no! Thank you for letting me know. I post all of my photos using a link from Flikr, so I just went onto that site to see what's happening and it looks like their site is down. This happened a few weeks ago too and delayed me from uploading that morning's post, but I didn't realize it also messes up the photos I already posted. Hopefully Flikr will get their act together soon! When I look at my review, I see all of my photos like normal, so can you check back in a few hours and see if it works again? Thanks :)

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Looks like the Flikr site is back up and running again! Does anyone else have trouble seeing my photos? Can you see this photo...?


26095206616_01f208e2ba_c.jpgUntitled by deladane, on Flickr"]26095206616_01f208e2ba_c.jpg[/url]



Let me know because I don't want to post the next installment until this is resolved :) Thanks!

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Yes, I see your last photo and all of your other beautiful ones, too! I've been quietly following along just marveling at the sights you saw and the gorgeous colours of the water. You really picked a wonderful cruise for your honeymoon. I wish you much happiness in the coming years. :)


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No problem viewing your spectacular photos Dana. We did the same itinerary in 2013 and looking forward to repeating it possibly 2020 or even 19, We were booked on the Aquablue excursion in Morrea but had to be cancelled due to bad weather. Since our trip the arthritis in my neck has worsen. I have read conflicting reviews regarding the weight on your shoulders. Did anyone on your trip struggle with this excursion ? Not only do I have to make sure my neck can handle also need to get the courage to be down that deep. Absolutely loving you review. Can't wait to return

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Looks like the Flikr site is back up and running again! Does anyone else have trouble seeing my photos? Can you see this photo...?




26095206616_01f208e2ba_c.jpgUntitled by deladane, on Flickr"]26095206616_01f208e2ba_c.jpg[/url]






Let me know because I don't want to post the next installment until this is resolved :) Thanks!




Up until this photo I've been seeing two of all of your photos when I view the posts on my phone. On the laptop I only get one of each - a bit odd but I do see the photos [emoji6]



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Up until this photo I've been seeing two of all of your photos when I view the posts on my phone. On the laptop I only get one of each - a bit odd but I do see the photos [emoji6]



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And they are beautiful, I can't wait for our trip this January! I hope the weather cooperates for us.





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Oh no! Thank you for letting me know. I post all of my photos using a link from Flikr, so I just went onto that site to see what's happening and it looks like their site is down. This happened a few weeks ago too and delayed me from uploading that morning's post, but I didn't realize it also messes up the photos I already posted. Hopefully Flikr will get their act together soon! When I look at my review, I see all of my photos like normal, so can you check back in a few hours and see if it works again? Thanks :)

Just checked and I still can't see new photos although up until this last set, I've had no problems.


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I haven't changed anything between viewing your earlier photos which I could view and this last set I can't see, so guess I'll just follow your trip sans photos for now and hope something changes or someone comes up with suggestion for fixing whatever my problem might be. I even uploaded Flickr to see if that made a difference.


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Yes, I see your last photo and all of your other beautiful ones, too! I've been quietly following along just marveling at the sights you saw and the gorgeous colours of the water. You really picked a wonderful cruise for your honeymoon. I wish you much happiness in the coming years. :)



Thank you Heather! So glad you can see all my photos and are enjoying the journey :)

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No problem viewing your spectacular photos Dana. We did the same itinerary in 2013 and looking forward to repeating it possibly 2020 or even 19, We were booked on the Aquablue excursion in Morrea but had to be cancelled due to bad weather. Since our trip the arthritis in my neck has worsen. I have read conflicting reviews regarding the weight on your shoulders. Did anyone on your trip struggle with this excursion ? Not only do I have to make sure my neck can handle also need to get the courage to be down that deep. Absolutely loving you review. Can't wait to return


Don't be too concerned about going down that deep... it's only 12 feet deep and the guides are great about teaching methods to clear your ears. As for the weight of the helmet on your shoulders, I did feel the weight just as I started to climb down the ladder, and at the very end as I was climbing back up. I think it's hard to time the pulley exactly perfectly when getting in/out of the water so you may feel the weight when gravity kicks in. Once I was fully submerged, I didn't feel the weight of the helmet at all.

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Up until this photo I've been seeing two of all of your photos when I view the posts on my phone. On the laptop I only get one of each - a bit odd but I do see the photos [emoji6]



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I think there is a glitch in the Cruise Critic software because when I preview my posts (which I must do thoroughly because there is a different glitch that deletes the spaces between random words so I need to redo the space or the post won't make sense haha), there is a warning message that I posted 12 photos and I'm only allowed to post 6. Of course, I really only did put 6 photos, but the computer thinks I put 12, and I don't make any changes to the photos when I hit submit. Perhaps that has something to do with you seeing doubles of all the photos?? Weird, but I guess seeing 2 is better than seeing none!

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I haven't changed anything between viewing your earlier photos which I could view and this last set I can't see, so guess I'll just follow your trip sans photos for now and hope something changes or someone comes up with suggestion for fixing whatever my problem might be. I even uploaded Flickr to see if that made a difference.


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Hmm, maybe you can try viewing the review on a different browser? I know sometimes I have problems with Chrome, but then when I try to do the same thing on Explorer or Firefox, it works better. Or maybe try viewing it on your phone?

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We were starving, so we dropped our bags off in our cabin and went upstairs to deck 8 in search of food, only to realize it was 11:30am and the buffet doesn’t open until noon! What do you do when there is no food available on a cruise with an open bar?? Order a filling sugary blended pina colada! We hung out by the pool for a little while and enjoyed the views of Opunohu Bay while we waited for the buffet to open.


If you look very closely at the far right side of the photo, you can see a bright red roof. That's where the tender pier is located.


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By the time they opened the lunch buffet, we were famished! Today’s theme was Polynesian buffet and featured a suckling pig being sliced right in front of us!


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Made to order stir fry station

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After lunch, we found an empty couch in the shade near the pool and camped out there for the rest of the afternoon. It was such a lazy afternoon that I didn’t take a single photo!


We headed back to the cabin around 4:30pm to get ready for dinner. We were getting a little hungry so we decided to order a cheese plate from room service and pop open one of our bottles of champagne. This really made for the perfect late afternoon snack!


38198709626_dff5a122ab_c.jpg2316 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38198709626_dff5a122ab_c.jpg


Tonight was Polynesian night on the ship, and it was a night we had been looking forward to since booking the cruise. We started things off with a few cocktails by the pool while Santa Rosa band played a set of 60’s music. Opunohu Bay looks spectacular at this time of day as the sun begins to set and shines bright against the lush green mountains.


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26477481159_e6427484a7_c.jpg2323 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]26477481159_e6427484a7_c.jpg

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At 6:30pm, the festivities started down on deck 5. It was incredible how the aroma of fresh flowers filled the air as soon as we stepped off the elevators! PG invites the local Mamas and Papas to come on board for the evening to show us a bit more about Polynesian culture. Over by the piano bar, the Papas serenaded us with traditional Tahitian music.


38221708972_36ba046170_c.jpg2346 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38221708972_36ba046170_c.jpg


Down at the aft end of the hallway near L’Etoile, the Mamas sat on the ground surrounded by hundreds of fresh flowers to make heis (flower crowns) and leis for the women on the ship.


24382187058_aef69e6c7b_c.jpg2334 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]24382187058_aef69e6c7b_c.jpg


24382186548_4823e56f28_c.jpg2337 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]24382186548_4823e56f28_c.jpg


It took them about 15 minutes to make each hei. We were invited to join them on the floor. When I sat down, one of the Mamas handed me a long piece of ribbon tied to a needle and showed me how to thread on the flowers to make my own lei.



38253250861_b4d2034196_c.jpg2338 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38253250861_b4d2034196_c.jpg

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It was a little tedious but very easy to do. After about 10 minutes, I was all done making my lei.

38253249231_51614e44aa_c.jpg2342 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38253249231_51614e44aa_c.jpg


A minute later, the Mama in blue sitting across from me completed the hei and placed it on my head. I was all decked out in flowers tonight!


38253248531_d74d4cd2f2_c.jpg2344 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38253248531_d74d4cd2f2_c.jpg


We sat in the piano bar for a little while listening to the Papas playing their music.


38221707802_1062a8ec19_c.jpg2350 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]38221707802_1062a8ec19_c.jpg


Tonight’s dinner menu is the same in all 3 restraurants (so this is not a good night to get reservations in the specialty restaurants if you are hoping to try their menus!). The Poisson Cru, Lobster with Tahitian Vanilla Sauce, and Chocolate Fondant were outstanding!


37542748904_900c23e697_c.jpg2351 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]37542748904_900c23e697_c.jpg


Poisson Cru with Marinated Dices of Fresh Tuna with Coconut and Lime

37542748534_91c8426543_c.jpg2352 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]37542748534_91c8426543_c.jpg


Pumpkin Gnocchi with Suckling Pig Ragout and Miri Pesto


37542748034_168e40b066_c.jpg2354 by deladane, on Flickr"][/url]37542748034_168e40b066_c.jpg

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